T02JLCC0 HlKIET ADf ANTAGES. UiJcr tnSk Kr. racket Showing Waa - tl Means Far Hew lera. W ml the editor!, "CuUnu the Tobacco MtuttT" U U journal of the 10th end fed that that If UmohIi this city that recognise the advantage . to be derived by the commaalty from a good eaterprlalag tobacco market - A good tobacco mark will attract - trad from distant poiata, tad uj po ."pie will glv their old trading )owa aad go to a BMr distant plac to reach I the tobacco market,. a the trad of a town lacrosses, ao will other eater prises grow, and every body will eajoy a eartala amount of the prosperity gain ed. ' Tho tobaeeonarket la New Bora hat merer received the encouragement of tie business maa that It ahonld have receiv ed, but haa drifted along Ilka the reat of .' the eaterprlaet of the city, accepting the bualnoe that waa brought to them, bat taking ao effort to get more. The writer recently returned Jrom a ' trip throagh the tobacco farnu of Jones and Ontlow counllee and found ai good weed la every respect as was seen In some of the older tobacco sections vlelt- ed, we mean of coarse, where the crop had been Intelligently cultivated. And whereTer tobacco was planted last year the acreage had been largely Increased this year. The tobacco crop In several counties, ,: contiguous to New Bern, bid fair to oat rank In Importance, all others crops bow grown, and this event is not .very far distant in the f ature. This being the case, It behooves the business men of New Bern to make an early effort to bnlld up and encourage the tobacco mar ket, and to offer Inducements to attract the people and get .them to bring their tobacco and trade here, lest some other more en terprlglng town gain their patron aire. Premium tobacco sales hare some at tractions, but there are other means also that should be used to get the people to bring their produce to New Bern. The roads are a Tery Important thing and it should be seen to, that they receive the fall amount of work that the law re quires them to hare, and In cases where the facilities or means are Insufficient to keep up a certain bad place of road it might be found a good Investment for the people of New Bern to contribute the money for the needed work. We have in our mind's eye.the Quaker bridge road, tke bad condition of which robs New Bern of thousands of dollars trade every year. This trade used to come here, but since the road went down it has gone elsewhere. Five hundred dollars spent on this road would put It in good condition, and if the people of New Bern were to raise the money by popular subscription, to fix this road, we believe they would never regret the Investment We hope the business men will see the wisdom of reaching out for this to bacco trade, for we think that In a few years New Bern will need the business. The lumber business has been a great factor In the commercial affairs of the town, but that can't last much longer, and In the absence of factories It would be good policy to develop such Interests . as would tend to make New Bern a good market town. AB. Packeb. Off For Raleigh. The New Bern Steam Fire Engine Co. left yesterday for Raleigh to attend the tournament and participate In the con tests. "They took with with them the ' quick steaming fire engine, the hose wagon and "Old Jim." With this com. binatlon the boys expect to pinch one or more prizes. The boys are greatly pleased with "Old Jim's" speed and think he will easily outrun his competi tors. OABTOnZA,; Witt. TtM Kiad Yoa Haie JUwaya BdeW . Dive us a trial on fancy canned goods we have them, Salmon, Lobsters, Sar dines, Deviled Crabs with shells, Aspar agus, Oysters, Clams, Potted & Deviled Meats, Veal & Chicken Loaf etc. at J. R. Parker Jr. r Death of Carrawon Brlnson. Mr. Carrawon Brlnson, a prominent resident of Balrd's Creek, died yesterday after a long illness, at the age' of 71 ; years,; H was highly esteemed In his ;. community - where he had lived and worked on his farm many years. He was prominent In church work. , - lot Cream Soda -today at McSor- , ley's. ; : vw:y.Kn I We are still selling meat; at lift per pound, not.SOc as reported. Oaks Mar ket. ' .'5 ' All summer goods, lawns,' organdies shirt waists, millinery, ladles and child ren Oxford tie and sandals, umbrellas fans, summer corsets,' etc, marked down positively no goods charged during this ' BARFOOT BROS. ' Hofbrau and Vienna Cabinet Beer sold by us. Is the fine-' heer In the world. Hofbrau firer U In tlcd at the brewery, , Vienna tho I !..uledby the Crown Bottling Yt ... U. Leo J Taylor, 'Prop, Corner Queen and Bern streets. Phone 105. ' V:?".: 'y'f'-.n.r 'GApUECTir Ceres Colds, LaGrippz crJ MHzzizzlizL , . . ricsrant to take. . Your money fcac if it fails. ' v'"-' r v n r 7 ill ;r-"-.'".ii . k . i i. i auu k. - Ami AfcOUto 1KD ABOUT, The residence of Dr. B. 8. Primrose oa Craven street la balag repainted. A shipment amounting to about 800 crates of cantaloupes weat ee the None last night. C. P. Bartllng has placed an electric fam Im his barber shop which has 100 re volnllonsjper minute. Severe storms North aad South are re ported. Telegraphic buslaesa was delay ed several homra yesterday. There were '68 tickets sold to More- head at the A. AN. Citation yesterday- " 1 The West End Drug Co. has moved Into It mew aad commodious building on Broad Su At the ladles' yacht regatta which was held at Wilmington Saturday, Miss Bradford Hymam was a member of the crew of the winning boat, Phantom. Mrs. Kenneth Styron gave a children's party at her home on Hancock street yesterday in honor of her little daugh ter's birthday. ; The result of the trumpet contest at J. J. Baxter's store this week Is as fol lows Atlantic 371 votes, total 1503; But tons, 851 votes , total 1403. There will be another Lantern Carni val thia year, early In August. The suc cess and pleasure of the one given last year is remembered by alL The steamer Ocracoke struck the bot tom of the river off East Front Street yesterday morning. Bhe released herself In an half hour. The water in the river Is very low. The old building at the junction of Broad and Queen streets, occupied for the last ten years by Jack Rodman, hu been torn down and will be replaced by a new and larger building. The Eureka Lodge No. 7, Installed the following officers for the ensuing term: N. Q., F. F. Matthews; V. O., J. T. Har gett; Rec Sec, R. B. Lane; Flu. Sec., J, B. Dawson; Trees., A. E. Plttman. The game of base ball which was to have been played yesterday at Washing ton, N. C, between the Elm City Ama teurs and the Pamlico was postponed on account of rain. The game will be played today. Mr. John Watson showed the Journal a peculiar growth In the vegetable line yesterday. It was two two musk melons which had grown firmly together a la Siamese twins. In others respects they were just like other melons. The weather kept up Its regular beat Sunday of making people uncomfortable 95 to 98 degrees was maximum heat at tained. Everybody sought the coolest spot. The river front was a very popu- lar place during the afternoon and It presented a pretty sight. It was one of the coolest places In town' The supply of watermelons Is growing larger every day- Boats bring them from other river ports for transporatlon by freight and local consumption. The quality and quantity Is fully up to the product of other years, f he delicious cantaloupe, always a prime favorite Is also well represented. At the meet of the Board of Education last Monday night, Miss Leah Jones re presenting the Women's Association for the Improvement of the Public School, gave a very entertaining talk in the in terest of the Association work. The Board passed resolutions thanking her for hsr excellent suggestions. Yesterday, Mr. Lee J. Taylor pot on the streets, one of the most handsome delivery wagons seen here in many a day The wagon while built in strongest man ner possible, has a light and stylish ap pearance. It is the work of the old re liable firm of G. H. Waters & son, which Is a sufficient guarantee of good worm manahlp. Von are liable to a sudden attack of Summer sickness and should keep in your house a bottle of Dr. SETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM the best known Remedy. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded by T. A. Henry. Nearly All Gone. : The last team to remain la the North Carolina League, New Bern is fast see Ing It once fine club disappearing. Devlin, Wind, Thackara, Randolph, FlUman, Bymons and Templin have left thia city, seeking new places, and the few remaining players will soon leave for other place. Our largely Increasing business neces sitates Increasing our facilities for de livering, hence our new, wagon oa the streets, to take your, orders and promptly deliver the most refreshing drinks ever sold In this city. Crown Bottling Works Lee J Taylor, Prop, Corner Queen and Bern street. Phone 105. - I The Big Annual Picnic Will be at the Alum Spring, Onslow county, July 30th, 1902, everybody come and bring your basket a good time Is ex pected, . , ,v , B.L.C0X. t For Railroad Men. - , We have added to our stock of watches that will stand railroad Inspec tion, such a The Vanguard, Crescent, Street, P. L Bartiett, and Denber Ham- den, and sell them very cheap. We are also equipped to do repairing In a manner to please the most exacting An Elgin, or ' Waltham, or any leading make should not vary over a minute a week, If your varies more It I put of order, we will repair It or give you a new one or same mate, c w - -n , i ;4 ; : J.O.BAXTER. Orange Phosphate, Belfast Ginger Ale Crtn Chocolate Lemoa Sour, Sarsa f -.:1a, Strawberry, Afrt-Eola, are only a few of the many delicious and refresh ing drinks bottled by the Crown Bot tl'nj Yi'orks. Lee J, Taylor, Prop., Cor. Queen and Lurn streets, Phone 105, BLAtiC MOUNTAIN, K- C. Greatest lumber Visitors Far Season oa kecerd. ftdlffctsat Moamt JUtcaeU Hotel. Van are There aad What They Be. Fefsoaals. -' July 15. The mmmer season Im the moaatalne, properly socalled, la mot supposed to open a alii Aegast 1st The seaside re sorts usually begim to empty about that time, aad like the course of Empire, Westward the social whirl Ukes 1U un impeded way. This particular year, however, la one la which health seekers and pleasure seekers have taken time by the forelock. More visitors are at Black Mountain than in the corresponding month of any previous year: ' Each day an addition to the number, and aa the season progresses the cry Is ttlll they tome. ; , A glance at the register of the Mount Mitchell Hotel show the following guest at present: Mis Sophia & Campbell of Wilming ton N. C, Miss Anna Webb Atkinson, Baltimore, Md., Mrs. W. & Blanchard and child, Hertford, N C, Morris Ketch- urn, Mis Anita Washington and Miss Adelaide Wade, New York City, Miss Lux Maria Washington, Savannah, Oa., Miss Annie Kirk Dowdee, Opellka, Ala. Mrs. Kate D. Lipscomb, Messrs Andrew, Frank aad James Lipscomb, Mis Suaaa Lipscomb, Auburn Ahv, Mr. J. S. N. Davis, Master Hugh and Neal Davis, Woodbine, Oa Mr V. L. Mitchell, New Orleans, La., Mr. H. T. Davenport, Miss Mary Davenport,' Americas, Oa., Col and Mrs. a P Sellars, Greensboro, N C, Mr and Mrs F A Coleman, Master Fran cis Coleman, Winston, N C; Rev and Mrs R B John, Wilmington, N C; Mr and Mrs R F Dalton, Greensboro, N C; Mr Archie Dalton, Master Thomas Dal ton, Greensboro, N C; Mr M O Wlndley Miss Bettle Wlndley, Mrs A 8 Seymour, Mrs Sophia Gardner, Mrs A D Patterson Miss Bessie D Patterson, Mr and Mrs Charles E Blover, Mrs E B Ellis, MUs Elizabeth Ellis, W K Patterson, M De W Stevenson, Jr., Capt and Mrs W 8 Sim mons, New Bern, N. C: C W Smith, O L Adams, Tennllle, Ga; W L Holderby, KInaton, N C; Misses Mamie and Carrie Thomas, Memphta, Tenn; Mrs J F Walsh RE Lee Walsh, Misses Mazle, Musette, Luellne and Orlal Walsh, Miss Carmel Corbett, Messrs Roland and Walnlta Walsh, Mrs John Averlll and child, Charleston, S. C. V Quite a charming aggregation, for this early in the season, and the prospects for a full . house later on are excel lent. It is an old saying that "time flies" but at the Mount Mitchell Hotel It may be truthfully said to speed on the wing. It is one long dream of pleasure from early morn till dewey eve. One unceas ing round of delightful and refreshing recreation. It Is almost a modern Utopia where everybody's chief concern is to contribute to the pleasure of everybody else. The amusements are varied and pleas ant la the extreme. The morning is usually devoted to walks and drives. Mont reat Is only about three miles dis tant from the station, and it Is Usually the meoca of pedestrians and equestrians Montreat Is owned by the Montreat As sociation, a religious organisation formed some years ago. It consists of a Hotel, a good sized, Assembly Hall and a number of cottages. The president is Mr. JohnS. Huylerof New York, the famous candy man, while its religious leader is Rev. Weston R. Gates, former ly of Raleigh, who will be pleasantly and gratefully remembered by the peo ple of New Bern. ...-!..; Those who feel disinclined to walk or drive or ride In the morning, usually pas the time at cards or ping pong. Among the guests are quite a number of excellent whist players, and many pleas ant hoar are spent at duplicate whist. Ping Pong is liberally patronized. The cheerful "ping pong" of the rackets are heard at every hour of the day, and as the player count "One I love, two I love, three I love I say I" non-ping pong 1st feel constrained to watch the prog res of the game with a constantly in creasing interest. -, -.- - " - . ''-. i. The evenings are given up to music and mirth, songs and dances. The spa cious ball room Is filled with a bright and cheerful host who endeavor to carry out the Injunction. "Aa we journey through .life let us live by the way." Two Steps and Waltzes are the usual orderr-of the evening, but occasionally a quadrille or a Virginia Reel Is danced for the- benefit of the extremely 'young and the more elderly among the guests. A delightful german wa danced last evening, which was gracefully led by Mr. Mark Stevenson Jr. with Mis Annie Kirk Dowdee, of Opellka, Ala, It was thoroughly enjoyed by the spectator a well as the participant. A trip to Gonibroon, the home of the late Senator Vance la planned . for one day thia week.' Quite number will be In the party. , 1 1 A straw ride I also oa foot for some night In the near future. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cha. N. Vance of Wash Ington D- C, ere ' at their delightful summer home on Vance Hill. Mr. Mlla Pegram Jr. of Charlotte Is summering with them. -"- 1 . ,.:,-r ;V.V'T'V ' 0 '.ft"J,''- Mr. A. E. Stevens Is entertaining his mother, Mrs. E. B. Stevens, and sister, Mis Jessie, of Soulhport, at 1)1 delight ful resldenoe oa the Steven Farm. ;-:f- Mrs. D C Champlu'a of Blltmore and Mr. James WeatLe.'y of Birmingham with their respective families, are at their cottage for thehot season. . "Trolley Car." J.E.CX MAN ABOUT TOWN. A Few. Dade Ideas Cradely Ex- i pressed. . It I on of a maa'a prerogative to ridicule a womaa's love of dress; aad he rarely lets an opportunity escape when, he can get a whack at that very essen tial aad very expensive article of attire the bonnet But now "the worm )uu tamed" aad the woman may justly poor her choicest fund of satire aad iroay oa the maa'a devoted bead. Just mow there seems to be a rivalry among the men as to who shall pay the most for his Panahia hat The latter may be de scribed as an ugly piece of headgear coating mot less than 35, and a much mora sis one Is fool enough to pay. The expense of these hats It said to be due to two things, the length of time it takes to make a hat, and the custom's duty. (Three months are . required to make a hat the process of curing the goods and shaping and using all the methods-to makes fashionably hat Is very tedious, but at the price paid for most of them every effort Is made to pay. The most paid for one of the hats in this elty Is said to be $23. Said citizen to the Man one day re cently; ."the way the streets are sprink led is almost worse than useless. The cart goes over the road once and wet It down fairly well, and then goes onto another section and then another and before he driver gets back to the first street the road is dry and the dust blowing. It seems it would be better If each section were wet down twice In succession. This will perhaps Insure a little more comfort by laying the dust a little longer. The summer Is by no means dead but base ball Is. The sudden and unexpected demise stunned the people so that .they have scarcely recovered from the shock. As a sport base ball was clearly chief of the other summer amusements and we sincerely mourn it tragle end. It seems all the more pitiful that nobody was "in" at the death. In lieu of the fascinating pleasures of base ball why would it not be well to spend our leisure hours on the river. People of New Bern who have become so uied to the river do not appreciate the pleasures of sailing. Along with this comes the idea of boat races. There Is hardly a better course any where in this county where regattas may be had than on the river. It would surely be found an exhllirating sport if managed rightly. Mai About Town. A Sail, a Wind and a Hat A good story comes on the breezes from Beaufort about a certain Panama hat wblch: was ownedJy a well known business and society man of New Born. The gentleman had sought the restful pleasure for which that place Is noted but in an unguarded moment went to sail wearing his expensive hat forgetting that the wind is no respector of head gear. .The sail was lovely but he who sailed forth in all the pride ajid glory of a Panama returned with a handkerchief doing service as a bead covering. The gentleman has this consolation that it an ill wind that blows nobody any good and tome day a fish may be caught In the waters of Beaufort all togged up and wearing his hat. Atlantic Christian College. . , If there is anything more than another that I am proud of and believe that oth ers should be proud of among the mem bers of the Christian church in North Carolina, it is Atlantic Christian Col lege at Wilson. This property was worth when our Convention purchase! it three times more than we paid for it. At present prices of material and labor we could not build such a structure and purchase the ground for three time the amount we paid for It. - - - 1 - . It was not because of a forced sale that we obtained this property so cheap; but it was the spontaneous goodness of some of the stockholders, and the out. burst of generosity from the charitable, Christian-hearted people of Wilson and the magnanimous gift of the founder of Klnsey Seminary. , These things being true, we are justified in being proud that' we have been ' the happy recipients of such a goodly gift from generous and loving hearts. It therefore be hooves every member of the Chris tian church In North Carolina to foster and cheriah.'malntain and build op, and support and protect thia grand educa tional enterprise. We should use our means, our talents and our religion' to ward the growth of such an institution, and I fully -believe if our people could be aroused to the necessity of such an Institution In order to give our faith that standing so much desired and needed in North Carolina, they would contribute liberally of their mean and fill the col lege full with their son and daughter on tne xna aay oi next Bepiemuer. In order to cet our rteoole f ullv aroused and Interested in this great work it be comes the duty or every one (not a few) of our ministers to mention this matter totheir respective congregations at every service during the next six months at least, and every member one to another. Brethren, talk to one another, In your Homes, in public places; in your shops, on your farms. This will advertise and strengthen, and be the means of building up and maintaining the grandest enter prise for the growth of our faith In the old North State. '. r. The college Is now finely equipped with the latest modem improvement. The faculty I second to none In the Htate. it is composed or tne ongntest talent from some of the finest colleees and universities in the land. Disciples who have sons and daughters cannot afford to lose such an opportuni ty for educating them, and at the same time Improve and maintain the property of their religious faith. Let every one of us who have sons and daughters to educate, and are able, send them to At lantic Christian College, and let every congregation which may have some poor girl or boy who Is unable to pay his or her way, elve a free scholarship to one or more. This wonld be practical re ligion in a most generous way, and it would also help to sustain the school. J. B. BAniqht. New Bern, N. C. , HOTTER THAN POLITICS, , - The Wearier areas fckpeaslaf A Tery . Warn Article.' f. Taananoa that haa bee "cool Si a cucumber the past tew days Is eertalaly oae who saay be eavied. It I a study equal to the aatare or ime nnl or sav other abstract Mychologlcl subject to kaow how to be" cool aad stay to. The lo wagoa, the soda water roaa imlm. aad the boakv dell are alike futile la making a maa feel really eomfort- abk ' . The temperature alace Wednesday has aot left the 90 degree mark during the day lime aad most of the time the ther mometer ha been too close to v de gree. I Tha oalv dron of comfort poor suffer ing humanity caa get out of this torrid weather Is that the night are towreuy enoL --Tha difference between the day and night temperature average 25 de gree. Unless tne forecast is rnuwaen we may expect violent thunderstorms Until the 24lh Inst . . ' 5 , What Was Used at Greensboro, Con vention. n The committee In charge of entertain ing the convention yesterday afternoon footed up what was used .in the ay of beverages, 'ete. . Im making lemonade four boxes of lemons (wero need, , There are 860 lemons In a box; ISO pounds of sugar was needed to sweeten It and 1,500 pounds of Ice made it cold, while the crowd smoked 8,000 cigars. Tea bar rels of Vade Mecum mineral water were at the disposal of the delegates, but there Is some left, how much Is not yet known There were four bootblacks aad four "broshers" for the free use of guest and besides the electric fans to help keep cool, the Hollon-Helms Drug Company contributed an even thousand hand fanr. Greensboro Record. A Pleasant German. A very enjoyable shirt waist dance wis held in Lowthrop halt Friday night. The guests of honor were young ladles who are visiting friends in the city. The leaders of the German were Mr. J. Guion Dunn and wife and the following young couples participated: Mr. Willlan Stevenson, Miss Shuford of Hickory; Wr. Ellis Williams, Miss Rose Shuford of Hickory; Mr. Alpheus Disosway, Mis, Greenabaum, of Wil mington; Mr. Jesse Claypoole, Miss Pace, of Wilson; Mr. Adolph Nunn, Miss Scarborough, of Belhaven: Mr. Frank George, Miss Katharine Brock, of Princess Anne, Md.; Mr. Tom Dan iels, Miss Ella Jacobs, of Wllmington;Mr Will Dunn, Miss Elizabeth Burros; Mr. Richard Duffy, Miss Mary E. Street; Mr, Albert Willis, Miss Annie Foy; Mr. George Henderson, Miss Agnes Foy; Mr Romulus Nunn, Miss Adeline Claypoile; Mr. Ed Street, Miss Sophie Whltford Mr. J: Leo Burrus, Miss Mary Guion Mr. Joe Fulford, Miss Mary Jones; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Holllster, Mr. and Mrs H, C. Lumsden. ' - ' Tobacco News. Mr. W. J, Cole, a tenant farmer on the plantation of Mr. W. F. Foy showed the Journal a very fine sample of newly cured tobacco, i( was of a grade kaown a "sand lugs," but In the "hank" .were a few leaves that a tobacco maa thought would grade up good -tobacco. If Another Pleasant SaiL The ladles who managed so success fully the sail down the river last week will have another trip tomorrow (Wed nesday) evening. : The steamer Blanche haa been engaged for the occasion and a delightful time I assured all who go. The Drice ner ticket will be 15 cents- tha proceeds to be for the benefit of the Ath- letle Association fund. Let everyone avail himself of this delightful moon light ride and help the ladle Increase the Association exchequer. ' j -Barfoot Bros - I Closing oat sale, all summer goods lawns that were 8 and 10c mow 004 15c lawna 10c aad 25c lawns 15c yard. Baby cape half price, all millinery at one third and a half off. , Boy and girl wbte duck cp15c . . . 1 ; ....... BARFOOT BROS. 1 '1 , NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET WHOLIBLI PRICES' COBHtNT. Eggs, per doa 14c Chicken, old per pair.... ...... 60 & 80 . " . young, per pr.. 80440 Pork,perilb. ....... ; 7 ft 8 Beef, " .:....;....& Hides, green, per lb . .... ..... .1.....5 ' dry, Beeswax, .....'.'. ft 10 80 to 25 Corn, per bush . ........ ou am Oats, ,., , ...... .65c Peanuts 85 Local Grain Market Corn, per bu. ....... . ..t.,.,. . f .85 Oat per bu .85 Meal, per bu..., ...... .85 Hominy, per bu. . ..v. ..,. ...',. . ,85 Corn bran, per 100 lbs.'..,'.,-,,.,. 1.25 Wheat bran, per " 1,40 Feed, 100 lbs ' 1.60 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs..' 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 ibi. " J50 Ship stuff ........... ........ .' 'lJSO No. 1 Timothy, per ton..,,.,-,... v 90.00 r Fcr CI cr Hcnt, ; ,t. I offer for sale or rent my entire Farm and complete accessories.' Will sell cheap for cash or gilt edtre securities, or will rent the farm, selling the Imple ments and team to the right man at a living figure. , v, . Call or address, , - v , . MUS. E. A. VINSON,' ' " Eweet;"ome Farm, ' New Bern, N. O. . , . 1 OXvTT r w H Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets STRAIGHT v h Amk you Hwuar ROYAL WORCESTER COSSET C0.r Ysrcsstcr, fca. ., i 51 '. t fiV II ACKBtJItN tells n??en -:r,y- XiOHor If q r Mid-bummer wearing sale i : y J : c Our customers seem td appreciate our efforts to please them by sf. . , We try hard to keep onrstck up to the season and suited to the W wants of our many friends.. Our store and time is at your disposal. f WE GUARANTEE QUALITT AND PRICES. No such Values M to be offered again in the near future. . . ' White OoodB Sale at 1-3 Value. 25 Pieces of Dimities at the following prices: ;' ffo - 18c Value at lSJc !l 25c M 17c fr 85c "7 " " 20c. W Dotted Swiss: V ' 25c Value at 15c. V ' 80c " " 20c. Sti 40c " "80c. W Mercerized Open Work for Waists, that sold for 40c yard, to close .'out at 80c" " UJ Piques Heavy Cord, good values at 40c, this sale 25c. . W Lace Stripe White Lawns to go at 7e and 10c -. " W Olored Lawns, navy and red, few pieces that sell for Uc, to close SXf "otmt7c -'-W . , All figured Lawn go: " . 18c and 15c Values, to close out at 10c. 1 X. 20c Values to close out at 12o, ' ' tli 25c and 80c Values to clot out at 17c V Fancy ilk and Linen Gauze that told for 50o to close out at 87c, Sj) i and the trimmings to match at cost. To the' Democratic Voters of Craven County: " f V I hereby announce myself aa a andidate for the office of Regist er of Deeds. I have nothing to say derogatory" of toy other candidate for the office, and base" "my candi dacy solely tipon ' my;- record as a Democrat, and as a worker for the party. . 1 ' I submit my claims to yon for consideration, and if they meet with your approval by ; a further continuance in the office, I will endeavor to deserve your trust as I have striven to do in the past t , ' ' Respectfully, ' "! ' i . v : Ernest M. Green, The Charge for our oats, feed, ete is as low as the lowest, and the quality the best ' We handle only reliable varietiea. and ke f on hand always a large ana carefully selected stock. ' Everything warranted to be Just as represented. , Our reputa tion is an assurance of square dealing. Having superior facilities, we can sup ply ail your wants in the line indicated at bottom prices, v - ' 1 C. Is. OPEHCEn'S IB 4 2i;Market Dock, New Bern, N. 0. . ..(,i' . x i, :' -- - a - -i t 'v.-IPW,''''-'l ;,f'lt;'"'-' , '' '"' "'.. , '' ' Vacations, . Upon you rests the responsibility of getting your full allotment of brtghtnesi from your vacation. A vacation without a Kodak it a vacation wasted. Kodaki there's none but Esatmnn's cost from 1, to $15. every one good, add tlils to cost of films makes a total of from (3- to $17. which- will be repaid by the tire pictures brought home as reminders of a pleasant outing. Come In and lut ut show these Kodaks any child can take pictures with them. Bee our windows tL!s week. " ' "' - ', .. ' ; t Ebadham's Fiiarmact, Agent for Eastrnau's Kodaks. ; 11 C'fAUTY ii ' v-rwuiSHip ih irriE FRONT to Jaoir cm yon, You will be a .yon miss !.X i . ' Vlf Look to Your Interest ' And Brine Tour " Tobacco to the , NEW, BEEN, N; C, . which is always tbq place to GET THE MOST MONEY for it . Opening Sale Aug. . v Best Accommodations Guaran teed. . " E. J. HE8TEK, Prop'r. NOTICE ! uquor ueaiera and Liverymen are hereby notified tbt they mutt come forward and Hit l heir Schedule B Tas at once The time baa already expired, and la ordrto avoid trouble they ' will at tend to this matter at once. " v Eunest M. GkRtH, - r O vC2 SALE . Best Ilachino Ilade Brick at ... . Ld.VGst Pricos. Niccll & Hjna, r-' ; : office! ' Cor. South Fhoht ttJIlAMoocK Sts. Foy c: Wood Co;, Practical Tinners anJ numbers. . Tobacco Fines, Stove Fipe, and Roofing. Y!e make a specialtyof Hot A'r Heating', 'and EtecI.Cei'in t You will ::!'- 't PJantcrsWarehouse

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