r f a. i yolomi xxv. HW IIM, CIAYXH COUHTT, I. C, TUCSDAY.JULY 22, 190t. FIRST 8ICTI0S. HUM BR 11 32 t i 1 mm... Great Prcpintlons For JSe Fire men's TonrnimeuL ": "- - flSWSet Aside by the Itato Fair Association. . Insurance' Cess- : paaies Making Money. A . . Compromise Affected t la the Crteret , . . - Pablle.Laal ' 1 -: . Ralkiqh, July. 10. Director Cross lands of the penitentiary, who feu re turned from ft visit to the State farm Mr Weldon says the erode are wry fine. Tba ralna. (there are 'seasona ble. .; ". - , k Great preparations are la progress here for the State firemen's tournament nest week. The races wHJ take place on BlUsboro street, beginning on block west of the capltoL , A grand stand with a capacity of 1,000 ha been built opposite the finish point. Forty-fife companies will be here. . ., . . ' ' The corporation commission has. It Is understood, valued the Charlotte street railway at $'J35.00O-and the AshcTllle street railways at 1900,000, It Is as serted that street railways are asseesed really higher . than any other prop erty. ; . " '' ' ?.-: QoTernor ; Ayoock,; today : granted another respite to Richard Blanton, the negro under sentence of death at Salis bury. The respite is until August 5. Blanton Is In the penitentiary hare, where he was brought Immediately after the first respite. The case Is a knotty one. It is said the evidence against Blanton is by no means conclusive. The State Board of Agriculture hat set apart $1500 for special premiums at the State Fair. It reduced the amount to $760 at its June meeting, but now In creases It ' Insurance Commissioner J. R. Toung r asys both the life end fire Insurance com panics are making money la this State. He says the new law against Incendiar ism , is working admirably A' down convicted under this law are serving terms. ' Two rewards are now outotand- . Ing. He has two detectlvee hi the field. Last autumn Capt. William Ward of tba Pacific Mall Steamer. City of Rio de Janeiro was drowned a Saa Francisco, his vessel having struck a rock during a fog and sunk. His body was recOTeied this week and Is now on the way here for burial. His brothers, . both promt nent business men and his two sisters lire here. The Bute Board of Education has ef fected a compromise of a ease involving public lands In Carteret county with the Roper Lumber Company and today gave : a deed for part of tba lands In dispute. An application is made to . the State for a large number of tents for use at a Confederate veterans' encampment at . Guilford Court House battle-ground near Greensboro. ; . The board of education has deferred action In regard to the dispute as to aa option on a large body of the State's swamp lands la Brunswick county. The amount of excess Of appropria- . Uons made by the last Legislature ever the actual receipts under the new. reve nue law for 10014 !a f 430,000. It had ' been estimated ss high as $700,000. - John S. Cunningham of Parson coun ty, of the board of Agriculture says the tobacco crop Is s good one, and that ex tra care Is being given It He saya the quality of the leaf la high. He looks for good prices, at there Is a small stock left w over, the demand Is Increasing all the While, and there will be competition by four of the great buying and manufac turing companies.' He says there lea ' growing scarcity of labor and that Im proved " machinery must . be used , to take the place of this labor as far i possible. -.iW'C ? :, t '.'-:-rJ ' -! ' . Majtiamd, Kla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Beltl- v.: more, Md. '. , ' ' .7;. Gentlemen: I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies : prescribed by various physicians, but to nothing has the dlsesse yielded so read ily at to Liquid Sulphur. ' I think If used properly It Is undoubtedly a sped- . flo for Eczema.' I have prescribed It for others with most satisfactory results. : consider It the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and - regard it as the greatest medical dlscoy- . ' ery of the age, . . - . - Respectfully yours, ' - . . s W. A HEARD, M. D, For sale at F. 8. Duffy's."" ! i Call Democratic Committee, Special to Journal.' ' ' ; .: Ralkicth, July 81. Democratic State Chairman F. M. Simmons today '. called the Bute Executive Committee to meet here, Tuesday, August 6th, for the pur pose of electing a chairman, secretary and central committee L ' i ; Prickly heat cure J laot1 by usjng of KuacocVs LI., . It will also cure r """i, Fe t, let, Ringworm, DiviKu ii t, C. " i, Old Pores, and a'.l '.!a t; ' thort t' ve, ' ,i u- . ) t' sale at F. & " -'s I 3 t" ore. Nation Jphur. Plmp- l arns. i la 1. Tor ci''s to r' of I . r r , '. 11 1 - ti;. "'yl-.'y. r.' BJtEYITIES. The seooad forest fire la laid to have been started In Bladen county. There were two Area raging Saturday. The first ana destroyed about 10 miles of trees. The damage can hardly be estimated but It will be great . The temperance people of Norfolk are nuking vigorous efforts to have that Many negroes are leaving Winston, N a and settling In Ohio. Last Sunday four carloads left that city. . .. . A new legal holiday has been placed upon the calendar. After II o'clock, noon Saturdays is regarded by, the trader Ma half holiday. . - XUnabeth, City Is to have govern ment banding to cost $180,000. The new - torpedo boat destroyer, Whipple, was given an official test Sat urday and the result Is vary satisfactory. It exceeds the expectations of the Navy department and Is said to ' be the best of its class In the world. - It Is reported that a Republican news paper will be started la Newport News about September 1. nenator at. A. Han na Is Interested In It. - : The uniform of the United States army is to be changed front blue to olive green.' This move is evidently to catch the Irish. : : r;-. Hilary A. Herbert, secretary of the navy under President Cleveland la very sick with typhoid fever at Washington, D. C and It is hardly expected that be will live. - v. Three persons have been arrested In Beaufort county for the murder of John O. Caton last February. They are said to be moonshiners. Caton was to have gone to Washington, D. C, the day af ter his murder to give soma damaging evidence against the moonshiners. J. S. Du berry, a naughty Inspector of immigrants, has . been fired by the Secretary of the Treasury, for alleged discourtesy to ladies travelling between the United States and Canada, 1 Twenty-two hundred miners ; laborers are on strike In Jacksonville, ; because employers will not accede to a demand for an eight hour day. Pope Leo, Is highly displeased with the conduct of the Oommlaalon of Card! nals in the negotiations with Judge Taft on the Friar matter In the Philippines, and has annulled their proceedure. His Holiness expresses a desire to treat with Taft, personally. , , - -:. " John M. Rand, a sharper, bought $3,- 000 worth of goods of Wilmington mer chants for which he gave checks, often receiving change. Rand was very popu lar and the kserchants vied with... each other In their attentions to him. Presents of umbrellas, canes and many other gifts were showered upon htm. Rand disappeared and the merchants awoke to the fact that they bad been "soaked". The people of New York, were awak ened by aa earthquake shock ' on the morning of the 18th. ' Late cable dispatches announce that If aria Henrlette, Queen of the Belglanu, U dying. :v;: ,1 It hi officially announced that tba eoro nation of King Edward wilt take place August 9th. The health of the King vary much Improved, and a bulletin from Cowea, Isle of Wright, saya that he Is able to pass the greater part of the day oa tba deck of his yacht. - lllning superintendents, predict that owing to the continued strike In the an thraclte coal regions, ooal wilV be, yery scarce and high next winter, and (that there will be much suffering for want of fuel In the large cltlee, should the. striks end within a month, still there wouH be a shortage that could not be auppMedV The Ylrglnlan-PUot Publish lag Com pany of Norfolk, Ya hu been sued for $10,000 for alleged slander by the solici tor of the county.' The grievance lies In the criticism of anOtorlal concerning the release of the murderer Osborne, :,. Hamond Bun Mohamad, Bultaa of Zanzibar la dead. The Sultan baa ruled since 1888. Everything In Zanzibar la reported quiet. WHhe!m!na,the Queen of the Dutch la so far recovered that aha can return to her home. The Queen left Castle Schaunburg, Saturday. vi : " . 'Dispatches front Qaeenstown 'an nounce that tbo Red Star Liner Belger land, which sailed from Philadelphia on July 5th, has not been sighted, although due last Wednesday. ' Lyons, a small town In Tattnall coun ty Georgia, was entirely destroyed by fire on the night of 17th. : The British government declines to s 1 ho:1 s the American prisoners of r ' '.' '.f. 1 crtiuei in For'.i Af.'.j, , ; ' -31" " -st en -.sto ; .1. TELEGRAPHIC reoognlsed by the United States, Great Britain, France, Spain, BwlUerland, Hay tl, Nloarauga. Costa Rica aad Gaute- k She rapidly taking her putce In the family of natlona. - - ARAPAHOE. July 11. The weather Is dry snd hot but the erope are fine. The sick people of this place are Im proving. M r. E K Philips' baby Is con valescent also, much to the Joy of her parents.- "' " :--v - ' - .' Bethany Sunday School wm give iu annual plcalo next SaUrday the 28th at Dawson's Creek. Other Sunday Schools of this section have been invited to Join In making It a day of merriment.- Rev J L Rumley filled his regular ap pointment at this place Sunday; a good audience greeted hkn. ' ' "c ' Kr and Mrs N F BenneU, lOsses Ua- sle Hardlson. Annie Harper and Messrs. Jno. Hardy. Thaddeus Brlnson and Geo. R Harper went to Olympla Sunday to attend the services conducted by Rev. D H Petree. They report a pleasant trip. The school committee, are' having twenty-five double desks made to accom modate the large number of children now aTtendlna- the public school. We learn that about 106 have been enrolled. This speaks well for the educational in terest of our place. - - Usa Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff, and all skin diseases. For sale at F. S. Duffy's. TO CAMPAIGN OUTSIDE. Congressman Thomas Speaks In Other Ms trfcts. At Work en Rural Free Delivery Routes. Representative Charles R. Thomas of the Third Congressional District has been invited , by , the Democratic Con gressional Committee to deliver a num ber of speeches in the Northern and Western Congressional Districts from September 1st, to November. 1st This invitation emlnating from the National Committee to participate in the Con gressional and National 'campaign In other States Is a high compliment to the Representative, from the Third Dis trict Mr. Thomas will endeavor to comply with this request so far at may be possible and consistent with his du ties In the campaign for the Democratic party in his own State and District The Rural Tree Delivery Inspector, Mr. Veaiey, is now in the, Third Con rressional District under orders from the Post Office Department from Wash tugton and Is instructed to investigate routes in a number of Counties in this District This Is evidence of the fact that Congressman Thomas la still ac tively at work for the interests of his District now as he has heretofore been.' v:- t . -::'" ' . Snake Reported as Alive. A report gained circulation that the rattlesnake In the church yard on Church alley had been kllled,and In consequence the festive denizens of that notorious re treat, have been making the nights live ly, with their discussions and settlement of family and neighborhood affairs, as of old. The office boy and a tourist printer are authority that the snake Is still alive. -r. Fresh Grape-Nuts, Postum Cereal, Saratoga Chips and tOat Flakes at J. R. Parker, Jrs. . Chocolates 30o per pound at McSorloy Freth Baked Cakes and Crackers, aa follows S o'clock teas, Butter-thins Bet tines Graham Wafers social teas, Zu Zu 8nsps, Lemon A Orange Wafers, Smyrna Figs etc. ; , : J, R, Parker Jr. North . Carolina, . Virginia - Country Hama, Sugar cured Hams, Shoulders & Breakfast Strips just received at J.R. Parker Jr. - -r!"v:-:rvS ;. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey is ;the best MiddhTstreet-w -' i r Don't fail to try our 40 cent Tee. it la a goer and pleases them all at J. R. Par ker Jr. " OLYKPIA. - . . . ..1-.,. V -v July SI. It we could have a Uttle more rain wa would not feel so : Bad about our crops, they need rain, badly. Sunday was the regular, appointment for Rev. D. H. Petree aad he gave as an able eermon tbia trip. Prof. R C and Miss Lena Holton were home from Arapahoe overSunday bring Ing friends Miss Lizzie Hardison, Mrs. Annie Harper and Master George Harper utners visiting Olympla Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. N H Bennett, Mr. Thadeus Brlnson and Mr. John Hardy. 1 Mr. V. D. Albln of Aurora was In our midst Sunday accompanied by Mr. L. W Dunn who hu come home to spend few weeks. He has been making Aurora his home for soma time past We are very glad to .have Mr., Dona home again, vms .-'.i,..-' 5 '. -i -ifs :-- Mr. H. 8. Holton hue very good crop of csntalopee this year, he gathers a wtgon load every other day, he has the ever bearing It seems. o nr 2IA .r I... 1 f j j f MoHTELMElTliRU. Asked For All But Durham Sub dued Fire. Thirty T we Cempetiters at Raleigh Firemen's Tournament Death af San af tieneral Teen. Geverner ' Escapes Front Public flew.,.,. . Ralxioh, July 81. About 10 o'clock last night Chief Lumsden of the Raleigh fire department received ta telephone message bom Surhanv-askfHgfor the aid of the department, ei a dangerous fire was In progress. A special train was ordered and the loading of hose snd a hose wagon, etc, was begun, when another message came, caying the fire was under control. The tobacco prize housee and a dwelling were burned. President James D. McNeill of the State Fireman's Assoclstlon arrived here yesterday and is looking after mat ten connected with the meeting of the association tomorrow, also with the tournament, which begins Wsdnesdsy. He says that 89 teams or companies will compete In the various even's. .Yesterday and Saturday the tempera ture here was over 101 degrees at the weather bureau, while nearer the ground level the temperature ranged often from 10S to 104. The strong breeze yesterdsy wss the only relief. Last night It wss about a gale. Rains fell st many parts in this section; none here. Crops need rain quite badly. The dry winds are hard on them. Thomas F. Toon, oldest Bon of Gen. T. F. Toon, was found dead In bed yes terday morning at his home at Atlanta. Heart disease caused death. He was here last February at the funeral of hit lather, Who died while State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Mr, Toon was 32 years old. He leaves a wife and child. Governor Aycock went with the State board, of internal Improvements, of which he is the president, on the trip of Inspection of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad.. Officials here said they did not know where he had gone, but thought It was to Seven Springs. Even private Secretary Pearsall said he did not know where the Governor had gone. The trustees of the "Agrrccntaral and Mechanical College met here this morn ing. President Winston of the College urged that provision be made for a cen tral heating plant, and asked the trus tees to advance the money for It. The A. B. Carrington Tobacco Com pany of Wilson, is authorized by the State to change its name to tbo venable ITobacco Company. Take a bath In Hancock's Liquid Bui phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Bprlngs, having the additional advantage of. being made anv desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin die eases. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. H. 8. Bradshaw is visiting in Hillsboro. Dr. R. F. Butler Is visiting relatives in Philadelphia. v Mr. 8. J. Lane, of Yanceboro was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. E. Benton has returned from trip to Seven Bpiings, . ' United States Senator F. M. Simmons, is a visitor In the city. ' Mr. W. E. Brown of Ysnceboro was in the city yesterday. . Mr. Charles H. Fowler, of Stonewall, was in the City yesterdsy. Mrs. R.' 8.' Primrose went down to Beaufort yesterday morning. ; Mrs. H. E. Royall and child left yes terday to visit friends st Klnstoo. Mr. John Garrett went up to Elnston yesterdsy to spend a few days. . 1 Mr. 8. Coplon, of Durham, formerly of this city, Is here on a visit ; , Mr. A. St Holden, of Wilmington, re presenting the Lindner Shoe Co. is In the city. Messrs G. H. Roberts and E. H. Mead ows returned from Morobead City yes terday. , i Mr. Will Swan of Stonewall, was in the city yesterday attending a rail road meeting. - - , ' i , Mr. H. P. Harding, Superintendent Graded School of New Bern has gone to Greenville. N, C . Mr. James G. Blades and son, Vernon of Elizabeth City are spending a few days In the city. Mrs, William Lorch and Miss Lucy Brlman went to Seven Bprlngs yester day to pass the summer. . , ' ; Rev. H. 0. Moore left last evening to visit at his old home In Globe. He Is tak ing his vacation and will be gone till the last of August -; - -;: Congressman Charles R. Thomas hu returned from the State Convention, and u were all others, he is full of praises for the way Greensboro treated Its visi tors, ' - " ; Mr. Howard Styron left ' yesterday evening on the steamer Nouse forPhila- do'pLIa, where he will reside in the fu ture. V.t, Etyian has accepted a position m ' i t!.e E'-t'cs Lumber Company, and Pore and Sweat are the Skin, Scalp, . and Hair of Infanta Purified and Beautified by r AJOSa can Ccnorma Soar, as listed by Ounccaa Onrrnmxr, for preserving, porifrlng, and beautify ing the tUn, for cleansing the scalp, and the stopping of falling hair, lor softening, whitening, aad soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby raihea, itchlngs, md ehafingt, and for all pat-poses of the toilet, ' bath, and nonery. Millions of Women 1 Cunoona Boar in baths for annoying irritations and Inflammations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many san ative, antiseptic purposes whioh readily suggest themselves to women. Complete Treatment. $1. Cuticoba Soap (Mo.), to cleanse the skin of Ainflta And aft&lea mxta floften the thickened cuticle, Ctmcuaa Oixtmnt (SOc.), to ln- canuy bust ihuudk ,nu iluwubluvu, .uw soothe and heal, and OtmcuBA ResolvbkT Pills (Sto.), to cool and cleanse the blood. ChmonnA RsiOLViaT rm (gnoeolat Coated) are a new, tarteleu, edorlen, eeonom. leal nUUtate for the etobrtd liquid OtmcrjaA Bw.TMT,afweU a for aU other blood pnrinera and homoaaenrM. In aerew-eap TiaU, oontaln lag SO doaea, prist 26e. SoM Simifhoat th wW. Brta.lt VrpcOT-x, CbuMrhovM Ba., Ltiadoa. rmeh Ipoi laud, u Pus. Pwla. Forna Dwoa and Catu. Cobp., Sole ItorBortoa,D.S.A. AUabnta,Skl,fiea THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv adby J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N.O. Chicago, July 21. Whbatj Open. High. Low. CIobc July.... Sept... . 77 77 75J 73 72 71J 'Open. High. Low, 75i 711 Close 051 Oohh: July Sept.. .. 87i 608 Open, 671 61 High. 65 60 Rlbs:- Low. Close Sept . 1070 1079 1067, 1070 Naw Yobx, July 31. COTTOHi Open. High. Low. Close July Aug Sep Oct Dec , 8.71 , 8.50 , 8.16 .7.04 ,7.83 8.73 8.53 8.16 7.M 7.84 8.70 8.47 8.14 7.91 7.80 8.70 8.49 8.15 7.92 7.80 New York, July 21. Open. High. Low. Close Stocks; 80 Ry ... 39 40 55 114 87 41 '55 115 69f 11 U.S. 8... 41 55 115 40 C. &0.. Mo. P.. YO C. 114 A. C. O Am Ice. ...55 ... 11 ,,, Uerpool Spots 5.8-32. Bales 8,000 bales. Futures, July-Ausj. 4.53. Aug-Sept, 4.53.Hept-Oct 4.32. rOBT REOKIFTS. - Same veek last year. Last week . 15,000 Thlseec. 62,000 In sight 48,000 Bat. . , 1000 Mon. " 5000 Tuea. Wed. 65,000 8000 6000 6000 8000 Thurs. 4000 3000 Frl. 25,000 Afrl-Kola is still gaining popularity with all who try It. It Is good for nervousness and headache. Bottled by the Crown Bottling Works and sold for 60c ts per box, 2doi bottles. Leo J Taylor Prop., Oorner Queen and Born streets, Phone 105. " W. B, Lane for Lefislature. 5 Ninth Township, Craven Co. " Mr. Editor Since the time appointed for our Democratic primaries Is drawing nea,I desire to suggest W. B.Lane, Esq- ss a candidate for the legislature. He is well known to the entire peoplo of our county, is popular, and magnetic, possessed of line Judgment, has hsd some experience in legislative bodies, and in fact is possessed of the many qualifications essential to a good law maker. Furthermore it hu heretofore been the custom of our party to select a representative for the' General Assembly from outside of our city and It is cer tainly not the proper time now to depart from that custom. ' , Brethertt, we call, and earnestly ask every good Democrat In the county to vote for W. B. Lane on the third day of September and elect him and we will al ffffl? Gar VoIgjtVt Nnow Drift an J Whit Frost New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef. , Small Pig Ilams-and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California HaniB. 1 - ' '- ' Codfish, Irislt-Potatoes and Onione, Qrape.Nuts. ..... Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbcrif. . , , . 1 Potted and Canned Meats. Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 30o lb. ; ' ,t imam. vi Eii yjvDuinua) avv..f 'Phone 01. TlQBroad HU g V- Tea Excellence. You Need Tea that will have quality and provide you a pure beverage in which you can take pleas ure. Here's a tea from a famous . plantation where care is given to have'purity in the growth, cleanness in the curing, and care in the packing. .J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone (37 m CLEANLINESS, ' 4S 4 Our drinks can only be the Best, when the - Best of Ex tracts and other Ingredients of the Highest Quality are used to make them perfection. ' . , 4a All of our drinks are put up on Scientific Principles and 2 4 with tne Very Latest improved macmnery. - ' i One Trial of Our goods will make you a permanent custo mer. , . ' . ' 4! CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, il a JJEE PHONE 105. 4M. . All persons who have any thing in theMillinery Line will do well to SEE MISS PAKKER before buying. I have decided to close out the entire stock AT PRICES, NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF.,' Everything must go, including New line of Ribbons just in. ' 1 Respectfully, -' ' ' J. J. BAXTHB. ' Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn llowers, IceJCream . Freezers, Ice Shavers. 1,,J f ' ' A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Enamels in Gold, Silver and Alluminum. ' J ' , V A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. s Our goods as represented,' TRICES THELOYfTTT. , " '' Give us yonir orders. ' , ; v 11?. : ' Loao. Flour Wholesale & Iletall Grocer, V QUALITY, I PERFECTION the itto of k Crra Mi Ws.' I TAYI.OK, Proprn Cor. Queen k Bern Sts. i i it 111 1 3 1' c!r representative at rhlladol- ways bo proud of our selection,