t: , .1 :i ! ; . i I i -t 's ; i! VOLDMC XIT. IIW BIRJ, C1ATIS COUMTT, I. C, TUIS0AY, 8lPTIMBIIl',2,' l30!.-riRST SICTI05. ti -A : ii NUMBER 44, GLENN WITHDRAWS. a on pn. SWANSB0R0 ITEBLS STELLA. Bif Falling tr ! Sttte Cottoi Estl- mate . Negreea and Gesalp. Lamb Ferry Case. Celered State ' Fair. Eighth Cettea Oil Mill Charter. Atlantic,' ' (gaei-lette. ..j , . Ralkioh, Anguit 80. The cot ton re ceipt of Raleigh daring the year ended today ara 13,753 bale, agalait 19,100 tor the previous year. , ; , , It U aahl that tome negro leaden ara striving to prevent eayfltate avail meet lag here of negroea to take action against the oatraclam of that race by the Republican Wtate convention. Republi can officials aay the purpose la to prerent the negroea from controlling conven- tiona and not to prerent their voting or taking other steps. '., . r. Republicans In some caaea talk ai If the Democrat t want the negro rota. Tbla la Inaccurate. Then aome Repub- lloana declare the Democrat will not el low negroea who are by law entitled to registration to do ao.- Thla li another -error.' - ,. Sheriff Page of thla county aaya that newa of mat In cotton' now ponrt In. The cool ntghta thla week hare Immenae ly developed mat, which first made Ha appearance about a month ago. Sheriff Page went out yesterday and looked at aome cotton which he had , previously obaerred and aaya he never aaw.lt de teriorate ao rapidly." He aaya It la not now a good average crop In Wake. At one time It wa as promising aa any crop ever planted. The crop la In "streaks," however and there la aome very fine cotton. The commlaaloner of agriculture holds to his view that there will be a halt million bale crop In the State. . .. In Jones county a number of bears are being killed. Ten were killed In two weeka of this months. - Philip R. French, who 1st graduate of , the Lowell, Man., Textile School, be ' comes the Instructor' In dyeing In the textile department of the Agricultural and Mechanical College here, vice More . house, who was elected last July has re signed - In the supreme court today there 'was argument In the Lamb ferry case, from Elizabeth City, thla being a noted ease, which haa figured In the legislature as well aa In the court. Lamb baa a ferry monopoly and seeks to retain It by pre venting a new ferry. r f It la decided by the directors of the colored State fair that It shall be held at the State fair grounds here Oct.' 88-81, both dates Is inclusive.' It la held by the North Carolina Industrial Associa tion. , .y, r . ,i , -Tf -. A charter s granted by the State to the Swift Creek cotton oil company of Wrendale Edgecombe connty, capital i 125,000, D. Lichtenatein and; others being ownera. Thla Is the 8th ' cotton oil mill chartered by the State this year, all being local mills, owned by - local capital and anti-trust. ' Governor Aycock will return tomor row, a week earlier than was expected. Mrs. Aycuck'a alcknesa causes bia re- torHf AAJi'4 AA A. 4 The "Atlantic Quartette", with J Sherwood Upchurch at Its head, which will tour xthe country In the "Star Course", will first tour the eastern part of thla State. Miss Payne of Georgia and Hlaa McNeill of Kentucky are with the quartette, aa violinist and . pianola! and elocutionist respectively. . - . Pram fcaaternl Can test, Cailterl Caaaty Prtmartcs. Special to JoaraaL Gaaaaasoao, Aagust 80. The Gall- ford eotnty primary! reaulta lad teat the nomination of the present eonaty officer by a large majority. RoUnaoa and Wbitakar, the preaant saembera of the Hons had ao opposition.- ' - ' ' J.D. Glenn, for Senator got large majority over Ma only opponent. Forsyth eoajUya aaaaa aaeetlagea- Important State Charters Umber -..--.I and Cottot Companys. New Rain la Wanted. Panelist Cen- vcatlen. Large Maaiber Mt : der Caaea. Bad Oatleek Heat Winter Far 1 Small Pet. Ralkiok, Sept. 1. Today, a Labor Day, waa only observed here by the clos ing of public buddings and the display doraed Crrus B. Wataon'a caadldacv for I of national and BtaU Bage. There waa Called Btatea Senator, wkereapon R. B. nca-makm. The Vari ous local Moor organisation ara aaring their money for the building of a "labor' temple.1 Gov. Aycock returned yesterday after noon front the mountain. In company with Mr. George N. Cant of Baltimore ke made a delightful carriage trip from Glenn of the same eonaty annouoed his retirement from the race In taeStaU at large. Attorneys Granted licenses. Special to journaL RAiaiea, September 1. Fifty-four person were examined far license a attorneys by the Supreme Court last Monday. Today It granted thirty-two of them licenses. Those from the But being Charlea B. Koonoe, Onslow connty; Joseph Leigh, Tyrrell connty; Junius B. Grimes and Julias Brown, Pitt county; Barnard Columbus, Polk county, to Chimney Rock and other points of Interest In the Hickory Nut Gap.. , Commlaaloner of agriculture Patterson returned today from Naahvllle, Tenn. Rain b now urgently needed In thla section.' All crops save sweet; potatoes show signs of suffering. , Cotton la very brown, la losing leaves and opening too rapidly. Rust on It la very bad. . There has been leaa typhoid fever here ao far this year, than ever before only 8 cases ail the aummer and not a death A. Brooks and Gaatoa Naeh connty. COVE. Ang. 89. Listen out for the wedding bella. The usual named and number of young men of New Bern were here Sunday the purpose of one will soon be knowa. Quite a number of our young people went to Morehead Sunday they aay they will walk next time, , w s t The moat of our tobacco farmera went to Kiaaton the first of the week to sell the golden weed. Mrs. E. J. Bines of ML Olive la spend ing thla week with relative here. . MIis Battle White vtalted Klnaton Wednesday. , ' r - Mrs. J. J. Boyd spent several days In Washington, N. C. ?y - i Mr. JncR. Bowden of New Bern spent aome time here last weak. We regret to chronicle the Jllneas of Mrs. D. M. I pock and trust abe will soon recover. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. In one of the moat exciting raoea ever seen on American turf, Savable, a wes tern horse, won the futurity stakeeat the Bheepahead track, Time, 1: 14. Lord of the Vale waa a close second. A scandal of considerable proportion has been unearthed In Cook county, 1111 nols. Millions of dollars are Involved and a wholesale arrest Is probable. ; , Striking A. D. T. messenger boys la Chicago assailed the girl messenger re cently Installed by the company but were beaten back by the glrla. : The big York river steamer, Charlotte, ran Into and sank the oyster schooner, Anna M. Harris, Saturday, neat West Point, Ja.:. ,--,;,. ;:.,. . . J I, . The Paclflo Heat la anxious for a war Taylor, of I of a city resident It la now certain that the IFopullsts have decided to hold a State conven tion. , At Wilson thla week six murder caaea ars on the docket. James a. t'ouor this city appear In three of the cases nearly all the defendants are white. Dr. Jamea R. Rogers, who for two months waa aick, haa returned here well. He lathe physician to the A. & M. College, which will open Wednesday. Secretary R. H. Lewis of the State board of health has sent a small pox ex pert to Wadesboro to Investigate a re port a to that disease there. Dr. Lewis says small pox la widely scattered In the Bute and nnlesa there Is vaccination It will be bad next winter. Charters are granted to the Bayboro Lumber Company, capital $185,000, J. P Marsh and others, of Marietta, Ohio, ownera; the Morehead Cotton Mill Com pany of Spray, Rockingham connty, capital $185,000, B F Mebane and others owners; the Mayer ana Lioans Liumoer Company of Hertford, capital $100,000 (to also make furniture and house ma terial), George 8. Mayer and others stockholders; the Deep River Gold Min ing Company of High Point, capital $100,000, Robert H. Thomas of Danville and othera owners. J. C. L. Harris, who haa been In Cali fornia a month haa returned here. : The body of William Mitchel, colored, was yeaterday placed In a vault In the colored cemetery here. The body wa embalmed three month ago and la in a glass coffin, so It can always be seen. Mltcbelwaa rich and these strange ar- rangementa were required by his will Clear to please every body. Prince of India, Cobanola, Haney Special, Aunt Hannah, A. to Z. Down Home. J. U. Parker Jr. . t The Ninth Cavalry waa ordered home from Manila Saturday, , , , ' ; The monitor Arkanaaa will be tamed over to the Government Sept. 6 at New port News, Va. j Boftu Items, n .. . I It... I . j. ar ft August 30. Mrs Iona Jones, who has i ' been spending the spring and aummer North, returned home Tuesday even . ing. - -:v juuj e Mlsaea Annie and Mary I PIgott .ol Strait are the guests of Mluei Eatelle , and Ellen Humphrey and Mr J A Pig ott and son Johnny, of 8tralta are visit ing friends and relatives here. : i . Mis. Maud Sander of Bogne, left Wednesday for New Bern and Trenton. Rev, F. B. Becton filled hi regular ap pointment at Bethlehem,- Sunday. Mr C P Snow preached for u Saturday and Sunday night, i HI many : friends were glad to hear him again, "i , ? . , ,v Mis Annie Plgott. of StralU la visit v tog iclatlvea here.. ; t ; i V ? Z. Mm. 1 ,Ione of New Haven Conn, bv,,f' her parent here and will lk '(lhu winter," '' ' Mr, K. K. I'rlngle, of Bogue, who, as haa been aald, has loft his aged wife was , seen Friday at Broad Creek going to ' ward Morehead City carrying with him .two anits of clothes. Hia wife It 88 years ' ' old.. It Is supposed he went to Flotlda. . ' Fodder aavlng haa been a perfect suo , ,' oeas thla acaaon, and our neighbors should be full of gratitude towards Providence for affording them each a ' snlendld year. -. W. L H. CASTOR I A , For Infitta arl CULIIz:a. Five hundred thousand dollars la gold were shipped frtm New Torfc Saturday to Buenos Ayrea. 1 , ' ; ' '. t I' ' For creating a disturbance, Mia. Car- Ma Nation, waa ejected front hotel at Bangor, ate., yesteraay. -- ; mi. t i e ;n.l.l..n.... am r auani ougu iwuiiiiia whmiji capital $8,000,000, waa Incorporated ia Ottawa, Out., Saturday by Claaa Sprock ets aad four assooiatea. . v Sheriff Biadle Fine Admialstra- To the Fabllc: I take pleaaure la stat Ing that Sheriff Blddle aa settled with the Comaaiaslonera for , the year 1901, and haa paid all that wa doe, the show ing made by the Sheriff, waa most excel lent.' He waa allowed 988 lnaolenta, while Kx-sheriff Haha who? wu considered a good tax collector was allowed la 1898 1S58 lnaolenta and la 1889, 1711 lnaolenta Sheriff Btdle haa a little more than one half aa many Insolvent aa wu allowed la 1809. Thla la a splendid administration of the office, a ke has oppressed no one but haa treated every one with the great eat consideration. . i; I makef, thla' atatement la justice to Sheriff EUJle. - , K. R, Joxaa, Chm. Board of County Oommlaslnera. Sept lat 1903. , For fine spring chlclena, call at the Oaks Market. - 3; HE TOOK' THE CARE. VHirr ( Willi Blaak, tha Hts- :, , . lat, amd ter Aittmn. One time when Mary Anderson waa bhvriaa In "The Wlnter'a Tale" In DubilB Wllaam Black, the- novelist. Who wao very Intimate with Mies An- deraon and her family, Insisted upon aaaumlng the part of one of the aupers, who waa dressed na n, very old man with a venerable beard and locka that feH upon his ahouldera. , When Black went upon the stage In thla disguise, he walked about among hla fellow aupers with unceasing roatleaanesa and, Jadalng by the wUd motion ot nia anna, aeemed to be aaareaaing to eacn In turn an Impassioned harangue. The audience began to wonder who the new actor waa and what on earth, be waa doing In a play In which neither Shakespeare nor the stage managers ever Intended him to appear.-.. Presently came tne time ,wnen it was the bualnees of Perdlta to distribute flowers among the peasant, among whom' Black had his place. - Miss An derson, carrying on the practical Jokes Of the family circle, had prepared a surprise for this moment; and, having distributed flowers among the leas fa vored supers, she banded to Black a large cake crowned with a wreath of laurel, saying as she dM so, "Xou take it," In allusion to hla triumpha In the contest of wtta at the aupper table. To her consternation, Black abowed that, he waa quite prepared to carry out the Jest, for, taking the cake from the bands of Perdlta, he Immediately dlatrlbuted It In aubetantlal portlona to hla hungry fellow aupers, who, finding It to be of excellent Quality, began to munch It greedily tinder the eyes of the house. Exchange. , ... Some Kir Water Melon. Lumber later- . cat. Booming. September L Quite a cool shift, and we all feel better. Our sick an all on the mend. Intact all out again except Mrs. L. M. Hobba, our preacher's wife aad aha la much better. Rev B H Matthews has moved In his new dwelling, tit Is nicely finished and finely painted, and the work all done by Rev Matthews himself except a few days work by helping outsider. Mr Mat thew.! a good carpenter, painter and builder, as well aa a preacher of the goe- pQ. He will open hie school- here soon In the Baptist Church. , Rev L M Hobba Iooka "klndet white washed" from hla sickness, but is ready tor bualnees again, he expects to com mence a protracted meeting here at his next appointment. MrTMWoodhull ia etlll under the weather, hla sick spell left him in bad shape and seems to be a century about letting him alone. Capt N 8 Moore continues quite feeble. Only a few visitors this week, most of them are drummers, begging our mer chants to please buy or we perish Mr Edwaad Holland went on the ex cursion to Aahevllle last week, and re ports a high old time. He says he saw the Elephant and,4001ba of live swans he says there Is a large swan farm there, Miss Eureka Toung left last week to go somewhere, we thought to Ashevllle, but It seems she didn't go there and now our people are wondering "where" she really did go. Miss Maggie Bell, sister of our towns man P. W. Bell, Is still sojourning here. Mr Joe J Loughlln, who has been visit ing here for two weeks, returned to his home in Wilmington last Friday, 39th ult. Mr. R. L. Williams and children of Portsmouth, Va., who have also been visiting parent and friends here, re turned home last Friday. Mr Fred Pitt man, her brother, accompanied them for a short visit Capt. Nicholas Weeks of Carteret Co. comes In with two monster water melons one weighing 61 pounds the other 78 pounds. Nick says they grew on one vine with 19 others. Schooner G. W. Anderson, Capt. Smith, in port, now loading with lumber She carries about 75,000 feet. Two other three-masters expected In tomorrow. The mill is on time sawing from 15,000 to 20,- 000 feet per day. The new mill Is fast nearing completion. Steam launch all through but putting in machinery. Machinery all ready here. ' ' Capt. M. E Bloodgood of the schooner Susla A. Bryant, left here last Sunday for Charleston, S. C, to engage In the rice trade this fall and winter. Mr. L E Rogers went with Capt. most to Charles ton, from there Emorey goes to Punta Gorda, Fla. to work at his trade, me chanic The artesian well dug here for the mill company is 100 feet deep. Miss Lulu Hateell our boss fish angler came, near losing her spurs the other day while throwing her trout line. She kinder caught a foul and instead of making a round with her two hooks In the water as usual, one hook caught her finger and the other : In the top of her head. Mis Lulu la usually very quiet and good, but on this occasion her vocal powers expanded powerful and some say her folks heard her yell fully a mile away, but all came off well after awhile no serious damage as the doctor's knife wu sharp. A Very Fleasant rarty. . Personal; Items . ef Interest Sept. 1. Mr. Harry Bryan and Mis Julia Sanderson of Pollocksvflle, are now visiting friends and relative In.and near thla place. Ml Lura Pelletler, who haa been vUltlngat Beaufort and Harlowe for quite a , while, returned home Friday. We are very glad to have her with u all again. Miss Maey Week 1 spending this week at Cedar Point, with her cousin, Mis Beatrice Weeka. Mlsa Nellie Barker returned from her uncle's, Mr. M. K.. Bablston, last week, accompanied by Mrs. Mettle Mints of Wilmington, and Master Jtoberl Babls ton of Belgrade. - ' , Little Elizabeth Morton of Bachelor, who is at her grandmother's, has been very sick with measles; but Is much bet ter now. Mr. Wlnfield Chadwlck of Beaufort, spent one night In our village last week. Mr. Thorns McGinn la having bis house repaired. It adds greatly to the looks of It. We are having aome lovely weather now. Still a little rain would be appre ciated much. Mr. J. W. Pelletler and family returned from Harlowe Friday, where they hare been visiting Mrs. Abagall Bell for the past week. They report a very pleasant trip. Miss Nellie Barker's birthday being Thursday, August 88, she gave a party to a few of her friends that night. Among them were, Misses Essie Hargett Macy Weeks, Temple and Dela Godwin: Messrs. Carlyle Weeks, Shonnle. Hargett Percy, Albert. George and Fred Mat tocks. About 10 o'clock they repaired to the elegantly decorated dining room where cake, syllabub and wine were served, which wss thoroughly enjoyed by all. One of the party being unable to partake of either the wine or syllabub was told a sour apple would make htm drunk. After supper they returned to the parlor where many games were played. Mrs. Cora Davis, the widow of the late Mr. Charles Davis of Morehead, is visiting relatives at this place. Mr. Bowden and Mr. Beaman of Pol- locksvlUe, Mr. Jenkins and Leb Gillette of Maysvllle, were visitors In this place Sunday, . - .. e ..... Mr. E. W, Bablston ot Jacksonville, Is here visiting relatives. Mr. Junius Koonce ot this place made a flying trip to Einston and New Bern last week. Contrast. A ; -1 - ,. . ; I..: ..i t-Z f '''' " 1 ' '' iT ' 1 " fl 1 ' .4p -I it a J Boot Pi' wm H For 10c Per Can. H . i , .- .. - -. , .-.., .. e Fox Ittyer Print and Fancy Elgin Butter only 80o lb. . New BbL Fulton'Market CornedBeef. Small .Pig Hams and. Breakfast Strips,' gU&JOured Smoulders and Uaaiornia JUama. ; -. ..- , Codfish, Irish. Potatoes and Onions, . , ; .. .. Grape Nuts. . ... . -- r-'---.. . Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar, Jiubbexs. -. . Potted and Canned Heats. Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Freeh Elgin Butter 80c lb. a tlttt Wholesale ft XSetaU ' (3lHM1. -fea, VI Ul bdVWkiliMI -'-' Z J. L. McMK 'Phone 01. 71 'llrGsk sC,: , Farmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST and Bring yotir Tobacco t0 ""Planters Warehouse NEW BERN, N. C.f which is always the place TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. i E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. MMmm' UNDER THE NAME OF J h n r 1- Quick Jutloe at Aseot. Not only the horses, but tho powers of the law, says the London Chronicle, are swift at Ascot, for the course bas a special tribunal for the punishment of evildoers. No sooner is tne pica- pocket, welsher or ticket snateher ar rested than he is standing in a (little room In the royal stand, where the ! evidence is heard and the verdict and sentence pronounced before the offend er fully realises that he Is caught No where else does punishment ao swiftly, follow crime as at this court, which la decreed by clause 81 of the indictable Offenses act of 184& ' This race course tribunal arose cu riously In the eighteenth century from an assault upon a royal personage. In his Indignation at the impossibility; of Instant punishment of the assailant, he (ordered that In future a magistrate U Drv Goods and Ladies and ChUdrena Fumishine Store, where mat should always attend the royallrace. , . n , ..,,. nanAai , v,a 1inAc. a oJ. t? ytpWhts'TV. T.rtW meeting. This - has ever since beea wv tiu;uu.s UwvU .Dv : Mu rv" ... .. .... ,, ..,...... 4..., We Have Opened at the Duffy Store' 61 POLLOCK STREET, done, and by the above mentloned.act PlilCiiS. ? 2tt?ZTZ i from the Northern Bhe Is all right agala and p,, eoonr ot Berka InKerdea 1 tho Fall Goods aw arriving dally. -sr ,.. j, .- ., ; ; v v. Markets and rears the Dont ft "1 to try c-r, i c-t Tea, it Is - aiaa with tfc rtaaia. The little old man fiddled very bard as be stood near tne curbstone in Twenty-third 'street The passersby looked at hlia curiously. Some of them smiled. No one gave him a penny. Presently he was seen to totter and then to fail, but he kept on fiddling Just the same, even when he lay prone upon hla back. A man helped htm to his feet. He never missed a note. A little boy who had been regarding him with keen interest went up to him. Suddenly the bow hung poised and motionless. The little old man had run down. The boy bought him for a quarter, however.' The vender showed htm bow to start the fiddle up again, and the two went off together, happy will go fishing tomorrow. Fishing In the surf for sea drum with hook and line is great sport now, that is to the man or woman that catches the drum, don't guess it is much sport to the drum. Mullet fish are coming in fast now, the fishermen are catching some fine ones. Some of the big seines have set no fishlne. via. Geonre Littleton, Mart Heady, O. Buckmasters and George Smith. We hear that Mr. O. W. Smith of the Hammock place has purchased and Is now putting up a new saw mill there, also a store with goods. He has a good fishery on his place too and has made A No. 1 crop thla year, Every body seems to be satisfied with their crop prospects this season though we see some of the cotton turning rusty of late. Schooner Carolyn, Capt. Nlc Moore Jr ot New River Is up on the ways for re pair at Foster's ship yard here, so Is the O. Hay and Joseph, both of the latter from this place. 2 "Baa Side." BRADHaM'S LAXATIVE CHILL and FEVER TONIO la a sure cure for Malaria In all its forms. It Is a general tonio and can be given to children to Improve and enrich the blood and regu late the digestive tract. Price 50e. No cure no pay, BRADHAM'S PHAR MACY. Prescriptions at Davis', it Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention la given them. Only the best drugs are' used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be filled. to enable him to Ascot noia WIS court ai n ;intawtinit;n aoll 1Tfn r!ifiTT StTRTfTTT.V .nil r,ni.nri. to all will commend itself to Bhrewd payers,, for we return to jou in Bmeorc Ike Bapvtaeas Habit. , nr5noa what, nfhom hnva fa maVa irnn now . fmt rr4r. n The art of laughter should surely, be r " " J"" v cuiuvated-in tact, au and everything high salaried book-keeper and bad accounts. that leada to. Joy. Tho wish to be , w , . happy, the love of gladness and beau- We cordially invite yon tcr inspect our stock before buying and ty, la, I am aure, a thing to be usino. promise you cheerful and polite attention and more than all Remember, kwuocuuuvij at ao nwui yatlon. Play is as essential a factor In tnen's Uvea as work. Philosophers tell-us that no man Uvea his ownllfe until he plays. Work comes, from the exigencies ot life, from the "musts'' of thia world, which often Dush a 'man along very different paths from 'those he would choose to travel byl(from in-1 cllnatlon or capacity. Play is, how- ever, his recreation, and here at bis leisure time comes out his whole soul. his nower of and choice of. play, his greater or lesser necessity for It, to re-1 cunerate ' mind and body from tne strain of dally work. Chnperone. T&e Ess Sells it tor Iiess. J. A. PATTERSON, C. S. HILL, ' managers. Maalolaal Brldearooma. An amusing story Is told of the crowning of a rose queen of a country, district near Paris. ; The selected aueen. as one of the formalities of awarding their dower, was asked by, the mayor for the name ot her fiance. I "I have none," she replied. ; Nouned that a sweetheart was Indispensable, the young lady added timidly, "I thought the - municipality provided everything necessary." Stralghtwaya Touns swain nresented nlmselftas an i aspirant, and, being aa promptly ac-J I eepted, all things became regular ana tat order. mm m rvn Cotton Dnnninn and ii wJ .,M For Roaches and Water Ens If y on are troubled with roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Paste. We guarantee it to give satisfaction and re iyOe We have in stock and to arrive 3,500 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties. ' v Send us your orders. Trices are the lcweBt. " ' has moved his Millinery Stock from - Tollock . , - Street to his store on Lllddle Street and la Clos ing out the same at GREATLY REDUCED prices. Special -Indt:cc:::c::t3 to r a r sr.-j i i v -u a 1 tt J.Xi. Vtr- fund t' e money if it does not. Price 25c r,..-.,n ar. 1 coii? T tt'l New Toi k Tress, WI'.