VOLUMI XXY,' IXW BIEI, CRAYM CODHTI, I. C.,-T0ISD1T, AUGUST 12, 1302. FIRST SECTION. KUMBIR 38 1 (1 -V;: - : ... 1 svir:p uhds. -; Complete List of all Tracts Is read er and Duplla Counties Hade. Dr. James R. Borers, Ceavalescias;. Sarsastleate Ckasr Freaa Tk ' Salooa System to Tka Dls pessary Plaa, Sift Fres Tae Maveraf s - Heatoa. Rauhqh, Aug. 9. Today a complete list of all the tracU of State "Swamp - landa" In Pender and Duplla conn tie waa made by the 8tate Bnpertntendeat of public Instruction and teat to W. B. Rodman, the Slate agent, The latter and' engineer ' UoRaa will go over tae land. A. syndicate of Indiana people dealre to bay a large tract at et near An gola "bay? a swamp sad establish thara on a colony and engage U tniCk farm ing, . -t J j ' IliMi Dr. Jamea R. Rogers, phyaMaa to the A, ft M. College, wko kaa bora In a aoe pltal here several weeks, alck of typhoid fever, la convalescing. There kaa been but little typhoid thla aammer. the city health officer says, and only one death of a resident. ' , lira. P. M. Simmons and Mlaa Eliza . Slmmona left today for Beaufort and at New Bern were joined by Senator Slm mona. ' . . .s. 'The executive ecmmlltoi of the North Carolina antl-aaloon league waa In ses alon here laat night until f midnight. It hu outlined Ita policy, which la to be the securing of a general State law, abolishing the saloon ayatem all over the State and providing that any county or Incorporated town desiring the dlapen aary system shall be able to eecure the latter by a majority Tote of the cltl aen. . Two cannona are on the way to the State museum here, a gift to It by the mayor and corporation of Edenton, at the special request of Got. Aycock. ' Mayor Bond aaya regarding these old guns that 45 were bought In Franca for Virginia and North Carolina. They ar rived at Edenton on the ahlp "Heart of Jesus" In July 1778, and 29 of them were delivered to Virginia, while 8 were aent to Fort Hancock, N. C, while a number were placed on the privateer "Caswell," The others,, 8 in number were left at Edenton. bat were not in aervlce. . Dur ing the civil war several were mounted and put on the "green" of the town. When the federal fleet arrived, after the fall of Roanoke Island, the people feared that these guns Would get them In trouble, but the commander , of the fleet said they were only dangerous to those In'te rear. Death of Capt Batchelor. Special to Journal. V -1 Rat.kioh, Aug. If. News waa received here today of the death of Capt. Joseph B. Batchelor,' Jr , retired, at Manila. The cause of his death waa cholera. He was retired from active duties In the army on account of disability due to , arduous service In the Philippines. Ha waa 43 years of age and waa prominent In military circles being the author of at least two textbooks. ' . . ; " Be leaves a wife and three children who are in New York and hit father, Hon. Jos. B. Batchelor, Sr., la Raleigh's oldest lawyer. ' 1 Bogne Items. Aug. 11. Mlaa Elizabeth Ennett gave a birthday party at her home August 7th to a goodly number of Invited friends and Sri'latlvea, among (he ladles were MIssps Izora Jone, Eitello Humphrey, Lyde Week, Ola Backer, Etlene Hum phrey, Mamie Calls and Beatrice Weeks ' The ; geutloman present were Messrs. Ortli Weeks, L. a Humphrey, Chaa. Barker, Jesse Watson, John Jonas and Masteia Bert Weeks, Jerry Wat aon and - Humphrey. It waa r saocesaful occasion and a'l. enjoyed themselves ' Wghly. t-;: Thete were tbrre suroeastve thunder aqualla Wednesday afternoon which re sulted !n heavy rain falls. The crops are very much improved by the refresh lagshoweie;;-;i'---'r--,fit,. v ' j. The farmera have begun aavlng fodder and find that corn la cut off considerably Little Lora Taylor and Etta Sanders have been very 111 with fever, but are able to be out again. . Mr Chaa. Barker and alater, ills Ola, passed through today enroute for Bache . lor to visit their slater, M rs. Morton. Mr. and Mr. Moore of Yanceboro are Visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Gutherle of ogue. ' Mr. C. C. Dennis of Cedar Point went Morebead City yesterday. ' Dr. J. W. Banders of Bogue, la kept quite busy visiting his patlenta. ; -. Mrs. Dollle Parker of Bogue la visiting . her lster, Mr. Mollis Mattocks of Stella.-' u hi ; v. Little Mlaa Easla Taylor It vlItng her aunt, Mra. W. C. Bell of Broad Creek. - S',,--. W.H. ' 1 ' r;r LJantl a-1 CL--: . T!.3 1: J Y:i !"::3 11: il TMrt the IHtG EOWAKD CJtOWKED At Westaaluter Abbey. The Khsg Ap- - pcaret la 6eod Eeahm. Aaxrl cans Present - Special to JouraaL -- Lodo, Asg. The coronation aer vtcea of King Xd ward took place la the Abbey of Westminster today at 1S:W a. as. - Alexandra waa crowaed Queen, oae quarter of an hour' after her husband waa crowned King. The King looked well, there being few traces of his races t aevero ill net visible. Aasoag the twoaty-alz Americana pros rat daring the caramon tee were: Ambas sador Joseph H. Choala aa the official representative of 'the Ualted States,, Hrary Wklt,J. Bidgely Carter Craig Wadsworth, Major X. B. Caasatt, Capt. Richard Clover, all of the Xahassy staff, JastlosH.B. Brown, of the Federal Su preme Court; Former, Postmaster-Qea.-aral Don M. Dlcklnaoa, Former Attorney General John W. Griggs, Frederick W. Holla, Jsmea Wilson, Kdmond C Bay Ilea, Joalah Qutncy and General Joseph Wheeler. -, TNDUSTRULItOXTH CAROLINA. " A consolidation of plaa lumber Inter ests are Mid to have, been recently af fected. The deal Involves about $3,000,- 000 worth of the State's choicest pine timber. The Surry Lumber Co., Is the party la whose name the consolidation Is made. The deal la regarded as one of the moat Important In the hlatory of the lumber trade of the State. A telephone will be conatructed from Arapahoe to Reelaboro. Joseph B Lea contemplate erecting a cotton ginnery at Arapahoe. CapltallaU from Columbua, Ohio, will drill for oil la the vicinity of Aahe- vUle. A company haa beea oiganlsed at Aehevtlle for the manufacture of artlclea from tela : ' v W M Hand, of Burgaw will erect a second cannery at that place In order to meet the growing demand for his goods. " -' The Elliott Chair Company with a capital of flC0,C0O haa bean Organized at Lexington. - A knlttlng4klll has recently beea started at Elizabeth City. P. H. Wil liams la manager, r.i , ; The Lakavllle Township Company has organised with a view to establishing a pleasure reaort at Lake View. A Bos ton ayndlcate Is the promoter of the ven ture. : The Imperial Tobacco' Company of Great Britain, through. Its American agent, Jamea McDonald, of Richmond, Va., la lettelng contraota for the con struction of large factories at Greenville and Kingston. , , The Erwia CotlonMllls Ca, of Du ham, haa selected a alto for Its Plant No. S, and It will be located at Dunn. It will be built at an expanse of $300,000," have 70,000 aplndlee and 3,000 looms.' The company will conduct all Its business affairs and Improvements on a strenuous basts. M: i '4: v.: ' The Southern Bell Telephone Co., has asked for a franchise of the Charlotte council for placing : the wires under- The Dunn Cotton Oil Mill Co., of Dunn, haa beea Incorporated with capi tal of $30,000 and have beea allowed the privilege of increaalng It to $300,000. Vs " Bxcnrsloa T Asnerille. 5 ! The A. A N. O. railroad offers a grand opportunity to those who wish to visit Ashevflle by having an excursion to that elty at the surprisingly low rate of three fourths of a cent fper mile. This excur sion Is made at the request of many along the line of the road who desire to go to Ashevllle and the company makea the price within the reach of all , The rates from New Bern to Ashevllle and return are only SJS0 and the cars go through with out change, thus avoid ing all trouble arising - from the change Of can. ' u , ; The excursion will be made by special train, Tuesday, August (13 and will leave New Bern at 5:30 a. m.r arriving at Aahe vllle about 7 p. m. Tickets will be good returning on any regular train up to and Including August 33nd. ', - t Tobacco Kews.' "'-'v v Several carts camaIn yesterday from Jones county with tobacco, which waa a little anuaual occurrence on Monday. The planters report that curing la pro gressing rapidly, and that the crop Is ripening so fast, there Is but little time to get the weed to market. It la expect ed that In a week or two, large quanti ties will arrive. , ' Fresh Crr-e-ITuta, Postum Cereal Ear" - f: 1 1 .1 Cat T:si at J. R. rr '-.J.-'s.- TELEGXAPmC BREVITIES. Holoomb Ward aad Dwlght F. Darla, Americaa teaala champtoaa were 'de feated by the Doherty brothers, English champtoaa, la the championship series played at th Crescent Athletic club at Bay Ridge, L. L.laat week. King Edwarda poatpoaed eoroaatloa occurred yesterday la circumstances of a great deal of pomp and ceremony. The program that was arranged for the occa sion that waa to have occurred la June waa carried out In the main. Attorney General Kaox took umbrage at something that was said about him which he overheard la a New Tork restaurant aad went after the speaker with his bare fists. He was victorious ta the Brat round for his adversary beat a haaty retreat after the assault. The Identity of the person la not accurately kaowa hut It Is thought to be a Wealthy manufacturer who waa offended at Knoa's stand oa the trmsta, - ' LeWToombvwhomardred Carrie Laraen, a youag womaa In a boat la Chicago waa hanged at Springfield, I1L, for his crime. - Toombs waa cook oa the boat and the womaa waa hla aaaiatant aad he killed her because she restated his affections, The result of the Pultjam case which was oa trial at Ashevllle last week waa disagreement of the Jury. Wm. Bartholin, a young mechanic of Chicago is suspected of the murder of his mother and his sweetheart, Mlaa Mln nle Mitchell. The latter body wm found in a vacant lot and when Uat seen alive wm la Bartholin's company. It la reported that arrangements have been completed with Joseph Natal, the Italian Consul, foraa Italian coloniza tion of a traot of 30,000 acres la Beau fort county, by a syndicate next Septem ber. - An International Investigation of earthquakes la proposed by Germany. The German embaaaador haa Invited the United States to participate la a confer ence next spring. Delegatea from all European atatlona, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico are also Invi ted. A monument, recently erected, over the grave of Nancy Hanks, the Mother of Abraham Lincoln, at Lincoln, Ind., will be dedicated October 1st. The action of the Philippine friars In selling their landa to a ayndlcate of lay men la disapproved at the Vatican. The leads are considered church property aad are Inalienable without the consent of Rome. h Lord Balfour announced today the appointment of the following commis sion to Inquire' Into the conduct of the Boer wan Earl Elgin, chairman; Sir Hrary Norman, John Hopkins, Lord Eaher, Sir John Edge. '., Alderman Jamea Brlgga, the moat pic turesque member of New York's Board of Aldermen, and famous for his quaint speeches, Is dying with pneumonia. i Walter A. Scott, Chicago, president of the Illinois Wire Co. wm fatally stabbed Saturday by Walter L. Btebblngs, a civil engineer. A claim of $8,000 wm the cause of the quarrel. A new hotel built upon ; modern prin ciples and having almost every conven ience of a metropolitan hotel waa opened to the public In Wilson, N. C, Satur day.'., j - ..' - t I What Is believed to be an Incendiary fire destroyed $150,000 worth of property at Plttaburg Saturday. . Geo. Lucu Meyer, a prominent Boer commander died auddenly of heart ' die- In Hollaad. .. , -. . -r. In the latMt market deal oa wheat, Joha Gates, the great Chicago operator, la said, to have made $1,000,000. Loula Pennington, a former resident of Raleigh, committed suicide In Paris by taking acid. He wm suffering , from an Incurable dlseaae, cancer and feared that the dlaeaM would bring him to poverty, Pine SrHwt Mr. Guy Pope, who returned from a pleMant visit at Pine Grove, Bandar, re ports a fine hunt while away. Three rae coona. all turkeyaaad one deer, reward ed his skill m a marksman. . ; That particular section hM long been noted aa a hunters paradlM, and good sportsmen rarely ever go then without bringing a good trophy away. V? - iMi " "- ' ' OAOOntA. i aWsth 1 sf1tliAUImH""ttSC2t . BRADHAM'S LAXATIVE CHILL and FEVER TONIC la a sure cure for Malaria In all Its forms. It It a general tonic and can be gtvento children to Improve and enrich the blood and regu late' the digestive tract. Price 60c. No cure no pay. EUADIIAM'3 PUAR KACT. .. ., .: JACCr i' r..- ryaTTLUey Is the t-.t. i:i.'"3i'r t. Will Cause Rebnildlnf Tower A. k K. College. Cottea Opealag Freely. Severe Electrical Storm. Swamp Land Sale. Deeds to State Swamp Leads. Coajarors to Care Sick ness.' Ralkiob, August 11. The bolt 'of lightning which struck the lofty tower of the textile building at the Agricultu ral and Mechanical college here Satur day afternoon, hMdone auch damage that about an eighth of the tower will have to be rebuilt It la the second time thla summer this tower hM been struck. It is topped by a mass of galvanized iron which weighs 150 lbs. Fifty feet below Is the metal roof of the building. There are no lightning rods. Of course the lightning gets to the roof and m the bricka area poor conductor it tears them to pieces. The tower looks ex actly m It It had undergone a bombard ment There are holes, nearly circular, 8 and 4 feet In dlameter.entlrely through the brick work. Many brick hare fallen others are ready to fall. Cotton la opening quite freely In thla section. The copious rains of the past few days will check this and causes new growth, which Is desired. There was s severe electric storm here last night. It came from the north. The clouds were very threatening and had they come from the southwest there would have been great fear of a cyclone. The rain fell In torrents. South of here a house struck by lightning, wm seen In flames. The path of the storm wm nar row, like that of all this year In the State There la now plenty of rain In this sec tion. It hM helped old corn and la mak Ing young corn grow wonderfully. A charter wm granted today to the Fremont Hleh School. The corporation commission will hold a general business session Wednes day. The 8tate Board of Education today made a sale of 8,000 acres of its. swamp lands In Alligator river, in Tyrrell coun ty, to G. W. Roper. The board has made copies of all deeds of sales and of all options on its swamp landa In the State. These go to the agent of the board, W, B. Rodman of Washington. No one knows, even approximately, It appears the quantity of this land yet unsold. Of course aquattors are on a lot Of lt;t!mber thieves have cut the timber on a large area. There la now a systematic effort to get at the area and the status of all these lands. It Is found that some poor whites here who are sick, have rejected the services of regular physicians and are employing "conjurers." Some of the latter are whites and some negroes. To The Democratic Voters. Being Mked to state the reasons why I am not a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, I have this to say: That being solicited by a hoBt of friends and the executive committee of my township to become 4 candidate for said office and being informed by several parties that Mr. Ernest M. Green had of fered to withdraw in favor of any candi date from the north aide of Neuse river I decided to enter the race, provided he would do so. ) , ' But on seeing Mr. Green, he denied making any such statement except that such candidate should have the majority of the votes on this side of the river. This of course could not be ascertained and m Mr. Green would not withdraw under any other conditions, I did think it advisable to allow my name to bo used as a candidate for said office.;- . j ; D. P. Wbitvord. Aug. 7th, 1803. - The Small Pox Situation. The peat house where the three small pox cases are, la an Isolated house three miles from the city near the old Trent bridge, there Is no possibility of any contagion from them. The houses where the patients lived have been , thoroughly disinfected and the Inmates treated ac cording to the law governing such cases.C;';;;'''' ": The fourth patient report la M yet only a suspect and can only be kept under quarantine, the disease not haying developed., kvj - 'rVv,;;;-? . Saturday night there was report that a fifth case of small pox had been dis covered, the f patlont being a white woman In the north part of the city. Upon investigation the dlseue wm found not to be small pox and the case wm discharged. . ; Thre,la no cause for uneasiness by the citizens In this matter m every thing hM been done that can be done and the health officer assure the Journal thai no new cases will develop from any known exposure that hM beea made, . If any should happen It will be from entirely new causes. . 1 BRADHAM'S LIVER and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can be given to very old people and children. Mild In action, their effect Is far-reaching. No pain or discomfort follows their use. They hsve been called Health's Housekeepers," which Is quite true. Does your liver hurt you f rv.T try these pills. Price 5o. at r irnr.rs fhai"acy. .' SWANSB0R0. rowerful aad Effective Revival Sermon. High Price for Terrapins, Aug. Mr. RobL, Dixon and sisters. Misses Concha aad Ophelia, of Fowle, Jones county, were visitors here for s few daya lut week, MtM Concha la still with us for a few more days stopping at Mrs. D. J. Moore's. Mrs.J. B. Fsrrlor, daughter, Miss Julia, and son, Muter Jamea, of Wil mington, are our welcome visitors this week. They are the guests of Mrs. J. T Bartley, and will remain several daya.. About a dozen commercial drummers were in town hut Mondsy, Tuesday and Wedneaday asking our merchants to please buy, because there would be plen ty of money soon m the cotton crops were am axing, also peas and potatoes, besides corn and sugcane by the mil lions. ' ''Mrs. R. L. Williams and children of Portsmouth, Va , are In our place visit ing her parents, Mrs. J. A. PIttman and friends. They will remain foraeveral weeka. The new building for the aaw mill plant la Bearing completion fast, also new steam lauch spoken of before. The schooner Joseph, belonging to Capt. Ed Foster, Is up on the waya here now, undergoing repairs, also schooner rigged sharpie, C. Hay, Is up for repairs too. The C. Hay belongs to Messrs. J. A. PIttman & Co. A $300.00 brick kiln was built and burned here lately by the Swansboro Lumber Company, to be used mostly by the company for their building. Diamond back terrapins are selling now for 95c. for 5 Inch and $1.55 each for 8 inch. The rich people North don't mind eating bullfrog legs at $3.50 per S let a lone terrapins st a dollar each. Rev. J. B. Olive assisted by Rev. John S. King of Wilmington, Is holding s protracted meeting at Piney Grove church near Swansboro this week. Rev King preached a sermon there yesterday that wm far ahead of anything in the re vival line we ever heard, when he closed and Invited sinners to come to the altar, there were many, and hardly a dry eye in the large congregation. The meet ing will continue all this week. Next Sunday night, (2nd Sunday) Rev Becton will preach here at his regular appointment D. V. Mr. G W Smith at the Hammock farm hM 175 acres each In field peaa and corn besides 35 acres in Cotton and peanuts. Mr. Smith is a good farmer, his crop is very fine, and looks as though the corn would average four barrels to the acre all through and cotton a 45011) bale to the acre. He has 150 head of fine cattle for beef stock, and about , 100 head of floe hogs. Our primary election pMsed off very quietly, but some very crooked things transpired during the day and nights after, one or two drinking ones got in a row, among' them, one who had only lately escaped from the roads by pardon from the Governor, better look out boys. Then some of the candidate didn't do m they wish to be done by, but politics Is politics you know, all's fair In love and politics. The Convention at Jack ion vllle on the 6th Inst., wm very har monious, more so than expected, all the officers nominated had a plurality of the votes' CMt In the primaries, a thing not done before in our county, and we think all are Mtlsfled In that line, we hear of some Independents which is quite natu ral or all would not be satisfied unless all were of the same mind and poll tlcs. Hi ''' ; - ' We have some good old people in our town, among them are Capt. N S Moore, 83 years, J P Odam 83,. Jm Meadows 81, T W Meadows says he is 91 but we think he is mistaken, Mrs Mary Willis 78, Capt Jim Smith ,73, Curtis Hay 73, W Nuh Dennis 65, E W Mattocks 89, G W Ward 67, M Russell 65, Bryan Hatsell 60 and so on. This must be a healthy place. Lots of our men and boys left today for Pnnta Gorda, Fla, to engage in the fish business, among thorn were D G Ward. Jr.. Capt. Ka and Albert Blood. good, Messrs Charles Webb, Edgar Mor ton, Steven Morton Jr. James Meadows, Dexter Philips, jsarly Weeks, Kack Wil lis and many others, we scribe wm on the list but backed out at the last mo ment," we think we will muster up enough courage to go when it turns a little cooler weather. No marriairea nor deaths lately, sever al want to be of th former from look of things and ws hope they will hitch up and make people quit talking about them courting for over. U. W. CROWN POINTS. King Edward Is a master ot all the Intricate requirements of court etl quette and Is Very exacting In seeing that they are fully observed. ' 1 Queen Victoria after her husband's death Is said to have exclaimed In bit terness, "There Is now bo one left who has the right to call me 'Victoria f " The empress of Japan receives $20, 000 worth of clothes from Paris each year. She only consents to appear In public clothed In the garments of her native country once In twelve months. The greatest dandy In the world Is Prince Albert of Thurn, Germany. This fastidious young man attlrea himself In & new suit of clothes every day, Each suit of wearing apparel Is highly perfumed With attar of rose. He .wears no fewer than 1,000 neckties a year. s bain ibw 10 cents per hundred paid for Old Virginia Cheroot wrappers, and 25 Cents per hundred for Bclinapp Tags or My R. J. neynold'a Tags, Address, J03. NILC QIT, IIowEorn, N. C, care of Tt C Spanish , Mackerel This Tear's Catch, TiMt IleejclTed. ' Fox River Print and Fancj Elgin Butter only 30c lb. New Bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California Hams. Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onionr, ' . . Grape Nuts. Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. Potted and Canned Meats. . .-i . Heinz's Pickles. . - Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 30c lb. i- j fg; 5 ' -s a T T IB" T H tfVIIV . WW UWIUMIO Tim 'Phone 01. 71 Broad St ' I g A few of our FOB CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. v : Ham Loaf, at lOo per can. A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at 18c per can. a' Fox River Print Butter, at 30c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c lb. A Good .Roasted Coffee at 11c lb, or 5 lbs for 50c. " r A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9o lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. mmmmmnmmmmmmmSi Farmers LOOK TO and Dls. . unriy yuur i uuatLU totbe Planters Warehouse NEW BEBN, If. C, which is always the place TO GET THE HOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTER, Proprietor Clearance Sale to make room for biir Fall PurcliasesSll During the month of. 'August any goods in out store. Stock comprises :.' .' .... . - . Men's and Boys Clothing, ; - lien's and Boys Furnishings,' . lien's and Boys Hats and Caps,' ; -,,. t lien's and Boys Dhirts, In fact everything to be found in Clothing and' Men's and Boys Furnishings. . ,v- ' " uuuutuu 99 I2iik Street vVire Screen Door and Window Screens, Lawn Uowers, IceCreaa Freezers, Ice Shavers, .-: '.' A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, JZnarccla 'Ja C Silver and AUuminum, ' . A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, Improved. Our goods as represented, JETJCES TIILGVri: .7. Give us your orders. . r - 1 It?. : : Wholesale & Retail many Puzzelers I Phone 437 YOUR INTEREST 1 we WILL SELL BELOW COST . . . . 1:4 '? -!!.: WHS

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