! r. amrt .... . at The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, kxl watch haa beea , In use for oyer 30 rears. haa karma- thtt tlrMtnM as? and bu been made under his per sonal supervisKm ala tu Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitation aadM Jujit-M-co' an bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger Uw fcealtls eff Infants nnd Clilldren Experience against Kxperjwnnfc What is CAST ORIA Oastoria is n harmless substitute- for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine tior other Narootio suhstaiiefl. Its age is its guarantee. . It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panaecn-The Mother's Friend. TOBACCO RECEim HfCRElSB. fcmble Braks at Local Wsrehosse. MceiireQ lalatalnca' la This Kirtct, at both the Fsrasr sad Floater, varstoasee, yesterday, tarn wu plenty of activity. Ths pilss of tobsooo ihow Ttry siook larger, puss of BOO poaadsara common, tiers being oss of 1700 pounds st Us Planters. Yesterday's breaks showed Isrgei re celpto Uuls nsual at both, with prices well maintained The price leeeived by tobsooo growers at New Bera Is saving Its effect, is at tracting sa Increasing smoont of tobscoo to this market. Hew Bera Is constantly growing si tobsooo market, bat It eon Id be msde grow fsster It Iocs! effort on the pert the trade here would assist in building up this market. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Forv Over 30 Years Willlmnort Coal. Pnn.Atmi.rniA, Sept. 5, The board of education of this city has completed sr rangements by which anthracite coal will be Imported from England to fur nish fuel for the public schools during the winter. Owing to the mine workers' strike the proposals of the board for furnishing about 25,000 tons of hard coal brought no bids, the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, and the Lehigh Valley Coal Company announcing that tbey could not quote prices. The average price heretofore, paid for coal for the city schools has been $5.50 a ton, but under the arrangements Just effected the cost of importation will be about $6.50. The work of transferring the fuel from the wharves to the schools will Involve an additional expenditure. A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all the world to know," writes Rev. l J. Budlong, of Ashaway, R. I., "what a thoroughly good and reliable medicine I found in Electric Bitters. They cured ine of jaundice and liver trouble that had caueod me great suffer ing for many years. ' For s genuine, all- around cure they excel anything I ever saw." Electric Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work In Liver Kidney7 and Stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. 'Only 60 cts. Satisfac tion is guaranteed by C. D. Bradham. fiodol Dyspepsia Curo ' Oldest what yon eat. Bird Coler For Governor, New York New York, Sept. 5. David Bennett Hill did much conferring today with Democratic leaders, and the word went from the Hoffman House to Tammany Hall and back again that, as a result of that conference, the Democratic candi- date for Governor would surely be Bird S. Coler, In the event of Chiof Ju jge Al ton Q. Parker persisting In his determi nation not to bead the ticket. The chief Judge will bo once more urged to head the ticket, but the party leaders are unanimous in tholr belief that he will not reconsider bis decision, and they have selected Coler for the place on the ticket from which he was ousted by Croker two years ago. w m m GTOHK TIME to women is a term of much i anxiety.serious thought and I sweet anticipation. Pain and I areau. iovo ai ver chfinirinir . With i he cessation of pain necoHHury to childbirth tnara . ' come a calm nerval, al..p,,, MOTHER'S FRIEND i in accompanying maters. mothera can bring health positioned babies and Ideal ainuntsnes the pa ltV. Withltfiai.li babies, sweet dlKpoaitioned Take away the pain ' of childbirth and you have bliss and ecstaov. Morning s'ekness, sore breasts and txcra- laung pains oaased by the gradually - pflnaina organs, are relieved by this ra- marlcable soothing balm. Among the manifold aids to chtldbfrtt swatfiau' rMsMSf ha grown In popular . tty and gained a prestige among rich women swell as poor) it Is found and welcomed tn the mansion as well as the cabin. Children, strong Intellectually and physio ally is a duty every pregnant woman owe aavieir. By lessening the mother's agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence Is wrought upon the child, and instead of peev ish, ili-tempered and sickly forms you nave laughing humanitv that remains blessing aver aftorto you and its country. Try a (1 bottle. Druggists evsrywhare ell Mother's Rriend. Writs for our from book "Motherhood," THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR C0H "vv v... jKikMIUmUfBm. rv, v.;:v.,'-."-,.. Coast Line Stocks. Wilmington Messenger. There were sales of Atlantlo Coast Line common st Richmond on Wednes day st $103, and one sale of Coast Line of Connecticut at 1360. In the Rich mond stock market the Coast Line of Connecticut Is pat down at $351 bid and $375 asked. Wonderful Medical Feat. At Bellerue hospital. New York, a man named Smith, who hod endeav ored to commit suicide by cutting bis throat, was recently cured in s most remarkable fashion. A tube was in serted Into the windpipe, so that the mau could breathe, but symptoms of pneumonia appeared.. So the doctors placed a kettle of boiling water beside the bed, s pipe from which conducted hot vapor into the artificial windpipe. so that as be breathed s steady let of hot vapor passed into the injured man's lungs. A tent was also placed over his cot so that no chilling draft might play upon him. This saved him from the threatened pneumonia, and the man was well again .within three weeks. The season for shooting quail Is said to be opes la Pamlico county. The change of wind to the eastward causes much higher wster in the rivers. As absence of fish In the-local market made business dull on the dock, yester dsy. The Chattawka hotel is adorned with a line sign, the handwork of Mr. X. T, Berry. A few oysters In the market, bat not enough to make any show. In quality fairly good. Ground has been broken for two resi dences on Craves street They will be built for Mr. L. J. Moore The residence of J. W, Stewart is be ing painted sod the fence surrounding his yard baa been repaired. The buildings of J.E. Latham &Oo, and D. M. Roberts on Craven street have been nicely painted and decorated. The home of Mr. A. D. Ward on Pol lock street has been renovi.ted and beau tlfully painted and repaired through oat. It Is not too early to agitate and even get up s foot tbsll team. The Athletic Park ought to be the scene of some good games. Three persons were before the Mayor yesterday morning charged with being disorderly. They paid the flues and were discharged. 80,000 pounds was the estimate of to bacco on the local market yesterday. With s little effort, it could be just as well 120,000 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Noble of Jones county have moved to the city and will occupy one of the new cottages recently built by William Dunn on Griffith street. Several boats loads of watermelons from lower river points are In the mar ket. A good demand Is reported, the price being about ten cents a piece In lota. Maitland, Fla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.,Bsltl more, Md. Gentlemen: I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so read Hy ss to Liquid Sulphur. I think if used properly it is undoubtedly s spec! fio for Eczema. I have prescribed it for others with most satisfactory results. consider it the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regsrd it ss the greatest medical discov ery of the age. Respectfully yours, W. A. HEARD, M. D. For sale st F. 8. Duffy's. MERE MEN. I John Morley was the first English editor to be made a cabinet minister, i Governor Odell of New York is a chess player of considerable ability, and chess is now his chief method, of passing an otherwise idle evening. Ex-Senator Ross, who cast tbe decid ing vote against the Impeachment of President Johnson, is now setting type in so Albuquerque (N. M.) newspaper office. Major Sir Claude Maxwell Macdon- ald Is s K. C. B. twice over. Having had conferred upon him both the mil itary and civil distinctions of the Order of the Bath. : John Burns, the labor member of parliament, who advised no more con cessions for the American "Invaders," has sat J or Bstterses since 1802. He was formerly a stationary engineer. : , Ex-Senator Cameron, ssys be quit politics s good while ago, and he is of the opinion that "when a man quits 'and says be has quit he ought to quit and his friends ought to let him quit' I Captain I. M. Smith, the first man who stretched wires across the ststv of Wisconsin, is still living in Topeka, Kan. He has also msde weather ob servations from a scientific standpoint for the past fifty years. Mr. Bejfear has this unique claim to distinction, says the London Globe- he is the first golfing premier. Msy he never be bunkered and alwsys be st least one, up at the finish. Lord Balls bury, though" no golf er, had that knack. 81r William Vernon Ilnreourt, who declined a peerage when it was recent ly offered him by King Edward, is one ofi toe leaders of the Liberal party in EsglsBd and has held such positions as home secretary and chancellor of the exchequer. I J. Plerpont Morgan does not sub scribe to a -clipping bureau, but he al ways reads every day at least threw leading newspapers snd has bis secre tary clip from several others an matter in which it Is thought a might be es pecially interested. , , nirrs for farmers Welle rr TU tHtchoa. Among the most essential things in the 'construction of tile ditches is a good outlet.-. 'A ditch may be dug and tiled all right 'and do the worklfor .which It, was msde all right for a snort time, snd then -It begins. to falL.and when investigation is msde to find? the cause nine times out of ten it is found that the tiles have filled np for 'some distance. This Is frequently csused by hogs snd other stock. Now, this can be better prevented than remedied. Dig a well at the month flvo or six feet square and. four to six feet deep and .wall It with two inch lumber.. Cut a hole:for.the tile and'lct the tile pro ject a fcwi'lnches'ln the box, or welt Cut a space; on the lower side ot tne box for overflow. . Now--you have your tile where you, can gal any time ana if all Is right. Nothing can enter the tile to choke it Clean tho mud. etc., out well as often ss necessary to keen It belowxthe'tile. This can gen erally, be donoidurlng dry times. More than one -ditch can.be emptied into one .well 'oil fright. iWe have a ditch' and iwell constructed, on this'plan, and over 300 rods. of tile tempty into tho well. and we expect to run another ditch In to tbeisame .well. This la not sn ex pensive iarrangement,. and we would recommend It highly. .We 1 consider 'thlatona.of the best .things we ever learned sin - connection with t farming ana expect lOiaaopmnieTMHuu uuuam have found something better. W.VT. Burford In 'Practical Farmer. Parti 'Creen. The purity, ot parla green can.be quite readily.) and fairly accurately tested by dissolving It in strong am monia jwater. If pure, all of the paris green .will dissolve, the solution turn ing a deep blue color. Undissolved sediment indicates impurities or adul teration. Another test Is to place little of the paris green between two pieces of window glass and rub them together. If adulterated with llrae, barium sulphate or similar white ma terlals, It will appear to turn white In places. Paris green of good quality is Intensely bright green and uniform When adulterated, the green loses something of Its Intensity and Is gray ish green nnd Is not always uniform. Charles D. Woods, Director Maine Ex periment Station. PEOPLE OF THE DAY Am Bast 014 Ac. A brim B. Hewitt, ex-mayor of New lock city and the nisn whom Andrew Carnegie calls "America's foremost private cittsen," celebrated his eighti eth birthday st his summer home st Bar Harbor, Me, on July SL Tbe ven erable gentleman passed this milestone of sn active career in excellent health and spirits. Few men hare bad better opportunities to accumulate wisdom with years than Abram S. Hewitt Gifted by nature, well trained, well placed and universally trusted, he has had about every sort or profitable pub- m 1 p. OLD PEOPLE Do not always receive the sympathy and attention which they deserve. Their ailments are rrgarded as purely imaginary, or natural and nnsrroidsble at their tuna of life. Disease and infirmity should not always be aasod-" sted with old age. The eye of the gray haired grandairel f may oe as Dngm ana tne complexion as I air as any ol i, jv .his vonncrer and more vigorous nwimnlnni s ' Good Bioodim 1km mmormt ofkttky old mga, lot it regnlatcg and controls every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, makes the muscles elastic and supple, the bones strong and the flesh firm ; but when this life fluid is polluted or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sustaining- elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting in premature old age and discs se. Any derangement of the blood quickly shows itself in an ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or soma other troublesome growth upon the body, arid rheumatic and neuralgic pains become almost constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities. a. S. 8. being purely vegetable, is the safest and best blood purifier for old people. It does not shock or hurt the system like the strong mineral remedies, but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and stimulates the debilitated organs, when all bodily S. S. S. is Just such a tonic as old people need to improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If there is any heredi tary taint, or the remains of some disease contracted in early life, S. S. S. will search it out and remove every vestige of it from the system. Write us fully about your case and let our physicians ajlvise and help you. This will cost yon nothing, and we will mail free our book on blood and skin diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlaata. 6s, ailments disappear. COURT CALENDAR. The Difference In Cows. Professor T. L. Haeker of the Minne sota experiment station states that by weighing oil the food given during a year to the cows of the station dairy herd, weighing the milk and testing the butter fat it was found that some of the cows produced butter at a cost of 12 cents per pound, while for others the cost ran ns high as 17 cents per pound. A few cows produced but lit tle over 200 pounds of butter in a year, and others gave about 400 pounds. Breed made little difference, but the cows that made the cheapest butter were all of the wedge shaped dairy type. An Innovation In Irrigation. A practice which Is gaining ground In th hottest nnrts of the Irrigated re- The change of temperature yesterday . Hon Is that of growing alfalfa as a was most agreeable, the day being clear and cool, with the temperature in the sixties, It Is not hard to realize that Fall Is here. Today Is the anniversary of the shoot ing of President MeKMey. One year ago the nation and the whole world was shocked by the news, which came from Buffalo. Considerable 'wood is being piled up here for winter consumption. Flats with wood find dealers ready to take all they bring here. It Is likely to be all wanted later on. There Is s good field for a few profes sional nurses in this city. It often hap pens that when there is a good deal of sickness that competent help can not be secured st sny price. There are only one or two here at present and In a place the size ot New Bern there should be five or tlx. Quite a little sport wu afforded the spectators on Middle street Wednesday night by a wrestling match between two of the city's protectors. The smaller of the two wss declared the victor after a spirited and hard l fought contest. It is said the pair will do a stunt on the road for the gate receipts solely. Policeman Lupton wss called upon to arrest a colored woman up town yester day who wu making a racket. Upon his giving her some advice on how she should conduct herself she coldly told him to betake himself where they cut no ice and the officer himself had evidence enough to gather a good sum for the benefit of education. The schooner Mldyett about 9 o'clock hist night, ran her bowsprit . into the Meadows warehouse at Union Point. There was big-hole torn in the side of the building and the schooner's rigging had to be loosened In order to release the boat; Tbe accident was probably due to darkness and the strong easterly wind causing a current at the point, causing the skipper to miss his calcula tion of distance. i Pram Pwawtaer. ' For a sfttne pudding; beat two eggs until tklek; adtt a pink of rn.uk font to make thick batter; flour a, ta prunes, stir them Into the and beat In a teaspoonful of owder; steam two and one-half boars' In a buttered mold and serve with. sauce. WANTED. We would like to uk, through the col umns of your paper, If there is any per son who bu used Green's August Flower for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles that has not been eared and we also mean their results, inch as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual iooatlvensss, nervous dys pasia, headaches, deapondiiat feelings, leeplessnesaln fact, any trouble con nected with the stomach or liver T This medicine has been sold for many years In alclvtllssd countries, and we wish to cor respond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If yon never tried August Flower, try one bottle first We have never known of its failing. If so something more serious - is the matter with you. - Ask your druggist. . O. G. Ghuh, Woodbury, N. J. I Bean tV -J iM m mw Siwnys tHHSf cover crop for the purpose of shading the soli and thus reducing soil tempera ture and perhaps of avoiding the ill effects of tbe reflection of burning sun heat from a smooth surface of light colored soil or the 111 effect of "burning out of humus" by clean summer cul ture. In such case more irrigation Is needed to supply enough water for the growth of both trees and cover crop. ABRAM 8. HEWITT. lie. and business experience that any man could have. He is not in har mony with either of the political par ties now contending in New York,; but he does not for that reason imagine that the country Is going to the dem nltlon bowwows. He retains his op timism and declares that there are good times coming to the people of America. Belmont Take Snuff. Oliver II. P. Belmont la one of the few society men who hare, the snuff habit, this not as a result of the re cent attempt made In London to re vive a custom high In favor with our grandfathers, for Mr. Belmont has taken snuff for years. He has quite a collection of valuable boxes and frequently amuses himself by taking out one of these Jeweled re ceptacles and offering its contents to wonderinc friends. Usually the offer Is declined. But quite recently a young lady to whom he playfully extended the snuff surprised him by taking a pinch. As she was not accustomed to the habit and had merely snuffed from bravado a violent fit of sneezing followed. Mr. Belmont always laughs when ho re lates that she seemed to think the re quirements of the situation fully met by the polite inquiry: 'Oh, beg your pardon! Did I sprln kle you?" The Long; and Short of It. The tallest man In the present con gress Is Uepresentauve uyrus suno- way of New Hampshire. The shortest member is Samuel S. Smith of Michi gan. Strange to soy, Sulloway and Smith are great chums and have many confidential remarks to make to each other, although Smith has to stand on his tiptoes and Sulloway has to double himself up like a Jackknlfe when these heart to heart communications take place. By the members who know of this Intimacy Sulloway is referred to as "the majority," while Mr. Smith is called "the minority." The latter Is only "the minority" so for as stature goes, for he is a very decided majority as regards his name. There are six Smiths in the house of representatives. Hard on the Celery. August is counted one of the hardest months on the celery, and during this month the plants are apt to become stunted and dwarfed in their growth. To prevent this the Maryland station recommends mulching with well rotted stable manure or straw manure or clean -straw early In the season, or, If water can be had conveniently, the plantation should be watered frequent ly and kept well cultivated after each application of water. A Hardy Winter Onion. I hope that a good many of my friends will try Bnrletta, White Queen and possibly White Portugal, says a writer In Practical Farmer, for sowing In open ground during August or early In September,-the seedlings to be left outdoors during the winter to make early green onions for bunching. have had even the Yellow Dutch thus started and wintered do well and give a big crop of very early bunching onions. i . : The Stiver Beet. The Silver beet is easily grown and should be better known. Tbe leaves make verr delicate "irreens." and the crura white stalks snd midribs are very itood substitute for celery. Cut the stalks Into neat pieces, boll in little slightly salted water and serve In a cream sauce flavored with celery, salt and white pepper either plain or on toast. To Retard Blooming-. The best way to retard blooming of fruit trees in spring is to scrape away the soil and expose the roots as much 'as possible to the cool air of the early season. This is adapted to the south ionly. In the north an opposite plan is required, and the trees should be heav ily mulched to prevent early .warming OI tne SOU. v arm nuu iuiuvu, , '. Cabbase Acreage Law. ; Beports from local correspondents to American Agriculturist inaicate 'greatly Increased cabbage - acreage. Plants were large when set, weather vwas oenerally favorable for their tax ing a quick hold, and In nearly all cab bace growing sections a very large area has been planted. DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the masterly power of "South Amiricah Nbrvtsb Tohio," Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can curs them all. It li a cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and Indiget.lon. The cure begins with tbe first dose. The re lief It biings Is marvelous snd surprising I i makes no lauure; never disappoints, No matter how long vou hsve suffered, your cure Is certain under tne use of this 'great health-giving force. Pleasant and always safe. Bold by CD. Bradham Druggist Chnrchill a Legislative Candidate. Winston Churchill, the popular novel ist who has just come out as a candidate for the legislature in New Hampshire, lives nt Cornish, N. H. He was born in St Louis Nov. 10, 1871, and his mother Is a native of that city, but his fattier is a native of Maine and comes of old New England stock. The young author's novels, especially "Richard Superior Court of Craven County, Septem ber Term. 1902. Tuesday, 8ept. 16. 46 Foy vs Railroad. 53 Martin vs Hancock. 50 Hancock vs Martin. G7 Arnold vs Brinkley. 60 Simmons vs Goldsboro Lum Co. 81 Ellis vs Brooks. 82 Taylor vs Mclver. 83 Taylor vs Tlsdale. Wkdnesdat, 17th. 47 Jones vs Sutton. 49 Humphrey vs bears. 51 Wallace vs Taylor. 61 Arnold vs Seaboard Air Line. Thursday, 18th. 85 Oroom vs Pritchard. 54 McCarthy vs Lokey. 65 Duval vs Railroad. 66 Cohn vs Pace. 67 Garrett vs Face. 68 Taylor vs Pace. 69 Schenk vs Pace. 70 Brooks vs Pace. 71 Howard vs Pace. 72 Hablcht vs Pace. 73 Rodman vs Pace. 74 Taylor vs Pace. 75 Bush vs Pace. 76 Jacobs vs Pace. 77 Duffy vs Smith. 78 Schaeffer vs Jacobs. Fbidat, 19th. 33 Hancock vs Commissioners. 40 Martin vs DeLoatch. 41 Moody vs Miller. 81 Holton vs Redd. 87 Daniels vs Railroad. Stllley vs Railroad. Saturday 20th. 53 Gaskill vs O. D. S. S. Co. 55 Tyree vs O. D. 8. 8. Co. Gardner vs White. White vs R. R. DeLoatch vs McCarthy. Payne vs R. R. Ryman vs Blalsdell. Jewell vs Paul. Motions. 3 Rouse vs Rouse. 7 Justice vs Justice. 13 Bank vs Spencer. 16 Becton vs Brock. 18 Wayne vs Wayne. 19 Barnum vs Barnum. 22 Humphrey vs B. & L. Assn. 23 Tripp vs Brewer. 25 Reddick vs Roddick. 26 Hodges vs Hodges. 28 Meadows vs H. R. 36 Pate vs Boulanger. 38 Jackson vs Dudley. 58 Phillips vs Lumber Co. 62 Pratt vsHardlson. 64 Pennell vs Hill. Divorces. 21 Ellis vs Ellis. 46 Bow vs Bow. 47 Lockey vs Lockey. 48 Cogdell vs Cogdell. 59 Williams ys Williams. v,: WINSTON CHUBCHILL. Carvel" and "The Crisis," are Im mensely liked In -New England. Mr. Churchill is now at work on a his torical romance dealing with the times of the Louisiana purchase. Underwood ns a Mapmaker. F. L. Underwood of New York, who Is arranging the sixty million dollar cotton mill combination tn the south to be known as the Southern Cotton Tarn company, came from Charleston, S. Ct It la told of him that when as a lad In school he was asked to draw n mnf ot the world Underwood drew a dot about as big as a pea to represent the world. Around that he drew a circle as large as a dime to represent the state of South Carolina, and outside of that he- drew n circle ns large as a quarter of a dollar to represent the city of Charles ton. V ' EsWimalH, HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Win (low Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges. Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Gila, Varnish, Putty, Bash, Doors, Blindi, Jutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, 1 ADQUARTER3 FOR Ana all Kinds ot BU MiTML Betiw Gooua fjowest Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka, STEW BE10, N. . ass- A Sal Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine it a' disap pointment, but you don't want to purge train and break tbe fclands of the stom ach and bowehw Dewltt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system ot all poison snd putrid mat ter and dolt io gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver, ure biliousness,' torpid liver snd prevent fever. F 8 Duffy. , , -' Pray-Balsam Itellsve Bight A1 md makes s toeedj mi ot oongha and colds, CD Sei CD o 13 to B' si Sap ft) , , O o all a a ft a P o P 9 1 V oc g 3 B Mm 3 3 "Haf to vww r.'" CALL No. 14. FEAR OF A CAVIARE FAMINE America WswM Now Sappltea tne With Stara-eoa. The time Is said to be not far oft !when caviare will be as expensive ss canvasback duck or dlamondback ter rapin. Though supposed to be a for eign delicacy, It Is almost exclusively American. At one time all tbe caviare In the market was of European origin. European waters have been nearly; fished out ot sturgeon, however anil today the German and Russian manu facturers, who have a practical monop oly of the finished product relypapon the United States for the sturgeon eggs out ot which the finished dellcac is made. The same process of extinction Is going on in this country at a very rapid rate, and thus far no steps have been taken by either the national or the state governments to regulate tne. Industry. At the present time the three centers Of sturgeon catching are the Delaware river, the great lake audi the Columbia river. A limited nombeE are caught In Puget sound, and, ac cording to ship captains, there la still a vast and untouched supply In ths) waters of southern Alaska. The waters ways which run ' from :" Vaneouret northward along British Columbia are! another field of considerable But the first quality and the one which all epicures prefer cornea from, tbe Delaware. That of the great lakes Is Inferior in flavor, while the Paclfld article Is altogether too rank and coarse for the, most refined palata It was tho latter which was described by an Irishman as a shad roe dressed in cod liver oil. Up to the present century, there were many sturgeon tn the Hud son and Connecticut, In New, London ana Narragansett bays, ha well as Long Island sound, but the number has grown steadily smaller and today Is scarcely worthy ot consideration new; xork Post. Bonds of Craven County, R.C . -Notice Is hereby given that Ten Conn ty Bonds cf the denomination of Five Hundred dollars each hate this dsy been drawn for the Sinking Fund of safd County in accordance with the Act of Assembly authorizing their issue as fol- lows: Five Hundred dollar Bonds num bered as follows: 8-4-28.81-34-85-80-87-89 and 66. " v 1 : These bonds will be paid principal and accrued Interest to Sept. 80th, 1903, upon presentation ot the same st the Natload Bank of New Bern, N. C. on or before Sept. 30th, 1903. Interest on the above Bonds will cease on and after Sept. 80th By order of Board of Commissioners, K. R. Jones, Chairman, Board Of Co. Com. ' m x. wahd Attorney at Law, ,- 71 So. Front 8k, Opp. Hotel Chattawka NSW BERN, N. a Craven County Attorney. " J ' ' ? Circuit Craven. Jones. Onslow. Cart sret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and, the supreme ana jreaerai uonrts. , cuirjH.KTra'a raniitii L-EUriYROYAL F1LL0 tV.. VrinlaiJ awl O.lr Oraalas. . Saaataiaa rsv .art.. Aia..riuiii.. is MKU n.l MUIII. WiM. mmfk Dtxria Ladte.uk I wimhhMrtbbo.. T.k. a ataar. Sr4 llaaswaa. Mak.il iwtl mm aa lilla .at ' SU .r yuur UruntUt, r MS 4. at mmim sir rarttaalatw. TawMaMalals art ''Keller tar I.a4l.'ta Ulltr. b, M 4ara Mall. !. maauaW.. rMSST ru.li.. (!al.kMlrOaa.iaal V aaaffa, ywM.a.l a-4M I :CrimslIo?or will yield under favorable ftondl tions 8 to 10 tons of green food per acre, or 1) to 2 tons of hay and is worth ss a fertilizing crop, $20. to $25. per acre. - Full Information is contained in our Fall Catalogue just issued, which we will mail free t upon request. Wood's Fall Catalogue also tells all about Vf-t-He and Farm 6edsfotFadliantI",5eeJ Wheat.'Gats, Rye, Uu ,y, , Vrtcnes, Grass and , 'iuH.t,.; Clover seeds, tcj -v,,,' - Write for Fall Catalogue and pnoea or any Seeds desired. tTrwTwdo'D & eo::s, "f " a P'- V" ,Wif m v f 1 v

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