. A 7 W H pi mm ;!( .1' v. mm. "-ill l l 1 1 l l ll r f 1 I v M a VOLDMI UY. IIW Bill, CE1YII COUITT, V. C, TUESDAY, SEPTIMBKR 9, 1902.-Tlil8T 8KCTI0S. , ,., HUMfclR 46 i. . ii i i. i i i ,i i i tig Rush of Leaf Tobacco Into Market State Charter. Republicans Talk ofCarrylag North Carolina. Injured by aa Explosion. Officers A. A M. College Cadet BattallioB. Raleigh, Sept 6. Governor Aycook went to Lexington today and made a speech at a public school rally and flag presentation and raising. The Slate charters the Allen K. Smith Company of SmtthBeld, giving ft power to construct tobacco prise booses, ware houses and factories, and also to bufld and operate a general warehouse for to bacco. There was never such a leaf tobacco trade as there is this season. East of here there is a rush. It la said that la some markets the farmers do not even sort their leaf, but are so well pleased with the high prices that they put It oa the floors just as It Is. The result Is that the buyers mase big money, aa they sort it with special care. Attorney general R. D. Gilmer has gone to Washington, N. C, on business connected with the State's swtmp lands, and will also look after some matters connected with oysters. - J. C. L. Harris Is employed by South Dakota as counsel and will take deposi tions here before Ed. 8. Battle who Is appointed commissioner. Harris will act In conjunction with Ex-Gov. Russell who represents private parties to the suit. The 138th volume of Supreme Court reports is being sent out by the Secre tary of State. Some of tho Republicans are very san guine as to carrying the State this year. Of such mind are revenue collector Dun can and W. H. Day. On what ground they base their calculations no outsider can imagine. Certainly they do not ap pear to have a ghost of a chance. One of tho assistant State chemists citme near being seriously hurt yester dhy afternoon by an explosion. A sub stance, claimed to be puie linseed oil, was sent to tho State chemist for analy sis. The test was with nitric acid. This was poured in and tho explosion fol lowed. The stuff was found to be gaso line and roalq, and.really In appearance is a capital Imitation of linseed oil. Miss Carrie E. Bronghton, daughter of Mr. N. B. Broughton of Raleigh, is ap pointed assistant State librarian, vice M. De L. Haywood, resigned. - ; The following are the officers of the cadet battalion of Companies formed at the Agriculture and Mechanical College here. Major, L N Boney, Duplin, Adjutant, W L Darden, Wayne, Quartermaster, H. P. Foster, Rockingham, Sargent Major, J B Harding, Pitt, Quartermaster Bar gent, W. J. Patton, Transylvania, Color Sargent, P S Grlorson, Iredell. ' Company A. Captain, E E Oulbreth, Iredell, 1st Lieutenant, W M Bogart, Beaufort, 2nd Lieutenant, J M Kennedy, Wayne, 8rd Lieutenant, W Clark, Jr., Wake. Company B. Captain, 3 D Ferguson, Robeson, 1st Lieutenant, C. W. Rogers, Wake, 2nd Lieutenant, E It Stamps, Wake, 3rd Lieutenant, L GIdney, Cleve land. Company C Captain, 8 W Aabury Burke, 1st Lieutenant,: D 8 Owen, Cum, berland, 2nd Lieutenant, E E Etherldge, Bertie, Srd Lieutenant,' J T Land, Curri tuck. s' Company D. Captain, C L Greech, Guilford, 1st Lieutenant, E 8 Lytcb, Scotland, ,2nd , Lieutenant, O B. Ross, Mecklenburg, 3rd Lieutenant, W F Kirk Patrick Mecklenburg " , i ' Company E. Captain, 8 0 Cornwall Gaston, 1st Lieutenant, J W White, Pitt 2nd Lieutenant, E it Ricks, Nash, 3rd Lieutenant, J H Glenn, Gaston, ; Company F, Captain, . J F Dlggs, Richmond, 1st Lieutenant, H Simpson, Rockingham, 2nd Lieutenant, J S Morris . Pasquotank, 8rd Lieutenant, T T Ellis, Granville.' ' t . t ' Oil For Steamships. Washington, Sept. 8. The report ot Lieutenant Ward Mitchell, U. 8. N., the expert detailed by the Navy Department to observe the installation and efficiency of the oil fuel system' as fitted to the Ooeanlc Steamship Company's steamer Mariposa, has been received at the Navy Department. The report contains matter of great value to the shipping and naval wor d. The report says the Mariposa's groan displacement wat 3,160 tons and her average liorse power with oil about ?,18l, giving her i daily average" of 854 knots and a wean speed of 13.68 with 978 barrels of oil per day. This .was 50 1 per centi lest In weight than" would be required of coal for one' and a half pounds ot oil sufficed to produce a horse powor. An advantage In the oil fuel was the reduction of engine room force from 36 to 20 men. All of the burners were not used except at short Inter vals. , CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. : tla Klni Yea Esn C:r;lt ,; Bears the Caafof of 'i-P' 4 TELEGRlfBIC B&EYITIES. Aboat' 800 miners at tho Co4l Creek Company's colliery, Ib Teaaeesee, have Com oa ft strike ever a wag scale. Frosts wan reported Wednesday night la aorthweatera Nebraska, western low ftBd parti of Soath Dakota. A.a eleotrie ear was smashed, yester day, at Baa. Fraaclaeo, Oaln by a South- era Paolflo train and all persons hart Murder is the second degree It tlx yardlot against Beaala Hlcklaad, who killed Alton Bailey, It year old, at Olathe, Kan. A lose highwayman held uptheWal- ant Grove slag Bear Coartiaad, Cel, yesterday, and robbed the driver and passengers. ! President Roosevelt has accepted aa Invitation to review the Grand Army panda la Washington, D. 0., with Commander-in-Chief Torrance. The settlement ot the llcenaed tug- men'aitrlke on the Great Lakes it un tatlafactory to the men at Buffalo, N. Y. and they refute to work. President Roosevelt hu itarted on hit Southern trip. TheVelt but little evl denceof bit miifaculous eacape from death visible In hit face. Hon. Horace Bolet, will probably be the ehoice for Governor of the Demo cratic contention la Iowa. Carrie Nation aayi the hat abandoned mashing aaloont. "All talloon men are not bad." she said, "and there are lott worse who pose as pillars in the churches. An Investigation of the Presbyterian Hospital at Chicago, 111., was itarted yesterday because of complaints oi criminal carelessness In the institu tion. The United States t learner Hawk will be returned to the Government owing to a dispute between the Ohio naval re serves of Toledo and Cleveland. Lieut. John Starke, of the Virginia Militia hu been discharged on account of nnsoldlerly conduct. , There were hard frosts Friday night in many sections of northern New York. Citizens of Atlanta, Ga., will try to In duce President Roosevelt to visit that city In October. A nn.L.'i nnAtimatln tnhj utvIm tut. tween New York and ' Brooklyn was or dered yesterday. Angered by a stay of execution, a mob took John W. Kefferfrom the Jail at Kemmerer, Wyo., and lynched htm. Several houses are reported blown away at Hlteman, I., Friday night by a cyclone, but particulars are lacking. Nearly 1000 miners resumed work la the Norfolk & Western coal district of West Ylrgtnla, thus ending the long strike here. The Lewis and Clark Exposition In Portland, Ore., will be located at the foot of WllHamette place, 1b the north part of the city. With the request that It be but tem porary, X. F. Houlton has accepted the position of superlntedent of public In struction In Cleveland, O. ' The real estate valuation of Cook County, 111., In which Chicago is lo cated, has been fixed at $1,488,749,810 an iccrease of $93,000,000 over last year. Coffee products of Porto Rico are to be admitted to Frenoh markets at the minimum tariff rate through an agree ment made by President Roosevelt wtta France. The .body of William Bartholin, al leged to have murdered his mother and sweetheart In Chicago, was found near Rlcevtlle, IH- Saturday. He had com mitted suicide. A large reward waa of fered for hint and It was said that of ficers had apprehended him, consequent ly he killed himself to avoid arrest. Street car employees have formed a union. a i Zaneavllle, O., metal mechanics have won the object of their recent strike. The telephone linemen of AlbanrN Y have struck for $9.70 and $9.Q0 for over time, k V . r r Fatal Floods la Japaa. Victoria, B. 0., Sept. 5. Toklo jour nals received by mall here sUte that floods have canted heavy loss of life and property In some of the districts of Ja pan. ... J. , ' . vK :', In Hlrloshlma 79 persons lost their Uvea and 99 were Injured, while many houses were washed away and vessels were wrecked. In Yamagnshl 78 were drowned, and IS crushed to death, 11 washed away with their houses and 17 Injured. Several thousand houses Were Inundated. In Eiarao province 91 persons were drowned and four crushed to doathj Chalrmai Slmmoas Talks Ass urine s j 0a Outlook. Ckanred Witt Harder. Devlin at A. M. College. Jalgei Mast List Salaries For Iaeeme Tax. Democratic Tiew ef He pablleaas. RAUtioH, Sept 8. Maneul Robinson, colored, aged 21, was brought here from the country today and placed In jail without baQ privilege, charged with the murder of Loomls Debnam. a negro a few years older. The killing waa done at a light last night Robinson, with a large pocket knife cut' Debnam's throat, death resulting at once. Arthur Devlin, for some time captain of the foot ball team of Georgetown University and later a prominent mem ber of the base ball teams of Wilming ton and New Bern, Is here to train the foot ball team of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. The latter team la a quite promising one. There was more material than ever before from which to select it. Today corporation commissioners Mc Neill and Abbott left for Charlotte, to Inspect the Carolina Central R. R. be tween there and Rutherfordton. Among today's. arrivals were, Junius Davis, Iredell Meant and J. O. Can, of Wilmington; H.G. Connor, of Wilson; A. D. Ward, of New Bern. Henry E. Lltchford, Cashier of the Citizens National bank here, who has been in Europe three months, returned today. The State tax sommisslon decides that State Judges must llst;their incomes from salary for taxation. The commis sion has written a sharp letter to Judge Purnell . in reply to his open letter in which he criticised the commission for its effort to tax Incomes of Federal Judges from salaries. The Federal of ficials will have something to say this week about this matter. Not a lawyer has yet been found who will tay this tax can be collected from Judge Pur nell. Forty State convicts are at work on the Wllkesboro and Jefferson turnpike. Today the State paid the penitentiary $2,000 for convict labor on It and took from the turnpike company a like sum in bonds- Democratte State chairman Simmons said to your correspondent today that he was particularly pleased at the politi cal outlook In the State and regarded the party as now stronger than ever be fore, Bo far as he Is aware there is no Independent movement except in 4 conn ties, and In each case It is due entirely to local causes. He says there Is no gen era! movement, and that there Is kq head to It. He regards ex-Congressman J. W Atwater as an emissary, going about seeking to develop and foster any Inde pendent movement. Chairman Sim mons says that in an extreme western county a prominent Republican went to one of three Democrats who had failed of nomination and assured him that It he would ran as an independent all his expenses would be paid. The Senator says he hu no Idea that the Democrats will fall to carry all the Congressional districts, and any statements or hints that the Republicans will carry the 9th district he characterizes as absurd. As to the Legislature Chairman Sim mons says he believes there will be fewer Republicans In that body than there were at the last session. It (s asserted with .much posltlveness by tome of the Democrats who took part In the Independent convention of this county laat Saturday that If Republicans are going to figure In It they are done. It Is a significant fact that Republicans attended this convention and did a lot of cheering. One negro who led In this ap plause waa a delegate to the Republican State Convention but did not go there. Had he gone he would have been ousted, aa that was part of the sharp scheme of the Republicans to make It appear they have finished with the negroes. Tet this particular negro applauded the speech of ex-Congressman Atwater here Satur day at the Independent county conven tien and this is taken at proof that he is In line with Republican views, and that the outline of the blacks was all a sham. 11 For fine .spring chickens, call at the Oaks HarkeL ' , Fresh lot Force Food just received those having tickets can send them In with 8 cents and get a IS cents package at J. R. Parker Jr. j , Don't fall to try our 40 cent Tea, It la a goer and pleases them all at J. R. Par ker Jr. ''OS' wf A?'' - ;: v Fire la Ship Bunted a Month. ' Yictobia, B.C., September 5. For 80 days, during her trip from London to Adelaide, Australia, the cargo of the Italian ship Pasquale Lauro waa on It started In the beginning of July and It waa not until the end of that month that the veaael reached her destination. The hatches ; had to be fastened dowa and tor fear, ot spreading the fire the ship had to be kept under reefed ails. v.; ""':. The provisions were destroyed and i fit reet oi ue members ot the crew were scorched when they walked the decks, POLLOCKS Y1LLE Cotton Pickers Basy. Cora Fine Crop Talk New County Ticket Mis sionary Baptist Meet ing, rcrson ais, September 8. Cotton picking going on rapidly. Cotton selling for 2.7S In the seed here, and 8.50 in tbe boll for lint. The' cotton crop Is much lest In this county and Onslow than the farmers ex pected before the picking began. Corn Is fine In most every Bectlon we have beard of, especially so in Jones county. We near that there is a great dissatis faction in the selection of some of the county t officers by the county conven tion on the 25th ot Augrl sad that there is to be a mass meeting held soon at Trenton to put out a new ticket. This will, If so, quite likely open the gate for the Republicans to come In. The Missionary Baptists have just olosed a very Interesting protracted meeting at this place. This has been a glorious meeting. There has been great good done In this village by those faith ful followers of God. Mr. Garner, the pastor, was assisted In this work by the Rev. John E. King, of Wilmington and brother John C. Whltty of New Bern. Four were added to the church and will be baptized at this place on the morning of the 4th Sunday in this month, which will be the 28th. The county bridge at this place is tin lshed and travel oyer it was again re sumed last baturda y morning. We will have an Iron bridge next year and we hope such trouble as this will then end for a while. Mr. Frank Mattocks of Maysvillc and Miss Fmma Weeks of Cedar Point were visiting friends and relatives here last Sunday. Mr. Ben Hurst, Mr. Tom Lindsay and Mr. G. N. Ennett were visitors at this place Sunday. Mr. Oren Weeks and Miss Zora Jones of Stella were visitors at this place last Sunday. Mr. J. B. Bender spent last week vis itlng his old home on New River where he had some very fine sport fishing and crabbing, and enjoying the blessings that are to be had only on tho farm and by the true farmer. 0LYMPIA. Sept. 8. Farmers are about through saving fodder and cotton picking has commenced. There is a great deal of rust In cotton tnis year, tho estimate damaee through this section by rust is one-third. There Is quite a good bit of sickness around here. News was received here last week that Mr Mr Geo F Cuthrell, who has been at tending Bible College, at Eimberlln Heights Tenn., Is very sick of nervous prostration in Alabama. We are expect ing Mr Cuthrell home In a few weeks as he will not be allowed to attend college again until 1003. We are very sorry he has to lose fall term on account of his health. Miss Ella Tokey and Miss Latham of Rlverdale are visiting friends and rela tlves In Olympla. Since our last w ritlng Miss Cornelia Holton returned from a visit to Bruns wick, Wilmington and Sneads Ferry. On her return she was accompanied by Miss Hattie Henry and her brother Mr C P Holton, who Is working at Wllmlng ton. Mr Holton end Miss Henry re turned last week. Miss Minnie Whitehumt ot New Bern Visited relatives in Olympia recently. Miss Laura Holton returned from Arapahoe Sunday where she has been teaching music Prof. R C Holton will go back to U.of N. C. the 10 Inst. He Is a few days late this year on account of fairer attractions and school at Arapahoe. Miss Emma Dunn, Miss Cornelia Hol ton, little Mary 0. Holton and Mr M O Holton visited Arapahoe last week, at tending the protracted meeting. They all report a pleasant time. Others visited Arapahoe on Sunday to attend Union and Quarterly meetings. . t Mrs Ebenezer Simons visited relatives In Arapahoe last week. Mr David Wayne has gone to Wil mlngton to work. Madam Rumor says the bells will ring shortly. Wonder who 'tis. Rogue Items. Sept. 8. Mrt. Letty Perrysand lister, Mias Ella Dili, of Beaufort, are the guests of Mrs. J. W. Sanders. Mr. Ode Holland and family ot Silver- dale, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at this place. Mrs. David Hall of Newport, la visit tug her daughter, Mrs. B, 8. Jones. Mr. Leroy Henderson of Hubert, was a visitor here Wednesday. i Quite a number of our people went to Mayiville Sunday to attend quarterly meeting. Mr. Charlie Barker of Stella wat In our neighborhood Thursday. Cotton picking Is the work of the day BOW.1 ; v5 :' Watermelons have about played out with the exception of Mr. C. W, Tay lor's, he has some line ones yet. ' ; Mr. Willie Henderson of Ontlow was In our midst Saturday and Sunday. : ' Mr. David Willis of Salter Path made $32 for his share fishing one day last week- The fishermen claim It was the largest school of fish that has been seen lu Rogue Sound waters in quite a time, W. L, H. County Commissioners Proceedings. The Board met at 10:30 o'clock OH Sept 1st, 1909, it being the regular meetr ing of said Board, Present, K R Jones, Bilat Fulcher H 0 Wood and A E Wadtworth. Ordered by the Board that PaUy Ann Franks and Polly Ann Franks be allowed one dollar per month each, on account of age and Infirmity until further orders and that E F White be requested to fur nish the wrntN Ordered by the Board that Dr. J F Rhem, F P Bowe, Mrs Haddie Barring- ton and Fred Morgan and J T Hollister for Woodruff are a'lowed to list their property for taxation In the office of the Register of Deeds upon payment of the penalty allowed by law. Ordered that the report of the county Superintendent of Health be received and adopted. ' ' Ordered by the Board that Robert Wil lis be allowed $1.00 per month until fur ther orders and that St. Clair Lancaster be requested to furnish the same. Board took recess. Board met 8:00 o'clock p. m., persuant to recess. Present Commissioners Jones, Fulcher Wood and Wadsworth. Ordered by the Board that the chair man ot the Board execute a quit claim deed to the School committee of tho sixth school district No. 9 township for one- half acre ot land on which the school house stands upon payment of the back taxes now due on said land, said deed to be countersigned by Register of Deeds with seal of said office. Ordered by tbe Board that the tax list for the year 1902 be turned over to the sheriff, J. W. Blddle, for collection, he having settled In full with the Board for all taxes due for the year 1901, and hav ing paid all monies due for taxes to the County for the year 1901. Board took recess. Board met at 9.30 o'clock a. m. Sept. 2, 1902( pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners, Jones, Ful cher, Wood and Wadsworth. Ordered by the Board that the office of Wood Inspector is hereby declared vacant on and after the first Monday in Oct. 1902, for the reason that the pros ent Incumbent has been elected and is serving as a policeman of the City of New Bern. The Board wi)'. hear applications to fill said vacancy on the first Monday in Oct. next. Ordered that no bills will be allowed hereafter for supplies furnished the county unless the order for the supplies is attached to the bill. The xegi'larly monthly H'ls were al lowed. The minutes were ordered read and on motion adopted as read. Board adjourned. ERNEST M. GREEN, Clk. Bd. of Com. The Lonely Widow. Of all the farce comedies that have made bo decided a hit with the theatrical public, the most popular of all thiB yoar la said to be the "Lonely Widow," the new play that is taking such a popular stand in theatrical circles. One of the reasons assigned for this Is a weU de fined plot, which unlike a great many farce comedies, runs through the entire play. The "Widow" Is Irish and the first scene is laid in a boarding house In New York. She becomes suddenly wealthy through an Inheritance left her by a rich uncle In Ireland and moves In to a mansion on Fifth Avenue. In the last scene the "Widow" and her daugh ters are at a picnic on Coney Island and the interest in the play never lags from the rising of the curtain on tbe first act to the closing by the Wine chorus which is rendered by the entire compa ny. 1 his song is said to be tne nit oi the season, and with the other musical specialties Is sufficient to gratify the taste of all lovers of sparkling and up to.date'muslc. Besides the regular play the performance Is. interspersed with catchy singing and dancing specialties, banjo picking, and a marvelous fire and serpentine dance by Hllle Francine and Baby Blossom. Two other celebrated members ot this company are Mr. James Mackln a well known Irish comedian and Master Commodore the youngest buck and wing dancer on tbe American stage. The "Lonely Widow'' will hold the boards at Masonic Opera House, Hon day, Sept. 15th. . t. We are still selling meat at life per pound, not 20c as reported. !Oak Mar ket. River and Barber expropriations. ; Washington, Sept. 8. Hon. O. R. Thomas, M. O. ; . New Bern, N. C. . Sir: Referring to your letter of July 21, last, I beg to advise you that under date ot the 8rd Instant, the Secretary of War allotted the sum of $500 to 1 3 ap plied to the restoration ot the channel of Contentnla creek, N. C, Capt. ' E. W, Van C. Lucas, Corps of Engineers, the local officer In charge of the work, has been advised of this allotment today. Very Respectfully, your obedient servant ' ' Acting Chief ot Engtners. . This Item was omitted from River and Harbor Bill, but on application of Con gressman laomas an allotment was made from general fund. Work ot dredg lng under the twenty thousand dollar appropriation on the Neuse and Trent river channel at New Bern will soon NICE LOT No. 1 Shore Fresh Cream Cheese. . . Balogna Sausage. ' ' Small Pig Hams, English Cured Shoulders, Breakfast Strips. , Fresh lot Fancy Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. Ileinz's Pickles both sour and sweet. Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Totted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef' Fresh lot Cottolene. . . Force, Cream of Wheat Fresh Oat Flakes and Grits. Freeh Prunes. Full stock j. l mm Phone 01. 71 Ilroaid St. arrows LOOK TO and Bring your Tobacco t0 tk Planters Warehouse NEW BEEN, N, C which is always the place TO.GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodationslguaranteed. E. J. 58 Inch wide 58 29 New Percales IHatkbiim is m mm i RAINY DAY SKIRT GOODS Children's Red Received a Size 1 to 6 at Size 6 to 8 at Fall in all the. NEW PAT- TERNS and Cuts have just arrived.W WU take pleasure m showy ing them. 57 Pollock Street. Cream of Roses v Is a harmless liquid -preparation for removing Sunburn, Freckles, Tan and Improving the complexion. When applied It Is Invisible and cannot be washed oft. The dark line around the neck, caused by wearing tight fitting collars, Is removed by Cream of Eoees, 25c.:at EIiA.EHA"'3 rilir"!CY. Just Received. and Na Bob Pan Cake Flour,. of Staple and Fancy Groceries. YOUR INTEREST HESTER, Proprietor. at $1.50 1.25 .60 v h if at 10c & I2lcg 7 Shoes Just New Line, a'a V b o 50c. 76c. i v ( rv 1 ramiCHT rata m Twa ' '! -fye Grosvenor ji .-. THE WORLD'S , only dustiest Fibre Brush, adapted for sweeping and clean ing carpets, matting and any kind of surface, without raising any dust. It will outwear a dozen corn brooms. Fully guaranteed and directions every brush. T,'r!te for cf ' 1 ' 1 prices. Household To" "7 Co. V. O. box2Carcwr n,K.C. iar."-yr "