if -i nv x mm VOLUME XXV. IIW BIRI, CEATIX COUITT, I. C., TUISDAY, AUGUST 26, 1902. TIRST SECTION. ' 'BOMBER . i " t '' ' . 1 11 " p Income Tax Law to be Strictly En , torced. Daughters Eefenaatery Work. Coadltlea Stats Insu lations. Disappointed I iMt Seek New Party Ferssatlea. Dems eratie Field - Work. Ralcigh, August 23. The corpora tion eommtMlon will rigidly enforce the lacome tax law. . It wUl aee that aU fed . oral office-holders whose Incomes exceed $1,000, pay It ai other people do. The law I rigid. It make no exception. None of the federal officeholder! hare returned tncomei for taxation.? Chairman McNeill told yourjoorres pondent the aboTe today. Be wai then asked If the commlaalon would Tlrtually draft the next revenue act, and replied nn, bat that It would make both to the Governor and the leglalature a full re port making recommendation a to ob ject of taxation, and the beat method of raising taxes, etc. It will be the lint report ever made and will of course be of the highest value. The commission alono ha this Information in hand. The King's Daughters will take active steps to push the reformatory move ment." What Is desired If a State aided reformatory, on a farm. : The State board recently appointed to visit, Inspect and report to the Governor and i he legislature the condition of all the State Institutions met here today. It will begin its work in a few day. Dr. J. P. Jeter of Morganton Is its chairman i apt. T. W. Fatten of Asherllle is the republican member. Mention was made two weeks ago of the fact that several democrats who failed to get nominations in this county had started an independent movement and would have a mas meeting. ' Now they call thl to be held Sept 6. The regular nominee laugh at the movement They may well do so. The Independent movement which waa attempted to be started in the State will be a flat a fail ure. It Is hardly apt to last longer than the end of August. There will in the next SO days be a largo increase in the rural free delivery routes in this State. There are six In spectors now at ' work In this State. This cotnty will have six new routes within 80 days. One will be from Apex, one from Wakefield, and one. from Mo Gullen. This Is quite a lively competi tion among the Congressmen to get the most routes. It Is said by commissioner of agricul ture Patterson that there will be next term at the Agriculture and Mechanical College here Ave times aa many agricul ture students as there were 3 years ago. Active work Is now In progress at Democratic State headquarters here. Secretary Field Is sending out the ap pointments for speakers. A great deal Is to be done in the next 60 days. The State will be thoroughly covered. State baseball league officials met here last night to an accounting as to the funds on hand, to be divided among the three clubs which stayed In. I ; ; Oriental Items. , ' i ' . . 1 Aug. 23. The corn and cotton crop ia this locality are very fine. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Griffin and Mrs Lucy Mldyetle and daughter went to Ashevllle Tuesday. , ,. .-.:'' Messrs. A. Mldyette and Ned Dele mar went to Baltimore recently.' ' Mrs. James D. Scott and children, left for Norfolk Monday, . Misses lien Hadder and Margaret McLane Imvo returned from . Witt- tbrop. V f I ( Mrs linllry and child of Norfolk are vlsliiurf relative. , i Dr. Hull 'tali for Nags Head last wwk. , ' Mlii Annie Howard baa been visiting bttrn. i f , Mlrs Lena San ford of New Bern Is visiting ner aunt ', , ' ' Mr.. 1'i.in Kolwrtu was hereon busi ness I lib wfk. . . ' v ' . t - ' R. and U BRADHAM'S LAXATIVE CHILL and FEVER TONIC la a sure cure for v Malaria In all lis forms. .: It Is a general tonic and can be given to children to improve and enrich the blood andregu late the digestive tract. Price 60c NO cure no pay. BRADHAM'S PHAR MACY. : '-'. j Death of Mrs. P. S. ErnuL - Mr. Rosa L. wife of Freeman 8. Er- not, died at her home near Askin, Sun day, August Mth at 10 p. m. , - W Klaton Free Presa please copy. ft I- A' " ' .s a in An Explanation. . , The offer made In Sunday' Joubjcax, under the heading of "A Challenge" to donate tlboo from the proceeds, to the - Charity and Help Department of the Bpworth League was done without the knowledge or consent of the League. The money could not be accepted. , . .. . T Wi Cbowdbb, : I i"t, '", v. ' f . 't $ g vtk, i Pres. , ; K, 0. RlClUBMOJI, , ' '- v Chm. of Charity and Help Dept Don't fall to try our 40 oent Tea, It la a goer and please them all at J. R. Par- . ker Jr. t , la Unjust Report Corrected. Xditob Jouxkil. In reporting the action of the Republican convention, held la thla County on the list Inst, the correspondent for the Raleigh Post hi given aa Inaccurate and garbled state ment of the proceedings which unan swered might to great Injustice to the parties concerned. The young man was evidently In Ignorance ot the fact when he sent In his "special" or else he ob tained his Information from his bosses S. W. Hancock postmaster and Robert Hancock, money order clerk, through whose effort largely ha obtained the position he occupies a letter carrier, all of that portion of the communication re ferring to a free fight, etc, la a misrep resentation coming from soma one's fertile Imagination. No one was ex pelled from the floor of the convention and not a blow waa passed. The facta are that the regular delegatea seeing that Robert Hancock who had usurped the function of County Chairman, with the aid of . his black secretary, W. W. Lawrence totally Ignored them and rec ognized only hi bogus delegatea, and hia eon, B. W. Hancock. They, then withdrew from the Opera House to Stanly Hall where they organised, elect ed delegatea to the several conventions and paased resolution endorsing the ad- iclnlstratlsn of President Rooeevelt, and Senator Pritchard, etc. The following are the name of the white men who refused to be bossed by Robert Hancock and his minions from the Post office. I W Toler, W R Knox, G L Toler, Charles Tripp, W K Rowe, JohnGatlln J A Morton, R P Williams, R O Eehoe, John U Smith, Capt A C Thompson, J W Smith, W R Dixon and W T Weeks. While the white men who remained at the Opera House were the Hancocks, father and son,, the Biddies, father and two sons, the sons being employed at the post office. The Hancocks with two others holding bogus credentials from the negro wards of the city and county precincts where noa primary meetings had been held. The 4lh ward, Bern precinct, and Pleasant . Hill precinct were the only ones represented by colored delegates, from this It will be seen that it was the white delegates that refused to be bossed by Hancock & Son.the colored delegatea forming a minority of those who left the Opera House for Stsnly Hall. Fair Plat. Answer to Fair Play's,Correctlon of "An Unjust Report" Editor Journal The article In your Sunday's Issue headed "An Unjust Re port Corrected" and signed "Fair Play" should have have been signed An Un mitigated Liar as the entire article was a tissue of lies from beginning to the ending. Mr. Thos. C. Daniels who rep resents the Morning Post, received no information from Hr. 8. W. Hancock or myself, when "Fair Play" say that Mr. Danlela largely obtained hla position In the Post Office through the efforts of B. W. Hancock and myself, he aimply lies, Every man In the elty knows Mr Danlela obtained hla position through the Hon. Charles R. Thomas who had the exclu sive appointment of the carriers In the New Bern Post Office from the eligible list of the Civil Service. When your correspondent says I usurped the functions of chairman, and that I Ignored the regular delegatea,only recognizing the bogus delegatea, he 1 an Infamous liar. Ioalled each preclnct and appointed the committee on creden tials as the credentials were handed to me, appointing one from each precinct, and one from each of the contesting de legations. The committee brought la a unanimous report, which waa adopted by a unanimous vote In the convention, Hahn then called upon hia friends to follow him to 8tanley Hall and they left the convention. .Tp."1' ", ; (' , Mr. W. B. Dixon informed me before the convention met that he had decided not to attend the convention as he had not fully made up his mind aa to hi ac tion during the coming campaign that he was a populist and until aome action by hla State leaders waa had he would not align himself with any other party; Mr. L. H. Outlaw from Dover and W. T Week both populists would have acted with ua but tor the Intervention ot 3. S, Batnlght and W. H, Smith populist who prevailed, upon them not to do ao. They did not attend the convention and after wards told me they did not attend Hahn'a meeting. Mr. Joseph A. Morton of Taylor precinct was not In the city, He sent me word by Mr. G. A. Connor that hla wife waa sick Mr. Connor cast ing hi vote for him, I do not known J, W. Smith, no such name appearing upon any of the credentials either regular or bogus. The delegate remaining In the convention represented Fort Barnwell, Dover, Core Creek, Taylors, Thnrman, Berne, .Tisdale and Jaaper precinct, Second, Third and Fourth Ward, New Bern, N. C. all white delegates,' Maple Cypress and Lee's Farm precincts not being represented. ' We have seventeen precinct la the county fifteen were represented In the convention. The delft gates that left with Hahn represented Vanceboro, Truttls, Pleaaant Hill and the First Ward of New Bern. The Pleasant , Hill delegatea being colored and controlled , by Hahn'a messenger Ham. The entire trouble waa brought on by Hahn aa soon . a ha found out he could not control the convention. He had hla tool and henohmen ' Ham and O'Harato work up colored contesting delegates In the fourth ward and Berne preclnotlalthough he had agreed that we should hate white delegata from every precinct la Ue county, He kas never been known to keep any ot hla political agreement U they - interfered with his own suooeaa. . . Sin oe writing . the above I understand Meyer Hahn la the author , of the Fair Play article and I with it understood that the statements made by me apply to him, In full force. ROBSBT HaHCOCK. Tom Jones Lynched. Special to Journal. Rumen, August 15. Tom Jones, who outraged Mra. Jamas O. Smith, near In dian Spring waa captured today and taken from jail by a mob with faces blacked and was carried to Mr Smith who Identified htm. He was then taken 400 yard away and riddled with bull ets. One of Mr. Smith' aye I torn out, her jaw bone broken In three placea and her face terribly nlifigured. Republicans Endorse H11L Special to Journal Ralkioh, August 25. Republicans here today say that their state conven tion will endorse T. N.HI11, Piatt D. Walker, and H. G. Connor for Supreme Court. They aay all their party amend ments were settled Thursday. Teachers' Institute. This week will be a busy one for the teachers of Graven county who are as sembled here for Institute work. It will also be a profitable and pleasant one. The Institute waa called to order by the County Superintendent, 3. M. Brln- son, who expressed himself as highly gratified at the attendance both of white and colored teachers, who number re spectively 85 and 40. The exercise at the Graded School were conducted by Prof. Foust, of Golds boro who gave a talk on arithmetic. He wu followed by Prof. Harding, who gave a talk on Instruction In geography, At the colored school institute Prof. Kennedy gave a talk on teaching pri mary arithmetic. There waa no after noon session. Interesting discussions on the best methods of education will be given at each session throughout the week. YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. Cotton, Grain, Provisions and Stocks. Range In Prices. Receipts and Shipments. The following are the market quota tions, received by J. E. Lai ham,& Co. New Bern, N. C. Chicago, Aug. 25. Wsba: Sept 71i m 71J 72 Deo 67J, 8I OT t Com. - Open. High. Low. Close Sept '. 58f 59 57t 69i Deo. 43 44 481 481 Ribs. Sept 1035 1025 1020 1020 Vet 990 997 970 995 Pork- Oct 1705 1722 1705 1705 Jan i . 1470 148T 1470 1480 Lard Sept ........ 1092 1097 1087 1087 Oct ......... 982 987 987 9821 Niw You, .Aug. 25 OOTTOHI Open. High, Low. Close Aug..... Sep Oct.,..,.. Deo .... Jan... .. .... 8.51 8.5 8.01. 8. .,..8.17 880 8JL7 8.80 ...8.04 8.18 8.04 8.18 ... 8.00 8.14 8.00 8.14 .. 8.02 8.18 8.02 8.13 .. New York, Aug, Stock; Open. High. Low. Close SoRy ...40 m 40f 401 tj.a S.... ....... 41f 41 411 41 0. A O 641 651 541 661 Mo. P..... 1171 117J 116 ' 1171 TO C... -. A. O. O ....... 6i 671 661 Am lee. IS 66 13 Wpoti 4 29-81. Sales 6,000 balea. Futures, Aug-8epU 4.42. Hept-Oct; 4.83 Ot-Nov 4.87. . ron Bjwaupra. ' - ,.i . 8ama weak ,,. . . laat year. 17,800 81,000 CASTORIA - ' For In&nta and Ciiiirco. ' Watt. f,A bast week U.414 V , This weec. Bat "' '6800 Mon, l 7410 Taea. Wed.'fcir.r;: Thar. ' Frl.-4'st'?u! Crabtree Creek Dam Breaks Setting Loose Fish. Treeps Unnecessary at Henderson. Seme Counties List No In come Tax, Applicants for Court License. Death , ef Flagman. Ralxioh, Aug. 25. The Supreme court devoted today to the examination of applicants for license. Of these there are fifty-four, 1 colored. Of the number twenty-five are from the University law school and sixteen from that of Wake Forest College. The court will tomorrow begin the call of the 16th district. The dockets are not heavy. Perhaps the most notable case la that of the State vs Wilson for murder, which It Is expected wiL be argued tomorrow. Passengers who came here yesterday evening from the North brought new of the horrible death of a white flagman nameed Wheeler on a 8. A.L. train, who was struck by the Southern railway's trestle at Franklin. One of his jaws was literally torn out. He was on the run between this city and Portsmouth. It was a current rumor that the ne groes in Jail at Henderson for murdering roadmaster Stevers would be brought here and put in the penitentiary for safe keeping. So far this step has not been taken. It is said that the Henderson people are vexed at the calling out of the troops to guard the jail and say It waa unnecessary. It Is said that In not a few counties in this State no Incomes are listed for tax ation. In some there are bo few listed as to make the showing absurd. The corporation commission Is looking Into this matter. Of the Cape Fear and Northern R. R. four miles have already been completed from Angler In Harnett county, towards Smlley's falls on the Cape Fear river and the other 9 miles of line to the falls Is located. At Smlley's falls the million dollar cotton mill of J. B. Dnke is under construction. There are today 91 inmates of the Sol diers home, while 20 are absent on fur lough. All the justices of the Supreme Court were on the bench today. Attorney general Gilmer arrived yesterday. The negroes are holding a "Holiness' camp meeting in tne BUDurus oi itai elgh. The annual State convention of the North Carolina colored firemen's asso elation begins here tomorrow. There will be a tournament. The first compa nles, came today, these being the Sala mander and the Dibble, from Washing ton. Private Secretary Pearsall (returned today from the mountains, where he has been with Gov. Aycock. He says the trip was delightful. On the 28th, the Gov ernor and State Superintendent Joyner will speak at a big educational rally at Columbus, Polk county. The Governor will spend several days in that sec tion. A dam broke on Crabtree creek, two miles north of here, last night, and to day many persons went to the stream below, to catch fish with seines. Some carp which weighed as much as 15 lbs. were taken. The dam Is an old one. During the war it was used by the State powder mill, which furnished great quantities of powder to the Confederate war department. Some of the most Im portant battles were fought with powder made at this mill. Wake Forest College begins Its term Wednesday. . It Is said tbe attendance will break all records. The new school of medicine will open and has a good start. Boffue Items. Aug. 23. Mr. Robert Weeks of Mays ville, accompanied by his ciusln. Miss Emma Weeks of Cedar Point, left Sua day for Harlowe to visit his father, Mr. Robt. Weeks who Is very sick with a carbuncle. Dr. J. W. Sanders and family went to Swansboro Saturday. x .'Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who have been visiting Mr. J. W. Guthrie and family and enjoying the delightful breezes and water luxuries, returned to their home at Jaaper Wednesday. ; Mr. Durant Morton, who has been sick so long, Is reported to be worse. Mr. Reuben Rhue, an aged citizen of Pettifoot'a Creek, died Monday even ing. ': ;. . Mr. P. M. Russell, who Is having his house enlarged la very near completion and when completed will be decidedly aa Improvement. Miss Beatrice Weeks of Cedar Point ia visiting friends and relatives at Stella. Mr. CP. Snow of New Bern lain ur neighborhood delivering pictures, eto. A very large rattle make wu seen near Bogue post office Wednesday even ing, but escaped unhurt. 4 ' Mr. K. N. Bell Is quite feeble at hi home, Cedar Point. ' One ot our neighbor while atacking fodder Tuesday, heard a queer rattling in the "cap of tbe stack," and thinking It wu a rattle snake fell offr hollering, "What's dat V It proved to be a bumble Mrs. Julia HardlsOn, after a pleasant Visit to Bogue, returned Thursday. ' w. ia STELLA. Interesting Hews From a Busy Little Town. Aug. 23. Miss Eaaie Harget of Silver- dale, visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mies Ola Barker of this place has gone to New York to visit her friend Mrs. Daisy BelL Hope to hear of her return ing soon. Miss Beatrice Weeks of Cedar Point ia visiting Mia Macy Week of Stella. Quite a number of visitors were in our viUsge Sunday, among them were Mr and Mra Homer Mattocks, Misses Carrie Stanley, Ada Bloodgood and Geneva Mc Glnn. MUs Geneva haa just returned from an extended visit to South Jaro lina. . Miss Lure Pelletler ia visiting at Beau fort and Harlowe. Rev. F. 8. Bee ton filled hla regular ap pointment at thla place Sunday night. He preached an excellent sermon. MUs Laura Mattocks of Maysville, who Is visiting her mother near here, will return home Saturday. - The farmers around here are now busy curing tobacco. Cotton picking will also soon be in progress, Miss Nellie Barker is now visiting her uncle Mr M R Sablston at Belgrade. Little Miss Elizabeth Morton of Bache lor Is at her grand-mother's, Mrs Mollie Barker. Mr B J Irving who has beep working on his dwelling for quite awhile, will soon have it completed, then according to "Madam Rumor" the wedding bells will soon ring out. Mr A J Collins and family of Mays ville, accompanied by his niece, Miss Ellda B. Weeks of this place, returned home Tuesday from a weeks visit at Mrs William Truckner's, of Hampton, N. C. Mrs Mattie Tolson of Swansboro, is spending some time with her daughter Mrs Dan Taylor. Mrs Walter Taylor and Miss Edith Buck of Pelletler, also visited Mrs Taylor this week. MUses Annie and Dunnle Koonce of Rlchlands, also Mr Newton Henderson and Bister Cora of Hubert, are visiting Mr D 8 Weeks' family today. Kev J U Dukes snd W E Cowan are holding a series of meetings at We Hope this week, he will preach in our village Friday night. We would be pleased to hear from the Cedar Point correspondent, after the moonlight excursion. Fortnight. TRENTON. August, 28. A pleasant Lawn Party was given last evening on the Court house lawn by the Epworth League and ' Bright Jewels. The evening was enjoy edbyjJlr Everything was artistically arranged. The glowing lights of the several lanterns, snd the reflection of them on the many beautiful faces of the girls gave light to the opposite sex and to the whole lawn. About nine o'clock an electric storm came up and the pleasure seekers had to take refuge in the Court house. They were pleasure-bent, and it was found anyway in the Court house. The Bright Jewels seemed to enjoy it very much running and playing. They played one interesting game "rabbit in the pea-patch" which .brought sweet memories and fond recollections of the by-gone-days to the elderly ones who sat looking en thinking of the .days when they were just in the bloom of girl-hood and boy-hood. It la happy thoughta to think of some of the put, but there is many a person who wishes they could blot out a few things of It. "Let the dead past bury Its dead." After the electric ; storm and rain, Ice cream, sherbet and cake were served, Then all looked for their sleeping quar ters. All report as having a very nice time. -..' We notloed in the PollocksvlUe Items that a game of ball was; played between Trenton and PollocksvlUe. The score being 11 to 9. The correspondent slight ly prevaricated. We do not know that he did It intentionally, or just put that way through mistake, (but the score wu 10 to 0 In favor of PollocksvlUe. He wanted to brag on It by beating us one run, ana naa lor an excuse that our team wu the heavier and we ought to have beaten them a poor excuse. They secured a pitcher from Kew Bern Mr. Joe Tisdale. They gave in his name as Joe Booth, a log hauler. Quite an honor conferred on the young man. We could not perceive that he was a New Bernlan, for he resembled a log-hauler, "hla honored position" very much. We challenged them to come up and play ua, but they do not want to come Guess they are soared, . They want us to meet them at New Bern and play them. It is our time to challenge them and it la their plaoo to go where wc say . Pluck Fresh Grape-Nuts, Poatum Cereal Saratoga Chips and Oat Flakes at J. R. Parker, Js. ' Cotton Bagging and Tics. , Iff. 1 ;. ..'' ...... '. I rve uave in. stock ana , to arrive 3,500 Rolls Cotton flagging, 3,500 bundles Cotton Ties. ; ,. Send us your orders, .prices are the lowest. ' -T v el. E. !Lr,i!zia Cz Co. 5 A Good Pii For 10c Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Batter only 30c lb. New Bbl. FultonJMarket CoraedBeef. Small Pig llama and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California Hams. " . Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, - Grape Nuts. " --. ...v Maaon's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. ,,' -.! . Potted and Canned Heats. Heinz's Pinkies. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 80o lb. " I J. L. MtDllEL 'Phone 91. F annneirs LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST and D' .. uriny yuur tothe Planters NEW which is always the place TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. Bargains oh Millinery. J. J. BAXTER has moved his Millinery Stock from Pollock Street to his store on Middle Street and Is Clos ing out the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ' 2 .mm. , Special Inducements : to Milliners. !:Mackbu'i!h' Has What You Want. JUST RECEIVED New Beading I New Val Lace Edging Insertion to match, All Over Black and ;i New Chatclino mc ana BRADHAM'S LIVER snd STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can be given to Terj old people and children. Mild in action, their effect Is far-reaching. No pain.! or discomfort follows their nte, They hare been called "Health's Housekeepers," ,wh!ch is quite true. Does your liver hurt your Better try these pills. Price S3o. at BRADHAM'S rHAr.-'ACY. I New ft P.I ' I 'I I i - - I" ( ( '( . ' ! Per Can. Wholcwale afc Betallg . Grocer, 71 Bread St. 1 L 1 uucillu Warehouse BERN, N. Cs and Insertion, and;; i) V o u it Silk Laco in Cream, Bans at 30c, ! ; si.uu. 1 1 Cream oj Rc::s laa harmless ll juM prcrs'at 1 for removing Euuburn, IYjti: i, 1 i and Improving; VmB cus;'.. ' i. i applied it ia lavL'a V ! lU washed 02. Tie i ':! ; neck, cauerll:y r coltars, is r

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