- ir . i F.I , , MM TOLDMK XXV. IIW BXRI, CRiTIH COUITT, I. C, IRIDAY, SIPTIMBItt 12, 1902.SZCONO SICTIOH. HUM Hi 47 ft i i m a wm mm BILEIGD. The Cotton Crop Showing la Lenoir County. v , Goei Bala Fall. Real EiUU Bale. Maaeale Temple. Malicious AetUai. State Fair Prot ects. Oa Ma Beport Wilcox. Raleigh, Sept. 10. The beat raia la many week fell here yesterday after boob and last sight The wind waa tor an hoar quite high and no doubt tome damage was done to cotton, which la very folly open on aandy land. M aay farmeri are slow In picking cotton: tome beoeeseof special atteatloa given to bacco, otters because of scarcity of labor and yet others because of carelessness. . Dempsey Wood, a Well known farmer of Lenoir oonnty, says that on atnety acres la cotton be madelaat year slaty II to bales, while this year be will not get over forty-fire. He says the drought has so affected hU cotton that then la no bottom crop or top crop, only that at the middle of the plants. His cotton Is so nearly all open that the first picking Is getting practically all of It, Some persons expected that the Sup reme Court would yesterday file an opinion In the notable Wilcox case, bat though a number of opinions were filed this was not among them. , Governor Ayooek will Warn ; here next Saturday from Seven Springs. ;.. .Today the Dime Savings bank here bought the fire story building for years occupied by the Stete National bank, and will occupy It. si ' - A. number of plans will be submitted - for the Hssonlo Temple here. It Is cer tain that the building will be the hand somest In the State. The actual work of construction will probably begin early in the spring. The site chosea, on Fay eltevllle street, one block south of the Capitol square, and embraces property on which there Is now a bank and three stores. f Unknown persons, generally believed to bo young white men who habitually loaf and drink, cut all tho ropes of awn ings of business homes on the principal streets last rilgbt. la some cases they lashed the awnings with knives. .There was considerable Inquiry today as to where the police were while such malic Ions mischief was In progress Some un known persons hsve also stolen some of the 0 Inch shells of the Confederate monument In the Capitol square. - :' State treasurer Lacy is In New fork, on business. ... J1 Among today's arrivals were L. G, Daniels, Roanoke Island; J. M. Arm strong, Wilmington; A. L. Smith, Char lottes W. Moore, Greenville, k1" . , Very active work is la progress In con ncctlon with the State Fair. ' The pre mium list Is being very widely distrib uted. There will be the ' usual great gathering of people. The Fair Is an annual re-union of. North Carolinians. No other SUte hss anything like it In this great social feature. Fresh . Grape-Nuts, Fostum Cereal Saratoga Chips and Oat Flakes , at JB. Parker. Js. n :1 mm P s Weekly Crop BuUetin, 3 The weekly crop bulletin for week and Ing Monday, September 8th, Is aifol lows: Frequent showers occurred during the past week, chiefly on theSd and 4th, which gave a fairly abundant amount of moisture along the northern tier of counties, but were very Irregularly dis tributed over the central and southern portions of . the State. . The droughty character of the season' hu not mate rially changed, "and crops continue to suffer from lack of sufficient moisture over meny counties. Where showers occurred late crops were revived to some extent, and field peas, turnips and clover were benefited. The mean temperature was'above normal except on the 5th and 6th which were quite cool. Farm work progresses rapidly, but fall plowing Is much, behind on account of the refrac tory condition of the soil. Streams arc very low and water for stock . Is scarce In some places. . VyS' fiyr Cotton has not Improved and will be far short of an average crop; the bolls have completed their growth and are opening very fast, soma prematurely oa account of rust which. Is very widespread Picking cotton Is now general and Is ad vancing mors rapidly. Lata planted cotton Is - still green and will give a small top crop. Corn Is practically made, and Is a very good crop on bot tom lands, though-sborV on uplands; much corn . has already beta cut and placed In shocks. Fodder pulling Is nearly finished. Making sorghum syrup has begun. ; Tobacco Is all cured except In the largot producing counties In the north from Granville to Surry where the work Is still In progress with good results. Minor , crops are fair to good and can hardly be further Influenced by weather conditions. Scuppernong grapes are ripening. Strawberry plants are suffering from the dry weather. CASTOR I A Tor fc'-Ets i CH!!r:x ?j Ed Y;j i:::iA!r;i :-;'.! r"-s the. s TELEGJtirmC BRETTTIES. The Csarlaa of Basala, who has been orltloally til for asvoral days la recover- The Laaoashlra boweries la Kaglaad are assvllng Mt eaomons quantities of coal to the United States. , Mr. Henry W. Grady, it. of Atlanta, Ga aoi of the late Hsary W. Grady, for many years editor of jae Atlanta Constitution has disappeared and bis friends are anxious for bis welfare. W. O. Banders, editor of the Tar Heel In Ellxabetn City was arrested Tuesday for smoking cigarettes within the city limits. , The first anniversary of the lata Presi dent MeKlnky's death will he observed la many churches throughout the conn try next Sunday. Cspt. Joseph H.McRee,of Wilming ton, N. O. SUte engineer was found dead In bis room at a hotel la Lumber ton. Appopleiy waa the cause of his death.; -; . The coroner! Inquest In the nutter of the death of Secret Service officer Wil liam Craig, who was killed at PltUfleld, ss, while acting as 'guard to Presi dent Roosevelt last week, makes the motoiman guilty of criminal negligence. The monitor Arkansas waa delivered to the Government Tuesday - at Norfolk Va. ,T.:y ' - The Are In the west shaft of the Poco- hontas coUlsry at B ram well, W. Ya.,was extinguished Tuesday. The post office safe at Hubbard, O., waa cracked Sunday night, the burg lars getting over 11,060 In money and stamps. The Pacific Mall stumer Siberia left Newport News, Va., Tuesdsy for a trial run preparatory . to going around the Horn. -- - The Union Veterans' Union has called lis encampment for October 0-11 at Washington, D. 0., coincident with the Grand Army encampment. There are now piled up in the govern ment vaults 1600,000,000 la gold. The largest amount that has ever been held at one time. . Anarchists caused rioU In Barcelona. Spain, Bunday. The development of the bribery scan dal ot the Missouri legislature has been made In a public confessloa made by the speaker of the House of Delegates. Ha implicates 18 members of the lower house. ' i X O Stlnson hu been nominated for governor of Colorado by the Demo crats. The steam Utters are on strike In Dowle's Zlon City, 111. California celebrated Tuesdsy the fifty second anniversary of IU admission Into the anion.. Extensive forest fires are sweeping the sections around Oregon City Ore., and Laramie Wyo. President SRoosevelt has stopped the proposed cowboy race fromDeadwood 8, D., to Omaha, Neb. Gold amounting to $3,290,000 Is oa the way to New York and Baa Francisco, Cal, from Australia. For aassult on Basle Gostenbeder, white, John Lomsx, colored was hanged yesterday at Montrose Va. Congregational ministers of Chicago III., are considering means of ending the anthraclU coal strike. The Klondike steamer Couace Cltv waa wrecked Sunday in Wrangle Nar rows, bat all the passengers were sav ed " . .,y, . '..-.J- ::' The anxllary cruiser Panther hu been ordered to League Island for repairs. :':r- li y: -: ' ' "s There wu a net Increase of 9 per cent la receipU at ; the 60 largest post offices In August Naval Constructor Daniel H Cox has resigned, being the second of the corps to give up since December 1. Gen Bummer bu begun a campaign against the warlike Moras la the PhMI pine Islands. There are 1100 troops la the command. ' , ' A' freight handler on the North Ger man Lloyd steamboat Hue discovered a package of 'dynamite lying among the freight. It contained four pounds of the explosive and would have been sufficient to blow any ocean liner to pieces. Kineral Waters at Darls.' Davis' Prescription Pharmacy hu the agency here for Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Water. It la a fine tonic and endorsed and prescribed 4y . resident physicians. Besides this Water, there Is also oa sal at Davis' rharmacy, SuSald Llthia, Csrsbsna. Hungadl Janos, Reo Raven EgUts, etc - - ' JACCi' T' T.79 TTtliksy la the FJUI5D. Luxe Attendance it All Tne SUte - Colleres Fall Plewlag Beglas. Nerihera la vesters. AtfUeaats Already fer State Baglaeer'a Place BaptlsU Pleased With Key. Tyree. ' Labor ";' 1 Scarce. Ralxiobt, Sept. 1L Stete Auditor Dixon left today for Fsyetuvllle where he will tomorrow make a campaign speech. He is the first of the SUte of ficers to apeak during the present cam- " . Many eomplalnU ot scarcity of farm labor are coming la. It Is expected that the September crop report will show a still further falling off la coaditloa ot the oottoa and corn. The fact that there are over 000 stn- denU already at the Bute University arouses much enthusiam among the alumni, ' The attendance at all the col leges Is remarkably large. The Interest In education ts extending all along the line, from the common schools upward. State superintendent Joyner expresses the greatest satlsfsctlon at all this. The BaptlsU here are greatly pleased at the acceptance by Rev. D. W. C. Tyree of the pastorate of the First church, made vacant by the death ot Rev. A. A. Marshall. Already there are several applications for the position of engineer to the SUte board of education made vacant by the death of Joseph H. McRee. No appoint ment will be made for some dsys. It Is now said by persons in a position to know that the deal by which the elec tric power plant at MUlburnie, six miles from here, on the Neuse river, and the Raleigh atreet railway and electric light plant, will be consumated. A great deal depends on this greet deal. The New York people who came to see the proper ties uy they are pleased at the outlook for an Investment. The rainfall night before last here wu 1.19 inches. It hu enabled fall plowing to begin. ' Peace institute here hu began its fall term. Addresses to the students wero made by president G. T. Winston of the A. A M. College. ex-Judge T. B. Wo- mack and Rev. G. F. Smith. Wake Forest college began tu term to day with more studento then ever be fore.' , It hu cost the State 9373 to get the negro Monroe Rogers, charged with arson, from Massachusetts to Durham. MATSVILLE BepU 11. The weather hu again changed to a little cooler. Glad to see the change. Tuesday wu the rainiest dsy we hsve had this year. It rained hard nearly the entire day. . ".; .'.v Trade at this place Is quite on the "boom." All the stores seem to be doing good business. . "King cotton" Is the oauM of it aU. , ..(''.".,'; Building and general improvement la still the order of the day with us. Visi tors are Impressed with the newness of everything In our town, and are often heard to remark that, "Maysvtlle must have been all built at once." Oar first M. E. Quarterly meeting wu held here Bunday, and wu the event of the dedication of the new church. The weather was very warm, but notwlth standing, there wu a large crowd of vis (tors here from near and far. ' Ret. R. B. John preached oa two able seamona Sunday a. m. and at night. Oar school started up Monday and la going right along, 1 Miss Annie Eoonoe la again In charge of It. .Our people are well pleased with her and- don't want anybody else. She is certainly a splen did teacher and ts a favorite with every body. : Mlu Dumtule 1 Koonce is a visitor a Mrs. Fort now. We are clad to bav6 her and hope she Will get a muslo school here u she did teat year. Misses Etlene-' Humphrey, Emma Weeks, Isora Jones and' Messrs. Taylor, Lycurgns Humphrey and Orlne Weeks of Carteret county, were welcome vlst tors here las! Saturday and Sunday The came to attend quarterly meet Mtu Llnle Koonoe . ot Rlchlands was the guest of Mr. Herbert Ward lut week: She left, for home Saturday a. m. We hope she enjoyed her stay np here and will come again soon. f-wj-V-'' A party of our young folks sndvlsl tors had a pleasant time, driving Bunday Mr B S Weeks spent Bunday P M at PollocksvtUe. Mr SB Coat (next clerk of Jones Co) of near Follocksvllle visited friends and relatives here Sunday. ,, . Mr Major E Eubank of this place spent Sunday over at Oliver near Trenton. There mast be Isome special attraction for him over there u he was "all smiles" oa hla return. ' Mr and Mrs J H ; Ward of this place had the misfortune of losing their In fant child Sunday a m. It wu a bright little girl of only a few months old and had been ill for some time. Mr and Mrs Ward have our deepest sympathy. Mr J E MoCutchla Is very sick. He wu compelled to quit his .duties uRR sgent here Saturday. Mr Ham of Wllm Ington la st the office now. We hope Mr McCutchln win soon be out again. . Ootton Is selling in the seed today for SWANSBORO. Shipping Hews, mtracted Mettle p. Temperance Talk. September 10. Mr. D. S. Aman and wife of Palo Alto wers our visitors lut week. Dave la u big and fat uever, and Just u lively. Miss Emily Atkinson of Wilmington, came on a short visit lut Tuesdsy. She is a clerk in the big dry goods store of H. Rehder & Co., Wilmington. Mr. 8. KllletU, a noted hunter and fisherman for sport, of Wilson, gsve our people a call for uveral days lut sad this week, showing us how to fish and hunt Mr. Fred Nelson snd family ot WhUe Oak, are down this week for their health. . Mr. Hsrvey Smith, the Jeweler and watch tinker from Craven county, has moved to oar berg to try his fortune. Sheriff D. J. Sanders came in test Bun. day, and seemed In a great hurry about something, he might hsve been looking for Goliath, the way he hurried through. Mr. D. G. Wsrd, Jr., and wife, went on a visit to Hubert snd Dr. W. J. Mont fort's lut Mondsy. Miss Eureka Young, who dlssppesred so suddenly from our midst lately hu been located, so we hear. She Is, so said, st Lambert Point, Va., employed In a silk factory, from what we hear ws dont expect to see "Reedy" any more, a pretty single girl. Mr. J. A. Plttmsn went to New Bern last week: he purchased s nice line of dry goods while there. Schooner C. Hsy, Capt. Gus Plttmsn, broke the record we believe, In quick trios to New Bern and return. She msde It in two snd a half dsys, 150 miles. The minstrel troupe of 8. Rsndlemsn and wife, of Beaufort, gave two shows here lut week, owing to bad accommo dations for ladles, the show wss poorly pstronized. Rev. D. D. Bally, M. E. church preach ed for us last Saturdsy and Sunday, three Interesting and Instructive ser mons, his first time st this place. Schooner Anderson, Cspt. Smith, Just cleared port with 225,000 feet of lumber, forN.Y. Schooner, B. Russell, Capt. Thomu, Just arrived, to load with lumber. She carries 160,000 feet. Sharpie Bessie Ellis Cspt. Sewell. ar rived yesterday from New Bern . loaded with goods for SUrling ft Co, at Hubert (Queens Creek). Sharpie Lulu, Capt Tolar, came In to day from New Bern loaded with goods for the Lumber Co. here. Most all the merchanU are receiving their fall stock of goods. Rev. B. H. Mstthews and wife are vis iting Dr. Montfort snd family this week at Wards Mill. A protracted meeting going on this week at Enon Chapel and Queens Creek churches, by the Bsptlst land Methodist brethren, Rev. C. B. Paul from Winning ton, at Enon chapel, Rev. Becton and others at Queens Creek. We people around here ought to be good people, we ought to be christian peoplef but we can't it seems. Now we hsve a nice barroom near here, that Is near enough to get our drinks easy, and yet our people talk of good sober officers needed, they would vote for the greatest drunkard out of Jail, Just so he wu nominated by his party, then talk about good sober government men, nearly 0-10 of all the men elected as officers now dsys are either lawyers or drunkardsi and sometimes both, and they legislate to suit themselves and you have got to vote for them, or be called scalawags. rsgUils, bolters, disorganize rs or some thing mean, then talk about good govern ment Baal The poor people are In a bad- fix In this country, and it seems they won't learn to vote u they think. not u others think. W. COVE. Sept. 11. Miss Hattle Taylor returned Tuesday from New Bern after a short stay there. . j .. ;iM1m Bessie Richardson returned to her home at Beaufort Wednesday after soendlne seversl days kwlth friends here. ' Mr. L. F. Tsylor paid your city a bust call Monday. Mr.Gordan Avery of New Bern Is at hla old home near here In a feeble staU of health, we trust that he will soon re cover, .fv'--v;'' v: Mr. Lennle White ot Dover spent the dsy with his father here Sunday. Mr. Sam Wlndley ot Trenton wu here a short time Monday. Mr. Walter Glover spent Sunday with Mr, A. J. Daugherty. x Mr. J. 8. Roberson went to Elnston oa business. Mr. 8am White of the firm of White Bros, went to New Bern Tuesday and purchased a car load of groceries. Mr. Thomu Cox and Miss Nannie Woods were married lut week. The little three year oldjdsughter of Mt. John Harris and wife, died Tuesday by choking or strangling supposed to be a water melon seed lodged in her windpipe, the bereaved parents hsve the sympathy of the community. . .. Mr. E. D. Avery spent Wednesday night In New Bern. "Vx!v HXRON. v Prescriptions atJDaTisY Davis Prescription IPharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only- the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there NERVES GAVE WAY PE-RU-NA CURED. Miss Aseueth Brady, Cor. Sec 1111 boIs Wosaaa'a Alliance, bad Headache, Backache and Serieaa Indigestion. ' Hiss A. Brady, Corresponding Secre tary Illinois Woman's Alliance, writel from 2725 Indiana avenue, Chicago, Hl.t "Lattymtrtnm continued ttrmJn la Utenrr work I Became very much ex hmuited, my aerre teemed to gtvt war. ana' I bad backache, beadachi and aerioat Indigestion. "One ot my Mends tuggemted that I try Perutuu It certainly acted llkt aaagh on my ayatem. . "Within tea day I hit new lite ant health glren me ; and by taking aa oo caaloaal doae o ff and on when I led extra tired, I keep my system In per fect order."MISSA. BRADY. Mrs. Fanny Klavadatscher, of Sum mltoville, N. Y writes u follows i "For three months I suffered wits pain in the back and in the region of th kidneys, and a dull pressing sensation In the abdomen, and other symptoms d pelvio catarrh. "But after taking two bottles of Perur na I am entirely well, better than I ever was." Mrs. Fanny Elavadatocher. Send for "Health and Beauty," written especially for women by Dr. S. B. Ears' man,. President Hartman Sanitarium, OolumbuB, O. ARAPAHOE. September 10. The farmers of Arapa hoe have begun to pick cotton, some on up tend have picked over one and real- ized a good price. 1 Mr. W R Reel hu been - giving from $1.75 to 13,00 per 100. for good dry up land ootton, he gives Sets per pound. He started up his gin lut Mondsy. The out look for our farmers Is very promising the corn crop is much above an aver age. Lut week wu a trying time with our young people. ;Prof, R, C. Holton closed his school lut Thursday at Arapahoe and Miss Lona Holton who hu been teaching music school at Arapahoe also closed Thursday. There were many ssd faces when the two teachers left our community and the children realized the fact that they must exohange from the school to the cotton patch for a while. We had a marriage at Arapahoe lut Wednesdsy evening. Mr Benjamin John son and Miss Eva Paul were united In holy bonds of matrimony, Mr Joseph Reel wu the officiating officer. They are a prominent couple and we hope them much Joy over the voyage of life. They will settle near Arapahoe. We had a good revival meeting at Arapahoe lut week in the Christian church. Rev James T Moore whohu been attending the Bible .School at Kim- ber lln Helghta visited our place the 5th Sunday and by request preached through the put week which resulted In adding IS to the church 8 by confession and baptism 8 from the Free Will Baptist, reclaimed there was much Interest manifested In the meeting. , Mr. Moore is one of our Pamlico county boys, rais ed up chiefly by a widowed mother he being very young when his father died he la now a young man of great talent and bids fair to be a power for good among his people he will start for Kim- berlln Heights next Monday. TJ B B JASPER. . Sept. 10-Wo had a very nice rain yes terday which the people In general were glad to see. sir Johnnie E Wetherlngton left Mon- dav for Wilson to attend college. We miss him very much in our vicinity. Mr h W Moore made a flying trip to Klnston Fridsy. returning the same day.: Mrs Clarky Wetherlngton of Cove, Is spending some time with relatives at this place. . -i . fi Mr and Mrs Ed Wetherlngton went to Now Bern on business yesterday, for which they had a very rainy day. , We have a very prosperous Sunday School at Stony Branch and hope much good will be accomplished. - , For Roaches and Water Buss. It you are troubled with, roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Puts. We guarantee it to glte satisfaction and re fund the money if It does not Price 25c Davis' Pharmacy. . .; s .. . - ,; ; . j:a HOTIGE I r I have just opened np a Nice line of Ladies and Misses Hats. Prices Right. ' J. W. SIIEPAKD, '. FolloksvUlOfN.C. Spiced Fresh Cream Cheese. Balogna Sausage. Small Pig Hams, English Strips. Fresh lot Fancy Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. " neinz's Pickles both sour and sweet. ', .-r Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Totted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef. Fresh lot Cottolene. Force, Cream of Wheat and Na Bob Pan Cake Flour, Fresh Oat Flakes and Grits. . . ' Fresh Prunes. Full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. 5 ill McDAlI, 3 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. j We have just opened up our line Tapestry, Velvet, Axminister, Melton, are offering thm' AT LESS tHAN,VALUE. ;1, . . , 4-7 Smyrna, value $6.00,.. .. 21 in. 18 in. " ' 27-45 Melton 27-54 " 36 in. Axminister, 1.25,. .90,... 1.50...... 2.50...... 4.50, We have also the smaller rugs We sell for spot cash, hence are cheaper than credit houses. The Duffy's Old Store, 6!Pollock St. WE HAVE THEH! Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn MowersIceJCream Freezers, Ice Shavers. - A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, 'Enamels j& Gold, Silver and AUuminum. A new. lot Ball Bearing Caiors, improved. . d Our goods as represented, PRICES THEfLOWEST. " -; Give us your orders. - ' " ' N I PHONE 141. 78 Mibdls Br VMS YOUR TAILOR ? There are all kinds of tailor-made, suits poor, good, and best Ours come in the last class.. . We guarantee a , perfect fit, Perfect Workmanship and Up-to-dat Styles. ; . '' . .vV ; - Our Fall Patterns are in and. we will take pleasure , in showing you our line. ! . . . . ' - - ; ; Remember Every Suit is ; ; ; Guaranteed. ; : ; JrG. Dunn & Go.; , Hen's 5e S7 -Pollocli: Stxcot. CCCC3XHXO00O0O00C C Z Cotton Bsnnir.1 WW w and Ti:s. j We have in stock and to arrive 8,500 Rolls Cotton. Bagging, 8,500 bundlcB CoMoii lies. ; -v : Send vis your orders.' Prices are the lowest. ' Feet Just Received Cured Shoulders, Breakfast - y , . Wholesale & Itetall Grocer, 3a a TTrvis I of Bags, consisting of Ingrain, Jute, Moquette and Smyrna, and J., .......Our Price f 160 1, . , .95 .75 .... - 1.25 , ,2.00. , 3,50 from 25c up. It will pay you to call. :M" ; t ' Bee Hive, Gask.ll Hardware Co. NEW BERXf, N. O () poy's Wear, . ) ( ) I J Crekm of Rc:?s ;7 la a harmless liquid prcr station for removing Banturn, Freckles, Tsn and Improving the complexion. TThen applied It Is lnv!.."'3 sl c-naotts washed off. Tlie daik 1'.. j a.J t" s neck, caused ty v--r:: VJ i :;" collars, is remove 1 ty C tff i. 23c. at z?.xcr : :, tmxt .' c: C i. . v:.:.::9 t::u Si. M. to be filled. . aT C :i C; Co.

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