TQS WEEKLY JOURNiL rahliahed la Two 8etaoni, iwy Teas Aay ud Friday, at M atkfcdlc Btr, M CHARLES L. STEVEN! J Two Mowth..'. Otnta, Three htaetha, :... T Sis laVata. 8 ; Twtlrt Month, tJ OKLT IS ADVASCX . Advcrtialagrate faraished trpoa ap plication a the office, or apoa inquiry by auuL wraa JomtKu. I oalr seat oa pay la-ad Tanca bun Subscribers will receive actfe of expiration of Ueir tub- sen poona ud u immeauua respooae k notice wul be appreciated by the JOCasAL Entered at the PotofflceHew Bern at. C. aa aecoad-claM matter. Sectloa Two, Friday Aag 8, 108 1 MUST THE CONSUMER PAT THE STRIKE COSTS? The fact that the Pennsylvaala eoal strike hat been la force twelve weeks, aad that the toft eoal mlnen who are at work, ban agreed to pay two million dollara month to support the bard coal man, who are holding oat for better wages, ahowi the continued gravity of the coal situation. There ta no Immediate prospect that the atrlke will end, for the operators oa their side say, "there It nothing to arbi trate."! What la to be the result of all this trouble T The operators may not be mak lag aay thing oa their tide, by no work la their mines, bat Is not their position the onlv strong one in the end, from a financial standpoint? The miners may be getting a living by money from the fond contributed by the toft coal miners, but nothing more. The operators, temporarily "oat of business sre receiving no returns from their product, and their property may be depreciating through non-usage- Bat the time it coming when hard coal will be again mined, what then? Simply the shortage In the coal supply will cause the operators to advance the price with the claim of "demand." The demand plea will be true la a sense, bat the consumer will have to pay the Increased price two or four dollars inn mm lut var. and this will not go to the miners, bat to the operator and it does not take much figuring to show that the real cost of the strike mast be paid In the end by the coal con- Tho miner suffers hit two or throe moatha lost la wages, never to bo aside up, the operator suffers temporary loot In salaa, which once the strike is oves, he takes out of the consumer, by charg ing him an extra price for hit ooaL Taking all the situation In, It lookt at if there wu legislation needed which could determine snd settle inch a strike situation, and prevent operators from holding a position, presumably a busi ness one, yet one which Imperilled the public's interests, by closing an Industry which so vitally affects many other In dustries. CORRECTION OF TARIFF J3 ' v ABUSES. G' Proposed tariff legislation hss always met with the cry of "why legislate, tad disturb the manufacturing and fiaaadal interests of the country, when business Is moving along smoothly? ? . Thls plea Is today an altogether ape clone oae.. i ) With manufacturers working to the limit of their capacity, and all business interests in s prosperous condition, there la every reason for the present as being the Usae best raited, la nuking some necessary and much needed oorrectlons lathe tariff system of the coantry. . ' The Trust evil of today is . without qaeetloa due to the Tariff, whereby ow ing to certain laws not enforced. Trusts are permitted to use each privileges, as have, created the monopolies which bow exist la (his eonntry, to th danger of the interests of the masse of the, peo- Legislation along tariff lines today, In correcting where t tfc protection , front tha tariff-g' avNutply, would, not causa an) llt or banco la trade centers, as the count rj.'ii prosperity I to genera that a modlflottlon of telarlff, epecllr ly along lines jjctlrg mooopoatjc properties would prove, except to the Interest Immediately legislated against, of real value to all other Interest. A reduction, area abolition of the tariff on article now dominated and controlled by Jhe large corporations, would prove of inestimable bene fit. Tlr.tt-'TaJi rs tt'. t, to t!.e bcnef.t ' '' 1 ' " - ' f r-i- lion for tit eorrectloa where abmoilst,bdeaaeaded by taepabUe Interacts of IK country, which are dally aft acted aad will eoatlaa to bo affected UI they an eometod. GOOD ROADS QUESTION LOCALLY APPLIED. Driving about Hew Bera, It weald seem that the matter of good roads could receive a local appreeiatloa. That the roadways ia that dty are ia asalaarable coadlUoa, ie ooafeaaadon vary aide, aad jet there asesas to be aotaiag serloaaly anderUksa for their beiHirmuiit. Whea a dUaea, aboat to bay a bicycle for local use, decides to coattaae to walk instead of riding, because the roads are too bad for a bicycle, it shows how real ly bad the ttreeU mast be. It wu aot many years ago that New Bera roadways, its city streets, had a reputation for their superiority, that wu kaowa at a distance, but today these streets are ia disgrace to be mea tioned whea good roadways are consld ered. Everything which applies to good roadways la the country, Is appli cable with greater force to a dty's streets. Ia fact, to preach good roadways for the fanner, and for the city to set the trample by such drivewsys ss are now to be found In New Bern, is without force, and ia poor taste. Certainly the question of good roads is s matter demanding a local applica tion to the streets of Mew Bern. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of Catarrh tbat cannot be cored by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, toe undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the hut 15 years, and believe him pefectly honorable In all business and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wkht ft Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Waldirs, Kisnah & Marvin-, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hsll's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood snd mo coat surfaces of the system. Testimonials seat free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by ail Druggist. Hsll's Family Pills sre the best, Paleatlaa VteUa. (The rebab of Palestine la a sort of XloUn The body la a square franle Covered with parchment. The Instru ment la played with a bow. There Is but one string, a thick, coarse horse hair, but expert performers can. It la Bald, get considerable variety of tone from this primitive Instrument. BzawaaMI Them. "What does this mean, daughter? Hess la another lot of milliners' and dressmakers bills. Don't you remem ber tbat I expressly ordered yon not to contract any more debts without my. knowledge?" "Certainly, papa, but I haven't con tracted any debts. Oa the contrary, I've expanded them." Take s bath la, Haacock's Liquid Sul phur. They an superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will care Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin dis- For sale by F. 8. Daffy. Buccessful Candidate I shan't for get the promlsea ta virtue of which I have been elected. Political Manager- That's right Soar thorn , in. mind. With a little brushing .tip they'll probably elect you agabv-Puck. tou mow what tou axe taxixg When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because, the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It Is almply iron and ealnlne in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 56c A Caaeeaalra Im Pries. "People in frontier towns, said a Klondike pioneer, "get used to paying big money for trifles, and $2 for a box of sardines and $5 for a pound of bad coffee become reasonable prices. ' I kicked once upon a time because the price asked waa too smalL It was like this: I bad a Jumping toothache, waa nearly- wHd with- H, when I went to the ahanijr where, Iwaa told then was a dentist -, A rough looking fdlow told mo that be waa it, and I asked him to draw my tooth. , He, looked me over, got hi forceps fastened on my tooth and yanked it oat after a couple of hard twists.. ? -Wr - :) ?, . ""How much? I asked. "Weli, $2, I guess,' said the dentist ' T, pld him, although my Jaw still ached pretty badly. , M That's the cheapest thing I've seen around here,' I said, "Well,' ho said, 1 thought I'd make it low because, en account of the bad light I polled the wrong tooth.' " . "I bad-to- go- the next -day ta have the Jbad tooth out. and he made mat ters aquare by charging me $10." Kew, ork Trlbana, r 5 EisitThratMea. I H Wafle piealokiag last month my U year-old boy wu poisoned by tome weed or plant, says W H Dibble, of Blonx City, Ia. "He rubbed the poison off kit hand into hi eye and for a while we were afraid h Would lose tight, Finally t neighbor recommended DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Balva. The first application helped t: a and In a few day he was as well as ever," For akin dtseates, cats, bum, trays, wounds, Insect bites, DeWIit't V.'I'.cU Hazel Ealve it tare cure. Hc'levc -" t once. Eeware of Conntcrfc'ts. Dyspepsia Curo DZissfj chat yes cat. Thai preparation contains all of tbe oigeaianu ana aigesta ail ainda of Itjoa. It gives lrMUaaralleftndnarer fails to cure. It alio we vow to eat all the food you want. Tbe moat sensitive stomach can tafco it. uy ita use many thousands of dyspeptics bar been cured after everything else failed. It prevent forma uonoi gas ach. relievlnc ail distress Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It cut kefs tvaiar ym comd rrvpuTdnaiyb? aa ixwmaooi, Ublrut fchmileisslasHltMtatSt.a, ' ft. T)U FT A CO STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. A Fall and Eathaslasuc Hcctiog of Prom lacat Democrats, Special to Journal. KALXiaa, Aag 5. The Dasaoeratlc Sute commiUe atet late this afternoon aad was fully attended. Seaator Sim mons was elected chairman by a rising vote. Ha was givaaan ovatioa aad made a stirring speech. He declared the Democratic party waa never In belter fighting shape la North Carolina. P. M. Pearsall, secretary of the com mittee being unable to serve longer, re signed snd wss thanked by rising vote for his services snd the chairman In structed to choose a secretary himself. Alexander J. Field, of Raleigh was chosen. A central committee composed of 40 members wss elected. Election Board Chosen. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Aug. 5. Tbe Election Board for Craven coaaty, selected by the State central committee now In session is composed as follows: Democrats, J. J. Baxter, stark Disot- way. Republican, J. L. Hahn. Judge Gray Fatally Injured. Special to JoarnalJ Raleioh, Aug. 5. A apecial from Greensboro says: Ex-Judge Joha Gray fell down stairs at his home today and broke arm and leg, and also sustained a fracture at the base of tbe skull. There Is no hope ol recovery. Bsaiitas Kfttm of Tla lad toi Hiw Uwyy BagM MERE MEN. Erastoa C ModerweU of Chicago re celved the highest pension awarded aay old soldier during the session of congress just closed. IL Leon Bourgeois, the new speaker of tie French chamber of deputies, Is a comparatively young man, having been born In Paris in 1851. William C. Whitney of New York ha given a handsome house and lot to the physician who attended Mrs. Whit ney In her long Illness. Francis Murphy, tbe temperance ad vocate, has become a resident of Cali fornia. He has a beautiful home there, bat he ha not quit fighting tbe drink traffic. Edwin F. Hamlin, secretary to Gov ernor Crane of Massachusetts, has served In a similar capacity under ten previous governors. He has held the office for twenty-seven year. . Judge Dngro of New York u said to be the richest judge in America, his wealth being estimated at several mil lion. Though only forty-aeren, he baa been on the bench for sixteen years. . Harry Mason ScoveL for fifty yean In the newspaper business In Chicago and other cities, has laid aside hi work, at least temporarily In the lint named city, on account of falling eye night Winiara T. Evans, whose palatial residence, Wentworth Manor, . near Montclah-, K J, waa once the home of George lanes, the artist, ha one, of the moat costly private art galleries In New Jersey. Charles B. Smith of East Providence, Mas, aged eighty, is one of the four men who alone eacaped from the steamer Lextagton, which burned. In Long Island sound Jan. 13, 1840, with a loss of 200 Uvea. ; . Jonathan Little of Blddeford, Me, Is one of the most peraistent souvenir hunters In the United Btates. When Prince Henry was here, he secured his autograph, which wss written directly under that of McKlnky in his collec tion, and he also has splinters of the floor where the president stood when be waa shot Women and Jewels. . Jewels, candv. flower, man tbat It the order of a woman 'a preference. Jewel form a magnet of mighty . power to tbe average woman. Even that great eat of all Jewels, health, 1 often ruined in the strenuous effort to make or eav the money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk fcer health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the Insldoous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption In It early stages and heal the affected lung snd bronchial tabes and drive the dread disease from the system. It I not a core-all, but It la. a certain Can for cocglit, cold and all bronchial troubles. You can get this reliable reme dy at F S Bury'. . CtC'-i'if;'-' 1 V o EiUISD. " GoTencr Aycock Censure For Par- dot of CoiTict Daley. Hospital for Insaao Ovar-erewaad. - A Navy Deserter- Arrested. had Conditioner Ziaca-v y tlea Ia U State at ;. Large. Hotel " Arriyala. Baldsi, Aag. 5. The atate elsctsoa board was agala la aaaaloat today. Tea terday ft elected the BepnbUcan saeaabor of each of the county boards. Today elected the two Democratic ibert oa each of these board a The Democratic executive committee met here today, to elect a chairman and secretary. The pardon of Daley, oae of the three "gold brick'' swindlers. Is not at all relished by the public. All the com ments oa It heard today were unfavor able. It appear that there are In the Insane hospital here about 80 Idiots, imbeceles. doUrtds, etc who really ought to be In the county homes, to make wsy for curable inane. There sre s number of violent cases which seed treatment. The director meet tomorrow aad will con sider this matter. They are giving more and more attention to It. It needs ear nest and prompt action. It is learned that the sawmill of B. F. Aycock, a brother of the governor, near Pikeville, Wayne county, waa burned last sight. Adolphua Russell, s young ssilor,who deserted from his ship at Norfolk and returned to hla home here, was nabbed last night snd wss sent back this morn ing, last week Alonzo Alford was caught here and sent back. Gentlemen from Edgecombe county who are here say the crops are Buffering from drought, and assure me that a good rain has not fallen since May 1. Mention was made of the fact that of tbe 12,000 children of nchool age In Robeson county 2,048 can neither read nor write. Bad as this Stale of affairs is, it it better than in the State at large. In tbat county only one child in 0 can not read or write, "State Superintendent Joyner said today, "In the State at large on an average one white child In four can neither read nor write." The pub lication in regard to illiteracy in Kobe son is attracting attention. What tbe State Superintendent now says will at tract even more. Arrivals, G. W. Ward, Elizabeth City; A. Worthy, J. A. Bryan, New Bern; W. H. Powell, J. W. B. Battle, Tarboro; W. B. Rowan. Washington. All Were Saved. For years I suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis," write J H John ston, of Brougbton, Oa., "that often I wss unsble to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. My wife suffered Intensely from Asthma, till It cured her, and all oar ex perience goes to show it it tbe best Croup medicine In the world." A trial will convince you It's unrivaled for Throat and Lung disease. Guaranteed bottle 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at C. D. Bradiiam'a. THREE EYED ANIMALS. BTew Zealand Pwmntaea Theae Rrmarkable Cnalm. ' There is no more interesting country In the world to n biologist than New Zealand, and to Professor Dendy la due tbe credit of having made some very valuable original researches la regard to some of tbe more character- tstic fauna of the country. Nearly every one haa heard of tha tuatara, the curious, iguanalike look lng creature now found on only one oi two islands off tbe coast of New Zea land and supposed to be the oldest liv ing type of animal on the face of the globe. One of the moat curious fea tures is an organ on the head which at one time was spoken of as the pineal eland, but which Dr. Dendy dis covered to be In reality a third eye. Bis paper on tbe subject caused the greatest interest in scientific circles, and, as an illustration of tbe way in Which research is specialized nowa days, it may be mentioned that while Dr. Dendy devoted himself to the study of the third eye one distinguish' ed English biologist is "working out" the skeleton, another the kidneys, etc. More recently Dr. Dendy haa discov ered another New Zealand creature possessing a third eye. Thi is the New Zealand lamprey, a favorite article of food among the Maoris. The third eye Is situated right on top of the head and is covered with a thin coating of skin. It Is doubtful whether it la now or sny practical use for seeing, but Dr. Dendy believes that at one time, far back in the world's history, there were two eyes on the back of the lamprey's head. He is farther of the opinion that at one time the tuatara also had two eyes where now only one remains. In the tuatara It Is the left eye which has survived, while in tbe lamprey It la tbe right one. The English lamprey bns only two eyes and is to that extent inferior to its New Zealand congener, but it baa Its compensations, for raa it not re corded in our history books at school that an English king died from eating too many lampreys? Melbourne (Aus tralia) Argus. ; aUt Arlaawa. . Arizona exceeds in area tbe follow ing ten states: Rhode Island, Dela ware, Connecticut New Jersey, Mas sachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont Maryland, West Virginia and South Carolina. ; . ' ' JnstLookAtEer. x- Whence came that sprightly step.fault less skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She lookt good, feels good. Here's her secret, tihe a set Dr. King's Now Life Pills, ' Result, all orgam active. c"-'.!on pood, no beaches, no cHnee far"Llu;s." Tty Ciena youi.wf. On!y TELEGKAPEC HLEYITIES. The Bpe'4kaa caap'gatxtook for ltd has baca imw.X It tgaore the principal Issues aador dlaeaa- The cholera splaoml hv snhsVfltg in Maafla, Vat tncreaaiag la the other parta oflhalalaada. ... Gataaay will laws est her naval fore hn0tawsa. - . f. Twenty stndaata, young ma aad esaem hava aeon expelled trots Us HsrtkwsrUra CaJvaratty at Xvaaaua, Dt, for isaaaoraltty aad gambllag. . v . - . i - - , - Ajcabtahop Ireland of the Catholic caerca has saade a seats! in by defend ing the United Btalet government la the siDUlaioB of the Friars from thePhU- liplne lalanda. . ; Aa eloping couple have undertaken to walk from Rlchaaoad, Va to Dayton Ol Tbe man was 27 yean of age and the lady 17. They had very little money. Naw York people wen thoroughly frightened Boaday by the appearance of a very black cload which lowered over the city. A terrlfflc storm ofwiad aad hail occurred canatag eoasiderable dam The Russian go vera meat denies that I making , war on American sugar. Mrs. Nell Campbell, the Chicago woman arretted for starving a child was arraigned before , the criminal . court Monday aad It was ascertained that she had bean carrying on her nefarious bas inets of killing small children. c She hat been known to have caused tbe death of nine Infanta. Commodore Joseph Montgomery, a Confederate Naval Commander I dead at tbe home of hla aoa In Chicago. He was one of the moat prominent of Southern naval fighters aad had the dis tinction of having nearly captured Gen. Grant. At the. Vance county Republican con vention, Monday, colored mea conduct ed tbe entire proceedlnga. Only one white delegate wu (present and he did nothing but vote. Captain McRea, of the gunboat Ma- chlaa, has cabled tbe Navy Department that the outbreak In Haytl I practically over r R. Hoe A Co., manufacturer of print ing presses, have been served with sum mons aad complaiat In s suit for (25,000 damages brought by Rudolph Gartea burg, who alleges that while actiageaa pall-bearer at the faaeral of Rabbi Jos eph he was struck by a brick In the hands of one of Hoe A Co's. employes. A cyclone visited St Cstherines, Out , and caused great destruction, several wen killed. The Coachmen' Union of Trenton, N. JL, have declared against the custom of driving for Saaday christening, wed ding aad funeral. , . ; l "The battle la tlU being fought det- parately,1' la the word received at the State departaaeat frost Colombia, South Africa. The cItH aad Insurgent troopt are at fierce war. Th place of the en gagement Is at Agua Da lot and the revo lutlonlsts are the attacking party. The government troops are the strongest, however. It I estimated that between 150,000 and 200,000 visitors an at Atlantic City, N. J. Tbe hotels sad boarding houses are crowded almost beyond their capaci ty and in some cases tents have had to be pat ap. !-.:: . Then I much dltgact expressed by people of Chariot ta because a merry-go-rouad waa allowed to operate at Latta Park Suaday. -Several arret ta hava been made aad then la an exciting time prom laeaV-' ; .'.- 4m- i;A-r,;,.i' V.,,, Look rtestglfl;'f" ; Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, O, can do o now, though for yean he couldnt , becaua he Buffered untold agony from the wont form of Indigest ion. All physician and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electrio Bitten, which worked such wonden for him that be declares they an a godsend to aafferen from dyapeptla and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for disease of the Stomach, Liver aad Kldaeyt, they build ap ana give new Mie to tat whole sys tem. Try them. Only 50c . Guaranteed by C. D. Bradham, druggist, : , . k ':,? C: : ., i -" '" v' mm star sTawstgaaatw,' '. : ' Marshal Ney waa the son of a hard working cooper, and had risen from tbe ranks of the army. He was a child pf the people, and -whatever may have been his vanities be threw them all aside in his last days. . When he was led out to death, an of ficer ordered a bandage tied ever bis eye. ?sVr.;'fv ;-i4:v; . "Why should you do thatr said Ney. "Haven't I been accustomed for twenty-five yean to look bullet and cannon balls In tbe faceT" s - - He himself ordered the soldier to fire, standing and facing tbem. ""' Ills career summed op in one life tb spectacular heroism of the past "It Feeds t Torlc' ": . There are times whea your liver needs a tonic. Don't give purgatives that gripe snd weaken, DeWltt's Little Early I.lsert expel all poison from the system and act aa ionic to the liver. W colt, CS1 High land ave., Helton, Ha. ty; "I have car ried DeWltt'a Li:.!e It'r r.J'-nwf.h me for tereral yenrtand wc-.U rot bt wl'.hont t' "tu" C '1 a-le'-y totr' t pff'y v" ' "a. i:-y.r rr, '. scr are '. .; : :.v: ;:'i'rt'Sgxjg ., . ... . i n..hu Maataaa) Unit a. v- an easv wav - " , ... k and a euro way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action ia to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of ' y ' . Mexican lMuatang :-, i-;:::;r:I-inimcnt;.; iv1 with tLU CA'itl'iia timal t fraqiMat tBAarrala. .. The I tmttm ttn. mi f tbitiai thoroughly with the llnl- I mut Kit-t ktu-f duinx tUuinxtr max uti a soft okith aad wrap - aiMiaJUioB.el(,''ltujA ItJUrriViaCUBaV - ' ' J C3c": COc ax. . C i VotUe. - . t-r SSSV DC VAfl hav4 l r 1 n tmuljud with a running IT HAY BE TOU "ur i....t k -t o. with Meat. aaaMturlnni li'i-tT"'" '-f1 J"" - 't-t---"1 "y cuf Costs Cnlj 25 cents Or matt It ctata U C W kmknM Dr. HoCMt's TXKTHIHA rTMMaa Vtowtan) m aaa lu ant iatradactioa to Um pattts at tad M m anprUtorr mmtoclM, b4 ar Md ia k kaa Maaillr UMKM4 IMai rr to rar utU oar ataan mom aamat to tw m thrw kaaond mm far raw, waiek a a atr uraaa itato l BMrll aaSllMiaUntellaaa b (Mag to to toatkan at Ika aoaalrr, tor tktr aay aatalac aSarlaallj aiaaaaaia) tka aSarta ol taataauaw'l kotaaa or hwhhmh ap ajikitlj tka unalat toddaal to watalaa. V . - y . , . , in liknaaj MHau vituu iaa. waawaua vracvaaa. ISfsM vffvffffffVffvTffVfTfTTTVffVfffvffTTVfVffT-TTTTTfVf cAgnaStutd and SHecfumical College. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION: A combination of theory and practice, of book study snd manual work in EnrtacerinK, Agriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, rtcchsnlc Arts awl as, Oil at a e ' ' ' - r -. asavwiua rnanuiaciHnng. Full Courses (4 years), Hhort Course (a year), 8pecial Courses (3 mos.). - Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month. 80 teachers, 860 student new building for C00. Write for booklet "A Day J at the A &M. College. , .9 , . v . tTcsiacnt ucu. I. winsiun, KaieiFn, n. u ...'..;.. To '? tbe : Democratif Voters of Craven County: I respectfully announce ' that 1 am a candidate for the office of Clerk pf lae Superior Court of Craven county,' aub- ect to the action of lb Democratic rMmtriet. To the Democracy of my county I de sire to ( exprest my sincere thanks for the generoua aupport gives my candidacy heretofore. . . i , 1 1 t ' . m - Very truly, t W.MWafsbn. To the. Vtmocr&tic Voters of Craven County: ' - I hereby announce rnyseU m Candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the pcrrjocratio rrimft- nes. - --. KS&nuL" .- For Cale or Kent. '. . I offer for sale or rent my entire Farm and complete accessories. Will sell cheap for cash or gilt edge securities, or Will rest the farm, toiling tha Imple rtents and team to th right man at kvlng tu-e, - . v . , j Call or aJdrese, . nr.3 ;-3..a. vinoK, -r --c. i Cans CatS8fifctsa!s, DiairtieaJ)yW4tttry, aad tfc thnnl Trwsbks el ChUdria siwiss. Aids IMftsuea, Rcjuiatcs In DwwcUa atrtagttita th Child tad Make at Irreggisb, TEETHING EASY. J. MOFFCTT, M. D ST. LOUIS. MO. lium. 0. Rof . la MS TUCKER BROS 810 North front Street, WILMINGTON,; - - N. ('. The place to boy jour Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All Branch yard, Ooldsboro, N. C. 7 . . H X,Jk GRAXIGE, S. . English, Classical, BelentlAe and Commercial for boys and young men. Feveuty-one lioarding Pupil from reveoteen Counties and two (Mate th at year. A Military School tliat la aoT a roach Inet where arraoiBKOT instbad or kdmbbxs sooauTj where moTiiniL, maki.T, borkst boya are wanted. A four year Prejiaratury Course, giving full and thorough preparation for College or For Ufa. Athletic encouraged. Charges reasonable.; Term begins Kept. 8rd. ! TrVrlU for llluttrated calalogue. - i "I ; ".j , J. E. DCBNAM, Sspt. To the Democratic voters of Graven - county: ; ; I hereby announce myself a Can didate for County Surveyor, subject to the Democratic Primaries. " ' r j Josiafi Tingle. 1. h . n m n ' ii HARDWARE nefrleorati rs, Water ( oolors, Ice Cream Freeew, Screen D ore, Win dow Scmna, Oil and Cook Stoves, Kangot, Lime, Content,, Plaster, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Hath, Doors, lllinda, Cutlery anil all the useful articles ninally found Id an Up-to-data Uardwara Storo, QIADgUARTERS TOR -And all Kindt of Er?.t C v r : ! f -7.: s, :"c at C. D. Ere" -.', .

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