.'S'i-i V'ji' ClxKlYAl KtXt WtEX I SUftaytafSnot aMFreUC A Time U v t Merry. Dm Prolonged " . t SpatntafHipplnett. Tbs Carnival it coming. Its on the wny and tbe next atoppiag pbe It Ht ' Bern. Let u gtre it Ua glad band, the , Joyouwlak, the hearty welcome. . Tkara wUl be tlx days of unadulterated fas and pleasure and the sights will be a memory far may a day. ' Let bo on mint it who can appreciate good tiase. Tk Jolly people should mm tad to nure Jolly. Tto sober ehouldoome to tore a chance to to ty . There will be shows till yon cant rest and parades aad eoatcaU .will maka aa endless roaad of, engagement aad later at. There will to music of the finest kind, two bands will dlaooarae rag time, caki walk, operatic airs or any old thing. . Tto floral parade will to a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Flowers la great profusion will to used. Floats and ban ners with floral decorations upon which prizes will to given, yonr favorite flow ers will be In tto parade. Stand on the corner see it pass by. The Carnival proper will to on Broad street bat there will be no law against eating peanuts or drinking lemonade wherever your conscience dictates. The city Is open to you. Come aad have a good time at our expense. The Queen is receiving votes by the hundreds. Nobody knows who she is ' bat she will give a royal welcome to all visitors. The Elks are laying low and you will have the time of your lives' The fact that these denlznes of the forest have the charge of affairs is sufficient reason to know that every thing will to all right. Citizens, whoop it up for the Carnival Invite yonr sisters, yonr cousins and your aunts and do yonr best to make the big show a success. Its up to each one of as to do what we can for it and if it Is a failure, we in part are responsible. Don't knock bat work. These carnivals have been splendid money makers in other towns and there is no reason why It should not be here. Let's all pat oar shoulders to the wheel and push the thing along .BTOni. Bstfltbt Blgutu of - yf ins sm ins nan lUWlft BOUjB Resolutions of Respect From Cen tenary M. E Sunday School, New Bern, N. C Whereas, It has pleased oar Heavenly Father to remove from our class No. 20, by the death of John L. TUglman a de voted member whose sad death occurred September 20th, 1902, and who came among us from Salisbury, Md., In July, a stranger, bat a devoted christian, of strong faith, bright hope, that strength of character which established him upon oar hearts. There be It, Resolved First, That In the death of Mr. TUgl man oar Sunday School has sustained a ' aad loss, taking from oar midst a life just bursting into beautiful manhood around which gathered the promises of many bright and useful years. Second, That we bow in humble sub mission to the will of Him who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind, we will ever cherish the memory and the many virtues of oar departed friend. Third, That we extend to the stricken family oar sincere sympathy and com mend them to the love and grace of Him who alone can heal the wound which death hath made. Fourth, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes of our 8anday School and a copy sent to the bereaved family. C. W. Mungxb, R. B, Blalock, V7. T. Joints, Committee of Class No. 20. . Month of Jewish Holiday, October, the month of the year noted for Jewish holidays begins tomorrow, Wednesday evening, when the Jewish new year occurs. On next Friday is the Atonement Day, possibly the most sacred service of the entire year. On the 15th, comes the Feast of Tab 'f ernacles. Although but two days, the fi i opening and close are elaborately ' ob- f i f . serrea, me least lasts eignt days, ending ,f the week following. The intervening tlx days are characterized by minor ob- J servances, by the strict Jews who dwell " wholly or in part in arbor tabernacles, , , constructed for the occasion. The Feast , of Conclusion Is held on the 22ndi t ijt ... ..... .! la Jewish days and their feasts, ; it Is to be remembered that they begin on the evening preceding the actual daie and close the next evening, the 24 hours being counted from sunset to sun set. Fine Mountain Apples at McSorley'i.f, f y ji, uu rvr me vrou i - ? " llri J. J. Tolson, Jr, will leave today for Shawnee, 0. T., where be expects to engage ' In business. He baa several , nroposittona under consideration but Is nndecHnl w io which he will tak. His friends, wldl regretting bis departure ' wish Um abundant success in anything ha may undertake. ,rv CAFUD3FJ3 Ci::csCotds,Lz(jHppz ,.. , - .. ,. i - ;. : . ricsrant to take. Tour jnoney :A;r;'i .few u u Ui3. ';; 77 i. THE JtlN ABOUT TOWN. titcauloa of tne An Important Qmestlon Row Snail We Get Oar Coal? The prospect of freezing to death this winter la becoming too frightenlngly probable to to viewed In any other way than seriously. The coal strike has un loaded a lot of unpleasant propositions on the people at large, and the latter are beginning to shiver already at the thought of paying a triple price for fuel J There's no dream In these high prices The people are awake to the condition aad are hoping for a mild winter or that the strike will end or that something will happen to break the price of coal. J It's too late .now to slop over about past expenses but many a man will to uncomfortable this winter who burst out last summer In all the glory of a new pan ami hat That's human nature Isn't itf Fay $40 for a Panama hat In the summer, and freeze to death in the wlnUr. It almost seems as If the coal strike was Inaugurated to beat just such Improvident fellows. Jt Hard coal Is selling in very scanty lots In the city at $15 and $30 and at these rates it is but natural to expect that coal will be "Way oat of sight," In New Bern. J The papers said yesterday that coal could not be bought In New York City for .love or money. The outlook for relief Is anything but encouraging. Jt Pine slabs that heretofore hare been hard to give away are now sold at prices ranging from SO cents to $1.50 snd if oil heaters should be resorted to we would see oil go on the jump and a semi annual dividend of lOOpercent would be declared for the benefit of the Block holders of the Standard Oil Co. J A splendid fortune awaits the man who can invent a machine that will ab sorb heat In summer and dispense It In winter, dispose of it as we do of Ice. This is something that our high civiliza tion has not arranged for yet Han About Town. Special Notice. Our buyers are now in the Northern markets selecting the latest styles In Fall and Winter goods, BARFOOT BROS. AROUND AND ABOUT. It's Indian Summer now. The straw hat Isn't out nf date yet. Fair weather is the forecast for to day. Cotton sold in the local market yes terday at 8.40. New flooring is being placed ou the Neuse river bridge. Remember the meeting at the Court house tomorrow evening. Sixty bales of cotton were sold here yesterday at $8.25 and $8.40. Remember the Glenn meeting at the Court house nest Wednesday evening. Rev. F. D. Thomas preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. As long as this weather continues there is no need to worry about fuel next winter. The government dredge Is at work deepening the channel of the Neuse river off East Front street. A baby's red shoe was found on the streetand left at this office. Owner csn have the same by calling for it. Carteret County Superior Court con venes at Beaufrot tomorrow, Monday, Judge Geo. H. Brown presiding. Messrs F. R. Hyman and R. A. Nunn have been appointed marshals for the State Fair to be held next month. The box effice for the sale of reserved seats for the Runaway Match, will be open tomorrow morning at Waters'. Mr. S. A. Redding, of Merrltt, a man well known In his community, died yes - terday morning of fever. He was highly respected by all who knew him. The box office sale of seats for The Runaway Match opened yesterday and the demand Is such tnaj those desiring good seats should secure them as soon as possible. Hon. R. B. Glenn will speak at the Court house tomorrow night on the po litical Issues of the day from a Demo cratic standpoint. All are invited to bear Mr. Glenn. He Is an able speak er...,.:. ... Mr B B Davenport has greatly im proved bis store building on lower Middle street by covering It with metal siding and painting the same. Mr. Davenport has a little store but lots of goods and he Invites attention to his goods and prioes. K funny sight waa enacted at the A. St N. C. station Sunday night. A man with a good deal more extract of corn board than he could well take care of undertook to drive a transfer around the city;, ' His trip did not last long as the harness broke under his strenuous ef forts to make the horse trot - and be had to stop. The negro driver then arrived on the scene and Mr. Booze Artist had a little money to pay bat be had bis fun i( ;::'U;'.yk ;.i$i Basis as Kgaataif p Tbn Kmd Yim HawAhmn Bottpl Annual Meeting B. L L. Association The Fifteenth Annual meeting of the New Bern Building and Loan Associa tion win to held at the City Hall Wed nesday, Oct 1st, at 8 p. m. r : f - - y. R. a CARRAWAY, w 1 Seo. A Treas. BABICEES Ilf COURT. Familiar Faces, and Charges la the to ilet Ctnrt. There were tome familiar faces In the mnniclpai court - aad aoaae family troubles rehashed. The Habich outfit waa again on parade and antlxed-np affair It waa. The nature of the case hardly aeeda to to explained for when the name Habich appears it almost al ways goes that there was a scene of vio lence somewhere la the premises. In the morning L. B. Habich swore out a warrant against Mrs. Habich for assault and battery. The case wu heard by Magistrate Street who held the de fendant under $100 bond for trial in the criminal term of the Superior Court. When ahe wu escorted to the house by constable Tiadalc to secure the money to provide for her bond she wu again met by a difficulty, because her husband claimed the money and there wu a tus sle about that. In the melee the woman wu aided and abetted in her actions by two men, J. T. Teguln and W. A. Toler. Mrs. Habich wu taken before the Mayor and although attorney Bob Nix on made a very Impressive pies for her the Mayor felt that he would be recreant to bis duty If he didn't fine her $20. Mayor Patterson also made the state ment that he should at the very earliest opportunity apply for a revocation of the license of the Habich saloon, u It hu long been a nuisance both to the city authorities snd those who live in the neighborhood. Teguln and Toler were put under $50 bonds by Magistrate Street for appear ance at Criminal court on the charge of resisting an officer. Toler gave bond, but Teguln went to Jail. PAMLICO CO. NOMINEES. Democrats Nominate Full County Ticket Beddlngfleld Speaks. At Bayboro, yesterday noon, the demo crats of Pamlico county held their coun ty convention to nominate a county ticket. The work of the convention was easi ly disposed of u the primary nominees of September 20th wore accepted as the nominees, as follows: Representative, R. L. Wooland, Clerk Superior Court, Geo T. Farnell, Register of Deeds, Z. V. Rawla, Sheriff, A. B. Campen, Treaturer, J. T. Cooper, (fcrnn ty Commissioners, C. A. Flowers, J. W. Cahoon, A. J. Holden, Sr. After the convection, the large crowd present was addressed by Mr. E. C. Bed dington, the speech being received with marked favor. OASTORXA. Tin Kind Yon Haw Hlwayt Bought A REMARKABLE CASE. Sandy Ellis, Whose Legs Were Crushed by an Engine Will Get WeU. In spite of his 05 years of age and the terrible Injuries be received last Tues day, Sandy Ellis, stands s good chance to recover. It will be remembered that Ellis fell from the pilot of a switch engine on the A. & N. C. road and the engine passed over his legs. Drs. Primrose and Rhem amputated the limbs, but neither phy sician gave any hope that be would get well. In fact, his condition today, con sidering all the circumstances of the case Is regarded as very remarkable. You are liable to a sudden attack of Summer sickness and should keep in your house a bottle of Dr. SETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM the best known Remedy. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded by T. A. Henry. FATAL BICY LE ACCIDENT. Bert Stanley Suffers Terrible Injuries Which Were Caused In a 1 Strange Manner. Bert Stanley, a young colored man who works for R Sawyer, tailor, on South Front street met with a peculiar and fatal accident Saturday. ' j In the morning he wu going to his home which is near the Bethel Chapel and wu overtaken by Bert Dlsbrew who let him ride on the handle bars of his wheel. , t-. ,;'': - When on George street near the ceme tery they met a dray to which a cow wu attached and Dlsbrew waslpasstng be tween the cow and wagon and Stanley became confused or frightened and jumped from the wheel, f In landing be was thrown against the' wheel of the wagon. r, .-,.. j It wu aeea at once, that, the unfortu nate boy wu badly hurt and to was put on the dray and taken, ta Dr. Lassiter's office near by. An examination' develop ed serious Internal Injuries, Which were bleeding profusely. He wst given what medical attention wu necessary and wu then carried to his home where be linger ed In terrible agony , until death came to relieve him Sunday evening, i t ; , . The funeral . services will be told at St. Peter's church at 3 o'clock this after noon. '!:!'? -'5 This accident should to i lesson to all who are In the habit, .of tiding double on a bicycle. This Is tb first lime an accident hu oocufed , and it may never occur again but never-the-less, It Is a dangerous practise and If Indulged In at all should be with-' the greatest can tion.' ' - . 'F:'-: Special Notice Our buyers are new' In the northern markets selecting the latest styles In fall and Winter goods. BARFOOT BROS. warsths . f 'AIUHIIC AND ; T ' NORTH C1R0LIHI. Its Continued Development and Ha tertai PTofress. Review or President James A. Bry an's Aannai Report te Stack holders or This Ball read. Nothing is of more Interest or of more vlta concern, to the property owners and residents nf this section of Eastern Carolina, between Goldsboro and More head City, than the development and progress of the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad, the railroad proper and all Ita property Interests. While the people of the section of country between Goldsboro and More head City have had much themselves to do In advancing the material develop ment of the Atlantic and North Caro lina railroad, still It has been the Initia tive taken by the management of the A. & N. C. road, which has been all import ant, for without a live, progressive and assertive .administration, there could to no road development, no modern rail road service, passenger and freight, hence no real territory development In the country contiguous to tbe line of railroad. The annual report of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company, read and presented to the stockholders of the road by President James A. Bryan, at the annual meeting of the stockholders on September 25th, is a report not only of interest to the stockholders, but also to every property holder, every farmer and every resident in the section through which the A. & N. C. railroad runs, hence a review, embracing the main fea tures of President Bryan's report, can not fall to be read with interest, espec ially by those who may not have been fortunate enough to learn something of this report from reading it. Perhaps the- most Important single Item in the report Is that showing the completion of the new brick warehouse at Goldsboro, its total cost being $0, 345.10. From the report the following ts taken In President Bryan's own words, Believing that it will Interest you to know In detail what betterments have been made upon your property, I have taken from the Road Master's report the following items of expenditure and the fmrposes for which the expenditure was ncurred, to-wlt: Repairs of Roadway Ties bought 48,225 at 25c Repairs Bridges and Cul $ 18,088 45 12,056 25 3,544 02 498 84 verts Repairs Fences, Crossings and Cattle Uuanu Repairs Building and Fix tures 5,505 16 2,186 45 Repairs Docks and Wharv es Stationery and Printing Other Expenses Salaries, 53 85 &c. New Work. 481 13 Extra Expenses Graveling Road 2,803 64 Ditching New Depot, Riverdale (in 073 9 269 18 50 00 14 49 537 58 273 25 518 49 8,291 16 1,287 16 complete) Engine and Pump House, Uore UreeK (incomplete) Rack for Iron at Shops New Depot, Thurman Mew Depot, f ield's cross ing New Depot, Atlantic Warehouse, uoidsDoro " Haveloc " Trent River " KlcBton . 104 70 824 95 873 47 Fish and Express Platform at New Bern Foundry and Carpenter Shop 3,22156 Water Tank at New Bern 1,138 81 " " and Well.Croa tan 523 15 410 83 170 38 Water Tank at Kins ton Foundation for Water Tank at Core Creek Light Plant, Morehead City Pier 1 r 100 74 91 93 1,306 68 t Sewerage at New Bern 81de Tracks x Track Scales, Kinston and Dover Steel Rails 1,872 60 7,411 81 Making the total expendi ture for maintenance of ' way, new depots, new sid ings, trestles, Ac. $71,605 03 In the way of road betterment since President Bryan has been In charge, September 1899, there have been placed 95,601 cross ties, and during tbe past year ' 20 miles of roadway - have! - been graveled, while miles of ditches,' abso lutely necessary for the preservation of the roadway bavo been built, thus giving relief and safety to the, road, Which It never before enjoyed, w -m )r In tbe motive power department.thera are 14 engines, 12 In good order. In the rolling stock department., the Report hnw a total Of 288 ears, and President Bryan shows In his report that While this service has been and Is being added to, yet there is a deficiency . of cars, ow lng to tbe greatly, increased, passenger travel and freight traffic , ., , j . , Again to quote from the report! While our earnings have been $257,033.70 Our Operating Eipenses.In terest and Taxes ; 199,208 05 Leaving our net earnings ' $57,828.75 Which baa been expended u follow: ' f. . !...;:..'.?. In, U.- Rnllllnlra ..H VI . .'VI ...... M....MV M.U ,j rores For New Equipment' and ; MaeCNery Real BkVMK miJJmk MaklnaVtbtal of - Balance of earnings on hand ' June 80tfa, 1902 : , 28,19138 ,17,638 50 $47,887 80 .,a,985.e ' On the 26th of October' 189t, a few weeks after we assumed the control nf vour orooert. vour Directors, by res son of ita dilapidated condition, and the Immediate and imperative oeen i uei ternients rreater than Its treasury could frov!de, authorized the negotiation of a oan of $50,000 which wu expended for rolllne stock, machinery. &c. Of that sum fS.OUO.OO wu paid off in 1901, and $4,100.0$ )ui teen paid off daring the present year. I Making the total amount paid . , ? $11,100 00 And leaving atltl due ' 88,900.00 At the time of your last seating we war ta also la Oa account of new locomo tives f9.P03.00 1 2,149.49 .1,373.00 - 1A87.75 On account of Messrs. H. WeU Bros 1 - On aeoosust of Real Estate purch'd at Klaaton . .. Oa account of Money doe Agents Maklnc atotalof $13,062.42 All of which hu been paid In full. Saratoga year 1896 $140,636.53 149,405 M 174,507.87 187.5C3.20 918,105.96 I40.M4.83 " " 1W7 " " 1898 1899 - " 1900 " - 1901 " - 1903 857,032.70 When ww SMMud the management of your road In Sept. 1899, lis earnings for that fiscal year endlnc June 30th, were the largest In Ita History to wit Daring our three years ad $187,562.20 257,032.70 r ministration weraisea u to Being an increase over those 69.470 50 m IBUM III wvw.i Which, when the fierce competition of the steamer lines, with which we have to contend it considered we think a msl. ter for congratulation, Lut May, the A. & N. C. railroad com pany entered Into an agreement subject to ratification by the General Assembly, for the well known Atlantlo Hotel prop erty at Morehead City, for $17,500, this property to be paid for la sums or ta, 500 each year, 1903, 1908, 1904, and $1,- 000. each year for succeeding ten years, The first thres vears payments are covered by lease of the property at $2,' 500. ner vear. i bis nroDenv is saia io u uu orlzlnallv 128.009. The report runner snows ina ware houses to meet the requirements or trade, are needed at Beaton, railing Ormk. CaswelL Dover. Core UreeK, nrk. Wild wood and Morehead City, it being the purpose of the present admls tration to build these warehouses, as fast ss the company's resources will per mit. Beautiful Costume. New York Herald. June 4tb. The costumes Intended for Miss Marie Lamour and the other lady members of "A Wise Woman" were seized by Chief of Treasury AgenU Heion this morning and are piled up in the seizure room of the Custom House. Manager uavis called at the Custom House this after noon and held a conference with Collec tor Erhardt and Chief Heron. The cos tumes were valued at $5,000, and the average duty on them would to nearly 50 ner cent. It Is probably, however, that they will be allowed to past free of duty. They should have been entered at Paris "as tools of trade, and It wu throueh a blunder on tbe other side that they were not. Beautiful Home Marriage. (Correspondence Of WU. Messenger.) Fayettevllle, Sept. 27. A charming home wedding wu solemn izedatthe Haymount residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Nicholson, In the mar riage of their lovely daughter, Miss Daisy Irene Nicholson, to Mr. A. D. Gasklns, of New Bern Rev. H. T. Gra ham, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, performing the ceremony. Ex quisite tute had florally adorned the pastors, and Mist Albright, of Graham rendered tweet instrumental music The attendants, were Messrs. F. C. Newlin and G. A. Nicholson. Jr- with Misses Bessie Nicholson and Fannie McLean. A reception and the serving of refresh ments followed, and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Oasklns left on the north bound train for a hymeneal journey. Their home will be at new jsem. Tsio tVoria I the Chegtaat. A physician, explains how tbe worm getB Into tbe chestnut. s When tbe nut is still preen, an Insect cornea along and, hnatlDflr a warm place In which to Hare Ita eggs batched, lights upon the nreen chestnut and stings it . At the same time It deposits some of Ita eggs In the opening thus made.: The chestnut begins to ripen, and" at the same time tbe eggs are batching. The Insect selects chestnuts aa a place for depositing its eggs at being the best adapted place by Instinct The floury matter in tbe nut turns to sugar, and sugar contains ear ban, which produce hett,.,,,.. , ... ; . i Afw, THE VALUE OF EXPERT TREAT? ..,.. t MENT. ; j f 1 ', . Everyone' who It afflicted with a chron to disease experiences great difficulty in having their Case intelligently treated by the average physician, ' Tbesa-dlseases can only to cured by a specialist "who understands them thoroughly. s Dr! J. Newtbn' Hithaway of Atlanta: Gsi'is acknowledged tbe most skillful and suc cessful ! specialist In tbe United' States, Write him for bis expert" opinion jof your Tease.' for T which be ' makes ,no charge. .'."."J :" r :' t.y,ii. , i' i ' m i ' ' f-,s., NEW BERK PRODUCE MARKET - U!wHbtfcskti ricm cireBnrt.'," Ekss. per don. .................. .-,1: Chickens, old per pair. l.V...... 50 ' : " young, perpr.Y,,.;... 8060 Pork, per,Jb. . , , ,', ''.'' f. , . ,'., . 7 A 9 Beef, : CoX"m v v8' 6 Hides", green, per lb .'.V. .V, V.J . Bc v ? dry, .';',:' r;;.y.i;;v- BeWwa,,;J.;',;.20to25 Corn, per bush.. ........ 85 Oats. x ............ 65c reanuta ...... ., . , ... . . . , y. . Potatoes, Tams.,,. 7 s a a85 nanamas '".it .CLvSa Grain Market. Corn, perbn... Oatt par toWtZ.XXlUltt. . $.80 Hominy, per bo . . . . '. .'. Corn brad, per 100 lbs. -.85 1JJ3 it Ir W "i Wheat bran.pef ""' ....a... .'. Feed, 100 lbe.V.;....W. ......... Cotton teed meal, 100 lbs.. , , l.co 1JS0 Cotton seed bulls, 100 lbs.,. ...... .50 8hlpstuS,.i,.'.w...'.it.i.... i 10 No. 1 Timothy, per ton. ...20.00 1 1 V MO DRSS EVER FtTTED PRO PCX LY OYER AM ILL-FITTIMO OORSET Kcgai Worcester corsets V STRAIGHT FRONT ALWAYS FIT ASK VOUR DEALER ' INSIST ON HAVING THEM ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET CO. wok,-. ef(tjgQip)nnnwiyb $4,000 Given jk FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS are offered in prizes for t ylj flj best reasons why the "Dorothy tiS others. First Prize, $1,000.00 Second Prize, $750.00 In order to write intelligently, it will be necessary to pur- in. chase a pair of "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes and write your article .-s-. ilv on the blank furnished by us at m wanted. ft Sole Here rtv Exclusively wSWe6y Schooner For Sale ! Fast sailing and commodious Schoon er Mabel), 14 net tons,1 recently rebuilt and fitted out with everything necessa ry tor dredging, will easily cam one thousand bushels of oysters. Is also a first-class freight boat, will carry 300 barrels or 80 tons. Safe; solid, com fortable. For price and terms address: J. P. GODETT, North Harlowe, N. C. Pint, and Oak Wood for sale by boat load. Cotton Bagging We have in stock and to arrvte 8,500 Rolls Cotton' V.nrinr, bundles Cotton Ties. : JjJend us. your orders.. Price ar the IOWe8t . : .J j u -?'" r i tm . NOTICE D BT'' ti W1fi:rt .. ftt!4fj ft if. ' , Out Sale. ' I am no closiua out my 8tock Shoes, flats and Not'.ou Groceries. Hardwarej' Tin antt ''Glassware, .1.'.' Jlil i J 111 aiBO H 1U11 liuo Mlri Ujja. yuu )icu- ing .and store combined for s tile, Store1 25x50 ieeV' Six -' rooms up tt'ii vt M; m'',ni ft im! Apply to-'.yjj,,-;,..;. hnv?iitt!x j i'i ni: "ore, N ". i. fit. 01 ' TUCKER BROS H ' 810 North Front Street, j t 'Ms WILMIIfGTOnV-a-' '!'. r The place to buy your , Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. Ir Foreign and Domestio Granite and Marble. 1 Lettering and Finish the Best.' Send for latest designs. All work delivered., -ltW f.;-n '"! MvBranchyyaid, Goldsboro, N. C. ' JA.COBff Ralelgh:ilye Whiskey It tbe best. Middle ttreeU ,,) ,.;- ? uiosinn to Women ! DoJd" Shoe is snjiorior to all Third Prize, i $500.00 the time of purchase. No lit- HACKMJRN. t r ck FOR SALE. Best Machin e Made Brick at Lowest Prices. HI i llyiin, IiiMiirnnct', OFFI.JB: Cob. Potttii FnosT & Hancock 8ts. 'Knocked the Stuffing out oi it," ffii-:, and broke it into' splinters, may have been tbe fate of yonr carriage when it was run into by something; but. "there is balm In Gllead," or there is pleasure fai knowing that in our shop you can have It made good at new. ttfe do all kinds of carriage repairing and black smitblng in a skillful and superior man- enr. j j . We pnt Rubber Tires on your old or new wheels. . We shrink your loose tires In a machine without cutting them. Everybody is Invited to see the work of the machine putting new bolts In same old placet. rs t I , - O. i II. Water A Mon. Phone 185, , - .' V n lft . it Bean. w. n mm ," I offer my Stock of General Mer-S chandlae for sale at a BARGAIN. Will soil Stock and Fixtures complete. -, ",' This Is a fine opportunity ' for the right party to engage In the mercantile business. One of the finest locations In the County. , - , .; ,V 'f . S-i-- J , ;;r Business Ten Thousand Dollars per year.'' l;" ' ' :'':'-,':''.'r: X-'-l''' .For particulars correspond with, .. e. n. UAnmW ' - ' 8Ilverdale, N. C.