TOE WEEEY JOURNAL . .statUta WZ ' PuhlUhed tmTwo8ctK,tTTTu day ud Friday, at H Middle BtTWsWW Bars, H. 0 CHARLES L. 3TEVENSJ ditob us nonoroi. ' - BUB8CEIPTI05 RATES v Two Months. iSTSsata, Threos Months, - Hiz Month.": 80 TwaWa Months,... - 11.00 ONLY IK ADVAXCtVi AdtsrtUInf rate furaihd upon p- pUoatiaa at tfaa offlca, or upon inquiry by mail. tJTThe Jottriul U only awt m py-ta-ariranea basis. Subscribe wll neeiTe aottcefof expiration of taair aob- tnriptton ud u imnMiue nipnm w notice wftl he nprirednted by the Journal Fntered at the Postofflce, JNew Bern . . CL aa aeoond-claii matter. Stetioa Oae.Taesdar, Sept 80,1908 CONGRESSMAN G R. THOMAS. The iketch of Congressman Charles R Thomas, published in another column In this Issue, shows the splendid record of the Congressman from the Third North Carolina District It la a record which tells why the democrats of his district again nominated sir. Thomas, and that by a unanimous convention Tote. The special gonitis of Mr. Thomas for tola place of honor, Is bis conscientious fidelity to his trust, and the Democratic spirit with which he administers his po sition of trust. Congressman Thomas is first a Demo crat in all that his party may ask or re quire, but In his position as Congress man, and the administration of the du ties of the office, he Is the most liberal of men, easy of access, and a friend to eyery person In his district, regardless of politics. In knowing the wants of the people of his district, Congressman Thomas' politics present no barrier to applicants, or Is It necessary that anyone seeking a favor must be a Democrat, for only let the applicant prove worthy, and he or she will receive careful consideration In the presentation of whatever matter may be asked for. The fact that Mr. Thomas has no poli tical opponent in the coming November election, is no reason why he should re ceive a single vote less than he would, If he was severely contesting for the of fice. While Mr. Thomas' election will be a democratic victory, a large vote will be more than a party victory, it will prove that honest endeavor and conscientious work in office, as shown by Mr, Thomas' record, is appreciated by all men. Certainly Congressman Thomas as his own successor, is deserving of this large vote in November. It will both honor the man and the people who re cognize and reward the worthy office holder, by giving him their votes. THE DOLLAR OP PREVENTION NEEDED.' There is too much inclination on the part of the municipal and county au thorities, to be "penny wise and pound foolish" at the present time. The attempt to save money at the ex pense of bad sanitation in the city, Is going to prove the worst economical move ever tried in New Bern. The Journal, locally, has very often called attention to specific instances, which the local authorities should have taken In hand and quickly remedied the nuisances. ' ' The mucky weather and hot Septem ber ran, may be responsible for many lo cal disorders and nusisancea, certain breeders of disease, but the causes for tkaa nuisances should have been re moved In the first place. s It Is not enough to say . that with the Xlki Carnival about one week off, and the Convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy, lets than om month away, the city authorities should see to it that ( the coming visitors and guests shall not be over powered by the odors which maytxMt.themoneveryslde. J Eve ftilhout these events, the toca: taijwyer and resident It surely entitled tt hue jeamable sanitary precautloni fakta ftp tbeW comfort and health, if hat tor the jaftsemttoa of their live. f -At fhtr.anly authorities have the f Jl task 6tu.e small pojt- and aU eata " i Jons 4&naei upon their hands to care for. lttapat very unwise that when a an: -!1 pos suspect fat taken p, that (he ca: - shall not have the attention .which itr'iactsademandt for the public wel; ' It wou!d teem bo extravagance if the coue'y . health officer would at inch a t'rtbe given aa tsalstact, -irhfse sole " si ' would be J o- watch tie suspected r '1 rox ce"5, r r e'-rnlei teace demands the almost altanUoa and a dollar tared, through an Idea of false economy, will provt a moat ooetly one. The people of city and county have placed their safety aad welfare la the hands of thote elected to office, aad there should be ae shirking of respoasi- blllty by those in authority. At the present time the dollar of pre vention should be put Into active use in this eommaalty. . SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SERVICE. The review of President Bryan's an' nual report of the Atlantic aad North Carolina railroad company, pnblithed on another page of this ittne of the Joarnal, does sot tell the entire ttory of the present management of thit railroad property. President Bryan's conduct of this pub 11c road It best seen and realised by those who come into close dealings with the A. & N. C. road, either by traveling over the road as passengers, or at re ceivers or shippert of freight. Three years management under Presi dent Bryan, hat not merely developed the physical condition of the Atlantic and North Carolina, but it has given commercial existence to a territory which hat needed such a stimulant at only a moderuly conducted rallrcad could bring to it. In the beginning of Mr. Bryan's admin titration of thit road, he gave it as his opinion that a properly equipped and modernly conducted railroad, as the Atlantic and North Carolina could be made, would pay Its stockholder. In September, 1899, the now President took this position, and his opinion has been amply justified ty subsequent events since that day as the Increased railroad receipts and earnings have abown in each annual report. There was business in way of trade along the Old Mullet Road which only asked for opportunity of development, and through greater facilities afforded by the railroad, thit trade has constantly grown, and continues to grow. And not In trade, alone, but In passen ger traffic, has there been an astonishing awakening. The people asked for more trains and lower rttea, both being granted them, and the really enormous passenger travel shows ithe public appreciation In this department of the A. & N. C. road. The personal attention which Presi dent Bryan hat given to the manage ment of the road has brought about these changes and prosperous condi tions. He has given an active, Intelligent ad ministration, which has brought about the success of thit State road. $ioo Reward, $ioo The readers' of this paper will te pleated to learn that there it at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its tttget and that is Catarrh. Hall'i .Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlteaae, requlret a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powert, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send. for list of tet- rimonials. . Address, F.JS..CHENEY ;Co., Toledo, O. Sold bjrpniggistt.yiBc.: Hall's Family Pills are the best Departments Short of CoaL Washington, Bept 23. Local dealers who have the contracts for tupplying the Treasury, War, Navy, State and other Departments with hard coal are unable at the present time to carry out the terms of their contracts. Maitiand, Fjul, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.,BaHl- more, Md. Gentlemen: I havehad 'Eczema over thirty years, have tried many .remedies prescribed by various'physlclans, but to nothing has the disease yielded to read ily at to ' Liquid Bolphub. I think If used properly It It undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema. ' I have prescribed it for otheri with most satisfactory results. . I consider it the beat remedy ' for cuta neout affections I have ever known, and regard It at the .greatest medical dlscoV' ery of the age. Ketpectruliy yours, W. A. HEARD, M.;D. For tale at"F . JS. Daffy's. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Having distressing paint - In head, back .and ifomecb,,' and being without appetite, I betau to use Dr. King! New Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehead, ' of Kenaedale, Tex, "and soon felt like new man." Infallible , in stomach and Hver troubles. ' Only 25e atCD. Brad- ham's drug .store. " - : One Striker subs Another. Wllkesbarre, Sept. 25. Thit morning Mike Glllon and James 8andert were drinking In a taloon at Plymouth. ' Du ring a discussion on labor tronblrt Sandert called Otlloa a "scab" When the latter drew a knife and stabled 8anders. V ' Poistned ij Mosquito Bite. Auanuc mty, H. JH Bept-JWnei McCreary, the millionaire hoot aad shoe maanfactarer of Rochester, U lying hi a precarious condition at Haddoa UaU, suffering interne pais, the result of being bitten by aa extra Urge New Jer ley mosquito over a week ago. Americans Guests of Wilnelmina. The Hague, Sept 88. The members of the Americo-Mexloea Arbitration Court United States Minister Newel, the Mexi can Minister and the Foreign Minister, Dr. Van Lynden, were the guests of Queen WUhelmlna at dinner today. A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver medicine) is a', disap pointment, but you don't want to purge strain aad break the tglanda of the atom ach and bowels. Dewltt't Little Early Biters never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat ter and do it to gently that one enjoyt the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver, Cure biliousness, torpid liver tnd prevent fever. F 8 Duffy Rescued From Sinking: Ship. Plymouth, Sept. 28. The Hamburg American liner Pennsylvania, from New York, arrived here en rout? to Hamburg today. She landed the crew of the Not wegian bark Bothnia, picked up In a linking conditional sea. A Parson's Noble Act. "I want all the world to know," writes Rev. U. J. Budlong, of Ashaway, R. I., "what a thoroughly good and reliable medicine I found in Electric Bitters. They cured uie of jaundice and liver trouble that had caused me great suffer ing for many yean. For a genuine, all- around cure they excel anything I ever saw." Electric Bitten are the surprise of all for their wonderful work In Liver Kidney and Stomach troubles. Dont fail to try them Only 50 cts. Satisfac tion Is guaranteed by O. D. Bradham. Severe Penalty. Madrid, Sept. 26. The Bllooa court has condemned Senor Sambo Arana, Chief of the National party, to eight yean Imprisonment for cabling congrat ulatlons to Roosevelt last spring on the Independence of Cuba. O Betntaa Signature f .BTOniA. Tn Kinf YotJjwWnj! Bought Carnegie The King's Guest. London, Sept 15. Andrew Carnegir went to Barmoral yetterdty to visit King Edward. Lord Rotebery and Wins ton Spencer Churchill are at Balmora'. Killed in a Runaway. Lisbon, Sept. 26 Count Sabugosa, a member of the King's household was severely Injured and hit twenty year old daughter, who is a court beauty, was killed while out driving today. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TARING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle ahowlng that It Is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless arm. No cure no pay. Price 66c Coal at Cent a Pound. New York, Sept. 23. It Is stated to day that some small dealers on the East Side of thit city are charging $20 a thort ton ,la cent a pound" for coal by the bushel or basket, which Is the way it it bought by the very poor. Not Doomed For Life. "I was treated for three years by good docton," writes W. A. Greer, MoCon nelltville, O., "for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklen't Arnlct Salve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burnt,- Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Bait Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25c at C. D. Bradham't drug store. Marines Reach Panama. Colon, Colombia, Sept . 23. Three companiea of United States marines, who arrived here on the auxiliary cruiser Panther, reached Panama this morn ing. Lingering: Summer Colds. 1 Don't -let a cold run at thit season. Summer colds ire the hardest kind to cure and If neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like thit will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Cough Cure will, break up the attack at once. Safe, sure,,acti at once. Curet , coughs, , colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. The children like It. 7. & Duffy. : ; Earthquake .Shakeji (ultoJ 1 Guayaquil, Ecuador, Sept, 28. A se vere earthquake ihock was felt today at Quito, capital of Ecuador. It was fol lowed by a violent ttorm. . Take a bath in Hancock't Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. - They will cure Prickly heat, Eczema, nd all akin dis eases.,. For tele by J", 8, Duffy. ... f Fired Pistol in Havana Theatre. Havana. Sept. IS.wA policeman tn the Alhambrs Theatre last night became Md denly insane and began firing hit revol ver at the actors, a panic followed, bat with the exception of a man falling into the pit from the gallery i no' one was hnrt. - -.' i'j-'wi ? -. Prickly heat cured la one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphnr. It Will alto cure Eczema, Fetter, Pimp let, Ringworm, Dandruff, ; Cut, Burnt,' Old Bores, and all skin troubles In a thott t'Hie, when used as f'rected. For (-- r. p. r!tTsrr"T r to, . : PrlinillitjElPMS i - if- In Larre . Numbers AttendHf Ses- slons InRilclfh. Law Tlelatee. .No Female Teachers Engaged. Negroes Net Talk lag 'lack FoIIUo. Ob ' - Trial for Murder. Cet toaJNearly All Picked. Ralcisk, Sept 80. The Primitive Baptists are here In large numbers. Ral eigh Association, embracing tome 30 churches. Is In session, in the Academy of Music Nearly all the churches are in the rural district and a number of those attending the Association are mak lng their first visit to Raleigh. Elder P. D. Gold, the editor of the organ of this church, Zlon't Landmark, which hat a large circulation here and In other States it attending the Association. The city attorney tayt the police here have so far failed tomake any arrests for violation of the antl-spltting ordi nance, though it is flagrantly violated. A report on Ashe county's public schools says no . female teachers are em ployed, though 13 hold ' 1st grade certll- cates. The new electric lighting contract made with Raleigh requires 100 more street arc lights to be In operation by December 1. The material for the ex tension will arrive next week. The board of agriculture hat selected Its third soil test farm. It is In Iredell county. The State Superintendent of public Instruction sayt there will be a great educational campaign and canvass In North Carolina next year. It will be an "off year" In politics, and the Republi cans and the Democrats will put many of their best speakers in the field and stump the State' together in the noble cause of education. He Is promised the heartiest aid and cooperation by both parties. The negroes who were utterly frozen out by the white Republicans In the Re publican Congressional convention here yesterday are saying little. One tald "If I can just hold ray office I don't care what they do." Another said, 'It it the best thing that could have been for our race." There were 15 "delegates" pros ent at the convention, representing all the counties except Vance. Ex-Sheriff Moore of Franklin who was declared not to be a delegate, told the convention, or rather caucus, that It was the first time he had been stabbed by his party; that he would vote for a straight Republican for Congress but for no one else. In the Superior Court here today Man- tell Robinson was put on trial for mur dering another negro, Loomts Debnam, by cutting his throat. The pension board allows pensions to 12 widows and 82 soldiers in this(Wake) county. There wore already 86 widow and 101 soldier pensioners. Not a tin gle new application for pension came from Wilkes county! Under a special act the legislature appointed a pension board for Madison county, naming its members. It Is the only county with a pention board thus chosen. The number of students now present at the State University, 537, breakt the record. The Bank of Union at Monroe, to which the State treasurer grant! a char ter, It the third bank organized under the act of 1901. It it now asserted that three-fourtht of the cotton in this section has been picked. The State Superintendent of public in struction will send out great numbers of printed programmes for "North Carolina Day," November 26, in the public schools. The subject, "The Albemarle Region," la well selected.' .t CAUTION! This is not a gentle word but when yon think how liable you, are not to pur chase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest tale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung trou blet without losing Its great popularity all these yean, you will be thankful we call ed your attention to Boschee't , German Syrup. There are to many ordinary cough remedies made by druggittt and otheri that are cheap and good for light coldt perhapt, but for severe Coughs, Bronchl- tlt, Croup and especially for Consump tion, where there It difficult expectora tlon and coughing during the' nights and mornings, there it nothing like Ger man Syrup. 8oId by all druggists in the civilized world," . oKvm G. G. GKEBif, Woodbury, N. J. t , $5,000,000 fHr aiarity. Bombay, Bept. 88 Nowrogee Manook jle Wadle, a Bombay Partee, propotet to hand over nearly $5,000,000 to a trust for charitable purposes fmt'iiii 4 1 $ , Visit From a German Admiral. Washington, Sept, 23.-Admiral Ton Ahlefleld, of the German Navy, who has been stationed In Chinese watert for set eral yean and It on hit way home, nor ped In Washington today and visited the Navy Department. , ; A Boy's Wild Ride For tifei With family around expecting him to die', and a ton riding for 'life, 18 miles, to get Dr. Kins-'s '.New Discovery for Consumption, Cougbt and Coldt, W, H Brown of LeeivilJ, Ind , endured dcath't agonies from asthma, but this . wonder ful medicine gave Inttsnt relief and soon cured him. He writes: '1 now sleep aoundlv every nleht "'Like marvehus curet 'of Conuoroption,"' Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, ColJt and Grip prove it matchless merit for all Throat and Lunir troubles.' Gutranted botf'" 60c and (1.00. .Trial bottles free at 0 1 Uradham't drug ttore. . , - TELEGRAPHIC 'IRE TTTIES. '. XI Hen, tht) Emperor fc fcorea u i tt Andrew Carnegie was King Edward Wednesday. the- gaeetof . Secretary of the Treasury tjhaw will return from the 'West to Washington, D. O, today. . A heavy raw Las' fallen over Booth Texas, breekfcf a severe drouth lathe cattle country. The dead body of James W, Story, a deteotlvo, who had beta working ap Ille gal liquor cases, was fouad la the brash near Flomator, Ala. Hon Charlemagne Tower who Is U. 8 Ambassador to Ratals has been chosea by President Roosevelt to isceeed Hon. Andrew D. White at Minister to Ger many. Earthquakes happening frequently be tween the dates of Augutt 27th and Sep tember 3d, deatroyed a number of villa- get In the province of Blnklang, Turkes- n, Asia. President RooteveU't abscess which wst the cause of breaking up hit jour ney keept him In bed itlll, but be it Ira proving rapidly. , , , . The Hoa. George. Duraad. wholwai re ocntly nominated for the office of Gov ernor of Michigan by the Democrats hat lthdrawa from the race. He was par alyzed shortly after the nomination and has since been helpless. His physician advised him to take the itep. Italian Masons to Aid Boers. 'Rome, Sept. 25 The Journal Travaso tayt the grand matter of Italian Masons It Issuing orders to all lodges to open subscription! to aid the Boers. Beware ot the Knife. No profession has advanced more ra pidly of late than surgery, but It should not be used except where absolutely ne cessary. In cases of piles for example, It is teldom needed. DeWltt't Witch Htzel Salve curet quickly and perm a- mently- Unequalled for cult, burnt, bruises, woundt, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "I was to troubled with bleeding pllet that I lost much blood and strength sayt, J. O. Phillips, Paris, HL 'DeWltt't Witch Hazel cured me in a short time.,' Soothes and heals. F. S. Duffy. Eyerybody Works. Paris. Sept. 20. LeMatin publishes to day an interview with the Grand Duke Boris. He expresses the highest opinion of Americans and sayt: "There are no idlers In that country, Everybody workt milllonaret and the toni of million aires like hll the rest." Ute Hancock't Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin, diseases. For tale at F. 8. Duffy't. New Coal Fields Discovered; Liverpool, Sept. 25. A new coal field has been discovered on Lord Dudley'! estate at Staffordshire that It It estimated will yield 1,500 torn daily for a period of eighty yean. Amhassodor Herbert Sails. London, Sept. S3 The new British ambassador to the United 8tatelr Mich ael Herbert, will tail for New York Sat urday from Liverpool on board the steamer Campania. . .BTORIA. tIM aim THw thrift BQlgM Of Cyclone In Sicily. 1, . London, Sept, 28 A Roma dispatch tayt that a severe cyclone hat swtpt ovet Catania, bland : of Sicily, serionily damaging houses and rallrpada. , , i Olympia Flagship. Washington; s Sent. M. The United States cruiser Olympia will become flag' ship of the special squadron composed of vessels assigned for duty In Yenezuel an and Colombian water. !i: -: The BcttPrcscrlptloB for lialarla. Chilli and Fever Is a bottle of Gbovb'i Tabtblbss ChilI Tome1 It Is simpiy iron and quinine la a tasteless form. No cure-no pay. Price 60c ' i " i illii President's, ; CoidUloiL WashlngtoiSept. J8. The President feefl much Improved thit morning. : His physicians have ordered, however, that only the ' most ' necessary - business be I ii : I -' j ' il '. mm 'Boats Collide; i ; -. Lt?"erpoo!'!JBept!. : !W.-The' Dublin steamer Mayo collided daring a fog in the Mersey this morning with the White Star Liner Teutonic; The , Mayo - was damaged .bui,..lhe. Teutonic wat only eligbtfy.ieroped..j.jf :,, f BerUB. gepu a5.Profeasor Orth of Qotttipgea has been nominated to suc ceed the late Prof. Vlrohow .at aaemrl bet of th Faculty BerllnJ Dnive n ;' i ii hi wati i ii i itui blSTRESSCf G STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cured by the' maatexly power of "South Amieicui Ntirb Tonio," Invalids need fuller no longer, because this great remedy eta Cure them all. It Is a cure for the whole , world of stomach weakness and Indtget Jon. The cure bpirtni with the firsTdose. The T l'ef it I -fr-3 Is ar- our nd surprising .-ini S iio fai.are; i .t ,t t ,tpolnts. No matter how lor? you Jsve suffered, your cure Is cri..u uuier tn use of this - ,t v-'-Vf ' I ;-- tend a J. t.C, ,i. L.ui-,. ' Zlitlcaa Jliutan Liniment 4aaay m or smt the aorta, u4 ftn ,-t Uumb tlx ! aad -.ft rT For a Lame t-1 oore mascies, c or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore jjj'ness'of yottf .body there is nothing yCthat will drive out the pain and in- Si cammation bo f . Mustang Liniment. cs. pIf you cannot teach the $ pot your- CBelf get some one to assist you, for at is essenuax vnai uw iinimcui uc Jtohbed in most thoroughly. - .Mexican ovtreorriM the aflmcnta of horwa ao4 all domartia animals. In fast, il a flash healer and pain killer no matter who or what Uie psUtntie. CrCSTsilNSiMWSCSSii Costs Only 25 Or auU u tmta - M.rra ur.aoniRiTAETmii&t apMaata Tf.KTHIN A, and btfn mi one umlai. Urine It to IliiK. ud hi ImpmTMMat ffH BlArkMl tm 94 hour. ni trvm au imr on ba nouvanud. I hr. aoosuiiUj kaptltaad bm4 Utlaoa wltk mj cktlilna,ad kmkiH mat pleuuraiBaotindtnc Ua praiw to aU autliata' at foaag ahlldiaa. 1 loud U UTalaaktamaanartkalattlUas yaiiod ma vaaaad. Hits. I. H. HABDlf. IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Stables, The BEST Facilities BRING YOUR TOBACCO to Tin; Farmers Warehouse We promise our best efforts in behalf ot the ' Farmers J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, , Farmer Warehouse. Auctioneer. fh fin rfCT-;" ? rim BHANBV l i i i ii fc i t i The Wer ipaMif ! Mothers and fathers bring your boys to this sale and fit them in Clothing and Slide; 1 ? kU '' '' ' -s IWill "e you & few prices in Men's and Children' clothing : 'lWiAjOTmil&. CHILDKEN'J CLOTHING. $10 Black Worsteds t8 v to 49 4 08 4 8 8 8 60 tfnita, - $524, w- f.1. 'w;, v.i i'i !. , wf ' . ..v . a , Drop into our store and let na show yon whit we hare. V ' a . W W a i Very reapoctfully-, fit 75 Middle St, next to Gaikill I! . I; I j I I-rd-Vcr!: v...! t CLD DUST, swe aafl oavo a uirn mui ii,niiiiniaifc Back, , quickly as Mexican 1 nustantr Liniment I Carts Ctolen-tofialsa, DlarrhouJ)yMatory, sad tht Bowtl Treubkt ef Children ftnigt. Aids Oigcstioii, Rcjuiattl tnt oowtla, MrsMUitas mtChOd and Mtktt cents it Draggfcts, itCTnlNu EAST. c J. tsOFPCTT. at O. ST. LOUIS, MO. raaiay im ma ror my i muig wiarM. lfcftDMMt ansa FOR I1ML0AIHN6 Snappier, Lamer, Belter ttai'irer Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth ' ing Men's Sulta in Extrs'j Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. i Tonths Suite in E.egant Cassi more, Childs 2 'piece,- 8 piece and Norfolk SniU in fullest assortment Y and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them.' ' i ; i There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. j When yon buy, here ; ;yon buy right! J. J. BAXTER, 80 Middle StrWt. j- , $5C0BuiU (8 98 8 08 108 1S 4 00 " 981860 TO '860? 08 w. 1 t New MX Bdw. Co. New r N. C. 2 Fall Clochin- W :

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