THE -WEEKLY JOURNAL .atahUsfcee m KtJukM la tx Sfcffafttii, SVery Tntml ay sad Friday, at N Middle whs Bern, N. C.; KCHARLE5 L. STEVENS,! drob in noninoi, . RUBSHRTPTION RATES:? Two Months. 85enta. iniwe aionuie,.,u Biz Months 60 1 WWII BHUUit tMtttitfiiVV I ONLY IN ADVANCE,) - AdTertiiinjr rates furnished apo ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by maiL tVTba JOCBM4L ii only sent oa pey- In-edvaiice basis. Burjsenrjere wui receire notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an immediate response to notice tn.l be appreciated by "the Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern it. (X ai second-class matter. Section Two, Friday Sept. 6. 1902 1 NOW FOR MORE BUSINESS! BTLe Fall months are here, the summer with Its heat and desire for rest and ease has passed, and It should be the desire and purpose of every merchant, every business man, and every citizen, to wake up and do everything possible I i . I . 1 A that of this city, generally, for with the proper Individual effort, not only la In dividual benefiggalned, but community benefits as well. The greatly Increased tobacco receipt, are already being felt, in their sttmu' lstlng effect on local trade. Cotton has commenced to be marketed as yet but slowly, but It will soon be arriving in quantity to be appreciably felt, and the local trade will be greatly increased through the sales of cotton during the next few months. These are but two products, but with good crops of other kinds, the local trade outlook Is most promising, and it can be greatly increased if each and every citizen will assist by word and ef fort, to encourage the marketing of pro ducts in this city, by proving to the out sider and the farmer the advantages of the local market. The time to promote and Increase Fall and Winter business and trade in New Bern, is now I WHOLESOME SCHOOL HOUSES. In this beginning of another school year, too much effort cannot be given to making attractive the school house, in terior and exterior. However well supplied the school room may be In its books, and In a teacher of ability, if there be nothing at tractive In the surroundings, if the walls are blank, the ceiling dirty and filled with cob webs, the seats without backs, and the desks mere bare tables, with such unattractive surroundings the best of teachers cannot make educational progress, as he or she could with attrac tive surroundings. And the really wholesome school house Is within the reach, means and ability to create, of the people of every school district. ? Then are children who win gain knowledge regardless of difficulties and surroundings. But to the many who may desire knowledge, Its attainment may not be so ? ' i f ' An education simply from books is one thing, while there is an education gained both through books and by sur rounding objects. It is the early impressions which are so Impressive, so lasting, and so valua ble In the education of the chili, hence the need that the child shall le early surrounded with every thing possible that It attractive and wholesome. The effort that might be necessary In each school district, to add to the at tract) veness of the school house, would find Its return a hundred times, In to added interest and Increased attendance of the scholara.for the wholesome school house will both attract the chUdresvtjad hold them, making the matter ef educa tion more easy for teacher and ptt- plV' . .. i - , ,. Let the people of every school district seek to make and have their school house wholesome-one. ' . : ' ", PRESIDENTIAL UTTERANCES ARE EFFECTIVE. The; trip of President Roosevelt through the New England States, and his public speeches, have three fold ad vantages, the masses of the people can - see and hear their Chief Executive; the r?ubl!can party ean get political clues from his utterances;, and the opposite pu"tical party can secure campaign ma te ' J from his speeches. "j Tuu'ng everything into consideration, t' 9 rm'Jentl&l trips and speeches jf h' aents for the people's good. tiaf 'te. X r i ud lesetiU tiis ciuUnce which might at timet seem to exist between the voter, and the man who has bee elected to a high office by the voter. , h brings into keener realization end appreciation to each citizen, who may coma lato dote contact with the Presi dent, the fact that the man before the citlaea is personally hit President, aa well a the rest el the people's. And there la no withstanding the effect which a President's public utter ances have, both upon the people whom he to addressing, and the rest of the peo ple who read his address the next day. It Is strictly American, this respect shown the President and his public ut terances. Men msy differ with the President in politics, but let the President visit any section of this county, and he commands not merely the courtesy and hospitality of the people he visits, but his utter ances receive the utmost respect from all whom he addresses. It is this which makes a great nation, this respect for those in high authority, and the mingling by those in high offi cial positions, even a President, among the people, causes the people's represen tatlves to better respect the great mas ses to whom they owe their high post tions. $100 Reward, ioo. The readers of thU paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of tea tlmonlals. Address, F. 8. CHENEY & Co.,Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c.; Hall's Family Pills are the best.: They Dua'l Speak Now. Kitty Kiwi culk-d me a dream last evening. Bertha How funny! It wag only last week Fred was telling nie what awful dreams he had. Boston Tran script A Snseeatloa. Belle He has money, you know. Emma Yes, I appreciate that fact, but bow am I to live happily with a man who is my inferior? 'Don't let him know it" Life. Wrong Proportloaa. "He offered her his hand and for tune." "Did she accept?' "No; the first was too large end the Second too small!" Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat. Eczema, and ail skin dis eases. For sale by F. a Duffy. To Snftea Walrr. A simple cxiRiliifdi for softening the water one washes In as well as giving it a pleasant and most refreshing scent la to drop- the rind of an orange or lem on (the latter is best) into the bedroom Jog over nlgbt. It acts as a splendid kin tonic. Earth's laterter Heat. If we could penetrate the earth s sur face to a distance of two miles, -ire srould find the place where water could not exist except In the state of steam. The Scst Prescription for HalarU. Chilli and Fever to a bottle of Gbovs's Tabtilxbs Chtxl Tosia It to simply iron and quinine in tasteless form. No cure no py. Price 60c Sa IMr-ia aa-Fa Slgaala. The cries of sea birds, especially sea gulls, are very valuable an fog signals. The birds cluster together on the cliffs and coast, and their cries warn boat men tbat they are near the land. Some yean ago in the Isle of Man there was fine for shooting them. - OAB-POniA. feats tU , yTI tM Ym Him hrar BotgM Faaklaa. Fashion was the old name for a cer tain disease of the horse. It to alluded to In "The Taming of the Shrew," There Petruchlo's horse to said to be Infected with the fashions." - The complaint to a- common one now, but not among horses. ' . Tfca Iaraeat laaaet. - i The stick: Insect ef Borneo, the lar gest Insect known, to sometimes thir teen Inches long. It Is wingless, but some species of stick Insects have beautiful colored wings that fold like tana. .- . A Boy's Wild Ride For Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery , for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown of Leesvill, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma, bat this wonder ful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. He writes; "I now sleep soundly every night" tike marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis,' Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Qusranted bottles Co sni ?1.C3. Trial bottles free at C D r " ' -'.'S store. Dyspepsia Curo Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the dlgesUnta and digest all kinds of food, ltgivea Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By 1U use many mousanas or aysDenucs nave been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of ras on tba stom ch, relieving all distress afWr eating. Lneting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help bat da yon nood Pwpairdoaljrba RCH PsWmatOovOhleasS law $L bulUe cuatalDS S Unws Um Mo. atM. v h. ncrrr a co. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Carlisle B. Graham the only man who haa successfully swsm the whirlpool ra pids at Niagara made the seventh trip through the rapids Sunday. Rebellion in many of the interior Chinese provenoes to spreading and foreigners are Jn danger of their lives The annual convention of letter car riers is In session at Denver, Col. Gen. Elix Torrance, Commander la Chief of the Grand Army of the RepubJ lie has Issued a lengthy circular to the Grand Army asking them to contribute to the Confederate home now in process of erection at Mission Creek Ala. A new trouble that has arisen in rela tion to the strikes in Pennsylvania and West Virginia Is the desertions of the soldiers. Quite a number have left their commands, presumably out of sympathy with the strikers. According to statements made by prominent men a speedy settlement of the coal Btrike Is looked for. The estimated loss involved In the Pennsylvania coal strike ls said to he In round numbers, $100,000,000. King Victor Emanuel of Italy Is on a visit of state to .the Emperor of Ger many. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Having distressing pains in bead, back and stomach, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead, of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon felt like new man." Infallible In stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at CD. Bi ad ham's drug store. Dr.iBcnbow.Dcad. ; ; Special to Journal. Raleigh, September 2. Dr. D. W. C. Benbow, for fifty years one of the lead ing men in this .State, died at his home in Greensboro today, aged 73 years. He had been ill for the past year. A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine is a disap pointment, but yon don't want to purge strain and break the glands of the stom ach and bowels. Dewltt's Little Early Klaers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat ter and do It so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver, (Cure biliousness, torpid liver and prevent fever. F 8 Duffy. Mea and Horaes. The strength of two horses equals that of fifteen men. Diphtheria. Emphasis Is laid upon the necessity of watching closely for the first flutter ing of the pulse In diphtheria. Such a fluttering predicts dangerous heart failure. . , , Heavy Weaettasr ftlaars. On the upper Kongo wedding rings are made of brass and worn round the neck. They sometimes weigh thirty POundS. - ' Prickly heat cured In one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Eczema, ' Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cats, Burns, Old Sores, and all skin ' troubles in a short time, when used as directed, f For sale at F. & Duffy's Drug Store, , A French gentleman, rescued from a ducking In the river and taken to an adjacent tavern, was advised to drink a tumbler of very hot brandy and wa ter and thus addressed the waiter who was mixing It: ' ' - - "Sir, I shall thank you not to make It a t ortniKht, ' : - . . "A fortnlghtr repUed Joe. "Hadn't you better take it directly?" . ' "Oh, yes,', said monsieur, "directly, to be sure, but not a fortnightnot two week." Boys of the Empire. , ;. Not Doomed For Life. "I was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McCoa. nellsville, 0 J'for Piles, end Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks.". Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Bores, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at C D. Bradham's drug store. ; ' IkvWH Martnv ' ; Father (left in charge) No, you can not have any more cake. (Very serf ouslyjf Do you know what I shall have to do If you go on making that dread ful noise T ' v1 - j Little Girt (sobbing) lee. " ,, ) Father-Well, what to that? , ; Little Girl Give me some more cake! And she was quite right, . v r , . Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff t .i all skin diseases. Forsale atF. P. r ..rys, ' IIIDEFIIIDEHT GBC.7T.1 Causing Concern Amont Democratic .V Leaders. Iaeeme Tax Matter. Electric Lights Removed Front Confederate Xeaantesi.' Stadeats Ar - . riving. State Fair. Loss From Drought. RaunoH, September 3. The greater part of the talk among Democrats now is regarding the Independent movement Ii oat of them minimize, but others recog nlxeitasa very unfavorable sign. A gentleman from Halifax says it is worse there than to admitted. Of course the promoters of this movement are delight ed. They bane their hopes also upon the independent convention or mass meeting for this county (Wake) which is to be held there next ttaturday. The Republicans also have their eyes upon the movement. Some of their leaders admit that tbla It their hope to divide the white vote and let the negro stay outside the lines. The need for rain la certainly as great now in moat of North Carolina as at any time during the year, perhaps greater. This is saying a great deal, but the best farmers hold this view. It ia really a critical position. The loss to farmers by the drought and the cold nights dur ing the last half of August reaches far Into the millions. The State tax commission today took up the matter of the listing of income tax in this county. It is said that the same course will be pursued In various other counties, in eacn case the tax-list' era being summoned with their books The hearing today was the first of the kind ever held, and was of particular interest because it brought up the ques tion whether the salaries of federal officials are liable to this Income tax. The tax Haters for Raleigh township cited to appear before the commission did so, E. J. Boat appeared as attorney for Judge Purnell and other Federal offi cers, lie argued Purnell was exempt from the income tax under article 3 of the constitution of the United States, which aays the salary of a United States Judge shall not be 'diminished during his term of office. He' further took ground, that this applied to all Federal office holders. The commission this evening decided that any and all persons are liable for tax on incomes In excess of a thousand dollars, except such as are derived from property taxed, this including Judge Purnell and all other Federal officials. The unsightly electric lamps which since 1895 have stood at the base of the Confederate monument in capltol square were today removed. They were never lighted and the rust of the iron was fast staining the fine granite of the base of the monument. Yesterday and today students poured in here, to attend the female colleges and the Agricultural and Mechanical College. About 000 have so far arrived. All the colleges are full. Last term was a very .prosperous one and the one now beginning is up to tbat high mark. The work of preparation for the State Fair here in October Is very active. All the indications are for the best fair ever held.. The financial success during the past three years haa put the Fair on a high plane. It will be a "clean", show this year. The outcry against last year's gross Indecencies on the "Midway" has had the happiest effect, and the show people who gave those miserable perfor mances are to be vigorously excluded from the grounds. . ' The State haa so far this year char tered nine new cotton mills, which to re garded as a good record. - - , " CAUTION! This to not a gentle word but when you think how liable you are not to pur chase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had ths largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung trou bles without losing Its ereat popularity all these years, you will be thankful we call ed your attention to Boschee's German Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made, by druggists and others that are cheap and good . for light colds perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bronchi tis, Croup and especially for Consump tion, where there to difficult . expectora tion and coughing during the nights and mornings, there to nothing like Ger man Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world. . ... G. G. Gkeen, Woodbury; N. J; : KotcI Mh firios Apparato. If nil tlint Is cltilmed for the new life saving apparatus, constructed by a Ge neva citizen be true.' ri'e mny expect that in the iiwr . future uo wrecks, however disastrous, will have a fatal Issue. , The novel . npparntus to cou Btructed after the manner of a diving suit, of which the legs are weighted. It is rendered so buoyant with air chambers that hn if tho body remnlns above water,-and outside pockets nre provided to hold a lamp, matches, food, a trumpet and a weapon to ward oft the attacks of large fish. Pall Mall Gazette, ! '"c-i' 'v,,:. : Lingering; Summer Colds. , Don't let s cold run at this Reason. Summer colds are (be hardest kind to eure and if neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Congh Cure will : brei-k up the attack at once. Safe, sure, .acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Tho children liko it. F. S. Duffy. A Typhoid FeTer-Rule For Its Pre- - v " - . . ' Tcatioa. 7! p Typhoid Pem to present la seventy five of the ninety counties reporting for July. It ts therefore widely prevsleat la our State. It to a eoauaaatoaue dla easereadiag frees eee ease le another, though generally in aroaadaboet fash ion. Its extemsloa oaa he sweated ky the careful observance of evtala simp) roles. For Ue lafonaaUoe of the pee. pie we gtve these 'raise, preceded by a statement of Ue reasons ipoa which they are based.' If read and heeded by even a few some lives would be saved and much sickaees would be prevented. Read them and tell about them. The active agency In the eausuatloa of typhoid fever to a bacterium, the bacillus tvphosus. which attacks and causes the ulceration of oertaia glands In the small trite tin enveloping Inertia by myrlada. Thev are therefor te bt fooaa chkay In the bowel dischargee, altaesgh present also In the excretion of the kidneys ana to some extent In the expeotoratton or a person sick with the disease. From one of these sources, nearly always the first named, the bacteria are transferred to the Intestinal tract of a healthy person. The poison to always swallowed'. The most common agencies or traaarer are the drinking water, Including fllk In fected from washing cans Inpollated water, and the common house or, al though it may be conveyed directly to the nurse b her own soiled hands, and sometime is dust. The most Important rules therefore for the prevention of the extension of the disease may be briefly stated as follows: 1. Cover Immediately upon their pas sage the body dischargee to prevent ac cess of files. . 3. As soon as possible thorough 1 dis infect the discharges by mixing in eqnal quantity with them ons 01 the following (a) freshly made milk of lime or "white wash" (unslaked lime); (D) enve per cent, solution of carbolic acid; (c) a 1 to 1,000 solution of corrosive sublimate; (d) a 1 percent, solution of formalde hyde. After standing a half-hour (cov ered all the time) the mixture should be burled (never thrown on the surface of the ground) at a distanoe from the well of not less than 150 feet. 3. Provide in the sick-room a wooden tub one-third full of either of the three last named solutions, and drop therein as soon as removed everything in the way of body or bed-clothing, handker chiefs, towels, eta. that have come in contact with the patient, and keep them submerged until they can be boiled, washed and dried in the sun. 4. All remnants of food that may for any reason be carried into the sick-room must be burned. 5. The nurse should wash her hands and dip them Into one of the solutions, preferably corrosive sublimate, after every "changing" of the patient. She should never draw water from the fam ily well unless a pump is used. In case it should be absolutely necessary she should disinfect her bantu as above Derore ao in so. 6. The soiled linen of the pstlent should never be washed at or near the well or spring. The greatest care should be observed to prevent the drainage or seepage through the soli into the well or spring from accumulation of filth of all kinds. As soon as a case of typhoid fever appears in a family all drinking water should be boiled until a report on the same can be obtained from the state Biologist, the family physician making apollcation to the Secretary of the Board of Health for permit and sterilized bot tle. - " v-...v. .. . v f 7. As the eerm is present In the intes tine in the preliminary stages and for several weeks after convalescence to 1 tablished and the patient practically well, extra care of surface privies should be observed. . Every evacuation should be immediately and completely covered with lime or dry powdered eartn. : Summary Prompt disinfection of all discharges from the body of the patient; protection or the same against ' ntes special care as to the drinking water; scrupulous cleanliness. . To the Profession As the eeoDle can not be reached except through the medi cal attendant we earnestly beg all phy- sicans having cases of typhoid ' fever under their care to Insist upon the strict observance of the above simple rules. Printed copies of the same will be fur nlshed in quantity upon request. State Bulletin Health. ; x Beware ot the Knife. No profession has advanced more ra pidly of late than surgery, but It should not be used except where absolutely ne cessary. In cases of piles for example, it to - seldom needed. . De Witt's. .Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and perma mently.v Unequalled' for,, cuts,, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "! was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength." says, J. O, Phillips, Paris, III, "DeWitt's Witch .Hazel; cured me in a short time.,' Soothes and .heals. F, 8. Duffy. . ., j. t tr'H .' Where Kewapapers Are Saaree.'.' In Paraguay there to n little com munistic colony known as the Cosmo colony, which .was , founded several years ago by an enthusiastic band of Australian socialists. After many hardships and privations the colony to how ' in such a flourishing condition aa to boast a newspaper' of its own called the Cosmo Monthly. The man ner In which news te dispensed to the colonists 4s interesting. . A - horn Is blown, generally twice, .with .half an hour's gathering time between. The colonists assemble and the' reader for the occasion gives out his news, which consists of interesting Items selected from the latest weekly papers and dis patches from tba Asuncion daily pa per, whieb the colonists receive twice a week. " , 1 Take Care cithe Stomach. ' The man or woman whose digestion Is perfect and whose stomach performs Its every function Is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purines and sweetens the stomach and cures positively and per manently all stomach troubles, Indiges tion and dyspepsia. It to the wonderful reconstructive tonic that is making so msny sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies afl of the nourishment in the food they eat. Rev.J. n. Holladay, of nolladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. . I consider It the best remedy I ever used for dys pepsia and stomach trouble. I was given up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. F. S. Duf fy.1" r: . . 1 :Ut 1 C: 3 C ' Vsi't ay f a or ntr t). "artar, tut pf i- tama tb a 1 tot M leueauU 4.iva For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or, in fact, alj Lameness and Sore ness of your body there is nothing t that will drive out the pain and in , flammation bo quickly aa If you cannot reach the spot your self get some one to assist you,, for it is essential' that the liniment be - rubbed in most thoroughly. , Mexican nustang Untment aaaawenailallnMintanf hnrana ami all AimaatLi la fast, II to a flesh healer and psia killer nosuattsr wfcoor what Uw patlsntav TV l!!f..M WITTS trtiTHlK5jVY-ir- . Costs Only 25 cents at Dngists, Or aull 11 Mate la eV I hamlMnd Dr. MoSatt'i TEKTHIN A a auteadla Omca o D. H. boy wu a teething aaiid. ararr Mceeodiajf dar waraa TGETIIINA,aadbaraaatoao adawnioUrlas ft lo Um, thai dar oa h roeupenued. I aaTa eonitaaUj kopt ploaanraiaiouBdiaf lu ptaiaM to aU aioUiaii t joooi yonuu waa iina. Farmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST Bring your Tobacco to thePlanters Warehouse NEW, BERN, N. C. which, is always the place TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. ' '- E. J, HESTER, Proprietor. TUCKER EROS. 310 IT. Front St., ; . , Wilmington: N, C. ' THIS 1'LACB CEMETERY WORK AT; BOTTOM PRICES. In Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. .' Letlcrii.g and Finish the BeBt.; Send for latest designn. ' All work delivered. . -J,". JUranch Yard at GoldBboro, J. O. : " IF.V YOU THE BEST PRICES; ". . - ' . : ' ...Krf..' -.... 'niSt ii-;, The BEST Stables, I r'll '1 ; The BEST BRING YOUR TOBACCO Farmers Warehouse: tL "We promise our best efforts in behalf ot the Farmersa ,- ; Um t 'i.A.T-'T.T., TTOT7ATin. iTanftfi-er. . C. H. IUCHnOND, Auctioneer. Coiicn Dr.rr:::i end Tics. We hare in stock and to ' arrive ,500 Rolla Cotton Fagging' 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties.' ' , ' ' Bend us your orders. Prices are the lotrcst, -i . ; - " art. 4 -Icr.n flu: tans Unlment vutuU s ... . Cam Ctolera-hftalu, D iarrhou. Dysentery, aa rrmi th Bowel troubles ef Childrtaofi-rilft. Aids Digestion, RtjuUiti the bowels, Streaatheaj the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY.- -I. unrarTT aa. r it miiat un HiBDT, BwmlarT a( Stata, aoarm. Tax Not. XI, IMtt, nawdi and tid for mj IMlhiag ekildraa. Whaanrak aa that wo anal taarlttalr aa him. aad aia laiarai I aanaoaoS aaoa il wma awrka la M aoora, aad Iron H aad aaat It nana with air eaildroa, aad bar taktn cuildraa. 1 loaadil lanlaablaw tCag iToaartartlMtM . D. EL HAJU!f. TO BUY YOUR WANT Facilities roE . VRbUaWIIIW Farmer Warehouse. . . Kinssy's Improved , V Waist Lengthzmr. Reduces most stylish "dip front" or "straight front" figure. Price !5o each, postpaid. Ladles agents wanted eTery where, t d" J' i ' MRS. K. WALLNA.U, ' n - .-! , 108 Tollock Bt, ! -v ' V' ... KcwEor,N.C.

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