LY JOURNAL Sataallaaaa ltTt t PubUalMd ts Two BwiMM, m7 TtM day ud Friday, at M Mladic Bum, mw In, N. a CHARLES U STEVENS, bmtob un raonunoi. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Month, 88 Cent. Three Moatha, M Six Months, 00 M TwalTo Months. tl-00 ONLY IN ADVANCE ilioatioa at the office, or upoa inquiry y mail. tyThe Jodbjial ia only sent on pay-la-ad vanoa basis. Subscribers will receive aotica of expiration of their sub ecriptione and aa immediate response to notice wt.l ;bej (appreciated by ;the JOTJBSAL Entered at tbe Poatoffioe, New Bern J(. C. aa aecond-claai matter. Beetles Two, Friday Aa. M, 1902 TUB NEED OF GUARDIAN. The strange and unaccountable ac tions of people, who bare previously hown themselves rational In their lives, together with tbe records of those who war always regarded as being la de gree not responsible for their deeds com mltted, often provokes the query as to whether mankind is not generally, In stead of specifically, in need of a guard ian. Before the French Academy of Medl cine, at Paris, a doctor recently read a paper, in which he sought to establish a co-relation between the Increase of In sanity and crime and the general dlffu slon of knowledge. Tbe contention was made by this French scientist, that education, es pecially in Its application today, when tbe mind is kept surcharged by dlversi dad readings, conversations and sights, as demanded In the keeping up in tbe knowledge of the day, provoked dis orders, poisonous to the mind. The argument was further advanced by the Frenchman, that the abnormal ac tions made by persons, suddenly and without previous notice, proved that the human race of today Is one of latent lu natlcs, who individually, give no sign of lunacy, unless provoked by some condi tion, or combination of circumstances, which arouse the particular latent streak to some crime or deed, perfectly foreign to the previous conduct and life of the Individual. Of course most persons may never face conditions which peculiarly arouse Into Intense development tbe latent lu natlc streak In tbem, so live and die aa perfectly sane. Then can be no question but that the strenuousness of the present century is likely to prove too much for many minds and in a great way confirm tbe theories of this French doctor; But the fear of going crazy or of hav ing the germs of a latent lunacy devel oped, is not going to act as any break upoa the human race In its efforts to wards greater things. CONSERVATIVE AND DIGNIFIED DEMOCRACY WANTED. The Democracy of North Carollua,un- der the new order of things, namely, the practical elimination of the negro as a political fsctor In State elections,, Is called upon to modify Its treatment and dealing with Its own members, and those who feel friendly towards the con tinuatlon of Democratic rule In State affairs. A cyrftt mmr Ttamncratfo votAra have become very restive of late years,tsrough over mncb domineering of party lead- , ers. '. '. ' i.;r-fJ There has been qnlet "scratching" tf tickets, as resentment against too much "machine rule," bat not enough to Jeop aralze White SnpremacyH Bat this year, with white supremacy assured, the spirit of Independentlam can be noted as cropping out in various sections of the State, more specially la the sections where In years past, the crv of "nlt-Mr" was heard without eee- " Ing. v' r W This dealrt to give individual expres sion of opinion, to baiak. a wayworn, old precedents, Is but ?- natural after ' being held; in, check, and tawing, everything a dot and dried M IrenendJ f "f This fr wt'. !r nr independentlsm, is 'tv4 -fwaDsmecracy, perse bovttJsli (that; PpMt of aeMna dictation, which attempt! political coer- cratie, , 1 Aheady ferae ot-tLe-tegular4M' ' tents," eve aasamlag to.; dlotaie mvJukd. evea bully rag those who have shown Inclination to speak.. end- act out their ,fr-'.'-.-, and senUmontSr ,t.' f It will easily be remembered by those who have followed North Carolina poli tics !.-:' z "t . tliatit-Is t , v, 7,1 t!i8 icl rt " a sad i& eaasof Popnlla,the staking of Batter- Urn and BnsseHisav Kocta Carolina Democracy mast lean by the past, if It 'ahall eoatiase lu ssp reaaaey, present and fata re. Ia haelf. If DsoMcrecy shall preserve the clean hand, the honest face, aad coa setvaUrs and dignified purpose of action H meed not seek to force a following. Bat if ft Is not true to Itself, to a real Democracy without flaw or taint, then win boll doting, sneers and attempts to domineer, result la driving away those who neither want aor seek office bat who aeverthelees do not propose to be driven to cast a ballot for men whom they do not wish In office. BUT THE CONSUMER PATS MOST. At the end of the fourteenth week of the anthracite coal strike, the loss is es timated, In round numbers at. forty alx millions of dollars. The loss Is made up In strikers wages $11,800,000, employes not strikers, $V 900,000; loas to business men In and out side of the coal region, $17,400,000; dam age to mines and machinery $8,600,000, and tbe cost of maintaining soldiers, po lice and paying non-union workers. In addition to this it la estimated that the loas In price of coal, to tbe operators Is $33,000,000 but this loss is only a tem porary one, which cannot be regarded as a real one. However accepting all these losses In the aggregate, making a round sum of $80,000,000, the cost of the strike can be seen In all Its enormity. There are actually three Interests which must suffer the greatest on ac count of this anthracite strike, these being, the consumer, the strikers, and the business men whose affairs are in- separately connected with the coal region where the strike Is going on. Of these, the first, the consumer, must pay the most, which means making good to the operators, their paper losses, by paying tbe operators a greatly higher price for their coal. The strikers come next, their loss being tbe wsges, which would have come to them through their earning power, by work, and this loss can never be made good, by future wages. Tbe loss to the men doing business in and with the coal region, may in some measure be made good, If business con tinues good for several years to come. But It Is the wholly Innocent party, the consumer, who Is the sufferer, with out redress or cha nee of protest in the matter. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, We, tbe. undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 18 years, and believe him pefectly honorable In all business and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wkst & Truax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan ,& Marvin," Whole- , sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle.Sold by all uruggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. He Ckaasre Hia Tarn. "When they told him it was a girL he smiled and whistled 'Only One Girl In tbe World For Me,' but not for long. "Why not?" ' "Tbe ours came in and said she bad miscounted. ' There were two. New York. World. The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of G nova's Tastblssb Chill Tf ohic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c ,Ha efaaer Gmi Farther. - New" Extravagant Wife Now, Jack, I'm aura I can make money go farther than you. Distracted Husband Great Scott! Bow? New Extravagant Wife Why, I send to Paris for ail my clothes. Judge. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and sil skin diseases. ForEssle at F. 8. Duffy's. - LHu the Catcher. This is what I get for marrying a kaseaattjilayer," moaned tbe unhappy wife as ber husband sought to explain biautMirtvaL, :1 don? set Oat It would have been (ffeC.(said the husband, "if I had been anything else." "'"But- ehtmld think that the very priaetpM 0t your profession would In ducer yaw to make a home run before dark." 81 voulV my -dear; I would," re jnaz&ed the husband, "If you .wore a tmukTWodge. ' . V Kaitlabd, Fla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Bulphur Co., Baltl v more, Md. .. ' Gentlemen: I havs had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by Various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so read By as to Lkhhb Bclphub. I think If used properly it la undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema. -1 have prescribed it for others with most satisfactory results. I consider it the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regard it as the greatest medical dlscov eryoftheage. ' Respectfully yours, -. ' 7. A. E2Ar.D, H. D, ; For-: :,-;r,;3.Durjrs. Dyspopcia Cure Dfcests wh&t yon eat. This preparatloa contains all of lbs dlgestanlt and digest all kinds of rood, it gives instant relief ana never fails to cure. It allows you to eat aU the food vou want. Tbe most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its one many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents forma ttoa otgw on tha stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary, rieasant to lake, It can't help but'do you fjood PrrparrdnnlTb HO. PcWrrr AOo.,OMr Tbe St. buiue cuntalns ttj times the ton atia t 8. Dl'FfY A CO RUSSIAN PROVERBS. Poverty Is not a sin. hut twice as bad. Where thffe ta an ontb there is also a crime. Behind the orphan God himself bears a puree. Not long hurt the bumps from a loved one's thumps. Calumny Is like a coal; If it does not burn It will solL Feox pot the threats or the rich, but tbe tears of the poor. A parent's blessing can neither be drowned in water nor consumed in fire. A wife is not a guitar; when your playing is done yon can't bang ber up on the wall. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, f suit leas skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. Hhe uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result, all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 25c at C. D. Bradham's. Re Followed Directions. Murphy being sick and alone in his cabin, Ilogan volunteered to tnke care of him. The patient had been getting very little sleep, so the doctor left some powders and told Ilogan to give Mur phy one about bedtime. About 7 o'clock lu the evening Ilopnn went out for a few minutes, and wlieu he returned Murphy was fast nskvp. He slept soundly until 10 o'clock, when Hogan went to the bedside, shook the sleeping man vigorously and shouted: "Wa-ake up here, Moorphy, till 01 give yez these powdhers t' ma-nke ye sleep!" Colorado Springs Gazette. It Needs a Tonic There are times when your liver nerds a tonic. Don't give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DeWitt's Little Early Rlsors expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to the liver. W Scott, 531 High land ave., Milton, Ha. say?; "I have car ried DeWitt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them." Smsll and easy to take purely jvegetable. They never gripe or distress. F. S. Duffy. rP to the Cook. Charlie (after acceptance) Shall I speak to your father now? Gladys Mercy, no! Not to him! Charlie Your mother, then? Gladys No, no! You must ask the took if she would object to one more In the family. Town Topics. A Necessary Precaution. Don't neglect a cold. It Is worse than unpleassnt. It Is dangerous. By using One Minute Cougb Cure you can cure it at once. Allays inflammation, clears the head, soothes and strengthens the ma coub membrane. Cures coughs, croup throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe Acts Immediately. Children like It. F S Duffy. St. Joha'i Err. Curious and quaint beliefs stilt pre vail In some parts of England concern ing St John's eve. Lassies stlU place their shoes, before retiring for tbe night, at right angles, forming a T, re citing the lines: Hoping this night my true love to see I place my shoes in tha form of a T, under tbe Idea that their future' bus band will be revealed to them In dreams. Formerly supper was placed on tbe table with tbe belief that tbe future husband would enter by the open door. There Is, too, a prevalent idea that especially fortunate are the children born on St John's eve, tbe rhyme running: Under the atara on the eve of 8t John, Lucky the babe that those stars shine on. Scatters all Records. Twice In hospital. P. A Gulledge, Ver bena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doct rs to cure a severe case of piles, causing 84 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, eonqneri Aches, kills Pains. . Best salve in the world. 3!e. at C. D. Bradham's drugstore. '; Eleahaata Love Tor Flaery. ' Strange uh It tuny seem, the elephant is passionately fond of Unory and de lights to see hlnisWf det-ktxl out with gorgeous trappings. The uiitlve princes of India are very particular in choos ing their state elephants and will give fabulous sums for an animal that ex actly meets tbe somewhat fanciful Standards they have erected. For these they have made cloths of silk so heavi ly embroidered with gold that two men are hardly able -to lift them. Pear eon's Weekly. . i . Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, 0, can do so tow, though for years he couldn't, because he suffered untold sgony from the wont form of Indigest ion, All physicians and medicines failed to help him till be tried Electric Bitters, which .worked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of tbe Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole sys tem. Try them. Only 50c Guaranteed by 0. D. Bradbam, druggist. Prominent Educators Expected To Chance Locations. Refssea te be Taxed. Stat Charters Extras Mob Freat Seath' Care lias. Ashevllle Excarsiealsts . Hat Ijaestleas Far Seaa-. tor Pritchard. Rahioii, Aug. 19. It la Hated hers oa the best authority that Prof. J. B. Carlylo of Wake Forest Is quite promi nently mentioned for the presidency of Furman University a noted Baptist Uni versity at Greenville, a C. The trustees are after him to succeed Dr. A. P. Mon tague who becomes president of Howard College Alabama. Prof Carlyle's friends say they hardy believe he will accept and that it certainly would be against his best interests to do so now that be has so engratlated himself In the esteem of the people of the State. Corporation commissioner McNeill (chairman) and 8. L. Rogers went to Edenton today to hear a case la which two citizens who have considerable In comes and decline to give them in for taxation on the ground that they are non residents. John Croton, a 14 year-old white boy, son of Joseph Croton disappeared from home Sunday and can't be found. He Is believed to have left with a traveling sign painter.j An excursion of over 400 negroes came from Norfolk yesterday evening. They brought two drums and a number of costumed cake walkers and paroled the streets for some time after their ar rival. The Secretary of State charters the Southern Lumber Co , of Washington, N. C. with 110,000 capital. The incor porators are, J. W. Odin, Frank Kugler, II. Susman and Stephen Burgaw. An application is pending on a charter to the Harris Kees Tanning Co,, of Sylvia, Jackson county. The applicants for the charter arc C. J. Harris, II. H. Rues and Jos. J. Hooker. Somo beautiful pheasants have been donated to PuUen Park by Mr. E. H Lee of this city. Extradition papers have been received at Governor Aycock's ollice from the Governor of South Carolina forHughral King alias bandle King, wanted in Dar lington for assault. King is said to be n Wilmington. The Southern Hallway Go's, special train to Ashevllle left this morning with two well tilled coaches, others are to be added enroute as passengers am taken on. It is rumered that a prominent Repub lican of this city is preparing an open letter to Senator Pritchard which he will be called upon to answer at the State Convention August 2Sth. It is under stood that it will bo red hot and some of the questions and charges will be of the solar plexas kind. Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewels, health, is often ruined In the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk ber health to get a coveted gem,' then let her fortify herself against the Insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boscbee's German Syrup, It will promptly arrest con sumption in Its early stages and heal tbe affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe dread disease from the system. It Is not a cure-all, but It Is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all b-onchial troubles. You can get this reliable reme dy at F S Duffy's. Get Green's Special Almanac Nonh'a Tronblea. "Confound that dlnosnurus!" ex claimed .Noah as the ark gave such a lurch to Bturboard that the waves dashed against the roof. "I wish it would learn to stay on Its own side of the boat!" Then Noah seized a handspike and started below-deck to shift tbe cargo. Ohio State Journal. His Sight Threatened. "While picnicking last month my,ll year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W H Dibble, of Bloux City, Ia. "He rubbed the poison Off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose sight. Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve. The first application helped him and In a few days be was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burn, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve Is sure cure. -Relieves piles at once. Beware of Couaterfetts. r. o. uuttv Frank C. Andrews the banker wrecker who was found guilty of embeizling $1,000,000 from the City Savings Bank at Detroit Mich, wss sentenced In Recorder Court of that city to ;i5years Lard labor In the State prison at Jackson, Besntks . y1f K-ind tat Haw klmji fiigsatos Minister' Maids. "Are you a minister's wife?" was a query encountered so frequently by a young matron In search of a maid that she scented a story. , : ;V 'f ' - f ! ' f "Why this mania to live under the droppings of the sanctuary?" inquired the matron or words to that effect - Then it appeared that the minister's family is considered a most desirable place because of the opportunities for witness fees In wedding esses.- There are few bridegrooms who come with out a witness to be married who will not bestow a generous tip upon tha girl who furnishes tbls smsll but nec essary feature of tbe ceremony. New York Tribune. TOO KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless' Cblll Tonic, because the formula ,1s plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 69c NEGROES KILLED ;TWa y : ; , " ft- k "., A FcarftiAaakuM.$aarlAtrTiia ;; Rear Ieitesen. t"i ' '! Special to JoaraaL x V ' "" "V Raxuex, Angust It. Road Master Fred Bteveaa was killed aad Jim Mitch ell, colored porter saorUlly wonaded ia their effort! to protect .Cap W, P.,Cle-J meats, a Seaboard Air Lias conductor from tha attack of foar negroes. ' The legroes were angry because ClemsaU forced ibem oat of the white coach Into the Jim Crow ear. The light occurred oa the; passenger train which had left Henderson. Mitchell the wonaded , porter i was brought to Raleigh. Three aegroes la- clndlng Joe Cole are In Jail at Hender son. The body of Stevens was also taken to Henderson. Great excitement existed for a lime and it was feared that the men would be lynched but It grew quieter. Before the shooting Cspt. Clements had ordered the men Into tbe colored car aad had passed in there himself and was collecting fares. He wss followed by the negroes who, it is said, were brothers; they declared they would teach the conductor a lesson. Joe Cole struck at Capt. Clements when the col ored porter intervened aad the two clinched. Oole shot Mitchell in tbe ab domen. At this road master Stevens rushed Into the car and attempted to grapple with tbe negro Cole when the latter sent s bullet craahtng through Steven' forehead. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. A new branch railroad will be built from Oxford to Durham, N. C. Tbe road will be under control of the Dur ham and Northern. Tbe C. and O. Ky. baa leased of Ed ward Statesbury rolling stock to the amount of $2,004,000. Tbe lease com prises locomotives and various styles of freight cats. The convention of the sixth Congres sional district Is - held at Fayettevllle today. Congressman Bellamy was the leading candidate hut others are In tbe race. Charles M. Schwab, president of the steel trust Is about to retire, It is said that be will seek some remote part of the world and live there tbe remainder of bis life. Ills health has broken down under the strain of his great duties. Farmers around Lumberton, N. C. have been bothered by fruit and water melon tldeves, and put a blood hound on the track of thieves with the result of catching Ike Godwin, alias Burton. In jail Godwin confessed to the murder of a man and woman In Cumberland county. A cable from Gen Chaffee In the Phll- llplnes to the war department at Wash ington says that the Moros are' ae troublesome that it will require a hard battle to tboronarbly subdue them, He Is about to organize a campaign against them which he believes, will have the desired effect. The Sultan of Turkey is up to his old tricks by making specious promises and faithfully neglecting to fulfill them. He has roused the ire of Uncle Sam by not performing some of his agreements. The exact source of the trouble is unknown by the public,, but negotiations j have been under discussion for some time. In s clash between the striking miners and the sheriff's posse at Nesqnehonlng, Pa , Robert Bharp a miner wss killed by s shot from the pistol of Harry McEl moyle, a deputy. Great excitement was caused by the deed and it may give rise to more lawlessness. Wm. J. Turner, acting as counsel for the Stale of Alabama has sued the State of Pennsylvania lot $36,000 said to, have been Illegally taken by Francis Randolph Randolph wm an heir of the late Com modore Oorbin who was a resident of Pennsylvania. - The city of Keokuk, Ia. suffered a storm Sunday which did the most dam age of any storm in its , history. Tele graphic and telephonic communication was cat off, houses unroofed and the street railway property ' was seriously dsmsged. i : Rev. Morgsn Wood, a Congregational Minister of Cleveland, Ohio, and a well known lecturer and divine ia anxious to be the Democratic candidate for Con gress from his district .to oppose Hon, Theodore Burton, the present Incumber! and who has lost at present incarred tbe displeasure of Hon. M. A. Hsnna, the Congressional fight , in that district will be the warmest that has been seen there for many years. '' -" ' As the result of an old feud Jack She hsu wu fatally shot ' by TomWIteside st Marlon, N. C. . Both parties, are white. ' ' There are rumors of Boxer uprising ia China and some mission stations of the M. E. Church have been threatened. Robert Remington, a member of Newl York's "400" and a prominent club man committed suicide at Newport, R. L, by shooting- He wst to ' have been married to Miss Mary Van Alea in September. A love dispute Is thought to have been the cause of the deed. . '. ' 1 " V Alrre - 4 V V, Mtfcntb to ao rand!o m - ex ' w. -1 - -am. i am easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonf ul of Mexican 'Mustang Idniment and with this ranrta W"" frsqoant InSerTals. Then hatho th rmuHe of tha throat thoroughly with tbe Hut meut ua alter loii; UiU pour rouio ou a sof doth and wrap.' round the neck. It is a POtUTIVK CURB. 26o., OOo. ajid fel.00 a bottle. . IT II ft V DC VON bare lonf been troulJwt with a running II MAI DC IUU ore or ukur. Treat it at once with Mexi. un Sluotang ULuueiit laid you can doiu.t u4u a speedy our. IK rf.fl 0 FF .c Tr 1 ' - hmm eamfla lum suuv if (Tnr.JMfli5WCI!U)1 Costs Oily 25 cents Or aull IS enta te C. W. km hmdlal Dr. Molfett'a TEETHINA rTMthln ad tnd h proprloUrr medicine, ud oat trad la tt Dow eaHMnt to two or urea bandred (TOM per fear, wnion la a vary airoac onoaaoaoi in bwiiw taa mubimwu m tea-Mac to tha BBiuoie of tea aoaatrr, tor tkay er eotklac aa aSactaaJlr OMMtaracta lea aSacta of UtaawaMt'e ao qoicftu um iroauaa uetneni m leeuiiac. . TUB LAMAtt a BANKIIt DRDO CO.. Weolaaale DnwrUl. stftfitmitnimtftitflllllTTWfmTTIf TttTff TTf Tf e ......... 'Aqncutiutc and INDUSTRIAL A oc nibinatk n r i therry and practice, of book study and manual work in Engineering. Agriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, Mechanic ArU P and Cotton Manufacturing:. Full Courses (4 years), Short Courses (S year q r Special Course's i mos. Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month. 4 r 80 teachers, 869 students, new building at the .. & M. College." President AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ -HARBViAiRE Keirioerati rs, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Dtore,Win ttow Screens, Oil and Cook, Stoves, Banges Lime, Cemont, . Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish,, 8aah, Doort,, Blind , Jutlery and all the nsof ol articles ' uBiially found ' in an Up-td-iet tlaraware Store, I --.t ( i , ..,..! ;-;-; ;.. ' . fADtjUAHTERS VOU " . Au t all Kinds ot j BwrCoouN fjowent Prices. ' .. . Under Hotel Chattawka, , ' NEW BI511K, If. C. For Constable, Haying been solicited by my many friends I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of constable of township No. 8, lubjoct .to the decision of the Democratic primaries. . . f , HENRY T. BRINS0N. :FotConstabk: - Upon personal solicitation of friends, I wish to announce publicly my candid acy for the ofBce of Constable for the Eighth Township, subject to decision of the Democratic primaries. f; NATHAN TISDALE fob coim sraraoii: To the Democratic -voters of Craven : :-Oonnty. ' ' " ' , 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor, sab Ject to th? Democratic Primaries. ' "' ;.' v .F. A. FULCI1EB, LA - sna.y peeels M tjkreert Jr-ne. equal ileaiea Maaus Iilalaaaafa l'lllMlMllllf7 LA GDINGE, N. English, Classical, Scientific and Commercial for bpys and rung men. eventy-one Boarding Pupils from heventeen ounties ami two btates the past year. A unitary bcuooi hat Is not a machine: where efficiency instead or numbers is rooqiit; where truthful, manly, honest boys are wanted. A four years Preparatory Course, giving full and thorough reparation for College or for Life, Athletics encouraged, harges reasonable. Term begins tfept 3rd. Write for Illustrated catalogue. J. E. DEBNAM. Sapt ETT'8, Cim Ctolen-tofutM, Dlairheea,Dystntcry, aoi the Bowel Troubles of CMIdrMofJwilf. Aids Digestion, RcjuUUi ',11 th Bowels, Mrcngthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. at Druggists, J. MOFFrrT, M. D- ST. LOUIS. MO. lium. Ol. Mot. IS. IVU0. Powder, ) mr line Ma Snl tntroductk to U MbUl kaa ataadllr Unraaaad boat pu to yaar eatll oar ordan cMechanical College. EDUCATION: for 500. Write tor booklet "A Day GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C NOTIC! The Democratic Primaries will be held at the various election precincts of Crsven County, on Wednesday, tha 8rd day of September, 1003, In accordance with the following plan: Plan for holdings Democratic Primary for Crsven county. 1. There shall be provided at each vo ting precinct one bos for each office for which csndldates present themselves. 3. The chairman of committee for each ' voting precinct shall appoint a clerk who shall keep a poll book, and, register each Democratic voter of sal precinct. "" " The' name of esch voter shall tie checked when his. vote is cast. Satd clerk shall receivers compensation 19.00 for his day's service, to be patdbyths candidates. ' , S 8. Esch candidate shall have the priv ilege of selecting some Democrat at each voting precinct to represent his interest there. ,;-v?v"' Such representatives shall havs the privilege of witnessing the conduct of the primary, noting irregularities, and reporting same to his committee for ad justment. : :. I:'.' I-:-. ft- 4. The poll shall open at 7 a. m. and close at 7 p. m., when the clerk In the presence of the representatives of tbe vsrlous csndldates shall canvass ths vote and make his returns together with ths poll bonk to the chairnisn of the County Kieentlve oinmltiee to be ceo- vmm d by the Kieentlve Committee st Its aieetlng called for this purpose. Bi The clerk before entering: upon ths discharge of his duty, under these - reso lutions, shall be sworn to faltbruiiy ana honestly conduct tbe primary and make honest returns of same. ) Wednesdayr Heptember Sd wss fixed as the day for tbe primaries, and lbs Executive Committee shall meet at the Court House on Saturday the 6th day of September at 11 o'clock for tbe purpose ofcaavassing the voles and declaring the results, ; There being no further business, on motion the committee adjourned. Hkibt R. Bbtam, J B., TTr- v. - Ohm's.' tt.B, G. CSEDLtt,-- ' ' ' - . Bec'y. Bern tw Ihs KiG4l Yew Have Atwv BoofM