VEOSE'TEB MJLKE? . TU'sauH ha Ca41tto tWtlSdit . Grew McrHftace. llaasUeaUis eaaae of mock severe CMMtt ttat two persons who oa tkelr ow admiisloa kad bera la a koose where aaullpos axiatad abouM be al lowed to go about oar streets aamoletted It la a well know fact that aboot two or Urea weeks ago a aegro womaa caaaa to this city from A dual Creek, a Belgaboraood la Carteret couaty where small pox existed. Bbokad beea la ike locality of the dlaeaaa and aaeapad to avoid vaccination. Dr. Charlea Duffy received word from Dr. Clark ottkat place tkat tka womaa would probably be la New Bera and Dr. Daffy gave due Botloa to tke city authorities tkat tncb a peraoa bad beea la tka city or wat at tkat time. A, tearck vu made bat It waa of ooarae Ineffectual, tke womaa kad disappeared but It la stated oa good autkorhy tkat all foar caaea of email pox were' undoubtedly exposed by tbls womaa. Comment on cases like tkls Is of Course severe and It should be. Dr. Duffy's warning was given la time and kad a thorough search been made this trouble may bave been avoided. Thar Is another cause for complaint In tbia matter. Last Monday a doctor waa la town who vu attending tke case of small pox la Havelock. Be was un der tke Influence of liquor and though ka may kave taken precautions against Infection he should not kave beea al lowed to travel out of bis town and af ter ka kad arrived here bis own talk Waa sufficient to put klm under quarantine. ', Tke person at Havelock was reported yesterday to be In a dying condition; that being the case.tke doctor's presence In tbls city on Monday was extremely hazardous. The doctor waa warned In the town of Newport not to mingle with tke people and on kls continuing to dis regard their wishes waa placed In the guard bouse there Wednesday. Tke report on the cases here In suck tkat there need be no fear of a spread of the disease on their account. Whatever develops later will be due to other causes. The Encampment Closed. The Odd Fellows annual Encampment closed with last night's session and a very pleasant occaslpn In the history of Odd Fellowship passed into history. About fifty members of the order were here and they were unanimous in praise for the hospitality and favors shown by the New Bern brothers. Wednesday afternoon they were given a ride on the river on the steamer Blanche and the rains decended and the water rolled but for all their discomforts they seemed to enjoy themselves very muck. The evening session of Wednesday evening the degree team of the Calumet Encampment gave an exhibition of the first two degrees. The session of yesterday were devoted to tke regular business of the order throughout the State. Committees were appointed, officers elected and there was some degree work. A very pleasant automobile ride around tke city was tendered them at five o'clock. Following are the officers: Grand Patriarch, L. L. Boon, of Wil mington. Grand High Priest, A. F. Hall, of Winston-Salem. Grand Senior Warden, W. H. Weather ly, of Elizabeth City. Grand Scribe, J T King, of Wflmlng ton. ' Grand Treasurer, Wesley Williams, of Elizabeth City. Grand Junior Warden, L W Jeannett, , of Ashevllle. Grand Representative, Geo. Green, of New Bern. Grand Marshal, D W Woodhouse, of ( Popular Branch. Grand Inside Sentinel, C E Frlch, of Charlotte. r ' Grand Outside Sentinel, J B Dawson, of New Bern. Aaron vs. New Bern. i 1! A splendid game of ball was played at tke Athletic Park yesterday afternoon fi between Ike Aurora and , tke New Bern amateurs. t Tke game resulted In a abut out for tka visitors but tkey never-tke-tesa did - fine work and proved worthy of She In . ; vincible New Bern's beat ability. The batteries were, New Bern Fulford and ' 'Patterson; Aurora, Sparrow and Bry ' aa. ... ;. ' t ,, .. . x . i -.'.. Following Is the score: e " ' . j Yk'i?vV- vi 1 S 8 4 5 7 8 t Aurora, . 0000000000 New Bern 0 1.1 0 0 0 9 0 i4 ; . Another game will be played by tke lama teams at 4 o'clock this afternoon. , Aa exciting game la promised and lov ers of the sport should not miss this opportunity tosee these boys play a scientific game, j - '. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the . beat. ' Middle street. J .; i x,. - i fjl: - BRADHAM'S LIVER and STOMACH - - PILLS are purely vegetable and cau be . , given to very old people and children. V Mild In action, their effect isfar-reach- i ing. No pln or discomfort follows, their a f TIm v liava been called 'HealtkV H(.u keepers," -which J Is quite true. i4in your liver hurt you ? , Better try these pills. : Price 25c. at BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Ceres Cc!Js,LzGrippe r: icnr money I a if it fila. - SEI?P AKGlLL , CmefliewBeni'itMtarkten Marries Kkkmokd Van. A beautiful wedding occurred yester day afternoon at 180 o'clock attkekoane of Mrs. AaaaJlnkina oa Metcalf street Tka eoatrectlag partlea were Mr. Din Una daagkter, Miss Tkereaa laea AagaU and Mr. Fred H. Bklpp, whose home kaa formerly been la EUxabetk City, lat now trvlag la Richmond, Va. The roora la which the marriage oc curred was very beautifully and artisti cally arranged with Bowers, palms and lighted tapers. Tka bridal party were preceded by Mr. A. A. Morrlaey, of Richmond, who waa beat man, and Mlsa Virginia Baxter, bridesmaid. Tka bride waa given away by her uncle, Mr. Fred Swert; Mr. Nor rls C. Morgan, of Wilmington, Delaware played the wedding march and Rev. Father George officiated in celebrating the banns, tke beautiful ceremony of tke Catholic church. Tke couple received many coatly and uaeful presents. After the ceremony a reception was held and delightful refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Shlpp left on the steamer Ocracoke at six o'clock for Richmond, their future home. AROUND AND ABOUT. The snag boatTrent, Captain Styron, ia undergoing repairs at the Meadows ship yard. The proceeding of .the Board of Com missioners of Craven County, for Au gust meeting appears on the third page of this Issue. The regulai monthly meeting of the Home Mission Society wtll be held In the church parlors this afternoon at half past four o'clock. An alarm was turned In from the Five Points station last nlgbt at 10.45 The fire proved to be of no. consequence and was quickly put eul. George N. Ives A Son have, reopened their place of business after several weeks of vacation. They commence their fall business earlier this year than they have formerly. The steam launch, Petrel, Captain Par kins belong to the government fish hatchery at Beaufort, N. C, has been on the ways in this city being cleaned and painted. Tke boat was , released yester day evening, and left for Beaufort this morning. Mr. Jesse Harrison, who takes much pride In the excellence of his garden brought to the Journal office yesterday morning a tomato of "Ponderosa" va riety which was one of the largest that kaa been seen In this locality. It weighed 37 ounces. One of the must severe storms of the season occured at Newport Wednesday afternoon. The display of lightning was the most sharp tkat has happened in many years. More rain fell there at that time than for all three previous months Damage by lightning Is not known but It la thought .that lightning must bave struck several times. The drop In the temperature yesterday evening was a very welcome change. The beat In the early part of the day be ing extremely oppressive. Owing to a mistake In tke telegram re celued at this office Tuesday night the Journal special regarding Ex-Judge By num read Judge '.John Gray, the name Bynum being left out in yesterday morn lng's paper. There will be another building for the use of the E. H. 4 J. A. Meadows guano factory on the site of the one recently burned dewn. The building will be 878 feet long, 65 feet wide and three stories klgk work will commence-on it at once. Master Frank Smitk, living on Pollock street kaa a very fine garden, and among tke products are some tomatoes known as tke "Ponderosa" variety which grows to be very large. He brought tome of the largest to tke Journal office yester day morning wklck weighed one pound and aix ounces. . Linemen were busy yesterday wiring Lowtbropa Ball, and putting In electric lights, Tke opera house w 111 hereafter be brilliantly lighted. Special pains is being taken to place tke lights on the stape so tkat tne best effects will be obtained. J. C. Green & Co are tke electricians In charge of the work. A hare-lipped negro preaching santlfi- catloa la a drawing card among his race in Goldsboro- Towitneaa tke swath ke is cutting one would think that he la tke angel Gabriel himself. The negro says he can euro any dlseaae for $5,00 but muat kave half of It in advance before his miracle machine can be operated. He la making money faster than any two concerns In Goldsboro. ' .J A Correction. Tke Journal waa In error In Sunday's Issue In reporting tke 93 bales of cotton as from tke estete of tke late Jokn Sim mons. Tba cotton waa from Mr. John Peaice a prosperous farmer and gtnner of Jones county. ' p' " ' j . Messrs. J. E. Latham St Co., aow In form us tkey kave bought the Simmons lot of 100 bales and It will come forward in a few days, and tke steamer Howard's dock will again look. Ilka fait of the "' . . JBRADHAM'S' LAXATIVE CHILL and FEVER. TONIC la a sure cure for Malaria ia all its forms.- It la a general tonie and can be given to children to Improve and enrick the blood and regu late tba digestive tract. Price 50c No cure) , bo psy. '. BRADHAM'8 PHAR MACY. ' ' ' ' " ' , .1 C..Z GALILEE. A Happy Marriage. TV Chrlstae Chare k mcery FUkkcd. Aug. a. The showers renew tke prom las of tke largest crops ever kad la Gali lee. MrTASuplefordof &u seal's Creek, Carteret county, la at kla old kome la Galilee oa a basinets trip. Thefaraeere are nearly all through with their eropa. Mr A J Simmons of Olympla, visited Galilee for a short time Buaday. Tka purpose of kls visit waa kaown whea accompanied by Miss Battle Price, one of Galilee's moat charming yount ladles they atopped at Justice Everingtoa'saad were married. We wish them a most happy Ufa. Mia Battle Dudley of Oriental, has been visiting her parents bare during tke put week. We are sorry to heir of the accident which kappened to Mr Harry Caton wko broke bis leg July 28. He is reported to be improving. The Galilee Christian church Is rapidly approaching completion. A liberal do nation la asked for to help In this cause. Mr Fred Rowe, who has been sick with typhoid fever for some time is Im proving rapidly. The Sunday School at the Galilee Christian Church Is growing In number sad Interest all the time. Mr E A Staple ford is conducting a music class for the benefit of the school which is a great help. Miss Susan Jones of Beaufort is visit ing Miss Julia B Everington, of this plsce. Mr John E Everington visited his sons In Beaufort lakt week. Where Is Snap our first Galilee corres pondent Is he dead f Snipr. VANCEB0R0. August 7 The farmers of this sec tion are busy curing and grading tobac CO. Miss Mamie Adams, of Bath, who has been employed In the millinery business of Mrs. J. A. Jackson left for her home Faidsy. Miss Mamie made many friends while here who regret to have her leave. Mr. T. S. Jackson spent Friday In Washington Mrs. Thos Bowden, of New Bern, vis ited her sister, Mrs. D S. Lancaster last week. Mr. E. M. Green, candidate for Regis ter of Deeds was here Friday and Satur day. Mr, J. E. Asklns spent a few days In Beaufort visiting relatives. Miss Ada Adams, one of Bath's most popular young ladies; is here visiting he aunt, Mrs. J A Jackson. Mr W E Brown is spending some time In Beaufort and also Morehead City. Dr L C Covington and Mr W C Wll Hams made a flying trip to New Bern Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Swell, of Chip, is hero vis king relatives and friends. Mrs 0 M Willis, of Washington, la here visiting her sister, Mrs Lei a Lath Inghouse. There were no services Sunday night owing to the crowd which came up Just at night. Miss Ida Wayne, one of Olympla's fairest and most accomplished young la dles, who has been visiting In our town for the past ten days, will leave for her kome Thursday. We regret very muck to kave ker leave. She has made many friends while here. We kope to kave ker make ua another visit In tke Mar future. The Lantern Parade. At eight o'clock tonight wtll occur the beautiful lantern carnival and parade at the Academy Green. This will be a very pretty sight and worth going a long dis tance to see. Great pains have beea taken to drill the little folks and tkey kave shown mock aptitude for the work. ; On account of tke very small size of most of the participants tke parade will not extend very far Into tke business section. It Is suggested that those wlak ing to see Ike march go to the Academy Green.' We publish an additional liat of special prizes: ; D R Davis, 1 box perfumery; D F Jar- vis, 1 silver purse; H W Simpson, 60c; J 8 Miller, 1 picture; G N Ennett, 1 box stationary; A E fllbbard, 1" allver thim ble; J W Stewart, 25c; L H Cutler H. W. Co., 1 pocket knife; J E Smith, half do. handkerchiefs; E W Armstrong, 1 neck tie; T A Green, II; J. J Baxter one para sol, J. M. Howard 50c. James Redmond, taam ' .TH Kind Km Haw Kmrfi tagtt Vpatos Orange Phosphate, Belfaat Ginger Ale Cream Chocolate, Lemon Sour, . Sara- parila, 8trawberry, Afrl-Kola, are only a few of the many delicious and , refresh ing drinks bottled by the Crown . Bot tling. Works. Lee J, Taylor, Prop., Cor Queen and, Bern streets, Phone 105.. , Afrl-Kola Is still gaining popularity With all wbo try It. It ia good for nervousness and headache. Bottled by the Crown Bottling Worka and sold for 80c ts per box, 2dox bottles. Lee J Taylor Prop , Corner Queen and Bern streets, Phone 103. :; t . i . "l . '. , ; Fresh Baked Cakes and Crackers, as follows 8 o'clock leas,. Butter-thins Bet tinea Graham Wafers social teas, Zu Zu Snaps, Lemon- & Orange Wafers, Smyrna Figs ate. J. R. Parker Jr. : J J North Carolina, Virginia Country Hams, Sugar cured Hama, Shoulders & Breakfast Strlpa just received at J. R. rarkerJTr. " ' ';v - CONDITION OF CROPS. . . t , Ia Cravca and Other Coan ties Hearty, at . . Seem by a Reporter. . AH Um earlier crops waa noticed to kave Buffered very muck from tke dry weather, but where showers occurred in July tkey kave brightened up considera bly. Some very fine young corn was seen, and tke com crop, oa the whole wDi turn out fairly well. Saving fodder on forward corn has begun but, with a email "pull The bottom blades having been fired by the drought and are not worth aavlng. ' r ; Cotton on the average, la doing ex eeedingly well, some rust and shedding of bolls waa noticed, but the ahowera have started a top growth, which will perhspa, kave time yet to mature. Some late cotton vu seen thst was very fine, and waa forming bolls rapidly. Tobacco is being cut and cured aa fast u possible, and seems to be curing well, but in some Instances, had been cut too early. Sweet potatoes show a decided lm provernent In growth of vines. Tke roots are small yet, but are plentiful and kave good time to grow. Peanota are doing fairly well. Fruit is rather Inferior, peachee are scarce and apples knotty and falling off before they are ripe. The farmers in Jones and Onslow re port an abundant crop of honey this year. Stock running at large in the woods, have done very poorly, and will require much attention to put In condition for fattening. Very little disease have made appearance yet In the district vis ited, which embraces poations of Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Graven and Pamlico county. Prickly heat cured in one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. I', will also cure Eczema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, apd ail skin troubles In a short time, when used as directed. For sale at F. a Duffy's Drug Store. Election Boards. The following names have been select ed by the state Democratic Executive Committee to be members of the County election boards which consist of two Democrats and one Republican: Beaufort County: Arthur Mayo Wash Ington, W. T. Wlnstead, Winsteadvllle (D), Hugh Paul (R). Carteret Co: T D Webb, Morehead City, D Tierce, Beaufort (D), Thos D Hewctt, Beaufort (R), Craven Co: J J Bnxtcr, Mark Dlsos way, New Bern (D); Joseph L Hahn, Mow Bern (R). Greene Co: II II Best, T L Rouse (D) Jas W S Beaman Snow Hill (R). Jones Co: J W Wooten, J C Parker (D); J W Bryan Trenton (R). Lenoir County: H Shaw, Kington, W A Jones, Pink III11 (I)); John Fields Jr. Falling Creek (It). Onslow County: U II Simmons, J II Plttman (D); Dr. J L Nicholson (R). Pamlico County: George R Brinson, Balrd's Creek, Paul J Daniels Merritt (D) W D Alfred Maribel (R). Pitt Oounty:-T C Harding, J T Smith (D); R W Ward, Pactolus (It, POWERFUL' MECHANI8M" " Tfc Pleklna TJp Maohla TJm4 la Grappling Oeeas Caklea. . A truly wonderful piece of mechan ism ia the "picking up" machine used In all grappling and cable hoisting op erations. It Is a powerful variety of the. steam winch family, but also a moat aristocratic and elaborate mem ber, fitted with gear changing cjutchea, patent brakes and other Ingenloua'ap pllancca. To give some Idea of Its ca pabilities In dry figures it can at slow apeed lift twenty-five tons at the rate of one mile an hour or at fast speed ten tons at the rate of four miles an hour. MoreoverjMt can be Quickly al tered and adapted to changing circum stances in speed or lifting weight AR being made ready, the big grap nel, attached to 700 or 800 fathoms Of chain and rope, ia passed over the bow sheave, or pulley, and as soon as It reaches bottom the ship Is sent slowly ahead. Back and forward across ttw path of the cable, as pointed out by tke friendly marking buoys, we steam. Several times the grapnel catches something, only to lose its bold again, probably an Inequality upon. the bot tom, although a bosun's mate mumbles "mermaids' grottoes," but at last comes a steady strain. Every soul on board bangs over the bow,, watching the grimy grapnel rope come steadily: up and over the well oiled v pulley. At length the grapnel. Itself appears, hold-. Ing tight on : to the trunnt Llppln-. cott's Magazine. t r . . ' 1 Be Found It Was. ' "" Judge (to prlnonerl-Yoii nre charged With having seriously Injured, your Wife by Inclosing Uor In a folding bed What have you to say for yourself J W(i Prisoner-Your honor, t -wished to see if It was possible to abut her up, , . Mar Dar Caatem la Belsrlaai. The most honored month of the year In Belgium is the month of May, known as the Virgin's month and con secrated -to the Virgin Mary, t In the province of Liejffc young maidens have a quaint way of predicting their love affaire this month. A group of girls arrange to meet nt sunrise and start to walk through the fields until they come to a hedge, quite unobserved from the highway, where they, gen erally choose honeysuckle bush be neath the protecting branches of which to perform- their mystic opera tions, i Each maiden selects three blades of dew laden grass, the tops of which she cuts to equal length and to each of which she attaches a colored silken . thread. Black represents a bachelor, red an unknown lover and green the secret desires of the mold en's heart Ten days afterward they return to the same spot where .they left the blades growing, and that blade of the three chosen which has sur passed the others in height reveals the lover the maiden is destined to have. New Tork Tribune. t'lnutca for r- Lunch That is the average time fa large city reaUa- raat by thiae thousand u taxes urea hoars to digest a fresh en aoA boUedi thna hoars to digt a ocuea annla dnflfclina-1 three hoars to dUreet fresh roast W. la fact-threa hours ia about the tuna required to digest the average twttva toiaate lunch. The ob ject 3 the hasty lunch is to let the busy man gt aWk txvhie office work. Bat wheaWraii4ractrve, the stomach ia Inactive for lack-of oecaamry blood. The natural ecaAqrartfte Is indigestion, and Indigestion opens the door to many dis- Indlratiass Is cured br tke use of Dr. neroea wwwi atauicai wni which cures diaeasea of the stomch and r J; 1 T-J other a- organs of digestion and nutrition; enable the perfect digestion and and assimilation of food. B hi wnfc batrtfr fnrtttwk tkat I send this auMmwihl whice Ui yaa to pnNUh with say aaaw sad e&MMa. writ Mr. Willis Sea ua. ol WMfcfeirtOBTllW, Orang Co.. N. T. "I aadaVMMck trouble fnaa eaUdJocd tot wAtcd WUhkaumerksSw Iftranp. Attheafew SS 1 at bmkta Ma with Svbtpaa. "7 "' fartaawasteirbta. OeaM aot cat iralm difr treaaT CnoldonlyMt a Snrceitala Milan sad Mat Ma towark Wtfth IUM. Bwvtluaf ah ax bottle of t' n't W. I ika felt ba hI that I nonaed I awAtiaa. 8OTnf SttatBa km naned i cma do tka audest kind ot imrk. ca (at aaf Ihlsff that ft) set Wlqr at and enjoy it. 1 am ff rata) o44 sad lata at the dial Una s have evar picM wdL Frt. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers la sent frtt oa receipt of si ooe-cent stamps to pay axptnat of mailing only.ot ji stamps lor cloth-bound voloma. Address Dr. SL V. Pksce, Bufialo, N. Y. MORE BURGLARY. Another Residence ia Wilmington En tered Tuesday Horning. Wilmington Dispatch, 5th. "About S o'clock this morning a bur glar entered the residence of Mr. J. A. White, No. 206 North Sixth atreet, by cutting open the blinds of a window. He went through Mr. White's room and took some change out of his pants pock et and then went Into a room occupied by his daughter, Miss White. She heard a noise and waked up, seeing a negro on hia knees.' In the room Miss White creamed. The negro kept still until Mr. White passed out into the passage and them made a dash back through his room and jumped through the open window. He was a short, heavy set ne gro. Mr. White thought the scream was In another part of the house or be might have caught the burglar. Littleton Female College. One of the most prosperous schools In the south. Room for .200 boarding pu plls. Twenty-first Annual Session begins Sept. 17th. Large Illustrated catalogue on application to Rev. J. M. Rhodes, A, M., President, Littleton, N. C. The New Railroad. For many years the project of a rail road from this city to points In Pamlico has been discussed from every stand point. It was argued that a railroad should be built in order to place Pamlico In the column of progress. It waa claimed that the railroad would be really of ser vice In expediting the transportation of tke products of that county. ' It was claimed that a railroad would enhance the value of all property In that county and also In this city, and many other good things wss said for a road. v On tbeother hand, the building of the railroad,, waa. charged to be a burden, from which this city and Pamlico, would never recover. It was claimed to be detrimental to the stock raising business of that county. It waa argued to be un necessary, as the water transportation facilities was sufficient to move the pro duce and fish of that section, but after all ' these many years of arguing and bickering, it transpires tkat the Pamlico and New Bera railroad Is to becomes reality ' ' .M At the recent' election In Pamlico it was decided that the people of that county wanted a road, and the meeting between ' their business men, and our business men, determined the fact that a railroad should Jw built, and yesterday actual work waa In progress building the road. In, a few more months the trains will be rushing to and, fro, ' bind ing the business and social' relations of this city and Pamlico eounty even closer than heretofore, and bring greater pros- peruy w ail., , . . ; ' Hofbrau and Vienna Cabinet Beer sold by as, Is the finest beer : la tke world. Hofbrau Beer is bottled at tka brewery, viennauaDinet la bottled by the Crown Bottling Works. Lee J Tsylor, Prop. Corner Qoeea and Bera streets. Phone NEW BERN PRODUCE MARKET WHOlISAtI PRICKS CTJRBSHT. . J K6. !r do. .,'..'...:i3o Chickens, eld per pair . , . ... . ... 50 & 80 foong, per pr. B0 A 40 Por k per,lb . 8 Beef, . x$ : : r. . .6 & e Hides, green, per lb .', . . .'. .5 , K,lry; ::...;:...:.:. et 10 Beeswax, " . .; . . ,'. '. ... SO to 25 Corn, per busk.'... i'.L.y.r 85 Oats', "-f" "! i.-..4.:. .'...... He Peanuts::;. ? : .V. .; .7.;.85 ,: Local Grait Market. X ,,. Corn, per bu..,.. ..,..,.; t.85 Oats per bu... ...... .65 Meal, per bo....;. Hominy, per bu w. km ,.., .85 Corn bran, per 100 lba. . ......... u. 25 Wheat bran, per " .,.:1.0 Feed, 100 lbe....,..iw. ..,,.,., . 1.60 Cottop seed meal, 100 lbs.. . . , 1.60 Cottonseed hulls, 100 lbs... i.... - J50 Ship stuff. . 1.60 No. 1 Timothy, per ton... 20,00 in j r snot A ft M 'VlatMnt I IkiOoUta MxUol l&ctrr. i Dr. PWnWt PMasat Pct- caI ,1 " For .Balance , of this week are : Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Tan Shoes at $1.00 Ladies 2.60 " 3.00 1.00 I Ladies Summer Corsets at v Many other things will also go Colored Lawns, Dimities, etc. lyCnstomer paying accounts cash register checks for the trumpet. J. J. BAXTER IF YOU - -; i i THE BEST (PRICES, " The BESTi Stables, The BEST Facilities MM' YOUR TOBACCO BZt f; i ' TO THE ' Farmers Wwehousen. IDXJLrsr SALES. We promise our best efforts in behalf ot the Farmers. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Farmer Warehouse. Auctioneer. Bicycle Bargains 1 HAVE JIWT HECK1VED 1 DOZEN Franklin Bicycles made and GUARANTEED b; American Bicycle Mfg. Co., which I offer, com plete, while they last $11.00 Each. I am offering these wheels at lower prices than ever heard of before, and if yon are interested you should call early. I have several sample bicycles of dif ferent make which I offer at Hpot Cash Cost. WM. T. HILL, SPORTING GOODS, llr 31-93 Middle Street, Foy & Wood Co., Practical Tinners and Plumbers. Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, and Roofing. ' ;" We make a specialty)! Dot Air Heating, and Steel Ceiling. You. will find ua at? -; -- .. Brnney'H Old Ntnnd. South Front HU NOTICE! Closing .Out .Sale! I am now closing out my Stock at cost.. Dry ,'. Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Notion J Groceries. Hatdware,'- Tiu , and ' Glassware, also a fall lineofdrnirs.'Onedwelt'- ing and store- combined for.iale. Store 25x50 feet.5 ' Six1 rooma 'np stairs. 'IV'"'- Apply to - ,,' -7 j i L. F.TAYLOR,- 1--4 , . The Charge ' for our oats, feed, etc., la aa low aa the lowest, and the quality the best We handle only reliable varieties, and ke p on hand always a large and carefully selected stock. Everything warranted to be just as represented. .- Our reputa tion is an assurance of square dealing. Having superior facilities, we can sup ply all your wants In the line indicated at bottom prices, '-."i c. r: 19 ft 21'arket;: New Bern, N. C. 10c at A BIO REDUCTION Including . : before August lat can vote their . ' WANT - roR . v. UNLOADING Fbery Bolt, Spoke, spring or whatever we use In repatriate Is carefully examined. Must 1 or the best and stand the test. We enjoy a reputation for skill and reliability, and endeavor to sustain It, Alt branches of carriage and wagon painting are dona by lis in the most thorough manner, and at lowest prices. All work warranted. Satisfaction assured. ' G. II. WiitarM & Moil, Phone",186, 78 Broad H., Nrw Bbkn, N. tr k FOR SALE. Best Machino Made Brick at OFFICE: . , Cob.' South Fbort ft HanoocSt " Dnnrilni, Brie Lowest Prices. U a III lllll ln.i. c r m ' aVJatattal .. .... ana lies. ; We pave in stock and to amYi-ac 3,500 RolU Cotton. Haggini?, 8,500 ' bundles Cotton Ties. ' Send w your orders. Prices are the lowest. . N . ? V JaT " 1 'T.Atl.nM. Mw ari.- . ', jaanaassia M U 1 Oravaa St. AAAAAA A j AA A Ai t a, it AA Oar largely Increasing business neces sitates Incresslng oar facilities, for de livering, hence onr new wagon on the streets to take your ordcra and promptly deliver the most refreshing drinks ever sold In this city. Crown Fouling Works Lea J Taylor. Prop., Corner Queen and Bern streets. Phone 105. a TTTWT?t-'"Tlf VVVVVVVVTV I'lO "-u I - OWEN Q. DUNN, j J It ,( , l 'Cravmi4t i V

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