i!li$$IwCjS .::FW !' , III ll l III ii.il TOIDHI IXT. IIW Bill, CZAYII COU1TT, H. C, TRIDAT, SKPTIMBIS 5, 1902.-SICOHD SICTION. RUM BIB 45, IIIIST . IN COLLISION K'ectric Car GMesIiloIta Telt'i Carriaic-V 'Secrel Seryice Agent and Driver Killed. Governor Crane and Sec- rctary Cortelyon Injured. Special to Journal. '"' '; ; PrmnsLD, Mass, Sept. 3. In this city today, while crotsln$ tfce'car line, President Roosevelt's carriage wu track by an electric ear. - Becret Service Agent Craig was la stsntly killed. Driver Pratt's aknll waa fractured, . . . ''f'.'"' PrWate Secretary Corlelyou was cat and braised. Governor Crane of thli State was slightly Injured. ' ' The President fortunately escaped the accident with a few bruises, his face be ing badly scratched, N ease River Piling Up. Special to Journal. . ' Ralkiob, Sept. 8. The ralna laat night and today make the' Neuse river' near hero higher than It has been since last winter. Foreman Items." . Sept. 1 Foreman la a new poet office recently established In Carteret ' county, ten miles north of Beaufort, near the bead of Core Creek, v " j s Several little enterprises have recently sprang up here, and we hope to have a nice little village, in the near future. For miles around Foreman, ft Is thick ly settled by a thrifty intelligent class of farmers whose neat and comfortable homes and surroundings will , compare favorably with any other section in Eastern Carolina. v A dally Rural Free (fall Delivery route has been promised to ran from Beaufort by this place, and oat to North River, which will be of vast benefit to this country, V '-'l S ftl, The Disciples have recently con ducted a series of meeting on North River, resulting In the conversion of several persons, who were baptised, Bun day. The services were ' conducted by Revs.' J T Moore and J R JennetU ' The Union meeting of the Free Will Baptists at Oyster Creea, Friday, Satur day and Sunday, was very largely at tended, especially so Sunday. ' . A sudden death occurred in this com munity last Thursday, Mr. 9 T Guthrie an aged and respected citizen was found dead In his room. About 19 o'clock, noon Mr Guthrie's family called him to dinner and he falling to respond, search u made and he was found lying oa a bed In his room, his spirit' gone. Mr Guth rie was about 70 years of age, and his death waa supposed to have been caused by heart disease. Cotton is opening in f this .neighbor hood very rapidly, and the fields are ready for the pickers. , Messrs. Robert Wynne and BH Bor den of Craven county were la our - com munity Batarday, attending the funeral of Mr. Guthrie, (Uncle Ben, as he is called.) The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. J. R. Jennett. w ..:;..' WANTED STonng mea. from Craven - County at once to prepare for Positions In the Government Service. Apply to later-State Corres. Inst., Cedar Rapids, la. , fa j i jH f i I'rj Reelsboro Items.' 1 " September 8 -We are having very frne weather now, and a nice little shower of rain would be Tory exceptable at pres ent VH Vll " . Mi. It. II. Barrow moved Into his new dwllliiK lael wcefi.,.v , ' Mix KliWHle Lee, of New Bern, 'who husbu'O vtMilug her friend aud rela tive!, jtl'tlfl-i plur left fur hr-r 'home last Bondty - " , . Mr. JT W. Nil on lift last Monday for Wilmington where he will visit friends and wlaUveSy f f, yr ,j iiyt,i;'$" Miss Eva Brlnaon of this place left last Monday for King's Basinets Col lege, Raleigh, N. C, where she will take a full course In book keeping and typs writing.' 1 ' ' Miss Maggie Brlnson has gone to New port i Carterot county, where she will visit friends. , ," " ' ' ' "Bftown Ktbs CASTOR I A For Infants and Cliliren. Tts K!J Yc3 hm3 C. ..t T?r the TELEGJtirBld fiREYTTIES. Mount Pelee's second eruptloa which has tasted nearly week and is still ac tive, has kitted more than 1,000 persons. The Pop has appointed the Rt Rev. John X. Farley tote ArcabUoopof New Tork to succeed the late Arch Wsbop Corrlgan. - Teddy, Jr." ton at President Roose velt, is hunting In the mountains of Colorado. The cotton crop of Texas for this year wu 1,907,250 bales, a decrease of 801J0S7 over last year. - The era leer Detroit, which has been rebuilt at Portsmouth, N. H, will be pat In commission September 28. Anew comet has been discovered by Pref. Pen ale, of the Lick observatory, CoL It la not visible without a teles oopa. t .' Eighteen vessels were driven ashore oa Sunday at Port Elitabeth, Cape Col ony, Africa, Ave being dashed to pieces and the crews lost Infuriated at being -ejected from the grounds, Jerry and Dangerfleld Ware, oolored, emptied their revolvers into a crowd of dancers at Hopklnsvllle, Ky., killing one man and fatally Injuring two, after which they escaped. ,"" A general strike along the water front Is expected at Buffalo, N. Tn because of the tugs being operated by non-union In aa affray over money at Ban Fran cisco, Cal., yesterday one Japanese wu killed, two Injured and Policeman Akers badly shot. A steam launch carrying tea persons wu capsized yesterday at Albany, N. Y. two of the occupants being missing and supposedly drowned. Hesitating a moment before plunging from Brooklyn Bridge, yesterday, Albert H. Johnson, of Boston, Mus., wu caught by a policeman and arrested. GALILEE. , Sept. 4. Farmers are busy saving fod der. - - " . Cotton picking will soon be the work for the children. t . ' . Mr J W Everington has began picking cotton. ::, :,.: .". A strange colored man who said nls name wu George Archbell applied at several houses to be kept over night one night last week but wu refused at all of them. He would only go to houses where white people lived. It wu re ported that he killed a man In Hyda county. ; The primaries were going red hot for Ernul and Green at Trutts yesterday. Messrs J A Everington and R C Wayne returned from Arapahoe last 8unday where they reported the Union meeting which they attended Interesting and successful '": Bmn. v- .g- ia " JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the but. Middle street . v - ELECTION BOARD MEET Rcflslrar (and Judges For Election oa .'?' Hovember Foartti named. ' The Election Board of Craven County met In the county courthouse in the City of New Bern Sept. 1st, 1008. A majority of the board being present to wit, O. E. Foy and Mark Dlsosway, they prooeded to organise by electing C. S. Foy Chair man and Mark Dlsosway, Secretary. The election of Registers and Judges for the election to be held on Tuesday after the 1st, Monday in November IMS wu pro ceded with them the following were eleoted.' .;-;',:t-.-;. t Vanceboro-;D.;p. Whltford, Regls trarf Wm. Cleve, B. F. Dlnklna, Judges. Maple Cypress E. F. Adams, Regis trar, Wiley Causey, Joe Frank Gautuer, Judges; .s s. v:ti s v", Traits Wm. D, Whltford, Registrar W. H. Whitehorst, W. K. Rowe, Jud ges.! i ;? it -v - ;: Dover W. B. H. Blandford, Registrar Wm, Tyndal, L. H. Outlaw, Judges. . Core Creek J. B Robinson, Registrar, N. B. Ipock, 8. L White, Judges. . Ft Barnwell B B Wooten, Registrar, John 8 W Fearce, H L Wooten, Judges. Taylor's Store Joshua Adams, Regis ! trar, Ed Bangert, J A Morton, Judges. 'Lees Farm H A Marshall, Registrar; , J H Hunter. V A Tolson, Judges. -.Thurman J C McGowan lrH' Regis trar: B W Ives, J B Bunight, Judges. , , 1st Ward R R Hill, Registrar; Waa. Ellis, T A Henry, Judges. tnd Ward H L Hall, Registrar, S K Bryan, S W Carpenter, Judges, 'i Ird Ward E B Street, Regtatrar-r Ed. Clark, J TJ Smith, Judges. 4th Ward J. H. Smith, Register; J, M. Hargett, William Lorch, Judges. Bern Precinot Walter Fulford, Reg istrar; J. W. Dukes, i W. X. McKoy Judges, ' illiK Pleasant HOI Daniel Lane, Registrar; John French, A.W.Ipock, Judges. . . Juper W. T. B. Lane. Registrar;' Ed Wadsworth, W, T. Wseka, Judges. Tlsdales Rayner Perry, Registrar, Walter Bray, D. R, WMlams,' Judges.' .; . '" C, E. FOT, . '?: ;'','- Si,-. C&slrsiaji. . UAKI DnCSWAY. r'zrj; ' ' tuusn. Tie Income Tax Decision On Federal Jadxes. Sereaty-twa and Thlrty-algkt Marry Tha Halifax Islepeaient Mtva- eat. Military Company 1 Ta Keargaalxe. Seatk ' i Dtlata fait BUMat, Bepi, JtAX the Methodist Orphanage here this afternoon Rev J. W. JUna,tU superintendent, and Miss Mattfb B. Atwater, Its matron, were mar ried,Rev.Dr.T..Ivey,the editor of the Chrlatian Advocate, performing the ceremony. The executive committee of the trustees of the orphanage were pres ent It Is Rev. Mr. Jenkins' fourth mar riage. He la 79 years of age. His bride is 88 and la from Chatham county. It does not appear that there Is the leut prospect of forcing Judge Purnell to pay Income tax on his salary. A year ago. In a ease Involving the point, At torney General Gilmer gave an opinion that the Income tax could not In such a case be collected.. He spoke of this to day and said ha would stand by his opinion. Biz convicts, all negroes, and none for a longer term than seven years, arrived at the penitentiary today. , Sheriff House, who brought these con victs, when asked what wu the charac ter and extent of the independent move ment, In Halifax said ha did not con sider It a large movement, but regretted to see it, u It marked the formation of a white Republican party there. The conference of the Governor, the attorney general and J. E. Shepherd and George Rountree, the associate counsel, for the Bute In the South Dakota bond suit case, continued today. President Winston of the Agricultural and Mechanical college, says the number of incoming students is so great that he now thinks It will exceed by 100 his es timate. This means he thinks it will reach 600. The Democratic campaign rally opened yesterday, although there had been speeches made here and there for some time. It appears that the United States Sup reme Court hu in two- cases decided that the salary of a federal Judge wu not subject to State taxes An effort is now being made to reor ganize the company of the State Guard at Wilson, recently disbanded on reoommendatlon of the Inspector general.' - n VANCEBORO. September 4. Rev. Mr. Ener closed his protracted meeting here last Wednes day night. There wu no addition to the church. We are having very dry and warm weather now vegetation is suffering for rain . ; .:.- .... ' Mr T 8 Jackson hu recently purchas ed the store know u the "Cleve's stand" at the foot of the bridge and Is having It repaired. Mr B F PInklns spent Monday In Washington.. . Miss Lizzie Bmith left Tuesday morn ing for Greenville where she will visit a fewdsvs. f Mr 8 J Lane spent Tuesday In Wuh tngton. . ' i Miss Helen Smith returned from New Bern Tuesday. She hu been attending the Teacher's Institute which wu In ses sion last week- "' -'"'' r; , ' Mrs Laura Sparrow of Florida Is visit ing at Dr. B. 3. 8mHh. ; r Mlu Dallas Dinklns went toOlympla Sunday morning and returned In the afternoon, - Miss Eva Williams and sister Mabel of Greenville la Jvisltlng ' friends and rela tives here. - Miss Helen Harris Is visiting her father this week at Grantaboro. ' Misses Etta and Nora Lancuter Is vis iting their . lister . Mrs Lela Lathing- house. , The high prices paid for tobacco are causing the farmers to be busy carryidg tobacco to Market. ' Messrs D 8 Lancuter, 8 J Lane, Cleve Williams and L II Lancuter attended the game of ball tn New Bern last Thurs dsy.- For fine spring chickens, call at the Oaks Market. Lak ttoLli-.aa'4 Watc;-. Ixil.e Slk-!a. mi jiiiH uo yln' k Inlet Where, tlwu. osit lt ifpleulsh nient? t'roiit lii Korky iiioutitiilM. . Through rents ami orovletn, down. In to caver nn at the roots of Wwms moun tains, pour ever the waters from melt ing snow. Four thousand feet they sink, to strike a gravity Incline that levels with their floor under Chicago. Under that city and elsewhere on the west side of Lake Mtchlgan-tbls the proved theory, theory as good aa proved the snow covered Rocky mountains are constantly sending their iwatera to supply flowage and evapora tion that are aver going forward tn the watery expanse. Wa are still selling meat at U) per pound, not SOo u reportedOaks Market--':'.''-':-: , : Dont fall to try our, 40; cent Tea, It Is a goer and pleues them all at J. R. Par ker Jr.- ? ".-?.; r , , :., ., lea ley's. Cream. Soda today) at llcCdr- RiLEIGH. Two Thirds Cotton Crop In Wake County. Resabllesn IleadeaarUrs at Greens bora. Farmers State Asso ciation Meetlag a Fail ure. Cue af Small Fox Bevenne Cellectors Appointee:. IULiion Sept 4 It Is said by farmers in this county that the cotton crop will certainly not be over what wu expect ed 90 daya ago. Republican Bute headquarters will be established again at Greensboro Septem ber IS, by Bute Chairman Prltchard. The number of students at the Agri cultural and Mechanical College today Is Mid to be 475. Revenue Collector Duncan today ap pointed Bpence Taylor of Pittsboro and J. T. Fogleman of Burlington deputy collectors. It Is said that nover before were so many springs and small streams dry In this section. Wells here In a great many cases deepened. Large creeks are in some cases south of here dry. There were only about 8 persons pres ent at the Farmers State Association meeting yesterday. 1 1 wu a flat failure The farmers will not turn out to attend these voluntary meetings. The only thing to do is to effect an organization by counties, these organizations to send delegates to the State organization, but the latter not to control the county or ganizations. The reason for this Is that it is feared that a complete and powerful State organization might drift Into poli tics just as the Farmers' Alliance. These are the views of a well known agriculturist who has given the .matter thought, and he adds not only by means of such county organizations of farm ers cause farmers' Institutes be made to reach the people and be of real val ue. A case of small pox Is at the pest house. It is the first since Msy, 1901. Thr new pest house was built lut win ter. The patient is a small merchant named Green. E3 Gov. Aycock and Auditor Dixon spoke today at an educational rally and political gathering at Wendell, this county. ... TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The U. S. cruiser Brooklyn ran on a rock near the Rhode Island coast and wu Injured considerably. She will be in need of repairs. Because he Interferred and attempted to stop a fight CoL W. J. Bryan wu as sailed by a drunken man at Lincoln, Neb., and would have been stabbed. Bryan's superior strength saved him from Injury. The Johnson forces In Ohio are having things their own way and Tom L. John son is being boomed u presidential can didate. The State Democratic ticket is headed by Rev. Herbert S. Bigelow, a Congregational minister of Cincinnati ' Government receipts for August were $48,605,813; expenditures, $43,118,610, The fish pack in Oregon 18 899,600, cases, a 40 per cent shortage because ef strikes. Four trainmen are dead as the result of a collision on the Rook Island Road near Birmingham Mo. . Reports of suffering from starvation on the Navajo Reservation at Fort De fiance, N. M. are unfounded. A pusenger train met a freight run ning at high speed on the Wabash ,at Peru, Ind., yesterday, but the enginemen miraculously escaped .without a scratch '7- ; , ' ' . a ' ' " l Two Italians may die as the result of a fight la a speak-euy at Dillonvale, O, yesterday, the place resembled a slaughter-house when tho fire combatants were carried out. , - " j ;:';..';!!':;:'5 Howard xiggiestion me autnor oi many books for young people died at his summer house nesr Lake George, Vt, Wednesday. Meeting Democratic Executive Commute. ; The Democratic Executive Committee of Craven County is hereby called to meet In the county Court House In the city of New Bern on Saturday, Sept. 6, 1903 at 11 a. m., for the purpose of can vassing the returns of the Primary held on Sept. 8, 1903, and for any other busi ness that may come before the commit tee. : Hxkkt R. Bbxan, Jb., Chmn. . B. G. Cbkdu, Bec'y. Brick Brick wa are agents for the Kinston-Clark Brick and Tile Co., it will pay you to see us before baying else where, prices and quality J. R. Parker Jr. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be C"e3. "PE-MJ-NA NECESSARY TO THE HOME, Bj rrofcTalftwr gmltk,f Georgia. Professor TaUourd Smith, Principal Slloam High School, Siloam, Ga., writes : "With much pleasure X reoommend Peruoa to all who may be suffering with any trouble of the respiratory organs. X have been using It in my family for the put five or six years and find It to be almost a household neoeaslty. Peru am It tmtyagrmad catarrh remedy and general tonic and will do all that It claimed tor U by the manufacturers." PROP. TALFOURD SMITH. Catarrh la inflammation of the mucous membrane. It may be In the mucous membrane lining the eyes or the pelvlo organs, throat, stomach, liver, bowels or kidneys. Catarrh Is catarrh wherever looated, Parana cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna is an internal remedy; not a local application. Catarrh Is a systemic disease, not a local disease. If Peruna will cure catarrh in one place it will cure It In any other place, because Peruna is a systemic rem edy. It reaches the disease through the circulation in each organ. It eradicates the disease by eradicating it from the system. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of1 your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad' vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. FARMERS WELL PLEASED. They Sell Their Tobacco and Go Home Satisfied. ., There were excellent tobacco breaks at the Planters ware house yesterday and the farmers all expressed entire satisfaction at the prices received. They say that when the New Bern market will compete for patronage u it hu done this summer and give prices equal to the Klnston market they prefer trading at New Bern. The sale at the Planters yesterday amounted to 15,000 pounds, and some farmers walked off with checks for $200 No wonder they are pleased. Among the farmers who disposed of of their goods were, B F Eubanks, F W Hargett,TTMcCabe,BJ Willis, E Avery, Aaron Ipock, Nathan Wallace, C C Ipock, J E Avery, Asa Simpson, Red ding Jones, J H Gouts, J H Stevenson, M F Barrlngton. BRADHAM'S LITER and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and can be given to very old people and children. Mild In action, their effect is far-reach' ing. No pain or discomfort follows their use. ; They . have been called "Health's 1 Housekeepers," which quite true. Does your liver hurt you f Better try these pills. Price 25c. at BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Marriage atbive. : Cove, September 8. This evening at the Baptist church here, Mr. John M. Charlton, of New Bern led to the altar, Miss Hattie White, a noted beauty and daughter of Mr. Fred Wt White of this place. Rev. Newton officiated. The al tar wu beautifully decorated with rare flowers, and the church wu crowded with interested friends and spectators to witness the beautiful ceremony. ' The groom entered with his best man, Mr. Joe Robinson, of Cove, and Joined the bride at the altar. The fair bride entered with Miss Hattie Taylor of Cove. She was elegantly gowned la white silk and lace with veil caught with a crescent of diamonds and Utiles of the valley. She carried a large bong quet of bricks roses. Mlu Hattie Tay lor, Maid of Honor ' wore whita French organdie, and white picture hat, and car ried a boquet of la franco roses. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to Mr. White's home,' where the bride changed her attlra for a handsome trav ellng gown, and many friends accompa niedthem to the depot. ' They left on the Eut bound train for their home in New Bern.' : v ' " The accomplished Miss Bertha Tucker of New Bern wu here yesterday. ' The new residence of Mr. W. T. Mc Coy on Eden street Is nearing comple Hon. ' " 1 . ' " Hkhoh. ' For Roacnes and Water Bars. If you are troubled with roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Puts. We guarantee It to give satisfaction and re fund the money If It does not. Price 23c Davis' Pharmacy. -".v v BRADHAM'S LAXATIVE CHILL and FEYER TONIC Is a sure cure for Malaria In all Its forms. It is aeoneral tonic and can be given to children to Improve and enrich the blood and regu late the digestive tract. Price 60c No cure no psy. 3 AD3 AITS Til. PEOP. TAXFOUHD SMITH, NICE LOT Ho. 1 Shore Fresh Cream Cheese. Balogna Sausage. ' ' Small Iig Hams, English Cured Shoulders, Breakfast Stripa. Fresh lot Fancy Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. Ileinz'a Pickles both sour and sweet. , ; Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Potted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef. Fresh lot Cottolene. Force, Cream of Wheat and Na Bob Pan Cake "Flour, Freeh Oat Flakes and Grits. ' Fresh Prunes. Full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. 1 'Phone 01. i RAINY DAY 58 inch wide 58 " 29 it mackburril MS JDSf llffli I I Children's Red Shoes Jiist Received a Size 1 to 6 at Size 6 to 8 at ! n n a n nn! : I M I II I - nnnimry. J J. BAXTER has moved his Millinery Stock from Pollock ' , Street to hia store on Middle Street and is Clos- . ' Jng out , the same at GREATLY REDUCED ; J PRICES. Special Inducements to Milliners. i iv ':i i t Hi m Under the name of The Bee Hire we have opened at the Duffy Store, 61 Pollock Street, a Dry Goods and Ladies and Childrens Fur- nishing Store, where may be found everything needed , in those lines and at EXTREMELY . LOW PEICES. . .. . " -, ; . Our buyers have just returned from the Northern Markets' and the Fall Goods are arriving daily." I " , "-'" . Our determination to sell FOB , CASH STRICTLY and one price to all will commend Itself to shrewd buyers, for we return to you in prices what others have to malxo you pay t forriz: a high salaried book-keeper and bad ccccu.r. ii v wmuuij muw jua iu iudjcvi uur iwt ucioro uuyii! anil promise you cheerful and polite attention and more than all Eemcmlcr. The' Bee Hive sells it for less." j " ; ' - ; ' Mackerel Just Received r aS Whole-sale & Retail 71 Broad UU SKIRT GOODS i at $1.50 .60 M New Line, o o 50c. 75c. a ' K )1 if ' . "M ',!s,' tit"

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