t 1 mm " 11 Mil 1:1 I I . if I I. I hi -i ' VOLUMI XIY. IXW CKiVH COUITT, V. C, FBIDiT, AUGUST 8, 1002.-SrCOSD SICTIOS. Ex-Assoclatc Justice Robert . X. Douglas About to be Honored " by the PresideaL " The tteveraer Paraoas Xeatfert Greea. The Repablleaa Coa veatloa Will Net Attaek the Fraaealee Aaead aeet Tire Tie leativ Iasaae ; Prlseaers. Ralbisb, Aug. The Bute test book " commissioner haa not yet selected aa elementary book oa agriculture, nor a history of North Carolina. It Will prob ably make selections aoon. ' .' ": , The treasury of a county In this State has made a charge of t per cent eotamla on $30,000 of reoelpu of school fond for 1899-1900 and or I per cent oa the Bute appropriation for 1900-1901 to public schools. Be was allowed this by the oonnty board, under the advice of the county attorney. The Bute Superintend ent of public Instruction disallowed these commissions. . The county board refused to demand of the treasurer to re fund them. The matter has gone to the attorney general, who fully auttalns the ruling of the State Superintendent. It Is said here today that President . Roosevelt will appoint Associate Justice Robert M. Douglas to the position de clined by Senator McLanrln of 8. 0. ' It Is said by friends of Judge George H. Brown that In such an event he will be appointed to succeed Douglas.-1 It Is said the State executive committee would' so :, recommend and that the appointment would be until the next general elec tion. The Governor pardons Montfort Green, of dates county, convicted of larct ny and M-nlenced 'to one year In tbe peniteDlinry. " The petition ,fcr par don was prepared at the request of the Jury which convicted, and also at the re quest of the solicitor. Republicans of high position In their parly tell your correspondent that their State convention will not antagonize tbe franchise amendment to tbe consti tution, but will recognise It as part of the constitution and tbe law. Two violent Insane white men, Mike Cosgrovo and Ambrose Plerce.who have made jail life hero a terror to the Other inmates have been placed In the asylum here, two of the Inmates of the latter " having been transferred to the county home. Cosgrove tore out all his beard and moustache and also cut himself In a thousand places with a tin drinking cup which he broke Into pieces. , , .. . Open cotton bolls .were found In a field here yesterday, near the Pilot cotton mills. The Stale Superintendent of Public la ". struction today sent the following lm portent letter to the county superlnten . dents and County Boards of Ednca- '. tlon.' "Since the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Hookn. et al. vs. Town of Greenville, tome confusion aeems to have arisen In regard to the distribution of the school fund. , In re sponse to numerous Inquiries from coun ' ty superintendent, membeas of Boards of Education and others, I have deemed It necessary to send out this letter of In struction, In the case referred to above, the question of the distribution of the school fund was not directly at Issue, therefore, what the court says upon that subject Is what the lawyers call a dictum Instead of a decision. , Section 24 of the Public School law of N. C, directs the County Boards of Education to appor tion the school fund of the county to the 'various townships per capita. It further directs them to distribute and apportion the school money to each townahlp so as . to givo to each school In said townahlp, ' for each rnoc the same length of school term, as nearly aa may, be, , each year, ' and to U.ve'propar regard for the grade of mora to be done and the qualifica tions f the teachers required "In each school for each race, and fix the maxi mum salary for each school In the conn- try. This law having been legally en acted by tbe , Lrglslat ore, must be as sumed to be constitutional until it la ex- ' preesly decldt'd to be unconstitutional,' I can not think that what appears to be a dictum of tbe Supreme Court upon j a question not directly at Issue, In a case rinvolvlag fthe ' constitutionality of j a special act of the Legislature, applicable only o a ' particular locality, can be ' n nderxtood, or was Intended by the court to br understood, as setting aside Sec tion 21 of the General School Law Of the State, aad radically Changing the entire method of distribution of the school . fund. Therefore, 1 feel It my duty to In struct County Boards of Education to continue to apportion the school fund at directed by the Public School Law of North Carolina." ' f - .' :" Aug. 5.-Mr. W H Townaend returned Monday from Morehead - after a brief stay there. " Mrs. W. D. Lambert aad chlldien re- . turned Sunday fmm Wilmington whete tnvy have been on a visit for some ,'timelil';,S.;ir;.i;iil:vK..;' vr i" . Mr. bred White, Jr., and wire of Venceboro were here Sunday. ! Mrs. Susan Lewie or Beaufort Is here for a few days. V W?-X ; i Use iTancock'a Liquid Sulphur, for T-?c FI,'" r'-"-W6rnt, Dandrul 'an ! a-1 e'.'i C s. For tn'.e at F. B. r " -'a. '-- TELEGRAPHIC MtEYTTIES. Praak Culbert, a negro lad In Greens boro, aataraUd the olothlag of another boy with gasoline aad while attempting to hjnlu the clothing of the crying boy, was discovered by C. W. Taattory a merchant who prevented the accomplish meal of the deed. The enraged bruU on being foiled In hta purpose, assaulted Yanatory with a hstchet slightly hurting him. ' - T ' A aavata ball atona naaaad over tha Sauleton aeetlon of Way ae eoaaty Mon day, doing great damage. wnoie aeids of cotton and tobacco, were completely destroyed, In some places hailstones lay three feet deep. - At a meeting of the Federation of Oathollo societies la Chicago, Tuesday, the feeltag of those present were quite pronounced against the neett manifesto of ArchbUhop Ireland, waning against a discuss loa of tha adnUnistraUoa's method! la the PhlUppInea. General Jacob H. Smith, who ordered hia troops to transform Samar, on of the Philippine lalanda, Into a howling wilderness, has been retired from the army by the President. Steamboats City of Venice and Begu Ine collided oa lake Erie, off Rondeau, OnUiio. The mate and fireman of the Venice wore drowned and several others were badly injured. , V : The negro who was shot In Wilming ton 1 Charlta Rogers, died at the city hospital, Rogers was exonerated from the charge at tha negro waa threaten ing an attack and acting In a auspicious manner. The negro's name was Frank Clayton Armed strikers made a concerted at tack on the camp of the Eighth Regi ment" at Shenandoah, Pa., .Tuesday. Eighty men were concerned la . the' at tack, and over two hundred shots were fired.' No casualltlee have been re ported, t : It le said that American Friars will be sent to tbe Philippines to replace the Bpanlah Fathera. Payment will be made for the large estatea owned bytheAu guatintana. 'This plan la supposed to be the easiest solution of 'the trouble. Hunter Sharp, of North Carolina, has been commission eeV by the President aa interpreter of the United Btstes consu late at Kobe, Japan. i ' Information cornea through an official channel that tbe King, although really 111, will go through the coronation, bat Immediately aftarwards another opera tion will be performed. ' The pension roll resulting from the Civil War hat established a new high watermark. On July 1 last there were 999,440 pensions, an Increase of 1997 since 1899, when the figure of 991,619 was reached.' This Increase Is shown notwithstanding the fact that during the past three years the death rate among aged pensioners has been , unusually large. Officials of the Pension Bureau ascribe the increase In the number of pensioners to special legislation by Con gress, and not to liberality or loose methoda In the Bureau. I j. The towers and walls of the varied In dustrlal buildings oa the World' Fair grounda at St. Loula were blown down by a severe storm Tuesbay morning, i : Miss Bessie Wall, the Asheboro girl who myaterlously disappeared from her home about six weeka ago has been lo cated and her friends ' will have her re turned to her home In a few days- , ' Western railroads have agreed to grant the farmers a ten per cent reduc tion on their shipments. Locke Craig opened bla campaign for United Btates SenaioiL from , North Carolina, at Wayneavtlle, laat' Mon day..:"'"V1;i .v-vi u iiA1 Mayor James M. Moody, was nomina ted at the Republican Congressional Convention at Wayneavllle, N. C, ct didaU for Oongreaa from tbe new Tenth district. v 1 ' The annual season of the hold up and, train robbery has arrived. Masked mea flagged a O. a ft Q. train near Mt. Car roll, 111. One of the rebbera . was ahot and killed' but hta companions got away with alx sacks of coin. Tha amount of money stolen la not known,,-' The annual meeting of; the Friends Society (Quakers) la In session at High Point, N.C. Daniel J. Bweeney, a non-union coal mine watcher at Wllkeabarre, Pa., was brutally murdered by striken because be would aot quit Work. He aald that his family needed tbe moaey and that he could not afford to stop, " . I ' Governor Aycock hu received a cir cular letter giving the provisions of the will of tbe late Cecil Rhodes relating to the scholarships he has established at Oxford. North Carolina will be entitled to two scholarships, but not more than one s'.-uU be f" l 1i any year. The iJLal.'p c i ? ' ' it S:9 poani a y- ri-11 - '.' J. '.'if 190S. No method has yet been prescribed for choosing hiss. After muttering an oath because he could aotaalta akaot la a rope, Ike McMillan, the engineer la charge of the merry-go-round at LatU Park, Charlotte was struck dead by a bolt of lightning during aa electrical atom Wednesday. Fred Bmllh, .. colored, was alto severely injured, being burned about the arms and having his shoes badly torn. Will Toung, a third assistant, was alto stun ned. Twelve thousand acres of coal land near Tuscaloosa, Ala. have beta bought by the McOonnlck eeUte of Harrhburg, Pa, A torrlfie wind storm passed over High Point, N. C . Wednesday at two-thirty p. ., doing considerable damage at . some of the factories aad uprooting trees fat different parts of the city. King Victor Emmanuel hae contribut ed 100,000 lire (119,300) to the restora tion of the Campanile of St. Mark's, which collapsed July 14. - Jere Conelly, United States post office inspector, who has been located In North Carolina or several years, reetdlns: at Raleigh and Wilmington, has been trans ferred to tbe rural free delivery system of the post office department. A deatructlve storm occurred at Dur ham Wednesdsy, enUlltng a great loss to property. The steeple of the Carr Methodist church In East Durham waa blown off and many trees were blown down destroying the beauty of many places. Andrew D. White, United States Am baaaador to Germany haa resigned. A re port le In circulation that the President I ntends to transfer Mr. Tower, the Am baaaador to Russia to the Berlin court, air. Stone the Minister to Spain will be sent to Bt. Petersburg. i . Mrs. T. B. Scott, of Greensboro object to linemen erecting a pole In front of her house Tuesday ahe emphasized her demands with a ahot .gun, standing guard over the yard for some time and threatening "by the gods" to shoot any man who attempted to put up a pole The lineman were beaten and It said the matter will go into the courts. , Harry Tracer, the notorious outlaw and deaperdo who escaped from the Ore gon penitentiary a . few weeka ago, is dead. It will be remembered that Tracey made a record for himaelf by killing sev en men In bis fight for liberty, but at laat hunted by the officers and suffering from a broken leg he put an : end to tbe chase by shooting himself through the head. POLLOCKSVILLE. Recovery of Stolen Horse'. C. B. Elliot r .Withdraws His Candidacy. . ; , Aug 6. Miss Irene Barrus, of Kins ton, Is visiting her uacle and family, Mr I H Barrus of thla place. - -. v Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Bryan entertained their friends at their home In this : place laat Monday evening. Ice .cream and cake, etc, were abundantly served and games of various kinds engaged In as amuaement. .'. i : ; Deputy sheriff Cox of Wilmington left here on the 7 a. m. freight with a horse stoles from a ; livery maa In that city, the horse, waa sold at Trenton to Mr. Lon Taylor for $1S cash and the buggy i was sold at Dixon sUUon for 1.75 ets. All the stolen property, hu been recovered,, and . returned to the rightful owner tV , Mr. Albert N. Coble of Trenton is here for ' several days with his camera and tent 1 and will . uke your photo In any style desired. ' He is an up-to-date arttst. t. nvstit ': t - Mr. E. B, Elliott has withdrawn from the contest u a candidate before the Democratic convention for the nomina tion u Sheriff of this county and desires to thank his many friends for their lib eral encouragement. i Mr. A. 8. Lee ' reports his lut trip to Goldsboro as quite a successful one with tbe girls and young widows. " He thinks only a few more neceaaary to complete his fanny Dictionary. - Miss Almeda White returned lut Sun day from a pleasure trip to Norfolk, Vir ginia Beach and Old Point.1 'i: Mr George Henderson of New Born wu a welcome visitor In our village lut Sunday.' "''"'',-..,.' .'- ,.MrEd Holland and Mlu Flora Mat tocks of Swaasboro, Is visiting at Mr Samuel Hudson's at tbla place. . ' Mlu Berts Bell, of Philadelphia, Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs T A Bell. - She Is taking a course u a trained nurse atone of the hospitals there and will complete her course next summer UKHL. ,4 C(J f.-,.-.,4W,. f. ?t ' Tha prices paid for tobacco at the warehouses In New Bern lut Friday seems to be the toplo, of the tobacco growers who are highly pleased and speak very encouragingly of Ne Bern aa a coming market.- i,?- For the first time in many years we all hear the farmers spesklng well of their prospects for as abundant harvest which we take u evidence of good times shead for us all The farmer Is satisfied tot once with, his crop prospects. r Now don't forot to see Deader DroV .lea yon neel a new dre-s, a pair or i ' "1, a Cne I t, a t' s or an up-to- HOBTHEBH STIIDICITE Slid ta be PttTcbasers of Raleigh Electric Light and Railway Plant Tobacco Sales . Reported Large Threugheat tbe State. Mor tars Far . Decorative Uses at Soldiers Heme. Dem oeratie Headquar ters Estab- llshed. RataiGH, August 7. It la aald today that a aorthern syndicate haa purchased the street ear company's, lighting plsnt, power plant and railway here 'and will entirely rebuild and re-equip the system, making also a belt line. For . several weeks a deal hu been In progress look ing to the aale of the property. The commissioner of agriculture says he will not Issue snother crop re port for the State until Sept. 1. A sharp gale of wind prevailed here yesterday afternoon. So far as known In this section the only damage was to trees and corn. The tobacco breaks continue good here and prices are well sustained. The demand for leaf was never so great as at present. The Southeastern Lumber Co., of Ash pole, chartered by the State, is the tenth lumber company chartered this year. A souple of mortars, 10-lnch, will be mounted at the Soldiers' Home, one on each side of tbe flag staff. These mor tars come from Fort Macon. Two 10 inch cannons from Fort Caswell will be mounted In the Capitol Square. All these are now on tbe way here, also a number or 10-inch shells. Democratic headquarters are establish' ed here by chairman Simmons, and will be in a building on Fayettevlllo street adjoining the one In which tbe head quarters were In 1898 and 1900. The penitentiary will furnish, from Its considerable supply of brick 500,000 for use in the construction of the main building at the Methodist orphanage. Excavation for the foundation began to day and materials are being delivered. At least four of Raleigh's handsomest young ladles are to be married in the Autumn. It is said the number of wed dings the last three months of the year will be as large as that last season, which was a notable one. ASKINS. August 7. Elder R. F. Danghtery filled his regular appointment Saturday night and Sunday at Antlocb. Mrs. Mamie Sprlngel of New Bern was visiting her parents Sunday at this place Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gasklns. Mr. G. A. Waters passed through Asklns Wednesday. Mr. R. E. Casoy wu s visitor in our town Sunday. r Mr. Cicero Gasklns made a trip to Klnston on business Tuesday Mr. James Fulcher and daughther Lena are attending a series of meeting at Rlverdale this week. Tobacco will soon all be cured and farmers can rest and spend thir money, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Arthur were in New Bern Wednesday. SUNFtiOWKB. Cigars to please every body. Prince Of India, Cubanola, Haney Special, Aunt Hannah, A. to Z. Down. Home. J. H. Parker Jr.' ' i:i For Roaches and Water Bugs. : If you are troubled with roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Paste. We guarantee It to give satisfaction and re fund the money if It does not. Price 25c Davis Pharmacy. - si V Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis Prescription Pharmacy makos a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. . . ' ' " ' ( Judge Bynom Dead. . Special to Journal. " , j Raleigh, Aug. 7. Ex-Judge 'John Gray Bynum died at Greensboro today. Hta death was the result of the fall which he received Tuesday which caused concussion of the brain. He was a lead Ing member or tbe Presbyterian church there and wu widely known for his grest generosity. 't ;"v. r ;";.!' ( Appointments.' Special to Journal. . ? - Raleigh, Aug. 7. Chairman Sim mons has appointed the following ad visory committee of five: 1 1 Capt. 8, A. Aahe. . ... i Joahephus Daniels. ? ' " i James H. Pou, ; ' , John E. Woodard. - Robert M. Furman. " CASTOR I A For Iafant and CMlJren. ' ti K!.:J Y;j r:v3 C KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED. General : Health Greatly Im proved by Pe-ru-na. ataa. raAHCBa matoon. 1 Mr. Frances Mttooo, Treaurer of the Minneapolis Independent Order of Good Templars writes from U Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minn., u follows: "Last winter I had conMermblt trouble with my kkioeyt brought od after a hard cold which I had neglected. One of my lodge friends who called when I vu ill told me of a wonderful mediclno called Peruna. I bad no faith in it, but my husband purchased me a bottle, and asked me to try It. It brought me most satisfactory results. I used three bottles before I vu completely cured, bat I have bad good cause to be grateful, for not only did my kidney trouble dis appear, but my general health improved and I have been in good health ever since. I would not bo without it for ten times Ma ooat." FRANCES MATOON. This experience haa. been repeated many times. Wo hear of such cases nearly every day. Mrs. Matoon had catarrh of the kid neys. As soon as she took tho right remedy she made a quick recovery. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna Is a speciQo for the catarrhal derangements of women. Address The Peruna Medicino Co., Columbus, Ohio, (or froe book oa catarrh written by Dr, 8. B. Hartman. DOVER. Craven County Sunday School conference August 28th. Aug. 5. Mr. L. G. Ferrell of Klnston, was here Sunday. Mr. Forrest Taylor of Whltakers, has been spending several days In town working life insurance. Miss Minnie Lou Kelly of Caswell, is visiting at Mr. Seth West's. The weather continues warm and we are having beautiful rains. Crops are as fine as could be. We understand crops are suffering for want of rain around Fort Barnwell, but they are in It for thunder and lightning. Mr. W C White wu telling us recently that his house wu struck and several posts splintered with some other little damage. Several trees In these people's yard were struck shocking some of the children for a while, but nothing serious resulted For comfort and consolation we point these good neighbors to tbe scripture Hebrews 18-6. Craven Circuit Sunday School confer ence will be held here August 28. There hu been an interesting program arrang ed. We hope to have a large gather ing, Dinner will bo spread at the church. . . , The Infant son of Mr. U. T. Croom died Saturday evening. The little fellow had suffered considerably for several days but Is now resting with Him who gave, and will await for others member s of the family. May the bereaved ones realize that whatever the Lord doeth is done well. . ' " ' "' '' i , The wife of Mr. C. Mashburn after lin gering only a short while was called by God on August 1st to come up higher. The remains were burled near Juper. She wu a consistent member of the Dis ciple church. A husband and several children are left to mourn her loss. ; The vacant chair around the fire side may never be filledlbut If all are. faithful unto death there will be a sweet and happy reunion some dsy when children end f stber meets mother on the other shore. GUM BRANCH. Aug. 5. We have been so busy hous ing tobacco that we haven't had time to write further, there hu been no news.' - ..u v ;wVi ; 1 ' Mrs. E. W. Murrell la very sick with a paraletlc stroke. :J.'f ; '''':'V i Some of us have some Very fine to bacco, and are expecting good money forlu . .:; . . .' ... .. We hear that the big annual pic nlc at Alum Springs was a great suc cess1. We guess the tobacco market ' has opened with fair prices. ' f-.r" A t : Big August meeting st Southwest to morrow, August 3d, by the Primitive Baptist - - - - " Crops are somewhot cutoff by the drought, but ' we hre having shower a plenty now.' , r : " ': -.'-. Mr. Edward Ramsey, MIssMollie Hum phrey, and Mlu Flossie Barber and Ken neth Scott, " spent lut Sunday In our burg, Au revolr, I.O.U. Thousands suffer and hundreds die every year In this country from some form or Bowel Complaint. The best remedy for these diseases in children' or adults Is Dr. BETH ARNOLD'S BAL SAM, Trammed to give satisfaction by r.f.v r. Spanish Kiacfeeiel This Tear. Catch, JiLHt Received. Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Batter only 30c lb. -.- New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California Hams. - 1 , Codflsh, Irish Potatoes and Onion, ..-., Grape Nuts. ' . . 1 Mason's Frait Jart and Jar Rubbers. Potted and Canned Meat.' " T " ; " Heinz'g Pickles. Fkncy Fresh Elgin Butter 30c lb. .r,' J. L. 1 'Phone 91. A few of our many Puzzelers I FOB ASII and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at l$c per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 30c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c lb. . ; A Good Boasted Coffee at 11c lb, or 5 lbs for 60c. ;; A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9c lb. ' ' " -;: J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. armers LOOK TO andBrmg to the EH Planters new ui:ixsr, jr. which is always the place TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. - , J ( . . Opening Sale August 1st. V Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. A4AAAiAAAAA4s4eet4te. ., V?fTTf?f?ttttttl'tttttttfttttttTttttttfJ CLEANLINESS, J I ' QUALITY, J! . PERFECTION H ft Is Die ratio if lit Crtwii Bilii furls. " ' j: :.S j Oar drinks can only be the Best, when the Best of Kx- ; 3f tracts and other Ingredients of the Highest Quality are used ' ' X to make them perfection. ; i" ' " ' " : ' 1 -' ' 4 ZZ t All of our drinks are put up on Scientific Principles and 4a with the Very Latest Improved Machinery. . r j " One Trial of our goods will make you a permanent custo- ; j 3tt mer- ' " ' " 1 1 . - - V I ncRonn BOTTLit:Gv;oiiiis,ji s 1 n IsEE J. TAYtOC L'rcrm 4S 4S rnoNE 105. .a44Sasataaa.aaaasaaaasa.t.. ........... w,. tf ........vi U?T1 TTATT1 , WireJScreens, Door and Window ' CA Ml line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, JEnamels J.in Gold, Silver and Alluminumi1;' " T " ' : ' ; ' l: , , A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. . f Our goods as represented, TRICES TnrL0T7rC7. Give us your orders. ' c t. 1 1. !Wholeale & ISetall 1 Grocer, 71 IXrcad St Phone 137 YOUR INTEREST r your Tobacco Warehouse HESTEB, Proprietor. Cor. Qneea ft Bera St3.- Screens, Lawn Uowerf1, IceCfia l! 7.

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