1 AU. VI rfV. YVl i n "ill -11, 1 VOLUME XXV. IXW MM, CK1VXH COUITT, H. C, TOISDAY, 8KPTIMBIS 23,1902. TIRST 8ICTIOS. , MMBIR SO kJ4J'. -Jf vwv ...... nnn ' 1 fid-. , .. x i .iL v, .... - .iifi U EllllSB Heavy Damages Awarded A. P. Sea- well lij the Court FUN GALORE ! GRAND SPECTACLES ! OnStreets A Midway built for Fun ! Unique Booths ! GEil SFECTACULiB ON BIT! FRONT TIE U PTIlfi f i n PEIfl Grotesque r t Handsome Parade Trades Tuesday, J DM 1, mm Elks Thursday, I.UJU Floral ' Friday Premium Tobacco Sales. FUN FOR THE OLD ! . GAIETY for the YOUNG i,1 iJiryi r 1 u 6, 7, 0, 0, 10 & II RUtlGH. Reg titration from Oct. U 25. 1. Y.Jeyaer WlUHet Inter Ac tive Pelltkal CmhIii. Streams Baaalag hum. Farmer , Slew la Pick-! lULmieK, Bcptember S. Tba rardlet oftkt Moon oMtyJnry lBr4lng T. BmwbU $4,500 damtftf glnt U Babowd Alr-Llne becanas tome em ployee of the Utter threw eggtathlm Um depot la Bhelby oooaaioned toma larpriM hart. ' The railway will take the cM to the Bapraaw Court. Attorney general GUmer Kite the opinion that, u wu atated yetterday, the regiitratlon for the NoTember elec tioa ihonld begin October , and end October 85. The Democratic and Re publican Bute chairmen annonncethe fact of their aatent to thli view. Although It la agalnit the law to ihoot doree before Not ember 1, pot-hnnten are shooting many of them. One man the other day killed 60. Water melons of great size continue to come In here. For example one wagon load today of SS meloni, weighed 1,240 poundt. an arerage of nearly 60 poundi. The dancing club of the Agricultural and Mechanloal College gave its first german last night at Raney hall. Prof. Henry M. Wilson of the Agrl cultural and Mechanical College and Hiss Mary Archer Turner, daughter of Dr. Vines B. Turner of Raleigh will be married at Christ church Oct. 22. It will be the moat notable of the autumn wed' dings. An arm of a young white man, John Richardson, wu torn off by a cotton gin near here and he died lasterenlng in a hospital In this city. The climate bulletin for this State for August, Issued today, says the mean temperature was 751 degrees, which is half a degree below normal The high' est tempo rature on any one day was 106 at Chapel Bill; the lowest 89, at Linrllle The storage rainfall was only S.93 inches which Is 1.92 below normal. The great est wu 8.91 Inches, at Klnston, the leut nine-tenths of an inch, at Lenoir, The greatest deficiency of rain occurred at Wilmington and Lenoir. State Superintendent of public In struotlon J. T. Joyner, decides that It is not proper for him to make political THE OLD RELIABLE The Independent Political Party Oitanlzed. Khaki Uniform for Slate Troops. Criminal Tarn af Saparlor Ceart Has Two Capital Cases. Farewell of Rer Eartne DanleL Ralbiqh, Sept. 21 At Christ Church here yesterday Ret, William Edward Callender, an Englishman, now residing at Greenville, 8. C.'wu ordained a deacon by Bishop Cheshire. He wu presented by Ret. Walter Smith of Char lotte. At the First Presbyterian Church here yesterday Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel preached his farewell sermon, closings putorate of 12 years. He goes to the Valley of Virginia to take charge of a church. He Is greatly beloved here, and Is one of the ablest preachers In his denomination. Khaki uniforms for all the State Guard are arriving here, and will be is sued by the first of next April. Blsnkets for all the guard are also arriving and will be Issued during October. The light battery at Charlotte sow hu one caliber 45 gatllng gun, and two new ones on the way to It, together with re volvers and sabres. Later two rapid fire cannon are to be added. The independants In this county, now composed of a dozen or two of Demo crats, the others being ex-Republicans and Populists, will let the Republicans fill in the gaps In the ticket they put up. Chairman Simmons says it Is very nat ural that the Republicans and Populists, who now compose the bulk of the Inde pendents should do this filling In. The Independents will also endorse Atwater. A Republican says that he thinks this very natural as Atwater was the great promoter of this independent movement It Is believed that the Republicans as a party will endorse Atwater. A criminal term of Superior Court began here today. Thero are two cap ital cases on the docket. One Is sgalnst Lawrence Morris, a half wltted.but very malicious young white man, charged with killing with an axe, in her own yard, an aged white woman. Lorenzo Davis, also white, Is charged with the same crime. He has been out on ball The evidence against him Is that of Morris. The other man is charged with murder, who In a row cut the throat of another. The corporation commission today took up an Interesting case. Two or three monthB ago as a passenger train on the Seaboard Air-Line was leaving Raleigh, north bound, It was met by a campaign speeches, but to devote him-1 lumber car, which wu loose and coming self to educational) work. State .Chair- this way. The engineer wu Instantly man 8lmmons concurs in this View of killed, and the engine derailed and the matter. wrecked. The railway officials say sev- Hundreds of streams are dry. TneLral can had broken loose from the soil is dry to an unusual depth. This yards, that an engine wu sent after city Is taking practically all the water them, but that one- went so far It was from Walnut creek, its source of supply. I not found and that it wu this one There la an ample supply for the city which did the fatal work. There are a however. I number of witnesses before the commls- The farmers continue to be slow in I alon. picung cotton, a rain storm wiuoo . a number of the young ladies here hanttni verv looser? from the bolls. gave -nai puuure, .or .ijr, Some people from here will goto evening. Klnston Monday to hear the joint de-1 Today G more applications for rural aUU raA lhrrl wan TnM&nnA ho the State 7Ak Absolutely! Pur THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Forest fires Pearl, Col. threaten the safety of bate between Senator Prltchard Locke Oral. IN MEMORIAM. : i Joseph Armlnlus Paris wu the State of Virginia, near Springs on Oct. 19. 1865. and died in New Bern, N. C, Sept 19, 190J.' Hli father, the Rev. John Paris was a minister In the Methodist Protestant Church, and after having served It at numerous places went to his rest from La Orange, N. O and left a numerous family, among the younger members of which wu the subject of this sketch. At an early age he went to work and dis played the same vim which hu charac terised him sinoe, and by strict attention mute red the details and fitted himself for larger Held. 'This was found here boat tea years ago when he entered the employ of Mr. 0. 8. Holllster one of our leading grocers. Three years later we I Superintendent There are now Only 6 can be allowed In a county. More than 50 persons were killed in a to to I Danlo at Birmingham. Ala.. Friday. At Buffalo I . mmtlnir nf 0in rnlnrnrt Runtlstg Asso ciation two delegates became Involved a fight and some one hollered "fight which wu mistaken for "fire." Many others were seriously injured. Monthly Crop Report, The North Carolina crop report for September Issued by the agricultural de partment Saturday bated on reports from twelve hundred correspondents, gives the following u the per centaget of condition. Cotton 79 (Govt report 80), corn 84, (Govt report 88), tobacco 85 (Govt re port 84), peas 82, peanuts 85, sweet po tatoes 81 (Govt report 84), Irish potatoes find him In Duslneu on his own account, 75 (Govt report 88), sorghum 88, apples having associated with him, Mr. B. K. 61, peaches 60, grapes 87. Bishop. Since that time the firm name, established an enviable reputation It Is a rare experience to find any per- throuVh his' Mraonal efforts. , son with both eyes having the same Rnt thnr wu mnnthar iMa tn th man IOCUB ana Unless ley QO, ine WOTS OI whloh his many friends will remember both Is always thrown In the stronger, him dv. and esDecIallv renet his loss, uniy a snuea opuciaa wiw we ueow His read wit and "elad hand" were sary lnsruments can determine the focus welcomed In all , circles to whloh he of each eye separately ana preecnoe tens uplred. ' I accordingly, Is It sensible to . leave A member . of the Chamber of Com- Ue selection oi your glasses to yourseu mens, hawu ever ready to do his part or any one not competent tor the sate towards the advancement of his adopted of saving a few dollars at the expense of home, -yMw. : I your priceless sight? Ton have In your Boon nfter coming to the city he eon- midst a graduate who hu stood a rigid BMtad himself with the Preahvtarlan examination from the very oldest ana church and lived a life consistent with best Optical College in the U.S. fitted Its doctrine, and diad In Its faith. ' ' with the same Instrument found In the Mr. Paris wu strictly a lust and hon- leading optical omces la our country, est man. He wu alao very charitable- A private parior is in me rear oi my not the kind that gets la the paper. Hi store. Consultation free, If you are In family learned most of this about htm neea oi moaicai attention, you win oe during hi lut sloknes, from people referred to one competent, u its only eye whom he had helped la wriou ways, strain and your case is la the range of coming to Inquire about him and wish gluta, we thoroughly understand re for his recovery. ' ' ' ' . traction, and your treatment u good u On January 28, 1895 he married Miss you can get in any oculists otnee wnere Hauls Maria fivnnm. HI widow and you pay ten times more for It. Your three chll.lren-the vouarest ant vet a money back If you are not satisfied, month old. survive him., and have thai J.O.BAXTER, sympathy of our entire community, D, I rine mountain Apples at jncHoricy's. In a riot, at Berrysburg, W. Vs., Thursday, three Italians were killed and one badly wounded. The Monroe doctrine In trade union ism wu asserted by the United Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America In session at Atlanta, Ga., yes terday. The International Bridge and Struc tural Iron Workers' Union yesterday elected Frank Buchanan, of Indiana, as Its president All the gas companies of Boston,Mass. are to be merged u the result of a con ference lut Friday. Sidney Watkins, an American Engi neer hu been declared the successful competitor In making plans for a great canal In Paris. King Edward of England Is said to be losing the sight of one of his eyes. He Is also suffering a Brest deal from gout. One half million dollars In gold were sent bp the Bank of England to Egypt Saturday. The number of dead people as a result of the stampede caused by the false alarm of fire at Birmingham, Ala, last Friday ight is 115. William Hooper Young has been sus pected for the murder of a young woman in New York City. Young lsagrana- son of the lste Brlgham Young the great Mormon, President Roosevelt had an enthusias tic reception at Cincinnati. General Miles Is making a hurried ex amination of Wuhington army posts on his way to Manila. The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows yesterday selected Baltimore,! for the next convention. The will of the late ex-Governor Hoad ley, of Ohio, probated at New York yes- terdsy shows an estate of 9215,000 in New York. Spiced Feet, t Jissis Received. Fresh Cream Cheese, ' ,,; , '-. ' 'J. Balogna Sanaage. - ?:' Small Pig Hams, English Cared Shoulders, Breakfast Strips. Freeh lot Fancy Elgin and Clover Hill Print Butter. ' Ileinz's Pickles both sour and sweet. . . ,Y . Veal Loaf, Ham Loaf, Potted Ham and Tongue, Chip Beef. Fresh lot Cottolene. Force, Cream of Wheat , and Nft Bob Pan Cake Flour, Fresh Oat Flakes and Grits." ; t Fresh Prunes. Full stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. J. L McMllIEi. - SS? ' j 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. p Guaranteed Clothing. f . S. FECK & tOLlO Famous from Ocean to Ocean. Guaranteed to be as Represent- v ed or Money Refunded. . All garments bear the Union 1 Label frhich is positive proof their sanitary condition and that they are TAILOR-MADE. PERFECT FITTINO, NEWEST STYLES, HONESTLY flADE. ASK FOR IT! . FOR SALE BY A $3,000,000 contract for stamped en velopes and wrappers for four years from January 1, 1908, wu awarded yes terday to the Hartford Manufacturing Company, of Hartford, Conn. The wu much violence along the Hud son Valley Railway Company in Barato- to, Wuhington and Warren Counties, New York. Friday, because of the strike. Two passengers were fatally injured at Chillloothe, Ohio, by B.&0. ex press train running Into an open switch. ' ... a President Roosevelt hu started fer a trip through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. Stanley Spencer, an English aeronaut made a successful balloon trip over the city of London. He traveled 80 miles in an air shin of his own manufac ture. Queen Marie Henrlette, who hu been sick for number of months dlod Friday evening. Becretary of the Treuury Shaw hu distributed $10,000,000 among the banks of the country. ' . A meat combine to control the Klon dike Is being organized at Dawson, I Aluka. . ' Grand Duke Boris, of Ruula, sailed from New Tork for France yester day.' ' V' ::'; CASTOR I A : For Infant ani Children. ; . ' Tta K'd Yea K':tj A!?: Elm City Lumber Go. Store Dep't, Cor. S. Front & Eden HU. 9 Wishes to Say to the Ladies That his Stock is Complete. It represents the Grandest ' ' ' Assortment of V' ' "' ! I Foreign and Domestic Goods Ever Shown in the City. , yk 'Flannels in all colors) at 25c, 50c and 76c t ,. - A Another line of Waistlngs in Roman Stripes and all tha yj h late designs, at 10c,12o and 15c. . .... ) Corduroy Waistings at 60o and 75c. i. ' ;-, , . , y ) i Elberton Costume Velvet for Waists, in pink light and (( ) A dark blue, green, garnet, old rose, gray, white and black at . Taffeta Silk in all colors, good value at 60c, our - price ) iy only 40c. - : ) All the late styles in Up-to-date Dress Goods and Trim- V ) mings to match. . ! ' IV We invite all to come and take look. No trouble to show goods. '.I.' ' " m. 1rM9 m w m T -w TH n a W I aU s 'I . J .-Via n Bean the EUsnatartof II kit Our complete line of ,E. P. Bccd and Try Me'f, Shoes, also .the tamonis 'Julia llzrloxro" Shoe which is recommended tor ladica xrlio are hard to fit. , t ,,,v ,, ; 'v ftlsp have the prettiest line of Shirt Waist Co: 'j f ;r Fill shown in tho cifr, nnd intite you to drop in ani r V - jauub' Kalelghytyehlakeyl li Jthe V uvo iuoig ivroufc. J a v.y

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