L Tho Kind Ton Ilavo Always bought, And which-has bee in dm for over 30 year, has borne the- eiirnatare :taf J All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-na-goodare bos . Experiments that trifle srtta and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA OastorlA Is a harmless substitute for 'Castor Oil, Pare. . gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium,' Morphine por other KarootkS .: substance Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Wanna ' ; and. allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ud Wind - Colici It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation . and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food, regulates the Btoinach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 4 The Children's Panaeea-The Mother Friend. " ' . r:. , ' .. ' -v.-.'- -. " GENUINE C AS1"0 R I A ALWAYS f' Hears the - . - . . W . ' The Kind YotfHaY6(:teysiBoiight ; In Use For Over SOl'Years. mnuilHMiif,nniniTmr,MiiMn " Children's Day tt Broad Creek. On the Ami Sunday In July, Broad Cieek' Church was beautifully decorated and filled with' a large and anaUentlvs audience, while the chlldrene whote . smiles were io expressive of their happi ness. Each one tendered their part well under the training Of our Supt. W;a. Harrington, assisted by Mini Cornelia Holton and Mra. W. 0. Wayne. . The program waa aa follow; " 1 Voluntary on organ, by Miss Cor nella Holton. - 3 Bong "Children's Day welcome," by the school, which wa sweetly Tender el. . ,'- ' ' ; : - ' . v 3 Scripture Reading, by U. B. Hol ton. f '-' 4 'Song, "Beside all ! Watere" by the school. . "-. ' : , - 5 " MUlo Sowers' by U small child. '- '. "y;:.;!'..?;: -. - 0 Quarter, Cast thy bread upon the wate s," hy , Misses Ida- Wayne, Beaale Holton, Messrs . Hugh I Wayne and Wil ford Holton, which was very pretty. ' 7 Recitation, "A brave little mission ary"; by little Mary C. Holton; r . 8 , ."Sowing and Reaping", by 17 child . ren.- 4 .m . , ' ": . 9 ."Scattering the precious seed" sung by school... '"'" :;i'''t ' " ; ..; 10 Rccititlon, " Work on" by Muter Prank Dunn. '. t . , 11; filing out the good new with dol lars" by a troop, i Recitation, "The mis sionary departure" by Beaulah Holton. ', 18 ; "The .Christiana call to anas" by sixteen which waa beautiful Solo, "Will there be any stara'" by MiM Myrtle Hoi ton.' ''y'?' i';-.'i-ff: .13 ' Iteciufion, E very where the II?- : Ing seed" by Mr. Marvin Barrlngton., , 14 iThe offering was taken while the ' school sang, "Alt and ; always for ths king. ' - . 10 The exercise were highly compll ' mcnted and enjoyed by all that were present., ;.' - - 1 . r-r . , r r ' " - 1 igMin ' ' r 1 ' ' Wbrtatoiira. In tliv llnijixl 'stAted rocks suitable for nuiklns wlu'tstouea ure found In neiuiy nil the mm ten cimt of thu Mlsals Blppl and in 41 number of thuHv to the west of that river." but tlw supply is obtained from Arknniuia, Indiana, Ohio, : New - York; Vermont nnd Kew Hamp shire. i:i!.-'-m,-.',:X-l : : Bolllax Water,"" fw '- Use boiling wutur as soon as It bolls or tho gases, escape aiid the water be ' comes flat ' ' ' : .. . " is ccr.iniG ;, use Holher's Frhni. Woman't frretett drefttn of bMuty an 4 flory i ivhta nature has chosen her to ecome a mother. Every faculty is keenly alert and her nature the finest as she for Sttes the toy, the ambition, the success a' j the lite-Ion BHtieitucttoii coming, comn nearer, day by day, in the dear and Innocent being so soon to pee liht. and the very uneurttiinty writnlnr she stmil see a Sweet ft rl itica or a brave boy face beside her 00 e pillow, aiiun i.'dt to hr expectancy, 1 lien, if evr, she e noni J take care ol her phvfr-il, tin-Ht -1 i mural itrnUb. ft 4 u e r , - 5 I r--ii externally lhrotirhtnt pres. HHnryvii r--ieve tia jpaio of parturition, Mid no moii -r ai l r i Q f i l to he hen if h y, hcT s. i -corn-rilexi-med, pure bi'w.nta, 1 - -d nt CH-erhtl in diapewit ion, vo Mrmiuy iniiuenced for motttiis by tue ciixuud Ute of Mother's Friend. )f (lru.(rt')its Our Ueuie inotherhoodH maiUd f i J 1 n and has beenynade nnder hia p sonal supervUlon since itsinfaasey. Allow no one to deceive yon la this. ' signature of ' V j CHARLOnE QUITS LEAGUE. Press .Views os the Self-Styled . duaj plons, Action In.QullUnr. Th actios of the CharlotU team la quitting the-8late League, sad it rea sons for so doing, provokea a general laugh io every other league city, i'u Charlotte gained a big lead la i the race, through several ways, unnecessary to mention, Its good playing being of course responsible for most of j ths gainer won, ' But the club had reached it high point by the time the second series was pro posed, and Its protect against s aew se ries, with an even (tart, was apparent to svsry ether club, sad the position ot the Charlotte club in ths standing of clubs, second series, fourth, show the reason for "quitting." The "too Strang" reason is ridiculous and laughable, 1 The following from State paper tell how they regard Charlotte's action. ' "Local base ball cranks do not take any stock tn the plea put np by Char. lotte tnat n was too strong lor me outer members ol ths league sad therefor had to get out. They want to know why ths uorneta have been retting neat ao much of late if they are the strongest in the league. One of the f ana saia today that Charlotte was a quitter from way back having broken up the league last year and the year before Aahenback wired CapU Kelly last night, "Will sell Char lotte team for 500. Have been offered more. Kelly responded quick. "Does that include the city of Charlotte; Lie down Bruno." areensBorq Telegram. "Is not that Charlotte crowd s good one. When tney woa au the ume mev were all right. When the second series began and Greensboro tanned them fwios ia one day they were all wrong,; sad now that they are third oa the list they arop out or sight. we nea netter opinion of Charlotte's staying power than tnu. ureensooro tteccra. i "A peculiar fact in thia connection is that Charlotte was the first club to sug gest s four club league, hen it became evident that Wilmington would go by the board. This was before the second aeries was began, and when it came to the pinch it was the only club to fluke." itaieigh limes. . - . j -l ' Acts Immediately. Cold are sometimes mora troublesoso la summer than in winter, It's so i bard to keep from adding to them while cool ing off after exercise. One Minute Cough Core cures at once. Absolutely) safe. Act immediately. Bare cars for coughs, colds, croup, throat and long trouble. 8 Pgy- ' - A Waters-Dlcklnsoo. Mr. r. Z. Waters of Pantego and Miss Lulu Dicklaioawer married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride on Sast Front street. Rev. vM. 8. Bpeer officiated at the ceremony,. tear Ome Olrl Ha SCm Blaa4 For jpvv a Waak. - they, were two pretty cisls, and when theyttappened to meet on one of the t t. streets ot tbe wy tne gvi in g ayjturned and walked lr the dlreo- tlon the other one bad taken. I , 3t me know: all about the par ty: ' 1 the one who bad turned. Tre be . , iat dying ta see you and have rou t . :i ma" -, . .' . ; i - , "C.but I wssnt there at aU, said her coir panlon. "Tbla la the ftrtt tlmC I've t"m ent ot the house Cot more "7by, have yoe bee Utr her friend Inquired, surprlBed and sollcttoas. . "No, I really think tt was worse, than that," ebe replied, ' . P , J ; V "Ion know I'm a little proud of my habr, for If a my one redeeming point" modestly "and because It Is catorally wavy tt is always fluffiest after It has been shampooed. ' v "A day or two before the party washed my balr, using what I tboi;.!.t was borax in the water. When I at tempted to dry my eratwhlle "bom. a brown curls' they were-stringy' as J bard and looked as If they bad been frozen In wlspa- Then to my horror I discovered that I bad vl powC .lei alum in the water. It took me a wLO we k to s st It out cf my hair. Iir" ' c r'r'y I bad f t r y teart cr a t "' "j and wouUa't l't any cS r c i"-, f - I i a i couimr coamssioms. ! Board sset at 10 o'clock a.-July 7, 1901 la regalar session at the Coart kooae la New Bern. Present Coauatsatoeert, Joaes, Wood, Folchsr, Baxter oad Was worth. Oa ssotloa the property of Daale! Ksts by Allen DIios agt. of No. 1 tows ship la hereby reduced from 79 acres to 581 acres sad the valuation froaa 417 to $150 oa aooouat of error. Ordered that W. T. Hawklaa U si- lowed per asoath for the purpose of csrlag for Tabltha Dougherty, she be ing a woman of feebls salad aad subject toflts. . , The Board took: recess to meet as lb Pension Board. . Preseat Commissioners, Jones, Baxter, Wood. Wadsworth and rnlcher, W.yi. Watson, a C. and W.R. Brriagton and B. R, Street ssembers of the executive committee of Confederate .Veterans.', Ths Board went Into tho examination et ths application for pensions. Board took recess until o'clock p.sa. . . - , Board sset at 1:30 o'clock p. m. parts aatta receaw .. - , Present Commlsslonera, Jones, Baxter Woodt-Wsdsworth sad Fulcher, and W. aVWaisoa,G.S.C. . W., Barrlngton and & B. Etraet ad visory eoaamlUee. A. "' r.r The following named applicants were reooeunsnded for fourth class peaslona Joseph Wiggins, Robert Barnes, Jobs Jonas. Wa J Hawkins, Wm. Ipock, Cal vin Mcintosh, HaakUl W. Waters, J. DoaWs, J. W. Kennaday, Wm. West, A, C.WssB..8tllle V '. The Board of pensioners adjourned. , The Board of Commlsslonera met pur suant to adjournment ot Board of pea aionars. . '" Pmeent Commissioners, Jones, Baxter Weed, Wadsworth and rulcher. On motion lb list of No, 1 township waa, after examination, aocepted. : Ordered that H. Jl. BrOwn, Jr. be re quested to come before the Board and give information regarding certain large tracts of land In No, 1 township. Ordered that the tax Hat of No 6 town ship be accepted. . - The Ux .list of No. 7 townabtp was, after examination, aocepted. ; The tax list of No. S township was ex amined snd ordered to be received. Ordered that the tax list of No. 9 township be received, It having been ex amined, v On motion it ia ordered that Elijah Jones, col, of 8th township be relieved et poll tax on account of disability. Oa motion Alfred Bell of No. 8 town ship was relieved of poll tax on account ef disability. -On motion Board took a recess. Board met at 10 o'clock p. m. July 8, 1903 puraaant to receis, ' Present Commissioners, Jones, Baxter Fumher, Wadsworth and Wood. The Board proceeded to draw a Jury to serve at a term of Superior Court for ortmlnal cases, to be held on the second Mondsy before the first Monday In. Sept. being the 18th day of August 1903.. . No. 1 Township G G Goskins, 8F HU1, B G Loftln, J L Gasklna, L N Lan caster, D W DalL . vi-;i?:- ;vi No. S Township W B Lewis, Zocsrlsh Toler, J P Holton, W H Whltehnrst ;' No. 8 Township T J Bryan, O F Tay lor,; L F Taylor, James Brown, A B Wooten. :;,.v,;:;. No S Townabtp-Joe A Wooten, W F Taylor. L M Gilbert, 1 O Long. ' i No. Township J R Barrua, J M Simpson, i . . ' . j , ; No. 8 Townahlp-Geo W Hsmifton, J W Turner, Ed Gerock, E A Lsncoater.F 0 Small, C L Ives W H Mallbwn, W f Aberly, R L Slmpklns, Jas F Taylor, G W Dudley, James F. Clark, Daniel Lane. , i Ordered that lot lilted to J W Sawyer Sr., in city of New Bern be stricken from the list the soma having been Hated to J W Sawyer Sr. and taxes paid by him on The Hat of No. 8 , Township was ac cepted after examination. ! Ordered that real property listed to J B Stanly be changed and same listed to Annie Stanly lj appearing that Annie Stanly is tbe real owner thereof. : r . . On motion ot Commissioner . Fqkher it is ordered that George Thomaa b al lowed $ per month In rations and Aloa so Fnlcher bereqaested to furnish same and make bill to this Board. - i Ordered by the Board that ths clerk is instructed to serve notice on Alexander Jaatlc, agt, for Miss Justice, J W Tur ner, T J Turner and Chss Hall agt Trent Lumber Co., to appear before this Board on the second Mondsy In July to answer any question which may be naked by the Board concerning the valuation ot. their property and to (bow cause why the val uation thereof as appear oa the tax list ihonld not be Increased. l 1 ' Ordered thst the clerk notify Q H Roberts to appear before the Board on the second Mondsy in J uly and answer any question-which may be asked him by the Board concerning the property and the valuation thereof of J H Hack barn. :,r- sCf' .cW''' Ordered by the Board that the sheriff's certificate of sale of the lands of the heir of W W Daugherty be cancelled of record upon the payment of cost snd tsxes due the county. ' . Bosrd took receta l'''r ".. . Board met at 8 o'clock pursuant to re Cess. v. Present Commissioners Jones, Baxter and Wood. ;V,' . X' t -S On motion the report of the Treasurer ) Von mar as well exnect to run a steam engine without water as to nnd an actlre energetic man with, a torpid liver and Jon may know that. bla food; or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes dizziness.- A few dos of Cbamberlaln'a Stomach and Liver TaV-cts w!'.l restore bis liver to its normfil f j ,,)?is, renew bis vitality, 1m- f-ove Is tt . -ua sn-1 make blm feel . a ti- i. ir. i rsts. Bsniples f . at V. S. L-u'y & Co's C:" store. . D L Roberts was read and accepted and ordered spread apoa the mlautes. Report of D. L. Roberts, Treasurer of Cravea County for month ef Joae. . OaMValFwMl. Jane 1. By balance 1.128 39 Jnne 90, By voucbsrs 969 31 Jans 80. Amount over paid by J. Klnaey 374 17 3,359 88 Jnns 80. To' balance 3,339 68 3.359 68 tetWTM iHHlt. Jane 1. To bL Juns 19. To Joel Klnsey, June 31. To Geo. EL Roberts, 1,303 34 1,127 28 88 75 3,409 37 June 80. By Coupon, 7C8 75 1,700 63 Juns 80. Bybal. 2,469 87 rM, m. l. Jan 1. By baL June 80. By bal. 313 26 29 29 41 Jane 19. To Joel Klnsey, 29 41 29 43 rBC, No. 3 Jane i. To bal. June 19. To Joel Klnsey, 4 43 33 33 86 75 36 75 June 80. By bal. 86 75 'Spclal Biirig Fund. Jane 1. To bal. 189 62 139 62 June 80. By bal. .139 62 139 62 Final and Penalties. June 1. To bal. June 10. To S. R. Street June 30. To Ex-Sheriff Lane 149 27 100 100 15127 June 80. By bal. 15127 151 27 D. L. ROBERTS, Trcas. Craven Co. On motion the report of the auditing committee was read and adopted and ordered spread- upon the minutes and coupons in payment of intereat on the old bonds ot the funded debt were de S stroyed in the presence of the Board to the number of 25, the same being for (30 each, ., To the Board of County Commissioners, -' New Bern, N. C, July 1, 1902. Gentlemen: We beg to report that we have audited the books of the Conn tv Treasurer up to July 1, and find his acoounta correct. The following Is the Balances of the different accounts, : General Fund, overdrawn $2,359 68 Interest account, credit bal. 1,700 62 Fence. No. 1 credit bal. 26 29 Fence, No. 8. credit ba 36 75 Fines and Penalties ' -X 151 2 7 We canceled 883 vouchers .pald on ac count Gen. Fund, 4 for Fence No. 1, and 8 for Fence No. 8, these we turned over to the Register of Deeds for safe keep ing, olio 25 coupon of $30 each paid on account Interest occonnt. which are to be destroyed. Respectfully submitted, K. R. Jokes, H.M. Gsovss. i ,' Auditing Com The reeular .' monthly bills were al lowed. i Ordered that a voucher.to the amount of $3.00 be issued to Frederick Douglass to reimburse him for the poll tax paid by him on the Hat of 1900, he then being over 60 year of age. On motion Board took a recess until Monday July 15th. 1903, at 10 o'clock am. " Clinton Clinton woa Plrc Swept. flame-swept Sunday and the fire - was the , most disastrous that ever visited that town. Report say that forty-two buildings were destroyed, with a total damage of $100,000. It is thought that the insurance ' will not ex ceed$20,000. The'loss Is a great one and Is a calamity on the community Probably half of the bualnes ' part of the town was burned, the flames sweep ing nearly all the stores on south side of the court house square. , ,; I '.'Thra Oraal Rlvrra' Soaroca. : One of the puzzles of geography has been the question of the situation of the sources snd upper portions of the three great rivers Hoangbo Vangtse nnd Mekong, all of which start from the lofty plateau of Tibet Two of the river traverse China ; the. Mekong makes Its way. to tho sea between lAnam and Slam. This puszle tuts been partially cleared up. by. the explore- jtions ef the Russian Captain' Kosloff during 1900 and 1901. He found that Ithe three rivers flow on the surface of the great plateau, 12,000 feet above sea level, and are separated from one an- ether by parallel ranges of mountains rising about 8,000 feet above the pla teau and running In a northwest and Southeast direction.. Reed More Help. . Often the over-taxed organs ot diges tion ory out for help by Dyspepsia' pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, llvei complaints, bowel disorders Such troubles call for prompt use .of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. They are gtntle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 2Co at C. D. Bradham' drug store. . A RAMBLE IN RUSSIA. ! Ufa Rosslsa tfflcer may marry nntll be Is twenty-three. ... Ia Russia factories are nsnally near forests, wood being still the rba-f fucL Ninety per cent of the 128.000.000 people of tbe Russian empire are farm- ra Vladivostok possesses the only crem atorium that baa been erected In the whole Russian empire. The Russian government has ordered private maritime companies to dis charge all foreigners who refuse to be come Russian subjects. - Two classes tf the population of St Petersburg are specially addicted to eating horse meat, the Tartars because they like It, the students because It la cheap. IA Moscow a' money lender, the own er of several houses snd stables, was sentenced recently to four months' im prisonment for lending money at the enormous rate of 182 per cent To attract patrons snd Induce them to stay late a restaurant keeper In War- m keens a - motor car in which his 'customers are driven home free of charge between tbe boura of 10 p. m, and 2 s. in. RELIEF HI SIX HOURS. Dlstresslng'.Kldney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in alx hours by "Nkw Gbkat South Amiricak Kidnit Cork." It I s great surprise on account ot its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In bladder, kidney and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If yon want quick relief and care this Is the remedy. .Sold by C. D. Bradham, Druggist. Kind Heart. "But why," she asked after they bad hummed along a block or two, "do you take this course. It doesn't seem to be a bit interesting." "There are several hospitals located out this way," be answered, letting out another notch.' "I always like to make it easy as possible for tbe victims." The Best Prescription for malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gbovk's Tasteless Chill Tome. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c Saalteipear. Among the odd ways Shakespeare's name used to be spelled are Shakspeyr, Shakysper, Shaxper, Shexspere, Shake per and Shaxspear. Inaanltr. A medical expert says that notwith standing tbe great Improvements mado within- the last thirty years in tho treatment of the Insane no more peo ple are now discharged cured from asylums than formerly. TOO KNOW WHAT YOH ARB TAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is limply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 58c. Notice. If the heirs of Furney Greene, colored who died in - Greensboro, N. C, about ten or twelve years ago, will correspond with me, they will hear something to their advantage. Said heir supposed to reside In or near New Bern. ' THOMAS C. HOYLE, Greensboro, N.C. The Lonneat Verne. The fourth verse of the twentieth chapter of Revelation contains more words than any other verse In tho New Testament sixty-eight Wall Tattooed. Tattooed on the body of a man who lost his life In the southwest India docks were a crucifix, elephant, tomb stone, dog, eagle, figures of Punch and Judy, cross flags and the .word "Love" In large letters. 1 -' A Molar Eaeort. The Abyssinian .warriors always hon or their king by a band escort of forty five trumpets wherever be goes. FLY CATCHES. .1 A "homing pigeon" is the title 6beck ard received in St Louis. De Wolf Hopper, the comedian, has become a great Pirate rooter. : Pitcher Eustace Newton Is a full fledged M. D. and a fine fellow, , George Smith has played twenty three straight games without an error. Pat Carney and DeMontrevllle are doing tbe best base running for the Boston Nationals. ; i v ' Neither Roy Clark nor Christy Math ewson of the New York contingent plays Sunday ball. The rumor that Hlllebrnnd, Prince ton's former star pitcher, will play pro. fesslonal ball this year is once more in operation. "Nothing tn It," said mile brand the other day.; ; ' ;J r ' I -v Charley Farrell of Hanlon's Superbaa is being guyed very frequently on ac count of his bulk. The duke cant last In baseball much longer unless be adopts strenuous training metboda CARTRIDGES I N A LL. O ALI.B E R & - from .22 to .50 loaded with either Black cir Smokeless Powder f f .. always give entire satisfaction. They are made and loaded in a' ' ; modern manner, by exact machinery operated by skilled experts.t TIIET SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD ALWAYS ASK FOR TZZrJ f?4VT. 3m W.BtTfnf ArntMl?fVfflffOT,WritSS! "F.rn-lo-drtntlll.'TOanWc - tirotkiurMOf'KKTaiNA. ewonitr how we hnv raJiM ohiMirwawiuiout it, ..- (Printupiat:aurendUMTnei mt oprwrtoa tim; Mif bte wm la ftwriona o tvTt in l" on'Hsum lotdv, and ntuar ttiatwe did any ffxi; Um awoond die n -A'i .i;t r-- t and fa hMllaWaOO tlUOir siuuOi), WU1M The tr-ntment -of Catarrh with antiseptic and astringent washes, lotions. R.Ives, medicated tobacco- ana cigarettes or any cfctrrna! or local application, is just as senseless as would be kindling a bre on top of the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary relief, but the cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mocns. Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it checks perspiration, and the poisonous adds and vaDOrs which should na&a riff thmno-h tli Vi - thrown bock upon the raucous membrane or inner skin, cVir " tiroducinir inflammation anrl tsmm t ifS I much of which is absorbed Into the nuiaiTaj yaiiui lucaysicm, wvoi vwg we otomacn, juaneys and other parts ot the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing ia the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood con cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the r f r ""ft a utwu. S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice tree. Book on blood and shin diseases sent on application, TBS WIIT SPKCiriC CO., Atlanta, Os. FEMININE CHAT. Charlotte Crnbtree, otherwise "Lot ta," is living quietly In New York and is said to be -coutcmplating mar riage. Miss Hetty F. Watt celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of service ss a schoolteacher In the Medford (Mass.) schools on June 10. Miss Isabella Dunn, an Englishwo man in Constantinople, has turned Mo hammedan, previous to becoming the second wife ef a Turkish officer. Mra Sarah E. Howell of Atlanta went crazy over religion, talked about It almost Incessantly for sixty-eight hours on a stretch snd then died of ex haustion. The Countess of Warwick is writ ing a history of Warwick castle end Its owners from Saxon and Norman times to the close of the reign ot Queen Victoria. Fannie Crosby, now eighty-nine years of age and blind, but still work ing, has written more than 6,000 hymns. She has recently written ber first music, her previous work having been confined to the words. Mra John Strnnoch has given a copy of the New Testament In Chinese to the Princeton Theological seminary. It Is a facsimile of tbe one recently pre scnted to tbe empress dowager of Chi na and Is probably tbe only one of Its kind in America. Miss Maud Dennlson of Chicago Is a harness maker and an expert In the business, In wblcb she has been en gaged for four years. She is tbe only woman holding membership In an or ganization composed of leather work ers on horse goods and numbering 10, 000 members. Mrs. Helen Marie Hlnton, widow ot John W. Hlnton, In ber will, filed at Chicago recently, gives tbe Chicago Protestant Borne For tbe Aged $10,. 000, the First Baptist church (3.000 nnd the Milwaukee Orphan asylum S5,"00a The remainder of an estate valued at $170,000 goes to relatives. CURTAIN CALLS. Louise Montague will pass ths sum mer at Far Rockaway. Howard Kyle will star a?aln next season in "Nathan Hale." Jacob Lltt Is at bis summer resi dence at .Watch HllL B. L Rlchio Ling's singing la one ot the features of "The Defender." Hattlo Williams will remain the Rogers Bros.' leading lady for next season. Miss Mabelle Gllman wlH spend the greater part of tbe summer In London and Paris. Eugene Cowles, it la announced, Is to devote bis entire next season to the concert stage. i, . ? .! John J. Farrell stars next season in revivals of "The Cattle King" and The Bandit King." .. Nixon & Zimmerman have engaged Miriam Lawrence to sing- 4he role of Mrs. Hopplngs In support ot Francis Wilson la "Tho Toreador" next sea son. ' .. . Bad Serve. "Well, ain't that ft lovely customer? I Just dote on waiting on that kind, Did you see her, though?' The shop girl was bubbling over with rage. A woman and ber daughter bad looked at not fewer than twenty-five silk waists. At last they took up one, and the wom an brought forth a tape measure, "I think .we might get It out of three and a half-yards or three and two-thirds anyhow'. . ' Just wait twenty-three Inches down the front, three-quarters for tbe sleeves, allow a quarter for col lar and cuffs. Yes, that'll do it" As she talked she ran the tape over tho waist, the clerk standing by almost bursting ? with Indignation, ; "Three yards of lace, one and a quarter of In sertion," she went on, measuring the trimming. "Put that down. Amy. Now let's go. Wo can get up a walat exactly like that for 7.60, and they ask 814.0& They've got their nerve, haven't theyT" New York Press. :.; -MUOWI M M bUaUf UTf HaX. U kvuU v. Q- W VeatatV 2 blood, and through the circulation circulation ail osensive matter, and when rich, pare blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap- TlMf and at WrmonMlt thnmnrtl -nr. im .ffoA.t Pennyroyal pills -v 4ctMl Hi Only HwriM F-O'JLtNsarr. Ai...,r,ii.bi. ita.uniM U ItKB u4 6.14 MOM. t tmt UtUarMa. Tke aikan Sif... hHiml ftBlulll.MMk. mm4 ImIU W.... IU7 T-.f lr.KKi.i. . mrmt Am. mi mmn r P.rtiOTl.fw, T4llata mm "MrHf Ibr L4ta, Uum, tf r I mr IImIL U.M.TMIMW. mmMmw .1 i mmmmm r.iu. rl. HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, ; HEADQUARTERS FOR And all Kinds of BUttllHSHATML . . Best - Goods S. .-. y Iro west Prices. c;-, Under Hotel ChatUwka, HEW " IT. C. The North Carolina Hot Springs, . MOUNT AIBT PARK HOTSX, ., . Hot Sprints, H. C. New ownership. . New Management. house entirely, mads over, thoroughly modern and in every way desireable, new and modern bath house, new Casino for rainy day amusements. ' Do you suffer with rheumatism, gout, sciatica, nerv-. onsness, sleeplessness or indigestion?. For these and luch troubles our Hot Mineral Waters and baths are unsur passed in the world. In the Great Smoky Mountains, grand scenery, ' delightful climate, 100 acres of beautiful park; mag nlficent ' golf links, horse-backv riding, mountain climbine. bowling, tennis, cro queting, and ping pong.- No more de-. ngntiui summer resort in the world. Illustrated booklet .Write, HOWELL COBB, Proprietor, ; . 1S7 Middle fit Columbian Insecticide, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also : Bromo Qor&dine The disinfectant that disinfect an deodorise.' . ,.; We keep on hand a complete stock o fledlclnes, . Toilet Articles, 'Tooth Crushei, &c rhyiolankPrescriptions a special '. ' . . ' , . F. M.SIatiions, 1. D. Ward 5isir.cr;s & ward, attcsxii t r "u:;;ri.cns at U'. . KW E . ST. C. Office Removed serosa gtrmt to Second - Btory of No. ( i (s.l.ove Telegraph Of fice) South Front t trent, next to .V-..;. t Hotel t' attawka, Practice In t' e ' s of Craven, Dupl'n, .Torf ' - 1 ( ni-tirct, I- :. co il Wake, iit u ' ..,. and I,. I ertiK -;rs, sni - .icr sor?: rs a s I- ta. E fxa to - m cd to p; 5? C3 I

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