M JOlNil BatasUakaft 119 Published la Two Beetioaa, every Tu ikj Md Friday, at M Middle Btreel, Mw Sara, H.U. ... :;. CHARLES L. jtTEVENS , aonoi tn noranror. .. S 5 i " t - '. . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Monthe. WPenta. TbrM Months, 85 "f Mi Mroith. 60 Twelve Months. H-00 ; ONLY IN A.DVAJJCIM " ' A.dertlsiair rate tarnished upon ap- Clcauoa at tne omce, or upom uhjuht 'mail. . I WTbe Jotrm-Ai U only sent oa parts-advance basia. Subscribers will nf .TKlntlnn nf thalr sub scriptions and an Immediate response to notice wul he appreciated oj ,ui JoCBHai? Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern t. C. at aecond-clau matter. Settle Oae, Taetdav. Sept 9, 1802 THE PRIMARY WORKS AGAINST PARTY UNITY. The Craven County Primary held on Beptember 8rd., hat fairly demonstrated, .that It It, at a political method, on Which operates against party unity. 1 The old time county convention, hat been often held np to criticism, because It teemed to enable a few leaden to domineer and control Ha actlant, rela tive to the political platform to be an nounced, and candidate! to be named. These accusations may be true, yet no county convention but bat bad active representatives from every praclnct of the county, and no such convention hat failed to arouse a party enthusiasm pro ductive of party unity at the polls. The primary method of naming candi date! it set forth for Its excellence, be cause It is said to give Individual expres sion to each voter, that a county con vention does cot. If Individual expression la what the volert of Craven county wanted, there was little evidence on last Wednesday, September 3rd, when the county pri mary was held. The returns show something like fifty per cent of the county vote, and most of the votes cast had to be hunted out by the candidates on the day of voting. And did the primary in any degree promote the interests of Democracy? Wat there a thought during the entire day or the party's interests, or a aesire to promote the unity of ItB voters? If either of these things were noted on that day or since, they have not been mentioned by any person. The Craven county primary, and very county primary pursues practical ly the same course of action, simply works for the Individual, while party or its principles cut no (.figure. Good men are running to secure the nomination, 'yet there Is created criti cisms between the candidates seeking votes, which embitter and likely grow factions within the party, and no quar rel lajso ugly as that between monitors of one political household. The polls close, votes are counted, the men are named as the party's nominees, but the feeling certain to be engendered , daring the contest receives no assuaging as It meted oat in a convention, when i th defeated Joint tn with the victor, promising his support There it no unity of the Individual with hit party In the primary. It pro voket Indifference towards the party, If the defeated feelt unfairly treated at the polls, and with the political conditions now existing in North Carolina, each and every primary It fraught with dan ger to the Democratic party of this State. NOT SERIOUSLT CONSID . .. ' . ERED. ' f; Tb proceedings1 of the reoeal Ohio Democratic Btate convention, with Tom L. Johnson the center figure, sre not " being very seriously considered beyond ' the Ohio Btate line. L The convention was of course very much Johnson, the breexy - Mayor of Cleveland baring charge, resolutions ana nominations being served out to the oot ventloa a la Johnson. , ' ' , Tha enthusiasm at this convention was so great, that its leader, Tom U Johnson was at onoe proclaimed a Dem ocratic Presidential possibility, which Is strictly ui Ohio political view, as no Democrat outside of that BtaW could regard JoHbsohv as a possible candi- : data.',' . It is not that this new leader of Ohio Democrats Is without practical ideal, for aehat many such,whlch are also sensible tnt these are more than offset by his tJ.fTiEt of pxib'lo beneficence, Impossl- lle and bejoad fcuamn reason, . L " "7, e, T a Jd wii can and docs 'c ' ' 3 aa e'E.:'..:r ' -i, 1 secures tome it" ' C.3 Band ssan for leadership whose methods are Botpreponderqnaly oa the side 'of chip trap, and daageroas la spirit, ' :' For the Democratic party to regard Tosa Lb Johnson as Its national leader would seem t huge joke, it sack a thing was really seriously considered, which It Is not It snay be the Democratic Ohio Idee, but it will not find acceptance outside of that Bute.' ' ENTHUSIASM IN EDUCATIONAL METHODS. There ntast be an enthusiasm on the part of both parent and teacher, if the ehlld la to be Impressed with the valut of regular attendance at school, com' btned with an application In its studies when at school. It is to be Impressed upon the child, that there It something more than mere attendance at school, which is of Im portance. But if the parent simply gets the child off to school, as If upon an errand or out of the way of the household, the average child, unless greatly inclined towards books, will give but little real attention to acquiring what It otherwise might, If sustained by the parent at home, and the teacher In the school room. . It tbeie lacks an enthusiasm at home, ike child goes to school with a heslta tloa, which Is not helped, If upon reach Ing the school yard, It Is found full of high grass, weeds and presenting a neg lected look. If added to these, the school room Is found with bare and dark wslls, hard benches to sit upon, no desks to write upon, and a teacher perfunctory In method, there can be no successful edu cation for the child. It is not enough, that the parent be interested. It is not sufficient that the teacher occupies the hours set with simp ly routine teaching. 1 1 Enthusiasm Is needed on the part of each, which shall so touch the child as to make its impression, and cause the child to realise that school and Its stu dies are of great Importance and value, and to so appreciate this value of learn ing, that no hour Is thrown away, which can be given to study. There Is no great task in arousing this spirit and desire to learn in the heart and mind of youth, If the parent and teacher do their parts. The cleanly and neatly attired child, punctual at school, attest the parental enthusiasm, and the attractive school room, with the teacher taking Interest in each pupil, prove the enthusiasm at school, to assist the home. Let the educational methods be what they may but let there be unity of aim in the enthusiast of parent and teachers, and the result will quickly be seen and realized In the progress of the child, In Its efforts to learn all that may be given for the development of Its mind and the upbuilding of Its Intelligence, to enable It te reach a higher plane and greater sphere of usefulness In the world, which without education it could not fill. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this ' paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Ita stages and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have to much faith In its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of tes timonials. Address, F.;& CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall'sTsmlly Pills are the best. STATE UNE6. Missouri ti patting' lteebf on the back ever Its tamper peach crop end an nounces to Michigan, "Ton have got to snow as." Burlington Hawkeye. Texas will' continue to spend $750,. 000 a year t educate her negroes. Tex as' uttlMng the ecnoolhouse in the work of solving the negro problem. Galveston News. j !.. BatnOs lltfcattMHiwAlOTTitotft Papalaaa Liverpool. In Liverpool, which Is ihe dement nd uehealtMent district in England, Ike population! t 63,823 to the square mUej 4- A' ' ' ' . Foock Pita. ' ' Save ft lew peaea pita and when you desire the peach Bator, which fs really that of the almond extract we bay, crack tew a ad boil them. In the milk yon wilt use. They are Ane (or navor tng custards, etc ' The Best ftx script! on tor Kalaria. , . Chills and Fever is ft bottle of Gaoyn'l Tasteuts CmtA Tojtio. It is stop? boa t'l Q';'.i.':.;e ia'a ta: -'.or "orm. Ke i : i ti : j. i . -e i. 3. c v n mm i.i Dyspepsia Curo Digests what yon eat This preparation contains ail of the dlgestants end digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and new falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive umacns can uae iu ri lis use many thousand's of dyspepiicfl nave been cured ftfter everything else failed. It prevents formation or gas on tho atom vh, relieving all distress after eating. Dicttagunnecess&ry. Pleasant to take. It can't helo but do you good I'rcparvdonlvhy F.O. IWWiTTftOa.Ohlcmdt The 1. bu4Ut!OUBUaiitSHUmcUMi0o.ali . H. DUFFY A CO. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Nebraska Socialists have nominated a Btate ticket, headed by George & Blge low, of Lincoln, for Governor. The fire In the I'ocahontas mine, at Bramwell, W. Va. supposed to be under control, is again raging fiercely. Judge Durand, Democratic nominee for Governor In Michigan, Is dangerous ly sick with paralysis st his home In Lapeer. Confessing assault upon a white wo man. "Hoe" Wilson, colored, was hang ed by a mob at Stephens, Ark., yester day. ' 11 11 f Because of alleged liabilities to stock holders of $700,000, with assets of $160, 000, the Equitable Loan and Security In vestment Company, Atlanta, Ga , was enjoined yesterday from collecting fur ther dues. Wail street's big day for the year was Wednesday when 1,400,000 shares chang ed bands within five hours. An attempt has been made to unite the Cumberland Presbyterian and the re gular Presbyterian churches. At a meet ing held In Decatur, 111., this week steps were taken to.affect the union. Joe Goddard thelpugillst, has been de clared hopelessly Insane. He was injured in a political brawl in Philadelphia some time ago and has been In a hospital ever since. The Odeon theatre in Cincinnati Ohio, was destroyed by fire Thursday morning Loss $110,000. A fearful accldeht happened at the yard of the Union Gas Co. at Brooklyn, N. Y. Wednesday when the bottom of the largest gas tank in the world drop ped out and fell on some laborers and ight of them were Instantly .killed, be ing crushed to death. A Boy's Wild RideFor Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown of LeesvlU, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonder ful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Coniiumptlon, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Gusranted bottles 59c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at O D liradham's drug store. Fall rorrd MimIiuiiu. In London a Koiirioumii i;f IiIkIi ritnk. whose nnme has not bci-n revoiilod. re cently became Inonne on the si'.ljiH't of religion. lie snw irrxls nitJ coddoiwcs in all sorts of Innnlinnte lliinpi mid spent hours on his knees uOorlitK them. Eminent nhyslclnns rvgnrdra his case as hopeless, and hu wus plnced in the charge of two attendants, who were Instructed to take him to a lunatic asy lum. Just ' as they were about to start. however, the unfortunate man jumped from ft high window and fell with a crash on the pavement Be waa severe ly bruised, but In a few weeks not only were his wounds healed, but his reli gions mania also entirely disappeared. The physicians say that his reason was restored to htm by the violent Shock, and they assert that such an oc currence Is unprecedented in the an nals of medicine. ' Lingering Summer Colds. Don't let cold run at this season. Bummer colds sre the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Cough Cure will break np the attack at once. Safe, sore, acts at onoe. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. The children like it F.B. Duffy. ; . , ItOMia'a Hm UaaeaM. ' ItualA una derided to round an sr chneolofflcal Hittwum In Sevastopol. The building Is to be erected In tbft style of an old Christian basilica and to be arranged for three departments, one devoted to the Greek, one to the Ro man and a third, to the Byzantine pe riod. The whole project haa been In trusted to the management 'of Garand Duke Alexander Miehnllovltch. BtwftrenttJieJMe. No profession has advanced more ra pidly of fate than . surgery, but It should not be used except where absolutely ne. eestary. In cases of piles for example, It is seldom needed. De Witt's Witch Hsxel Salve cures quickly and perma mently Unequalled for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and tren?th," says, J. 0. Phillips, Paris, 111. "DeWltt'a Witch Hazel cared me In ft t'lort t'aw,' ttootkes and heals. F. S. l-'y. if ri r Insects Ruining Cotton In Richmond County, j 8Uta CobtIcU Mostly at Werkei Railroad. Political Get lip. soo Kale Cotton Crop on State Farm. Raliioh, September 6. There axe now 890 convicts grading the South Carolina and Georgia Extenaon R. R. (lately bouKht by the Southern) In Mitch ell county. These convicts marched across the Blue Kldge from Marion 48 miles to a point 7 miles this tide the Tennessee line. At the latter line they began work and arc coming this way. There are 40 convicts building a turn pike from Wllkesboro to Jefferson and 50 are cutting tlmlier for the Goldsboro lumber company's large saw and plain ing mill at Dover. Most of the remain ing convicts are on the Btate farm near Weldon. There are only about 75 in the penitentiary. It is said by the farmers in this section that'theytll have very little pork this year, owing to the failure of last year's corn crop. Ex-district attorney Claud Bernard says a lot of Republicans will become Independents this year, in order to show their Independence of the Republican "machine." State entomologist Sherman Is making the annual , examination of fruit tree nurseries, lie has been In the west a fortnight. He has found but little trou ble. The nurseries need rain. The droueht has been very trying to them. The Progressive Farmer will appear next Monday In a new form, sixteen pages. The State headquarters of the Farm ers Alliance will be established here September 15. Members of the order say It was a mistake in moving head quarters from horc to Illllsboro. Governor Aycock says that in the township in which lie spoke, in this county, yesterday all the children save two were at school last term and that the parents of the two absent were sick. Maj. John W. Graham of Orange coun ty tells your correspondent that persons who are of independent ideas are trying to get some leading Democrats to take charge of that movement in his county, but they.so far have persistently refused to take the step. The penitentiary board met here today W. E. Crosslands, one of its members, says that the cotton crop on the State farm will be 800 bales. It is cut off somewhat by the dry weather. The corn crop thero is good. Mr. Crosslands brought here cotton bales from his farms In Richmond coun ty, each blighted by the puncture of an Insect, which he says la either the Texas weevil or the sharpshooter, but is not the boll worm. Ho says It Is literally ruining the cotton. He pulled up stalks containing 20 to50 bolls each, and found that not one boll in five had been spared The insect punctures bolls of various sizes, particularly the tiny ones just af ter they are formed .RuBt sets in quickly and not a bol punctured matures. He taya that while August 1 the prospect was the best he ever saw for a crop he is now sure there will not be over of a crop. He is sure the estimates for North Carolina are too nign- and declares the result will prove the accuracy of this statement. The rust is also very bad, but the damage by tho Insect referred to Is worse. The first time this Insect ap peared there was last year, during the' long wet season. This year the season there has been favorable. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Having distressing pains In bead, back and stomach, and being without appetite, I beesn to use Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead, of Eennedale, Tex., "and soon felt like a new man." Infallible In stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at C. D. Brad- ham's drug store. An Rra rl C;i)ti initio. UiifortuiisitWy .'ii:i.viniuil. in Ecua dor, btiK Ikvii i:liinxt destroyed by lire, with n Iiimh of inillloiis of dollars. The light, lnfliuimiiitile buildings were con structed ehleily with the drend of ruin by enrthqunkes mid burned like tin der. This generation is afflicted by direful calamities in many parts of the globe to an extent almost unknown for centuries. New York Tribune. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin diseases. For sale at.F. 8. Duffy's. . - " nti Orratrat Mistake. Thi mtatPk of my life." said tbs reminiscent man. "was when I was selling patent medicines in Russia. One day I attended n review of crock regiment and suddenly every man In the rrenkt began sneezing for nil he eoa worth.- In a trice I baa my earn pa case open and was trying to sell the commissary carload of my ant grip pellets when he rudely Informed me that the troops were only hailing with delight the arrival of General Akachoochebedooekt" Judfle. Take Care cf tbe Stomacli. The man or woman whose digestion Is perfect and whose stomach performs Its every function It never tick.. Kodol cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stomach and cures positively and per manently all stomsch troubles, indiges tion and dyspepsia. It Is the wonderful reconstructive tonic that Is making to many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies sll of the nourishment In tbe food they eat. Rev.J. H. Holladay. of Holladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider It the best remedy I ever used for dyi peptla and stomach troubles, 1 .Wat given up by physicians. Kodol saved my life. Take it after meals. F. & Duf fy, .v., DEVASTATION. The Secant JnpCoft of Kstat Felee WftrseThMthe Pint v r Castsiu, bLaxn of Br. L0ciA,'!t W. L, September 4. The coast telephone service reports that a violent eruption of the Bon friers volcano, on ths Island of St : Vincent;' waa observed stmld ... . The Royal Mail steassec Tare arrived here this eventer fros the Island of Martinique. s .! if '. Bhe briagV the report that a violent volcanic eruption occurred there but night and that about 1,000 persona are said to have perished. . ; Large numbers of people are leaving the Island. The Ministry for the Colonies received a cable dispatch today from the Govern or of Guadeloupe, M. Merlin, reporting tbe tone of destruction In Martinique resulting frost the reeent eruption of Mount Pelee. After recounting facta already known, it sayt that Morne Capote wu much damaged and that flames surrounded Morne Pamoate, but stopped at tbe Bt James House. Basse Point Heights were burned. The German ateamer Castilla, which arrived here from Bt Thomas, D. W. L, today, reports encountering a heavy fall of volcanic dust while 800 miles at sea. She also reporU that the eoaat of Haiti was completely obscured by a haze caused by dutt The correspondent of the Dally Mall at Castries, Bt Lucia, haa cabled the fol lowing account of the phenomena wit nessed at the time of the recent outbreak of Mount Pelee, Martinique: "Between 8 and 9 o'clock In the even ing of August 80 a spectacle of terrific grandeur wu witnessed from here. A pitch-black cloud hung over the island of Martinique, through which shot at Intervals pillars of flame high In the tky which broke in fantaatlc forms of colored fire and scattered showers of fiery sparks Aboat nightfall clouds were darting about like millions of monster fireflies, and above all these largo aureoles ap peared In the sky." The correspondent then proceeds to confirm the details of the eruption ss al ready known, and tayt: "There were tremendout earth rum blings and explosions. The ground rocked, and nothing could stand on tables or shelves. Boats from Bt. Pierre were unable to reach the town owing to the fall of hot ashes snd a tidal wave de stroyed the whole of the tea front of Le Carbet. "People returned here from Martin ique only last week to take back their families to Fort de France." Reports from Fort de France received here today state that Saturday nlght't eruption of Mount Pelee wat worse than that of May 11. The area of destruction extends five miles farther eastward. In Fort de France tbe greatest panic prevails. At the first outbreak of the volcano the inhabitants fled from tbe city, seeking refuge In boats and along various parti of the coast. Borne of them a:e only just now re turning to their homes. Not Doomed For Life. '( was treated for three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McOon nellsville, O., "for Piles, snd Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me In two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Bores, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 35c at C. D. Bradham's drug store. t'nfurtiiaat Ofllrlala. Clrinete otuciiils uro held to be guilty before the Son of Heaven for floods, tlrotfghta, ram I nes. (Ires and other nat ural calamities. , Montana tilaetara. One hcui'j n good Cenl about the gla ciers of Alaska, and it Is satisfactory to Uuow that Uncle Sam possesses. few important Ice rivers of his own. But few people are awnre that there are in Montana sonic of the finest gla ciers tn tbe world, even rivaling those of the Alps. Take a bath in Hancock's Llquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all akin dis eases. For tale by.F. 8. Duffy ' - His Mark. In ancient, days the addition of ft cross to the signature did not Always Indicate that ' tae signer could not write, but was added s n attestation of good faith. r ,-i,t?j ' ,'... ; : Clra mmA Fftawoa. Never but two of the colors red, blue snd yellow appear. In the same species of flower either two, but never, the third. Hence red and yellow roses, but no blue; red and blue verbenas, but no yellow; yellow and blue pansles, but no red, ete. i , -,iy xn.X''. Prickly heat cared in one application oy using or tiancocx'i lqura nuipsur, It will also oure Keaema, Fetter, Pimp. let, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, r and all tkla troubles In ft short time, when used as '.directed. , Jot sale at F. & Duffy's Drug Store. Slice an onion thinly, cover it with vinegar and set to soak for twenty four hours. Strain off the vinegar and add to It tablespoonful of salt the stmt quantity of brown sugar, a tea- spoonful of white pepper and. suflj- clcnt mustard flouy to thicken. Par nil together while It somen te the boll nt bottle (or use, ,4', j , , ., . ,t , T0U KNOW WBAT TOO ARB TA1IH0 When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it la simply Iron and quinine In ft tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 63c TERRIBLE ' : J Vat stay oa ftr tT thaairrarA imt r .1 tli.nuch tl m mi 1 1 fh aoas Sad drtvss w - For a Lame Back, 5ore Muscles, or, in act, all Lameness and Sore ness of your body there is nothing that will drive out the pain and in flammation so quickly as r Mustang Liniment. . If you cannot reach the spot your self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican flustang Liniment overcomes the ailments of horses and all domUo animals. In fact. It Is ft flesh healer and pain killer no matter who or what th patient U, CTCcmiNciromixa) Costs Daly 25 cents at Droggists, I nan anus Dr. Moffett'i TERTHIN A a splendid boy wm a teejUilnex child, emr? mommUm dsvjr wwMd i r.tii tiiN A, ana bDtran atoaoe lUimiaUiteritMr it to Dim, that day oa ha rweupnrated. I have constantly kepi ptasara in sounding lis pnuaM to au mower Of yoaof cnuoran. t louau u WTaiaaoia are anar taa issnnitag prlod waa pasted, MUS. D, H. HARD If. IF YOU THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Stables, The BEST BRING YOUR TOBAGCO TO THE Farmers Warehouse jLn. We promise our best efforts in behalf ot the Farmers. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Farmers Warehouse. Auctioneer. Sargaoo ilillnery J. J. BAXTBEr, has moved Jiis Millinery Stock, from - Pollock Street to his gtore on Middle Street and to Clos ing out the same at 6REATLT RKDUCEP ' PRICES. "' ' ' Special Inducements io Milliners; ft,.;-i i .1 ... i , . . ; . v.. ........,.... ........... .- III-. i.,' - . t ' I t rarnners LOOK TO and "D'L: - unny yuur i vvayw - . 1 ; t0 t6e Planters Warehouse which is always the place TO GET THE HOST honey:for it;,, ; ; 1 Best accommodations guaranteed. .i ' (.-:!, :.;. ,i'i .,- '. ! .'. jf i ; . . , - v h . t - t; llzizz Vcrk b ll-rd Vcr'.: vi:... -t COLD DUST, 1 tunarlat iJ t4 ail turah atat InlUmmatii. Carts Ctoltn-hfutuL Diarrhoea, DyMatcry, uti th Bowtl Troubles of M4rto1ntg: Aids Digestion, ttcgulttei the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. M Or Ball K rails to C. J. MOP'KTT, M. D ST. LOUIS. MO. omna tAan. Hiidt. Smratarv of State. Aum. Tni.. Not. St. 19U0. nand? aad aid lor mr toathinc children. Whn bt aldMl m thai w would iaflTiUbly lot hkm. 1 hapfwiMd BDOtt ma nil unpixM it wu narked in 44 kours. aad I rum it aad as4 it tinea with aiy chtldrea, aad hata taken gri WANT Facilities f FOR UNLOADING s on YOUR INTEREST H L . v ; . . . nE3TliR.: ProDrietor. pusrrTjj