I I 1 n J,Jttk,:-,y, VOLOMI XXT. I IIW BIM, CRAYM COUHTT, I. C, r EI DAY, AUGUST 28, 190Z.-SCCOND SECTION NCMUIK 43 1 ; Profitable Melon Raisin; Tils Sca- ' ,. son. Good Work ofDaighters f Confed eracy, lataaeen Bellgleav Judicial Ceaventle f' .' Republican. A she Ceanty Treasur X er : Saiag Sheriff. RltawH, Aug. 87. The annual par ade of the eotorad state Flremea's Asso ciation was hold here this morning at 10 o'clock, and waa la all rcspecU credita ble, more than 80 companies participa ting. Tbe tournament began at 11 o'clock, at a poloi oa the east tide of Ihs capltoV square. " The association , re elected all its officer, J. Si rjummer of Warreuloa being the president. The Daughters of the Confederacy have expended daring this year and last year 800 In fitting np the Soldiers' hirae. The Insane man named Ryan who yes terday "worshipped' an oak tree In the cspltol square and who last evening ton off all his clothing there and was arrest ed, waa kept In the station house last night, but was released this .morning. He met your correspondent In the eapl tol square and said, "Can you tell me the way to Ueaven." He waa given a. di rection and departed. The man ought to be locked up. It Is asserted that the questions given tbe applicants for attorney's license to answer last Monday, by the Supreme Court were the hardest yet 'asked. Jus tice Cook, who prepared the questions said he waa surprised at this, as the court thought the questions essy enough. Ei-Uov. Russell left here early this morning for New York, saying he would not attend the Republican State Conten tion at Greensboro tomorrow. ; The Re publican oflle holders of prominence here left for Greensboro today, to aid in managing the convention.' ' The Republicans held their judicial convention' for this district here today la tbe office of ex-Congressman John Nichols. Each county was represented by a delegate. Judge W. 8. 0. Robinson of Goldsboro waa renominated, and James D. Parker of Smlth&eld was re nominated for solicitor. The Sute superintendent of public instruction gives notice that first grade public school teachers certificate granted prior to July 1,1901, ought not to be and will not be considered, particularly If granted at "private examinations." The State superintendent finds that the treasurer of Ashe county reported $2488 as on hand July 1, 1001. This year he did not report It, but said he never . had possession of It, that the sheriff had not paid U over and that he was suing the sheriff to get It. . From the villsges of Garner and Au burn, in two miles of each other, In this county, 100 car loads of cantaloupes and water melons, averaging 1260 each, have been shipped this season. The farmers find this so pto"Btablethat neat year they will double their acreage. Many melons go to the Virginia and North Carolina mountains and piedmont regions. A new school for negroes is being i finished by the township school board here. It Is the eighth public schol In Raleigh and will accommodate 400 pu pils. ' ;,'. ErneBt Green, a son of ex-State Sena tor, A. O. Green, was nearly killed yes terday by an angry Jersey bull, at bis home near here. Luckily the bull was ' dehorned, 1 He rushed at Green, knocked htm down nl butted; and trampled; him until aid camu. ., j The argument In the Wilcox case In the supreme court, begun yesterday, was coi ciuded ti day by E. F. Aydlett for the 'defend t.J-v-.-iH f. i It is decided that where money ! was asked for a school district to make its term four month! and that district has been consolidated, the. money, follows tbe district and goes to Ita credit. Other wine. If not used, It must be returned to 'the Huiw treasurer. I 'maysyille. i-AuKum,, We ate. having Ideal , weather now, clear and slightly cool, f Our farmers have about completed their fodder pulling, and from the num .. ' her of big stacks we see In the fields we ' judge that our farmers will not bsve to ' buy so much 'Western feed the coming year as they did the previous one. ; ' Our tobacco men are feeling good over tho ; good prices they are getting ,(ortlie weta;, 'f ;.f ;v: 'X "'; ' Coilou U opening very rapidly. , Pick ' Ing will bogln in a few daya." ' t u ' - ' Miss Annie Koonce will come up the k last of 'this week, to get -ready to open school, here., We understand that her r next school here will be superior to her last One. The next M. 'E. Quarterly meeting of Onslow circuit, will be held here the first Saturday and Sunday In September. Mr. Koonce says that ' he will have " tbe church in readiness by that time. ' A great many of our Citizens went to "" Trenton 'MondaJTlo. attend the County 1 Convention. M t.$ Jenklm (our , Kt man for Sheriff) was beaten in iU torn- nation by e very close vote by lit. Lon .': Taylor of Trenton. Frank Is taking his defeat very easily. If some of the candi dates had not withdrawn, he would have easily gotton the nomination. "A bad beginning will make a good ending" for yon old boy. Miss Bell Cook of New Ben, and Miss Llxxls Koonce of Rkhlanda are vis lting friends and relatives la and around here this week. We hope they win re main with as a good while Mrs. Griffin of New Bern Is v tailing Mrs. W. B. Smith this week. Her hue band, Mr. Griffin la visiting our mer chants, showing them an up-to-date line of dry goods and she es from the stock of Messrs. O. Marks and Bon, of New Bern. ' Mr. Richard Laroqueof New Bern is moving his furniture Into his new resi dence here this week. He la also hav ing some unfinished rooms comple ted. - ; , Mr. CvH.Foy Wat Klnaton auperla tending the building of a residence these for himself. Mr. Major Eubank has accepted a po sition as salesman for Messrs. J. M. and A. C. Foecue. " Mb X. L. Mattocks will sever his bus iness connections with W.r. Mattocka, September lat. After that date he will be at tbe Mayavllle Supply Co's. store. W. F. Mattocks will continue business at his same old stand. Dr. X. L. Cox of Jacksonville was la our town today. Mr. K. J. Conway of Palo Alto gave na call today. Mr. Thomas Mitchell, of New Bern was In town this week. A. P.M. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. ' Ohio capitalists have purchased 10,000 acres of land of Joseph. Tanllta Curri tuck county, N. C, which they will de velop for lumber interests. The price paid waa $70,000. Under the guidance of "Big Tom" Wilson, President Roosevelt will hunt bears In the North Carolina mountains In-the near future. The sport Is most exciting and the president is sald to have expressed a desire to bunt beam In this Sute. ,Brlgham Young, President of the Mor mon Church, Is lying critically 111 from an operation for dropsy. Frank J Matthews, a banker of Jersey City, New Jersey, and Mrs. Cobb of Richmond, Va., were killed In an auto mobile accident at Long Branch, Tues day. Ret 8am Small collapsed at Brattle- boro, Vt. as he waa about -to begin a speech at a rally In the Interest of Percl- val Clement, the high license and loctal option candidate for governor. Physl clans were In attendance all night and hope he will recover with careful treat ment General Botha has been chosen ss the successor of President Kruger who re signed tbe leadership of the anti-British element who are now planning n cam' palgh against British control In South Africa. ' The American and British tobacco trusts have agreed to a conference next month to arrange a price schedule, This la taken to indicate an end of the tobacco war and temporary defeat of the Ameri can trust to attempt to corral the English market. f: CEDAR POINT. August 86. Fodder pulling Is'over and with exception of last dsys the weather Was favorable. ' Cotton" Is opening ; rapidly and the fields will' soon be ready for the pick era. . - -. .-- : Miss Beatrice Weeks who hu been spending few days at Stella came home Sunday.'?. - - - ' , Miss Jlmmle Sablston and Messrs Chss Bender, Percy and Albert Mattooks were with us Sunday. Mr. K. N, Bell who has been right sick is thinking of going to Seven Spring for a few weeks. His many friends will he triad to ma him wnll uraln.' J Messrs John Jones, Oria Weeks and Chas Barker gave a sail Friday evening The party went to Bogus Banks and but for an untimely thunder , squall would have had a more extended and pleasant trip. Miss Jlmmle Sablston was the chape rone. Mr. Reuben Rue of Petttford's Creek died last week, Mr.' Rue was very old possibly 80 years, and hat been a suffer er for quite along while.' He waa one of the many who adda to the earth's wealth byV'sweat of his face' that others may Uve In luxury and ease. ii He was a hard laborer and a good citizen. . 1 " The "Coaster'' In listing tho possible candidates for County offices has Mr. L. B. Xnnett for commissioner, bat he wish' es his f rlendj to know . that his business will not permit his accepting the nomi nation If tendered and wishes to thank those who have thought to thus honor him. In about ten days we shall be called together to say. who we wish to fill the County offices and " we should soon decide on some definite course to be fol lowed at tbe oonnly convention, In nothing is the (axiom , "In unity there la la strength more applicable than in a conventlonr--- Why suffer pain and severe sickness from Bowel Complaints, when AR NOLD'S BALSAM stops one and cures the other." It hu been successfully used for fifty yeari. -i'Warrac'.ed to give satis faction or money refunded by T. A Henry. , . P0LUXZSTILLE. Close hx Kail Came Talk ef the For- maUonefaHewCeiniy. Aagust 89. Mrs. 3. M.r Rhodes, of Catherine Lake, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clara Cox, near here. ' Mlas Clara Sunmona, one of Onslow's most charming daughters is vltltlng her cousin near here, Miss Carrie Blm- moas. " '. Miss Florence Kllpatrick of this place Is visiting friends in Trenton this week. ! '- Miss JalU Sanderson and Mrs. C. H. Bryan are flatting friends and relatives st Stella. Mrs. Dr. O. J. Mattocks and Miss Ada Barry left last, week to vblt friends near Buffalo,' Llthla ' Springs In Ya where they win spend the remainder of the summer. (iss Flora Mattocks, of Swansboro, who has been visiting her relatives at this place and vicinity, left for her home last Friday. Miss Bessie Holland who has been Spending tbe summer with her uncle at Shelby, returned home last week. Miss Bessie Is quite a favorite with na all, who gladly welcome her home again. The Follocksville and Trenton base ball teams plsyed a close gsme at Tren ton hut afondsy the 86th, with Tisdale as pitcher for the Pollocksville team and WhlUker for Trenton. The gsme waa a very close and exciting one for eight Innings, standing 4-4. Trenton won in tbe ninth by one score, 6 to 4. The game was witnessed b a crowd of about 150 people. After the game was over the Trenton team gave the visitors and vfott Ing team an Ice cream supper In the court house where the evening wss passed very pleasantly by all In attend ance. The county ticket nominated Monday Is considered very strong sad one that reflects credit on the wisdom of the convention. v We hear that there Is a move on foot to have a new county made by taking a part of this end of Jones county, a part of the While Oak end of Onslow ends part of the Stella end of Carteret, mak ing Maysvills the centre of the county site. The nsme proposed for the new county is Simmons, In honor of the Hon F. M. Simmons, United States Senator from this district. We learn this will be one of the duties of the next legislature tc consider this question which will, I am Informed be presented by a petition of tbe people of these three counties. . To The Democratic Voters of Craven County. The many frlenda of Sheriff J. W. Blddle desire to present his claims to the voters of Craven county for renomtna- tlon and reelection. The county has never had a better officer; he is courte ous, accommodating, faithful and In every way thoroughly competent. When a vacancy occurred In the office of Sheriff, on account of the resignation of ex-Sheriff Elnsey, the Board of Com missioners endeavored to ascertain two things: first, who was tbe most compet ent man In the county for the office, and second, who would be most acceptable to all the rotors of the county.. They finally selected Sheriff Blddle as they were satisfied that he filled these two qualifications better than any othor man in the county. He has only been in of fice a part of one term, and It would not seem right to refuse to endorse his ad ministration the first time he comes be fore the people.. The people are fair and just and would not Intentionally dis honor any man without cause. . It has been claimed that all of the candidates are from the town of New Bern except one. This Is not strictly correct; three of the County Commissioners are from the country, and two yean aso No. Township had a most excellent candi date for Register of Deeds who would have been elected If , his own township had supported him properly. Sheriff Blddle was born and raised at Fort Barn well and lived there until the war came on, when he entered the service of the Confederate States and waa a moat gal lant and faithful soldier. The people can not do too much for the men, who auf. fared and fought for the South during the war. Of all the candidates upon the ticket Mr. Blddle is the only representa tive of the soldier rote. It Is true a man ought not to be selected to fill an office because he was a brave soldier, but when ha is In every way competent, the peo ple ought not to forget such services as these, i While Mr. Blddle lives In New Bern, he was born and 'raised In the country and still owns the lands Where his father Hred before hlmw , we ao not wish to disparage any other candidate,- as all the candidates for office In ' this County are good and true men, whose; past services to the Democratic party merit recognition and entitle them to aspire to any office in the County; But we do say -that we do not wish to east any reflection upon Sheriff Blddle by refusing to elect him when he hu only served a part of one term. We hare never heard of an In stance where a good man capable and Competent, who had been appointed to the office of Snerlff hu not received the nomination at the hands of his party at the succeeding Convention, h -.: lm submitting the 7 claims of Sheriff Blddle to tin people' of Craven tsountv we are only actuated by a desire to see Justice done to a good officer, and we bsve every confidence that the people of Craven county will treat bherlff Blddle at the coming Primaries. Mast Votkbs of Cbayeh Cotjhtt. REPUBLICAN STATE CONTENTION Hancock Delegation Gets Recognition. ProceedingS'Of Convention and Committees Named. Special to Journal. Ghskhsbobo, AugustSS. The whitest Republican Convention ever held In North Carolina, met in the opera bonse here today at noon. The Convention adjourned after listen Ing 'to Senator Pritchard's speech, to meet st five five o'clock, end a secret caucus of all the delegates wss called to meet at three. In this caucus Senator Pritchard, Congressman Moody, Post master Reynolds, of Winston and others made Impassioned speeches In support the resolutions endorsing Thoi. H. Hill for Chief Justice, snd were as strongly supported by Warren, Wayne, Wilson, and Vance Counties, In each of these, Lily White, or Prltcbard delegnles were seated. Hancock from Craven finally succeed ed In shutting out completely all of the opposing delegation. In Rockingham Connly, both delegations were seated the vote being equally divided. In Union county the delegation of Postmaster Hsvy, .or Prltcbard faction was seat ed. The convention met at five o'clock and after the report of the credential com mittee, Charles Price was named a9 per manent chairman and It. II. McNeill, Secretary. A platform committee was opposed by 'Congressman Blackburn, Linney and others. The Pritchard men won out by adopting tho resolutions en dorsing Hill for Chief Justice, and de claring before tbe convention that no nominations be mado of Associate Jus tices, leaving -the power In the hands of the Executive Jommlttee to take such sction in the future as tlity deem best. There was a hot fight In tbe Credential Committee up to the meeting of the convention, over the con tested delegations from Halifax com posed of Harry Skinner, E. M. Stewart, D. II. Abbott, C. P. Lockey, C. A. Rey nolds, Z. A. Sutton, Z. V. Walscr, A. H. Price, L. L. Jenkins, J. J. Butt. D. A. Long, of Alamance may be noml nated for Superintendent of Public In struction. When the convention assembled after supper, Seawell of Moore, offered a res olution endorsing Senator Pritchard and the records of Congressmen Moody and Blackburn, which was unanimously adopted. Assistant District Attorney Price, then offered a resolution agreed upon in caucus, endorsing T. H. Hill for Chief Justice, and leaving blank the nomina tions for Associate Justices, which was adopted without opposition. D. A. Long, of Alamance, was nomi nated for Superintendent of Public In struction, by R. W. Douglas, who In answer to an inquiry, vouched for his Republicanism, and he went through all right. Assistant District Attorney Oscar Spears of Harnett, and JEx-JudgcJW. P. Bynum made speeches favoring D. H. Abbott for railroad commissioner, who was nominated by a rising vote. E. W. Tlmberlake of Franklin, 4th dls trlct, W. S. O. B. Robinson, Wayne, 6th, H. F. 8eawell, Moore, 8th, A. L. Coble, Iredell, 10th, H. R. Starbuck, Forsylhe, 11th, R. H. McNeill, Ashe, 13th, O. B. F. Blythe, Henderson, 14th, CD. Wash burn, Madison, 15th, Baylus Cade, Hay wood, 16th, were nominated without op position, for Judges of Superior Court. Z. V. Walzer then reported resolutions of committee on platform which were adopted without opposition. Ex-Judge W. P. Bynum of the com mittee on plan of organizationubmltted amendments to party rules, tending to Increase reports In district, State and county nominating conventions, so u to bring them closer to the people, and changing section six sou W leave no doubt about Its construction, and against that put upon it at Rural hall judicial convention. Adopted. . v ;:, t1 Tbe members of the District Executive Committee were named as follows:' 1st Ceo. Buckman Beaufort; Snd, D. W. Patrick? Greene; 3rd, Q. W. Hunt, Car teret: 4th, Claudius Dockery, Wake; 5th, W. T. O'Brien, Durham; 6th, W. D. Sut ton, Bladen; 7th, W. A. Bailey, Davie; 8th, L. 8. Blackburn, Wilkes; 0th, Thos. CASTOR I A For In&nU and Children. Its Iti Yea K:?3 AL":;$ Echt Beam, the jy E. 8. Rollins, Madison; 10th, J. M. Moody. II sy wood. Six members of the executive commit tee for the Bute at Large were elected as follows: B. F. M abase, Rockingham, J. T. Wilson, Mecklenburg: H. 8. Ear klna, Beaufort; K. C. Duncan, Carteret: W. P. Bynum, Guilford; Z. V. Welaer, Davidson. J, C. Pritchard wu then unanimously named as chairman of tbe State Execu tive Committee. " This completed the work of the Convention and at 10:15 p. m. chairman Price being called for, pro ceeded to make a speech, after which convention adjourned. Winners In Peaoody Scholarships Contest Check From Sale Swamp Lands. Republicans Indifferent on State Ticket. Colored Firemen's Tournament Successful. A Massachusetts Fa natic. Ralkioh, Aug. 28. Today the win ners In tho competition for tbe three Peabody Scholarships from this State were announced. They aro Arthur A, Smith of Sparta, Alleghany county; B. Robinson of Taylor's Bridge, Sampson county; Farnlo B. Gardiner of Reldsvllle Rockingham county. Twenty-one ap plicants were examined. The showing some of them made was miserable, only 33 per cent. Today the State hoard of education re celved a check for $3960 from Its agent, or the sale of swamp lands In Carteret, Tyrrell and Hyde counties. It was very evident that the rank and file of the Republicans took no interest In the proceedings of their party's State convention Some were heard to say that they did not care a penny for any election except the presidential. The tournament of the State Firemen's Association here ended today. It was a success all the way through. Today there were horse wagon races, reel and grab contests ana special feature races. The firemen won many compliments for their admirable behavior during the week. The event of the tournament was the 150 yards reel race. Eight teams entered Two from Wilson, one from Salisbury, Concord, Monroe, Statesville, Charlotte and Raleigh. Raleigh won in 30 seconds, Charlotte second in 33, Salisbury third, In 33 This race was for a prize. Three hundred yard reel race was for State championship, won by Wilson, time 57 seconds, there being four enteries. The board of inspectors of 8tate in stitutlons is thoroughly examining the hospital for the insane here. President Winston of the Agricultural and Mechanical College here says work on the new dormitory, Watauga hall, though Incomplete, is so far advanced that students can be quartered in it Septembers. The college opens that day. The examinations for entrance will be held September 4th and 5th. He expects about 400 students. He expects work on Pullen hsll to be completed by November. There have been three lynchings In the Bute this year for rape, it seems impossible to stop them. Officials here were not surprised at the decision of Got. Crane of Massacha setts yesterday to honor Got. Aycock's requisition for Monroe Rogers, the ne gro house-burner. One of the vehement opponents of the sending of Rogers to North Carolina wu severely rebuked by Got Crane. This fanatic dclared he would rather be shot by a Massachusetts officer than be trusted to the mercy of Gov Aycock. Governor Crane stopped him there and forbade him to speak fur ther. ... It la said that the drought did as much damage to crops in part of Orange coun ty as any where in the State, y Goyer&or's Requisition Honored. Special to Journal. . KiiJtiGH, Aug. 27. Gov. Aycock to night received a telegram from Got. Crane of Hatsechusetts saying, "I honor your requisition for Monroe Rogers." ' This is the negro charged with house burning In Durham county who it ; was alleged by certain persons in Massachu setts would be lynched If brought back to North Carolina. There has never been the least danger of lynching.' He Is not charged with a capital offense. Republican Nominations. ; Special to Journal , c , . ? 1 Gbbensbobo, N. C, Aug. 28. R. H. McNeill of Ashe county. Senator Pritch ard's private seoraUry wu today named by the Republican Executive Committee for Judge of the 13th Judicial District, in place of Ham Turner, declined. ' The Republican ; Conrentton of the 9th Congressional District was called to meet in Hickory, September .eth, when all agree that Geo. B. HUs, of Election burg, will be nominated. A PRETTY POSTMISTRESS NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH. Was Given Up to Die-Eight Doctors Failed Pe-ru-na Saved Her Life. rOTJSANDS of women suffer from aystemlo catarrh. This la sure to produce such symptom u coal feet and hands, aiok headache, palpttatfeB of the heart and heavy feelings In the stomach, Than begins a series of experiments with medicine. They take medicine for sick headache. They take medicine for nervous prostration, for palpitation of the heart, for dyspepsia. None of these medicines do any good because they do not reach the cause of the complaint. Jfenma at once mitigates all these symptoms by removing tbe cause. Systemic catarrh Is the trouble. Sys temic catarrh pervades the whole sys tem, deranges every organ, weakens every function. No permanent cure can be expected until the systemic catarrh la removed. This is exactly what Parana will do. Miss Alma Cox, Assistant Postmis tress of Oram, S. C, writes : have been m greet nfferer from chronic disease and dyspepsia for five years. How I suffered no tongue can tell.. I tried eight ox ten of the beat phy sicians without receiving much benefit, also tried lota of patent medicines. ; Bat still I suffered with sick headache, cold feet and hands, palpitation of the heart, and such a heavy feeling is my stomach and chest. At times I would be so nerv ous I could not bear anyone around me. I had been given np to die. ' ' One day a Mead teat me oae of Dr. Hartmaa'a pamphlets, and I decided to write to him. He advised Peruna and Manalin, and after taking the medicine two weeks I felt greatly relieved. My heed did not pain me any scarcely, and my stomach was relieved of its heavy jj4 Dr. S. B. Hartman, Presldcntmof The Hgrtman Sanitarium, oi Columbus, O., gives advice to women tree during the summer months. Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Butter only 30c lb. , , , New BblFultonJMarket CornediBeef. ... , v, . Small PigHams and Breakfast Strips, EnglisbOured Shoulders and California Hams. j ., Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Grape Nuts. , (: i - ; , Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. - - Potted and Canned Meats. .,n Heinz 's Pickles. ,. ,. . Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 80s lb. . , ...... v. 'Phone 01. F armmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST d Bring your Tobacco I tQ tbePtartdrs: Warehouse which is always the place TO GET THE II03T MONEY FOR IT. . Best accommodations guaranteed,, .- , : E. J. Cotton Baf!F!iini0IlAllal:3' r ;andv-Tios::ils We have in stock , and to.' arrive 3,500 Rolls Cotton,, Bagging,. 8,500 bundles CottOH Ties, ; y . 'Send tia your orders. ' Prices, are tho lowest i "' "'' !i; a3s E, IT." V. l Cj 1 1 .k V Hi lsssaw a7C0X '.-. Tsssssssaaaasssass . feeling. I am so thankful that I can say after using several bottles ef the Peruna and Manalin I am restored to perfect health. 'Before tnlax joar remedies I could mot ami anything. -1 lived on barley water and Panopeptin for two .years. Now I can, eat with pleasure. Every body Is so surprised at my improvement. Everyone says I am looking like a rose. I would advise all suffering women to take your remedies. I know if it were not foT Peruna and Manalin I would have been in my grave to-day. ' I cannot thank you enough for the kind advice you have given me." MISS ALMA L. COX. "' ' Senator M. O. Butler, ex-Governor of South Carolina, writes from . Wash ington, D. C, the following : can recommend Peruna tor dyw pepalm and stomach trouble.- ' I have been oslag your medicine for a short period, and I feel very much relieved. U la Indeed a wonderful medicine, and besldeaagreat tonlc"M. C Butler. . , Peruna restores health in a normal way. , ' Peruna puts right all the mucous mem branes of the body, and In this way re- stores ,uu luncuons oi every organ, Wholesale eft ZXetall Grocer, ,; 71 JBreafl ' jStC " at I " i'.Vit '- ..tu HESTER Proprietor I'M ple3. . Frc-li lz C :c olato Candj Ju:t i::- "'"AT 7Z2 l::V. I

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