pit ATM i t I i II VOLUMl XXY. IIW BIRI, CS1TXI COUHTY, I. C, TUISDAYi AUGUST 18, 1802. FIRST SECTION. - ,a,h 1 HUMBCIC 4tl TELEGRAPHIC BXEYITIES. DIiTDD5vQB.ll.il. WASHINGTON LETTER YESTERDAY'S XARIETS. Afaln TalUus Oyer Propose Hotel , I Buildinf. . t Stata tiraats Charter to New Ban , Steamboat Co. Operate Waters Carollaa aaa TlrfUIa. Delegates to tiroes-' boro. Tobacco -Market' . Rajlbiqb, N. C, August 18. Raleigh's again, .tlned probably latothl. m f.Mi.n.h. ,L v. ta. -r..,. I Wh.t I ho kmhI. nf T?llrh UlA th I - r"i" State at large are anxloua about la tome tangible and decided action that will in sure this long felt want of the State cap - ltol. What hat started op the commit tee talk again la the Idea of erecting a $100,000 hots on the southwest comer of Fayeltevllle and Iiargett atreeti, di rectly opposite the Masonic Temple alto. The ground necessary there would coat $50,G00. : The SecreUryof Bute charters the Virginia-Carolina Inland Steamship - Company of New Bern. The capita) la $8,000 with privilege to Increase to $35,- AAA fT'l. -1 t . . 1 A OA vw. - lira a ii mi 7W wnwc i w f iv.w , t. oaca. ... ... j. ,i , The Incorporators and their abare holdings are II. T. Hancock 400 shares. Tboa. W. Dewey, 100 shares and R. & Primrose 10 shares. Operating steam boats between ports of North Carolina and Virginia la the special purpose of the Company L. O'B. Branch Camp of thla city has selected W. D. Smith, M. O. Sherrell and O, H. Ilutchlns as delegates to the State ' re-unlon at . Oreensboro next Representatives of both the American . .Tobacco Company and the Imperial To bacco Company of England are buying tobacco In large quantltlea on the Ral eigh market. Oyer 40,000 pounds of to bacco was sold on the market here yea- , terday and the farmers are pleased with the prices, ' Major O. L. Grnnt, clerk of the U. S. . District and Circuit Courla here left to day for bis old home In Connecticut to attend reunions of the Sixth Connecticut , , Regiment G. A. R. and of Gen Htwley's . Brigade, ' The establishment by Miss Locile t( Mnrchlson of Wilmington, of a $5,000 free scholarship for girls of East Caro lina diocese In 8U Mary's College .here la a most excellent example for other well- to-do friends of thla : splendid Episcopal school. The scholarship ia a memorial to her father. Thought to Be McDonald, . Special to Journal. Raliioh. Aug. 10. A telegram wu received in the Governor's office today, from the Sheriff of Wilson county to the - effect that be has a man in custodyans waring the description of Paul McDonald $ wanted In Harnett county for the crime -' of seduction. i , The reward of $200, wu offered sever- ' al dava ago by Governor Aycock, wu '. the first ever offered for auch an of- fense. r . Bogne Items. - ; Aug.' 15,-Mra Julia ' Hardlson of S Pi Tfaurmao la the guest of Mrs. J. W. 8an : 'deraof Boguethls weeky -V I 'Z ',f '1 - Rev.' Durkeaof Burgaw, N. C, will begin his series of Unitarian doctrine on 1 "Pettlfoot'a Cnek Sunday. t Mrs. Jalla Taylor and son, Leon, are . , visiting relatives and fi lends in Onslow .'; and 8tH;a. ' -. . ' " ' ' The M lues l'lltm n ot Swaneboro are the gueUT)f 11 nt, G. N. Ennett and fam " ily of Cur Point. . . i. Our neighborhood has been visited quite frequently with showers and thun der squalls. . i" : . From alt reports Ike wedding bells . will aoin t. ontagkln lu onr midst. The wl!ower act m to be the only lucky ones. f Cotton picking will soon be in prog- " Watermelons are getting to be very scarce and not of a very good flavor, Rev. Olive of SWansboro failed to fill his regular appointment at R. R. Acade my Sunday. A dlasppolnted crowd wu the result. , WlLLII HOMPHRIT. : Woutrf Olva Him a Lon. 5 5 A rPlfc'i tw'Wlio tlu- fntli.T of a year old yimuut.tor met hie pant or on Sunday afternoon. ' t "Why wvm.'t you at church thla morniujtr was the Brat question of the spiritual adviser. . "I couldn't come," waa the answer. 1 had to atop at home and mind the : baby. Our nurse la M." 11 ; ' "That's no excuse," eald the pastor. "It Isn't? ; Weil, next Sunday I'll bring him to church with me and see - how you like it" CASTOniA 4 t , t. Tor Iafitti and CLiIi::i rjr.:JYai:::3.:::;3r:J.l tjara the ? ,f The lower pert of the city of AUalla, I Mexico, tu submerged by a tidal wave r ng and at 80 !? UOWMl. It ia asserted that Ex-secretary of wat I R. A. Alger will bo a candidate to fill out the aoexplred torn of tha lata Bena-1 tor McMillan. During communtal rltoa at Antwerp Belglum.one woman was boraad to death I and four severely Injured .by tbelr cloth log catching Are froaa a car representing winter. - saatl-lZ1? T 'J Friday aaoralng and censed a greet deal of damage. Homes and churches were nJare-' The Industrial School at AshetUle has been endowed with two $a,000 ocholar. ships by Miss Helen Gould. I The Catholic Sisters who have recent ly been expelled from .France bare gone to Rome temporarily and will asa the l Pope to be allowed to locate In the United Btatee, Thomas Oberly, a. ten year old boy of Wilmington shot and seriously wounded George W. Bundy who wu cruelly beat ing Mlaa E. A. Squires, the boy's annt. The boy was discharged from custody and recelTed a compliment for his action la savins-1 two ladles from tha man's cruel ireatment. A boy amoklag a cigarette started a $75,000 fire in Cincinnati Friday. Pike's opera house was destroyed. It la said that Agnlaaldo, tho Filipino, will come to the United States to lecture thla winter. The oeoDle of San Francisco are shock ed over the accident whereby Charles Fair and his wife lost their Uvea ia Parts Mr Fair who waa a son of the late Jamea G. Fair Senator from Nevada, and in herited a large portion of his fortune. Mr. Charles Fair is said to have set aside $5,000,000 for tho beautifying of theFalr estate In San Francisco. - A convention of Democrats waa called to bo held at Warrenton Friday to nomi nate a candidate for Justice of the So- preme court tooppow, judge -Walter I Clark The convention wu attended by so few that it wu thought best to not nominate. Hon. Thomas Hill, of Little ton wu the only person mentioned in connection with the place, : The agent of the American Express Co., at FordsvUle, Ky wu robbed of $28,000 Saturday. Two men are under arrest ou suspicion, but there la no posi tive evidence of their guilt. M 1 The miners at Clarksburg, W. Va., who have been on a strike have gained concession from the Tunnel Creek Coal Co. and have returned to work. A dif ferent wage scale wu the trouble at is sue. . . Baron Van Blelchroeder, a German Nobleman, of Cologne, wu killed la an automobile accident lately and the fami ly bad the machine burled by his side. There were seveaal automobiles owned I by members of the family and they were either sold or given away. - Ex-Gov. Pattlson Democratic candi date for the third time for Governor of Pennsylvania, received a package sup posed to be aa Infernal machine. On the box wu inscribed the words. "To b with yop." George V. Points, who wu Gen. Lee's chief telegrapher during the Civil war! Is dead at Beverly, W. Va. He wu years of age. -: ' . F. O. Andrews, the defaulting cashier of tha City Savings Bank, of Detroit, Mich, wu found guilty last Friday, and await sentence. He had appropriated $100,000.. -vis Ni:vy u r Five convlcta escaped from the Ten nessee State Prison and fled to Alabama. LA sheriff pursued them and alngle handed fought all five men; he Woundtd one but all escaped. They are desperate characters.. .; t The Georgia Central Railroad hu de clared $ per cent dlvldened. ' The Elgin Creamery Co. IA large syn dicate which controlled the creameries of Illinois hu yelled and many farmers mourn their loss. , ;i i. X . , . i. The heirs of the late Charles Fair will contest his will of $10,000,000 unleu a oompromlu is made. . k- ; Wm. R. Brown, aon-ln-law of Andrew I Jaoksoa Is dead at Oreenvllle, Tenn. He wu la hla 80th year. Because they , differed la religious views C. C. Rubsam of New York shot and killed his wife, and thea killed him self. Rubsam wu protectant and hla wife Catholic ... , . &. aiu.uuu.uuu ooon mill ia o ne .tAMAAM .... 1 .1 . . erected at Hoinlay, Kan. Tie project Is In the handa of Eastern and Western j cppltallsta. . : . i j' ; .:: Rev. Smart Alexander Joni, a crank. made a prophecy tlmt A. l utlo Cl'y would be sw; toS tbe earth bvab t: ' a wave mi a wi t. " cuae ot a t r d.--v.Ioa to that c::y. The wave L'lc i t j r ; -.r. important State Charters Granted Corporations. BMak TaleTtw Buy at Work. Gratl- led at Major leartt'a Elee- Usa. Itfll Talking HeUU Mtaaioaary Betaralag Moaie. "' Rauiob, Aug. 18. The Secretary of Stat today Issued charters to two aew oorporatuwa. - The moat Important, one la the Charlotte Kenning Co., of- Char lotte, capital $160,000. The object 1 the manufacture of cotton seed oil. It 1 In corporated by W. 0. Johnton, J. Edgar Grace and J. 8. Spencer. The other Is the Griftoa Transportation Co.. of Grlf toa. It baa for Its object running a steam boat line bet weea Grifton and New Bern The capital to $8,100. I A. Cobb la the principal stockholder. Dr. A. A. Marshall, pastor of the First Baptist chorch, died Sunday afternoon. He came to Raleigh nearly three yean ago from Forsylhe, Ua, ue waa lor quite a while pastor of the Jackson HIH Baptist church, Atlanta. He wu taken HI of yellow Jaundice lut January, later cancer of tha liver developed and he steadily grow worse. His death had been expected any time during the put month The deceased wu 48 years old and had been married three times, the lut wife being Miss Jennie Chutln, of Montezu ma, Ga. Be leaves tlx children, the youngest and only one by the present wife, a month old. Dr, Marshall wu greatly beloved here, being recognized- u one of the ablest and moat eloquent ministers of the Baptist denomination in North Carolina. The remains will be deposited In a vault here for the present and later be moved to Georgia. Sneak thieves are putting In some work in Raleigh just now. Articles have been stolen recently from the halls of a number of residences and In two or three Instances trousers have been fished through the windows at night and the pockets rifled. , The poop la of Raleigh are much grat. Ifled at the election of Major Leo D. Heartt u grand muter of the Anolent Order of United Workmen. He la cash ier of Raleigh's new banking house, the Carolina Trust Company. Hie advance- neat in tho order hu been very rapid, having passed from chairman of the finance committee to grand foreman, and then to grand muter workman over the beads or a number ot om clals. There continues to be a good deal of "hotel talk" here. The latest Is that the standing committee Is moving for an option on the Yarborough House with a view to enlarging and renovating It for transformation Into a thoroughly mod ern hotel building.; News hi received here that Miss Mary Pescud. missionary to Brazil, from Edenton Street Methodist church, this city, hu sailed for home, her health hav Ing been ao broken that ahe la no longer able to do missionary work. MERE MEN. Senator "Hanna never drinks coffee ind but aeldom touches tea. ' : General T. M. Bufflngton. governor of tho Cherokee Nation, la one-eighth Cherokee, weighs 275 pounds and hi 0 feet 9 luchea tall. V. Mr. Moody, the secretary of the aavr. la a connoisseur or rare dookb, ble collection of works on law being one of the beat in the country. Senator Lodge doea not neglect liter ature in hla cultivation of politics. He eeta aside a part of every day for read ing and for writing of a purely literary character. '.' '; . Henry Irving can give a string of fllrectlons to the actors on the atage wltb him while moving hla Ilpa bo aUgbtly bb scarcely to be apparent to the audience. ;-... Oom Paul once determined that the people of Johannesburg should have at least two days' rest in each week. He Issued a decree that no piano playing Should occur on Friday or Saturday. General Chaffee won hla reputation and hlB success as an Indian lighter by meeting the Indian with his own weapons. He Is deeply versed In the red man's life and customs and speaks several dialects fluently. . , -. Thomas A. Edison's middle name Is Alva, which Is little known to moat people. He is Of Dutch origin, and the founder of toe American iamiiy, "" Edison, came to this country In 1737 and became a banker In New York. . Haaean Paaha bas the reputation of being the richest man and the most eorruDt man In the Turkisn govern ment He is supposed to bo worth $40, 000.000 or 150.000.000. all of which be aaa acquired while In tho service of tho government r - Perrr Belmont's annual club dues amount to nearly $2,000, and to matrlov plato in tho various clubs to which ne bebmas costs him over twice as much. He manages to visit each of the twen tr-four at least twice a year, but be hi seen twice a week or so at a few. Charles B. LIttlefleld, the Maine con Irrouman, ia a typical Yankee. Early Sunday mornlnga When in Washing ton be may be seen striding to the cap- ltol. Where be knows that Page, the leataurant man, will have some freeb Ibeans baked In tho exact way New inlanders ear for them. Tcr Rescues as! Y.'atcr Enjs. If you are troubled with roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Paste. We rnarsntco It to give satisfaction and re- f 1 1' t oney if It does not. Trice 2 ' . . I9pcUl CofTiponJnc. building occupied teas than three years already outgrown, an annual rental of over $28,000 for outside quar ters, Ave divisions of hla department temporarily established in buildings apart from the executive offices of the department and In many cases sep arated from their division superla tendenta, approximately one-half of the regular department quarters ap portioned to other uses, a constant growth In the .work of the entire de partment and corresponding increase In tho number of clerks and an unpre cedented enlargement of one particular bm-eeu these are the conditions which now" confront Postmaster ' General Payne and compel him to plan for the construction ot a new building for poetofflc uses. To this end he bas continued In ex istence a commission of postal em ployees recently, established to rent ad ditional tjfflce apace '.with Instructions to estimate the cost .of building an an nex south of the present poetoffiee building. By the time congress con venes next winter the postmaster gen eral will have prepared suitable rec ommendations for the obvlatlon of -many difficulties which now obstruct the work ot his department toriaratloB Pleia Work. F. H. Newell, chief hydrograpber of the geological survey, has gone to the western states for the purpose ot mak ing a preliminary Investigation of the Irrigation problem. The Irrigation law passed by the last session ot congress providing for the application of the proceeds of the sales ot the public lands to the reclamation of the arid lands has devolved upon the survey the necessity of determining the location of the extensive reservoirs to be lo cated under the terms of the law, and several engineering parties already have been sent out to do preliminary work. Mr. Newell will have general super vision of the task. It Is contemplated that the preliminary work shall be most thorough, and on this account It is not expected that the construction ot any of the proposed reservoirs will be undertaken for a year or two. Mr. Newell expects to devote the entire summer to the work In the field. Jut Like Real War. Secretory Moody la having more or less fun wltb the newspaper corre spondents these days over the coming war game to be played off New York and Newport "Can't tell you a word about it, not a word." Is his invariable reply to anx ious Inquirers for hints as to some of the Diana. As a matter of fact, both tho war and navy departments nave already put the correspondents on tneir own resources, jusr as in time 01 utiu- 01 war, and until it au over tney win have to suffer the hardships of uncer- talnttr tmrattiAF with th officers Of Kn.h hMtii.hu and tha anlrllnrn and WW. v. ....-.. " I anllora. "Why not T" said Secretary Moody to group ot newspaper men. "Ton ought to take your medicine with the rest of us. And by the tune your man aging editors have sent queries by the score, cursed you for not sending news and threatened you with discharge you will find this mimic war Is real hell." To Test Wlrwleu Telearrapnr. Preparations are being pushed to in stall a system of wireless telegraphic communication between Washington and Annapolis. Under the supervision ot Professor N. F. Terry the 170 foot mast for the wireless telegraph station at the Naval academy bas been placed In position. The pole la planted in cement foundation eighteen feet deep and Is anchored with four historic cannon, eaeh weighing four and a half tons. . Tea of Papers. The Winder building, at Seventeenth and F streets, and the Fox building, on New Tork avenue, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth streets north west used by the war department for offices, are probably the most crowded places in use by the United States gov ernment .; - In these two buildings there are on file military records of settlements wltb soldiers which have been collect ing since the establishment of these offices In 1817 up to the present time. All of these papers have been placed on shelves end were recently weighed and measured by F. E. Rlttmann, au ditor of the war department and force of assistants. Much to their Sur prise, it was discovered that there were ten miles and a half of shelving In these two buildings, containing rec ords which weighed 240 tons. . Dredartaa; lown Potomac. Colonel Allen, the engineer officer In charge ot the improvement of the Po tomac river, has reported to the war department that dredging operations at Smith's point uppe.- ana lower shoals, Is completed and that dredging is also completed at Mattawoman shoaL with the exception of the Doval of two gravel bars. During the past month 13,820 cubic yards of ma terial were dredged and deposited, completing a cut eighty feet - wide throuKb the upper hard bar. As a re sult of recent operations there Is now a ruling depth of water of 21.2 feet at mean low tide in the channels of the lower Potomac. v The Raw Capitol Law Cllppais A new automobile lawn mower used for cutting the grara on the eapl- tol lawn. It does the work In about one-third of the time necessary for horse drawn mower. The new machine sxeatly resembles a steam roller and sounds In operation like a steamboat It bas no difficulty in negotiating all the hills and valleys and irregularities of the capltol lawn. The heavy rollers are declared beneficial because they crush down and kill the weeds while leaving the gross uninjured. CARL SCnOFlEI.D. Fresh lot Force Food lust received those having tickets can send them in with 5 cents and got a 15 cents pack" at J. K.TaAcr Jr. Cotton. Grata, rrovlslons aad Stocks. I fcaafe Ia Prices. . Receipts and . . JhlpmcnU. Tho following are tho market quota-1 Hons, received by J. E. Latham A Co. New Bern, N. C. - Chicago, Aug. Open. High. Low. 18. WmJUT! Close 691 60 1 Sept... DOGe o 70 6 70f 7i m; 4U 975 69 6Cf 51 40 962 910 COMI : Sept Deo.... Ribs. Sept... Oct..., Pork-... Oct.... Jan ... Lard Sept .. Oct... 40 -401 . 903 . 9121 1595 1439 905 910 917 1615 1447 1030 1595 1435 1610 1435 1025 . 1020 . 937) 1020 937i 955 945 Naw Yoax, Aug. 18. Conor?; Open. High. Low. Close Aug 8.41 8.49 8.41 8.49 Sep 7.95 8.01 7.95 8.00 Oct 7.81 7.87 7.81 7.87 Deo 7.72 7.81 7.72 7.81 Jan 7.75 7.82 7.75 7.81 New Tork, Aug. 18. 8TOCX8; Open. High. Low. Close So By , 40 40 54 1171 , 68 40i 40 54 117 681 89 401 53 116 67 S. S... 40.... 401 53 I Mo. P.... 1101 VC C.... 6811 C. O . Am Ice. . 13 13 12! 12 A. C. O not quoted. Liverpool Spots 4.27-32. Sales 8,000 bales. Futures, Aug-Sept. 4.37. Bept-Oct 4.27 Oct-Nov 4.21. PORT RECEIPTS. Same feek LMt week fast year. 23,800 inis weea. gat 2000 7300 2600 4400 1500 2100 3400 17,300 on 2963 ThUID. "U -. TIV0LI HOFB1KAU. Onr Special Brand of Export Beer. For rare purity and excellence of prep aration, this beer Is the peer of any, do mestic or Imported. Brewed from the finest grades of Bavarian Hops and Ca nadian Barley Halt, as a beverage, It Is highly esteemed by connoisseurs for Its exquisite hop flavor, and as ths best of tomua its ubo ia rawiuunuuni vj VUJ sicians to all sufferers from nervous and i t -it .a,- - rrL r. .lu hon strength of this beer is of great medicinal value In Its sedative effects upon nervous and excitable tempera ments. The contents of one bottle will frequently produce the most refreshing sleep, even la severe cases of Insomnia. Being thoroughly fermented, and when bottled, scientifically "pasteurized," this beer, is particularly adapted for ship ment to tropical countries, where, nnder tho most severe climatic conditions, it will keep almost Indefinitely, retaining to the last Its clear and sparkling ap pearance. Pale amber la color. Bold only in bottles.: QTEvery bottle sealed with the Crown Cork Stepper. - CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. Laboratory of State Assayer & Chemist, Richmond, Virginia. ' The following results were obtained in my examination of the Tivoll Hofbran Beer, manufactured by the Robert Port- net Brewing Co., of Alexandria, Va.i Specific gravity, 1.0153. In 100 parts: Alcohol. 3.51 (la volume, 4.40k Halt ex tract, 5.50; Ash, 0.21 (original wort,13.S). Also tested for reputed adulterations of beer, such as salicylic acid, plcrio acid, borax, bicarbonate of soda, alum, chalk, etc, AND MONK WBBB FOtMD. ' . I find that it Is pure and, in all re spects, of excellent quality. It la unex ceptionable as a beverage, and I can sanction Its use for medicinal purposes. . WH. a TAYLOR, H. D State Chemist. BRADHAM'S LITER and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can be glvea to very old people and children, Mild la action, . their effect Is far-reach' ing. No pain or discomfort follows their use. They have been called "Health's Housekeepers," which . is quite true. Does your liver hurt you Dciicr ; won uius. i riuo goo. si BRADHAM'S PHAR2ACT. Hofbrau Export Beer Is the finest ex port In tlie world for . sale at all first c!. -it V.or.3. IreJ.T?rlot TTholt"; A Good Pink Salmon I ... tz For 1 Per Can. I ;v- '; . ; Fox River Print and Fancy New Bbl, Fulton Market Corned Beef. g '' . Small Pig Hams "arid Breakfast Strips, English. Cured Shoulders and California flama. ' '. 1 J , " J- '-" Codfish, Irish Potato aad Ontoo? ' ' " ' - Grape Nuts. " " ' " " - Ej Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Bobber. ... J Potted and Canned, Meats. HeWs Pickles. .'.- P Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 80c lb. ' V - J J. 'Phone 01. L ID A A few of our many Puzzelers f .FOR CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ilam Loaf, at 10c per can. - A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at 18c per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 80c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c lb. A Good Boasted Coffee at 11c lb., or 6 lbs for 50c. - - A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9o lb. ! v J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. F air tuners LOOK TO jurmy yuur i udcillu t0 Planters Warehouse NEW which IS alWajS the plaCO TO GET THE HOST I Sr4TCI- EIAD TtH ' M.U-N Xi X JC OJtC I i . I - Best accommodations guaranteed.' E. J. New Bern . Is Lucky In having an agent who Bella Prospect Brewing : r Company's in ( i r i "1 1 1 i Given High Recommendation by TJ. S. Health Bulletin. Sold by J. F. Taylor, AGENT. IZarket Dock. Foy tS: Wood Co:, Practical Tinners x:; and Plumbers. TobaccoJFlues, Stove. Tipe. and t Roofing We make a specialtyof Cot Air Ileating, and Etccl CclUcJ. You will Cnd us tt Elgin Butter only 30o lb. .Wholesale Tl m. w-i as :a & Jletail Grocer, 71 Broad St, Pfone J37 YOUR ItTTEREST BERN, CL, HESTER, Proprietor. A Swell Tamest Is what you'll have, In so tar as the ve hicle is concerned,1 at any rate,- if the carriage is purchased of us. We give the best value obtainable for the money. If you want a buggy or light waon ot any style, we'll give you one perfect in construction and of elepant nmsjh, war ranted as to workmanship and material, at a very low price. Can't do better. We put Rubber Tires on your old or new wheels. We shrink your loose t'.res in a machine without cut t'mra. Everybody is invited to see t,,e work of the machine putting new bolts in same old places, , , O. II. X7ctrr3 d X:::, ."!';-.-':".- phone 1CV 78 Broad Et, Etw Caait, IT, U GoitCll Wet. S,EC0 T. 1.1 t 2

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