( A ) a " V i YOIDMI IIT.' IIW MM, Cmil COUHTT, I. C, TUESDiT, JDLY.15,'1902.'-FIEST SICTI05. NUMBER 30 ; MIISO. Opinio! Handel Dowi M Rolcilif- ' bam Bankruptcy Cut. "V Cerperattea CeBmlssIsa filvea Oit Hallway AsseBsateaU. Fee-. ) r lUr"StUU U BUle 5 .League. 2Sl . 1b-v : as a tea IB BaB- tlit OrrhaaJ S.? V ."if. RALiieH, July 11 The torporati'oa commission today gave 6nt Ut biisss ment of railway properties, this being u follows: Southern 115,825,677; Atlantic Coast Line $13,978,4405 . Peahoatd Lino 18.718.728. HUeellaaeoa taada $4,195,526. The total li. 142,703,571, which to $160,715 more than It waa laat year. Thla doss aot Include steamboat lines, canala, itreet railway etc , A charter was granted Way to the Bine fcldge Lumber Company of Wood- law a, McDowell county, capital $100,- 000, John R. Oockran aad others own era. - --. - - . - - - Judge Purnell today filed an opinion In a bankruptcy cue from Rockingham, ; la which ha said some very plain things about lawyers who try to get exhorbr- tant fees' oat of bankruptcy cases. AI lawyer in this case - wanted a $500 fee . . on $050 aasets The Judge aaji an at- torney In a bankruptcy ceae kaoat make " a 'statement9 which wlUshw plainly what he has received from his client. Another matter on which the Judge dwells In the opinion to that poisons cannot claim personal property exempt tloa In cases, la which they hare aent property out of tbe Slate or attempted " other frauds. '' ' ' I't There Is a new and rather sensational feature about -the base ball situations Charlotte voted Itself out of tbe State league, bat president Buabee of the League said today: "The league will hold onto the Charlotte players. Charlotte Is trying to te)l- them all around, but they mu&Vbe kept here' and . allotted to tbe clubs which are in the league. The constitution of the State League to plain on this point. . -vl.v Mrs. Ellen Von Herrmann, mother of C. F. Von Berrman, weather observer here, Isdylng, ' '' James rtttman, who cat his cousin's throat at tbe Soldiers' Home la bound over to the Huperloi ;oourtl on ,hl own recngnlzanccT Pittinan Harris, who waa colzas bound over in the same way, . There are now 231 Inmates of the Bap tist orphanage at ThomasTllle. There , are forty boys. In the Dennis Simmons memorial building. Mr.Slmmons bequest to the orphanage la $76,000 Part of this will be used to make the memorial build- Ing accommodate 70 boys. .The Interest on the remainder of the fund will be used to maintain all the boys In the build ing.' . : ..';: ': -,: It Is asserted by some observant pao ple that the democratic convention next week will nominate Clark for Chief Jus tice. Connor and Elatt D. Walker 'for associate Justices, Joy ner for State 8a : perintendent and Blddlngfield for cor : poratlon commissioner. , , Atlantic Coast Line Earnings. t .The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad re ports for May as follows: Gross earnings $840,763; operating expenses and taxes, . . - $500,038;' net earnings, t $341,724. The groas earnings show an Increase of $131 f 703, and the net -earnings an Increase of $121,113. , The gross earnings for eleven months were $7,633,030; operating ex penses snd taxes, $1,608,085, net earn- Ings, $3,024,945.Oross earnings Increased $409,866; net earnings,' $383,186. . ; OLYMPIA. ; Warm Weather and Fine Italns. m glotlFlres. Psma- July 14. We are having very warm weather now, which with occasionally a shower of rain make crops grow; . , The corn crop In' oar section thla year la the finest for some lime. Cotton crop medians. ;, v,n v -. : The people at Olympta have ,been en daoirered and damaged by the woods fire laat ireek, there are several who are sick from the intense hest of tbe fire. We believe Mr. M. O. Holton baa been the' worst off of any, ha became, over heated in the woods from jnhaling fire and hal been In bed fpr the put) week, bat wo are glad to know he Is much bet ter at present date. ' -Z. ' The Baptist brethern held their usual meeting at Olympla Sunday, there were quite a number of people attended from Trultt's. Mrs. and Mrs. Hugh Wynne attended church In Reelsboro Sondsy. Mr. W. E. Nixon, of Core Point, visit ed Olympla last week. " " fi "; " Mr. Willie Warren of Edwards, at tended Children's Dsy Exercises last Sunday. " -v ' - The Exercises were a grand success and vry i ' e i every part. Contribu tion was L...riil. , I, . - ' t Next tiling In viow is a picnlo. , .. .y -TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Tares eaJldreaweiw bittea at Asks- vtlle by a mad dog. The dof waa killed aad the chadrea aave beea teat to New York for treetaseat. Archblsaop Patrick A. raabaa of Cat. cago, U dead. lie waa bonis Ireland, X&l, aame U tMa eoaalrv 1b 1853, aad for 48 years kss beea a leader la the Cataolto priesthood of the West. Lard Khchener Ik BriUaa war god, Vea arrlred ta Loadoa aad waa given a reeeptloa, that would hare t anted tbe old tlma Roaua oonqnorer blue wlta envy. ." V ' I . ' . vvi : ?r ' . Mr, J. A, Durham, a business bmb of (toeriottavwffl balld a dormitory (1 ta ThomeaTiUe orpbaaat that will aoooa- IsaodeU Jetty fern. Bo will make the arowwj asoiM-, Mrs. Aaale Aleiaader Hector, Borel Ist, Who WTOts nnder the name of "Mrs. Alexander,"; dead.' Baa died la Lon don, Jaly 10th, at 79 years of age. . - The canieesnesa of a colored boy with aeak of gasoline resulted In the burn ing of a largo drag store and two sa- kooaa 4m CharlotU, Saturday. " The boy eeoapea narm. ' A. C. Latimer, a Ooagreasmaa and ex-Oov. Evans, rival candidates for the United States Senate, from. Bdatb Caro lina, eusaed oat each other and tried to "scran" st ' political meetlaa- at St. George, B, C, Saturday. -Practicing up for future Senatorial distinction,-as It were. ' ... Haiti to till in a state of Barest, po litically. The commissions of the high officer shave been revoked, and Presi dent General Simon Sam haa been ban ished. - If the remaining Samboes there could banish themselves,' permanently, how restful It would be to civiliza tion. .....: .; At last reports 112 bodies had been re covered, from the wrecked mine at Johnstown Pa. No positive estimate can be made of the number of lives lost In the horrible catastrophe. The bnrned and blackened condition of , the bodies, prevented many from being Identi fied.. ' i y- 'iV ! .' And now Uncle Bam and little Japan tp bristling up at each pother over the possession of a little Island la-the Pa cific, , Uncle Sam claims the bland by right of discovery In 1889, while the Japs discovered Its valuable guano de- poslts, and with the thrift that has gained for them the title of the "Yan kees of the East," proceeded to realize at once on their find. . , " After a hard fight requiring 108 bal lots Mr, R. N. Psge vu nominated for representative from the 7th Congresalon- al district by the democrats at Monroe, N.C. Friday. 4 , ' Hon. Chas. E. Price Is elected presi dent of the Bute Bar Association which met at Ashevllle. - Prof. N. C. Newbold haa been elected superintendent of tha public schools in Roxboro, N. C. , . , , The work 'of rescuing tha Imprisoned miners at the Johnstown mine to being carried on as rapidly as possible. 45 have been taken out alive and 143 dead bodies recovered there are atlll a few of the miners missing. ' .' ! ... : i-, ' - J r , Cwe Wen Thaa Bella.' !' It U said tbot tbe Spanish UHUKhrer refusee to face a cow. as xAu h mncb mora dangerous. A bull makes a blind ruah at bis assailant, nd thla a little knowledge and experience will soon en able an active man to avoid, but a cow fenoea with bet borne with a skill and oulckness unexpected in such an appar ently clumsy animal, and a man must be active Indeed who can avoid the re peated attacks of an angry cow. : x Tbe bull, In a state of nature, flgbta fo obtain the mastery of tbe herd and not to kill, but tbe cow only to protect her offspring, and, in her case, there la no quarter given. It would not be to tbe advantage of tbe herd that the- bulla should kill each other ta determining which waa tbe stronger, and therefore they do not use their horns aa lethal xeapona, but 4t ta, on the other band, areatlr to tha advantage of the calves, andiao. of the future of the herd, that Usenejmleft tha aura to attack them ' ahoulfJ'be slstn. . - KW EIXM PRODUCE MARKET ' WHOtXSAUl PBICKI CDBHEBT. Kggi, per doa, L.llc Chickens, old per palr....,.....B04t60 . ; young, per pr.v,..,,.. 20 A 40 Pork, perllb. ... ..... 7 ft 8 SOOfa ,, tins Hi e a ka a,a8 fc 6 Hides, green, per lb 5 " dry, Beeswax, .....910 ............ 20 to 25 Corn, per bosh 85 Oats, M " 65c Peanuts... .....63 . Local Grala Karket. : 5 Corn, per ba..., ' Oats per ba. . . ..... . . ....... ... y $.85 X2i -.83 .85 1X5 1.43 u: u: 1 t.r Oieai, per u... Hominy, perbu Corn bran, per 100 lbs TTit bran, per r '.,ic3iu.......;;..v;, : st Ir &l,lC31ls.. IXDUSTRIAL RORTH CAROLINA. - Carolina Colony Co. has baast organ toad at Ooneavd for eolonliatloa purpos es. Capital, $300,000. . . , . . VaraoB Cotton Oil Co. has basa orgaa bed at Uttimora. Capital, $13,600. A factory for tha aaaaafectara of high grade chairs b to bo established at Lex ington boob. Tbe soalhera Glass Works Co. at Lex- lagtoa haa fitted lis plant at Lexington with aew machinery and will aaaaafac tara cabinet hardware aad replete sliver wara. Charles D. roller of Cslamazod, Mich baa parchasad 78,600 acres of bad near Murphy and will develop the same. Paper pulp will Eton of the specialties ofbls manufacture. ', .' -r v Farmeas OU MIU Co. at Nashville was aatablbhed last week with a capital of $100,006 -s:. v7'.r- A. D. Beatsba b arranging to erect a $50,060 Knitting Mill at Tryon, The mala building will be 40 by 100 ft. The following Item was takes from the Msaufacture Record, published at Baltimore: Just before the adjournment of Congress Hon. John HSmeJofthe first district of North Carolina submit ted, under the rales of tha house of Re presentatives, some remarks which ought to have a wide Influence for the welfare of hla State. The remarks were quite extended and were a splendid descrip tion of the resources ;of North Carolina. With a great deal of pains Gongrest man 8m ill bad gathered and arranged la attractive aad. comprehensive form an array of facts about tha . climate, the people, the agriculture,, the manufao tares, the forest, mineral and Umber resources, the fisheries and the edacaj tlonal conditions in tho state. . Circu lated already In the Congressional Rec ord In all parte of the country, the speech is to be scattered broadcast In North Carolina and other States.' It Is really a condensed guide to the Investor and homeseeker,' and ought to direct greater attention than ever to the op portunities In North Carolina, and to en courage the people of that State and of other States to avail themself promptly of those opportunities; We, the undersigned, believing Dr 8ETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM to be a re liable Remedy for Bowel Complaints, hereby guarantee a twenty-five cent boV tie to gfve satisfaction or money refund ed. - T. A. Henry. " :-" ' :-' The Mayor's. Court. Saturday night and Sunday .disturbers of the peace were not very numerous at the Mayor's court Monday morning and they were let off easy. Nalh'an and Bailie Conway, white, bad a family row Sun day morning and quite a portion of their unhapplness wss given In court. As there wss no criminating evidence against tha man he . was dismissed; the woman was made to pay cost for cursing and swearing. ' William Henry Roddick, a colored dis orderly vu assessed the costs and dis missed. The policemen were arrialgned be fore his honor, Mayor Patterson, yester day and he gave them a good lecture, not anklnd at all but told them firmly if they had any grievance to report to the Mayor or Marshal; hessld that grumb ling to each other would not be tolerated and any sign of dissatisfaction would be cause for reprimand and If the case was very aggravated it would amouat to a dismissal for the officer or officers Inter Tha Mayor also wishes this statement published; .: ;' ''.J-. "For tbe benefit of the public I wish to state that a policeman may always be found on the beat at the corner of Mid dle and Pollock streets ready to answer any call from any part of the city where their services may ba required. The tel ephone In the McSorley store to main tained at one half expense of the city and to nut there that tha nolice mav ba anmr " y ' tnoned handily whenever there Is need, An officer to aot required to get orders from the city hall or from the Marshal bat to empowered forthwith to render what assistance be can In case of trou ble. " - '.!-. r.T.PATTEHSOK, , " , . Mayor. - Barfoot Bros Closing oat sale, all summer goods lawns that were 8 and 10c. now So., 15c towns 10c and 25c lawns 15c yard. Baby ' cape half price, all millinery at ona third and a half off. Boys and girls white duck caps 15c ' BARFOOT BROS. Vzcdiohs, Upon yon rests the responsibility of getting your full allotment of brightness from your vacation. A vacation without a IIouuk to a Vacation wasted. Kodaks titers'! none but Eastman's cost from $1. to $13. every one good, add this to cost of films makes a total of from $3. to $17. which will be repaid by the nice pictures brought home as reminders of a pka '.nt oui'.cg.'Come In and lotus e'.ost t'..i a KoUks sny child can take I svs '.h tiem. See our windows room icidl Tonne Man Cats Bis Wrist and Throat. Iaereased Pay" Far- Halted States Jarera. Case af Eaglaeer Darla.' Pilgrimage To Beaaeka Islaad. Fire mea's ToaraameBt ; Political As--Iramta. Rauiob, Jaly li The Jurors In the Federal Court hare Bp to this time beea paid $2 a day, bat hereafter will be paid $3. There will now be an even greater desire to "get on the Jary,1 ' r - i , Yesterday mornlaguHsarly a young maa here, who b .addicted to strong drink, cut his wrist snd throst In a del. perate attempt at suicide. For a week or more he had been watched, for fear of suicidal mania, and this morning he went np stairs in his Loose, his three HHle Children going with him. They all sat down In one room for a moment and then he ssld aa he stepped Into another room that he would call them In a mo menl. In that moment he slsshed him self with a knife. Then he Called them They entered and saw the always terrible sight of a madman, a knife and blood. A doctor was very nesr and was on hand In a minute. Later In the day there was a commission of lunacy snd the would be suicide wss placed in tbe Hospital for the Insane. It Is learned that the Supreme Court of South Carolina has settled he case of Engineer Davis, of the Southern Ratlwsy Dsvla was killed in that State in a wreck He waa from Raleigh. Suit was brought and $10,000 damages swarded. 'There was an appeal and a new suit, and on a second trial tbo jury gave $11,000 dam sges. July 24 stands as the date when the pilgrimage Is to be made to Roanoke Island. There wss somo Bort of an effoit to defer It. ', Ex-Congressman John W. Atwater will find hlr candidacy as an Independ dent candidate for Congress in this dis trict what the New Englanders graph ically term "rough sledding."- He wants a Joint canvass with Congressman Pou. His main ground of opposition to the totter appears to be that he "wasn't in the War" and Is not a farmer. The Democratic Congressional conven tion to called by Chairman James Rich ard Toung to meet here July 15th. It is a foregone conclusion that Pou will be re-nomlnated. The firemen here will give the visit ing firemen all tbe fun and excitement they are looking for at tbe tournament. It to said that the hook and ladder com petitors are to be treated to i real fire ind a real rescue. In other words s house has been secured which will be set on fire. Inside it will be two boys. They will be on the second floor. The laddermen will rescue them. No possi ble danger can. befall the boys, as they are both red-headed and freckled; so there need be no fear for them In any case ' .. ;7-.':-:----: The news from C. G. Latta, df Raleigh Injured in New York, 1b that his left side Is entirely paralyzed. There are kidney complications and tbe chances of recovery very small and are diminish ing. Suspected Lyncher Jailed. Special to Journal. Saxisbuby, N. C, July 14. Tom Bparnellwas committed to Jail today without bond on the charge of being a lyncher. The hearing will be concluded next Friday before Judge Neal. OSBORNE IDENTIFIED. The Norfolk Suspected Wife Murderer Said to be Guilty of Another Murder. Special to Journal.' - RiLKion, N. C, July 14. A special from Norfolk , says Sheriff Hesser, of Oklahoma, today Indentifled Chas. P. Osborne as Charles' F. Hiatt, the man he wanted. Virginia authorities will turn Osborne over to the Oklahoma sheriff as soon as requisition papers arrive; Osborne's counsel object to this. ; W. B. Lane for Lefislature. - - Ninth Township, Caven Co. Mr. Editor: Since the time appointed for our Democratic primaries Is drawing nea, I desire to suggest W. B, Lane, Esq as a candidate for the legislature. He Is well known to the entire people of our county, is popular, and magnetic, possessed of fine Judgment, has had some experience In legislative bodies, and In fact Is possessed of the msny qualifications essential to a" good law maker. Furthermore it has heretofore been the custom of our party to select a representative for the General Assembly from outside of outs city and It is cer tainly not the proper time now to depart from that custom. . . i Brethern, we cell, and earnestly ask every good Democrat In the county to tote for W. B. Lane on the third day of September and elect him and we will al ways be proud of our selection. ' Democrat, fBIKS 1 And every Distressing Irritation? of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by Bathe with And gentle anointings with CUTI CURA OINTMENT, tbe great skin cure and purest of emollients, to be followed, la severe cases, by me dium doses ol CUTICURA RESOL VENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the blood. This to the most speedy,' permanent, and -economical cure for torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning,, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply humours, with loss of hair, ever compounded. " Houoks TJia ConcoBA Soap, awlated by Oiticub OnmiHT, for prewiring, purifying and beutifying Um tkln, for clwulng tbe ralp and UM topping' of fulling kair, for Mftening, whitening, and Nothing red, rough, and aore banda, for baby raabaa and Irritations, and for all the porpoaea of tbe toilet, bath, and nuraery. Said thraaihoet the world. Soir, Be., Oiimsn, Be., PiuaTS. BrltUh Depott -Charlfriiw 8q, Undoa7rmdrMpotiRMdauriii, rwlk Por tia Km a Cum. Soar... Bale fnafc. Beaton. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were recelv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. Chicago, July 14. Whbat:- Open. High. Low. Close .'75f 75 . 73 72i Open. High. Low. Close . 851 -80 81 81 . 011 01 July... Sept... Cork: July... Sept.. Ribs:- Open. High. Low. Close July... Sept... .. 1080 1085 Nbw York, July 14. Open, High. Low. Close OotTOH;- July . . . . 8.08 8,75 8.68 o in o rn o ak 8.70 ' Aug., 0.l o.tv 8.48 8.08 7.88 Sep. Oct. Dec. ...8,09 8.11 8.08 ..7.90 7.92 7.88 . 7.79 7.81 7.78 7.78 New York, July 14. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close BoRy .......... 87i 87 U. 8. B.... ....... 89 9i 0. &0.......... 49I- 49 48, 49 Mo. P.......... 114 114 113 1181 V C C... ....... 70 70 A. O. O ....... Am Ice. ..... ... 10 10 'Liverpool Spots 5.1-H. Sales 10,000 bales. Futures, July-Ang. 4.5C. Aug-Sept, 4.48.8ept-0ct 4.83. ; PORT RBOBIFTS. Same Teek lsst year. v 49,000 Last week ' 11,500 Thisweea.'1 In sight 4S.000 8aU 4343 Mon. 1309 Taos. Wed. Thurs. Frl. 63,000 Tkre Trickling Waters.' ' It is very Interesting to note with what steadiness the public work Is cob ducter. It Is possible to accomplish any undertaking, by keeping eternally at it This steadiness and determination to ac complish an object has been well Illus trated by the preparations to build a fountain at the junction of Craven and Middle streets. , . - Some weeks ago it was remarked that a few hundred bricks bad been gotten to gether at the place meatloned, for the Intention of building a drinking fountain Since then other materials have been slowly accumulating, yesterday a board, the dsy before a barrel, the day before a hoe, and the day before something else needed, all along since the bricks were first delivered. Work had progressed sufficiently yesterday to warrant the bricking of ground for a foundation and a flowing fountain Is expected against "the robins neat again. $! . BaT rortsmoutli Uorncd Mullets i Just Received. 10 qt Galvanized Water Bucket, Only ICo each. . Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fox River Print and Elgin utter received fresh from the dairy every week. Tickled Rump Pork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolene. Tea drinkejs can be satisfied from, my stock, which con sists of th? very best grades, j r - ; . "Queeapjives frtlOc to 5(eje bottie. ; ''.; Complete stajfc Canned Me able. We are still selling Tomatoes fof 10c can. 'it u . Full line nice Toijet Soap. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. The best of everything in groceries at iowest possible prices. ; - i , ii. ...4 j' ,.t: ,i , . u . ' J. L. McililEL, 'Phone 91. Tea Excellence, You Need Tea that will have quality and provide you a pure beverage in which you can take pleas ure. Here's a tea from a . famous plantation where care is given to have' purity ' JL in the rowth, cleanness in sjv the curing, and care in the y J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. 5S AAAAAAAAAAiAAA&AAaAaAi&AAaUAAiAAAA ff?fTfTTfTTTTftTTtT?fTffffTtTtfT?Tf?T?tfTttf J 4S 4B Superior to air Two Dozen Bottles in Box, 60o 3 Belfast Ginger Ale, equal to imported, 60c for two dozen jt- bottles, 5t Cream Chocolate, a delicious drink, 50c for two dozen jf bottles. ' . . , : , . , ; 3 Will sell you a box of two dozen assorted, flavors Soda 3 Water for 50c - , Everything Perfection in Quality and Cleanliness. 1 ? j Lager Beer bottled fresh every day. , , t s ft CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, air alt ! LEE J. TAtTIsOB, Propr., PHONE 105. Cer. Queen ft Bern Sta. m n n n" n n 5 a, t I .. m m r L-WaZ U V All persons who have anything In thcMillinery Line will do well to SEE MISS PARKER before buying. I have decided to close out tho entire stock AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. Everything must go, including New Line of Ribbons just in. - - Respectfully, " 1 - J.J. BAXT3B. m he w: Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, IcoJCrcra' Freezers, Ice Shavers.". V, '' ' - v ' A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, ' Enamels in Col.', Silver and Alluminum. A new lot Ball rearing Castors, improved. - Our goods as represented, rRICIZ3 Til" L' TIT. '. Give us your cr J era. " '- ' ' ''' I II - Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, v TlQni-oafl HU Phone 137 - Coca-Cola, per box. 1 as tj tl's week. - ' r tX TAV' I":"1" -'4CT, ' . - ;3 r " io !n i Wood 1".