V TOE WEEKLY JOURNAL .BataUlaaaa l7ft PnklUbd 1b Two StioM. tvary Tbm' day and Friday, at M Middle Street, m Bern, n. u. CHARLES U STEVEN Sj' J KDtroa &im raonmOB. s ' '8UB8CEIPTION RATES: Two Month. M OenU. Three Months, M "I Ht Months. W: i " Twelve Months. ....fl.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE , AdvertUint; raten furnished upon ap plication at the omoe, or upon inquiry by mail. mm Tkm lrrrtjn i tm rtnlv aunt OB DAT hania. Rubacribers will receive notice of expiration of their aub- acripuoB and an unmeauua i-eapouao w nntlm wi.1 be aDDreciated by the JoumaAL- Entered at the Fotofflce,New Bern A. a a second-class matter. Section One, Tuesday, Aag. 18, 1902 A correspondent of the London Acad' amy says: '-Men beyond doubt, art mora theatrical than women In their noyelf. A great gift, in either sex, is always fear leas, but among the 'selling second-rat' it will be found that women wtlte hon estly, if badly, what they know and feel; whereas men of the same literary rank indulge In stilted diction, melodramatic affects, sham sentiment, false refinement labored, unreal emotionalism. The wo man, therefore, commands a larger pub lic. She is more sincere, and the great good sense of the common reader heed less of style, responds to her undlsclp- lined earnestness." SAME AS OTHER DISEASES. The sessions of the Tuberculosis Con gress have been beyond precedent help ful in practical hints suitable to the layman's understanding. It Is well to know that consumption Is not properly hereditary and not even easily communl cable to persons taking proper precau- tions; that Us allies are intemperance. Insufficient clothing, dampness, filth, overcrowding, Improper food; that its foes are fresh air, unlimited sunshine, good food, sanitary surroundings. These things are for individual consideration. states the New Tork World. The appeal of various speakers for more parks and play-grounds, for better homes for the poor and for hospitals where light cases can be cured and hopeless ones prevent- 1 from endangering the community should appeal to lawmakers and philaa thropists. GOOD ROADS. The North Carolina Good Roads As sociation at Raleigh, announce that they will Issue a weekly bulletin for the in struction of the people on the matter of good roads, and the following extracts are taken from a recent Issue: "It ia a matter of congratulation that the people of our State have already passed through the stage of education as to tne "Denents" resulting - irom gooa roads and the desirability of having them in every locality. Probably no person within our borders now would for a mo ment contend that better public roads fall to promote every phase of human happiness, and that the decree of happi ness thereby attained is measured by the state of perfection to which our public highways are improved. It Is therefore useless to employ arguments upon that part of the controversy, because it has aamtetakably been settled in the minds of the citizens of North Carolina. "We are now confronted with the . probably more difficult problem of de- tennlnlag the wisest and moat practica ble manner of arriving at a system of road building which will be suitable to our conditions as a people and our pro gress as a State. ' The most reliable, and axnerieneed road builders agree with - one accord that a crushed stone (or ma cadam) road is the most econlmlcai in the end and the most satisfactory at all times. But we must not lose eight of the fact that earth roads or common dirt roada can be brought to a high degree of perfection ana do made to yield surpris ingly satisfactory results If proper eare and attention are given to their location, drainage and repair, i - j . - . "Some of our wealthier counties are pending thousands of dollars yearly for building and maintaining public roads and are "past masters" ia the art of road building, yet the infection has not be come general in the State, 'and out of 97 counties, this intelligent, modern road improvement Is carried on In probably mot more than a dozen sections. - A per son has only to visit Ashevllle, or -Winston, or Charlotte, or Raleigh, or Wll mlngtoa to discover that in any section of North Carolina, from the lowlands bordering the ocean, through the more elevated middle section of the rugged, mountainous counties, road improve ment to a high state of perfection is possible, and even profitable. Be will also be impressed with the fact that Im proved highways and increasing pros- parity go nana in i band.1 - COAL SUPPLY DWINDLING. Dlscussi.. the effect of the Penuayl- van la coal miners strike on the supply of and prices of coat for the coming winter, the Coal Trade Journal, Inly ' 80th aays.- X2:'-XX. X : : 1 "Doubtless the stage Is now very near when, to all Intents and purposes, sup plies of anthracite will be entirely ex hausted, and for that reason there is some fore in the statement that the rj-ira'.ors should consider some means cf 1 ;,;!:;!c:'y resuming the mluiog of t '. r ' i r'l r'-s rf C 9 there Is received the atatement that prlcM are rising at retail, ustQ, In some of the cities of the New England States the price now asked la SO per cent above that which was ruling at the beginning of the strike. "The quantity on band In many of the cities and tow as where i thraclte forms a large " portion of the fuel supply Is dwindling to nothing, and yet the dealers can only await develop ments. Only here and there a dealer has a little block of coal, but most of them are entirely out, with the first of August approaching and the time when people begin to order for the winter up on us, and there are not supplies to draw upon, or likely to be la the near future, "Taking Into account the month of July, the shottage in anthracite reaches something like 11,000,000 tons aa com pared with last year, and It Is this which makes the heavy demand for bituminous coal, which continues beyond ques tion." How's THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare known F J Cheney for the last 18 years, and believe him pefectly honorable In all business and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wan & Trcai, Wholesale Druggists, : Toledo, U. Waldino, Kimnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold liv all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Practice aaa Preaching-. When the late Bishop Hare was pre siding over a Methodist Episcopal church In New York city, a large re ception was given in his honor, to Which a brother of his, n lawyer, who closely resembled the bishop, was In vited. During the evening a member of the conference who had never met the bishop's brother approached him and, shaking him warmly by the hand, said: "Good evening, Bishop Ilare. I greatly enjoyed the sermon you gave us today. It is Just what this church needs." Ton are mistaken in the person," aid the brother, smiling, as he pointed to the "bishop on the opposite side of the room, "that is the man who preach es; I practice." All Were Saved. "For years I suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis," writes J H John ston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often I was unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. My wife suffered Intensely from Asthma, till It cured her, and all our ex perience goes to' show It is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at'C. D. Bradham's. Eatlair from h Same I'latc. In former lnys It wns usual for a couple seared together to cat from one trencher, more particularly If the re lations between them were of nn in timate-nature or, again, if It were the master and mistress of the establish ment Walpole relates that so late as the middle of the eighteenth century the old Duke and Duchess of Hamil ton occupied the dais at tbe head of the room and preserved the traditional manner by sharing the same plate. It was a token of attachment and tender recollection of unreturnable youth. Old Cookery Books." Jast Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, fault less skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face., She looks good, eels good. Here's her secret She. uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result-all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues. Try them yourself. Only 15c at C. D. Bradham's. TJaul BeaaM. - Mrs, Gabb Dear met There comes my husband. There wont be a whole niece of furniture left in the house by midnight . .. Mrs. 3add-Horrors! Does he drink, and is that a case of whisky he Is car rying t Mrs. Gabb No, he doesn't drink. That a new box of tools. TOO KKOW. WHAT TOO ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it it limply Iroa and quinine la a tasteless form. No cure no par. Price 66c Kapalaoa in. ami Bis OararctTM. , The most obstinate of 1 cigarette smokers was -the- Emperor Napoleon IIL - It is an error to suppose that he was ambitious." A fatalist, be fol lowed a plan which he Imagined had been' traced In advance. At Sedan, When the1 end came, he calmly lit a cigarette. Hugo's epic anger against him' had a large element of Irritation at the man's supreme calmness. Hugo was not a cigarette smoker. He never urlorstood, he- could not understand. f n. Zola.' t who was a cigarette ,oker and who ceased In order that he might become. a great workman, understood and .described Napoleon HL in "La Debacle" perfectly. Scatters all Records. :?' , Twice In hospital. F. A. Gulledee, Ver bena, Ala., paid a vast - sum todoctrs to cure a severe case of plies, causing 21 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. f.uL lurp In2ammatIon, conquers Aclics, kl"s r&!as. tcA t.."..e In tiie world. & at C. V. Erj :":--"'s Cre? store. - : Dyspepsia Curo Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the dlgestanu and digests all kinds of rood, it gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomaens can isae iw tsj its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thing else failed. It prevents formation of pis on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. DleUngunnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't heln but do you good prepared onl v dt K.U. DIWTTT Oo., Ohloairl Ttte U. UlUe contain 1 Uatm Um Wc alao F. 8. DUFFY. CO. CURRENT COMMENT. The best way to get poor fast Is to Invest in a get rich quick scheme. Hartford Poet In the matter of paying claims Venc sueia has become the Turkey of the Oc cident fit Louis Globe-Democrat It is getting to be so in the east that when a university wishes a million or two it Just pushes tbe first button in sight, and Providence does the rest San Francisco Call. A female physician who has Invented a reform dress is trying to make it fashionable on the plea that it Is cheap. A strange blunder for a woman to make! New Tork World. The summer schools are an inspira tion of benevolence. They are so un like the regular schools that they fit into vacation as a part of it and make a kind of orderly play that Is both In structive and disciplinary. Boston Herald. There was a time when the drelbund loomed over the world like a comet and everybody thought it presaged war, but It has proved to be so harm less that when it was renewed by agreement a short time ago hardly any notice was given to it. San Francisco CalL His Sight Threatened. ' While picnicking last month my.ll year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W H Dibble, of Sioux City, Ia. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose sight Flnally a neighbor recommended De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and in a few days he was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burn, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of Counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy The Plaeapple. An average sized pineapple yields nearly two pints of Juice. Cataerlae e Medici. Catherine de Medici always wore a wido black skirt a black pointed bod ice with wing sleeves, a black collar, ruff shaped, and a hood that came down in a point over the forehead. O.A.f3XCXt.XA. Bauiths A Tl" Yw H lwaT 8ot wunn of at The Fairy LajapUKktr. Affection often Inspires ingenuity. In a life of Joseph Severn the narra !tivef of the artist's care of the wet neatsfin nis.jast illness includes a graceful Incident Severn.. worn out LWithlwatching" and : tireless service. (would ,'sometlmesdrop 1 ashjep i. asdal-low?the-candle togo out, 4husS leaving jtheslck man inf darkness, whichvh dreaded Realising (that this waat lla ble .to occur, Severn hit upon a happy nevlce'to keep the flight BtUV burning. tone evening he fastened a thread from the bottom of the candle already light led to the wick at the top of another jnnllghted one set ready near by. ; Not being sure the experiment would succeed, he had not mentlonediit'and when later on he fell napping as 'the first candle was burning low the In valid was too considerate to awake him, but lay patiently awaiting the ex tinction of the fluttering flame. Sud denly, just as he expected gloom and blackness, the connecting thread too fine and distant for him to see caught Are, and a tiny Spark began to ran along It Then he waked the sleeping nurse with an exclamation of Joyful surprise. fSevernl Several" he cried "Here's a little fairy lamplighter actually lit up the other candlel" Bat It was only the good fairy of many sickrooms loving forethought that bad lighted the candle. Prickly heat cared (none application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Eczema, Fetter) Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, and all skin troubles In a short time, when used as directed. For sale at 8. Duffy's Drug Store, - - raly Way. , , . v. "Ah, Reginald, dearest,'' she sighed, "but how can I be sure that you will not grow weary of me after we have been married a little while?" -C,f' ' i "I don't know," he answered, "un less we get married and see." Chicago Record-HeraId.',V; '''' iyy "v .. V A Poaalbtlltjr. ; i V "So you refused him 7 said Maud.' ' ' ; "Tea," replied Mabel "I told him 1 hall send back any letters unopened" "I wouldn't be so rude. There might be. theater tickets in some of themEV- 7.' Look Pleasant, Please. ! Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, On caa do so now, though for year he couldn't, because he suffered - untold agony from the worst form of Indigest ion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dypcpsla and stomach troubles. UndvakJ for diseases of the Etomkch, Liver and Sidneys, they build up and g!ye neT K.'e to the whole sys tcnvTry tL..i. C!yCDa. Guaranteed ty C. D.T 1. ; '.t, '- Wilson Company of the Second Reel ment Disbanded. Aaaaal Bepert ef Iasaraace Cemmls- sleaer Issued, Secretary ef Agrlraltarat Departaeat Will rhttogra, Te bacee Fields. The Aatl-Saleea Leagae. ; Ralsiou, Aug. 8. The Wilson Com pany of the 2nd Regiment of the State Guard was disbanded today, upon the recommendation of Inspector-General Bain, for failure to comply with require ments. The North Carolina Antl-Haloon League's executive committee met here today. There were present chairman A J McKilway, John Dates, N. B, Brough ton, J. W. Bailey and T. N. Ivey. Secretary Bruner of the agricultural department left today for Stokes county to take a number of large special photo graphs of tobacco farms for the State museum. A charter was was granted by the State today to the H. A. Powell Grocery Co. of Goldsboro, capital $39,000. The annual report of Insurance com missioner J. B, Toung was issued today. It gives the North Carolina business of the five Insurance companies as follows: Risks written by home companies $11,- 521,965, by companies of other States $C2,968,755, by companies of other coun ties $39,083,804, total $113,674,025, Ma rine risks total $3,056,175. Premiums by home companies $280,263, by those of other IStates $872,887; by those from other counties $371,030, total $1,534,189. Losses increased - by home companies $134,751; by those of other States $348, 122; by those of other counties $101,167; total $064,031. The report savs the life companies Issue 43,450 policies, covering w,vi,vn insurance, the total number in force living 06.655, coverinE $71,084.- 714. The losses paid aggregated $821, 857. The premiums paid during the year on all policies were $2,249,026. There are 41 life companies licensed to do busi ness in this State, 88 fire and fire and marine, 18 accidents and surety, and 28 fraternal orders. A Necessary Precaution. Don't neglect a cold. It is worse than unpleasant It Is dangerouc. By using One Minute Cough Cure you can care It at once. Allays inflammation, clears the head, soothes and strengthens the mu cous membrane. Cures coughs, croup throat snd lung troubles. Absolutely safe Acts Immediately, Children like it. F 8 Duffy. rnmlj For Change. "Some people wonder why wccarry a stock of cheap cnniiy, penny candy," said the man who keeps therallroad newsstand. "Well, you seeyit's this way: I have a lot of regular customers who want It. They take jit out In change. For Instance, onci man has been buying two evening yhpera from me every afternoon for Several years. If he has any pennies, I eyer see them. He always throws down ainlekeL picks up his two papers from the pile and then takes three pieces oflcandy, which he chews while waltingfor his train. Other men saw him do Uhls and fol lowed suit, and now if s quite the regu lar thing." rhiladelphiatflecord. - The Best Prescription for HalarU. -.-Chills and Fever la a bottle of Qbovi'b Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No oure no pay. Price 60c Whlthert t Marine Person Yes; we're, goln to drag the river. .; . .; Simon Milkweed So! Where are they draggin' It to? ' ., Yarloaa AppUeatleM, t ' "I observe that you use the phrase 'critical operation' very frequently.' " I "lea," answered the physician; "it often applies. Sometimes It refers to a crisis In the patient's condition and I sometimes to the remarks of our pro fessional associates." Washington Star. t t i ' Early Deprarity. "Tou have to scratch for a living as soon as you're hatched," said the 'young robin, "while I get my grub free." v. -a iyir.-, .,. , "Oh, J don't know," responded the I young quail "Tou generally find it In the bill, don't vou?" Chicago Tribune. To My Friends. It is with Joy I tell you what - Kodol did for me. I was troubled with my stomach for several months. Upon be ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good It has done me. A neighbor had the dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended It. Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and nor mal activity of the digestive organs Ko dol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach snd bowel troubles. Indiges tion, dyspepsia. Ko;lol d'gests sny good food yon eat. Te a dose after n- '3. FSDuify. 4 TELEGRAPE1C tREYTTILS. A tearful cyclone struck the pavilion at Carolina Beach, a resort sear Wtl aUagtoa, Thursday alght and destroyed las building. Fourteen persons were in jured and some may die, Only three children escaped lnoirt. Prof. Oebrge X. Fry, prlsclpal of a public school a) Camden, N.J. is uader nai U7T in nuaappi ujn huds 01 ib bus committed to sis care. factory girls at Trentoa, N.J, would not striae for a full aooe hour the promoters of the strike fought them desperately, palling their hair and punching In a truly manlike laahloa, , The Vatican has received Information that all real estate belonging to the Friars lathe Philippine haa already been sold to American corporations, and la duly registered and legally recog- aiaed. - -' Dr. Joseph H Kerman, of Georgia has been made Buperlateadent of the James Walker Memorial Hospital at Wilmington, NC. The strike of the lace workers at Wllkesbarre, Pa, which begsa two months ago has been settled, upon terms said to be favoring the strikers. The Congressional convention of the 10th district which met at Ashevllle this week nominated JM Gudger for Con gress after a spirited contest. E L Boles, soa of ex-Goveraor Boles si Iowa, has beea nominated for Con gress and will oppose the candidacy of D. B. Henderson, speaker of the house. The degree of LL.D., will be conferred oa President ; Roosevelt by the Univer sity of Chicago in October when he goes to lay the corner stone of the Industrial Arts building. A movement is on foot to consolidate all the cotton , mills of the Btate. It la stated by T L Underwood, the promoter that three-fourths of tbe mills of the State will be running under that arrange ment In less than two weeks. . Booze of the red eye variety caused a row In a company of mixed excursion ists from Georgia at Wilmington Thurs day, and it came near serious termina tion. A negro was stabbed, and a white man attempted to run the train. Alto gether tbe passengers had a lovely time. One Fred Herrick, a millionaire In Birmingham, Ala.; ordered a lunch from an eating house and afterwards found some fault with the lunch and refused to pay for it. Being warranted, the court passed upon him a line, which he also refused to pay, and was locked up. sir A J Cooper, a resident of the Fair- view section of Buncombe county, this State, said Wednesday, to the Ashevllle Citlsen reporter: "I have discovered two springs that run oil In dry weather. I have applied all tbe . teats that I know and I am convinced it's petroleum. I would now ; like to 1 have aa expert oome there and make an examination of I It. . DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the ' masterly power of "South Ambbicah Nbkvidb Tome," Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can cure them all. It is a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and Indlget Jon. The cure begins with the first dose. The re l'if It brings Is marvelous and surprising I, makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how long you. hve suffered, your cure Is certain under tue use of this great health-giving force. Pleasant and always safe. Sold by CD. Bradbam, urnggau.,. j . tt PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. . W. Ik Morse, chairman of the execu tive committee of tho Society of Wash. Ington Artists, is building a studio at the national capital. - Vfrs. Amelia B. Barr, the novelist, who was born at Ulverstone, Lanca shire, is seventy -one years old She had passed iter fiftieth birthday be fore she began novel writing. : - v Miss Anne Douglas Sedgwick. Is a scion of New England and Ohio fami lies. She was born In Engiewood, N. J., and has spent most of-her life In Europe. She Is still In her twenties, though she has published three novels. 1 Stephen Binding, tho well known Swedish sculptor, haa finished a figure of "War, to be one of the subsidiary groups for the Sherman monument In I Washington.: The design is melodra imatic, a dead soldier lying prone, .while 'a fierce feminine figure stands over blm aiatf draped and her arms bound AC ra iven is about to pick out the man's eyes. 1 . TALES OF CITIES. wV-jmn-i ' '-i " Some of the garbage and ash wagons lav use la Trenton, -N. J., have been equipped with rubber tires because of the complaints of notso these wagons make when collecting at night i .... Tho variety of plant life In Central park. New York, is almost bewildering, 'but the nuperintendent declares that the park's beauty win soon be a thing of the past if soil Is not brought to It rora New Jersey and Long Island, ; There's a larger proportion of foreign residents in Fall River, Mas, than In any other city in the country, 48 per cent of her population being of -alien blrth.'Montgomery, Ala,, with 83 per ecjit of her" population native born, comes nearest to being an ail Amerl can city. I ! 1 1 r Yi'll Agrert wmmj paoete surfs 'thrwu r amujn UufBiao remedy to eqfcJ WtiWa atustaag I.tiilwaat. p ? and a sure way to trct a caa' of Sore. Throat ia order U kill disease genss . and insure healthy throat action to take half a glassf ull of water pjtft into it a teaspoonf ul of ; f amlwithtliW4flttattral& ' TV h.th thttmiui lnof lirt throat thoroHthly wtth ui ment and after doiuiftliispoDramna on a soft cloth ajid wrl round the neck.. Ittoa 25e., COo. IT HIV DC VAII have Ion l-ort ti-ouU.l with a running II MAI DC IUU (ors or uh-M-. IVUt utwo with MoilI Mustang uiaxaeuk aad you uut th-j-t .,- , tau,j cu' rzrv hit. rfrTiTTw.rn1 Costs Only 25 oats Or nuJl tt eeata U C. W. km bM Or. MaSMt'i TKKTHINA (TmUiIu IH trmde M praprtaarr bmUcim, and Mr Ua la II hlfirtetto 1 10 two or uire. mmim croai par raar, wnioa M a vary hiobk arraano m iia inani aaa tov nuiimw. " tba Bothaia of Ilia ooaalrf, for lar aaj aothlaff aa atfaotuaUj waalaneta tea allaoli al laa nmmt'l MHIw aa quaur uta uamaaa lacraeoi to icauiaf . TUB LAJIAA a RANEIBT DBCO OOk. WkolaaaJa rjrafclsai. HARBUAwDRAIiriT, r J1L f 1 at- . iKrc VTTVTfTTf TTTTVf ?f f f TTTTTTTyyVTf TTVTfTTTTVTTTTTf TTVTe (Agricultural and ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ,'. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION: A combination of theory and practice, of book study and mhtia work i ' p engineering, Agriculture, ChemUtry, Electricity, nchanlc Arts r anawouon manuiaciuring. FnUCouwsttyearsXHhortOegfa,., ; ppecuu uourees i boi. i tuition ana SO teachers, 8C9 students, new building aAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa1 JIW':Hliiv!ifjiii)i JjA OCiFJGfi, 'English, Classical, Scientific and Commercial for boys and , young men. 8eventy-one Boarding Pupils from reventeen Counties and two Htates the past year. A Military Hchool that is mot a machine: where amcianoT ibstbsd or miMBKHg is souort; where toothful, manly, honkst boys are wanted. A four years Preparatory Course, giving full and thorough preparation for College or For Ufa. -Athletics encouraged. Charges reasonable. Term begins fept 3rd.: Write for illustrated catalogue. -' -. ' ' ; 1 J. E. DEBNAM, Sapt. n m 0 " L'.H.UmailWU'J'i. I si II III . HARDWARE KefrigeratcrSj.Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers,' Screen Dcors,Wto dpw Screens, Oil and t'ook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, Cemoutr f : Plaster. PaioU, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found ib an tfpto-date Hardware Storo. 'HINDQUARTERS FOB : Anil 1I KinJi of r mm Giiam X X Best : GooIa '1 -:' -1 - JLowcmI; Irlccn.' . Under Hotel Cbattawica. For flale or Rent I offer for sale or rent my entire Farm anil . rnmnlf.! a - 'afypttanrtita. 111 anil cbeap for cash or gilt edge securities, or will rent the farm, .selling the imple ments and team to the rigbt man at a living ngure. , . Call or address) lt ; ' 11RS. E. A. VINSON,, i " ""' : 8 weevil omeFarm. "Kew!!:ern,tN.O. ' ; " sr- m m 'mi Um throat UtoroHKhly wttn ut.)ui. hXJoUTIVH UUtUf, and m botUe. Cans Cac.'sra-tnt.alex !4rrhou,lyKtery,aM the Bowel Troubles of Chllorea of Ar4ae. - Akw Dfgesaon, Kesulstci me Bowels, Mrcngtheas the aila and Makes TEETHING EASY. at Drassts, 1, Morprrr. m. d. t. louis. mo. Aluau.Oa- Hot. 1SL ltWO. VmHtn) iw cIbm lu SrM UtradwnkM to lb paktt iat MaxUIr lacrMa Iron rear w jmr uta ami oniM TUCKER BROS 810 North Front Street, ' WILMINGTON,: - ... N. ('. The place to buy jour Cemetery Work at HOTTOJt PRICES.-, Ir Foreign and Doini iio Granite and Marble.; Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered." Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C cMech&nical College room, III) a term; ooardH montji ; for 600. C Write for bookfeaT ' 7 President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C B $ C o o S - . O a a. .o o P 13 CD 3 S CB Ij3 v . . -a.. 6 PA Co CD 1 &t9 s-. CL a .,' ,' a-f . -, ' CD s p p. . o o .6 n O i. ia..yAni, - u.-- Attorney at taw, 74 Bo. Front St , Opp. Hotel Chattawka, - NBW I1KRN, N. O. ' CravenJCountyAttomey. , Circuit, Craven. Jones. Onslow.' Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and tbe Supreme and Federal Courts. I - ll IWJ ! "C