esc mm I i m .VOLUME IXV vV;lV- IXW BIBI. CK1TII COUITT, I. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1902.SICOND SECTION, . ,', . , IDMBEtt 51 ' J Lb -j ffi mmm ..ini--t.'n.rr..-;:-rYv it m mm, i c. FUN GALORE ! GRAND SPECTACLES! A Midway built GRAND SPECT1CD11E ON R1TO FRONT s!i t''p??' - me & Handsome Trades Tuesday, Elks Thursday, Premium Tobacco Sates FUN FOR THE OLD ! ... - GAIETY .for 0, I -t . . jduJUUL-JL for Fun ! Unique Booths ! Floral Friday. the ;YOUWG ! 7, 0,0, 10 & II, Chief Dawui's or Ellabetb City, Lftel Salt Tw Theataad Ntw Pcailen Af pll catleaa. Try Yeaag at Mar ring a. Felltleal Forecast Mrs. . BiMk Barlei. Mtasleaary PMfi 8lvea. sUume, r3ept ' l4.-8tata Auditor UUo today completed the ssanUuatlon for the But pension board of tit aiora than i,000 mw applications (or pen sions r "v"-v - ' Tba SUU board of examiners , of pub lic Instruction mat hara again today. It la composed of W. P. Wood, J. P. Jeter and T. W. Patton. ' It had a eonfareaca with tha Governor today. ' Chief of Pollca Dawaoa of Elizabeth Oily iued a self-formed "citizens com mlttee" than for libel, (rowing oat of a publication made by It regarding i blm and tha Cropny cue. The court below held there waa no libel. The Supreme Court inttalni Ihta and eayt no ipeelal damage resulted and that the wordi need by the citizens committee did not Impute to Dawson unfitness to perform the dalles of his offl.ce or want of In tegrity. A charter was granted todsy to the Piedmont Electric Company of Ashe Tllle. Among today's arrivals were M. E, Manly, New Bern; Edwin A. Holt, Bur lington. Rer. W.C. Newton of the Baptist church at Greensboro, goes to China as a missionary. Piedmont Association has pledged Itself to bear his expenses. His own church promised him $500, but gave him $750. Tba age of two large oaks which died In the capitol square and were cut down this week was found to be 180 and 170 years respectively. Some of the applicants for widows pensions give their ages at from 44 to 50 years, and this ia spite of the fact that In order to receive pensions they must have married a soldier prior to April 1, 1865. The one who gives her age as 44, waa therefore only 7 years old at that date. Of coarse all snch applications are rejected. Secretary of flute Grimes and Bute treasurer Lacy spoke in the campaign In Harnett county today and will make three more speeches In that county. State labor commissioner Tamer, who arrived today from Lexington, says he haa been all over the 7th Congretalonal district and that there is leas of the inde pendent movement there than in any other district. He says the Democrats will sweep every county except Yadkin and Davie and that there is a prospect of their carrying Davie, while the Re publican majority In Tadkln will be re duced. Thla afternoon Mrs. T. V. Bunch, the wife of station-master Bunch of the Union pasaanger station hare, and moth' er of Mr. R. E. L. Bunch, ex-general passenger agent of tha 8. A. L., was buried here. Her age wu 69. Two weeks ago she fell from a step ladder, breaking her hip and sustaining Inter nal Injuries which caused death. Why suffer pain and severe sickness from Bowel Comolalnts. when AR NOLD'8 BALSAM stops one and cures the other. It has been successfully used for fifty years. Warranted to give satis faction or money refunded by T. Henry, Special Notice. Our buyers are new In the northern markets selecting the latest styles In fall and winter goods, BARFOOT BROS. Superior Court, Tuesday. : Tha case of White vs. Railroad, wu continued untlU the next Civil term of Superior Court for Craven county. Cass of E. H. Phillips vs. Elm City Lumber Co., judgment wu rendered for plaintiff. ;c) .,;( -,, ). J. M. Arnold vs. Seaboard Air Line for damages wu warmly contested, and was given to the jury in tha late after noon, and they deliberated on the case until mm : midnight, when a mistrial wu agreed upon. .e'y-v 8aanl cams wam dlunntlnnMl rinr- llngthe day, and much other routine work dona,- after which the court ad journad for thla term. . , , Tobacco Talk, Mora tobacco was Isold here yesterday than any other day this season, to except opening day. ?..rt-. lt. ., A large crowd of farmers were town, coming in on the several trains, aid many carta and wagons loaded with the golden product wert seen passing on tba street. Tha quality of tha weed wu perhaps the best that hu been offered hare so far, and tha usual good prices prevailed, gladdening tha hearts of the aellars. - ' . i-v CASTOR I A for Inputs tad CLiren, Bam tha Earn tha " - North Carolina Day In Public Schools. Bales Far Filing Briefs. On Trial Far Marder. 8. A. L. Wreck Cleared. Peuslen Lint. Needed Bains Fall. Ralbior, Sept. 15. State Superintend ant of Public Instruction Jorner will la a few days designate the day which will this year be observed aa. "North Carolina Day" In the public schools. Last year the day selected wu too early, u many schools were not open. He will In all Drobabllltv select the Friday after Thanksgiving day. Then all the schools wlU be open. There will be speclsl ex ercises. The Supreme Court todsy announced a rule amending the rules regarding the filing of briefs. Printed briefs sre now required In all cases, except In pauper aDDeals. The appellant must file his brief on Thursday before the call of the district to which the case belongs, and the appellee must file his on Monday of the week of the district. Printed copies of the above amended rule will be sent to the clerk of court In each county and to attorneys practicing In the Supreme Court. In the Superior court here today, Lo renzo Morris, white, said to be about 35 years old, wss put on trial f oi the mur der of Mrs. Catharine Bailey, whose sge wu over 60. She was killed In the yard of her home, 83 miles from bore, near the Granville county line, and wu found lvlne on the eround with her skull split open and a bloody axe a few feet away. Your correspondent had a talk today with a man who married an aunt of Morris', and this man said Mor rls ww not bright u to Intellect; that he and Mrs. Bailey once wslked all the way to Raleigh to marry, but that after she gsve him $3 with which to buy the license he decided not to marry and they walked back. She broke down 14 miles from here, and there Morris left her and walked home. Later he said If aha would oav for a buggy he would take her to Oxford and they would mar ry. She gsve him the money, but they never went. She wanted to marry him, She had some property. He wu teased a great deal about her and" was heard to say that he would go over to ber house and kill her some day. After his arrest he claimed that Lawrence Davis, young man of Granville county, had hired him to kill the woman and had Dromlsed htm $50 for that work. Davis arrest followed but he was quickly re leased on ball, u the atory wu not be- belleved. but people were sure Morris wu the murderer. Counsel for the defence suggested and solicitor accepted murder In the second degree, u Morris was clearly partially unsound mentally. The judge thereupon sentenced Morris to 80 years In the pen' Itentiary. The Seaboard Air Line trains blocked by a wreck near Murry Oaks yesterday morning, got through this morning, The loss by the wreck, to cars and prl vate property Is heavy. State Auditor Dixon finds that there were 8128 new applications for pensions Of these about 2300 passed. Of the new applications 647 were by widows and 2581 by soldiers. During the year widows and 166 soldiers are reported to have died and thla number will reach 800. There were lut year 9000 pensions The net gain this year will be about 2000. Auditor Dixon says this Is, In his opinion, the high water mark, and that henceforward the number will grow less and less. The law provides that when the pensions are probated the reduction shall apply more particularly to the 4th dus soldiers and to widows. Lut year the 4th class and widows got $20 an nually; this year it appears they will re ceive $15. . Much needed rain set in today. Streams are very low. For several days this city's water supply hu taken nearly all the flow of Walnut creek, t Governor Aycock and Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson left here this morning for the piedmont section on ten days campaign tour. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. , They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis Prescription Pharmacy. COVE. September 25. Mr J N Charlton and wife of New Bern spent Sunday here. ' Messrs Jas A Bryan and W F Carlisle prominent R. R. officials were here Tues day on professional bnsineu. ; ; Capt R 8 Coward of Ktnston spent Tuesday here. Mr O L I pock wu the guest of his father here Tuesday. Mr E J Hlnes of New Bern spent Sat urday and Sunday at Mr L F Taylors. - MrJohnlpock Is wearing a broad smile this weak and saya his boy will bt large enough to plow In short The population of Cove Is growing rapidly. , A stranger Is stopping with Mr Letch, worth and wife a ten pound boy. ' Mrs CD Lan. and children left last week for Chapel Hill where they will spend several weeks with, relatives and friends. PE-RU-IIA WOMAN IS THE So Says Mrs. And Tens of Mn. Jennie Rote, 362 W. Twenty-Second Street, New York City, write The Peiwm Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen: "Penina Is a blessing female trouble since 1 began menstruation, and every month I suffered two and three days of untold agony, and had he In bed every month for two days at "My brother was cured of Bright' m I determined to try It fof iny trouble. "Imagine my great joy when I found month and I was entirely without 'pain Peruna only four months. "This Is about two years ago and all I can now come and go as I like and and wish that every suffering woman through the use of this medicine. " Truly ANNUAL MEETING Of The Stockholders and Oflicers or the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad company, was held In the company's offices In this city, yester day at noon. On motion, Joseph E. Robinson was elected temporary chairman, and George Green, J. J. Royall and C. L. Stevens, secretaries. The report of the proxy committee wu read, and the chairman announced that a quorum wu present. The tem porary organization wu made perman ent. President James A. Bryan read his an nual report of the condition of the com pany, which wu received and adopted-State proxy, J W Grainger announced the following directors. C. M. Busbee, W. H. Smith, L. Har vey, J. C. Parker, J. A. Bryan, T. W. Dewey, R. W. Taylor, W. II. Hooker. The following nominations by the pri vate stockholders were made, Henry Well, C. K. Foy, E. C. Duncan, Dempsey Wood, W. L. Kennedy, E. W. Small wook, and upon ballot, Well, Foy, Dun can and Wood were declared elected. The following members of the Finance Commltte were nominated, and the sec retary Instructed to cut the vote for them, T. A Green, F. W. Hughes, J. A, Meadows. The following Proxy Committee wu named and secretary cut vote for mem' bers named H. R. Bryan Jr, Geo . Dees, W. B. Blades, M. DIsosway, J. F. Taylor E.B. Hackburn, N. W. Taylor, S. C. Sugg, D. Oettlnger, W L Kennedy, W. L Arendall, Dr. Frank Boyette, G. N Ives, E,W. Rosenthal, D. V. Dixon, T. W, Mewborne, M. M. Marks, John Forlow, J. M. Howard, C. P. Dey, L. G. Danish, 0. T. Watson, T. G. Hyman, E H Mead ows, K. R. Jones, Simeon Wooten, Geo. Bumrell, J. H. Potter, J. J. Baxter Chu Dewey, A. Einstein, K G. Porter. On motion meeting adjourned to meet at New Bern next year. At the meeting of the Board ' of Di rectors of the A. N. O. R. R. held af ter the regular annual meeting, the pres ent officials of tha road were re-elected to office for the ensuing year. OABTOniA. . Sauttas j9 sins Va Haw aiwwyg Bought Fresh lot Force Food just received those Having tickets can send them In with 6 cents and get a 15 cents package Mi.,ft,rsrertfr. - ,i Fine Mountain Apples at McSorley'rJj 'S BEST PRIEHD. Rose, of New York City, Thousands of Other Women. to suffering women. I Buttered with to arrange my work and duties so as to least. Disease from the use of Peruna and so that It relieved me quite a bit the first during that period after having used during that time I have suffered no pain. consider Peruna woman's best Mend might know that she can find relief yours, MRS. JBNN1B ROSE. Fresh Celery First of the season at J. L. McDaniefs New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. v Spiced Pigs Feet. Fresh lot Fox Kiver Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. Rock Candy Drip Syrnp. . . , , . Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. , Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Postum Ceral. " ; . ' '';; Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 6c lb. , . , Codfish; Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of eyerything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment.' auwauui 'Phone 01. Ik fiiiter: is Mothers and fathers bring your Clothing and Shoes. - We will give you a few jarioes MEN'S CLOTHING. I 110 Black Worsteds .v tS49 $8 IB $4 50 498 3 69 CASSIMERE SUITS. ' i $860 8ults," . - - .1 524 6 00 " ' - " 4 60 8 00 "', - ' '8 73 Drop into our store ancTlefr us Store, New Goods, New Bargains." ,75 . Middle St, nextto GtsklU Hdw. Co., Kew tc::, r. C. , Prescriptions at Davis'. Davl' Prescription 'Pharmacy makes a specialty of pivscrlplions. l'rosr pt and careful attention Is given Vifm. Only the test drugs aroused. '.It? prices art reaionaMe. . EctJ jmr V to be filled. a -i " Mrs. Ellen Thompson, Battle Town, Ky, writes: "when I wrote yon for advlea I wu very bad off. When I received your letter I commenced using Penina and It dJd Just what yon said It would. I have . had a eoogh to about rifS yaan and : your medicine bu done me more good than anything I have ever naed. I am ao thankful to you for your advice to me." Mrs. Ellen Thompson. Mrs. James Elghmey, Grape, Mioh writes: ' ; ' - ; i ; ' -"I have been troubled with pain be fore and during my monthlies ever alnoa I wu seventeen. I wu also troubled with other female weakness. I took your treatment,, and am. now well, and thank yon for your kind adTtee." Mrs. James Elghmey. Mrs. John Meyers, Erhart, O, writes i "I have been a sufferer from chronlo catarrh for years and have thereby lost the sense of smell entirely. I bad four of the best physicians in this vicinity without receiving any benefit whatever. "Now I am once more a well woman. I find Peruna to be the best medicine In the world as It has done me more good than my physician could have done for me. My Mends say I look tan years younger. I tell them that tPeruna did Jr. i can't thank you enough tor your tree advice." Mrs. John Meyers. Mrs. Ida Baker, Portsmouth, writes: I am glad to My that I am well. I have taken Peruna and feel better than I have for ten years ; have gained twelve pounds and am still gaining. When I wrote to you for advice I had given up all hope of being well again, and I feel that it hu uved my life." Mrs. Ida Baker. Alice Scott, of Franklin, Ky, in a let- tor to Dr. Hartman, uys : "For seven long years I had been a constant sufferer from catarrh of the pelvlo organs which resulted In dis placement of the uterus. I wrote you telling you all my complaints from the beginning to the present, made happy and much encouraged every time by your kind and fatherly letters of advice and instruction. I am now a strong woman weighing 148 pounds." Alios Scott. .. . If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the maw of Parana, write at once to Dr. Hartman, girlng a full statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vioe gratis. ,., i , t " Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Col um boa, Onto. " Wholesale Sc Retail 11, ; Oroeer, 71 Broad UL i ipaoKng ! boys to this Bale and fit them in , t in Men's and Children's clothing: '' CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. "15 00 Suits ,, MN 400 i ' ... - 186 9 00 " 160 IW 1 ' " ' ; i J , ; f.v-j show you what we hare, New 1 , Very rarpectfully, ' Toc'.!i Ert:!.:3 j Davis riarmacy I a large aago-rt;r.r,:.t cf T i-)":: ,r