1 . ' TOE WEEKLY JOURNAL ittuak4 i art. PnhIUbd la Two Rarfaona, erery Tues dijud Fridr, kite Middle Btrw,MW CHARLE5 U STEVENS, snnos in raonixTO. J . si SUBSCRIPTION RITES: Two Month, M Cents. Threes Months, M "J. TwsIts Months. fl-00 ONLY IK ADVANCE; Advertising rate furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by mail. ' : 1 1 1 i i CTTTie Joubhax k only sent oa pay- - la-adTanoe - baaia. Subscribers will receiTe notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an immediate reaponae to notice witl be.1 appreciated by ;the Jocbhal Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern H. G. ae second-class matter, Section Oae, Tuesday, Aat;. SB, 1908 PERSISTENT ADVERTISING WINS. Intelligent and persistent advertising is as great a (actor In the successful for tune getting, as It ever was. Xrea the strennousnen of the present age doea not fail to recognize the im portance of advertising, especially news paper advertising. Publicity each month and year be comes more a business necessity, for with the growth and advancement in education, the reading public grows larger and larger, and to it, the mer chant with goods, the manufacturer with wares, and even the office seeker must present themselves through the press, In order td receive the attention which they most secure, in order to sue ceed, each in his own way. The rush of affairs today, Is very great j et the successful applicant for public attention can so advertise that the rush' log throng must read and stop to deal, no matter if it again takes up Its wild rush. And this advertising is not of today, alone. It was yesterday, is again in stronger view today, and strengthens its hold upon the public, by appearing again to morrow, In new aspect, perhaps. With a change of language, but still telling the story which wins trade and cus tomers. It is the persistent advertising appeal which presents Itself each morning, noon and night to the public which both attracts attention, and brings trade to the merchant following the course of al ways advertising. There may be dull months in trade, but no day, week or month can be safely sacrificed by any merchant, and let past, upon the plea that It Is too dull to ad vertise. Spasmotic advertising has ever proven a failure in securing real, big results, while every notable success has come through the persistent course of being ! before the public,, every day in the year. PROMISING APPLE CROP. Housewives will be glad to leant that while foodstuffs show a continued ad vance and summer fruit for preserving . purposes has been high there will be inch a bountiful apple crop that no "corner" could possibly be created that Would advance prices above the mini mum commonly found in years when the fruit is abundant and of excellent quali ty. .Reports received by the Chicago a Chronicle from all the jleadln apple growing sections areastremely flatter tng for an .apple crop, even better in many tecpecU than that of 1890. -;' , " i few except those in the? trade realize the Immense growth of the commercial apple area ia theUnlted States, to which . subject Prof. W. A..Taylor, nomologist In charge of field -investigation for the 1 1 pepartment of Agriculture- at Washing ton, recently devoted a paper Wthe i .convention of National Apple Shippers Uti Rochester, Nr. tV In this paper Profes sor Taylor, using , Government statistics up to Jnne 1908, saldV II? ' if " tj "The total of trees of bearing age in y9 thsotnaercial crchardat of the United i3 Btates uptoJune.lv ifcW is 810,000,000, an increase of ' 7r,000,000, ot more than 0 per cent. i'U gtoait,BeB jPafi-, wine a i f'tlnu ..f the country there '- 'gy fajiaes4 u?s paal as la the f $ V Mfooss BaJdm artha py reglon.iiIt is now assuredly true hat, the great ap ple bia of the TJnite4 States) &as been shifted to west of the Allenhanies. Considering the fact that the East, with it famous Baldwin and greening, has been generally conceded as the frait aroduclBg section (n ihlt line the above statement' will be "astonishing to those who have'not been, better posted.' Still more so, perhaps, when it U known that .e East not alone supplies Its ,'own sec tion la jc-rs of nor.!aal crop,' tut wllh C::: 'i!ia'-o Or t'i.!j tie whole siport trad demand. This leaves the Wast with the larger half ef the total crop to be seed la evaporating, p wean lug and other procaswi. The re sult this season, if the erop prospects do not change, will be to give housewives their pick of the beat fruit for preserv ing at nominal prices. -AKTONTTOlEATm.,, The Congressional nomination in the Sixth North Carolina district, which was made last week at Fayetteville, seems to have been one of considerable local bitterness, Judging from reports. Toon who band has been familiar with the politics of this district, and more especially with the men who have been identified with the Democracy of the district, it seems singular that such an expression aa "any one to beat him," supported by the effort to a successful conclusion, should have been directed against John D. Bellamy of Wilming ton. Aa a Congressman, It ia not shown that Mr. Bellamy, had committed any act, which should have made him a tar get for Democratic darts of spleen from his people of the district. Yet "any oae to beat him," Is not a pleasant situation for a man to face, par ticularly for a man of the Bellamy type. Not that John D. Bellamy Is fearful of any political contest, but it has been the history of the Bellamys that this family haa been Illustrious In its political fights against the enemies of Democracy, rather than in those affairs which have taken place within the party's rankii. Again to one intimate with the Inside of political matters In tLe Sixth, It is not hard to remember when a Bellamy was eagerly sought at each electlnu, and early In every political campaign, to lend his time, energy and brain, and give of hla money, to promote and aid Demo cratic success. But perhsps these things are loo old to be lemenibered by those who would prefer to look at today, wLen a nomina tion means easy political running, and nat recall the time when nominations went unsought when It meant individ ual sacrifice, not personal glory, to be come a Democratic nominee in the Sixth district. And to one who remembers, it Is not by any means forgotten that there was a Bellamy In those days, and that meant a great deal to Democracy. Surely Democracy has greatly ad vanced in the Sixth, when the slogan can be "anyone to beat Bellamy!" How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last MS years, and believe him pefectry .honorable in all business and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wan & Trcax,. Wholesale Druggists, t Toledo, O. WLIIli KlMUH .& MARVINIWhole- , sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle.Sold by all Druggists. , Hall's Family Pills are the best. GooS ncaaoa. "I wonder," began the man with the investigating mania, "what makes ba bies cry?" 'Probably," butted in the practical fellow, "contemplation of some of the things they're in danger of being like when they grow up." Baltimore News. M mat Be Good. Young Husband My dear Melanle, I must say that, this padding tastes Very bad. Wife All Imagination, denr; It says In the cookery book that it tastes ex cellent! s i. All; Were Saved. - f For years I suffered such untold mi sery from Bronchitis," writes X H John ston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often I was unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. .My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our ex perience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial wOl convince you It's unrivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free at CD. Bradham's. f , The Plymouth Bock. i A schoolteacher in one of the charm ing' rural'' suburbs of Philadelphia, Where fancy gardening and the rais ing ef, Philadelphia fowl" are gen eral among the residents, recited to the class) the story of the landing' of the pilgrims, .and, aa the children had been taking up the work, she requested each scholar to try to draw from the 1m-agination- a picture of the Plymouth rock; -iTues it Was that the little fellow got aa4 raised hie hand, .f Well, Willie, what is ltr naked the teacher. A. V vpieaae,! ma'am, do yon want a hen or a . rooster drawn 7" came the unex pected reply. ? ' ,s r :y '..,';-A "f:'"k Necessary Precaution.;- i. Don't neglect a cold, . It la worse than unpleasant It is dsngerouf. By using One Minute Cough Cure you can curs it at once.' Allayi-lnflammatlon, clears the head, soothes and strengthens the mu cous membrane. Cures coughs, croup throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe Acts immediately. Children like It F 8 Duly. :' Dyspepsia Cure DIaests wli&t yoa e.te This preparation contains an of the dlgest&nts and digest all kinds ot rooa. It gives instant reuer ana new falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The moat sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation or gas on tho stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't htlp but do yon good Pre px rod on! j by R. O. DiWm : Oa, Ohira, Hmm U- buuig coouuos 1 Ulna Um IOc. 1U . turrr a co. FRENCH PROVERBS. A good Intention makes but a short ladder. To be happy one must bare nothing to forget The first and worst of all frauds Is to cheat oneself. The slave la not she who Is sold, but she who gives herself. Happy Is he who is not obliged tc sacrifice any one to duty. For all misfortunes there are two remedies time and silence. ' The greatest, the atrongest, above all the cleverest, man is he who knows how to wait His SiaTht Threatened, ''While picnicking last month my 11-year-old boy wss poisoned by some weed or plant," says W H Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose sight. 'Finally a. neighbor recommended DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him and In a few days he was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burn, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of Counterfeits. F. S. Duff Tennyson's Turtleasnenft. Several stories are told of Tenny son's thoughtless speeches. "What llsh Is this?" he once asked his hostess where ho was dining. "Whiting," she replied. "The meanest fish there is," he remarked, quite unconscious that he could have wounded any one's feelings. Vet his kindness of heart was such that when his partridge was afterward given hlai almost raw be ate steadily through it for fear his hostess might be vexed. On one occasion Tennyson was ver: rude to Mrs. Brotherton, a neighbor at Freshwater. The next day he cams to her house with n great cabbage under each arm. "I heard you like these, so I brought them," ho said genially. It was his idea ot a peace offering. Scatters all Records. Twice In hospital, F. A. Qullcdge, Ver bena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doct. rs to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve In the world. 35c. at C. P. Bradham's drugstore. A Mualeul Dent. The Coui-rler de Taris relates that a party of men. sitting In front of a boulevard cafe, were recently ap proached by a man who had a clarinet In his hand and who said: "Gentlemen, excuse nio. I have to make my living, but 1 suppose you would rather give mo a eou not to hear me." They took the hint. lie repeated this perform ance several times till one day one of the men said lie felt like hearing a tuue and asked him to play. "I am sor ry," said the ninn with the clarinet; "but I cannot pluy a note." Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, fault jess skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result, all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 16c at C. D. Bradham's. Musical Snatla. A French naturalist claims that there are few if any animals which have a higher appreciation of music than snails. Place some snails on a pane of glass, he says, and you will find that as they move over it they will make musical sounds similar to those which a person can- produce by wetting his finger and then rubbing it around a glass tumbler. Complete airs, he points out, have been played on tumblers In this way, and he expresses the opinion that Quite as good results can be ob tained by using snails instead of fin gers. A : ." -v ;' - 1 : , v- Beanthe Kind wH.W shawl Bought Slgsatass ef He .Steward. Blond ' Bridesmaid The ushers haven't seated your Aunt Maria with the family. Other Bridesmaid (sister to the bride) -noi Bias svut oui m yiun iwi uim, . Use Hsncock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dsndruff. and all skin diseases. For sale at F. P. Duffy's. , ' r"- -f,."' Hate Harnra It. " I'fi "MoiMtalkV asseverated Gilder- sleeve, r : 1 am not so sure of that," retorted ThrocJnnorton. "It is not on speaking terms with me." Detroit Free press. The Bestmscrlptloa for Malaria. - Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gbovi'i Tabtblbss emit Tokio. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price SOc F ; ' X ' O.ia, fc- - XI X Am ' - Beats tts ' ' A HM TW Haw BOlp ligaatuni IT SU. Tne Sute Party Without DeCoite Plan for Convention. Next Agrlcaltaral Seport te he Is- ssed September 1. Flva Negroes ' Narrowly Escape Lyacklag. Repert or Verperatlea CosiBtlssioB. New Or -nameatal Caaaoas. Rauigh, Aug. 28. The local Repub licans have not the slightest idea of what their convention at Greensboro next Thursday will do. They admit as much. One of them sars onlv Senator Pritcbard and one or two of the other leaders do know. He .added that the convention will be composed ot dele gates named by the connty committees In many cases, as In Wake for Instance, and that of course these will simply fol low directions and do as they are told to do. This appears to be a anlte accurate view of the status of affairs. Senator Simmons' left today for Wash lngton, D. C. to be there several days. Col. A. B. Andrews of the Southern R. R. who is spending this month at Hot Springs, N. C, went to New York Tuesday. He will come he.-e tomorrow and go at once to Hot Springs. Auditor Dixon has returned from a tour in Mecklenburg, Gaston and Cleve land, looking after taxation of corpora tions. He atopped a day at Greensboro to attend the Confederate re-unlon at Greensboro, which he says was the lar gest yet held in the State, there being 2500 registered and at leant 600 not reg istered. He goes to Warren ton tomor row to make an address at a Confeder ate re-unlon and educational rally. The commissioner of agriculture to day sent out tho inquiries to which the 1J0O correspondents will give the crop report for September. The report will give the condition of all crops Septem ber 1. The live negroes who were brought here last night from Henderson in order that the one who shot train porter Mitchell might identify the one who shot him, would havo been lynched at the Johnson street station of the Sea board Air Line here if a leader of a mob could have been found. There were plenty of men, white and black, there present, who were ready to lynch the negroes, certainly the two Coles, father and son, had a leader been found. K. 8. Finch of Charlotte is trying to get an option on the State swamp lands In Craven county, at 50 cents an acre. A cash offer of V, cents an acre for these lands was refused today. The report of the corporation commis sion on State, private and savings bunks up to July 16, is made public today. The total resources are $18,791,224; loans and discounts $12,810,408; deposits subject to check 11,078,837, capital stock $3, 806,408; surplus $674,723; undivided profits $575,062. The addition to the Pilot cotton mill here, which will double its capacity, is nearly completed. The revolutionary cannon presented by the town of Edenlon to the State museum have arrived here. The cannon from old Fort Caswell are expected next week, and will be at once placed in the Capitol square. M aitxand, Fla, October 10th. 1001 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. Gentlemen: I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so read ily as to Liquid Sulfiiub. I think If used properly it is undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema. I have prescribed it for others with most satisfactory results. I consider it the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regard It as the greatest medical discov ery of the age.j Respectfully yours, W. A. HEARD, M. D. For sale at F.;8. Duffy's. STnilrii; fllxtvrv. While we ie:ji! h!:it wo :i:u!:e his tory. Every ;;.-c'::t crisis oC li;::r.r.:t his tory Is n pr.es of Tlurir.opjinj; and there Is always a Lconldas and his 800 to die in It If they cannot conquer. And so long ns liberty has one martyr, so long as o::e drop of blood Is poured out for her, so Ions from that bloody sweat of the agony of humanity shall spring hosts as countless as the forest leaves and mighty ns the aca. George .William Curtis. To MyJFriends. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for me. I was troubled , with my stomach for several months. Upon be ing advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good It has , done me. A neighbor had the dyspepsia so that be had tried most everything. I told him to use EodoL; Words ot gratitude have come to me from him ' because I recommended it. Geo. W. i Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength of mind and body, depend on the stomach, and nor mal activity of the digestive organs. Ko dol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles,' indiges tion, dyspepsia. Kodol digests any good food you eat. Take a dose after meals, F 8 Duffy. ' t ' , va Tar Vrata Tow Marh. ' ' "Jedge' sald the colored prisoner, "Is 1 expected ter tell de truth?" - t . "Of course you are. , , , "Well, then, des go ahead en sentence me fust" Atlanta Constitution. " " ; K Needs a Tonic -; There are times when your liver needs a tonic Don't give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DeWltt's Little Early Risers expel sll poison from the. system and act as tonic to the liver. W Scott, 531 High land ave., Hilton, Ha. rayt; "I have car ried DeWltt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them." Small and easy to U'a purely Jvegetable. The never gripe or distress. F.S. Duffy.. - TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES, i , The Socthera railway is to he doable tracked from Waahlagtoa. D. C ,' to At laata,Ge... - . ? ( r , , . ' V " v1; -'- I' ' ' Sensational movement la the corn market eaused a little scurrying among ths bears oa change. . .. . . . The Shea of Persia, who is aow s vls Uoi la England gave a lnarhaoa to the Persian Embassy which cost $18,000. A fall dinner given oa the same seals would probably have cost 1180,000. Seventeen deaths from small pox hare occurred fat the Tillage of Stone Gap, Wise pointy, Virginia. The people are terror strloksa and are leaving the com n unity in large numbers. - Jane Woolsey, a moonshiner ot Ken tuckytra trial before the U. a Court U so fat she cannot get through the court room door. Permission has been granted to hold court In the open air. for her benefit. It Is said that the Porte Is becoming more polite and pliable to Uncle Sam's demands, and has signified its. willing ness to restore certain papers, and re build certain missions that were de stroyed during the American massacres. Natal Reserves Disbanded. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Aug. 22. An order was is sued today disbanding the Klnston Divi sion Naval Brigade upon the recommen dation of Inspector General. Oar Reeablle. The lAmerlcan republic must Mve. Popular commotion and partisan fury may dashtthelr mod waves against it, but they shall roll back shattered, spent. Persecution shall not shake it, fanatlcfem distort It nor revolution change (it, ! but it shall stand towering sublime, lHke the last mountain in the deluge, while the earth rocks at its feet anfl the thunders peal above its head majestic, Immutable, magnifi cent Wendell Phillips. Frank C. Andrews the banker wrecker who was found guilty of embezzling $ 1,000,000 from the City Savings Bank at Detroit Mich, was sentenced In Recorder Court of that city to JlSJjears hard labor in the State prison at Jackson. Too laqalalttr. "Do -yon know what happens to little lys w ho pmoke?" "1'epj. Dey gits bothered by fool cranks," Ufe. r , Kxrraordlaarr. , "I havo noticed," said Willie Spank er, "that u felt slipper is not felt so much as one which Is not felt at all." Judge. Choice of Kvtla. As lintel promenades these days V 'Tia hard to make election , It she shall fade her parasol . Or freckle her complexion. V New York Frees. Prickly heat on red in one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, It will also cure Eczema, Fetter, Pimp- left, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old SoreB, and all skin troubles In a short time, when used ss directed. For scle at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. H Ptrauteaa. 1 Jonea Dear me! You any you often Ia;v down the law to your wife. How dq you go about it? Bones Why, all you need is flrnv toess. I usually go into my study, lock the door and do it through the key 'hole. 1 There are three things about the jnorth pole that have never been dis covered exactly twhere' it is, (what it is nd why It Is. Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid Bui phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat. Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. Ukadttaa Old War. Beat. "unagev'faaked Mrs. DelLeon, "can yoa cook onieclentlficiprlnclplesT'. ,. , - "Sure, rnaTam, jjvhafs the matter mtn cookln' on atraoger.asked sen- athla TtrMiro '. . i- ' Look Pleasant, Please. , , - Photographer C. O. Harlan, of Eaton, O., can do so now, though fori years he couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigest ion. AIL physicians and medicines failed to help Um till he tried Electric Bitters, which, worked such wonders ' for . him that be declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stomach," Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the whole sys tem. Try them. Only 60c Guaranteed by O. Dw Bradham,,drugglsU : r H"; its":- .Vi.TlaitiM Tina, . Tips v.eivralwuyAJ out of harmony Hvlth t.- ln.rendoToiaDdigelf respect of trctyAnxaicurjo. Good) pay. for good work,, with liio. un earned gratnl ties, in hotelat restatanntstandiewerywfeeroelse ShouU botheteustom. fTtosvare degrad ing .'both, to Ailvem ss secel vers, and theiwholesj8temfofftriclngtls unsound andiinexcusnbie. Ittcwnooteridure. ' , No club of any xeah distinction and importance penrdts the sgivrog.et rjps .within its, Jurmdlctloia aud the prac tice of altrtrlbutlDg gifts forVervlces which have been avmpry'smd evjen gen. erousiy remunernted t ha i nov basis iwhfch,lsiwise ajuhwstsoBMi Never yet has there beenaatarguraeiit in apology J for Cbia ; ssbuse (which waa tworthv nmomextrsctinsiderftrlOBKew xorkrribune. ( a' "SiaiajaaS"aaaSBWaaawaaWSBBa '' Ton t'KKow iraix tou aws taxog rhen you take Grove's- Ts.eless Chill Tonic, beuanse the formula Is .plainly prlxtw oa every boiUe showing that it Is simply iron and ijulnlne la a tasteless l,.3i. JTo cure ro pf y. Price CSo, YC'J V.1SE iVLItrW ' an easv-wav e. v and a cure way to trcat'a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of 1 MexicanMustang liniment ondwHb this pnrgle tha throat at freqnt interrala. The i lti th mibii.lo cf tlie throat thoroughly with the Hut- , meiit and after doturftliwjrTOmoa m .soft cloth oud wrap, around the nock. It is a POBITIVK CUKE. 25o., 60c. and 61.00 a bottle. m aa UAII Ka II MAT DC IUU sore aau Mustana LUwucut und AWitiiifcisiiiiiiiiiy Costs Only 25 cents Or auU tt eeati U C. W ban haadM Dr. Moffatt'i TKETHINA (TMlhlu and trade aa a proprietary medtefne, and our trade la it haa eteedily taenaeed from year to year naUl our ordan bow amount to two or three hundred arose per year, whieh a a rary etroac arldeaoa of It BMrlt and the aaUefaolioa S biinctotnaaMMhenof the ooaatry, for they any aothlnc eo aflaotoaay eoaataracU the afleca of the aaaaar'a aat ana or ovarooaMa aa que 17 mo troaMOB taeideot to rAqncuiLutc. and INDUSTRIAL A w nibinatic n 1 thcc.ry and practice, of book study and manual work in p Engineerins;, Agriculture, ChemUtry, Electricity, Mechanic Arts P and Cotton Manufacturing;. Full Courses (4 years), Short Courses (2year 2 Special Courses ('' mos.. Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $9 a month. 83 teachers, 369 students, new bniMing for 600. Write for booklet "A Day at the ..&. Collece." t.t.e rcn t nrruc-rniu- D.l.uk V r a iitaiutui uevi le nuijiuiii tvaibiu, i w Pennyroyal pills if."v aHataal mm Ualy Oaaalao. aVJwJavejAt'i:. Aj." mb l.edlas u Dnnta euicuaTia-a raoinu Mt i;uii;iii'..ir.tVB r-HU I KKIt u.l (leM MI1I. buM. aM .tthUwrthbtHi. TaheaooUier. Bafaea llaaaeroae KalkallaUeaa aaS lailaa IUimh. Buy .r J' UrgM. ft nt 4a. at mmi Air lartlwlnr Tewtlaiialala M "KrllrT h l.Jt," to imut, hy re. titra Malt. l.aa MlnaUli IMAhy Druuln.. tJkUhoater t'kowilaal Oa r. SUdlaaa aaaara, fUlLAa fS Of c &.WsOU i K . ' ' b' '! . - , ., HARDWARE Kelrif eraU ra, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Dcor8,Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Bangee 'J'Limc, i Cemont,' Plaster, Paints, OUf, YwDisb, Pntty, Sash, Doors, Blind , " Jutlery and all the nflofnl articles nsnallT fonnd in an Up-to-lete Hardwate Store . 1 s ACXjUARTERS FOIi', f A.na ajl Kinds of 60UMSI5 raiL Ben. Gooon Xiowettl Pricec. Under Hotel Chattswka, .inswiiimir.ii'. c. TUGKERsBROSf :. ,, 810 North Front Street, ' "''' ' ' ; tVr- The'place to bny yonr Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. M Foreign and Domestic Granite arid Marble. Lettering and Finish the Cest. Send for latest dOBignB.;" All worlt deliTered.'4 ' ' , V . Branch yard, Goldsboro, N". C. Matin tUtSL 11 41 Ir-tAflri itlllVJUUU 1 knur haen trouliled with running or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexl. you can depuui uju a iody cui-e. I. A GRANGE, W. English, Classical, Scientific and Commercial for boys and cung men. t-'eventy-one Boarding Pupils from Seventeen . mintics and two States tne past year. A Military cscnooi that is rot a machine: where kvpecibkov instead or stjmbkbs is bought; where tbdthitjl, manly, honest boya are wanted. A. four years Preparatory Course, giving full and thorough preparation for College or For Life, Athletics encouraged. Charge's reasonable. Term begins Sept. 3rd. 'Write for illustrated catalogue. J. E. DEBNAM, Sopt Cunt Ckolen-iofisiii, Diarrhoea, DyscnUry, ani the Bowel Troubles ef Children of Mm kg: Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. at Drogrjsts, J. MOFFrrr. m. d bt. louis. Ma ATLANTA. Oa.. Mot. M. WOO. Powdan) arar alaoa lu Int laUodaetlaa to tka publa teeuiinff. laLU lam unu tukfiB.in vnuu iaa. wnoieeaw unarn. cMechanicd College. EDUCATION: 127 middle St. Columbian ilnsecticide, Feterma Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food a Bars Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradtne The disinfectant that disinfects : an deodorises. . Vf. ' j- Ws keep on hand a complete stocV 0 r riedlcines, f Toilet Afllclea, "''v. Perfumery, ,:'U-X'- , . ToothBrushes, Ac f DyiloatniilTescriptlons a: specu 4j kS-44. 80 YEARS' V V EXPERIENCB Trao Mams DcatoNs CoyvBtoHTe Ae : Anyone umidlnii a akatrti and deeertptlnn nay anlokly HaoartHlit our opinion true whether aw Invention la pmhahly patentable. Communion. UnnaUrldlyriHitttleiitlul. Ilantlbnnkoa t'atanta aant tree. UHM aawirf for aontrliia' patonta i'NU'iiia taAon thniuuli Miiitn A i'u. rooaiaa ajHrM withoutolmnco, ttilba sciennisc Jirscrican A r1UirtrVniMf lltmrtllstMl Wtlt1r rtii-ihw r mi iM-ititHiaw riirosu. -i eriuB, 4 m 1 ymf', Uvr monttMali, by nil newwtralm DLi WABD, ' Attorney at Law, 74;Bo, Front St , Opp. Hotel Cbattawka, sr h;U' "NBW BERN,- N. C, , CraYenJConntj Attorney, . i. . Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow,' Cart eret, Pamlioo, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts. . ; Q LAXATTVE TASTELESS mi tit - iHLL lUiJlb. J CtMnbtnlnf tha laxatlva property ' ef Caanara, banatleial aa a aasar. al tonn, Onaraltt4Wt. ftOa..Oaly tela at baaAalAJa S lr M AJtuf AO X. , Henry s Pharmacy t W . 4

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