TDE WEEKLY JOURNAL PnblulMd U Two SectioB. Terr Tnca 4ay ad Frid7, t M Mktdlo Btrart, mw CHARLES L. STEVENS. Hma xd rorirro. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: two .oaths...... ttrYJeata, Thres Months, Month. M M Tnln Months, $100 ONLY IN ADVANCE- Advertising rates furnished upo ap plication at the omce, or upon inquiry by mail. WThe Jocbjiil ! only tent M pay in-advance basis. Subscribe wil receive moUoe of expiration of their aub- scriptlona and an immediate reaponaa to otioo wul be appreciated or the Jotnuua Entered at the Poatofflc,;New Hera l. U aa second-class matter. Section Ome, Tuesday, Jaly 16, 1902 NINETY CENT CORN AND THE FARMER. The fact that corn sold at ninety cent a bushel upon the Chicago Produce Ex change thla week, la not of special lm portance to the North Carolina farm. er. The price in Chicago, however, li one which causes comment. In that it has not been exceeded since 1893 in that market. While the high price of com in the Chicago speculative market has been a forced one upon those who have told the market "short,' there being a scare Ity of corn In the northwest with which this speculative shortage has to contend, the advanced price seems to cause no special excitement beyond those imme diately speculatively Involved. Bat while this price of corn at Chicago seems an abnormal one, how ia the price In the local market in New Bern to be regarded, corn selling here at eighty-five cents a bushel, and nearly aa high for months past ? And yet corn Is an article which can be largely cultivated in this section, and Is a grain which Is always in active coc aumptlve demand, Farmers raise cotton and tobacco and say these crops are for the money which they can readily get for them. And yet corn is really a ready money product, and more than this, it is always heeded by the fanner himself, for feed for his family and stock. Neglect to raise cotton or tobacco, may deprive the farmer of tome ready cash, when heeded, but neglect to raise sufficient corn, means not merely (he loss of this product to sell at good cash price, but means that If a shortage ex ists on the farm before another crop can be harvested, that the farmer must go down into his own money resources and pay cash for corn for his own pri vate consumption. Corn, regardless of price la a most necessary farm product, particularly for the fanner himself. FOR DEMOCRATIC INDE PENDENCE. .' t " The eighth senatorial district conven tion, which met In Klnston, this week, gave a more vigorous expression to It ! meeting and proceedings, and exhibited a greater degree of what might be termed Democratic Independence, than has any previous convention. There have been timet In , the history , of the Democratic party, when there Were dangers from without, which de manded a party nnity of action, without the Individual questioning as to the why and wherefore of the course pursued or directed by the convention. ' ' j Such occasions wet before the con stitutional amendment had passed and become a law, when the fear' of negro domination wis ever threatening. . . . But such a fear was never apparent, real or Imaginary, before the Democrats In convention at Klnston. Therefore the greater Individual free dom which was displayed, and the cour age to attack persona and measures within the party, - which appeared to those protesting, as Inimical to .the par. . ty beat Interest!. " The Democrats in the eighth senatorial , convention, gay CTOry evidence of the pollUcal freedom IrbJoh had been prom. laed them by the puiftga of the conati i tntlonal amenuSftat 1 3r6; i ' f'fjf . This very frtdcmf av In ' exMBrsr 'tlon to the jr0C?:i:fcgB which jtook them beyond any one or two persons . control, and Instead gave a participation to every one,' Of which many availed themselves, and spoke freely. On some sides It may be charged that thla outspoken freedom, will lead to revealing affairs within the party, which had batter be kept secret V ' I": " ; ? If political corruption exists within t!.9 r ""'T, In a"7 county or then t" r St ia e: ,- 1'ie' i. "I c r ! :' i r r !; will be for the party Itself. Certainly the Klaatoa convention has started the aaovenvaat towards Demo crat le ladepeadenc of the Individual within his own party lines. And It la aa eaeoq raging movement, oae which promisee to develop mote ac tivity and greater political freedom to the ladlvldnal wllhle the Democratic HOW ABOUT THATJlAlL ROAD? According to public annonnocmeat there la to be a meeting of the lncorpo- ratora and wtockholders of the Pamlico, Oriental and Western railroad company, at Bayboro, Friday, July 18 th. The chief purpose of this meeting la to make contracts with those partlea who are to build and equip thla road. It will be remembered that the shove la the railroad to which the people of Pamlico county recently voted aa is suance of fifty thousand dollars in bonds In exchange for aa equal amount of stock In the railroad company. Another Important matter which the meeting this week at Bayboro will no- doubt consider, Is to what connecting outside point the Pamlico railroad will be built, and ao be put In line with the outside world. The construction of this Pamlico connty railroad la all important to New Bern and Its commercial Interests. This bring true, how very Important h must te that this road reaches the out side world through Its connection with this city. This means that the commercial inter ests of New Bern should be present at the Bayboro meeting, and see what Is necessary to be done, In order that the road be built through Pamlico county and have Its terminal In New Bern, where it could have the best of railroad and water connections with points South West and North. This Is a matter demanding tho In stant attention of those who would not only preserve, but Increase the commer cial Interests of New Bern. Vacation Days. Vacation time Is here and the children are ralrly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them. Ton need only to guard against the ac cidents incidental to most open air ports. No remedy equals DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serlout con sequences. For cuts, scalds and wounds "I osed DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for lores, cuts and bruises," says L. B. John son, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on the market" Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware, of counterfeits. F. S. Duffy. Alpine Power.M An engineer of Zurich, L. Tbormann, report's after a careful examination that sufficient electric power could be developed from the waterfalls of the Alps to run all the railways of Switzer land. There would be little or no re duction of cost, he says, but the time may come when the change from steam to electricity may be desirable because Switzerland has to Import all the coal she uses. From twenty-one waterfalls, some of which are already partially utilized for industrial pur poses, 80,000 horsepower .could be de veloped, but only 00,000 horsepower would be required to replace the steam power now need on the railroads. - Poisoning1 the System. It is through the bowels that the body ia cleansed of impurities. . Constipation keeps these poisons In the system, caus ing headache, dulness and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions and finally serious Illness unless a remedy Is applied. DeWltt's Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy healthy action of the bowels. These little pMs4o hot act violently but by strengthening the bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress. . F. 8. Duffy. In 1580 black masks were worn in public by ladles of all ranks. The mask was held in place by ribbons passed behind the tars or by a glass button held between the teeth. . Bwtoa. . Robert Burton published the "Anato my of Melancholy" at forty-five. It was written to relieve the strain of a mind bordering on Insanity. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cored. "At one time I Buffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," saya Geo. E. Cary editor of the Guide, Washington, Va. After ualng several well recommended medicine? without success, I tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say' that relief came as soon as I began Its use and a complete cure speedily fol lowed.?; Sold by F. 8. Duffy k Co. WHSt Is said to be the Quest panama hat in' U'ushlngton Is worn by senator Frfe.f it-was-sent to him by a friend and came without a bond. Senator Frye sent it to his hatter and 'directed that a suitable band be put around It The hatter returned word ; that he would not put a needle in the but, as It was too good a hat to be punched full of holes. The hatter said the piece of headgear was worth over $100. He placed a loose black band around the hat without taread fastenings. , H ainan Lie to Ton, And ssy some other salve, ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer Is as good as Cacklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marveloits cures of Piles.Barns, Coils, Corns, Iulons, Ulcers, Cuts, Us, Bruises and Skin Eruptions Dyspepsia Guro Dcssts crhit yoa eat. Thla preparation contain all of the aigesunu ana digest ail Kind or. food. Itglveelnatantrellef and never falls to cure. It allows vou to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomach can use it. tsj it use many thousand of dyspeptic have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving ail distress after eating. Wetlng unnecessary, Heasaut to take. It can't tain but do yon fioosj ytparaonlTty RO. I' Wrrr a IXx, (Jhlr4 am, au pome cwuim nana w aw. sm. ' . DTFFYIkCO. . HIGH PRICES. Nearly everything has advanced in price excepting railway rates, postage stamps sad neu'amMc. subscriptions. Burlington Hawkeye. If the mnu who used to occupy his spare time In kicking about the prices wJH kindly step forward at this Junc ture,' he Will bear something that will relieve our minds. Newark Sews,' .Wn't FaUt Try This . . Whenever, an' honest trial la given to Electric Bitten for any trouble It Is rec ommended for a' permanent cure will surely be effected. It never falls totone the stomach, regulate "the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for tab-down systems. Electric Bitters positively genres Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach i Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia,' and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by C. D. Brad- ham. Only 60 cents. Butter aa Mia;rt. Testing for oleoma rgnrlne Ira simple process. Sweet ml I It !b Dented to boil ing, and a piece-' of the saspected sub stance about as large as the end of the thumb ts dropped into the hot liquid, vhleb Is stirred with a. light stick until the fat is all melted. SThe vessel is placed In cokl water nitd stirred until the fot Is hardened. - At this point the fat, if oldomargnrtne," can easily be col lected together in one lump by means of the stick, while if butter it will granulate and cannot be collected. A Good Coorb Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlatn'r Cough Remedy when druggists use It In their own families In preference to anj other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Congli Remedy for the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N.Y. "I have always used it la my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and find It very efficacious." For sale by F. S. Duffy & Co. Fl.h Caught th Prvmlaea. in some of the big restaurants of Russia there Is a pool of water in which various kinds of fish swim about. A patron of the restaurant who desires fish goes to the pool, points out tne particular one he wishes, and In an Instant the waiter has captured k wun a dip net ana sent It to the chef, OABVO Bsaistas yThi Kill. Ym Hw Alwara BoBjM Biffaataja sf ' ' The Mokkiae. . . The Japanese raokklne is a xyh' phone of sixteen wooden keys, and It Is beaten with two drumsticks. ' - Warlike Chinese. ' ' , The Chinese are commonly supposed to be peace loving aud harmless. : The Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde, how ever, declares that China is the great est warlike nation in Asia and that they are in warfare worse than the Huns. Alaaka Salatoa, There are seven species of salmon In the Taku river, Alaska. Each baa Ita date of arrival from the sea at the spawning grounds. . - " BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE. ' Another ridiculous food has been branded by the most competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food la needed forbrala another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nour lah a particular part of the body, but It will sustain every other part Tet how ever good your food ' may be, Its nutri ment Is destroyed by Indigestion or dys pepsia. Foe must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses Of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses : aid di gestion, stimulates the liver to health action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this tellable remedy at F. S. Duffy- Get Green's Special Almanac; Bekv ! SfaaaolW That so great a musical genius as Beethoven wrote several pieces for the mandolin seems to be a great source of pride to the lovers of this Instru ment They are also fond of recalling the fact that Mozart indicated the man dolin In the score of "Don Giovanni" In his famous serenade. Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of the First National Bank of Winterset, Iowa Id a recent letter gives some experience carpenter In his employ, that will be of value to other mechanics. He says: "I bad a carpenter working for toe who was obliged to stop work for. several days on account of being troubled with dla.'rhoea. I mentioned to htm that 1 had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy ha i cured me. lie bought a bottle of It fwn t a trv'i ;;t here and Informed re t ' t c-"9 di.-e r"rd l 'n, Company to Deyelop Water Power at Smileys Falls. Belief In the Iasaraaee ef Davie, Under Arrest For HsNer. Banks sad CerperaUeas "' ' . " Have aderrhelr An na al Reperta."Kea anke Islaad Jaly 84. r . RaLIioh, Jnly 11. It la learned that a company with large capital Is to de velop the water power at 8m Hoy's Falls, on the Cape Fear river near Lllllngton. It Is asserted that as much as a million dollars is to be spent la developing the power and building factories. : Mention has been made of the fact that Lawrence Davis, a young white man, of Granville county, had been jailed here, on the suspicion that he aided in the snorder of old Mrs. Catharine White. It does not appear that this suspicion rests upon any thing save the statement of Lorenso Morris, also In jail, that Davis hired blm to kill the woman. The preliminary hearing will be held tomor row. It Is not believed that any evidence against Davis will develop. People who live near where the murder was commit ted believed Morris to be the murderer and do not think be had any accessary either before or at the time. . Today before a magistrate here the case of James Plttmaa of Vance county, an Inmato of the -Soldiers llome here, for cutting the throat of Pitman Harris, his cousin, also an inmate, waa heard. The defense waa self defence. The men room together, and it Is said that several weeks ago It was suggested that It was best to separate them, else there might be trouble between them Harris ha been in the Insane asylum here and some claim he is a dangerous man. He had Pittman down, being larger and stronger when the latter cut him. Governor A'ycock, Secretary of State Grimes, treasurer Xacy and Auditor Dixon will attonl the Democratic State Convention at Greensboro next week. Auditor Dixon says all the banks have sent In reports except 8. All are re quired to report this month. He says the corporations are sending in reports in a very satisfactory way.. Preparations are in progress for the visit of the committee of the State Lit erary and Historical Society to Roanoke Island July 24. A special rata by rail and steamer has been asked for A number of speakers have been asked to talk about certain phases of the Roan oke settlement and the great celebration of its anniversary which it is proposed to have later on. Among these speakers are Senator Simmons, Congressman Small, Julian -S. -Carr and Charles F. Warren. Saved From an Awful Fate. I "Everybody sald.I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers burg, Pa. "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used It, and was com pletely c ured." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it is the safest cure in the world.and is Infallible for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections, Guar anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D. Brtdham's. ' CH0C0WINITY. July 8. A sad accident happened at Tarboro last Sunday morning, ' two brothers, Messrs. Joseph and E. 0. War ren who were at work In the Fountain cotton mill formally of this place, while ia the river bathing were both drowned, Mr. Joseph who was given to fits was taken with one while in the water, and his brother seeing htm about to be lost jumped In and was drowned also. ' They were formerly farmers till upon the death of their mother which occcrred some sixteen months ago, they went to Tarboro and have been working there in the Cotton Mill ever since. Their re mains were . brought to Washington Monday morning, and in the evening was brought out here to the old family graveyard for Interment Two- ladies and five gentlemen came from Tarboro. The writer extends his sympathy Id the bereaved.. ' -V Mr- W. 0. Ellis spent Saturday and Sunday In Aydcn vUltlng relatives.' i Miss Laura JlcUwhoTo of Ayden la the gudst of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ellis. Miss Laura B. Snoble has. returned home from Philadelphia where she has been visiting her brother. ' We are glad to hear that Mr, Willie Keel of Grantsboro la the guest of out esteemed friend, Mr. James E. Taylor. Hope you a pleasant time Mr, Keel, i People of this section hare cosameaesd to house the tobacco crop. ; - - ; Call at F, 8. Duffy A Co's drug store snd get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physto. They also Improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and Vowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect : A Gnod Rervine. Any one whose nerve force I defi cient and blood impoverished may take with benefit the yolk of an egg,, well beaten up In a glass of milk, each morning, the iron and phosphoric compounds are In such a condition aa to be readily assimilated by the system, aitnougn small in Uinount . ilOO-Dr. R Detchons's Antt-DIurellc may be worth to you more than $1C0 If you hare a child who soils bedJing frt.m incontinence of water during sVfp. Cures old and yon alike. It an. a t' 9 t'-- "o at , !. r Ml C. D. American Assec'.atlea Presldszt, Special to Journal. - " r Ralkiob, July 11. Joha I. Ray of this city was elected President of th American Association of Instructors ef the allad,whch adjourned today to at Loulsvflla, two years hence. Promlnenj Citizen Injured. Special to Journal. ' RALtron, July 11. Charles .G. Latta, a prominent business man, of thla city was fatally Injured today In New York. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES.' AbuUdlng containing -900 Ules.of cotton waa struck by lightning Thnrs dsy night at Wlnston-Salcm which re- salted a total loss. .. J., ..: ilU A gss explosion occurred In the Cam bria Mill Mine at Johnstown, Pa. where between 190 and 800 men -were at work. Only a few were rescued. ' Fire damp made the work of rescue more difficult Mt Pelee Is reported to be In eruption again, uesidents or rt. le France art panlo stricken and endeavoring to get out of the country. . The efforts to extradite Greene and Gaynor -from Canadian " soil 1 through Canadian Courts having proved unsuc cessful See. Hay has appealed to lag land to ret the men. Thev are fanoU- cated la the steal for Which Mayor Carter formerly in charge of the military forti fication construction at 8avannah. Ga. Carter was a U. 8. prisoner at Leaven worth, Kan'. Greene and Gaynor jumped their bond and went to Canada. Miss Ethel Roosevelt had a narrow es cape from Injury at Oyster Bay Thurs day, while riding with her parents. Bet ssddle girth broke snd she was almost thrown to the ground. Her father rea- cued her before any serious damage was doe, - Saves a Woman's Life, To have riven up would have meant death for Mrs. Lots Crsgg, of Dorches ter, Mass. For years she had endured unlold misery from a severe long trou ble and obstinate cough, "Often," she Writes,"! could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. : All doctors ana remedies railed till I used Dr King's New Discovery for . Conaussptloa and was completely cured." 8n flora rrn vougna, jom, Tbroai and Lung Trou uio uccu una granq rsaaedy, lor it never disappoint. Cure Is guaranteed bv CD Brad bam. Price 6fta and 1.00. Trial uutiiea tree. ;- Reply ef Officer Monbsrne. Ed, JqrjBHAi: I notice ls vesterdav'a Issue of the Journal that you say -"the police officer " mentioned In vesterdsv's Journal aa being negligent, of hi duty, was it r. juootagne," 4 do not -Infer from this notice that you Intended to do me an injustice, but without some ex planation from me It would do me serf ous injustice I will be brief In toy statement of the facta which caused this - unjust accuse' lion against me. '- ' t . About 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdav Mr. Land asked me to come up t his , house or send some one else, aa he waa antici pating a disturbance of the peace . up there. I told him as see as I could see the Chief of Msyor X would come up, that I could not do so otherwise because I had express instructions not to leave my beat for anything unless ordered to do so from headquarters. I could not see either the Mayor of Chief until the disturbance was over. ' ' ; . . ; ? - If I am to be blamed for obeying ' the orders 1 received from my superior St eer then I hare no defense to mal. ' r, ". Very Respectfully : ' R. P. Montacvk. 5 Mother Always Keeps It Hanfrr "My mother suffered a long time from aisiressing psinssnd general IU health due primarily to Indigestion," say L,"W Spalding, Verona, Mo. s'Two years ago i got her to try KodoL She grew better at once and sow, at the age of seventy six, eats anything she wants, remarking mat she fears no bad effteta ss she has her bottle of Kodol handy. Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If vour stomach la sound vour health will be good. Kodol restathe stomach and atrengthens the" body by digesting your food. It 1 nature's ow tonic. F. 8. Duffy. , , t ' Tk";Mi 'nndl'tkr Maeblae,'-' " When ' incu eoiunUHi, nbout i their hour of tubor." sold a railroad upet lntendent the other 1 lay, nbey : are woHt to esCTario that thev hnva to work tike tunchlnes. Now.' do vnn know thftt, la very falhiclous com parison, tor few machines are -worked more than, eight tutors a day, and the locomotive!, the crowning glory of mechanism, to my mind, seldom 'docs more than Hy6 hours' work a dnw. nis him struck mo when I saw the ether day thnt tho locomotives oC the x-ennsyiTni.i railroad made an aver age record of 32,480 miles each last year, or loss than 100 miles a dnv. white tho nvorfipe run of the New Tort Central locomotives wos 33631 miles, and the Wabash' beaded the list with 42,070 milesv'whllQ Lehigh Valley en gines CovmKl only 23.885 mite each, ' "So It menus It Isn't so. bad to be a locomotive's-Now Text Ttasea. ":. ,. -. ,, ,; DISTPvIlSSL-a STC.-UCII till ASE. permanently eared by ie masterly power of "Sobvh Amketcas ITaKvnas Tohic," Invalids need suSot no- lonRor, becsuae thla gieat remedy Can cure thes all..; It Is a cure for the whole worlds stomach weakness snd Indigestion, 'Tile cure begins with the first dose. TL9 re- f It bilncs Is iiisrvalonss-1 p-'- ' '.-J 1 uo lait'irt'; tevr ( f'n 1 r Law 1 yr-i 1 5 ' r f-::t is C- ,i hu t 1 ( '! : fur- !. i , , .... , . . . .. ' K IC If I ' with Uls :T your thnt or Keep this For Cuts, Uashei i , need only to ajppl: ." ft few times and the porenesa and Inflammation will . T get the test results -;-7f of toft clothwltfi tuollalmeiit and- bind it upon tho R3 ypu would " i trrrn all rvr Mu'vouriMuHrvsM at Oi very rtCEr till E I K VII diseases among your fowl use fUn:L'fDGfU!.7lT'i r ' - 4& M: sssarfkk I - 1 - mmnmiiwmmiwillltMIWHIITWHIHIHmH . .............. T ............ E ; edgricttttaralfarid INDUSTRIAL ' - A f ombinatlon of theory and practice, of book stndy and manual work in 3 Engineering, Agriculture, CihemUtry, Electricity, riechanlc Art and Cotton'ManufaCturlng. Firtl P Special Courses mOs, Tuition SO teachers, 809 students, new bnllding for BOO. Write for booklet "A Day P at the A & M. College.", v . j. President aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAaAAAAAaAiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe : fl THE ' HOHTH CASOLINA State Normal and I hd tistrial Col lege. Literary " Classical Scientific; . Commercfcl : Industrial . Pedagogical riusical ' ' v S jUNIVERSlinY1 Of cHprth Carolina, Academic Department '-1:-t. It. I ."' fne hundred and wight scholarships. Free tu&tiou" toteachersand toministers' sonsJi Loans forthe needy, ' " ... Z63t Sts-wnt.. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water -'Works, Cen- ' " t-al lleating Bystem. - ' Fall term begins September 8, 1903." Address, . 'v ,t' ' ; ,- F. P. VENABLE, President, f U - r CbapbIi TLiul, Nt C. JEPAHT11ENT x OF PHARMACY U." HU INSTRUCTORS. ; TJfH ( f quipped laboratories, , o ; ,v - - Thorough Work. Tall teviri b'egins September 8th 1-02. V" T s twTWOBfnlof Marie Maataag U. ' I 1m' t Into a (laa half full of wataraad It will quickly cw a bora laro. and all Open Sores, 700 yott should saturate apiece first sign of Roup. Scmly Im, bumbl.foot or n or o lezloea MusUuas UsOsBeat. TUCKER BROS '-. 810 North Front Street, WILMINGTON" - V. V. - The place to buy jour Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICED h xForeign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered. -";;::,, ;Vv;:. .,.";. k. Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. X'f !IsA CHKAJSOE, -IS". C English, Classical, Scientific and ( ommercial for boys and young men. feventy-one Boarding Fupiia from K even teen Counties and two States the -psst year. A- Military hrhool that is mot a machine: wheie xrvsciBKov instead or mjubbrs is BOuaiiT; where TmniiFTJi, manly, honkbt boys are wanted. A four years Preparatory Course, giving full and thorough preparation for College or For Life. Athletics encouraged. Ubarfres reasonable. Term begins t'ept 8rd. , i Write for illustrated catalogue. " v J. E. DEBNAM, Sapt . 4 cMecfainical College, EDUCATION: Courses ( years), Short Courses (9 year and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month. 3 GEO. T. WINSTON, Raieign, K. C Pession opens September 18th. Expenses $100 to $140; for non-residents of the fieale $180. - Faculty of 18 members Practice and Observation School connected with the College. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers . To secure board In the dormitories all . free tuition applications sliotild be made before July ISth. -, , For catalogue and other information address : ;J ; , A QRKENSBORO, N.J. Trinity College, :;;;,rffiUatnA,;N.: c , - Offers 185 graduate and undergradu ate courses of study. New library fa cilities, -' laboratory : equipments and gymnasinni. Number of : .students doubled In 8 years. .Large number of scholarships swarded annually. V Loans made to worthy students. Expenses very modetate. - ?" :. For catalogue nddress, ;V. I. W, NEWM, ' ' Kegistrar. . ",Havng secured the service of ex perienced parties, I am preparl on -short notice to eiecute Farm, City, Land and Halt ltoad surveying. Ditches " Btreets sod Roads laid out and leveled. Draqgbtlng in all ita branches. Blue and black prints made. Old maps re- , paired and mounted. Topographical surveying snd plotting.' Drawings and wokring plans executed promptly. Hew- . ersre and drainage-planned, laid out end construction superintend'.!. 1 r I. a II err "CzTit. li. V. ;v. i rove it's tee best and cheapest. 2 c.-.t 1 Is - !.! i v. --.i." 1 or t i J

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