' I ft ft r r . "' "" " " " I II... .J. ' '" II III! ft III I I I ?!L!!!LM""??.'""' " """" " ' ' " J " ' 1 ' " " ""'"'7 " ' "' ' " r. VOLUME XXY " A tp Y ' ; ' - IIW BUI, CRAYEI COUITY. I. C., 7MDAVJULY 18r ljk-SICOND 8ICTI0I. , . HOMBIR SI J. . ; ; ' 4-1 " " ; - - : : ; - : ; : " ' . 1 i . 1 . - 1 i - " 1 ' i ! i .' : ' ; ' : : STATl CCaYLlTICri ' Of the Democratic Party tt Greens . : boro. Lars; Attendance. Meeting Iitat luUe. Men. Walter (lark -' Nelaatd rr Chtef Ju- tlceBy Tery Unte " ' Majeritrr. . Special to Journal. Zli Qaainuono, N G, JalT.14. Th Bute Convention 'of the Jinoeratlo party met "here today tn'the Grand Opera House, and mi called to order promptly at lfVclock, by Chairman Simmons. fM ' Every county In the Ptate tu repre sented except Mitchell. Hon. A. M. Btedmaa la hi usual hsppy ud graceful ttyle welcomed the delegates and let ton In behalf" of the city, which , was heartily applauded. Chairman Blmmott replied, and addressed the convention for over an hoar on, the wqA of the party In the put and of the iaraea of th State for today.' f'y! t Kyfji, . A. M. Scale of Guilford wae choaea temporary Chairman 1 The following gentlemen were-choaea by the Third district on the different committee:, - f f-1 1 f -a--..' ; - Permanent organization, . A. Daniel Credential, 3. T, Foy; Platform, Ro- dolph Duffy; Rales, R. A. Nann; - Vice President, M. De W. Sterenson. For members of the Bute Executlre Commllte, Messrs. J. A. Bryan, B. M. EooQce, ' 8. O. Middleton and Nathan O'Connor were elected on the part of Third district. . Convention took recess at Jt p. m, until 8:30 p. m. Committee on credentials reported no contests. - - - Hon. W. D, Tamer wu , elected per roacent chairman, and. Messrs. F. A.' Arendall, Geo P. Pell and Walter , Mar- phy, secretarle. i ' Hon. Claud Kitchen Tery 'eloquently -presented the name of. Judge Walter ( lark for Chief Justice. Other nomina tion were made and upon the roll being 'called It was found that Clark had re . ceired eleven .hundred and forty-one votes. - Sbepard eight, and Connor one, Clark was declared the nominee! ' " " . Hon's. H. G, Connor , and Geo. H. : Brown were nominated as the candi- : dates of the east for Associate Justice. Great excitement prevailed daring the . roll call as the vote was known to be very close. Close friends of each candi date were chosen to read the vote. The Convention became la s great uproar for ao hoar, each side claiming the nomina tion. ; : i After qnlet was restored the secreta ries revd the vote, each county checking up. Result,' Connor 029, Brown 620. The nomination of Connor was made unanimous. For the Associate Justice from the west, Hon. Piatt D. . Walker ; was aoml- "nated on third ballot. "! ' 1 Convention adjourned at 7 p. m. until , 8 80 p. m. yQ-'-': tWi$Xrri At a late hoar no report had been re ceived .as to the nominee for Corpora tion Commissioners. ' CONVENTION ECHOES. Sights and Scene In And About Greens boro Daring Convention Days. At no convention has the Pre gang been to comfortably situated U at Greensboro. There were boys at beck and call to take dispatches, electric fan 'to blo -cooling breesee, while cold drink and cigar came along, freely and without belne called. Just like a Press convention. - .. ,,' - - . v At no lime hu ..Major ' Cbu M. Sted man, proved himself more the orator, than In his ' address of welcome to the conventlou, In behalf of the city of Greensboro. Pleasing, courteous, elo auent. -meriting the applause It re ceived. ! -,?' -, The convention wu In no mood .for long-speeches. Its members seemed to " hHve heard and remembered most of the political history which hu been ;told on the stump ana puDUsitea ny tne aews- paoers daring the put four years, and did not care for its revival. " '" ' '- In Its naming of A. M. Scales and W D. Turner, u temporary and permanent chairmen, no better selections could - have been mado!:w!:"'"S"S'f;''M'':v- Claude Kitchen, In his presentation of Walter Clark's name for the nomination of Chief Justice, wu eloquent and mas . terly. It wu -applauded even by the snti-Clsrk men. . : ' 11 Sheriff Ellington, of Johnson, gave most telling little speech favoring Judge Connor. It .was simple, sincere and telling In It effects. , , . Convention committee on V a : ocum wster, lemonsde and tgftr, iev r wa vered In Its work, of trying to k .ill ilolcgstes well supplied, allho i 'i t' -was a VAst consuming thirst, e; i i,,ti,:' f-'";; all the thro. : - a speaker, he WM made aequalated wtlk the fact, ' ' - ". - The Record aid Telegram showed great enterprise, la getting out good eon Venlloa reports. The papers as usual were folly ap-todata. ' Ths hoar whQe the Coanor-Browa vote wu belag counted wu oae fall of varied esaotkvaa, which found sxpress loa la teesy - wars la th ooDventloa. Hope and fear could be read la many faces. ' v-;-.v-v -r -'. r,- ' e.e , . The. moiio furnished the convention, wu a new and vary attractive fea ture. TELEGRAPHIC BJtEYmES. All attempts to end the Freight Hand ler strike at Chicago have failed and the city fa confronted with a complete bustneu tie-up. Twenty thousand men are Idle. -. 'iV" ' .tnlted'Sute tTonjnL General Brant. at Havana, -will be recalled because of Undiplomatic behavior. ' General Bragg Is said to be very napopular with the Cubsus,' It i believed In high offldal circle that General Leonard Wood will be put In charge of the construction of the Isth mian canal. - Sir Mlchael-HIcks-Beech-Chinoellor of the Exchequer, hu resigned his place In the English Cabinet. Sir Michael la friendly with the new Premier. Mr. Balfour, does not like the Idea of serv ing with Joseph Chamberlain. ' The famous Campanile, or uataoed bell tower of St. Mark's Church, In Ve nice collspsed, Monday. The Campa nile wu founded in 888, restored In 1133, and added to and embellished at Intervals since. It wu 833 feet high and from Its top could be had one of the finest views of the wonderful and an cient City of Canals, y Clnclnnatl paper are authority for the (tatement that bread of all ktnd Is selling In that city at one and half cents the loaf each loaf containing sixteen ounces. What a paradise for the hun- General Chaffee hu been relieved of command of the Division of the Phlll- ploes, and It said will be given command of the Department of the East, which is the most important In the United State Thl appointment Is probably a forerun ner of his succeeding General Mile later on. 2 3 ? ii -jXrK " Earthquake shocks have recently been felt In Pennsylvania ' and . scientists say they were caused by the acelsmlo disturb ances at Martinique. The ground on which I th city of Harrlaburg la said to have been raised seven feet since th shocks began and It is believed that the disaster of Johnstown wu from the same source. Mount Peelee is again in eruption, the eoncunsions and rumblings areoontin nous, and denae oolnme of flame shoot forth from the volcano at Intervals, ao- compalned by showers of stonu and ctn ders. A colored man, Abe Fowler, by nam wu instantly killed , while working in a sewer dlich yesterday at Dorhath, N. C. by the sides of the ditch caving In on hlm.several others were hurt at the same time.- This is the second man killed on the sewer work there In the last few week. - , - John W. Gates' corner In corn on the Chicago exchange came to an end Tues day, and corn dropped from 81 cents to 6Si cent a difference of lot cents - per bushel. Gate cleared 1100,000. The grocer of the west have formed a trust with Harlow It. ulgglnbotham president, under the name of the Nation si Grocer Company, capital 15,000,000 to begin with. The new company expects to control the entire output'of groceries in all the Western States." - ARAPAHOE. . Jaly 17 Several drummer visited our town this week. Mr. C. J. Brlnson of New Bern wu here lut week. All were glad to see htm, but regret that his health I o poor. : " : Mr. Levi Bragg and wife and children were with us here from Friday until Monday, lut. Mr. Bragg hu only re- eeutlv returned from Baltimore where he hu been under treatment at the hos pital. 1 His feebleness prevented his vis h from being longer here. ' ; . Dr. Hall of New. York, accompanied Rev. Mr. Bpeu and Mr. ' Bunlght of New Beracame lut Tuesday, and at night Dr. Hall gave one of his fsmous lectures. His subject wu "How to Get Married, and How to Stay So." The lecture was very heartily enjoyed by those who heard it. Some missed hear ing It. because they couldn't stand the price, which wu 85 cent. v ?L -v, ) tzl C". "..: The Ralelch Trust Co., Will Com mence Business July 22, US Cases Filed In Baakrantey Pre- eeeilaga. State OBeials, Except Gev. AyeeekatGreeasber. Trastees ef M. E. Or- '''.pannage ,t be Under Dlrect lenefTra ; - utee. '' Raliish, July 16. The Raleigh base ball dab today sold Pastor, Boffelaad Chads to. Shreveport. La. for t7S0. They left at once for that place. Democratic Bute Chairman Simmons In his speech tonhe Democratic , Bute convention at Greensboro today tated that la order to meet the appropriations for the public schools and the Insane uylums the Bute had had to borrow 200,000 la New York, but that so high Is the credit of th State that the treas urer secured the money, at a low rate of Interest, on his simple promise to py. . The head of the various Bute depart ments were, all save Gov. Avcock. at Greensboro today. The Governor made himself comfortable In hi cool office and disposed of much pnbllo busi ness. "l It is decided by the Raleigh Trust Co, to begin business Jaly 23. The com pany hu a very handsome balldlog. It will do a banking business. There, wu a quite severe hall storm a few miles north of here yesterday after noon.' " , Since the bankruptcy law - went into effect only 105 cases have been filled in this division. It Is said by the officials that not over 100 cases have been filed In all the other divisions, namely those at Elizabeth City, New Bern and Wilming ton. . .;, It Is quite probable that the Methodist orphanage main building here will be constructed by the trustees. The archi tect hu greatly disappointed them by his delays. The only early ssles of leaf tobacco here excite interest There I more to bacco growing In this country than ever before. In the sandy lands It is much further advanced than on the clay lands The fact that prlmelrings sold yesterday, at the opening sale for $182 100 Rt gratifying to the seller. - - It la tne current comment tni year that, good u all cotton Is, It.ls belter on sandy lands than- on clay lands. Last year exactly the contrary wu the cue. Why suffer pain and severe sickness from Bowel ComplalnU, when AR NOLD'S BALSAM stops one and cores the other, It hu been successfully used for fifty years. Warranted to give satis faction or money refunded by T. A Hnry. . i. rt-;! 'A.v ii. ' T-JV'--;y Cove 'Items.' July 17. Miu Maud Eubank of Klnston 1 visiting Misses Martha and Bertha Rtgg on Main street. Capt. 8. E. Ewell and family of Chip were here Sunday and Monday. Misses Hattle White and Hattle Tay lor spent Sunday at Marshalburg. Mr, T. B. Ipock and sons Herbert and Tommle went to Beaufort Sunday on a trip. - Dr. Pollock of Dover wu here on pro fessional business Tuesday. : Mr. L. F. Taylor I painting two of hi house - here and when completed will add considerably In look to hi lovely home. fc.-vrQ' Mr. Teldon Avery of Birmingham Ala., I here for a few daya. Mr. A. J. Daugherty went to Gold- boro Sunday, on a courting expedition but we wont tell it. - State Firemen's Association. '.The following circular letter from President Jan. D. McNeill, will explain Itself:';; -r - "Under law passed by our last Legis laturesee chap. 077, Law of 1901 it Is now Imperative upon the authorities of every Incorporated town In the State to organize a system of Are protection and inspection, and to report every fire to the losurance.Commlssioner at Raleigh. Every citizen la North Carolina Is In terested In this subject, and It is the de sire of the Bute Association to leave nothing undone that will be beneficial to the desired end. At the Convention to be held In Ral eigh on July S3nd, 83rd and 84, matters of very much importance, especially to town having no organized department will be discussed by practical and ex perlenced men, and It is to be hoped that every town In the Bute will be represent ed. The Tournament on the 83rd and 84th will be very interesting,' and, will amply repay any One for his time In at tending the same. The railroad rate from New Bern Is only f.3.40 for the round trip, to firemen end delegates, and It is only one fare tor the round trip te Individuals, from any point In the Etate. Local living rates will be reasonable. ', . Every Mayor and Chairman of Fire Committee In the State 1 Invited to at tend snd rart!c!fte' In our delibera Cow-hided Lawyer. Special to Journal ; Winston, N. C. July 17-A. E. Holton United SUUs District Attorney wu severely oowhlded thjs afternoon by Glenn Williams, of Yadkin county. Wil liams is candidate for sheriff and he' hu been angry with Holton a year on ac count of some sUtement Holton made about him In the trial ef a case, Celebration at Roanoke Island. Special to Journal. 4 ' ; Rauiqb, Jnly 17 Committee having In charge pilgrimage to Roanoke Island today arranged the following programme of public exercises. Preliminary busi ness meeting: of eelebftMon committee address of welcome, by C. R. Pugh, of Manteo. Response by W. D. Prnden of Edenton; Address on "Sir Walter Ral- - felgn,' by J. S. Carr, of Durham; Song Old North Bute," Address "The Sound section of North Carolina," by Hon. John" H. Small, of Washington; Song, America;" Address "What Celebration means" ty Walter mark, oi uaieign, Visit to ''Fort Raleigh" sod other places of interest. Hong "Old North State;' Address. "Roanoke Island a Centre of Historical Interest" by Charles F. War ren, of Washington. Raleigh's charter, Dswn of Civil Liberty In Amerlcs," by H. G. Connor, of Wilson. Song "Star Splangled Banner;" Address, "The Na tions part In Celebration, by Senator F, M. Simmons, of Raleigh, Friday morn ing July 87, 9 a. m. business meeting of committee and 1 p. m. adjournment. ASKIN. A Wedding. An Exciting Game of Ball. July 15. We had a nice and much needed rain on the 11th, the first we have had in two weeks. Highland corn Is damaged some by the drouth, but with favorable weather will give a tolerably fair yield. The recent rains have Improved to bacco considerably. Curing is well un der way. The present outlook for to bacco Is very promising. Cotton is 20 per cent better than It wu lut year. Mr. Harvey Soringle, an energetic ma chinist of- New Bern, antl ' Miss Mamie Gasklns, one of Askin's most charming young ladles, were married at the home of the bride's parent Sunday. Rev. A. J. Holton of Olympia, officiating, Miss Willie Arthur daughter of Mrs. S.G. E. Arthur hu the malarial fever. Dr. Covington of Vanceboro Is attend ing her. ; :. There wu a very enjoyable baseball plcnlo at Becton Grove the 12th. In the afternoon we had a very exciting game between Reelsboro and the home team. The score wu 11 to 13 In favor of Reels boro. The Askin's team are nearly all beginners, so to prevent Reelsboro from besting us too badly we got Messrs. Williams and Lancaster, battery from Vanceboro to help us. The battery from Reelsboro wu Pipkin nnd Brlnson pitchers, . and Simons, catcher, Mr. George Waters of New Bern umpired the (tame and gave satisfaction to both sides. P. W. A Card. Ed Journal: It looks u though the Mayor's court In dealing with violators of city ordinances Is competing with Justice Street's court In dealing with the violators of State laws from township No.1. '. I think If the kind hearted and genial gentlemen (Mayor and Justice) will use a little more judicial sternness it will help them to reduce their dockets. I concur in some of the opinions of T, L.H. of Morehead City expressed In an article In Tuesday's JoubnA, under the heading "Voice of the People." If when a criminal is on trial before judge and jury there are any palliating circum stances they ought to come out then and let the court decide accordingly. There are too many criminals looking for exe cutive clemency, and the bad effect are noticeable. X v .1 iis --. ' y; We wish to thank lh Daughter of the Confederacy for the sumptuous din ner and the ktnd and lavish attention showered upon us on the Fourth of July We shall always remember it u one among the happy incident of our lives. Mav the blesslnirs of an Vdlwlse Provi dence favor them through life and make tnem nappy. . An Old Confkd. Chip, N. O, Jnly 14th, 1903. . ' W.B. Lane for Legislature. r ' Ninth Township, Craven Co. Mr. Editor: Since the time appointed for our Democratic primaries is drawing nee, I desire to suggest W. B. Lane, Esq., u a candidate for the legislature. He Is well known to the entire people of our county, is popular, and magnetic. possessed ' of fine judgment, has had some experience in legislative bodies, and in fact is possessed of the many qualifications essential, to a good law maker. Furthermore ithu heretofore been the custom of our party to select representative for the' General Assembly from outside of our city and It Is cer Ulnly not the proper time now to depart from that custom. . Brethern, we call, and earnestly ask every good Democrat In the count to vote for W. B. Lane on the third day of North Carolina Base Ball League r Passes Away. Graad Lodge Odd Fellows Lay Cor ner Coart Hease at Wllkee bere. State Charter. Crop Indications. Correct Political Forecast. RaUioh, July 17. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows met at Wllkesboro todsy and laid (he corner atone of the new court house. Many Muons were present from the county of Wilkes and several couaUea adjoinlns; Ju. All -the officers of the Grand Lodge were 'present save Grand SecwUry John O. Drewry, who Is unable to walk owing to a nail wound In the foot. The North Carolina base ball league did not meet here lut night u expected, but agreed by wire to stop playing. Its affairs will be wound op Saturday or Monday. The players are scattering. Some are sold and some are going to other places. Among those who go to NewsrklsRoy White of the Raleigh team. White Is a Virginian and used to pitch for Richmond College. The State charters the Fremont Cot ton oil company of Wayne county. It Is given authority to manufacture acid phosphate. The capital Is (35,000. A charter Is also granted the Wilmington Towing Company, caplUl tGOOO, with leave to Increase to $30,000, W. G. El liott and others being the stockholders. C. N. Allen of the State board of ag riculture says the condttlon of crop on clay lands Is being over-estimated this season; that sandy land crops are better than those on clay soils; but that good rains are bringing the latter out. He thinks the crop of 1890 was finer than that this year. Your correspondent was so fortunate u to exactly predict a few days ago in this correspondence the State , ticket nominated at Greensboro yesterday Olark, Connor, Walker for the Supreme Court; Joyner for superintendent of pub lie instruction, Beddlngfield for corpora tion commissioner. DOVER. Death of Mr. Benjamin Westbrook. Ar- rangemcntS for Educational Rally. July 16. A beautiful rain fell here yesterday evening causing the weather to cool snd be more pleasant. A good many of our farmers com menced putting In and curing tobacco this week. Only a few went from here on Peter son & Holfowe'il's excursion this mora ine. There leemed to be a plenty of room on the can. Dover will not be represented at the State Convention Guess they can man age the thing anyway and we stay at home. . . -' .. .' : - . Miss Carrie West whehas been spend lne the summer at Beaufort returned home yesterday morning. Mr. John Hill, who hu been sick for several weeks I reported to be slightly improved. His condition Is still very critical. Alvis White Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. White died Sunday evening sge eleven month. The little fellow had been sick for several days. He hu gone to live with Jesus, who said, "Of such Is the kingdom of heaven." May the be reaved family receive comfortjfrom above and at lut meet little Alvls in heaven where tears are never shed. Mr. Benjamin Westbrook died of ty hold fever Monday and wu burled yes terday evening. He wu about 32 year old and leave a wife and two child ren. There were about three hundred peo ple at Daugherty Chapel Sunday School picnic Saturday and til seemed to have pent a very pleasant day. The program wu Instructive u well u Interesting Elder R. F. Daugherty delivered a Sun day School address In the afternoon. Singing by the choir of the school under the management of Mr. Walter T. King, wu a very attractive feature of the pro gram and was greatly enjoyed. There I a movement on foot to hold a big educational rally here about Septem ber flrt and have Gov. Aycock to be wlthua. Our people or at leut the most of them, are interested In education and If they do decide to hold this rally It will be a very elaborated affair and will be worth going a long way to attend. i We will let the public hear from u again on the matter, possibly the date will be fix ed In out noncommunication. Politics are lying - dormant around this section. Everybody teem to be will Ing to swallow our senatorial . tickets with ease and comfort. The question Is oocationally uked, "Who will represent Craven next timer well we are unable to answer definitely. Would be glad If some of the reader of the Journal would telltt.- . , , - For dale or Kent. i offer for ule or rent my entire Farm and complete accessories. . Will sell chesp for cash or gilt edge securities, or will rent the farm, selling the imple ments and team to the right man at living figure. ' 4 , Call or address, ' MRS. E. A. VliTHCiT, Etc- t I' a F - m FOR SYSTEMIC CATARRH Peculiar to Summer Pe-ru-na Gives Prompt and Permanent Relief. Clem G. Moore, Editor of the Advocate - tho Peruna Medicine Company u follows Qetitlemen"Attor toar ym ot catarrh, which I contracted whBe eittiag. mad traveling for mr. paper, I bare been greatly reJJared by the ate otPenuu. I gave up work during these year of torture, Med rariooa nmedlea aad many doctor, but all the permanent nllet came from the aee ot Peruaa. . My trouble waa called IndlgeaOoa, bat It waa catarrh aO through my tjrvtem, and like another peraon, netlag the Imprevement after I bad uted the tint bottle. Peruaa la undoubtedly the beat catarrh MOORB. Judge Wm. T. Zenor, of Washington, i. C writes from 213 V. Capital Street, Washington, D. O. : Hi take pleasure la saying that lean cheerfully recommend the use of Parana u remedy for catarrhal trouble and a most excellent nlo for general eondt tlons." Wm. T.-Zsnor. Mrs. Amanda Morrill, 188 Reld street, Elisabeth, N. J, writes t "I have been sick over two year with nervous prostration and general debility, and heart trouble Have had four doo torsf aU eald that I ooold not get well. I had not walked a step In nine months, suffering with partial paralysis and palpitation of the heart every other day, and had become to reduced In fleah a to be a mere skeleton weigh Ing only 85 pound. "Up to this date I have taken Peruna for seven months. . It hu saved my life Voigt's Snow Drift and White Frost (Car Loadl New BbL Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, Shoulders and California Hams. ' Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Grape Nuts. Maaon's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. : Potted and Canned Meats. -Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 30c lb. I J. I McDIIEL, IS?; I g 'Phone 91. TlQBrcad St. g 0 Is to SAYS, GOES! Will Sell for One Week All Lace Curtain Goods to to to' to jtl A . to to mi 1 - k. i See them? ' ' v". to SHEETS, PILLOW to to to to to to to II.-.. .11-1 ' II - 1-1 10-4 Sheets 60c. ; v ,'. ' - 2 Jx2 j Sheets 55c , , r Bolster Cases, 45x72, 80c. , rillow Cases,45x30, 10c; 45x30, 15c; 45x30 HcmstitchcdlSc ; Window Shades, Tlain at 10c, 25c, 85c; Frir-cd-at 35o and 50c. , Democrat of Orawfordsville, Ga., write i Imttaso MutHrtag, earned r systemic a tew bottlet ot Ptrvaa made me eel remedy ever compounded. -CLEM O. a I can safely testify. I have not lelt well In Ove year, having walked over one mile without III result, and have also gained thirty pound since commencing to take Peruna. In fact, cannot praise it too highly." Mrs. Amanda Morrill. Peruna never falls to prevent systemic catarrh or nervous prostration if taken in time. Peruna Is the most prompt and permanent euro for all oasos of nervous prostration caused by syatemlo catarrh known to the medical profession. It yon do not derive prompt and Mtu- taetory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. ?y, .y.;-' if1 Addrees Dr.; Hartman, President of The Hartman ' Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. - English 1 1 t ,1 TnM '' .; ' f '.'svJc ) Floyri Cured h Rfll.RTIR. TAStS "VEtlT CITICAP I tions. ' Eei f '"nber and elect him an 1 we will al- V. ry i 1 3 r :i" l of Our t ' '' i.