THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Published la Two 8toa1ij Tees oera, CHARLES U STEVEN 5j umaa' uuQnenutoa. S3UB8CRIPTION RITES: Two Month. ...M Cents. rv- u ik. an 8il Montha... '!! W , w Twelve Moatha. 1.00 ONLY IN ADYANCaV; Advertising rates furnished bo ep plicalioa at th office, or npo Inquiry by Mail. . . -. WTh Jousjiax U only Mat oa pey ' In-advance baaia. Subscriber will receive notice of expiration of their tub scrtotiona and an immediate reeponae to notioe fd be appreciated by th Jotjbhai Entered at the Poatoffica, Mew Bera t. CL aaaecond-elast matter. Seetlea Oae, Taesdav, Aag. o, 109 WHICH SHALL PREVAIL? The time la quickly drawing near whan the question matt be decided at to which la the greatest power, the Trusts or Governments, the latter being the people. And thti Issue seems can only he de termined by a conflict In which the People mnit prove themselves the su perior and controlling force. The Trnat danger la no longer con fined In thla country, for, ai the world's! great basinets Interests are becoming more closely allied, to most commercial combine extend over the world where cyer the Interest of each Is found. The press Is now telling of the "world's greatest trust," It being the combination of the three monster oil In terests of Rockefeller, Rothnchlld and Nobel, which propose to control the world's product, having given notice to the Russian oil people that they mast join or fight This "greatest trust" has alarmed the Russian government, which Is seeking an anti-trust conference with other coun tries, looking no doubt to the forming of some means which shall protect the Russian oil exporter's Interests. Here Is a Trust, that has become in' ternationai lu H scope, which proposes to dictate to the oil consumers of the eartb. In this particular matter of oil, It ia a fearful menace to the people, which de prives them of every power of action or this most Important article of dally con sumption. Tet In this country, very many other necessities are thus controlled by Trusts, to the harm of the consumer and the in jury of trade. It Is a very live question, this, as to which shall prevail, the Trusts, a few men feeding upon the needs of the ' masses, or the People whose Interests are being absolutely governed by a few individuals. NO CITY AND COUNTRY DI VIDING LINE. In the march of twentieth century progress, the old dividing line be tween city and country, Is fast being re moved. , Of course corporate limits confine or make the boundaries of a municipality, and beyond these stretches the country, until tome other line of municipality it Bat the dividing lute between, city and country Is fast dissolving,, and be coming purely imaginary or arbitrary one. f. - -v ' l $: $ t The reason for this it easily to be ' noted In the modern improvements jak ing place.: ; Hfyll . sWi i Paved roadways or macadamized hlgb- .. ways, no longer belong to the city, ax-. fdaslvely, for the country roads Jare being constructed as finely si those rn the cltlea, the one merging Into the other, without any diitlngBiabing mark. . Thlsplaces the city within, easy driv: ing distance of the farmer, making his communication a dally one with the city instead of a weekly or monthly one, at la times put , Them ia the matter of mall facilities, with the free rural delivery, the farmer finds hit daily mall at band, aa conven ient at does the city resident, 'y I To I farm' in th t day, does not bean isolation or b abandonment of person al or soclJ omf..ns, for the farmer bat hit daily newspaper,, And other periodl- cala u quickly aa does the city resident. , The improved public .highway placet Mm'- fr!tf!u; fiwy rsob, .of the i e!ty. School! ' jkii tint?- i are'' 'n e-1jt ' of his house, and the -telephone plaeet the farm house within call and speaking C'-Unce of every portion of the city. - : rirrs nrm v,ttj its AM r i i') j- ax y-s iJ of r i i, ltl :-'-g - - - , -. . a Joint circular leaned by the A. N. C, R. R the Atlantic Coast Line aad the K. CD. Lite, notifying all ahlppen that their freight must be removed from th custody of the above carrier wtUla forty-eight hour after a eertala time, or a storage charge would have to be paid by the owner of the prop erty. Thla circular produced a mild panic among local merchant who bad been accuatotned to recetvlag oae and more carload lota of goods, aad keeping the tame hi the transportation companies warehouses, taking out such portloat as needed from time to time. ThU charge for storage meant lose buying, or the providing of store rooms for the larger merchants. Thla of course meant extra expense, aad considerable trouble to merchants to provide at once suitable and conveni ent store room. ThU circular waa a surprise to the Jourxal, In that the Atlantic ft North Carolina railroad company waa a party to an agreement to Charge Its patrons storage on goods in its warehouse, when it was remembered that the A. A N. C company in building its Trent river warehouse, had publicly given its reason for to building, that Its patrons might have convenient storage room, and with out any charge to them for the apace used. This waa no less than bad faith on the part of the A. A N. C. management. In entering upon an agreement to charge storage, when it had promised not to do so. But In this matter the Jocbxal Is glad to say, that the A. A N. 0. management within a very abort time has withdrawn from the circular compact, and as can be teen in another column of this paper, ! hat again restored storage room, free, at before to Its patrons. This It at it should be, for'whatever rules the other transportation companies may wish to prescribe as to their own storage room, there Is no reason for the A. A N. C. company to be bound to break faith with its patrons, on a matter which Is purely local In character. If the A. ft N. C. management had broken faith In this matter of storage, what was Its patrons to expect of it, In any future promise. That it has so quickly reconsidered its unwise action, Is a matter of congratulation for Its own and aawell all other business interests in this city. HOW'S This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P, J. CHENKY . CO. ToWi n We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him pefectly honorable in all business and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. West ft .Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinhah ft Marvih, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure It taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75a per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. ' Hall's Family Pills are the best. ) Aatlmltr f Clataa. Glass, at for at research bat been able to determine, was in use 2.00C years before the birth- of Christ and was even then not In Its Infancy. In the state collection at the British mu seum there It the bead of a lion mold ed In glass bearing the name of an Egyptian king ot the eleventh 6yna ty. - . : A Necessary Precaution. Don't neglect a cold. It is worse than unpleasant It ia dangerous. By using One Minute Cough Cure you can cure it, at once. Allay inflammation, clean the bead, soothes and strengthens the mu cous membrane. Cures coughs, croup throat and lqng trouble. Absolutely safe Acts Immediately. Children like it. F 8 Duffy : r , - f f 'f Bis Beat Bate. . Xhey wera discussing the amateur theatricals of the previous evening, and Thespis was bewailing the hard luck .that bad brought on a violent headache. And prevented his appear knee f.-fr . v. "Do you know, old boy," be said con fidentially, "that waa to have been the effort of ay Ufa I bad the lovecene wn fine, and Mildred's heart must v bees of atone if ahe failed to tee 1 1 waa in earnest I was willing o stake everything on the result, for waa confident she would accept me the moment the curtain went down. 'And to think that my usual hard lock would at ep. In Just when an my hopes were about to be realised T 11 heard Mildred refer to your non appearance," remarked Payer. :' . "Ton did? And what did the tayr ?8ld you performed an act of char ity by not, coming on." : ' M atklabd, Fla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. ' Gentlemen: I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by vtrlout physicians, but to nothing hat the disease yielded ao read ily as to Liquid Sulphub. I think if used properly It is undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema. I have prescribed it for others with most satisfactory results. I consider it the best remedy for cuta neous ejections I have ever known, and regard It at the greatest medical discov ery of the age. r v Respectfully yours, ' W.A.E2Ar.D, M. D. For sale at F, B. r-ys. r? rr r- - r-i Dyspopaia Guro Dcsst3 chit yea cit Thla preparation contains an of the dlgestaata and digests all kind of rood, it gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive iiomacna can take Ik xty its use many thousand of dyspeptka have teen cured after everything elaa failed. It prevent ionnauonoigatoa um stom ach, relieving all distress aftr eating. Uetlnguiukecesgary, Pleasant to take. Itcaa'thefa iioitla yoa fjootJ rretr!niiitv w. IKWrnaoa-Ohk taa tL sotue eoauua H Uniea UraWe. au 1)0 r FT ft CO GERMAN GLEANINGS. ' It la still a crisne to Rliuut -Vlre la Praacer la AlsaettLorraiue. Forty per cent Mhe pWato rrop in Oermany la used for, fodder. Oermany baa adopted gray brown a the war paint of its torpedo bcita. ; A OermaA army physMan rteclareo be has discovered si serum which will cure even chronic rneumatlsm. 1 To provide nesting places for birds the.j.kateer baa had fifty-two boxes plaoed,! the izeea in various parts of the Sana Soudpar In Potsdam. Oemaay .makes: more gloves now than France, .There are 1,100 concerns in Oermany, the total output of eighty five factories being for export only. . The first two day on which Berlin's overhead and undergroand electric railway t werejHlt Into operation dou ble fares were. charged,. the proceeds being devoted to the establishment of an aid fund for employee. Just Look M Her. Whence came that sprightly ttep,ftult leas skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face, tihe looks good, feel good. Here's her secret She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result, all organs active, digestion good, ao headaches, no chance for "blues." Try. them yourself. Only X5c at C. D. Bradham's. It Pwulea Bias. It is said of a former Marquis of ownshend that when young and en- in battle he saw a. drummer at side killed by a eannon ball which cattered his brains in every direction. Is eyes were at once fixed on the hastly object, which seemed to en gross bis thoughts. A superior officer bserving him supposed be waa lntim- ted at the alght and addressed him a manner to cheer hit spirits. "Ohr the young marquis, with calm est, but severity. "I am not frightened. am puzzled to make out how any man th such a quantity of brains ever came to be heref .8TORX. Basis ta LA tindtM Haw llwari Botp Arizona exceeds in area the follow ing ten states: Rhode Island, Dela ware,. Connecticut, New Jersey, Mas sachusetts, New. Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, West .Virginia aud South Carolina. -: The Rest Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever It a bottle of G nova's Tastbxk8s Chill Tostio. It is limply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c SllttUar Tre Bark. " U'hMI A vminir a. nhoAA (m. , ' vuug . . U 1 . V U U W . U tops growing and looks as If it were bout to ge up the struggle for ex- ;enoe, the trouble may often be traced o Its being barkbound. Iu thla case long perpendicular slit In the bark HI enable it to resume its , natural growth, . . . y , ." A Simula Matter. , ". ' "Jobn, I'd like you to wake me at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I want to catch the early train." I ,-All right air; aU rights jeplled the able servitor expressively; "all you got to do, eir, is to ring." Philadelphia North American. ; ;-.-;'- WD nOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKHfG When you take Qrove't Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula it plainly printed on every bottle showing that It It simply iron and quinine in a tatteleat form. No cure ao pay. Price 60c. " . " .. . Tke Wajr Be Came. : At the finish of a football match a youngster in bis hurry to get out scram bled over the paling that surrounds the ground. ,;; 1 A burly policeman standing : by ahouted to him as be waa, about to drop outside, "Xeu young rascal, wby don't you go out the way you came tnr :vv.-V'--- '---f "So I amr shouted the boy aa Jw vanished Into the crowd. ?. The policemaa also vanished, amid the laughter of the bystanders. Take a bath la Hancock's Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the moat celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired atrength. They will care Prickly beat. Eczema, and all tkln die- For tale by F. 8. Duffy, r The mortality In smalliwx epidemics usually ranees from 20 to 83 per cent "ot the cases. ' Pharaoh's rate. -. v , The Pharaoh of the Book of Gene sis was long supposed to bare been drowned In the Red sea, but examina tions of bis mummy showed that be bad been killed by having hit .skull split open. v t ; " Caaa4a'a Pareata. " , It is estimated that Canadian forests will furnish wood for the pulp Industry for W0 years. , - - 0 . m? 1 . J C 1j Ell IlllOl Report Of Snperiateaieat Of Edi- ation. ' . . Aatplcieu Tebacco Opeaiag. Pestl- bie Political Fate of Ceag. Bellamy. Dr. Cooke Elee ! - ted Deaaof tka New - led leal Depart- eat of Wake - ForettCal- lege. ' ". . Ralrioh, Aug. la The State tuperin tendent of public instruction hat received a report on education, or rather illiteracy la Robeson county. At the end of the report the superintendeat hat written the words: "This it fearful,'' and they certainly express the facts in the case. The report says that the following can not read or write, being persons between the ages of 12 and 21. White male 258, white females J 88; negro male 633 ,n eg ro females 581; Croa tan Indian males 829, Croatan Indian fe males BIS; total 2088. 8late Auditor Dixon Is to make an educational speech in Robeson next week and these figures art furnished him. The statement fur nished also gives the average pay of pub He school teachers in Robeson. : That of white males it $38, per month, white fe males 37; negro males 30,70, negro fe males $28,90; Croatan males $28,80, Grot ! tan females $25. The nearo teachers get 1 more than the white teachers. A circular letter will be Issued by the Btate Superintendent tomorrow, with the approval of the other state officials, setting forth that the public school fund wUl continue to be apportioned be tween the white and negroes not per capita but as needed to keep the school for both races open at least four months in each year. This Is the only constitu tional and proper way. The tobacco season was formally opened here today. All the warehouse were crowded with leaf. The quality Of some of this was unusually high thus early in the year. Prices as high a $32 were realized. Tobacco was here from 5 counties. Secretary Bruner of the Agricultural department left this afternoon for Per son county to take a special lot of pho tographs. His new camera takes a pic ture 7x33. The superb collection of photographs in the State museum is to be Increased. A well known newspaper editor here has gout. It is asserted that he Is the first newspaper man In the Btate who was ever able to have that disease. A group of prominent Democrats chatting here said they heard that Con gressman Bellamy was likely to be de feated for renomlnation this year. Hale, Patterson, Brown, Mclntyro, and others are mentioned aa possible Winners The Democratic State . committee meetahere Monday. The Btate board of election meets the next day. Senator Butler has rented his house here and wilt spend next winter la Washington. It Is Intimated that be may not again reside here. The leading negro politician here when asked today which would be the attitude of the negro vote in the com ing campaign replied with a smile "He wUl saw wood." ; ; : The Carter ft Whitehead Co. of Wil ton was today authorized by the State to Increase Its capital stock to $25,000. Y Rev. Anthony Asmcr, a Syrian Catho lic priest, is here, preaching to the local colony of Syrians. He preaches In Aratic He speaks only that language and French. ' . - Dr. Fred K. Cooke son of Hon. C, M. Cooke of Loulsburg is elected dean of the new medical department at Wake Forest College. , :' i a There tie now 164 rural free delivery mall routes In this State, an Increase of 49 during July. . , j The Grand Chapter Royal Arch Ma sons of North Carolina have decided to educate one boy each year at the A. ft M College. Mr. Drewrv ao writes Eaton Renno a cripple at Oxford Orphan Aty- um i seiecieo. . tie nas only one leg. ; His Sight Threatened. ? ' ' "While picnicking last month my ll year-old boy was poisoned by tome weed or plant," says. W H Dibble, of 81oux City, Ia. "He rubbed the poison off bis hands into bis eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose tight. FInahy a neighbor recommended DeWltt't Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and in a few days be was at weU at ever.", For tkln diseases, eutt, burn, scalds, wounds Insect bites, DeWttt's Witch Htzel Salve It sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of Counterfeits. F.B.Duffy. '. . ' 1 ' i; . TleM f the Coeaeau ...... It bas been shown that the cocoon Of a silkworm will yield a thread 1,000 yards, or three-fifths of a mile long. :; ' Cameta la Afrlea. ' . Camels flourish only In the dry part of Africa. Some years ago a caravan of these animals was leaded with goods near Zanzibar nnd started for Lake Tanganyika, but not one lived to tee the lake. --. . St. Louis. Louis IX, the saint after whom the city of 8t Louie It named, died of Uu plague while on a crusade In Africa. Look Pleasant, Please. ; Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O, can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of Indigest ion. All phyticlaqt and medicine failed to help him till be tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonder for htm that be declares they are a godwnd to sufferers from dyspepsia ' tnd ttomacb troubles. Unrivaled for diseases oftbe Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up tnd give new life to the whole sys tem. Try thera. Only GDc Guarantee! by 0. D. Brt'llia-n, drr'at. .1 Clrei tut Sesteace. SpedauJouraal.' . J V ij Raliioh, Aug. l.-ov. Ayeock to day commuted to Imprisonment for lift la Ue penitentiary, Richard Blaton, who wat under sentence of death tor rape at Salisbury. -.";. .The Qoveraor tar that Blatoa' gnQt it too uacertaia to' permit bit execution.- The only evidence agalast hlsa wu that of a wosaea who taw him la aa uncertain light through open door. At first she failed to Identify him and the officer turned alas loose on heretate- ateat. ' ' . - - - . : The trial judge urged th commuta tion. Richard Fleming, the other man convicted at the same time died declar ing Blatoa Innocent. The Judge' aald that but for the Implied aaderstaadlag that the sentence would be eoamutod to life Imprisonment be would have tet the verdict aside. . The British government baa wltb- drawa all claims to toverelgsty to the bay lalaads ot UUUa aad others admit ting that they belong to the itete of Bon dura. - , . " ; ' .' :- Judge Duraad wat aomlaated for gorernor-of ailchigaa by the Democrafa, Thursday. f He ia a gold democratic, President Mitchell, ; of the Miners TJnloa stales that the reports regarding the strike in Pennsylvania and especial ly Shenandoah are greatly.: exaggerated and misleading. He la depressed about the strike and fears it will -not accom plish Its purpose. ' - ;;,- ' Cardinal Gibbons bu accepted tha vice presidency of the Schley Triumphal Arch Association of Baltimore. - Surgeon General Rltey bat ordered a general vaccination at the Norfolk and Portsmouth navy yard. The ttrlke tltuallon at Shenandoah, Pa., remains unchanged. There is com parative quiet but aa outbreak msy oc cur at any time. Twelve hundred troops are stationed there to guard' the prop erty. Charles Craven, the supposed murder-' er of Wm. H. Wilton, a farmer living near Herndon, Va , was taken from jail at Lessburg by a mob of ISO men who overpowered the gaard, and lynched. Craven stoutly maintained hit Inno cence. The condition of Mrs. Prltchard, wife of Senator Prltchard, It reported to be leaa favorable. It wat decided that a second operation waa necessary which wat performed Friday. , . -; 1 The State ot Illinois wlU fight the pro posed packers combine; and ' Will not wait for consolidation to become com ptew Wumi proceed agaluBt the con cerns proposing the merger, '"fj-. " In an interview given to the Washing ton Post, General Julian & Carr declar ed bit intention of being a candidate be fore the next auto Legislature for the United States Senate- . v r- - Joseph Bedall wbo-wa severelv beat en w th riot of Shenandoah, Pa-,Thurt day died that night in the miners hospi tal, lit it the nrat victim to lose bit life In the strike. ; : ' , One of the most terrific and remark able display of lightning ever teen took place at Butte Mont, Thursday. For an hour in the afternoon the heavens wat one continent flame, Nearly everything became charged with electricity, even wood, and other thingt. supposed to be Boa-condncton, one .man , was killed by touching a pile of meat In a refrigerator ear, which be attempted to remove, tome time after the . atom wat over, many people received severe shocks. . . It Needs a Tonic." v . There are lime when your liver needs a tonic. Dont give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DeWltt't Little Earl Risers expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to toe liver. W Scott, 63 High land ave.. Milton. Ha. savs: "I have ear rled DeWItl'S Little Earlv 1 Risers with me for several vears and would not be without them. : Small and easy to take purely vegetable. They , never gripe or aistress. r. 8. uoffy. - v. Whees. the Nhih. . : 4 ' She would not. though 1 cocztdand . . And be:d of her my brie to ba. t :' he said she'd marry whom ahe pleased) Yet, goodnes know, aha pleaaca ma. . ; - w Tark World. ' Weddiaat. Tt waa a quiet wedding, pre- umer , - - . "Oh, yea.. The groom acted aa it ho bad been hypnotlaed." Town Topic. atsmi wut , f' ; Th weather sure Is trylnf, But to blam It w art loath,' - While tha mint I In the Julep And the straw I in 'em both I .- -vdUant Constitution. . , , Women ana Jewels..' ' , Jewels, candy, flowers, man-that la tha order of a woman' preference. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even' that great eat of all Jewel, health, 1 often ruined In the itrenuoui efforte to make or save the money to purchase them. . If a wo man will risk her health to get a coveted gem. then let her fortify herself against the Insldnout consequences of cooght, colds tad bronchial SuectloDi by the regular use of Dr. Bone Lee's Gorman Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption In Itt early :- and heal the ;ieaed lungs and bron--..ul tube and drive tbe dread (i -"e from tbe sysicn. It it not a cure-ail, but It Is a cut'.o cure for c- " , colds tnd all b'oncUal troub'--. Vi-1 f t get this rcMuble reme dy at FBI ;8. tc 'it' c aUoatlMraiaaoMMdy to 7 J and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order .to ; kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action U to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonf ul of " K '4", lytkica in i Muotang andxHthtitarAttat!miatarneattrTak. ' Thi iairhoui-. t t.ut th.attliu oiMlUy with UmIuu- . wwiitan.1 MWr dulM Uls in.r urono u a soft th aud wrap ""'.uvLltU4ii.i'k. Ilk IOTt'iiCCRE. , ' TSoc., tc. aiil Ci.00 li bottle.":. , -fUvf v.---'.' IT Dr Vfl! h lV ',v" '-"'Pl-d with a running IT,rAr Bt TIFJ ..! -u. . . . with eaia atuutaug LIImwu aui . mm k-i m i-'v uj - iila IKm-v MtlilllVgV. MitiUlL- ommttffftft cAgticultutd and cMechanical College. " INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION : , a AMviMtinn n on1 t.MnA e-iff rtnntr RLiiisV ftnil mainilfill work in antt A t tllJIUIIiatlylviti na vhwij awoje ymmwm w. - - : - ' j t Engineering;, Acrkulture, ChemUtry, Electrkliy, nechanlc Arta r awl wouon manuiaciunng. Full looraes (t years nnortuoursesvtycar r Special Courses (3 mos,). Tuition and room,J19 a term; board $8 a month. 3 80 teachers, 869 students, new building lor 600. write lor oooaiet ua; at the A & M. College." ' ' - President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C AAlIiAAiliiAtAiAAiiiiiiAlif A AAAAAAAdrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi1 ltl......UI,K U .s,.g 1 - . ' h 5r X. JL. WAUlh Attorney at Ltl'w, 74 So. Front St , Opp. Hotel CltatUwka, NEW BBBN, N. V. CraveoCounty Attorney. ' Circuit, Craven, J ones, Onslow, Cart eret, famlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Court. I offer for sale or rent my entire Farm and complete accessories. Will sell cheap for cash or gilt edge securities, or will rent the farm, selling tbe Imple ments and ' team to the right man at a living figure. u : -Call or addrest, ' ' " 1. J. 3 MRS. E. A. VINSON, J -i : ; Sweet Oome.Ftrm. NewJ3ern4N. 0.. . - f BtarttVt' .4 mlr MV t -, t -! U1 nly4a English, Classical, Scientific and Commercial for boys and young men. Peventy-one Boarding Pupils from Feventeen Counties and two Htatet the past year. A Military School .I,.. I. . .Km iniraiHiT TDDTBAD'or HOMBBB3 is bouoitt; where thothful, manly, honest boys are wanted. A four years Preparatory Course, giving full, and thorough preparation for College or For Life. Athletics encouraged. Charges reasonable. Term begins Pept 8rd. Write for illustrated catalogue. , . J. E. DEBNAM, Sapt Tfffttffitttftftti ; TUCKER BROS 610 North front Street, WILMINGTON,: N. V. Tbe place to buy jour Cemetery Work bt BOTTOM PRICE". I Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish tbe Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered. ' . Branch yard, Ooldsboro, Nt C n n n i avtSMra, HARDWARE ,, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, . Oenient, Platter, PainU, Oils, Varnish, Patty, Saab, Doors, Blinda, lottery and all the naefnl articles usually found in an ITn-tA-riatii rtarrirarA Sinn' BKADgOAKTERS FOR . . And aU Kindt of " EDILilG H1TEEI1L - Best Gotl . . Xoirent Irle. s. - Under Hotel ChatUwka. NEW KERN. Mi i MW4 I I3avlng secured the service of ex perienced panic, I am prepared aa short , notice to eiocute Farm, City, Land, and Rail Boad surveying. Ditches Street and Road laid out and leveled. Draughting In all U branches. Clue and black prlnta made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying tnd plotMnt;. "'Drawings and wokr'nsrj !!. txe I rro ' "'v. t'ew-ers-eni 1 tir.'n- ; 1 lu'J out and const..' : ".'en t . 1 i e 1 - i

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