4 - JiUJ U Lull f! L i VOLCill XXY. KIW ZXH3, C2AYI5 COUITY, I. C, T CIS DAY, SIPTIMBIE 16, 1902. FIEST SICTIOM. SCMBZH 43 3: r " ' "nr .J 775 .'J CZZ7ITU7Z Tobacco Will Be the Favorite Crop ' . . fflvWiri State GniU Charter. Dlssolatlei ; Charter EllitbeU Cltj Hill. ; s SrkeolFer Blind. If e aleladtirereetOa ' Politics, v . ,r UiuiaB, Sept. 18. Governor ayoock etorncd today from Seven Pprlngs. Mrs, Ajcock will remain there some days. ) A charter U granted by the State to the Elkln Veneer and Manufacturing Company, which will mate veneers and articles from fine woods. 4 ' . . . The State today was notified of ins voluntary dissolution ef the charter t of tbe KUBabeth Chy Knitting mills. 1 J The Increase In tobacco acreage from ,; this county eastward will be very great - next year. yesterday there were MQ farmers here with tobacco and as many with' cotton WW oonttaatH In proBu f ( r( anade a great show la fiver of tobacco. One man sold what Is known as a "one - horse crop"! of t.pbacco for $750. The cotton growers went to the tobacco I ' ) 1 warehouses and saw the breaks and were simply astonished. All the tobacco grow -' era have, plenty of corn. Tobacco it ap pears is to become the money crop la ' this section. ' ""' state Treasurer Lacy has returned from New York. . . Principal John E. Ray of the Bute School for the blind here now says there ,8 Vr will not be less than 350 pupils present '". on the opening day, this being 100 more !- ' v than last year at the opening.. J ; Insurance commissioner Young will .. devote most of next week to the work 4 ... of Investigating an Incendiary fire. . " It was the comment today of a man ' from another county who was beret "I .. " never saw the people so careless about . politics, I don't know why this Is so, " ' but they appear to have lost Interest' J FRIDAY HAPPENINGS. Moscow Was burned on Friday, . " Washington was born on Friday. : ' '. Shakespeare was boraon Friday. ' ' - : America was discovered oa Friday. f , Elchmond. was evacuated on Friday. . The Bastile wa deetiQyed oa Fjlday. ' The Mayflower was landed on Frt . . - - day - - - - t Queen Victoria was married on Frt- ,:.y' , day. ' . ' '.f ' j ! . V. 7.'. King Charles fAWas beheaded ton . Friday. Fort Bumter was bombarded on Friday. v. K II iwiiMf in niumiunH vmm nvn nn Friday. " , . ' Julius CcDsar was assassinated on Friday. - f i The battle of Marengo was fought on Friday. ' ' : ' The battle of Bunker EU11 was fought, on Friday. . - Joan of Aro was burned st the stake on Friday. .. The battle of New - Orleans yras fought on FriJay. 1 - The Declaration of Independence tVM signed on Friday. ( , - ' ; , CYNICISMS. I . u ' i.,--' Every man thinks he Is tn! -nil stood. now it amuses people when a C. gets alckl : . , . Some people refuse to give cred it for working unless you wear ovpt - alls. The "-'on! n hav.- gr aC ; t for a tuan who sr.js he Jujver aavvl a - cent iutll be got married. Look yourself over. Xou ore proba I !y possessed of a lot of petty neasv r i-s tbat fou'd be better o!t without, . . vry time a man reads of a woman ' t a rocketbook be fot'j J--"."1 i ! j i.'.aud agntnst giving t.a wiTe C o cf t?;e funniest things in the v 1 Is to (.e a woman cry, not tse- c; a e':e v- n's to, but because al. tli'. s e' o t- ' t ti. Atchison Clots. c ,J - Oh. ood. ' for evon!a- oii'y 1 da- till :r.ir zic tREYrrms. Cholera Is raglag la Egypt aad 1C.QS9 outet80,28 patients aavt died ataos July 15. - f Thirty Irish poatalaaU have Isft their eoaatry to eater the Catholic eosrsat at Galveston; Ts. ' The Ore la the Texas oil field Is still banting but aader eoatrol. The esU auted loss Is 11,000,000. United States . marines ' have bsea ordered to Colon to protect Aawrtcaa Interests. The status of the revoluUoa saakes Itaeoessary for additional troops tabs sent. , ' y .' A Jury la the criminal eovrt at Car lisle, V, readeTed a remarkable verdict last Thursday in which they declared aa old woman on trial for obtaining money aader false pretenses of being a witch. Aa Old law long oat of ass was dog np and put la fores. . - l&arla Henrietta of Belgium Is Queen 1 again seriously 111 with aa attack of satams, ': - .:V't With only adoaaa small places to hear from. Governor Hill's plurality la Maine la 80.479. , I,.....- . Mayor Tom Johnson declares he Is a candidate for nothing -butt Mayor of Cleveland, O., next spring; f J -" J . Ths Great Couacil of Red Men of the United States voted yesterday to meet aest year at Atlantie City, N.J. ' Bobbery of the county treasurer's safe of 12800 is charged against J. Weh Lewis, aader arrest at Aberdeea,& -'.n a ''i -. Former President Juan y Jimlnec, of ban Domingo, was la a Mew York eoart yesterday as complainant against A. A. Moscoso for assault. The wife of Senator Wm, M. Stewart was killed la aa automobile accident aear Saa Francisco, Friday. There was sn unprecedented fall la temperature la the north west to twenty six degrees la Nelraaka aad Boath Da kota.,; Extensive, loss of Umber and some lives Is reported, caused by forest flrei la Oregon and Washington. Ths Hawaiian volcano Kllanen Is In active eruption aad ths Inhabitants are alarmed. - " - Bottle prices la Indiana factories will be raised 10 per cent. - t. W. J. Bryan spoke at Toledo, O, Sat urday night, In Mayor Tom Johnson's circus tent ' Confessing murder, Jests Johnson, colored, wu hanged Saturday at New London, Mo. . - Burglars took 980 la money and stamps from ths post office at Irondale, Tharsday alght. ' ' Steamers coming Into Seattle, Wssn report severe earthquakes along the coast In Alaska August 17. Killing frosts wars reported Thursday night at many places la ths Northwest and In Nebraska. i , Secretary of War Root will speak at ths Illinois Slate League of Republi can Clubs' meeting, la Peoria, Septem ber. After six minutes deliberation a jury at Marshall, Mich., Saturday acquitted Mrs. Era Smith of murdering her hus band during a scuffle which he start ed. , f s Striking dock laborers and their sym pathizers who ceased a riot la Trieste, were subdued by the military Satur day. ,- v ' The pries of soft coal In Chicago has r'son to t9 a ton, u compared with (3.75 cn P'ptember 1. Anthracite Is practi ce" unobtainable, sad Is quoted as high as (:5 a ton." - : " Exports of specie from New York last v.. i to c::s,::o sliver and Ties'Jont Eoosoveli hu been asked to v'..Tt t' o hor?9 show at Kasbville, Tenan bcta'Sua CwtoLer 7 and 17.' ., Couuiul Akiaiiujr Eeward 7ebb In toai to r;:lre f re a tie pr: 'loncyof tie Colics of tie Cl'y of New York. natives of Krs. Charles Fs'r rco'v- e 1 fr,C:D la -'.::: "fit cf t! ;'.r c'...:.. t 1 1 of tie r.;r.ici r . ;r: : i. 19S. .tc rs e!at ' "7,1,1. a la t' ' ' -:'s to..-i's v ' " r r' s t- .:ud ... .-y fiijL'. 1 tie c" to- at. : r -"-.I i" i i i r 7 r zi.i. .1.1 :. ji Dim. GoTernor Aycock Explains Re . tuilnz Parlous. Lew Teatperatares. Deneaaelag la ' ieyeadent Semecrats Not Iffee- . tire. VtBgrsamea ' Fall to List Salaries. Paklle . ' - tekeels Ose- OH :. '. 'Portrait ' ' KiUioi. Sept. 15, The an usually cool weather to having the affect of in creasing the rust la the cotton. Ths lemperaiuro uus morning was so oe- grees. Ths corporation oommlsalon u the tax commlsstoa Is son It will get the In come tax oa the salaries of Congrees mea and State Judges. It appears that Congressmen have never , listed their salaries for taxation. ' 'i Only ths wood work of th creosote plant at Fuqusy Spring wu burned by ths lira last week, the loss being some 13,000. The plant cost 17,500. Repairs are now la progress. Dr. Bllflnger is the chief owner of the plant. The Supreme Court will devote this week to the hearing of arguments In ap peals from the 4th district. An oQ portrait of Test Grand Muter Beverly 8. Boyster of the Grand Lodge of Masons was today received ' to be placed la the hall of the Grand Lodge where there are portraits of all the other grand Busters.' .-- ' Governor Aycock, speaking this morn Ing about pardons said that ths rule la fores required that there should be pub lished for two weeks In a newspaper In the county notice of application for a pardon, and that of coarse when no no tice of opposition was given he took It for granted that there wu no objection Ha added that If any persons wanted a hearing In opposition to the granting of a pardon they might at least write to him to that effect. The matter came ap on account of criticism on ths pardon of a man named Rouse, convicted of strife lag a child with a stick. The mother of ths child and the child herself wrote let ters to ths Governor uklag for a pardon sad declaring that the blow wu acci dental. Ths Khaki' uniforms for the State Guard are aow being shipped by the United States war department. Among today's arrivals were W. S. Chad wick, Beaufort: W. Or Yea, Wtl mlngton; J. E. Whitehead, Wilson. - Yoar correspondent wu misinformed regarding the site for ths government building at Durham. Ths town fur nishes the site, but not as a gift. The government pays $90,000 for it. Past grand muters Charles M. Busbee and Charles F, Lumsden of the Odd Fel lows have gone to Des Moines, to attend the Sotereiga Grand Lodge. . The public schools here will re-open next Friday. There are now 8 of these schools In Raleigh; four for each race. Oae colored school wu lately acquired by the school board. It Is the'eomment of some very obser vant Democrats here that the policy of abasing end In fact denouncing inde pendent Democrats wilt prove very harmful and will utterly alienate the lat ter, . V - ... .f,, ; 50 Die In The Flames. ; Kalaxa, Wash., Sept. ' K News reached here hat night that the forest fires on Lewis river hare wrought tad havoc, D. L. Wallace, his wife and two children were burned to death. ; They were camping In the woods when caught by the fire. Their wagoa wu found burned up, the charred bodies lying near. A 12-year-old sob of Mr, Hanley also Is dead. Mrs. J ohn Polly, her baby and a brother, name unknown, and Mr. Newhouse aad Mrs. Graves are dead. Fifteea others were found without cloth ing excepting gnnnytacks. - .. Logging camps are burned out com pletely. The firs hu spread from Lewis river north to the Kalama river aad 50 sections of the finest timber on the coast have been destroyed. It It impossible S) give aa estimate of the amount of the amage done to property. ' Oak , Point, 20 miles below here, oa the Columbia river, hu been destroyed. There are no reports of lives lost, but lots toproperty Is estimated at about $300,000. - 'saassaaaaaMawnwaaajM i i. . Klneteenta Week ol Strike. Bhinahdoab, Pa., Sept. 14. Tomor row will begin the nineteenth week of the coal strike. The date on which Sen ator riatt predicted that the strike would end hat passed and ths hope which was instilled Into the people In this loc&i'ty by the prediction hu been succeeded by a feeling that the end Is far off. The statement by the coal oper ators that no concessions would be made and the resolutions passed by nearly all the local unions of the United Sliae T.'orkert renewing ticir allc'ance to their o.?cera and plcfjiaj tiems ulvoe to con' jue tie strike unless concessions are g- V;3 siow t!;at nc!ir s!2sto tisc(,'..,ovei,'y is wc'- i z Cereal Gc. U t of tie C, 'a troo;s. en. c ; iufsi ;-'y, duist. tie is tJ i 3 '." 3 1. jf ; i ct ea e",r'y C ' 3 or t tlj s sac rf t tieCv f r v " : t ' " ' y'j' 8 t .-. i. Hi i . 1 1 ; 1 1 si c. " ?cf v n i t..::i i; )iu sa::. . ,t of f 9 DINED IN THE KITCHEN. a BtUfaarr Swl Otut H4 Ail Sta Taw tk WhU, - "When Gem rul Grant stopped at the Palmer Houe in Chicago on his re turn from his tour of the world." sold a man who was there at the time, "the steward waa all but stupefied one noon at eeetne; the ex-prealdent slide in at the kitchen door as though escaping from some one. '.'I am sorry to trouble yon,' he said, as though asking a great favor, bot may I have a little corned beef and cabbage r "why. certainly, the steward re plied: but shan't I send It oat to yon In the dining room 7 ; . "No be answered; Til eat it right here If you'll let me alt down.' . 'So a place en the rough board table, where the cook had been fixing the meat was cleared, and Grant drew np a stool and set to, and. the way be got away with that corned beef and cabbage waa s caution. When be bad finished, be laid down his knife end fork with a funny sigh of satisfaction, put one hand on the steward's shoulder and said: "'Young- man, I dont suppose yon care for that at all, but If you bad had to eat what I hare for the past few months It would taste like s dinner for the gods. It tastes homey r "The ex-presldcnt had dined with everybody from the queen down, but that cabbage and corned beef doubt less reminded him of the time when he was not so well known, but proba bly far happier when people in Bt Louis called him 'captain when they spoke to him end bought the wood he carted Into town to sell.M Wheat la Fable an Hlatorr. Possibly wheat waa the corn so plen ty In Egypt when fnmlno drove thither Joseph's unnatural brethren. Wheat went with other precious things into the mummy ' cases and sealed jars stored In royal tombs. Today acres by the thousand laugh in bearded grain said to have sprung from sparse ker nels plundered by a ruthless explorer from a royal mummy's hand. Does It whisper now this new-old Egyptian wheat to its constant friend the sun, of Rameeee and Pbaroah of Apis, the sacred bull of Isls, Egypt's Ceres of Osiris the great sphinx and Memnon's head, singing to hall the sun rise? If it would but speak aloud so mortals could comprehend, how our wisdom might be broadened! What a recasting of history must 'be wrought and now we boasting moderns might hide diminished heads I Everybody's Magazine. . ; : 1X Forman Items, ',..r:...i. - September 18. The heavy ratal last week greatly Interfered with the picking of cotton In this section. Messrs James O Graham and James Rogers of Newport passed through here on their way to Beaufort lut week on s trip. , . The .Methodist revival conducted by Rev Giles wu largely attended. Rev H M North of Morehead City preached sev eral very able sermons. . There are quite a number of Improve ments going on here now, in the way of new buildings. . .'; !" Messrs J H Davis Dennard Glbble and G W Guthrie of Harlow passed here go ng to Beaufort one day lut week. They returned the same day. Nero tried to kill himself, but was afraid to do so. ' He finally gave him self a slight wound in the throat one bf bis friends pushed the sword farther In, and a fatal wound resulted. ";v" Heart WooS.- The "heart wood" of a tree has ceased to take any part In the vegeta tive economy of the tree. Its only use Is to strengthen the trunk. y , ''-.".'!.; Fleah. Eating Planta, : There are at least a hundred varie ties of flesh eating plants In the world. but only three are common in Great Britain. They are the sundew, butter wort snd bladderwort ... - ", -'J. " Sharks. ;; '.:'':' Sharks as a rule keep near to the surface of the water. - The Earliest Wheat. ' The earliest wheat grew on the pla teau of Armenia, where the plant once existed as a native grass. , - D0BDS. : September 15. MlssJ'Dalsy Brewer.of Beaufort It visiting relatives. The cotton crop Is short In our section and nearly all open now. Miss Emms Wilcox of Bellalr It visit ingatMrBFWinis. The tobacco farmers around here have money to bum this year. They some times try Greenville and Klnston mar kets but toon come- back to old New Bern. They all teem to be satisfied at the prices they get on the New Bern market Mrs C M Willis and little son tad Mitt Mamie Willis of Washington who have been visiting relatives and friends here returned home today. ' ' ':. Messrs WEtndLT and Muter Rich ard Gaskint of New Bern spent Sunday here. We guess the next time Will greets hit many falendt he w'H have ea tored upon the life of a Tonedlct at leut that la what itaJam Rumor tayt llr Alfred Gardner !i s Melissa Eii't and ITeesrs 0 E and Ammond Moore of ritt county spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr LV Lane- 'or's. l"t J C KcGowan of TLurmsn spent -y at Cf.pt S E E well's. - V - :-sr C 1 CLari- n cf New T, WASHINGTON LETTER Special Correapondenoe. Forty mlllkm packages of seeds will be sent out by the agricultural depart ment during the coming year to farm ers on . lists furnished by senators snd representatives. The number of seeds that will be contained In these packages will ran up Into the billions snd they will weigh about 1,000 tons. This Will be the most extensive seed distribution In the history of the de partment of agriculture, and Secre tary Wilson Is making every effort to make It the most useful to the ag ricultural communities. Heretofore there has been much complaint about the quality of the seeds sent .out Many of them have failed, to., grow,.- This year all contractors have--been done away with,..-and the deportment . has made Its purchases In the seed' mar kets through Its own experts. ; ; ", Each senator, representative and del egate in congress will hare to his cred it 12,000 miscellaneous packages, each containing smaller packages of five kinds of seeds." In addition each .will have 500 packages of novelties that Is, new or little known varieties of peculiar merit and each will have 600 packages of flower seeds. -.-. W1U Fight New Lleeaae Law. The various clubs of this city, have combined to fight the new taw fixing 1800 as the annual license fee for the bar privilege. Hitherto the clubs have paid but half this sum, and now, that the license fee for all dispensaries of liquors has been raised to $800 thev think a distinction should be) made be cause their patronage, being exclusive, is necessarily limited and unprofitable except under very favorable condi tions, -o f iy; Notwithstanding the great notoriety given to the vote in the house of rep resentatives to prohibit the sale of in toxicants in the capital it is still possi ble to quench , any brand of thirst there. Some representatives received much newspaper credit for their advo cacy of tba reform, but they all felt sure it would end in defeat It does every year. The prohibition "rider" dies an unnoticed death, but the mem bers who have wrestled oratortcally for it are welcomed home as conquer ing heroes. That is one of the humors of congress as witnessed from the out Side. ; Mlaa Saaaa saay, Miss Susan Quay, who has been chosen to christen the warship Penn sylvania, is the : only daughter of Senator and Mrs. Matthew 8. Quay. Miss Quay resembles, her illustrious sire too closely to lay many claims to beauty, but she is nevertheless a most attractive girl, bright vivacious and extremely popular in the younger sen atorial circle. The Washington home of the Quays, in fashionable K street is the center of gayety for young peo ple at the capital who hail from the great state of Pennsylvania. Just now the family Is at Lake Placid, in the Adlrondacks, where they have a cot tage. ', : - ' : , BUa For m New Battleahlp. . Not less than five bids will probably be received for the construction of the sister ship of the battleship Connecti cut which Is to be built by contract while the Connecticut is to be built In the Brooklyn navy yard to test ths question of the relative cost of con tract construction and navy yard con struction. The first which it is be lieved will certainly submit proposals are the Cramps of Philadelphia, the ! Union Iron works of San Francisco, the Bath Iron works, the Fall River company and the Newport News com' pany. As it is to the Interests of the private shipbuilders to make a favora ble showing in competition with the Brooklyn navy yard, it is expected by the department that some of the bids may be quite low.. ! atajr Accept Olfta. J No question will be raised to prevent the acceptance by the officers of the army and navy of mementos bestowed by Prince Henry in appreciation of courtesies received by him during his 'American tour,' The souvenirs which he gave are not looked upon as gifts bestowed by a foreign ruler within the inhibition of the constitution,, but as merely tokens of personal esteem and appreciation. As a matter of fact the gifts mentioned in the dispatches from Berlin designed for distinguished Americans Who participated In Prince .Henry's reception in most cases were presented personally by the prince be fore his departure from this country. Mr. Babeoek Bays a Rouse. ' Representative Babcock has Just bought the house In which John J. In galls lived here while senator. It Is situated st the corner of North Cap itol and B streets, close to the capltol building, and the price named IS $15, 000. Babcock began life as a lumber Jack. He was advanced to have charge of a gang of a dozen Jacks, then made foreman in a mill, then promoted o superintendent then given a working interest and so on up. Everything Le handled seemed to make money, ani now he Is rated as a millionaire. Will "Hike' the Heats. i Washington . has a landlords' trur. Ths agents and proprietors of all tl new apartment buildings which, by the way, are very popular affairs a said to have agreed, under the guise f a semlsocial protective association, raise rents. Ordinary six room apart ments, furnished in poplar, are now ' 't for $75 a month. This fall a general increase la to be attempted. The guests who once waited impa tiently at the great portico on the north front of the White House will have much less difficulty In reaching the presence of the prcoldcnt and Mrs. Boosevolt next season. The new col onna.'-'i WRlk, which Is to carry out the or 'nal scheme cf T',.i!: "9 Jefft eon, v. .1 add imv. h t-i t' p; ami con- Spiced Fresh Cream Cheese. ' ; " Balogna Sausage.' , 1 ; ' ' .-' ' , ' , ; i -. ; Small Pig Hams, English Ctued Shoulders, Breakfast 'Strips., .....a 'J-,' (. :..: ,, ; .'.a . ', -V Fresh lot Fancj'Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. ' ' . -1 Deinz'g Pickles both sour and sweet. ; ' Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Totted Ham and Tongue,'Chip Beef. Fresh lot Cottolene. ;. ", "V, ., ".' . .', - . " a Force, Cream of Wheat and Na Bob Pan Cake Flour, Fresh Oat Flakes and Grits. ' . .Fresh Prunes. Full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. J. L i 'Phone Ol. n n A ill ackbyrimi MS Ii RECEIVED IRMNY DAY 68 Inch wide 58 " 29 - I flow Percales I Children's Red Shoes Just : a; r e as ticccivea Size 1 to 6 -at Size 6 to 8 at Something New a store in New Bern that sells to all. - - , la it to your interest to trade Let us reason together. ' A prominent merchant of this of hia profits anaually for bad debts. Another states that not less than 5 per cent, is lost by crediting in the failure to charge goods. Who pays for these losses? Why you who pay for your goods. The Bee Hive selling for cash saves you at least 10 per cent., for we add nothing on for prospective In out window we keepets Linens, We goods. An Excellent TJnion A Good Linen Towel, An Extra Large, Full ; v Knotted Fringe. 35c Value, C3i As above, better value ZZ3 As above, excellent value CZt Table Damask COc to $1,C0 per yard Napkins from 50c to 1 All these are excellent values The B Duffy's Old Stcro, Gl i : mm i Wire Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lawn liowcrnIc-'C; Freezers, Ice Shavers , . . A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, VarnicI;, V :3 ia ( Silver and Alluminum. s A new lot Ball Eearirj Caclors, Improve!.' Our goods as rcprcsettoO, . riUCZ3 TUT ' Give os yonr orders. rzr 2n n - Feet Just Received. a a a Kl 25 Iletall LiiUiii!- roeer. , 71 Ritfata nu lllllilllISIIIllaM1l)ll SKIRT GOODS: at $1.60 1.25 .60 at 10c & 12' c V t ) ) ) a ucw Lino 9. 60c. 75c. Under the S'.::; absolutely for cash, and at one price there? ' city states that he allows 10 per cent. ' ' , losses. ate showing Hcvizz are strong on tfes . . . Quell Towel 18xC3, 1C3 18x36 Bleached Damasi C.00 dozen. ' and only to be had at ' v ee:;-ive. -J t X ...... A i von'i e of the T ' ' ' for en t 1 IT . l!o I"'. s la ' I;o ': of Cot 3 t i f

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