vo:.iAirAinrnisingN WTSfcFOR FARMERS AVbgetaUe Preparalion ror As similating ateFoodandBegula Ung the Sloioads and lk:is of J. Promotes DigesUoTiheerTur fiess and Rest .Con tains neither Opkm.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic, . T Wl..W- ; . Aperfeci Remedy forConslloa non, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions Teverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. if, Fm Simile Signature of r" . NEW "YORK. 1 1 1 exact copy or wra pper. A Terror Comes to Grief, t i ' Mr. Ben Henderson a young man of convivial habits, but of very uncertain temper, and who halls from Onslow day: . It Is said that Mr. Henderson's animal splrlta rise in the same proportion that . he puts the ardent spirit! down, until at a certain stage his passion break! forth In paroxylsma, most awful to behold. In fact he makes no secret , that he Is the unlerrlfied ''bully" of Onslow county. , Yesterday while at dinner In a col- , ored restaurant on Middle street he be came offended, at some error in the ' cuisine, and his passion at once passed ' beyond control.. With blood curdling ', oaths, he Informed the old woman of his ! ability to accomplish most , wonderful , feats, reminded her that he was a very , bad man, and proposed to makeadem 1 nnstratlon, advancing npon sthe reatau ranter. .. y , . - .. . -r j . The old woman very bravely held the "bad man" at bay with a chair until Po liceman Griffin came on the scene, and -", lowed to cool at the clty'a- accommoca- 'live hall last night. r-'- ttodol Dyspepsia Ccire Digests what vou eat A IHaappolated Keartaoadaa. ' At the time when John G. Carlisle Was senator from Kentucky his speeches were widely printed and at- t ....... A.'AMin. j4i.nl .ffonHnti Ana dny when the senate was In session a mountaineer from the wildest wilds of - Kentucky presented himself at the door and asked to see Senator Carlisle, fho visitor wore homespun and leather toots nnd waB travel stained and dus ty. Ho explained that he had read Mr. ' Carlisle's speeches and considered ' them great, and had walked more than a hundred miles in order to see the senator from his state. Mr. Carlisle was bnsy at the time, and the clerk In formed the visitor that he could not be disturbed. The farmer looked disap pointed and seemed reluctant to de part Finally be asked If he might be taken '-wbere be could ijust catch a glimpse of the great man be had walked so far to see. The request was grand ed, ana Mr. uarusie was pointed our to him. After a brief scrutiny the farmer turned to the attendant: "Reads s heap better'n be looks," he . to walk back home. New Ysrk Times. HERE'S A DAQY IT MOTHKB IS WKIX. Tb. baLf hralthy bacsiM durinc fatmtloji IU nuke and tM fmit subl Mother's Friend. Mother. FrlaM ll oothlnir, tohwninv, ntaa ing oil, a mucle maker, tnvUoirator and ir.iiea ,ir. It put. b power Into your back aud hut. A coming mother mba It m from tha outftUi. with her own pretty finfrera, no doelng and swallowing el niutjr druga aa inalda treatment at all. Tha atate of the wtnlii.r. Carina" rettatloa mar Infl'ienre thediK,.u n end wlio.e future of the cliiuli thttt i. why mtliera .Vtoutd wakh their cm iUn and fi.-e li 4 tMm pein. Iter tteHiih, that of tiia ci. i end tiir lives, depend on eeetH'B. free from torture, worry and rrtin rltoly. 1 of good rhwr, rnn ti huMrt DHnrefol mind. t''fit'Ht ,1 li.c.i r:in at.d wii fit Ke you lien.f 0'iwn 1. liHimiti. knnse, aorenee. of lifwt etui t, :,i.ma at Htl r- -t-vrA end diminibimt i f t . ri'inosy tmcki-d by two acora yet, ot eucvee.. t(f O. Send tur our book Mottorhoodr-r TXX L.tACrULD REZVLATCX CO. ATUHTA, . I a(u-u, f3kT . , ?7V 1 " s h vii - : .1 ' For Infants and Children. Th2 1!!:.-' Yy Hava Bears the Signature of. Use For Over ' tNI etWTaVVft MMNir, eM WW WeTf. 1 FREE RURAL DELIVERY. Prospects Good Fort Route to Jasper, ' Lima sad BellaJr. Special agent Yeany and postmaster Hancock drove to Bellalr Thursday to locate a free rural delivery routs. The proposed route will lake In Jasper and Lima and It will also take In the road leading past the Oaks Farm. The roots like all free rural delivery routes will be 28 miles In extent Thli Will be s good change for the people living along thli Iras and should be regarded with pleasure" as a step for ward, They will receive their mall reg ularly and It will be delivered at their door free of charge. It will enable them to get thejr dally news almost If sot quite 84 hours earlier than hereto fore.'",' V' . ' ' The special agent will make his report to the department regarding this routs and the result will be known here before many days. ;" " Fred Smith, s lineman employed by the Henderson Telephone Co. was over come bv the heat Thursday while at work near Klnaton. v He recovered sum clenlly to go to work Friday morning. Dra. F. W. Hughes and Charlei Duffy performed a very difficult operation upon the little aoa of Mr. Alfred OheSey yesterday, the disease being membran ous croup. The operation was success ful. ' ' - . ! A negro woralng In the woods for H 0. McKeel was brought Into the city vesterdar mornlnc suffering from s broken ankle. The accident was caused by a lot rolllns- on his foot Dr. Jones reduced the fracture. . Mr. B. B. Davenport returned Thurs day from s trip through Pamlico county and saya that the reports about the big crops there can all be verified. The farmer! are all highly pleased with the prospects of large harvest which noth ing now can prevent but a storm. Cora cotton and potatoes are the principal cropa Sow. r t , , ! At a special meeting of the City Coun ell Thursday evening, Mr. R. B. Nixon, attorney- for the International Telephone Co., appeared before the board and pre sented two- requests, oonsesslons not ntd In the franchise which wai voted - pon last week. Ths company - want! , :rmtBBlor to erect terminal otdlstrlbut 1.2 plss In the city, and V redaction In wte mmwnl of the bond is-abo rsquested lierebetnf no quorum When the vote usu taken the question will be decided sythe next msetrng. The Trustee of the New Bern Acade my held a special meeting yesterday si' ternoosuV ;-t-?.l' The Trustees created a sew office, thai of Asalstaat Principal ttf the white Graded School, and elected MUi Mary 8 Browa to fill the position. Mba Brown to at present in Minnesota aad was notified by telegraph ' of her election. k ."'''V; Miss EtU Nunn of this city, and Miss Katharine Pace, of Wilson, were elected teachers for the white Graded School, by the Trustees. - - - hOTCd The Queer.' D. B. Johnson, a white man of Jack' sonvllleV Onslow county, vu arrested yesterday by United States Marshal, H, W. Jewell for passing silver dollars on different merchants at Jacksonville, N O. At a preliminary examination before United States Commissioner 0. B. Hill yesterday evening,- Johnsoa was re quire to give a $1000. Justified bond for hla appearance at the next term of t United States District Court aad In da fault of sams was committed to Craven county jail. Johnson la an old offender having served a term In the penitentiary for a similar offence. He la a man 70 y ars of r-s. The money Is s clever 1ml i "on of t'.9"ver dollar. . m -M!t In 11 w AS! , Thirty Years A rtMmor R- 1 Bats ars Cotrery end ptcrnrssqw sn4 Os fad for strssmera In thssck Increases, . Ths charming afternoos hat UloatraUd U of toeantrktraw, trimmed wltll rows of pink roses. A oasAii sraaw Aim rax boms. band of black velvet encircles the crown, and a big gold buckle, orna ments ths front Pink roses are placed net the hair under the' brim, and Ions loops and Streamers of black velvet . . nans; oowo us nacs. ew xora mail aaftKxpressv''''- '-"" -.. Llaamsrs Tm Wkltt Pwnm - The question of a lining- Is perplex. fng one to the women who dresses lit white, for the llnlna costs more than the gown, and to line a fifteen cent cot ton means ' something when viewed from the standpoint of the pocket book. As for the lining, It is a matter that earihot be Ignored. Ail or very nearly all of the summer goods are transpar ent and the lining la distinctly visible, painfully so sometimes. Of course It la possible to use the plain cotton linings, just as one would with any other gown,' but these lin lngs do not show up well, and they add nothing to the beauty of the dress. If you cannot afford to line well, 1 then do not get a transparent dress, so the modistes advise. And they send their customers back to exchange dress patterns that show the lining too plain ASastabI Tacbtlnst Coataoaea. The dressmakers and tailors have this year made yachting costumes that are also suitable for .. traveling and walking. '' These have an etamine or mohair skirt and a waist of different material satin foulard,'' checked silk, lnduv silk or batiste.' - These are not the familiar waists with plaited front and pointed yoke back, a style rele gated to . various fancy, cottons and waah silks, but , are. made In rather fanciful fashion with a fluffy front. Gibson or seamless French back,' bell sleeves with small puffed undersleeves and a girdlelike finish that is not too wide to give a slender effect New York Evening Post. 1 J. . ' A Bial Blaaae. The blouse given in the sketch Is of black and white figured foulard. The collar piece Is made with straps and edged with two narrow white bands of ' ' BLACK AKD WE7TB FOUUXD. - taffeta, from under which cornea white taffeta ribbon tied in a pretty bow, with the ends IncrUsted with lace de signs.' The chemisette and collar band are of filet lace, and the cuffs are made to match the collar piece. Philadel phia Ledger;:": Tivy'' . ,. " "'A ?';. Faaaiaaaala Tata la Xackwaaft : If yon can secure a lace neck yoke with a high standing collar attached to it; you will have tha most fashion, able thing going In the way of neck wear. The stocks come in both black and white lace, and the upper, edge may be finished with a narrow, black cord or with the smallest of chiffon ruches. - ,: ? ' While tha standing lace stocks lead In favor, there are others. One of these Is the stock composed of folds of silk neatly laid one above the other. At tha throat there la a bow of silk with lace sndsr This, while not atrlctly novej, Is very mucn worn. ' ".' . . o. a.-... .tsv -v ' Fruit and fruit and blossoms are seen on many of the summer bata, Currants are first favorite. The harmonies of tints are wonderful. Blue and mauve are becomingly blended, and roses are made In every possible shade, cendre tray being a favorite hoe. . ' ! DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the masterly power of "South Amsbicax Nkrvimi Toxto," Invalids seed suffer no longer, because this great remedy can cure them all. It Is a cure for the whole , world of stomach weakness and Indigestion. The cure bi"lni with the first dose. The re l'df It tangs is marvelous and surprising I , makrts no failure; never disappoints. No matter how long yon have suilered. vour r"re is curtain under the use of this S"" ,t 1 ! ,,h-rv' force. Pleasant and r.Aays tutd. tuiJ by 0, D. Lradham ) 1 - iDrn'Bfc -. rkas .Yawiema- rr.eaaaa. Trm tm Tim U Flak Cauacht, XESrSalmon caught in the seines and rretasjolbroaghti totho; cannery Irbufceonted aiMLthrownilnto heaps. IClilnajneniarefmoaUT.i employed; for lut.operatlonAp'hex.'take each fulaAcntI.theibead,atPand,flna, re- mot (Ttheen trails n pro tno" rest tt lheanlmarto!aVltu.rNext the ftih . Iskwssheor antriiiacea n te. tronsn. !Where,several';knlves, acting .after the tnannefl.of a teed cutter,, slice It' Into Sections exactly, as long sa the height of can. These sections Ttre set on end and split into three pieces, one piece large enough to fill the can, while the others ar smaller. SThe fragments are thernplaced on tables, and the Chi namen fit them Into the cansKext the covers.'are put on 'the' cans and sol dered. After being soldered the cans are put Into hot water and watched in order to sear If, any. 'rabble rise, indicating !eoJcs.Tboeet,which endure this test arocceasfullyretplaced in an Iron tank andsboUed-lnsaltCwater. alt water is. nsedt In: preference.' to fresh because It can-be raised to higher temperature. After boiling for an hour and a quarter each can Is "vented." This means that a . hole Is punched In Its top to permit the. expanded air to escape. Then the hole la soldered op, and the cooking Is Uhlshed by,.fnrther boiling la salt wa ter for 'an hour and a. half. If they were not1 "vented," this second cooking Would burst the cans. Finally each can is lestea oy, tapping u on me nenu with at big naiL It leaky, It will usual- 17, &ive back a "tinny" sound. A PrUme fey IMeceaaeal. "I have bought a hot which I am transforming into a palace," said a wo man. "Ton see, I bad acquired a mania for buying the lnsides of fine old homes about to be torn down, and had filled my city apartment with all that it would stand, besides putting a good deal In storage. Yet I kept on buying. One day I came across a well built but plainly furnished bouse on Staten Island.which I could. buy for a small price. 'At once I had visions of that house as It would look trans formed by, 'my fine old carved woods, marbles, tiles and mirrors. Mentally did It up to such a degree of attractive ness that I Just bad to purchase it The results are justifying my expectations. Kverjkone who enters gives an excla mation of surprise and admiration, and I'm not through yet The Interior finish of my bouse cost originally tens of thousands of dollars and came from all parts of tho globe. I got it for almost nothing." New York Press. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active energetio man with a torpid liver and you may know that his food; or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew his vitality, Im prove his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 25 cents. Samples J free at F. S. Duffy & Cos drug store. Sweetheartta" la Chorea. , Speaking of the custom which was once widely spread of making men sit In a different part of the church from the women,an English minister was told the following anecdote by a Gloucestershire rector; "I remember when I was a boy a young couple com ing Into the church here on m' Sunday; afternoon and seating themselves to gether on the women's side. The man was soon turned out of his scat bythe verger, with the remark, uttered" In nn audible voice, We don't have no sweet hearting here.' "London Tit-Bits. Hot That Ktad. The Impecunious artist jras speaking of a new model he hadtsecured 'for-a great work he was preparing. "Does she lend" herself J.ti tho, sub ject?" Inquired a dilettante who loved art for art's sake. "I should say not ,' replied .the artist, who bad got his start as a Bign painter. 'She chargea $2 an hour." New, York Herald. ; v All Rlft-at Otherwise. ; Lawyer (drawing up marriage settle ment between American heiress land Impoverished - foreign - nobleman) There, I think we have-It right now, to a dot ' " -. ' . - " ' Count Boylon de Bakkovisnek (pros pective bridegroom) Bare, I pref air so Inkllsh word "dowry.'r-Chlcago Trib- sne. Flsrarea Doat Lie.' Brown You only fifty! That's a good onel ' . ' White My daughter says.she Is. only twenty -six, and she was born .two ears after I was marrled.and,llwas married at twenty-two.. Figure it lout M - . n t. m l. t I ' . iur yuurseu. jhibiuu -xruuat.r'1"- . TOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula la plainly printed on every bottle showing that Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 68c , Tha Comltlaoaat Wife.1 Mrs, Muggins Your husbandaseems like a mnn of rare good taste and ex cellent judgment Mrs. Bugglns Of course. OtheTsvlse he wouldn't have wanted toimarryime. "-Philadelphia ltecord. , Ambltlona Yoath. v '. ) . Papa And when you grow up1 would you like to be a captain of industry r Johnny Naw I I'd rudder be captain of de baseball team. New York Her ald. ' ' , The white poplar can be used as natural lightning rod. " ' If a Man Lie to You, And say some other salve, ointment. lotion, oil or alleged healer la as good as Bucklcn'a Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of riles.Burns, Bolls, Corns, Felons, ? Ulcers, . Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove It's the best and cheapest. 2"c.Jat C. D. Bradham'i drug store. ' ' Dakiar Laaabev. Jarosslng the aheep department of the Iowa! experiment station, C, P. Beynoldsjseys In The Drovers' Journal: E treatment gets careful attention ies,x Commonly the lambs are two or three weeks old before docking." The instrument used Is s knlf afcwlth a sharp edge In the hands of a careful man. As s rule, the tall Is cut to a1 jenxtn of one ana one-nan i ... - . Inches. The skin Is carefully pulled op before cutting, so that It wlU roll back and more or less cover the wound and thus hasten healing. The college has experimented .with various devices for docking, and among others the hot clippers, but has not found them prac ticable.. Tho general assumption Is that a knife Is good enough, If well handled, and If there Is anything better It would be a sharp chisel and a block. Not a great deal of castration Is done at the college since the majority. If not all, of the lambs produced are pure bred and to a considerable extent will be need purely for breeding purposes. .When castrating Is done, it is previous tot docking. Professor Kennedy ad vises that-docking be delayed for a day orUwoafter castration, and then, if there (ere' any. signs of inflammation, the. docking has a tendency to remove the fever. Bra aaS Shorta. When we speak of shorts for stock or poultry feeding, we mean that which IslentltledW the name, .We 4a not mean'braifvthat has been reground to make It finer, and especially would we avoid It If we thought that the cause of the re grin ding was that the bran had been wet; soured and caked up. A"tew years ago a neighbor complain ed to us that his cows were not giving their usual amount of milk and were growing lean and some of them were soaring badly. The ration he was feed ing seemed to be In the right propor tions, and his ensilage was good. After examining all else .we asked to see the shorts, .which he fed quite liberally. .We saw it we smelled of it, and then we tasted of It Although it looked and' smelled all right, the taste was enough to reveal that It was as sour as any pickle. All the good qualities bad been destroyed by overheating when damp, and, while the regrinding had reduced the caked lumps and taken away the sour smell, It had not restor ed the feeding value. And of that It probably never had any more than coarse bran- and the sweepings of the mill that might have been added to it- American Cultivator. Prvnlaa- Treea. Too much pruning of a tree at one time is not a good thing for It It weak ens the tree and shortens Its life. When It la first taken to its permanent home from the nursery, It will usually bear some cutting back, especially If many roots have been broken in taking up, but we think even then many take off more than they should. The desired future shape of the tree, with high or low. branches, Bhould always be kept In mind and the limbs cut to bring this out Then a little trimming of super fluous branches each year will keep the tree In shape. It on coming to bearing the fruit does not prove satta' factory or true to name, It isibettee to graft about one-third of It each y ear for three years than to try to change the whole top In one year, which may result In loss of all the grafts and sometimes In, the death of the tree, If it Is not of a very vigorous kind. Aa Oft Told Tale. A smooth tongued agent claiming to represent a prominent wholesale gro cery house succeeded in getting f 50 to SCO from each of many farmers In a well to do locality. When the goods arrived, they were delivered at a rail road Btation in , unbroken packages properly marked. The farmers did not examine them until they got home, when they discovered that the goods were either very low grade or entirely worthless. The agent had disappeared. We again repeat our frequent warning not to buy goods of a traveling repre sentative without examination before acceptance. All agents are not rob bers, but the purchaser should be sure of bis man and, know something of the Standing of the house he represents. Farm and Home. : Tho Farmer's Inter eat. The farmer's direct Interest In the beef trust Investigation begun by the attorney general Is not at first readHy discernible. A little thought, however,. Shows that. Investigation of this kind ought to bring out the price of beef at Its various stages from farm and ranch to the consumer's table.' If middle men's profits are undue at any point, publicity of this character would be for the good of the producer. Amer ican Agriculturist . r i? t 3?4;-jf r t ;: , Portraits m Apples. f.iy! ;-'.' An eastern fruit grower made a large sum of money last year selling apples each of which contained an outline of the face of President McKlnley. This year his apples wilPbear the Imprint of McKlnley's successor. To produce such prints on apples Is not mysterious or even a very difficult matter, but some Ingenuity is required to obtain the effect The gentleman holds hla !?NEW;BIVALAT SHOTGUN SHELLC ' utshootTall'omer'DiacKpwderhTllst because they are madaf abetter and" loaded by exact machinery with ths standard brands of j 'powder, shot and 'wadding. VTry them and yon will be convinced, 'j LL REPU TAB IB (d SALSRS i'KEEP THBt$ anaafjaaamfBajaaaaa v. ...... ' - pnrr"TiKnl, PW.J. W.PtTTfrf MKftlB( in ti M.VO " two ntvikfUFM ot K'l'H I N A H B wonder how we havre risl crif.irtn mtrnmt it. 'i rnmrimntuMiv)tetinA It oaMrw i f mon onportone tim; our twtm wb m awnxn c bolnb.i. i.mroTdr.ysj.i.nrtnifiiriBr that we WW d" ? X'" otA (!" e r it rfhof and ho tutt havd m futlitM Wuub.. OUm aMaUtMuri 9t bm U'f iUtvva) , bawatt pettwot IttQCWa ULCERS the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are tuulti- E lying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop ig keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains announce the approach of the eating and sloughing- stage, and a hideous, sickening cancerous sore begins its . ( destructive work. la Jabrajury, 1SS9, 1 tiaad aaaail Nonlcoraorecanexist with- 'ZX'tZZ oat some predisposing internal cause oat lato sa oaam aora. x aasaa tm tab that has poisoned the blood, and the a. S. a. and aiW I had ukaa aavaa bos open discharging ulcer, or the fester- sg.pyiiya?!? f".! " ing sore on the lip, cheek or other v. V Browa, HoUada7a."a part of the body will continue to spread and eat deeper Into the flesh unless the blood is purified sad tha Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation. S. S. S. cleanses tho blood of all decaying effete matter. . It has great antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is vrs VaTs -over and new (kin If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write aa about it, medi cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diarsses of the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, 6a. , TROUBLESOME QUESTIONS. Tor Which Moat Peleo aaat La Saa. frlere Are Reapoaaible. "George, dear, why is It that the scientific persona don't try to Investi gate the inside of the earth?" "I suppose they consider It beneath them, my love." "There, George, you are trying to Joke again. I'm serious about this real serious. It seems to me that It would be doing the world a great serv ice if somebody could find out Just What it Is stuffed with." "That is the woman of it my dear. You want to get at the cotton batting and the sawdust. Yes, you do. You are consumed by a ruthless curiosity. You want to find the funny business that makes the doll say "papa' and mamma.' It's the destructive Instinct that all women possess." "Why, George, you're horrid!" "Oh, I know your sex. We've had several women In our family. I knew all about you when I married you. But suppose you could get your de structive little scissors into the Inside of the globe. Would it do you any good to find out that the cotton batting was guncotton and the sawdust giant powder?" "George, you are a mean thing. I don't care the littlest bit what's Inside tho old earth; only it does seem as If we ought to know. Perhaps we could guard against things better if we knew what to expect." "Pooh, pooh, my dear. The chances are if you knew what to expect you wouldn't sleep a wink afterward. Your head would be filled with the wildest apprehension. Your ears would be strained to catch tho hollow crash that foretold the end of everything. You'd walk pussy footed for fear of breaking through tho crust You'd have a sui phur respirator and a lava cellar and a steel umbrella that would shed cin ders. Oh, you'd enjoy your Inside knowledge, I don't think." "George, I'm not going to suggest anything serious, again- . You make flight of everything. All I had In mind was a holo bored down Into the earth far enough to enable us to know whaf a coins on down there." "And I suppose when yon found out you'd pull the hole up and fold it away for future use?" "Gcorgo, I'm not going to say an other word to you." Cleveland Plain Dealer. a new rorser who carried matches which ignite "only when struck n the box", added some chlorate of potash lozenges to his match pocket contents, The fire resulting from the union of tho chlorato with the phosphorus tm the box ruined his clothing and emp tied the street car in which be was rid ing. French has been made the official language of the Quebec legislature. city council and board of trade. Eng lish Bpeaking members will be allowed to use their Own language, of course, but all the records are to be kept in French. The change Is due to the growth of the French element In the three bodies named. ' American ribbon looms are being Im ported by Swiss manufacturers. These looms are much more expensive than those made in Switzerland, even leav ing freight and duties out of account, but the manufacturers find It profita ble to use them because of their great solidity of construction and the much larger amount of work they do. Pencils are very skillfully construct ed. When the column of graphite has been prepared for use In the pencil It la laid In & slit cut for It, covered with another piece of wood, which Is glued on: then, by means oP Ingenious una- chinery the wooden covers are reduced to the proper size for pencils and paint ed or varnished and set aside to dry. "Corot," said a Philadelphia rartlst, "Is known to have painted 8,000 pic tures, but there are 28,000 Corots In ex istence, for this man was very widely, counterfeited after his death. 11 There .was, you know, a French painter of really exquisite talent who got! five years In Jail for counterfeiting fhim, and the dealers who sold the take Corots got ten ycars.,, til V it K.U ., U . Are is many respects like other ulcers or sores, and this resemblance often proves fatal. Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process begins, tha discharge ceases and tha place heals forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege table blood purifier containing no mercury' or minerals of anv description. - a- " saaj CMiCM:rTca-a IHOLISN pEUNYROYAL PILLS a uutuMirjn a,nuuan le KKtt mm Umt4 Mem. Wee., aatea liabtertkM. Taeeaeeehee. Hill aaaereoe KekMltalleae mm la.Ha.. tUmn. a.j T ,Mr UrnfflU. mt m4 4e. M ummut fbr Partlealere, TeeMaaaaiaaa eaa 'IteaerrWLaUe.'e.WMr.krra. im SdL la.axTtiaei.i.i., auaar elirwafiiM.. JkUkeetar eeeUal Oa- eaeea .-a a-. notice.; ; If the heirs of Forney Greene, colored who died In Greensboro, N. G, about ten or twelve years ago, will correspond, with me, they will hear something to' their advantage. Said heirs supposed to reside In or near New Bern. , THOMAS C. HOYLE, Greensboro, N.C. A Departure from old methods of carriage building has enabled ns to furnish a vehicle that is at once very cheap, handsome and serviceable. Carriages, buggies, light wasons. nerfect in construction, design and finish, at notably low prices. Best of workmanship and material. -- up-to-date in all respects. Can't be beat. Guarantee wltn everyone. , We put Rubber Tires on your ora or new wheels. We shrink vour loose tires iica ma chine without cutting them. Everybody is invited to see the work of toe maenme putting new bolts in same old places. O. H. Waters & Son, ' ; Phonel85,' 4 ' ' road St, NawBaxir, N.O , ElHwotl HARDWARE 'Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen DoorBrWin dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints. Oils, Varnish, Putty, . Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all tha nsefnl articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, '-"-' jaawaams i i il iij, i Jyjtat ' - HEADQUARTERS FOR ' " And all Klnds'of - I :Best;Ooo4!fi. ' lowest Price, Under Hotel Chattmwka, NEW KEKn, IT. c 127 mddle Gt. Oolumbian Insecticide, .Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Bare Death to Moths, Bugs, etc Also Bfomo Qotddtni The '.disinfectant that , disinfects an deodorises. ?striG;'; .try. . We keep on hand a complete stocky e i nedidnes, -Toilet ' Artlclea;! l-rC-i Perfumery, J..' : Tooth Brushes, ttc. FhysioiansPresoriptlons a", special TIOTIOIi. On August 1st 1902, 1 will selUttU Court House door. In New Bern, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, at 13 o'clock m;, the following described notes and moT2fr": Two nos under ' al dute J Ja iuary il. 1 1' 7, d; j respac- Uvely on January 1st 13 bJ January 1st 1829. Face val ie t"D,0i) eorh, t-1 LyJ. F. Ilawla, i .LIa to I.'.lj Y,T. IUwls, with power of snlo and fore 3 ms; f9 l'"r-k 13 r- i t:j - kot-k 3 page 637 In the re'ier of &.', o.s of ramlloo county, II. C. . ; - ; ; ataauea

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