volciu iiv. IIW BIEJf, GRATIS CODITY, H. C, FRIDAT, SEPTIMBEE 19, 1902.S ICON D SECTION, NUMBia 49 N. C. Report Made. President Bryan's Mana;eiLent Commended. - State Oharter. Name Cerreetea la Ojtter Caw. Peaslea Appllea Meat Leas Thaa Expected. Trees la Capitol Sqaare ByiarOit y ftiLtioH, Sept 17. The annual re port oa the condition of the Atlantic and North Carolina K B. made to Oot Ayeock hut ; evening by Meaara., Beck with and Ballard, the Bute board of la ternal Improvements, win be (ratifying to President June A. Bryan of that road. The board heartily oommenda hla adralnlstratto as a. Whole and aaja taeri tap? pveaenta all along the line and there li a handsome Increase in boalnee. The Supreme Court heard yesterday all the arguments in appeals from the 4th district. There "were only , half a ilotea cases. Btato Superintendent of edaoatlon Joyner was at I Greensboro today, to be present at the opening of the term of the State Normal and Industrial College for women. A charter was granted by the State to dy to the Southern Manufacturing Publishing Company of AsheTtlle, which will publish a trade journal magazine or paper devoted lo Southern Manufactur ing. George L. Hackney and others are the stockholders. s , , Secretary Druner of the; agricultural department and curator Brlmley of the State museum left today for Western N. C. to be absent at least a fortnight. Secretary Brunei- will collect apples from a dozen counties and curator Brim ley will go to Maeon, Mitchell and two or three other eonatlet after 200 logical specimens, timber and natural history specimens. , r By a misunderstanding the ' name of the man. Interested In the oyster business In the upper sounds, whose ease was be fore the Governor and. Council of Stale, ' was 'given as Hadly. It la Hakeley. There are two aldea to the question, which Is yet left undecided. )ne la that j , the "oyster claims" were taken In good faith, and are proper, ' the other that the claim Is on a natural bed, where the oys ters can be plainly aeen In the shallow water. ' " ' " .. The , belief appeara to be deepening that the action of the white Republicans In "dropping tho negro" Is Inspired by President Roosevelt as being in his view the correct policy In the Southern statea.,. ;,.!. hi ''sV-ffiV':' It la learned that D. B. Barger, auper- lntendent of this division of the Sea ' board Air-Line, will retire October 1, to look after hla coal mining interests In West Virginia. " Congressman E. W. Pon made a nota bly fine speech here last evening In the . course of which he made the plain dec laration iat some Democrats said they had voted the Democratic ticket under duress, that la on account of the negro, and that he wanted to say that the Dem ocratic party had emancipated such men and that they must vote ' according to their principles; that if he believed in the Republican party he would have the courage to stand by it, and that he want . ed. the Democratic party to stand on Its merits. '..This manly' declaration was loudly applauded.' as- ti i U J -'The fact that there are 8600 new ap plications for pensions does not surprise Auditor Dixon, who In Tact predicted as muchJile,5 expects to see over 10,000 pensioners. A good many of the appli cations are being turned down,, as some s county. board! of examlnera were so 'fcarolesjasslniplyjtoseadi forward any and all applications to the State board, without passing bn their merits or de merits., ,v ; n , - 'I ' A report' has been made to Got. Ay cock by Btate botanist Gerald McCar thy, who examined the trees in the cap ltol tquare. The report tays the noble oaka are rapidly losing their vitality. One Is dead.. This la partly due to the very dry year and partly to the fact that the ezcavatlona in the nearby streets are taking away the moisture which the t .trees require. The only possible remedy -v-ia watering, and ha has but little hope ot success from this. He aayt the trees will all die and suggests ihat others be planted at once, so is V be ready to take their places. Some of the trees In the square are not suited. He saya fur ther that the .vitality cf many . of the oaks In Raleigh Ut affected by the same ctuses. ft i-? Banks Called For Reports. r 'i Ratuurf; Kept. 17.i-iTbe' Corporation :t pommlsslon ; calls for . reports of 8Ute banks up to the close of buslnesa of Sep. tember IStb. A. V N. C R. R. Directors. . Special to Journal. , v " , BaiiBiosr September 17. -The- Gov - ernor todsjr appointed: the following Sate-Directors- of 4ha Atlantic) aad North Carolina railroad, Charles M. 1 Bnsbee, W. H BnMlh.l.. Harvey, Jaa A. Bryan, T. W. Dewey, D. D. Hooker, R. twltoiyior! MJi.h teiii-ff J. Tf. Gralnfjer waa apnointad; State Proiy. -. , TELEGRAPHIC BREYTTIES. The transDort EIlDatrlck has arrived at Baa Frandaeo from Manila with 700 soldiers on board. . Robert 8. MoComdok, United States Ambassador to AjlatrU-Hunf ary, leaves new Tore; for Uverpool tomorrow. The B re wmas tars' Association of the United States met at Milwaukee and Hart Michael was re-elected president. The W. O. T. U., of Schenectady, N. T, held special attesting last even tag to pray for the end of the coal strike. - rr- iit.v j . The training . ahlp Lancaster, now at New London, Cota., baa beea ordered to Waahlngton to take part in the Grand Army reunion. Tb the deVn with the expense." ex claimed Rev. Wm.Powlck, pastor ot the Methodist church at Lancaster, Pa when told how much a suit at law would coat because he interferred with a Sam T. Jack performance. In consequence of the existence of different views on the proper handling ot the tariff question, Hon. D B. Header son of Iowa, Speaker of the House, has declined the nomination for Congress. Be does not think that Free Trade in whole or In part will Improve the con dition of the country In regard to trusts. ' ' ; The first heavy rains of the year fell In the laland of Australia recently. The country has suffered a great deal on ac count ot lack of rain. Fifteen miners were killed by an ex plosion In a mine at North Fork, W. Va. Tuesday morning. Steps have been taken by state officials to atop the prize light scheduled to be held at Louisville, September 23 between Terry McGovern and Toung Corbett It was announced yesterday as coming from a conference at Oyster Bay that there would be no revision' of the tariff during the coming aeealoa of Congress. aw - h. v ,- 1 The theory Is expressed that the bit forest fires were started by meteors. Floods In India have rendered 6,000 people homeless. Naval constructor R. P. Hoosoni who was granted aalck leave last summer will aoon take up his duties again. The steamboat Kron Prinz Wilhelm, ot the North German Lloyd line made a trans Atlantic trip in 5 days. 11 hours and 67 minutes breaking the record. The Duchess of Marlborough, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. O. H P, Belmont, at Newport, has returned to her borne in England. Work Ion the repairs of the White house has been delayed by a strike. Carpenters, masons, painters, decorators and their assistants are out. There is a report that the. Pope ex pect, to place a second cardinal to su perintend the interests of the Catholic onurchea In the United States, The National Bra wmas ter's Conven tion met this week in Milwaukee. Over 800 Catholic mleslonarlea in China are said to have been murdered by Boxers. iivA f Mlsa Rebecca Taylor, the youne wo man discharged from a clerkship la the war ,offlce at Washington because she talked too much, haa failed In her at tempt to be reinstated. Three volcanoes on the Philippine Islands are active. They are Macon, Taal and Balsan. ' Wm. 8. Devery, the former chief of police of New York City, has beea de clared winner in the leadership contest in the 9th assembly district. A statement filed by Devery makes hla expenses for the campaign $61,000. , n - - if? h- REELSBORO. September 16, The farmers are now very busy picking cotton In this sec tion.; f , , y- , Mr. Henry Allen Gasktns ot Araoa- hoe was a visitor at this place Saturday evening and Sunday. i Mr. Rneben White of PollocksTilla wu a guest at Mr. William Brinaoa'i Saturday and Sunday. s t ' ! ' - Little Misses Louiae and Gladys Bar rlngton of New Bern are visiting friends and relatives at Seelaboro. ; . Mr. W. H. Dixon went to New Bern Saturday ou business. .. t, ; , : Mr. WhlUhurst Lee of New Bern wu a visitor at Mr. N. G. Brlnson's Sunday evening. H " , i ' Miss Jennie Reel who hat beea quite sick at her home here It Improving. Hope she will soon get welL Mr.W." 8. McGregor, of New Bern wa a visitor at Mr. & A. Brinson't Sun day night. ''W Mr. Gene Rosa ot Graataboro, who hu beea teaching school here baa glvea twe weeak vacation, to the children can pick cotton. "Baown Itia", rm r .-. . . .. Permanent Reflstratlon Roll Bent to Clerks. Wake Ceanty Ialependeata. Charter U Cempaay te Bore Far OU. College Netes. Farmers Coagress la Geortjla. qaeerf eniiea Ap pllcatloa. RaLKiaR, September 18. The secre tary ot Btate is sending to the county election boards copies of the act of 1901 providing for a permanent roll for the registration of. votere, In compliance with the terms of the franchise amend ment to the constitution, ratified la Aug ust 1900, and which became effective July 1 of the present year. There are also sent out the roll books and the cer tificates ot registration which are given to those who are decided to be entitled to registration. The , Independents in this (Wake) county held their primaries today and Saturday will hold their county conven tion. It is said that there are already two or three factions among these Inde pendents and that their movement will amount to but little. A charter wu granted today by the State to the Union Real Estate Company of Monroe, of which Frank Armfield and others are stockholders, and also a char ter lo the Smith Furniture Company of High Point, of which W. T. Smith of Greensboro Is the principal stock holder. The charter to the Glendon Mining and Manufacturing Company Is of more than pasalng Interest, u it gives power to sink oil wells. It waa said some weeks ago that oil wells would be sunk near Ashevllle, but no reference to that mat ter has since been seen. There are ex cellent Indications of oil In the vicinity ot Glendon, which is In the soft coal district. Among the callers at the executive of fice today were president James A. Bryan and State's proxy, J. W. Graingor of the Atlantic and North Carolina rail way. . The number of pupils at the State school for the blind and the colored school for deaf mutes and blind already reaches 850. This Btate will he represented at the Fanners' Congress at Macon, Ga., by Prof; Burkett and Prof. Masaey of the Agricultural and Mechanical College; J Van Llndley, Gen. W. R. Cox and Ben nehan Cameron. President Charles E. Taylor of Wake Forest College tells your correspondent that the quality u well u the student body this time is gratifying and that the new medical department hu opened with 10 students. Auditor Dixon is greatly amused at an application received from a man who wants to be put on the pension roll and uya hla trouble la "disability, because a man stepped on my heel during . the war." , Dr. Dixon thinks the man must have been running and the wind behind him outran him and stepped on him. Among today's arrivals wu F. W. Barnes of Wilson. The latest arrival at the park "200" here Is a 6 ft. alligator captured In New river, Onalow county by several men one of them from Raleigh. There is another alligator from Wilmington, i ! . Ex-Senator Marlon Butler la here and It la asserted by tome that , he la again taking Intereat In North Carolina poll- tics. He will not live here this winter, but at Waahlngton and It Is said will make that Ma home. Bogae Items. ' Sept. 18. Master Bonnie Taylor left lut Thurday for Onslow, where he will spend a few days, Misses Maggie and Elizabeth' Ennett made a flying trip to Beaufort lut Tues day. - y;" Messrs. Furney Taylor,' A.M. Weeks, L. B. Ennett and 0. P. Williams went to Beaufort tut Wednesday to attend the county convention. Mrs. Letty Perry and sister, Mlu Ella Dill of Beaufort, .who bare had a very enjoyable visit at Mrs. J. W. Bandera, returned to New Bern last week, "me " Mrs. B, F. Bandera, who hu beea very tick for the put week. Is now ImprovJ ing rapidly; ; ' , Mlu Maud" Banders,, ' after a delightful visit to New Bern andt Trenton, returned home lut week. , v Messrs. Leroy and Newt Henderson of Hubert were the guesta of Mr. L. O. Humphreyunuay; - h Cotton to ttflt going at $3.78 per hun dred In teed.' Out farmers mlued It thla year by not planting tobacco,' aa It now Stands superior to any weed. Mr. J. C. Smith who wu quite tick lut week with heart disease la better. Mrs.G. N. Ennett of Cedar Point la reported lo be very ' tick. - We hope to see her out again soon. ' Cool weather la gradually approach ing and we hope for better health In our neighborhood. 1 Mr. W. L. Humphrey will ' return to Goldaboro toon to attend achooL. " ' t i vi . i - -i - W. L. H. 1 : '-, if; i i ! i ii ssewa-M " ti 'i , . ; CASTOR I A lor Infanta and CLlliren. Til ll Y;i tei fep C:t :i SWAKSBORO. Considerable Skknest in Town. .Ship ping Hews. Bot Stuff. Sept 17. Mr. Pete Smith and wife of Trenton, were visiting here last week; they were the guests of Mrs. J. T. Bart- ley. Mr. B. H. Hatcher and alster, Mlu Berta, of Falson's, were the guests of Rev. L. M. Hobbs and wife, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.!-' Mlu Joale Hobbs, slater of Rev Hobbs here, la visiting her brother and wife who still continues on our sick list, though much better at thU writing. She hu had a severe case of malarial fever, with a little typhoid thrown in. Mr. Willie Ward and Muter Cannon Prettyman are both quite sipk with ma larial fever. -jU. - Dr. F. H. Blount is kept very busy at tending the sick, but seems to under stand hla business well. Tour scribe is under the weather con siderably thla and last week not being able to Jump about much, he has so said, the"Topsy valves," guess you know what that . is, if not, ask Commodore Geo. R. Young, he has the same dig- Schooner Benj. Russell, Capt. Jno. Thomas, cleared today with 160,000 feet ot lumber for N. Y. Schooner Joseph, Capt. Ed. Foster, shoved off her ways here last Friday looking new as a brass pin, and left to day Tuesday 10th Inst., for Wilmington for goods and brick for Marine and com pany of this place. Lots of goods now in our berg, most all the merchants have most of their fall stock, but it seems they don't much care whether they sell them or not, as they never advertise them in the pa pers. Sharpie Bessie and Ellis, Capt. Sewell and C. Hay, Capt. Plttman made quick trips this week to New Bern and return, in three days, and head wind one way. Improvements still going on; the mam moth mill building is nearlng completion fast, and but for the sickness of Mr. T. M. Woodhull, who is not able to get out much yet, the steam launch Just finished would have been running on time. Mr. Woodhull, has some iron work on the launch to do, that others here can't do. . We had a right big Snow In town last Sunday night, In the person of Rev. C. P. Snow our former Methodist Circuit preacher, who filled the pulpit for Rev F. S. Becton, the pastor here, who was conducting a protracted meeting at Queen's Creek church, to a large con gregatlon. Bro. Snow gave us a good talk and we were very glad to see htm here. Rev. C. B. Paul of Wilmington, came out to assist Rev. L. M. Hobbs of this place, in a protracted meeting at Enon chapel last week. Mr. J. A. Pittman hu a fine cow that glvea one gallon at a milking, he has more than one good milk cow. Mesdamet Bettie Plttman, Jenny Davis, Sudle Bell, and Henrlette Farnell went to Queens Creek lut Tuesday to the protracted meeting there, they re ported tlx joined to date "Any one desiring a windy discourse upon the rosy prospects ot electing in dependent candidates in this county next November would do well to correspond with George Wuhington Ward the gase ous minded father ot all political fables" Such is the paragraph in the big four horse doubled eyed mammoth abated bull dog of a celebrated weekly so called news paperln Onslow county so sald,at Jackson vllle, we don't know who the author of the above was, but we do know he needs a mothers' love and a fathers' care, bet ter learn, some common sense my little man, before you start out to criticise, ea pecially those who have forgottou more sense than you will ever know. Our place opened with two good schools last Monday morning the 16th Inst. Rev. B. H. Matthewa In the Bap tlst church and Miss Katie Plttman in the school house, both private schools and right well attended. We don' know when the public school will begin here, we say hip, hip, boo rah for Swam boro, we soon will have our raidroad. W Weekly Crop Bulletin. The Weekly Crop Bulletin for week ending Monday, September 16, la u fol lows; - t The amount of precipitation received during the week waa considerable, oc curred chiefly on the 8th and 9th, and wu fairly well distributed. In only a few localities was the rainfall heavy enough to cause slight damage to crops, and generally it had a beneficial effect on field peaa, late potatoes and turnips, betides placing the soil In excellent con dition for plowing. The weather wu cool during the entire week, and the mean averaged over 6 degrees, below the normal for the season. Light frosts oc curred in the mountain region on the 10th and 11th, and probably also on the 14th and 16th without causing any dam age. Conditions were favorable for gathering crops and for farm work; fall plowing hat begun to make more rapid progress; tome winter oatt have , been town; making pea-vine hay Is under way., ::.( .x i,a.:x htpl Much ot the early corn crop hu been gathered; late corn wat a little benefitted by rain; it la now generally near matur ity; com on bottom lands and on rich toll It very good. Pulling fodder contin ues In the west. Old cotton wu not help ed by rain, but though the rainfall wu quite heavy In ' tome counties; very few reporti of damage by staining were re ceived; late planted cotton wu benefit- NERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED BY PE-RU-NA, Hon. J. A. Simpson, Secretary of the Board of Education of San FranclaeoJ Cal writea: t "f aare found Ptmam ma Afaev raalcU Soma enontna Agolautttnd with doom nutbenlm (MjrttemJe catarrh), canted by too do application to office woitj My ayttem teemed worn out and 1 Mi far from well. I foood Pentoa beaei Bted me very much. It built up the entire ayatem and made me wef like a new man. I believe It la well worthy, the high prmhe bestowed upon It. " J. A. SIMPSON. Syatemio catarrh always gives rain warning of its approach, and can bel illy warded off by the proper treatH ment. Floating brown specks before the eyes, mental confusion, fits of ner vous headache, sleeplessness, flashes oi heat, chilly sensations, palpitation, irri tability, despondency; any of these symptoms or all of them should bel promptly met by the use of F eruna. Contrreeaman E. V. Brookshlre, from) Indiana, in a recent letter from Wash-j lngton.D. C, says: "From what my friends say, Pertuxal Is a good tonlo and a safe catarrh cure.'M E. V . Brookshlre. "Summer Catarrh," a book written by Dr. Hartman, President The Hartman Sanitarium, on the subject of tho ner voua dlaturbanoes peculiar to summer,1 sent free to any address by The Penma Medicine Co., Columbus, O. ted as some correspondents report blos soms seen near the top indicating with deferred .frost, the formation of some top crop. Cotton is opening rapidly and picking Is advancing as fast as possible It appears that the bulk of the crop will be out by the middle of October While below the average, , the yield will be a good one,exceed!ng last year's crop. To bacco still uncut In north portion is be coming rather coarse. Rice seem to be a very good crop. Gathering minor crops is progressing favorably. Crimson clover Is up with good stands; late Irish pota toes look well. Fall apples are short and Inferior. VANCEB0R0. September 18th. Miss Julia Slngletary and mother of Southport are visiting at Mrs Thot Slngletary. MrSJ Lane returned Friday from Klnston where he went to consult Dr Hyatt about hit eyes. Mr AM Williams went to Beaufort Sunday taking with him his daughters Lula and Clara Simpson to attend school there. Mlsa Eva Williams and sister returned to Greenville Monday after an extended visit to relatives and friends. Miss Hattle Griffin Of Washington vis Ited relatives here lut week. Miss Lettle White It at home again after a stay of several months In Wash ington and Grlfton. Dr L C Covington left Tuesday for New Bern. Messrs S J Lane J M Lancaster and B R Warren went to Greenville Monday and returned Tuesday. ' s Mr W E Brown left Sunday for north em cities to buy bit fall stock. It Is very dull here now, the farmers are all very busy harvesting their crops. ' i v"--:;- ' There will be services Sunday after' noon In the M. E. church, also a pro tracted meeting will begjn at Butler's church about four miles from here. We regret very much to chronicle the death of Miss Emma Smith at Choco- wlnlty, N. C. ,on September 6th. She wu a sister of Dr. B. J. Smith of our town. She had been visiting in Green ville and Wuhington, and came lo Chocowinlty for a short stay. . Her death wu unexpected. She was a con tlstent member of the Episcopal church. A good woman hu gone to join loved ones on the other shore. Her remains were brought to Yanceboro and Interred in the family burying ground, to await the resurrection morn. She leaves one brother, some nieces and nephews to mourn her lost, , , , , , !, ;: The JTew FirmV . It constantly receiving fresh goods every day.' yx'Ts-v'- n tm y-i s We have just received a fresh lot of Fulton market Corn Beef the finest that comet tojthlt market also fresh lot of Elnghamt Best Hams,' Breakfast Bacon, Picnic Ham Richmond Shoulders, etc We with you all to give us a call thank ing yon In advance, we are' . p. ; .y, ! '';( 'itoure to pleue," . ' McGEHES & WILLIS. Phone 137. ,(..;-,,ir-t m r'H;w. w , Store 77 Broad street. ' ! ; :, , - - r . : Fresh Jot Force: FooSj juat ' tecelved those having ticket! can - tend them In with 6 cents and get a 16 cents package ' j. A. SIMPSON. T8ey B'd of Education, San Fraaelaoe. m j.,rarker Jr. imWtMNimNMMNiiMttttNNNiitMtl Spiced JustP4Received. Freeh Cream Cheese. Balogna Sausage. ' Small Pig Ilanif, English Cured Shoulders, Breakfast Strips. '' ,. . , j, Fresh lot Fancy Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. neinz s nciies doio sour Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Potted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef. Fresh lot Cottolene. Force, Cream of Wheat and Na Bob Pan jCake Flonr, Fresh Oat Flakes and Grits. . Fresh Prunes. Full stock of Starile and Fancv Groceries. B- Iff fU MYTH Id. k J 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. g Guaranteed Elm City Lumber Km. H. Front Something New a store in New Bern that sells to all. ' i ; i ' Is it to your interest to trade Let us reason together. A prominent merchant of this of his profits annually for bad debts. ft-Tirrnaig-... . Anothervstates that not less than 6 per cent, is lost by crediting in the failure to charge goods. , ; , Who pays for these losses ? ( Why you who pay for your goods. The Bee Hive selling for cash saves you at least 10 per cent, tot we add nothing on for prospective losses. 4tt., In our window we ate showing e House keepers Linens. We are strong on these goods. " " An Excellent Union' Huck Towel 18x38, lOd A Good Linen Towel, 18x36 p "' ';12ic An Extra Large, Full Bleached Datnask Knotted Fringe, 36q value.7 V, , ,.: o 26tt As aboye better value ; .l 5 .! 36o As above, excellent value 450 Table Damask 50c to $1,50 per yard ; 1 Napkins from 50c to $5.00 dozen ' ! ' ,; Aii tuese xe excellent values me 5eesj-i DufTy's Old Store, 61 Pollock St. I 1 i. vVy-'.l)- :: Wire Screens, Door and Window Bcreens, Lawn MoTfers,IceJCream Freezers; Ice Shavers. - ji'M ni -.' ..:;. jh . . . AfuUlineof Ha Col Silver and Alluminum, v;.;; ' ' ,f. i'. ; '." 1 iwAs'..n,iP i-m,. ..; WloVBall Be&g v! '" 1 , , Oni trnnAa aa anwsaV-Xj ' TiTJTrrria 'frirtt'T rvttrfi-iH, t 1 .- .'." ' Give tj yonr orders, phone ;VR,?f : Qnc!iill llr: 147. 73 I' i tf-: Feet ana sweeu ') ... , r Wholesale Clothing. W. 8. FECI & CO MSI. Famous from Ocean to Ocean. Guaranteed to "be as Represent ed or Money Refunded. , All garments bear the Union Label which ia positive proof of , their sanitary condition and , that they are TAILOR-MADE. .,. PERFECT FITTING, NEWEST STYLES, s HONESTLY flADB. ASK FOB IT ! FOR SALE BY Co. Store Dep't, A Eden Mta. ' Under the ' Sun absolutely for cash,' and at oil price there?: . . , ,.. city states that he allows 10 pet dent , .... . , , (, i -. , , . ; ana only to oe naa at ..)-.: . ivmmKtmm mmmmmmmmmJi.H"memm Eli , ,v.f ,t , .. .r.i, V

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