7 irimi i 1 J 4 ' -. 4:-',- , VOLOMIIIV. IIW BIKJ, CRAYII CODHJT, I, C, TDISDAT, SIPTIMBIK 30, 1902. FIRST SICTIOH. , SUMBIR St it u- ey.Jj,; .' fl , A: i i m i ii. i i ? i i ira ii ni i hi .v.I A J J' ; . . . .. : i v 'CI J D1; mm Trial af Parties Implicated la-Hen- dersoa Murder. Wllsea Military Cemsaay Aseepted. Marriage Hseemrtly Pestaeaed Primitive Bsstlsts iMt lag. Program Nertt . Carsliaa Day la Pablle . ffcheela. FUN GALORE ! GRAND SPECTACLES ! A Midway 'built for Fun ! -x 3 ii JP a ;S . s; -J a' 'J unique Booths ! mem mm-n " - GRAND SPICTACOLiR OH BITER FRONT 1 JHTXAa- im ra i i i ru It, 1 Parades ifif H n I Ifffl ft ftia'ft 'A J 'hl I Tinrinc sTiinorlntf i i uuuo i uuouay a Elks Thursday, Floral Friday. Premium Tobacco Satek FUN FOR THE OLD ! GAIETY for the YOUNG ! ajftvAKtt .r3 ' a ' mm af a V S- . i . ,i, -i 11" TO .- - ' - r . ' 'I ' taa Pt-3 en all E?.llrcdr' r'-ja- U Ritnoi, Sept. tl. Ordari ara iaiaed from State Guard headquarter! accepting a company of infantry at Wilson, to be known aa Company K.; Snd Regiment. It takes the place of the company lately disbanded. The engagement la anhonnoed of Wat OharlotU Ionnt danghter of tniorance eommlaaloner ; Jamaa Richard Young, to Mr. Henry R. Thorpe of Rocky Mount. The wedding will be la De cember. Congressman Pon of thia district will open his regular campaign at tcockiy Mount, Oct. 8. A eonrict who waa sent to the pen lien Mary from here, to aerre 5 years, wept and told the offloers that what grleTed him waa that today was to hare been his wedding day and that the marriage would hare to be postponed for five years. The attendance at the meeting of the Little River Primitive Baptist Associa tion here became tery large today, Seven counties are represented. There are elders present from three other States, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, these visitors being the guests of Gov. and Mrs. Aycock. Ex-Senator and Mrs. Marlon Butler arrived here yesterday evening and will remain until December. They will spend the winter in New York and Washington. The demand for cotton seed here by the oil mills was never so great. The price paid la 86 cents a bushel. The mills have "runners" on the streets and these fairly besiege the farmers who bring In the seed. The programme for "North Carolina Day" November 8ft In the public schools 1s completed and la as follows: Subject "The Albemarle Section," Song The Old SUte," Reading "The First Governor, William Drummond," Read inn "The Roanoke Island of Today," by Charles R. Taylor, Reading Albemarle Memorials" by R. B. Crecy, Reading "Education," , by W. E. Stone, Song "America," Reading "Hertford," by W. F. McMullen, Reading "A Distinguished Citizen of the Albemarle Section," by Junius Dam, Reading "Hatteras and the Banks," Declaration "Hatteras," poem by Joseph W. Holden. Selected Hymn. , ' : Today the three negro prisoners, Joe Cole.' Sr., Joe Cole, Jr. and Charles Fergnsan, who killed Mr. Steven and wounded train " porter Mitchell on train near Henderson were taken from the penitentiary to Henderson for trial, by sheriff Powell. The case will be trial for' raurder. v All' these ' prisoners are from Lynchburg, ' Va. They were on their way to "Lodiiburg to work In to bacco. There were five of the negroes and all Ave would have been lynched bat for the guarding of the Henderson lail by troops. The men who wanted to lynch them were railway employes It la said, and It is believed few at least of the Henderson' people would have aided the lynchers. The negroes were brought here and placed In the peniten tlary for safe , keeping. . The , negroes hate the elder Cole, who worked there last year, It U said, won their money at "craps" , and then , reported IB or 20 of them for gambling., .,-, The trial of .theXoles for murder and of Ferguson aa an accessary will hardly take . place , before Wednesday. The other 2 negroes were discharged upon the statement by Conductor Clements that they had nothing to do with the af fair. Mitchell, the faithful negro porter was snot wniie aaving us me or uon uuoior vwnwiii. t .ill .'("Jilt. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad ha bought the Louisville Nashville road. King Leopold of Belgium, it is ru mored will be forced to abdicate his throne on account of growing unpopularity. The Palater. Iron and Steel Co's. plant at Pittsburg, , Pa., was recently sold to the trust. Conslderatlng being (8,000,000. Contracts for carrying mall by pneu matic tube aarvioe have been let In Phil adelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago and St. Louis. ' A Good One. A Wise Woman," whtch has been secured for pne night some time In the near future at Ithe Masonlo Theatre is headed by a young woman who for the past three years has been a member of Augustln Daly's company and has at tracted an amount of attention from the critics that rarely falls to so young an artist.'' The young lady referred to is Marie Lamour.' , A Runaway Xatcn.' rTews-Observer88th. A Runaway Match (at the Academy of Music last night waa' side-splttter, and a clean on at that The - mix-ups are ludicrous, and will! make yon laugh whether you will or no. The wonder was how they ever got straight. They made yon forget all your troubles for awhile and that Is goodly praise. The parts were well takes and everything was cleverly done.!,i . '; ''.- ' ' The vaudeville acts by members of the company were exceedingly clever and served to relieve the ' continual merri ment. CASTOR I A ' : .; Tsx Iiiiuta anl Clilirea. ' . Tj Y:i T;:3 r.::;3 T::; T0B1CC0 1.11H And Growers Deeply Concerned Orer Consolidation American The vaccination of the 8,000 students at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y was ordered yesterday, because Ralph Holmes, of Frankltnville, Pa.) developed smallpox. Regarding the Navajoe Indians being In a starving condition, Agent Hazlett, at Fort Defiance, Ariz., reports that they refuse to work, though he hu offered to employ them at good wages. Four persons were killed yesterday at Rawlins, Wyo In s freight wreck on the Union Pacific. Stevedores end cartmen at Santiago; Cuba, are on strike for a 40 per cent advance in wages. The naval cadets have been ordered to Washington D. C. for the Grand Army parade, October. The Government Board of the Louis iana Purchase Exposition left Washing ton, D. C, yesterday for St. Louis, Ho., to attend on Wednesday the allotment of SUte sites. Colonel Charles Smart, Assistant Surgeon General In the army, has been made chief surgeon of the Philippines. To secure first claim on coal from Tennessee mines the Southern Railway yesterday agreed ;to pay five cents a ton additional. After declining to speak before the New York Banker's Association, Secre tary Gage yesterday reconsidered, and will probably accept. The city of Indianapolis, Ind, sued the Indianapolis Gas Company yesterday to prevent the natural gas supply being cut off September 80. A political edltoral written by Editor S. E. Robinson, of the News-Journal, Winchester, Tenn., so angered a lawyer named Banks that he killed the editor yesterday. The crown Prince of Slam will visit this country next month. Hejexpects to leave England for America October 3rd. Senor Sabano Arano a prominent Spaniard has been sentenced to eight years in the Spanish prison for congrat ulatlng President Roosevelt on the free dom of Cuba.. There are rumors that Secretary of the Treasury Shaw will be asked to re sign on accout of displeasing things he has said. Ami English Tobacco Com pan It'. Reseats Bis Old Position. CotUa Farmers Itasy. Cnp Largely Marketed. Demand for (Jetton Seed. Balkiob, Sept. 19. The news vour correspondent first gave yesterday that Mai. F. K. Hitter will resume Ills old position as Superintendent of the Sea board Air Line for this division, succeed (ng D. H. Barger, Is fully confirmed. He arrived here today and it is under stood will take charge Wednesday. Farmers are exceedingly busy gather ing cotton and plowing. The tobacco Is gathered and It is asserted that east of here 79 to 80 per cent of the crop Is al ready marketed. A large crop of small grain than usual will be sown. Turnips look very well. The report to be Issued tomorrow wQl no doubt be a favorable one. The Supreme Court will devote this week to the hearing of appeals from the Oth district. The Primitive Baptist Association ended Its session here, yesterday. Se veral hundred persons were in attend ance, mainly from Wilson, Wayne, John ston, Wake and Harnett counties. The leaf tobacco buyers, the ware- men and the growers are alike deeply concerned at the news of the consolida tion of the American and Imperial To- oacco companies. Prices are now high, but a sharp fall Is expected, though this may not, for reasons of policy occur at once. The only hope is that the short age ot tooacco of the old crop may re sult la sustaining the demand, and then too the trust will have to pay a sufficient price to Induce farmers to plant. Oth erwise farmers will go Into cotton and other things as they did a few years ago when prices paid for tobacco were so low. But nevertheless the great consoli dation Is regarded as a severe blow to the leaf tobacco Interests:) The jump in the price of cotton seed to 27 cents a bushel is causing a stir. There is a great deal of profit in this seed. To an oil mill the seed are really worth 17 cents a bushel, this being what the oil, meal, hulls and lint will bring. Prof. W. F. Massey, of the State Ag ricultural and Mechanical college here left today for Athens, Ga-, to make an address to the wheat, oats and corn fair. O fcemtht Ugaatam r .STORiAi . tad Vm Haw Atop totf , t TALES OF CITIES. Troy hnN fifty-seven collar and cuff estalilifiUiiii'iits. Savannah l to have a big new dry- dock to iict-otiiniodute ships and steam ers In need of repairs. Montgomery. Ala., claims to be the most American city. All Its inhabit ants except 2 per cent were born in this country. ' i ; : London is considered a crowded city, yet only 9.4 per cent of its Inhabitants occupy one room tenements, whereas in Bombay It is 80 per cent ZORAH. .. Sept 87. The cotton crop of this sec tion did not come trp to expectation. But corn Is good. The dry weather has cut the hay crop short It Is not nearly equal to that of last year ''.'..'-.!'' -;- v ,. The man who raised tobacco this year Is the lucky fellow. But, Oh myl won't there be a lot of it planted next year. Mr. Stephen Toler hu been very sick for some time. We learn though that he Is a little better now. Miss Amanda Whitford who has been at Clay Root Pitt .County for some time returned today. -4 ' ' : ' Mr and Mrs George W Hill ot Geddy stayed;near here last night. They left to day for Blounts Creek. Mrs, W B Burgess and children of Klnston have been visiting her parents here for the past two weeks, r They will return noma tomorrow. : , The Maple Gfbve and Lima base ball clubs played a game yesterday afternoon The soore was 5 to 8 In favor of the Lima Club. ' ' . , DP Whitford registrar for this pre cinct win be at Vanceboro with registra tion books for f cur successive Saturdays beginning with the 4th and clostng on the 83 prox. .. ' . : A Jury of free holders met and laid off the dower of Mrs. Betsey Morris widow ii v TAKE DOWN REPEATING SHOTGUNS ' A Tincheater Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, with ' m strong sheeting, lull choked barrel, suuablo for trap or duck aboooag, and aa extra tniercnangeabla modified choke r cylinder bore barrel, for field shoot ing, Ksts at oaly $42.00. Dealers sell them for fats. This makes a serviceable all round run within teach of everybody's pocket book. Winchester Shotguns outshoot and outlast the most expensive doubla barrel tuna and are Just aa reliable besides. wncBBswt ttPtAma asms co,. bew Bin, con. Heinz's Sauer Kraut, Plain Sweet & Sweet M PicW's Just received at J L. McDaniets. New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Piga Feet, Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Batter. Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast' Food, Postum Ceral. Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c lb. Codfish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment. Wholesale aSc Retail Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. I Iwit W$ IN MEM0RIAM. Born on the 26th day August, 1825, Aunt Francis lived 77 years of useful ness and on the morn of September 25th aa the Autumn sun rose in its unclouded I brightness, she took her departure to that realm where, "There'll be no night there." With heart and hands ever ready to do deeds of kindness, and to smooth the rugged pathway of the distressed and the sorrowing, she lived a life full of works. She was to this writer a mother, and though she has been seriously af flicted for several years, it was always good to seek her counsel. By her strong constitution and will power, she bad in recent years, success fully combatted against severe cases of sickness and we did hope that she would yet a little longer be spared to us, butt God in His goodness had finished her eternal resting place and bid her come and dwell therein. 8he leaves an aged husband, Capt. C. D. Foy, four sons, Messrs. F. R. Foy, of Einston, C. D. Foy, Jr., and P. O. Foy and E. H. Foy of Florida. Two daugh ters, Mrs. Bailie Garden of Durham, and Mrs. J. E. McCuthen of Msysvllle. ; One brother, Mr. Franklin Foy, of Pollocks- vllle, and numbers of relatives and I friends to mourn the loss. Yet we I know that . our loss Is her eternal gain.. "Gone to the grave is our loved one " Gone with a Christian bloom, Lowly we bend relative and friend Marching away to the tomb. She has gone through the valley, The deep, death valley, Her face we shall see nevermore Until we oross the valley, The deep, death valley, And meet her on the other shore." ' 1 K. F. Foscck. A LUCKLESS SEARCH. ' Lovers Escape , The - Vigilance of " jyyrX Father, ytly-,' : ,: "A Runaway Match" was enacted in real life at Olumpforts Greek, a small place In Pamlico county, and the searcher or the father of the young lady in the case la said to have granted his forgive ness as It usual In such cases. . : 4 i Mr. J. B. Freeman and Mtss Clara Tingle were married by magistrate Claude Taylor ot Bachelor. , , v . ., ine marriage or course created a I great sensation In the community where the young people live. The license wu procured in this city Saturday. , Another wedding occurred at the same Urns and place and by the same magis trate. The contracting parties were Mr N. B. Lee and Miss Myrtle Holton. The latter wading took place fcy and with Some of our Fresh Pickled Pig Feet, Tripe and Beef, they are fine. Also our Coffees Green and Roasted, prices range from 15c to 40c per pound. Our 15c Coffee cannot be beaten any where. Just try a lb and we are sure it will be a repeater. We are carrying a general line of Fancy Groceries, and we respectfully solicit your business. Truly, & Willis, Broad St Grocers. Phone 137 444444.4A4AaAAAAAAA4AAAAAAA4AAA411 VfJfTffff.ff.f.fa ' .... ' : .... . - ....., f a BLOUR.I Car load Flour Ground from new wheat just' received." 4 If you want a barrel of Good Flour give me a trial. " ' j J 1 We are receiving freBh goods by every train and boat,' and can give you entire satisfaction both in quai ty and " prices, we . 2 mention' a few articles' a3 follows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Quaker Oats, Fresh Rice and Grits, Potato Chips, Scredded 2 Wheat Buscuit,Full Cream Cheese, Imported and Domestic Maccaroni, Canned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel, Imported 2 and Domestic Sardines, Deviled Crabs witli shells, and ' a ' full line of everything to be f oqnd in a first class grocery' storeV V.; Jh u t.-- .- v- Yours to please, , , Zt PHONE 69 Wholesale and Retail Grocer, .. n , " t . Cor. Broad Sc Hancock Sis. ' AAA AAA A AAA AAA 4 s A AA A 4 A ''" Suits Bos, to fa in all - the NEW iSTYLES ; i.tj. i V Vt ifi;vM; t Bfow is the ! time to fit f t him up fpr school. Re- ' J ; member we , Guarantee ' o.v:u:..ricnV bcr.t Lin:, the consent of the parents of both par Wednesday. '. . ties. Bear the of the late .Stephen E Morris on last

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