Q 4 4 VOLDHI XIV. IIW BIEI, CKAYII COUITY, H. C, TUISDAY, AUGUST 5, 1302.mST SICTI05. . NUMBER 3C n i .IT, 1 TQB1CCQ BREiKS Urftr Efen TtiaaTbe MostSaa- fuine Eipcctlon. Strong Evidence Against Mem ' Charges' With Arsen. Canseatert Us Ts Norfolk. Lata Cara Improvement By The . Kalis , Raleigh, Aug. 8 Insurance Commis sioner Young hu returned from Wind sor. Be says a tery strong caae h made oat against . K. Collins and J. B. 8tal llnga, two of the men who are charged with burning their store at ' Qultsns. Earrell, Collina nephew, efew wanted la the Mine v charge, hu Bed and If at, large.; '..vV Auditor B. F. Dixon goes to Gutoela ' on the lith to addreai a largo, gathertag of ex-Confederate Veterans. , The tobacco break I here' yesterday were even larger than expected. Farm er were here who had not been here for H) yean. On one warehouse floor there were 293 piles of leaf, and on the other 458. In all 233 fanners had tobacco oa sale. They all expect a good season, , and say the tobacco on sale brings about four times as much as it did a few years ago. Arrangements are to be made next week to build a stemmery. The tobacco trade will bare to take the place of the cotton trade which Is nearly at an end . here. The smaller places and the mill absorb nearly, all the cotton. "1 This sea sons1', receipt are 10,000 bales, against 75,000 twenty years ag0, r"-"---- Senator and Mrs, Simmons will go to Beaufort the end of next. week. Mrs. Biirmons' health, feeble for a year past, Is slowly ImproTlng. Twenty carpenters will leave here to morrow for Norfolk, to work, most of them taking their families. They will get $2.75 a day. - The drought is now practically at an end In all parts of this county. The Im provement of young corn In the past five days Is really remarkable. East of ' here," in some ' sections,- It Is said the drought Is yet severe. Btreams are very low. Many small streama are . dry, and so are many springs. The Democratic convention of this county met at noon today. The primary a week ago 'settled the question as to most of the nominees but not at to all of them. The primary la this county Is really not a nominating primary but one which recommenda..,,;,;',;.; . .,r:Lr2 J The State election board meet here Monday. Its members are R. A. Dough ton, W.G. Lamb and R. T. Clay well, Democrats, and Clarence Call and A B, Freeman, Republicans. ' . SHALL P0Z. ' Four Cases of the Dread Disease Reported Health officer, Dr. N. H. Street, re ported officially on Sunday that there were four cases of smallpox In New Bern . They are negroes and live far from the ' centre of the citv. The cases were all quickly quarantined and there need be no cause for alarm. People generally should assist the Dhvslclans In checking the spread of ' this dangerous and infectious disease by being vaccinated. There should be no fear regarding the precaution thus urged as It is a practical preventive agalnat smallpox. " ' " ' There Is one case also reported at Havelock which was communicated from S Merrimon where It is aald there have ' been a few cases.' " STATE PAIR. ' . Resolution as to Character of Entertain ments to be Permitted on Fair ': , - , Grounds. -' '. The following resolution was adopted by the Advisory Board of the Agricul tural Society as to the character ofen- , tertalnments to fee permitted at the next .' Slate Fair., - y Resolved, Tbat no gambling devices, Illegal games of chance or Immoral ex blbltlons will be allowed on the groonds , of the North Carolina Slate Fair, and the following are expressly excluded, inch a Plate Boards,Splndles, Mckouls, Ftb ' foml Card ' Games, Cloth Pin Games, Plot, Machine, Book-Making, , tc, Uvcliee-coorhee or Oriental danc N lf-g, or oilit r degrading exhlblltons,wlth or wlih nil b xnh or tents, will not be All wonky and Interesting thnw or aniQM-ments are Invlu-d.and will receive a rntilliil w Irome.' - I Teo Trn to Be PrefltaM. now about that hlBtorlcal noveir baked the publisher. f "No good at ali." answered the read- tr to whom It had been assigned. "The lan doesn't understand bow to write historical novels, and he hasnt pervert ed the truth as we know It enough to knaka any kind -of a rumpua among the trttlcs. nia book would faU flat"- chlcago Tost CAGTO.IA Tor Ialanti aai CLiIIr:i r:. J V;jr.3 ;::::: Eeva the r TELEGRAPHIC WtEYITIES. Petroleum has been discovered Rome, Ok, at a depth of BOO feet The well's capacity la sixty barrels a day. John Hardy, a colored saaa of Char lotte, N. C, met aa awful death a a street crossing of the Southern railway Saturday night ' Hardy attempted to cross the track la front of aa angina and was caught and his body almost cut la two. Saturday night a burgular who at tempted to enter the raaUeaoa of Mr. Oscar Pearaall In Wilmington, N. 0. was shot and probably fatally wounded by a young white man named Rogers who Uvea on the premUctv - The first bale of cotton fri f nttUs son's crop received at Charleston, 1raa from Blackvllle, S. a, and sold (or tea cents, being classed as good mid dllag. ' . , Gold Is aald to hare been discovered la Mexico, N. T., which according to rumor yields $40 to the ton. The delay la n amine an apostolic dele gate to Manila Is duo to the desire of thf Vatican to please the authorities at Washington, by sending aa American prelate, and the Vatican la now awaiting letters from the United States. William J. Bryan - positively asserts that he will not be a candidate for the prealdency again, and In a speech the other day declared himself . too Demo cratic to covet aa ambition that only a few In one generation could share. ' King Edward Is firmly resolved to be crowned next Saturday, even If ha Is compelled to be carried np the wave of Westminster Abby on a litter. The King Is annoyed with superstitious fears and every little mishap Is construed to be an 111 omen, and the doctors declare that no permanent Improvement of health will take place until the coronation Is over and his mind becomes at rest. A new cotton bug has made Its appear anoe In Mississippi and la said . to be doing much damage. The 'planters are greatly alarmed for the safety of the cot ton crop If the bugs are not destroyed. The chaplama of the. army are very much, displeased with the almple uni form prescribed by the raieiof- th De partment, and demand that their nnl- forms be decorated with jrold lace and other vain fripperies. Samuel Taylor who wu once a promi nent and prosperous merchant of Balls- bury, N. C, suicided by shooting himself Saturday at Charlotte. James Baker, a switchman, attempted suicide In the same manner In the same city and on the same day. Baker will die. The collieries at Shenandoah, Pa., started work Monday under military pro taction. ' ' . .... ' ' . '. v :' ,r J While on his way to deliver a lecture at the Drbana Chantaqua In Ohio, Capt. Richmond P. Hobson again distinguish ed himself by gallantly aaslstlng some ladles who were victims of an electf lo railway wreck. Hobaoa also being In the wreck. ,The accident wu caused by a derailment. No serious Injuries re sulted. Miss Nell CampbeU of Chicago, wm arrested Saturday on the charge of starv Ing aa Infant It la alleged that she con ducted a baby farm and that no less than eight Infanta committed to her care have been starved to death. ? Official reports at St ." Petersburg show cholera to be rapidly spreading at Manchuria. Distribution of aeeda by the Govern ment will be started September 1st, on month sooner than usual. '" It la expected that the Grand Duke Boris, Of RussIaJ cousin ot the Cxar will tlslt America in te falL Domiciliary raids by the police la Rome resulted In the arrest of 80 anar chlsts. Borne of them are reported to be from Patterson, N. J. . , . ,- ; The Texu floods which have done treat deal of damage are receding. The amount lost . It Is asserted, will reach fully $1,000,000. V - ' " . j Fire damp In one of the large Austra lian coal mlnea caused a terrible ex plosion causing the death of 187 mi ners, i i ' Secretary of the Treuury Shaw hu issued a statement positively forbid ding the as of his name - la connection with the presidency , nomination la 1904. 1 : Mr. Schwab the steel magnate will build a magnificent palace as a gift to Rt Rev. Bishop Qarvey of Altoona, Pa. ' A freshet la the Republican river wuhed out a new channel at Concordia, Kan., and left the town about a mile to one side. The sewers will have to be extended to the new river. ' , a pro-" aa ambeaaler to the amount of $100,- 000. , Trala robber secured $50,000 from the safe la a Wells-Fargo express car oa the Mexican Oeatral road near El Paso, Tsita. The robbers were over taken aad $30,000 recovered. One rob ber wu captured, the others escaped. A boy struck a match la a gia house connected with a cattoa mill near Shelby N.Cead a 14,000 flrewu the result The gin, a planing mill, cotton ware houjo and a few small building were destroyed. Sertous trouble seemito bave devel oped aboard the President's yacht, May- lower. ' Nine men have deserted, and a number of them asserted that seventy others, after pay day, will take ''(reach leave."? The dlaeoateat la said to be caused by the overbearing and tyrannical dUpoatttoa of the ship's executive offl ear, Untenant Phelps, : ' NOTES OF NOTABLE8. Marshal C. BL Clay of Elma, WaalL, waa a aaver cup presented to nia trandfather by Thomas Jeff enoa Aug. UklTTO. , .... r . General W. V.., Draper, who waa fjnlted Statea erabaaaador to Italy from 1887 to 1890, baa just returned from a long tour of Egypt and the east Joseph Springer baa been selected as vice consul lo Cuba by General B. S. Bragg, the conaul general. Springer hat realded la Havana for twenty year. r ;l ' Louis A. Cudebrod of New York made the dealgn that has been accept ed for the memorial arch to be erected Richmond,. Va, to the memorybf Jefferson Davis. The late General Charles H. T. Collla made the bequest In his will that bis two regimental flags be deposited n the tomb of bit old comrade, General Ulysses 8. Grant Mark Twain'a Innocents Abroad" baa been barred from Buula for its heresy. The chapter objected to la his description oC weeping over Adam s supposititious grave. , : P. H. Harrison of Manchester, N. H Is compiling a history of battleflaga of tbla country, especially of those carried In what he Incidentally calls "the brothers quarrel" In 1861-68. . Alfred Belt the successor of Cecil Rhodes In the development of South Africa, starts out with record of having given mora to charity la the last ten years than the Rothschilds. - Professor Lewis Swift, woo baa Just passed bis eighty-second year, has dis covered fifteen comets and 1,842 new aebaue, a recw -J.k t passed by that of Sir William HerscheL I Halsutta Mloco, a full blood Indian, baa been elected chief ot the Seminole tribe In the Indian Territory, defeating John F. Brown, a half breed. The elec tion may hasten the dissolution of the Seminole tribal government At the age of ninety rears "Uncle Jack" Haydont as he was familiarly called, died at Fredericksburg, .Va. He was during the clv(l war a guide to Generals Leo and Jackson In the bat tles sround Fredericksburg. ' The name ot Lieutenant Charles Car roll Wood, a great-grandson of Presi dent Zachary Taylor, appears as the flrat on the roll of honored dead on Canada's memorhrr statue to her sol diers who fell In the Boer war and .which will be erected In Halifax. u lYou are liable to a sudden attack of Summer sickness and should keep in your house a bottle of Dr. BETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM the best known Remedy. Warranted to give Mtlsfactlon or money refunded by T. A. Henry. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were reoelv edlby J. E. Latham 4 Co, New Bern -" . ' Chicago, Aug. a. WSTSAT! i . Opea. High. Low. Close Sept... . Deo.... UV-t fl8t68i ... 70 .70 OOMff Open. High. Low. Close 58 57 , 57 Sept.. Deo 431 Opea. .1050 1020 - , .4. Rib:- High. Low. Close Sept. Oct... 1050 1087 1040 1015 1020 Naw Yobby Aug. 4. Oorroa; Open. High. Low. Close Aug. 8JB05 8.25 8.15 8.15 a hep. i.. 7.88 Ooi.v..:-.;i7.78 Dee... ....I, T78 Jb. I.,..,. 7.7 7.88 ,7.70 , 7.78 7.78 7.78 ;7J17 i 7.57 7.78 7.59 : 7.89 New York, Aug. 4. Srooxs; Open. High. Low. Close SoRy 8 U.S. 8 89 891 89, 68 40 64 40 O. 0.......... 53 84 U6e' PeVe-jee 118 Yfi C... B8f A.XJ. O , Amice. ........ 10 U8 89 U7 881 1171 89 Uf 10 1I Adrices to J. X. Latham ft Co., yes- tarday. : NevYorkADg.S. ' Bareau shows three per cent decline making condition 82 against 85( lut year. Market had anticipated report. Lack cf 'haying power exf' ' -sw Vn s. TLUTI01I a Will be Tackled 1)7 the Corporation Commission. w " New Metlve Power Far the A. ft I. College. Farmer' Iaitltate Arranged For. State Else tloa Beard Meets. Char ter Greeted The Em . plre Hardware Co ef Williams toa. ., Ralbiob, Aug. 4 The. State election board met today, to select the coanty board. All Its members save cbalnUn Doughtoa arrived yesterday. It wu stated that he wuslck and would not be able to attend. W The corporation oommlsilon 1 wrest ling with the taxation problem. Its an nasi report Is now In preparation. Chair McNeill will go Into the question very fully. The taxes now do not meet the State's needs. The failure to do so lut year and this year la so great that the total la $453,000. There is a quite prevalent opinion that a-revision ot the tvstem of taxation in this State is needed. Mr. Charles G. Latta, who was struck by a street car In New York and Is suf fering from concussion ot the brain, hu been brought here. He stood the trip auite well and sat up In bed a little while today. It is decided to put in ISO horse-power boilers at the Agricultural and Mechani cal college. These will heat the building and furnish power for the dynamos in the textile baildlne. There will not be enough dynamos at the opening Septenv ber 1 to operate all the machinery, but it is hoped to Install enough dynamos a lit tle later to do this. As hu been stated the textile machinery wu not; operated all lut term, for lack of power. The slate roof 1b now being put on i Watauga hall, the new dormitory, which is for 120 students. ' Private Secretary Pearsall hu re turned from a brief visit to hie kinsman Dr. Murphy, the superintendent of the Western hospital .for the Insane, at Morganton, and wys that the-exterior work on the Immense new building Is about completed. " - A charter wu granted today to the Empire Hardware Co., of Wllllamston, canltal 125.000.. - Commissioner ot Agrlcolture Patter son today arranged for series of 7 farm" era institutes In the Piedmont section, beginning Aug. 14. Later he will ar range for another series, 'these win De conducted by himself B. W. Kllgore, W. F. Musey and Dr. Talt Butler. All Were Saved. "For vears I suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis," writes J H John ston.of Broughton, Ga., "that often I wu unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for uonsump tlon. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till It cured her, and all our ex nerlence goes to show it is the best Croup medicine In the world." a trial will convince you It's unrivaled tor Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at C. D. BradhamV APPOINTED TO CADETSHIP. Matthias E. Manly, of This City, isAp. pointed Cadet to Annapolis Under a recent law delegating to each United Statea Benator the power to ap point a cadet at Annapolis, Benator Sim mons hu honored Craven Connty and and New Bern, by naming Mr. Matthlu Manly, son ot Mrs. Nets Manly, to that position, The young man Is well known and popular here and he Is to be congrat ulatedthat he hu acquired so fine a position, i . The law reanlres that Ave attendants i also be named and Senator Simmons hu appointed four of these. . v They are: Joseph B Cheshire, oi wake Ell M Hlnson, of Mecklenburg; Wm. T. Malilson. of Beaufort; and a son of Iter. L. Meyerberg, of Wayne RALEIGH VS. NEW BERN. Game flayed Testerday Between Colored Teams of Raleigh and Mew Bern. Easily Won by Home Boys. The colored baseball team from Ral elgh came on the excursion train yester day and crossed bats with the New Bern bovs. The Raleigh boys were well charged with ginger or some such stlmn lent, and many explosions of hot air took place. The nnterrllled'New Bern team, however, took the bat at about Ave o'clock, and the ardor of the Ital elghs began to cool. . At the ninth Inning the score stood New Bert 8, Raleigh 1, with a very fair ly played game. The batteries for New Bern were Oram and Hendricks, while Raleigh used Big Jim and Charlie. Mor ton umpired. .. ; -. . The features of the game were the fielding of Snead, who also did some cood tapping, Allen fielded well and Stanly held down first base strong. Another game will be played at the Atlilotlo Park this afternoon, commons ':"Ta S.J.U1J USE J !'r ir WW, nana vj ai i iwiutuw i Dial x , the Great Skin Core, for preserving, puri- . . i i .l ir i A nmnm a nnmnnrv DO POUUIYTDg LUC Will, IUT the stalo of cnots. scales, and md the atocoiiUT of falline hair. fcr softcaW, wltttenmg, and soothing red, rough ana tore hands, for bahv raihji, itonmgs, and chafingi, and for all the pue poee of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women me CUTICURA SOAP in the form of baths for annoying Inflammations and irritation, or too free or offensive perspirations, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purpose ' which readily suggest themselves to women, esrxcianv motbm- rxo amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifier and beautifiers to use any others. Coiptsts Treatment lor every Humour, $t. CongTnangot CUTICURA 8oiP(25c.),tocl0nfw the skin of ornate and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle, Cdticura Ointkknt (90c.), to Instantly allay Itching, Inflamma tion, and Irritation, and soothe and Ileal, and Cutiouba Resolvent Fills CM.), to cool and cleanse the blood. CrmocRA Rbsolvkitt Pills (Chocolate Coated) are a new, tasteless, odorless, eco nomical substitute tor the celebrated liquid Cotiouba Rbsolvknt, as weU as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. In screw cap vials, containing 60 doses, prioe 26o. 8M timukmt tlu waiM- BriHib Drati tT-. OurtnhouaBq Lot don. rrmch D.potiS He la Pz. rtiii. roTTim Dtoo Ajn CRM.Co.sr.. Sou rropik,BM,U. S.a. "U about BuBkU." UM. THROWING THE LASSO. the Maasier Im Which the Hops la Bandied by on Expert. 'A mistaken impresBlon prevails In the mind ot the public In' regard to the manner in which a lasso Is handled," says' an expert "The idea that the loop V j, iv 1 . IB always swung arounu lue ueuu ue- Ifore making a cast, especially when , ; ntt foot, le erro.ncona. No man of experience ever makes a cast tn this fashion from the ground in oractlcal work. There are several rea sons why he does not One ot them is that the movement is likely to frighten th stock, csoeclnlly horses: anotner that he mar have to wait some mm- ntea before a favorable opportunity occurs tor making a cast He knows that better results are obtained by hnldinir the rone as unobtrusively as rxiKHlble. even keeping it conceaiea from the object ot capture, v 'On' the contrary, however, when mminrml and in DUTSUtt It 19 absolutely necessarv to swlna the loop over ana around the head, for th,e cast muBt be made with the greatest possible rorce In order to overcome not only the for ward movement of the pursued, buf Ion the action of the wind should that chance to be agamst you. "AS to the manner or casting, some ronera cast with a aulck, Jerky move- meat of the nana, seeming o ao uv arm tery little and the body not at all. Others employ booy, arm ana nenu. Both methods are "effective when per fected by practice." ; A Jspaaaa Trick, One of the tricks of JaDancse jug glers is to put an egg on a long, Blender stick, let It roll down to near the far ther end, then raise that end and let the swaying elllptoid roll back Into the stands.'.: For Roaches and Water Bugs. If Toa are troubled with roaches and I water bna. trv our Roach Pute. Wa guarantee It to give Mtlsfactlon and re- fnnd the money If It doe not. Price 85c Davis' Pharmacy. To the democratic Voters of Craven County: ; I respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, sub- lect to the action ot the Democratic Primaries. . To the Democracy of my county I de- tire to express my sincere thanks for the generous support given my candidacy heretofore. ' Very truly, Will Watson. . i . ..... , .. . . Foy & Wood Co;, Practical Tinners and Plumbers. . . Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, and Roofing, y We make a speoialtyof Hot Air Heating, and Steel Ceiling. You will find us at ;i:rr.:-?y'a C! 1 I'Ar.-J, ni Hi, iSpanisIi i Mackerel Thift Year's Catcb, J uwt Jteeelwed. ' Fox Riyer Print and Fancy Elgin Batter only 300 lb. ' New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef. , Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, English' Cure& Shoulders and California Hams. v - r Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, - ' j - . Grape Nuts. , : .v . v. Maaon's Friiit Jars and Jar Rubbfra. ; ; , t. 4u- ; Potted and (3anned Heats. ';2 Heinx'a Pickles. , ' . . '.-'. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter J.L.1D1I ariiviifj VJLm Ja jaaarwva rm a Tew ot our many ruzzeiers r FOR CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, ' Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. . A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon- Cling Peaches, at 18c per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 80c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c lb. 5 A Good Boasted Coffee at 11c lb, or 5 lbs for 50c. 1 A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9c lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Phone 157 LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST and lOiA a unny yuur i uumiuj t0 Planters Warehouse UTEW BEIIX, X. ., which is always thoplaca TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Opening Sale August 1st i Best accommodations guaranteed. " . . E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. Mid-Sxrnm.er : Clearance Sale OF LAWM8 AMD SUPLIER DRESS GOODS. Our entire line ot Figured Lawn and Fancy Stripe and Jdawns, white and colors, 1 AT We have some Very left to select irom. - m 6lPcUockSt. ii ' EnRlish, Classical, BcIeriUacsndCcn young men. 8eventy-one lioarUn 1 u Counties and two States the vnrt y r. tbat is hot a machine: where an t,,. r i is sooanT;wivpreTBCTHriiL, i A tour years Premtory C'n ', ! preparation for t'-..i 'cr l't l.i . UliarRes reasc!...iU), ii. il Write fori' It ' " r v 30c lb. 'J' i -i . '-. . t tWhoIettale t iCa COST. .; Exclusive Patterns o Yn p imp 'v1 -rr, i I A I il for boys and nm fev- i 'J ! '1 : r 1 f 1 I 1 t r c,. & IXetail . Grocer. g r " 1 rr:!: l f I til I t j et t' rc o'clock.

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