6 til TBE WEEKLY JOURNAL staMlsa 1ST PublUh! li Two Section, eVsry Tu day Hd Friday, at M aUddfc Btreet4ew ten, KG.; 1 - CHARLFS STEVENS . . - - t : i SUBSCRIPTION RATESv TwoMowtha.... X"0? Threellootha, J ,. 81 Moatha, ' Twelve Months.... t100 ' ' ONLY IS ADVAHCM AdvertUinrrote" furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry by nail. I tJTTha Jocuiul la only sent on pay-lD-advanc buk Subscribers wUI raceire notieeCof expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice wi'.l be appreciated by the Journal Filtered at the Postofflce, New Bern fT. a aa second-class matter. ISeetioi Two, Friday Sept. 26, 1908 NORTH CAROLINA .TARIFF DISCUSSION. Under what may be termed the "new political condition of affairs" In North Carolina, the reader of North Carolina newspapers cannot fall to detect a more sprightly tone In their editorial columns, and the desire to discuss public issues Without any fear of being declared "ir regular," In their political affllla-tlons. A notable example of this cutting away" is the Winston Journal, Whose columns display newspaper thrift and prosperity, and whose editorlala hate taken on an alertness which makes them most readable. The Winston Journal has especially devoted itself to some discussions upon the tariff question, and Its position may be said to be on the side of protective tariff. The assertion from this esteemed con temporary that the trust evil Is not to be remedied through the tariff, has provok ed a reply from the Charlotte News, and this has caused quite a discussion between these two papers. Hero is an Interesting discussion among political friends, and one which should prove Instructive and entertain ing to the readers of these newspapers. Without wishing or attempting to enter into this friendly discussion, It can be said there is a newness about this kind of Democratic newspaper dis cussion In North Carolina, which pre sents a most Interesting phase. Here is a question, both local and National, and one upon which sides can be taken by those of the same .political faith, thus doing away with those per sonal accusations of broken political fealty, which are too often employed In political discussions. Let this tariff discussion proceed, with best wishes to each esteemed' contemporary. LIVE BY WORK, NOT BY WITS. "We need to get our people back to the Idea '.that they must earn a living, not secured by doubtful methods and modern tricks of trade," says C & Vaw ter, of the Miller Manual School. Happy will be our beloved South when such schools of Industry shall be built up for all; when our young men learn that the highest type of manhood is shown in him who by honest industry supplies the wants of himself and those dependent on him. ' It Is a most lamentable fact that many, verv msnv. of our young mea after leav ing school, have no nay making a living unless they go toleeehlng.: The result U that we have a very large class of young men waiting for something to turn up, who think they are educated, who are too proud to work and who are too poor to live without work. Th ,fewwho eucoeed la getting an office or winning a plsce that pays make $ae exception. ; ThOimany who must ears a uyeunooo. ay toe, we m u brow make the rule. Let us, then, edu cate the masses so that they can the bet- j -ter gain their living. Let this be the ml tha exeerjtion will take care of It- ' With trained, educated thinking, reading workmen, we will- aeve a-rich, .prosperous eonntry, dotted alLover with -lovelyrhappyJiomes, wMlbo, place for the bar-room and the gambling , hell. Bach a movement would Indeed .be tae gnateeUempernnce .work-Ihls eonntry has ever known. Southern Education Notes. fortnaea to tbelf owners. This lack of publicity has ceased many articloa which possessed real in trtasic merit, to never become well eaoagh known toeomelato the mar ket, and become of benefit to peo ple. Aa with articles of trade and com merce, so it Is with persons, unless they shall attract attention by some public conduct, and thus secure a publicity sufficient to demand recognition at the hands of the people. It mature not that an individual may have genius of any special kind or degree, if It is not known and devel oped, it Is the same as If not possess ed. The honest merchant in trade with a large first class stock of goods, unless he makes known that he has these goods, through advertising, will not succeed as well as the merchant who has the poorer and smaller stock, but who advertises. But even a reputation once established In the commercial world, must be kept before the world by constant pub licity. This publicity In trade, is gained through advertising, and success has only been found in the persistent and unremitting employment of printers Ink. It Is not enough to simply attract pub lic attention. This must be gained, first, and then held through keeping the pub lic familiar with the name of the article offered for Its use or consumption by every kind of device which can be pre sented to make constantly known tbe merits of the article. An article of trade msy have gained a public reputation, it may have seemed well established, and Its owner hsve felt that it was well enough known, so that further expense of sdvertlaing could be saved. But this apparent saving has proved costly In every Instance, as the reputa tion gained was made of service by some follower, who noting that the first was out of the market, as an advertiser, quickly presented a substitute which through Ingenious advertising took the place In the public favor of the first arti cle, and finally drove It out of public mind and public use. The succes of today is only to 1 e gained and held through constant and honest publicity. $iorr Reward, $ioo The .readers: ofj this paper will jbe pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's ICatarrh Core Is the onlv Dosltlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing Its work. ' The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of tes timonials. Address, P. 8. CHENEY Co., Toledo, O. Sold by'.Drugglsts, IHc. Hall's Family Pills are the best ; WHY THESE SHELLS ? Some of The Odor Anted Town Arc Rot Ben of Eaves. , V v If there la such a thing of a superin tending Providence aa Inflaenee or pro taction from Injury and disease, it is certainly exercised over the cltUene of New Bern. For la the natural order of things anyone breathing the atmosphere that la reeking with Imparities as It In some parts of the city Is sre to Inhale the genu of typhoid fever. Yesterday the Journal man was on his beat and while in the vicinity of the Middle street docks could but notice the unhealthy odor that arose from that place. It fairly amelled to heaven and back again. There are other places vhere there are nauseating odors threatening the public health and making a charnel house of the street. With the practice of a little vigilance these things can be prevented and If care is not taken by tbe citizens and more cleanliness Insisted on by the city authorities there will be an epidemic of sickness here that will distance small pox In a walk. The odor referred to emanates from decaying vegetation, fish offal, spoiled meat and perishable things improperly cared for. The city and health authori ties should demand that more care be taken in regard to this matter. Lingering' Summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this Reason. Summer colds sre the hardest kind to cure and If neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Tbe children like It. F. 8. Duffy. In k Hospital li Indian polls, Indiana. The Resalt of the Trolley Accident at Plttsaeld Becomes Manifest. Special to JoaroaL ' IroiaHAPOLis, Ind.,8ept 93. -Aa a re sult of the bruises sustained in the trol ley accident at PltUfleld, President Roosevelt was forced to abandon his Western trip. One bruise has developed Into a slight abscess on the left leg. President Rooferelt was taken to the St. Vincent's Hospital, where he was opera ted on late this afternoon. Ten days reit Is considered necessary for his re covery. It Is not yet Known wnetner ne will remain here or go to Washington. Stork Visits Gould Yacht New York, Sept. 'Si. A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gould on board their steam yacht Helenlta off Oyster Bay. Mrs. Gould was Miss Helen Kelly, grand-daughter of Banker Eugene Kelly. OABTOT1I BMntk yf Ihe Kind Yoe Hiw aJwsrs BoajM Blfiatu of DeWet's Son Dead. The Hague, Sept. 23. Word was re ceived here today that Izak, the thirteen year old son of Gen. DeWet, died in South Africa. v 1 V 1 AmoBnt uf TuiMc Ueomo wtt Lowered. J f A V mlsslea Finished i , f.irJcan Huston Liniment . ' ' V't or boa th mirttr mlrn n thmuch ILa nuclasaad ajsm 1 1 T IT ' -1 -' ' 1 Earthquake Shake at Guayaquil. Guayaquil, Ecuador, Sept. 23 A heavy earthquake shock was felt here at 1.25 this afternoon. Panther Arrives at Colon. Washington, Sept. 22. Word was re ceived by the Navy Department this morning that the Psnther has arrived at Colon. She has on board 400 marines nder Col. Russell destined for duty en the Isthmus of Panama. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Having distressing pains In head, back and stomsch, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King's Now Life PIUb," writes W. P. Whitehead, of Kennedale, Tex., "and soon felt like a new man." Infallible In stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c at .C. D. JBrad ham'a drug store. Miners Wreck Train. l'lltston, Sept. 23. Early this morn ing (striking miners removed the fi h plates from the rails of Erie railroad on the outskirts of the city. The rails spread and a work train which was pass lng was derailed. No one was Injured and the damage is slight. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and!all!skln diseases. For sale at F. S. Duffy's. Soldiers Die of Plague. Washington, Sept. 23. Genera! Chaf fee reports to the War Department by mall 34 deaths from cholera among the enlisted men of the army In the Philippines between July 10 and August 12. Take Care cf the Stomach. The man or, woman whose digestion perfect and whose stomach performs its every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies nnd sweetens the stomach and cures positively and per manently all stomach troubles, indiges tion and dyspepsia. It is the wonderful reconstructive tonic that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment ln;the food they eat. Rev. J. H. Holladay, of Uolladay, Miss., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider the best remedy I ever used for dys- iiepslft and Btomach troubles. 1 was given up by physicians. Kodol saved mv llfo, Take It after meals. F. 8. Duf fy- Not Doomed For Life. I wastreated for .three years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McCon- nellsville, O., "for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Entered Jail Instead of Ministry. Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 2i Rev. A. W. Howe, who came here Trom Virginia to establish a mission, and who was to have been ordained to the ministry to day at SteeKon, was arrested by a Lan caster detective there this morning, and brought to the Lancaster jail, charged by 14-year-old Grace Thornton with a se rious offense. seen . Mitchell Says Nothing. Wilkesbarre. Sept. 23. When this morning, and his opinion asked re garding the calling out of the Thirteenth Reciment. President Mitchell said he had no statement to make. Scant ef mV lifts You Haw always Bought CDIwTANT PUBLICITY KIXrED. Publicity lnjbe fullest sense of the wnrd. la recoentzed as the most'lm- portant factor la securing commercial . A.rt! of not estrsor;!!nary Individ ' t .1 c ., , t'."''. 'i cor -sBt publicity by ' . I,..- i . i t -e end The Fish Murder. New York, 8ept 21 Coroner Jackson today began the Inquest into the death of banker Nicholas Fish. Tbe police have a long list of witnesses to prove detective Sharkey's guilt. The family be lieve that the disappearance of the check overt which tbe quarrel between Fish aad 8harkey took place Is evidence of a plot to rob the banker. A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all tha world to know." writes Rev. C. 3. Badlong, of Ashaway, R. I. "what a thoronehlv good and reliable medicine I found In Electric Bitters. They cored me of ; jaundice and liver trouble that had caused me great suffer ing for many years. For a genuine, all around cure they excel anythlpg I ever saw." -Electric Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work la Live. Kidney, and Stomach troubles. Don' fail to trv them Only 60 eta. Satisfac tion Is guaranteed by O, J). Bradham ' " ; Taxed The Colonies. ".. London, Sept. 28. -The Dally .Mall this morning says the government has decided that the Bonth African colonies are to be required to pay-1500,000.000 towards 4heeost of the South African Prickly heat cured In one application by using of nancock's Liquid Sulphur, It will also cuie Eczema, Fetter, Pimp les. FJnzworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Eores, and all skin troubles In ! "i t'ne. wben used as directed. For Will be no Extra Session. Washington, D. C, Septcmbor 23. Advices received here deny on the highest authority that the President Intends to call a special session of Congress after March 4th for the purpose ot considering tarm revision.: YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless orm. No cure no pay. Price 69c. Islands Want Transfer Expedited. New York, Sept. 21. More than one thousand of the leading residents of these islands, Including merchants, planters and householders, have peti tioned the Danish ministry to expedite the transfer of the Islands to the United States. Maitlahd, Fla, OctobeT 10th, 1901 Tbe Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co,,JBaltl more, Md. Gentlemen.- I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so react- llv as to Liquid Stjlphttb. I think If used properly It is undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema I have prescribed It for others with most satisfactory results. consider it the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regard it as the greatest medical aiscov try or the age. . . 4 . , itespecuuuy yuun, , W.A.HEARD, M. D, For sale at F. B. Dnffy's. , ; : $1000 For The Coal Strikers. Chattanooga,. TenaV September 82 The Brotherhood : of ; Locomotive Fire men today - appropriated $1000 to aid the anthracite miners and an off clal tele s-ram was sent to President : Mitchell a annouoceing the fact. y : ' Bewarelot the Knife, p No profession has advanced more ra pidly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where absolutely ne cessary. In eafee ef piles for example. It is i seldom , needed. DeWlU'e Witch Hazel. Salve ures quickly and perma mantly Cnequalled for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "I was so troubled With bleeding plies that I lost moch blood and str,gtn,says, J. O. Phillips, Paris, 111. K w Witt's Witch, Hazel cured me In a luort time,' Soothes and heals. F. . Cerperatlea Cei IaveeUfaUea of Accident ' ea 8. A.'L.WUtates Appelated te'iatloaal Farmers CengTeas. Report of Sapt Piklie ! stractlea. Pea aleai Appllea- Mens. Rauiev, September SSLThe corpor ation commission , has completed Its In vestigation Into the wreck on tbe Sea board Alr-LIne here In which aa engi neer was killed. "The law requires the commission to investigate such matters, but there, streage to say, the law ap pears to stop and the commission has no power to act. It does not appear that any report can be made. ' ' ' The city authorities here are making no effort to enforce the ordinance against spitting oa sidewalks and It Is a farce. It does not appear that any attempt hat ever been made to enforce It and it is contemptuously violated. 1 Governor Aycock today appointed the following delegates to the , National Farmers' Congress at Macon, Ga,next month, these being members of tbe State Farmers' Association named by T. B. Parker, secretary ot the latter, J. W. B. Battle, J. W. Atwater, Ransom Hln- ton, A. T. Uzzell, W. R. Cheason and E. F. Lamb. The State auditor his nearly finished the work of passing upon the pension ppllcations. Some counties sent up very few new applications. New Han over, for example sent up 14 for soldiers and 8 for widows. All these passed. The report of the State Superintendent of public Instruction shows that there were built In tbe State during 1902 only 63 new school houses for whites and 45 for negroes, while this year there have been built 239 for whites and 66 for ne groes, and 3 for Croatan Indians a total of 298. It Is found that the school houses built this year are better than those heretofore erected, A new lodge of Masons Is authorized at Fairfield, Hyde county. The number of rural free school li braries which have been added by the Bute Is now 862, The State tax commission will very probably recommend a lowering of the amount of Income excepted fo taxation to $600 and recommend something like tax of 6 per cent on all excess over $600. Take a bath In Hancock's Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Jasper Items. September 22, We are glad to an nounce that Mr JohnTlppett's little son who bad the misfortune to breakhls hip two weeks ago is improving. Mr and Mrs Durham from LaGrange who have been visiting relatives here have returned borne. Diphtheria has about disappeared from our section. There were only two cases, Doth colored cmiaren. , The ladles of the Union Sunday school at Stony Branch will give a comfort tacking party, followed by an Icecream snpper at Mrs Alex Herring's Thursday night September 25th 1902. Adralssslon 25 cents for two. Tbe proceeds will be used for buying lights and furnishings for the church. A very pleasant time Is anticipated and every body Is invited to come. -Observer. A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine. Is a. disap pointment, but you don't want to purge strain and break the glands of the stom ach and bowels. ' Dewltt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. ' They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat ter and do It so gently that one enjoys the aleasant effects. They are a ionic to the liver, Cure biliousness, torpid liver and prevent fever. F 8 Duffy ; C ! McLean In Control, f; -. r r- Wsshlngton, Sept's 82-Capt, McLean commanding the Cincinnati, cabled the Navy Department today that ho has complete control of tbe situation ra the Isthmus of Panama ii!:: :-;3 7 ft For a Lame Back, j - 2ore muscies, sor, in fact, all Lameness and Sore- ness of yoiur body there is nothing : 4V. wrtlf ArArra m,t thf -nain and in- - fgh iliUb ft AAA U4 A T w V - - 1 4 flammatioa" 60 quickly aa v , Mexican , ' t Mustang Liniment. p'v.li'y'ici3iii6t ireac&'.the'spot your- 4 f 5f self get some one to assist you, for gE it U essential that ithe, liniment be . tubbed in most thoroughly. . ; Mexican flustang Liniment CfWMMnM tha atknetita of harm and all domestic animAls. In fast, ft hie "trh hfiahrim r't r"1'M' "ttor whoor what the paUaatia. KSt eg mail w-itf BWLt. L AtTECTHIN6:i0WBin)1 AS M r, , e l n . vosu uuj a cuts vrnggisis, I Cnrts Csolin-lofiituL Dlarrtieca,l)ytnUry, sal the Bowel Troubles of Children ofAnriot. I Aid j Dilution, RejulAttl the Dowels, MtMthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. iOt BuU U caU to C. J. MOFFKTT. M. D 8T. LOUIS. MO. nwrtnm alp Dl SL Rasdt. BacntUT ot BlAU. Aosm. T.x Not. SI. lSOS. WkHwdM 1 hADlwatd apoa it m MtM Id St ftoan. ul tnm I hm eautultr tap it And m4 It Alno with my chlldru. And Sat Iaaaa mtt TTTTllTAg bor ni a toMhiBt ohIM, mtr noonxUaA- imj wAnxd u thu w. would larlublr Iom AIav TKKTH IN A. And bAffAB At oam AiiminluriB It to him, AndkiA Inipro UAt dAj on OA noapAraud. I Ann ooAitAnUy ktpt It And aam 1 pleAiurAinADttndlnc in ptAlAfA to All nothAr ot foanf obUdraa. pWiod WAA DAAASd. 1 foABdit lATAlAAblAmA AftAT tkAt, ILH8. li. U. OAKDY. IF YOU WANT FOR UNLOADING Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal, Ramcioh September 23. Supreme Court banded down opinions today. Parker vs Cobb, from Edgecombe no error. Bullock vs Bullock from Edgecombe error. Duffy vs Meadows, from Craven, no error. Smith vs Garrls from Pitt affirmed. Lavalette vs Booth from Carteret er ror Harrington vs Rawls from Pitt, er ror. Swift vs Dixon, from Greene, error. Wood vs Railroad, from Craven, af firmed. Taylor vs Railroad from Hertford, new trial. . Jester vs Packet Co from Hertford, appeal dismissed. - Garrett vs Hemill from Halifax, new trial. . -',1 Avers vs Uakely.f rom Hyde appeal dls missed' Dawson vs Baiter, from Pasquotank, no error. : t Royal vs Street Ry Co., from Craven per curiam affirmed. Best vs. Mortgage Co., from Greene, no error. Mfg. Co. vs. Gray, from Craven, per curiam, affirmed. j Cox vs. Burck, from Pitt, Jper curiam THE BEST PRICES, !e'BEST Stables, The BEST Facilities BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO THE Farmers Warehouse We promise our best , efforts in behalf ot the Farmers. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Farmen Warehouse. Auctioneer. los. Co., from Oaalpw, . . '.WAHTED. -We would like to ask, through the col umns ot your paper, if there is any per son who baa used Green's August Flower for the cure of Indigestion Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles that , has not been eared endure also mean their result, such as soar stomach, fermentation of food, habitual eojetlvenes,: nervous dye- peals, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness in fact, any. trouble con nected with the stomach or liver f This medicine baa been sold for many yesrs In all civilized countries, and we wish . tooor respond with you and send you one of our books free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle nrsi. we have never known of its failing. If o something more serious is the matter With you. Ask your druggist. G. G. C.HEKN-, Woodbury, N. J. affirmed. Koonce plaintiffs appeal dismissed, under' rui 17. ' ' ' ' 1 Worth vs. J Wilmington, from Mew Banover, plaintiffs appeal dismissed un der rale n.-M j ' Wood vs. Rowe. from Onslow, plain tiff's appeal dismissed under rale 17. ( White vs- Lokey, from Craven, ao ef- ' The Bcatfttscrlptloa tor JUlarla. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of G nova's TaSTClbbs Chux Toino. It Is simply Iron aad quinine la a tasteless form. No fcure-no pay. Price 60a. 1 r "; Fuel Goei tltlnf . Washington, D. O, Sept 89. Anthra cite coal advanced this morning in Waah lngtoa to 1S a ton. x There are only 4,- 000 tons ot all kinds of coal la the hands of local dealers and no more is obtain aM frnm tha Olltntda. . -i i Bey's Wild Ride For Life. With family arouni expecting him to die.'knd a soa riding for life, 18 miles to ret Dr. Kinc's Kew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H Browa of Leesvill, Ind , endured death's agonies from asthma, but .this wonder ful medicine gave Instant relief end soon eared him. Jle writes, "I, now sleep soundly every; n! ' t,", XJe marvelous cures , of. Connu ntlon, - Pneumon'a, Bronchitis, Coughs,; Colds and CJ prr-s 1's mr .-" ajer't for all; Throat and Lun? t "outline. Uusranted bottlns ' ' -1 1.1 - Trial botUos free at O D j fore. . ., j. i- or Fall Snappier, Lanar, Better ita iner Our line of Griffon llMnd Cloth ing Men'd Suits in Extra Fine , Worsteds aria all tne real tning. vToutha Suite in. Eegant Cassi . , mere, Childa 2 piece, 8 . piece and Norfolk knits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu- ment to sell them, f There may be some clothing aa good as ours but not at the price. j When yob j jinj here ' you buy fright!1 -:f llU '--iUl - J. J, BAXTER, 89 Middle Streets me at o. The Faiher,of 'Lor0 PrtcesS We will give you a few of Our' Low; Iioei which we quota hero Coplon s below i I , HT UOOPS, 75e,S6. law Black Brilliautine, 481 1 .! HUCasnmee ;' 25c ' Plains for waists, ' 82o 80 In. Flannel in stripes," 18c Blaek Ratteen : 23f French Satin for dust skirts, HI i , is- "48o $3.60 Shoes f N'S SHOES. t - .. 84c 18o 16c V .100 00 Shoes 9.50 Shoes S.00 Bboes 1.60 Shoes ;'. ""' L4DIBS SK0ES. 9.00 Shoes &'..:"; a :-'A;.Jif 10e lic flannelettes i ell colors 1.7 Shoes V n i"y t l & 12,0 Percales " " 7,c Shoes .? tie A do Outings '-- .r 81e J --CHILD BEN'S SHOES. 6c Nelson Ginghams . . 8J ' 1.00 Rhoea , - s 6e Bleaebinr;' f i f ' ,9tf Phoe ' v'' 'rJf "?" - c Sheeting, I ; it?,-Hl i -rWI i 11 $3.98 909 9.88 1.68 .98 l.8 1.94 .98 5 .84 , .69 We buying elpehi We invite tvjjbody to call and examine our stock before 75 Kiddle ,St. next to, G a si 111 Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. II: il'irdWcrliv.:: :tr C'JT. f. it,t F. S. tuTfttms Store.-.