MORE BREAD WRITERS. D0BBS. i 1." X .. 1. If -YaliuMc Fir Bearing Antaial K01e4 . Wills Attacking Okkuu. . Mm, Blade was lives on Change Ureet heard ft somaoUoa among her chicken ths other day and went oat to lavesti- fftUftadfoandtblf ftnlauJof tit wi el order attacking on of the large chicken and doing hi bet to carry It So Intent wm It on dragging It away w here tt could feertoa Us chicks at 1U leisure, that It did not not notice the ' vmu who belabored It with a stick intuit was killed. It wee fonnd that the animal wu a mink, a very fine specimen and very rare. Another mink wm seen In the yard of Mrs. Elaeey who Uvea near the A. ft N. 0. depot, bat that got away. It la luppoeed that the little animal not finding anything to eat In the wood or the water to their liking went on a foraging expedition (or chicken meat and met with unfortunate result. They area valuable far bearing ani mal, o tbUc Speaking, E. W. Pou. Boa. X. W. Poo win addresi the cltl cenaof New Bern on Monday night September 15th, 1902, In the Court Douse at 8:80 p. m. Mr. Foa la one of the lin eal orator In North Carolina, being the preient CongreMman from the Fourth District. Let everybody come oat and hear the issue of this campaign dis cussed. Finished School Census. Mr. H, P. Harding has just completed the school census In New Bern. The census is taken of those between 6 and 21 years, and the number Is 054 whites, and 1702 colored. Compared with the previous census this shows a falling off of 25 In the col ored and an Increase of 30 in the white. Big Prices For Tobacco. Another big day at Planters Ware house, the whole sale averaged 15 cts. Mr. "W. H. Wilson, of Perfection sold 1600 lbs. for $395.26. Mr. O. M. Lancas ter averaged $30.00 per hundred for his load, and said New Bern wm the best market of any, aud he expects to sell his entire crop here. Mr. G. F. Buck and Mr. Joseph L. Forest, from Va nceboro were among the happy ones selling at the Planters yesterday, also Mr. S.P.Ed wards, and O. C. Edwards of Olivers, Jones county, all of whom were highly pleased. DIED. At his home In Klnston, Mr. Lsndon Q. Miller, Sept. 6th, 1003. Mr. Miller wm a nephew of Mrs. S. J. Hudson of this city. ban ths a Il Kind You Han Alwari 8tgaatm of I'rowas by Wholesale. It la told of one of the ancient kings of Egypt thut his coronation proces sion occupied a whole day In passing through the city of Alexandria and that 3,200 crowns of gold were carried by the servants. One crown was three feet in height and twenty-four feet In circumference. There were also car ried In the procession sixty-four suits of golden armor, two boots of gold four and a half feet in length, twelve golden basins, ten large vases of per fumes for the baths, twelve ewers, (fifty dishes and a large number of tables all of gold. Twenty-three of the M00 crowns were valued at 334, 400, and It Is not surprising that the procession was guarded by 90,000 sol diers. St James Gazette. A Child Blahop. A curious custom formerly prevail ing on St. Nicholas day was the elec tion of a boy to maintain the state and authority of a bishop, for which purpose he was clothed In rich epis copal robes and wore a miter. Dean Colet, in the statutes of St Paul's school, expressly ordains that "his scholars should every Childermas (In nocents) day come to Paulls churche and bear the chylde bishop's sermon, and after be at the hygh masse and each of them offer a penny to the chylde bishop." On Nov. 13, 1551, the bishop of London ordered that all the churches In his diocese should elect boy bishops to take part in proces sions In the streets of the metropolis. ' With the rise of Protestantism this election was suppressed, but the Eton . Montem was a continuance under an- tncr form. The "boy preacher" was ktnowii In England before he cam from ' America. London Chronicle. . -. ' For Roaches and Water Bugs. . - If you are troubled with roaches and water bags, try oar Roach Pate. Wa guarantee It to give satisfaction and re fund the money li It does not Price 25c Davia' Pharmacy. , NOTICE I f'Tha New Bern Building and ; Loan As- ,' koclatloB. The Wth Series of Stock I will mature "and be payable on or after September 10, s on presentation of certificates to me at . tht National Bank of New Bern. , ; f t : . '.: J.B.B. Cabkaway, i - - Sec'y. and TreaaJ Ceres Cclii,LzGtipi:z , y rici.t to take. .Tour -money , . i U. Ah t s. IT . -AXPPD AXD ABOUT. A survey la being made along the water front oa East Front atreeL Hana hart quit laying eggs aad u a result the pries of Ma trait has goaa sky ward.' - The tt earner Ocraeoka which ha been repaired began her regular trip yester-' day afternoon. - . 7. SEraal, carried off a baach of colored laborers from here yesterday to pick his ootton crop. Isaac Lewie, am removed his family from Arapahoe to the place at the north end of the Nense river Bridge, ThaBee Hive, Duffy's old stand on Pollock street, ana an, attractive new alga over Its front entrance. Four bales of new cotton were re ceived yesterday, and sold In the local market at 8 cent per pound. Mr. W. L. Benders, a highly respected and well known citizen of Arapahoe, died Sunday of hemorrhagic fever. Those who have given In their names for the uniform rank of the Knights of Pythias are requested to be present at 8 o'clock tonight. The forecasts that have been foretell ing rain for the put few days have at last resulted in a little moisture We had a fine rainfall yesterday. There wm another big excursion to Morehead Sunday. Ten coaches were required to take the people. Over 300 tickets sold at Klnston; twenty were sold here. Fish of all kinds are becoming more plentiful In the market. The tide water from the ocean brings some large fish In to the river. There have been no oysters received yet. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gilbert, died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, after a sickness lastlne over s month. Brief funeral services were held at the family residence yesterday morning. Rev. H. C. Moore officiated. Henry Gettlg, the well known ball player, wm here yesterday, from the South, where he hM been playing on the Shreveport team. Having a finger nail wrenched off, Gettlg decided to leave the South, and left here last night for Baltimore. Word hM been received here that Major DenniBon, who left this city for Arizona, Is now In Colorado, quite 111 with cancer of the stomach. This will be heard with regret here, both on ac count of this New Bernlan himself, and more so because of his daughter, Miss Louise. Abe White, black, wm defendant In an Msault and battery case in Magistrate Street's court yesterday morning. He wm found guilty and ; required to pay one dollar to the school Jfund and costs. White with the State were plaintiffs In a case against Mills Roberts, also colored. The complaint wm found frivolous and malicious and the plaintiff, White, was attached for costs. A horse, attached to a buggy, made a long run of It last evening from Mead ows' office on South Front, to the stable of J. M. Arnold on Broad street, taking the sidewalk on Pollock street from East Front to the Postofflce. The run away wu given plenty of room In Its course, hitting only stationary objects. The buggy wm badly wrecked, the horse escaping any Injury. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. G. 8. Attmore, of Stonewall, wm here Monday. Mr. W. E. Brown and son Zack, of Vanceboro, are in the city. Mr. Joseph Nelson Is passing a few days at Finch, Nash county. Miss Sadie Dannenburg of Wilson Is the guest of Mrs J L Halm. Mr. Chas. H. Hall, left last night on a business trip to Philadelphia. Mr. Ralph Davenport returned Satur day from a visit In Baltimore. Mr. W. D. Mclver went to Raleigh last evening on professional business. Mr. Richard Duffy went to Chapel Hill for a short stay yesterday morn' Ing- Miss Nellie Davis returned from Bean- fort Sunday where she has been spend ing the summer. Rev. B. F. BumpM and Mr. H. M. Groves went to Seven Springs for a short time yesterday. Mr J L Hahn and family have returned from Beaufort where they have been passing the summer. Miss Will Roberts of Beaufort who has been visiting her sister Miss Anna Roberts returned to her homeSatur- Mra. M. 8. Rawllngs, of WlnfaU, N. 0. and Mrs. Charles Selmater, of Philadel phia, are visiting Mrs. E. M. Morris, on Pollock street Messrs. Will Dunn, Joe Patterson and Alpheus Dlsosway left yesterday mem Ing to attend school at jthe Unlve rslty of North Carolina at Chapel Hilt ' Miss May Hendren returned yesterday morning to resume her duties m teacher in the Greensboro Female College. She was accompanied by Misses Fannie Cot ler, Hilda Davenport and Janle Stewart who will enter that institution. Cigars to please everybody. Prince of India, Cubanola,Haney Special, Aunt Hannah, A. to Z. Down Home. I. R. Parker Jr. ; v.The Ere Firm. t Having opened up for basiness Bept 1, 1902, we wish to extend an invitation to the public to call and see u. thank Ing all for past favors and soliciting fn tare ones,' we are . .. . ' Tours to please, . 7 " , McGEHEE tt WILLIS. Phone 137. Successors to J.J.Tolson, Jr. Caajkcct tt Becaasc .Oac. v , It la now very generally admitted that It la only those towns la ths South that aalte manufacturing with their agricul tural reavnrcea that are nuking substan tial progress, and that la because, the opportaalty la afforded all member of the community who arc able and willing to become wage earner, thereby adding to the wealth of ths community, and It eoaseqvent prosperity. Where manu facturing does not exist, only the men of the oo mm unity are bread winners, the other members of the family being non earning consumer. It la to be regretted that New Bern doea not rank very high m a manufac turing place, and that fact la a great measure account for the lack of that progress that la shown by many of her neighbor. The one Induatry along thia lino that wa have got The Southern Hosiery mill strongly accentuates this correctness and freely Illustrates what might be accompUahed If there wm more of It. And yet singularly enough the man agement of this excellent Institution finds It difficult at times to keep th plant run ning to Its capacity because of the lack of suitable labor. A visit to this mill shows an up-to- date knitting factory, admirably arrang ed, well ventilated, heated throughout by steam, electric lighted by its own plant; supplied with city water, and a perfect sewerage system. The Superintendent and foreman arc courteous to the operatives, taking pains to Instruct them in their duties, and the busy hamming rooms, present a pleasing picture of industry thrift, and happy contentment The employee are mostly girls, and we learn from the Superintendent that owing to an increrse of machinery, that he Is prepared to give employment to fifty or sixty more than are now em ployed. Here then is an excellent chance for some of the families living In the coun try, in which there are several children, to obtain remunerative employment and become helpful members of the com munity as well as direct supporters of the family. The industrious girl or boy can earn good wages; the manner of payment Is eminently fair, as each operator Is paid for the work he or she does; the more attentive and industrious one is, the more one earns, Uur attention was called to the fact that a fourteen year old boy earns between ten and eleven dollars In two weeks and a thirteen year old girl who had only been at work two months, wm earning fifty cents a day and the average earning for the opera tors is four dollars per week. People coming from the country can rent homes near the factory at vei y reasonable cost and an industrious fami ly can live in comfort and save money. The management of this model insti tution want only people of good moral character as employees, as among those now employed are some young women of education and refinement whose homes are as deslreable as one could wish and It Is this standard that it is de sired to maintain. The entire institution from Superin tendent down to the youngest operator, will welcome new comers, who come to join In this hive of Industry for their own betterment and Incidentaly that of the community. Honest labor, for cither sex is honor able, and the girl or boy who seeks em ployment in order to aid their parents, or to avoid being a burden upon their families, is entitled to the highest praise and every honorable person will accord them that. There are too many drones, and too few bread winners, and our community Is fortunate In the possession of an in stitution that makes II possible to re duce the former and Increase the latter. C. B. H. . The Iroa Maldem. The Iron maiden is a terror Inspir ing torture instrument made of strong (wood coated with Iron. It opens with two doors to allow the prisoner to be placed Inside. The entire Interior Is fitted with long, sharp Iron spikes, so that when the doors are pressed to these sharp prongs force their way Into various portions of the victim's body. Two enter his eyes, others pierce bis chest and. In fact, impale him alivt In auch a manner that he dies In the most agonizing torture. Persons were condemned to death by the embraces of the Iron maiden for plots against the governing powers, parricide, religious lunbellef and murder. The date of this instrument la the fifteenth century. It Is believed that the Iron maiden la purely and peculiar ly a relic of old Nuremberg, aa at that date we do not read of It anywhere else, while the annals of that town con tain many allusions to Its terrors. Ilia First Taate of Dlaelptiae. Admiral Jonett probably one of the jolllcst neadogM our navy ever knew, omt told this nmuslnjr story of his mrly days as a cadet: "1 was a sociable youngster," be snys. "aud wheu 1 went to my first as signment the Independence, and saw the stars and stripes floating over tt I remembered my mother bad tanght me that my first duty was to the flag. so I attempted some conversation on this Hue wltb the executive officer who bad received me when I came on board and who was one of the strictest disci plinarians In the navy of that day. "'Silence, sir!" he roared at my first question, bis face red wltb anger. 'Si lence, sir! who gave yon permission lo speak T Let me bear only six words from yon, sir, while you are on this shlp-port' "starboard," "yes, sir,' and "no, slrV , -.. "And, this was my first discipline In tue navy. - Brick Brick we are agents for the Elnston-Clark Brick and Tile Co., It Will pay yon to see u before buying else where, prices and quality J. R, Parker EDUCATIONAL RALLY AT WjyER. As) Important Event Which. Will be Heartily Appreciated. . . Then will be a grand mass meeting In the interest of public education at Dover, Thursday evening September 11th. This meeting should have a tendency to draw all who desire to see educational Inter est advanced. It will be of the same nature a the rallies held all over the State. The speaker who will addreu the meeting are Superintendent of Publlo Instruction, J. T. Joyner, Hons. C. R. Thomas and 0. 11. Gulon. The people may expect a rare treat from these men. The public Isured to-attend this rally a there will be questions discussed at that time that will be of importance to every person tbat hear them. THE CHRONIC BORROWER. A Rapid Sketch of the Daily Life of a neighborhood Nuisance. Behold the mcanderlngs of the bor rower. In the tiiornldg he arlseth and dlscovereth that be hath no suitable linen for the day. Straightway he go eth to his brother to borrow a - shirt which wm bought on tick. Being at tired in raiment more or less his own, he sltteth down to a borrowed breakfast during the process of which he reads the morning news from his neighbor's paper He arises from the table and before de parting for his labor Ms wife puts the borrowed luncheon Into the borrowed pail and then he borrows a kiss and speeds away. At work, he .borrows a plane, hammer, saw or ax, paper Ink and pencil. He is never equipped with tools of his own. By so doing he heaps up riches wonderfully. When the dsy's work is done he sorrows a nickel to pay his fare to his borrowed home to rest In the bosom of his family which for a wonder Is not borrowed. The only thing he is punctual in paying back Is the kiss he borrowed in the morning. Mullets Caught Along Shore. The up country raina have had no ef fect upon the rivers, Ncuse and Trent, in causing tbe fish to leave these waters. Fishing off ihe county bridges have usually been 'he best places, but the mullets are so numerous in the rivers that they are being caught along the shore, fully as easily as from the bridges Mullets measuring six inches and con siderably longer are caught near the wall on East Front street. Superior Court Term. The Fall term of the Superior Court of Craven county will convene on Tues day, September 16th. Those Interested should note that the first day Is Tuesday, not Monday. The Elks Coming Carnival. The executive committee appointed by the Elks, Messrs. Wm. Dunn, J. H. Weddel), Tom C. Daniels, J. B. Dawson, Geo. Green and F. F. Matthews have about completed arrangements with the Layton Street Fair and Carnival Com pany for a great big time in the Old Town during the week, Oct. 6 to 11 In clusive. The committee have selected J. H. Weddell, as Director General, Tom C. Daniels, General Manager, Geo Green Secretary and Wm. Dunn, Treasurer. The working committees have been se lected and will be announced Wednes day morning' The co-operation of U the citizens Is needed sad desired to make this occasion a profitable one for our people. So let everybody be ready to lend a helping band. AN OXFORD CUSTOM. Ifetfcs4a Thut Enforce am Elaborate System of Dookkeeplnar. An American student at Oxford says that in certain of tho university col leges a man may tio fdr dessert to tho ball store that is, the room below the lining "ball," where the fancy grocer ies of the college are displayed for sale. rrbere are oranges from Florida and rTanirler. armies from New Encland. Sgs and antes from the Levant prunes rom Italy, candled apricots from France and English hothouse grapes. All are spread upon the table like a borgeona Venetian picture, but at el per end of the room stand two Oxford rscouts" with account books in their pands. t A man takes a tangerine and makes little gesture toward the scout who Wlently records, "Brown, orange, two- bence," and looks up to catch the next Item. ' ' Some one asks, "How much are (chocolate creams, HigginsT" "Three ha'pence for four, sir," and the student urges three neighbors to share bis pennyworth. I The minuteness of this bookkeeping Is characteristic of precise English ways. The weekly bills always bear a charge of twopence for salt and the like, and once, when I had not ordered Anything for the day, there waa an un specified charge of a penny in the breakfast column. I asked the butler kvhat it meant He looked at me hor rified. ' Why, sir, that is to keep your name bn the books!" I aaked If such elaborate bookkeep ing were not very expensive. "In America," I said, "we should lump the charges and devote the money saved to hiring a better cook." ! Ho explained that it always bad been managed so. That was sufficient Youth's Companion. . Wr, the undersigned tallevlag Dr BETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM to be a re liable Remedv for Bowel Complaint. hereby guarantee a twenty-five cent bot tle to glvs satisfaction or money refund ed. T. A. Henry. ,;. .. . Fresh Grape-Nut, Postum Ceres Saratoga Chips and Oat Flakes at J. R. Parker, JrY bepartare of Jtmag JTtopIc Far Callegt, rgajiiatton'sCkarca. September 1-Mr. 8. T, H01 reiaraed Sunday from a trip to Treatoa. ' Miss Mary Lancaster returned Tues day from a visit to lilt county accom panied by Misses Lettls and Lovey Wetberlngtoa. - v . Mr. J. B. Hill spent Sunday at Jat per. ' : Several of oar people attended the Disciple Union meeting at Jasper Sun day, among whom were Messrs. Dike Griffin, Len Bright and Pharoah Gat tin a, the' delegates sent from Ells worth. Mrs. H. C. Lancaster left Monday for aa extended vlalt to relatives at Waah thgton, N. C. 1 Mr. A. P, Willis of Moss Oak Farm waa in town Saturday. It Is Lucretla Willi accompanied him home to spend the week, leaving at least two aad hearts behind. Messrs. Joe McLawhora and Grover Lancaster left Monday to attend school at Wlntcrvllle, and Mr. Lynn Lancaster will leave tomorrow to attend the Atlan tic Christian College at Wilson. Suc cess to them, and we hope to seo many more of our young men and women fol low their exampe, for the time . hM come when oar people absolutely mutt hare an education. Rev. J. W. Tyndall of La Grange closed a ten day's meeting at Ellsworth lst week. The meeting wm largely at tended, and at Its close the Disciples of the vlclntty organized with about forty members, and elected the following offi cers: Elders, W. F. Lancaster and John O. Griffin; Deacons, L, V. Lancaster and St Clair Lancaster; Assistant Deacons, Len Bright and Dike Griffin; Treasurer, Mrs. Clarlaaa Lancaster; Clerk, Miss Lizzie Lancaster; Assistant Clerk, H. C Lancaster; Rev. Mr. Tyndall wm elected Pastor for the coming year. Wandkrinq Willis. Fall Seed Catalogue. T. W. Wood and Sons, Richmond, Va, the well known Seedsmen have Issued IhelrjFall Seed Catalogue, which Is especi ally valuable to the Southern farmers, as it contains a list of vegetable and farm crops which can be grown with profit In this section. Sent on request. Wood and 86ns , seeds are noted for their high excellence every where. Democratic Nominees Craven Co. The Executive Committee of the Democratic Party met at the Court House Saturday September 6th 1902, and canvMsed the election returns. The following received the majority of votes were declared the regular Demo cratlc nominees m follows. Representative, O H Gulon. Cleik Superior Court Wm M Watson Sheriff .las W Blddle, Register of Deeds Geo B Waters. Treasurer D L Roberts. Coroner Dr J W Duguld. Surveyor F A Fulcher. Constable 1st jTownshnlp B R War ren. Constable 2nd Township W H Whit- ford. Constable 3rd. Township A. W. Avery. ' Constahle Tth Township E B Ballan ger. Constable 8th Township D M Btryon Hinrt R. Brvan Jr., Chairman, B. G. Curdle, Secretary. The Author' Power. Everybody knows that In a novel a commonplace person may be made in teresting by a deliberate, patient ex position of Ids various traits precisely as we can learn to like very uninter esting persons In real life If circum stances place them day after day at our elbows. Who of us would not grow Impatient with the early chap ters of "The Ncweomes," for Instance, or "The Antiquary" If It were not for oar faith that Thackeray and Scott know their business and that every one of these commonplace people will contribute something in the end to. the total effect? And, even where the grad ual development of character rather than the mere portrayal of character la the theme of a novelist as so fre quent with George Eliot how color less may be the personality at the out set how narrow the range of thought and experience portrayed! Yet in George Eliot's own words "these com' monplace people have a conscience and have felt the sublime promptings to do the painful right" They take on dignity from their moral straggle, whether the struggle ends in victory or defeat - By an Infinite inumber of subtle touches they, an. made to grow and change before our eyes like living,1 fascinating things. Atlantic. . , NEW BERN PR0DOCE MARKET WnOLJSSALt r-BICBS CCBRSNT. Eggs, per do:.U....t'. ..-.20c Uhlckens, old per pair........ ..00 & 60 i " young, per pr.,...,.v 80 A 40 Pork, ....... . 7 dt 8 Beef, " 5&e Hides, green, per lb .......... ,. dry r &10 Beeswax, " ...,.., 20 to 25 Corn, per bush. i , Oats, ' " ! . .....,., ?..,. Mc Peanut. '- Potatoes, Sams....... ......... .t'V'70 Bahamas. ........... r.. .45 " "Local Grain Karket. ' " ' Corn, per fcu.. ...i.t...' ' I 4 Oats per bu. ......... .. .'. ' .SO Meal, porbu... Hominy, perbu..... )- Corn bran, per 100 lb d.i....... , 1-25 Wheat bran, per '.' . . .. . . 1.40 Feed, 100 lbs.. ... ......... , 1.60 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs.. 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs ....... ., t , J60 ship stuff.,: . . ... 10 No. 1 Timothy, per ton. .... . 80.00 l , T ,i.v i 9mWws mi M rWcerfhom every dyf WX "7 Ih STS II I Why Botfce, comfortable ft. , k I 2- VV vr1 I WORCESTER M LdBOIl'TOH M I rttMhpst Comfortable Corset y'j I I u because they fit-. I I 1 K"- I I STRAIGHT FRONT. ' I 1 A,k your W.o S lust what vwa - 4 ) Jl I ToJu no ottof kind. -' S 1 I Royal Worcester Corset Co. yy II m ' WORCESTER,; MAS. - jTft&T IF' YOU THE BEST, PRICES, Tho RFQT'Qfahlne The BEST Facilities UNLOaOING BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO THE Farmers Warehouse t TDTlLTZr SALES. We promise our best efforts in behalf ot the Farmers. C. H. RICHMOND, Auctioneer. For Sals! 1 offer my Block of General Mer chandise for sale at a BARGAIN. Will spII Stock and Fixtures complete. This is a fine opportunity for the right party to engage in the mercantile business. Ono of the finent locations In the Cornty. Business Ten Thousand Dollars per year. For particulars correspond with, K. II.IIARG13T, Rllvcnlale, N. C. Change of Location. I hnve moved my stock of Groceries, &c, to the building next to my Old Stand where I will bo pleased to serve my customers as heretofore. B'g bar gains for seed cotton. R. W. W'LLIP, VamoriIoro, N. C. NOTICE I Out Sale. - ,s . - . - . : .. . I am now closing out, .'my I Stock. at cost, i , Dry , Goods, - Clothing:, Shoes, Hats and Notion ''Groceries. Hardware, " Tin , aud ; Glassware, also a full line of drags. One dwell ing arid store combined .for sale. Store 525x50 'feet'"' Six rooms up stairs.,. v .. ... .. v , i" Apply to 1 L. F. TAYLOR, - ' Oovp.N.' '; t i The Charge for onr oats, feed, etc., U as low as the lowest, and the quality the best We b,ndle only reliable varieties, and ke p on mud always a large ana careiunj seletW stock. Everything warranted to b Just as represented. ' Our repnta- tion lsan assurance of square dealing. Having superior facilities, we can aup ply all your wants in the line indicated at bottom prices, , , ? ; 5 . j 10 ft 81 Market Dock, New Bern, N. O Closing WANT J. M. HOWARD, Manager, Farmers Warehouse. Cotton Batinina and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 3,500 Rolls Cotton Hogging, 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties. Send us yonr orders. Prices are the lowest J. E. liAtham & CV i AT S. COPLOWS. Continuing every day brings mors promptly to the front my old customers. Rest Money SAVING Opportunity of the Year In Jfow I We Will Make You Some Trices : Men's -lothing from 2.00 to $18.00 Men' Pants from - - - f,k. to $s.98 Boy's Knits from - - - 79c to 4.08 Boy's Knee Pants from - 15c to , 1.60 Men's V hoes from - - - c to 6.00 Children's from - - 18c to 3.08 Ladle's Shoes from - - - 08c to 9.60 Woolen Goods from 8c to $1.'.'5 yard. Bilks and Matins from V8c to $1.25 yard. Oalieoes from 8Jo to fie yard. A Sheeting from 4c to 7c yard- ! WATCH THIS HP VB , FOU SrCIAL. Yours truly, S. COPLON, 75 Midate St. .frexttoGaskilllldw.Co. Patty and Paint cover a mnltitude ot commercial sins) , but yon will find onr repairs to and re. furbishing of carriages, wagons, runa bouts all aorta of vehicles are more than skin deep. We make "good as new" wherever possible always make things better than we find them. ; We put Rubber Tires on yonr old or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires In a machine without cutting them. Everybody is invited to see the work -of the machine putting new bolts in same old places.; - -:., -j;.- . y' o'.y ''r;;;:.;: G. U. Waters & Won, '.''?".. y Phone 185, " ' - x 78 Broad Pt. '" Kw Bsa. W. ' Celery Headache Powders. 'There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powder. Tboy never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis Prescription Pharmacy, CLASH m l- -k - ""' v -y "'l''"'-'!iiuiii!JJ

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