THE WEEKLY JOURNAL BatakUaWI 1S7 PuUUkd fa Two Boctxma, rvery Tom day ud FYiday, a WMWdfc Street, wow Barm, . V CHARLES I. STEVENS annoa a so nowno. -"' BUBaCEIPTTON RATES: - T Month. M'Cent. Threoc Month,.... , 85 "T Mi SfnntW. 80 " Twelve Months.. tt.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. - f Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at UM omce, or npoo inquiry by mail. tWTba Joubjvax is only seat on pay- . ok.:kMH will ia-tanooa pasis. dumuiumi receive sottce of expiration of tneuT sub scription, and aa immediate response to nottos wwl be appreciated by the JotnuAi. Entered at tbe Postofflce, New Bern t CL aa seooad-elass natter. Seetlsn Two, Friday Jnlj 18, 1901 "MVfirOPKENTS AWAITED AT GREENSBORO. The Democratic Biate Convention which It to meet at Greensboro oa Wed nesday of thla week, is a convention whoa prooeedinga are awaited with In tense Interest by the people of the en tire State, regardleaa of politic. The chief work for the contention, the adoption of a party platform; the manner of precedence In the naming of the neit United States Senator; the elec tion of an executive committee; the nomj nation of Chief Justice, Aasoclate Jue tlcet, State Superintendent of Public In struction, Corporation Commissioner; and the nomination of ten Superior Court Judges, these are all Important matters, but even more than these, Is awaited the Democratic spirit which Is to Infuse and enthuse the contention into party action. For It must not be forgotten that there Is a changed condition In the po litical situation, that the Democratic policy removing the negro aa a political force is now operative, and the appeal, to men's Intelligence not -passlona,as promised by Democratic leaders, is to take precedence over the -political alarms, once so potential and influential to rally Democratic voters and .white men. Truly the action of the convention, under the new. Democratic conditions, will be awaited with intense Interest. . Those within the party believe that Democratic promises under the amend ment will be fulfilled, while those on the other side will not, until the convention by It public action and proclamation gives to the people, Its policy, which will prove Us good faith to the people for placing it in power and In charge of the State's material and all other inter ests. FAILURE HI DETECTING v LYNCHERS. The large reward .offered for the de tection of the lynchers of the two colored boys, wno were killed by a mob In June, near Salisbury, N. 0. has resulted In nothing. ' An arrest was made last Saturday of a man supposed to be one offthe lynchers, but he proved an alibi. And this Is all that has been found out, although it fu Intimated that many of those engaged In the lynching were known and could be proves gull. That the Governor's action In offering the reward for the apprehension of the 1Vm.Wfl la .11, nllAtttlAJIAll M flAtfltfP tight one, but that any result In the Way of detection and conviction of a Ingle lyncher, was possible, has been doubted. , - - A lynching is a matter usually engaged in by men who are not going to chance being caught for their act, and a"; lynch ing Is a ' matter which; meets the ap proval of the entire neighborhood In which it is committed, and those not actually taking part, feel the same sym pathy for the movement, at it they actually had hold of the rope or used the C. " - . . . j , i,.' This being true, the matter of reward for the detection and arrest of one or all lynchers, li never likely to prove a success, for there are too many in terested in pieYCHtlBtf the real perpre t retort from being ttsje known. , GRAIN SRPLC3 AND PRICES. pean countries depends not only on the ctop of those countries, but upon the prick they have to pay for American wheat When the price advances be yond a certain figure the great . masse of the people quit using It and take to black bread and a freer use of potatoes cr of er substitutes for bread. ( '. !' 3 r '-, ft t"l t' " ' '. f li C 'J ! i '' 1 t ' '"S Uettsd SUUa aad Canada on Jaly 1, 1901, the visible supply -was ttllJDOO taahela, aa against 41,000,000 a year ago sad 83.000,000 la 1900. The Xaropeea supply on the 1st of Jaly was 86,000, 000 bushels, against 74,000,000 a year While there we a splendid crop of wheat in the prairie Bute last year, there was aa almost total failure of ths eon crop, and now la parts of the West corn Is higher thsa wheat. Under these conditions the Western farmers are us ing a greater quantity of wheat on their farms, not only for bread, but also for feed for cattle. .The wheat, therefore, la some of the greatest of the wheat State remained tn ths granaries snd did not go into ths "risible supply." In most of these States it will still be several months before new corn will be available, aad in the meantime a great quantity of wheat will be consumed as a substitute. This year the export of corn was only 849,000 bushels, against 4,294, 000 the year before. Tho Government gnsssm estimate the corn crop of the United States this year at the enormous figure of 2,500,000,000 bushels. Balti more Sun. The Best frescrtpUou for Malaria. Chills snd Fever is a bottle of Gaova's Tastklkm Chill Tome. It Is simplv Iron and quinin in a tasteless form. No care no pay. Price BOc TMaar'a Ola: Dny la 1S37. Mr. Charles L. Tiffany and Ills part ner; Mr. Young, begun business on s capital of $1,000 borrowed from Mr. Tiffany's father. - Their first stock of salable goods consisted of bric-a-brac, Chinese and .Japanese waresl umbrellas, walking sticks, desks, dressing cases, cabinets, fans, fine stationery, pottery, fancy ar ticles and curiosities. The total sales for ths first three days are said to have amounted to only $4.08, but as the na ture of the business became known the patronage Increased, new features were added from time to time, and on the day before Christmas of the year 4837 ths sales amounted to $230. American Monthly Bevlew of Reviews. $100 Dr. E. Dctchons's Antl-Dluretic may be worth to you more than $100 If you have a child who soils bedding from Incontinence of wster during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once, $1.; Sold by C. D. Bradbam, Druggist. What Borax I. One of the most desirable articles in the laundry or the washroom and val uable in many purposes connected with the household economy as well as in scientific use is the simple salt known to every one under the name of borax. but probably not much known as to its constituent elements or its nature by most of those who use it more or less frequently. Blborate of sodium, to use its chemical name, first comes as a nat ural product from Tibet by way of India wider the .name of tlncal, the salt being covered with a green crust of a soapy nature which requires re moval before the borax is available for use. A Good Couth Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use It In their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N, Y. "I have always used it in my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and find It very efficacious.' For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. r Farmers Tobacco Warehouse. We beg to announce to our friends that we will manage the up town ware house this season. It will be known as the Farmers Warehouse, and Is one of the most convenient warehouses in the State for the sale of leaf tobacco. It Is well ' arranged for unloading and has plenty of room for wagons and carts, Connected with the warehouse Is a well arranged stable with box stalls, where your team can be well cared for. The warehouse will be lighted at night with electric lights, so you csn drive in at any time. We will have a sleeping apartment for any who may wish to spend the sight at the warehouse. It is oar intention to have premium sales from time to time through the sea son; and the success of former premium sales will be a guarantee that your in terest will be well cared for. The ware house is so arranged that we can unload any number of carts at once, and there will not be that delay that ba formerly been a drawback, whenever a large sale was on hand. Mr. C. H. Richmond.who Is well known to the farmers of this sec tion will be associated with us as auc tioneer and buyer. Having been on this market for several years, it is need less to say that he is a gentlemen of in tegrity ; and will see that your tobacco brings It full worth. ' ' There will be buyers on the market from the American Tobacco Company, snd also the English Company, aa the competition will be as sharp in this mar ket as any, we see no reason why you should not bring your Tobsoco to the Fanners Warehouse. ' ! Wewlllglvsyou all our personal st- tention and we feel that we deserve a part of your patronage a It ha been our aim to serve the farmer of this sec tion to ths best of our ability. - Bring us your tobacco and you will not regret it. We have made arrange ments by which all checks will be cashed at the warehouse, which will save the trouble of going to the bank. . -. Tours for h'gh prices, ' 3.11. HOWARD, I's't. Farmers Waretuse." C.n. rl,""?"!)f 3 -jAlJ ill ia Guro DIzssta uhit yon cat This preparation contains all cf the aigestanU and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and falls to cure. It allows you to est all the food you want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can lake lu uy It use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of ras on the s to ru se n, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't helD bni do yon good rrrparea onlio; SO, Piwmsoa, UMras Itm 11. buule ooculm I Unxa Um Mc tua. rz. DUFFT CO ANIMAL ODDITIES. As many as 4,001 muscles hnre been counted In tbe body of a moth. Crows have no fewer thsn twenty seven different cries, each distinctly referable to a different action. Tbe mlna, which Is not a parrot, but one of the freckle tribe, can talk more distinctly than any other bird. The lyrebird of Austr&jt Is the big gest song bird In the world. It Is near ly ss large as the pheasant Tbe lar gest British song bird Is tbe missel thrush. BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE ' Another ridiculous food has been brsnded by the most competent authori ties. They have dispelled (he silly notion that one kind of food Is needed for brain another for muscles, snd still another for bone. A correct diet will not only nour Ish s particular part of the body, but it will suttaln every other part Tet how ever good your food may be, Its nutri ment Is destroyed by Indigestion or dys pepsia. Sou must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses sld di gestion, stimulates tbe liver to health action, purifies the blood, snd makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You csn get this reliable remedy st F. S. Duffy- Get Green's Special Almanac. Breaking a Will. A wealthy woman named Sllva died at Lisbon and left her entire property to a rooster. She was a' fervid spirit ualist a believer In the transmigration of souls, and Imagined that the soul of her dead husband had entered the rooster. She caused a special fowl house to be built and ordered her serv ants to pay extra attention to their "master's" wants. The disgust of her relatives over the will caused the story to become public, and a lawsuit might have followed had not one of tbe heirs adopted the simple expedient of hav ing the wealthy rooster killed, thus be coming himself the next of kin. RELIEF m SIX HOURS. DistressIngEldney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Gkkat South American Eidnbv Cobk." It I s great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain la bladder, kidneys aud back, tn male or female. Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. Sold oy u. li. uraanam, Druggist. A Moth Killer. Before laying a carpet rub the board over with turpentine to safeguard it against moths. Baked Potatoea. In baking potatoes the flavor Is much improved by first boiling them for about ten minutes with the skins on and then draining before putting them in tbe oven. Slate. : Slate Is got out of the ground by means of blasting, boles being bored into it itb team drills. . Vacation time is here snd the children are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them. Ton need oply to guard .against the ac cidents incidental : to roost, open air sports. No remedy equals DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious con sequences. For cuts, scalds and wounds "I used DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts and bruises," ssys L. B. John son, Swift, Tex. -It Is the best remedy on the market" Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. , Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. . . - ' Slaa of ile Toasae. ' The slss of the tongue all point to tbe necessity and profit of self mastery. There Is danger In the tongue that often brings the deepest sorrow to In nocent ones, as well as throws a re flection on a pure character. li this confession of failure and magnifying of the office of , the tongue seem exag gerated, let any .one sit down quietly and think of the sins and cruelties of human speech. 1 The careless words which no repentance can can back again, the rash promises which it ha cost us so much to fulfill, the expres sion of the lower nature which has shamed the higher, the confessions of evil and yielding to ialsehood, the hot and angry words .which sober thought condemn these are some of the perils of the tongue. On the other hand, like most of the uses of the- world which turn so easily to evil, the tongue .may be the. instrument of great and lasting , r Poisoning the System. : It ll thrnnirh th hnwela that tlia hetAw is cleansed of impurities. Constlpstlon keeps these poisons In tbe system, caus ing hesdsche, dulness and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWltt's Little Early . Risers ' prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy, healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently but by strengthening the bowels enable tliem lo perform their own work. ITever gripe or dUtress. F. TV"". ' Dvsnons at sm aa EILEI5D. Edward Fob Nominated for Con rress From the 4th District. Strang Fatal Accident te James P. ... Watson sa S. A. L ,. Seatl meat la Payer f Anether Primary for U S Sen-. atsrUrowlar.Ro- ; perteaNegre Edacstlen Ralxigb, July 15. The Democratic Convention of thla Congressional Dis trict met at noon today, in the city ball 3. R. Young presiding. It nominated unanimously Edward W. Pou of Smith field. All the counties had Instructed for him. About 3 o'clock this morning engineer James P.Wstoon of the Seaboard Air Line was killed S miles north of here in - rather singular way. A car loaded with lumber broke loose from a train in the yards here and ran down grade to a bridge, then up grade. The passenger train, on which engineer Watson wss going out rsn Into this csr. A piece of timber passed through the cab, broke his neck and was found lying on the tender. The front of the engine was badly wrecked. Watson was a very cap able engineer. His age was about 45. He leaves a wife and several children. He had promised his wife a few days ago that he would quit railway work. One report In regard to the car which broke away Is that several broke and that the yard master thought he had coupled all, but that this particular one went further than the others. Secretary of State Grimes, Treasurer Lscy snd Auditor Dixon left todsy for Greensboro, to sttend the Democratic Stste Convention. Gov. Ayconk Is un able to go. It 1b asserted that sentiment In favor of another primary for U. S. Senator Is growing. Col. A. R. Andrews of the Southern railroad who left this morning for Hot Springs, N. C, was very frequently while at Atlantic City taken for ex-preslilent Cleveland. As yet the contract for lighting this city Is not signed. The lighting compa ny objects to the clause imposing a double penalty for failure to keep lights burning. The city insists on it. A charter was today granted the Rocky Mount Steam Laundry Com pany. A report on negro education In North Carolina shows that since 1873 15,301,- 633 has be expended. Last year $223, 000 were expended, while the negroes paid only $118,000. Saves a Woman's Life. To have elven on would have meint death for Mrs. Lois Crsgg, of Dorches ter. Mans. For Tears' she had endnred untold misery from a severe lung trou-j Die anu obstinate cough, "Often," she writes, "I crsuld scarcely breathe and sometimes could not apeak. All doctors and remedies fulled till I used Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Jolds, Throat and Lung Trou ble need this grand remedy, for It. never disappoints. Cure Is guaranteed by C D Bradham. Price fiOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free. A Wl TVoman. Mr. Snaggle (snappishly) Don't be torreeting that boy always, Sarah. Let nature take Its course, won't you? Mrs. Snaggle (liiying OBide the shin gle) I'll do nothing of tbe sort, Mr. Snaggle. I don't Intend that any wo man shall have such a husband as I've got if I can prevent it : Money doesn't brlug contentment of mind, but it keeps contentment from getting lonesome. Baltimore News. ; If a Man Ue to You, I And say some other salve, ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer Is aa good at Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty yesrs of msrvelous cures of Piles,Burns, Bolls," Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Culs, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove It's the best and cheapest ,- 25c.;ari C. D. Bradham s drag store. Tellfnar Bone's Ave br Wrlaklea. . ."The popular Idea that the age of a horse con always be told by looking at bis teeth," said n veterinary surgeon, "Is not,' entirely correct. s After , the eighth year the horse has do more new teeth, so that the tooth method Is use less for telling the age of a horse which is more than eight years old. As soon as the set of teeth is complete, however, a wrinkle begins to sppear on the upper edge of the lower eyelid, and a new wrinkle is added each year, so that to get at the age of a horse more than eight years old you must figure the teeth plus the wrinkles." TOD MOW WHAT YOn ARE TAXING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that. It Is simply Iron snd quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 66c, , HI Whole HmrlaeMt. Tar wntoi tm a remedy many years ago In England lieenme the universal nostrum, Ilornce W'Hlpole tells that a man went Into a chemist's shop and asked, "Do you sell tar water? "Tar wster!" replied the apothecary. "Why, I sell nothing elsel" .-. i'- ': .t : Call st F. 8. Duffy & Co's drug store snd get s free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They arc as elegant physio. JThey also improve tht appetite, strengthen the digestion snd regulate tbe liver snd bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect ; .: : A Fierce .Threat. Irish Maid --Do you want a good beating, Mnster Jimmy, or do you not, because If you don't behave yourself this minute you'll get both? ' Tbe superior man is satisfied and corrpoEod; t!ia cionn man is always f M rf f - " x TELECXAMIIC 2XEYITIES. . The order ei beea made at Waahlag toa that the CaUolio friars who av been la the Philippines, must twlladrsw from the islaada. The friars are priests aad teachers, mostly Spanish. The ovsrdus ship atoalcaa and Port land are reported safe. The M ohlcaa Is a training ship aad was oat frosa Toko homa 89 days.' She-was nearly oat of fuel and food when ah dropped anchor la Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The .Oregon reported at St Michaels, Alaska, several days Isle. ' , mm U -S J i u I ': i' ; i.- i 'J ' t Senator Bsa Tillman au very solemnly mistered a tow that be will oppose his colleague, Senator HcLaurln's appoint ment to ths United State court of claim bench, says he wilt fight him to the last ditch. ' r James ltontgosssry, a plumber of Char lotte, wu fearfully burned Monday while at work by the explosion of a gasoline stove. The accident would have been much worse but for Mr. Montgomery's presence of mind In smothering the flames. , The U. & Cruiser Brooklyn, ' bearing the late British Ambassador Pannce fote'S ressalns hat arrived In Kngland. ' ' King Edward VII Improves In health satisfactorily and will toon go on the royal yacht where he will remala during the summer. A fire In the Revolution Cotton Mill st Greensboro, N. C, Mondsy, destrored bale cotton and waste to the amount of $300. The Republicans of the fifth and sixth Congresiimsl districts of Maryland, have decided to run negro men for Con gress. Owing to faulty steering gear the bat tleship Illinois became grounded In tbe hsrbor of Christiana, Norway and had to be taken back te England for repairs. She was accompanied by the cruisers Chlcsgo and Albany. The Venezuelan government has not subdued the Insurrection and he Revo lution party In gaining adherents. ' The United States government has orJered tbe cruiser Marietta to proceed from Cape Baytlen to La Gal ra, Venezue la, In order to protect American Inter est there. It I estimated that $1,000,000 a day Is lost to Chicago wholesale dealers on ac count of tbe strike. The public of that city are generally alarmed and the' out look Is not at all encouraging. Mr. Wn Tinir-Fane-. Envov'Eitraordl- nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to mis country trom China, has been iw called by his government and Sir Liang unon ung appointed In his place. Mr. Wu was very popular in .Washington circles. , . Lord 8sllsbury has resigned the pre miership of England and King Edward nas tendered-the portfolio to Mr. A. J. Balfour leader of the House, who has accepted it Mr. Balfour la very popular With tbe members of the cabinet. -1 The frail timid boy King, Alphonse aiii, or Spain,: Is developing Into , a strenuous, lively lad, after angering the military and antagonizing the ministry the other day he betook himself to the slums of the city, and there danced the night away with a working glrl.; When his mother remonstrated with him be cause of his. unkingly conduct, , he ordered her from his presence and other wise "sassed" her, so the Madrid . dis patches ssy. ' . .vv ' i" t .'.: r;-:i:i.r,i:'i;4'--(i- ' ri -.-'!', Four masked men held' up the west bound passenger train, -on the Denver ana tuo Uranus road near Chester,-ol4 Mondsy, The passengers were forced o line up along the track had hand over their valuables.- The losses are' very heavy as the victims were nearly . all tourists, and had plenty of money. No capture of the robbers have been made. OABVOniA. t BmisO Th Kini tow Haw Always BotrflW ftigaatoe JTJ TJS7-mZarr of MoaqatCoe aaS Strawberries. Mosquitoes and strawberries make a queer combination certainly, but that is what ths people tu tbe neighborhood of Mount fit. Ellas can boast of in a region of perpetual, ice and .snow. Along the edge of the glacier. It is said, is a strip of , luxurious, vegetation, where strawberry f vlnesT cover the ground for miles' '.V 5"'-'A'!'-"v;"" " Mrnser, Always Keeps It flatty. "My mother suffered s long lime from distressing pain and general 111 health due primarily to indigestion," ssys L, W 8paldlng, Verona, Mo. 'Two years ago I got her, to try Kodol ! She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy sis, eats anything she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has ber bottle of Kodol handy." Don' waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthen the body by digesting your food. Il Is nsture's own tonic F. 8. Dully. ' . , Aa Heaeat Ilor.a Trade. T11 have you arrested for making false representations. I bought that horse of you only because you told me be bad a record." "Very true, but the record is a bad one. tou didn't ask me what klnl rf a record ba tnr jm juwjjr. f. r. mr iraowtneSiirtr t rl ' ' '.-J r '. ; IFYn""" I f ''t mUauxmla MtifcasstsitaaiU" -Ml Wis, .. .ki wi 1. mat li w a glaai aalf fall ol wauraad With this rg W ywix throat t, t U Ui quickly ser Bor Tarea. U'"" MsWll-ii v. f Keep this ' p lact always fresh In your memory: , ! , '' For. Ctits, Hashes anftali Opea 8ote9, you - need onlylo fippl WevlUn; fT) J a few times and tho soreness and inflammation will I i)e conquered and tho Wunded flesh healed. , Tq seethe best results yoa should saturate a pieco i of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. . i ' S5o., 60c and $1.00 a bottle. lrrnilt CVC f)M your poultry and at fa vary first sign of Itttr All tit UW ItoupTscaly Lta, Bumblefoot or otiMT ' diseases among your fowls us Jftenlcnsi Uastang tdalnaent. - MARBLE naOKM UO M - - . r rn w y THE NOBTir AOMJVA State Normal and Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial , ' Pedagogical flusical ' " W III if (Agricultural and cMechanical College. : INDUSTRIAL EDUCATON : A combination of tlteory and practice, of book study snd manual work in p Engineering, Agriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, Hechanlc Arts and Cotton Manufacturing, Full Special Courses (Smos.X ; Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month. SO teachers, 869 students, new building for C00.. .Write tor booklet "A Day at the A, & M. College.; V. - ' ' -" i&i.k Resident GEOVT,' WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C sAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ university: OflSkfiiCafblina, Academic Department ,Xaw, XXcdlcIue, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight' scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. . Loans for the needy, , ;-f. ? ,v 563 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories,' Water Works, Cen- tral Heating System, ."i ' Fall term begin September 8, 100?. Address, - , jrjiK, . ,v FrP. VENABLE, President,- ' - - - ; Chapki Hlu, N. C. DEPARTMENT OF PHARIIACY Mmiti i3ft:;rIlCErc!:3;: ININII INSfaUCTOUS. V Well Equipped Laboratories,1 ' ,Thorougu Work. Fall term brgins'September 8th 1902. V F. n! vrsflrLrrrest., - . r p-iiii'vir.o. nkWndV (ntrnflni ' TUCKER BROS 810 North Front Street, WILMINGTON " - N. V. 1 The place to buy your Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered. , Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. Industrial College. Session opens September 18th. ' Expenses (100 to $140; for non-residents of the Seats $160. Faculty of ra members Practice and Observation School connected with tbe College. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers To secure board in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES a riclVER, ' . GREENSBORO, N. C A) English, Classical, Pclemlflc and Commercial for boys aud young men. - t'eventy-one Hoarding Inpils from t cventeen Counties and two States the past year. A M Hilary r-cliool that is rot a machine: wheie kkkcissct ikstsid or mimbrhs is aorjGHT; where TBUTnrui, manlv, homst boys are wsnted. A tour years Preparatory Course, giving full snd thorough preparation for College or Kor Life, ' Athletics encouraged. Charges reasonable ' Term begins t ept 8rd. Write for illustrated catalogue. . " . ' f 3, E. DEBNAM. Snpl. Courses (4 yearsX Shqrt CouVses (Syear Trinity College, DUBlUat, N. C , Offers 185 graduate and undergradu- ate courses nf study, , New library fa cilities, . laboratory equipments and gymnasium. " Number s of strident doubled in 8 years. , Large number of scholarships swarded annually.' Loans made to worthy students. , ; Expenses very modeiate. " ' 'S:"'' ' , For catalogue Sddres S4:i,:s.J.,W,.NEWtJ(M, v 'V i Registrar. NOTICE. . On August 1st 1902, twill sell at the Court House door. In New Bern, N. C. to the highest , bidder for cash, at 19 o'clock : m;, the; following described notes and mortgage: Two notes under seal dated January 21st 1807, due respec tively on January 1st 1808 and January lit 1890. Face vslue $200,00 each, signed by J. F, Rswls, payable to Eddie W. Rawla, with power of sale and foreclos ure. 8ee book 18 page 550 and hook S3 ?age 63? In the register of deeds ofDce of 'amllco county, N. C. , ' Wlf. RVLTIR, Agt. June 21 1903. L::j!!.i The undersigned will make you a Loan or will direct the use of any idle money yon may have on hand, Your e?cv.rity absolute, r ic !,I3AACII. eniTii, inoi':::3-t, re iv.-.?, r,o.

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