lift a mm VOLUMI XIT HIW.BIiS, CBiYU COUHTT, I. C, TUIS D ATr OC JOB I B 7, 1902.-riK.ST SECTION. . t HDMBIi 64 f. FOOD. inillTTPmni? Mil - i Report of State Chemist h Dose. aWfcat Assessed Valuation Retaraa. Saa dsy Craeaie Agalast Sal f '' Sort Drlaks and Cigars. Political Uosslp oa B a tier,' Large CtUa Re ceipt. . . Rauiaa, Oct. t.Ths 8taU tax eonv mlialoa it now receiving report! from the various 'counties, fifing assessed valuations, stc-The return are being carefully examined. '.The commlssloa will uabody- g ' .to tl the counties which tend UbutisfsWiorr returns and will confer with and Instruct the asses sort and other officials., . HI laid by some' persons that the crusade here sgalnaj.iha sale of soft drlaki, clgara and tobacco xn Sunday, which , failed so signally, wu to hare been the prelude to a inhibition move ment. ,: - ' The Bute" Superiatehd eat of Public lestrucilon baa, received' the reports . from all the county treasurers save those of Buncombe and Haywood, and from all the county superintendents, save those of Buncombe and Martin. The chemlita thin week completed the taking of samples of foods, for tMla un der the pare food act ; The report on iheaamplee taken for the year ended June 80, will appear In the next bulle tin of the Agricultural department The aaaiyaii or me iampieeow taken will bepubiiHbcd next year.' The chemliti were Mktd by your correspondent what were the chief article! of food adulter lel ami irplltnl ibal But ot all oome Jellies, im, -. The adulteration of iheto W gioss. Taking aa a baiia atarch paste, i hi la heated until It jellies. It la filmed with a dye made of coal tar, hw.i n ind twlih sac-chariae, which tboHgh ro tint? $19 a pound, is BOO limes tweeter tain sugar,? aad then a preser vative, uiually salllcyllo acid or formal dehyde, U added. There la found to be very considerable adulteration. The re ports aro dry and the general public does not read tbcm but It ougnt to do an. Wbat Is needed U a atatement . re garding these adulterations put In the plainest terms. I he leisure and destruc tion of adulterated foods ought to be made a feature. Bcnalor Simmons Is east, speaking. He poke at Greenville today. Most white voteis here are registering under the "grand-, father clause' ot the . anendment constitution ami thus are saving themselves tha trouble of again registering by getting on the permanent roll. Ho far the registration is slow. There will no doubt be a large white registration. It li evidently the purpose of the Re publicans to have George Butler a the anti-Democratic nominee for Congress against Charles R. Thomas, and It Is equally clear that they count on the Populists nominating Butler. . The cotton receipts hereto date this season are more than, tbrka as great as . they were to the same date last year The tobacco sales to data are rather over 1,250,000 pounda. This Is regarded as extremely satisfactory for what may truly be termed a new market Western North Carolina Sheep Nose Apples, Bananas and Oranges at Mc- Borlty's. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mlsa Jennie lvos of Rlverdale was here yesterday, i i Dr. J. W. Handera, of Bogue, was In the city, Monday. VvHriW. R. Galon left on the steamer Neuse, last night, Mr. Joe WatsoA spent a few days last week visiting In Pamlico, Mr. Robert Hancock and wife went to New York yesterday morning. Mr. P. H. Pelletier has returned from S business trip to New York. Mr. H. 0. Humphrey arrived In the city last night from Qoldsboro. Mies Kate Stalter.'of Wilmington, H, , la the guest of Miss Qrpha Koch. $ Mr W. F.' koch', left last 'night for ' Lehlghton, Pa. for a several weaka ab. ' ' lenoe. Be?; R, P. 'Bumpas, was , In WUmlng ton, Bunday, preaching in Grace M, K, cbutch. rjt v . Mr. A'. O. Newberry, formerly of this city, now or Newport wu a visitor, here vesterdav. it ', 1 Swindell, P. E. "occupied i Centenary church palpltlast Sunday, " morning and evening. ' ' Stale Superintendent J. Y, Joyner, was lathe city yesterday and left for V home In Raleigh last night, r i t Ret. W. G Johnson formerly of this city, preached. In the Christian church here Bsndayv. e soon goes, io live n . Hoanoke Palls.' '':i:Vy,:i- Ur. Paal M, Hood who has been tele graph operator in theofflceof Murphy Co. for some weeks, has returned to Goldsboro to resume r work for thsoom- I pany there,' "t' fj. ' Mrs. t. W, Ironmonger, who has been here to visit her sister, Mrs W T Crockett - who has been quite sick, left far her home in Norfolk, last night Mrs. Ella Ipockuacoompanled Mrs, Ironmonger. , for Infanta and Children. : ,Tl3 Vd Yea K::3 Bear, the yT,, OPERATORS STILL OBSTIKATC I S ' rVliav's Ceefcrcacc Hikes Hew Plans " necessary. The Sltaatloa Rot Relieved. Special to JoaraaL . WAiimeToa, Oct. 4 President Room velt summoned Governor Stone and Beaa lor Quay for conference. Having failed to get consent of operators to and the coelstilk hewtH invoke thelawiof Pennsylvania, the statue of tha State, which prohibits ooal carrying roads from mining anthracite and In violation of these provisions forms tha basis of ao tion. . . Tha conference between Roosevelt, Secretary Root, Attorney General Knox and Cpormlesloner of Labor, Wright was held today. The President and Advisers have can vassed the ooal altuatlon ,ln every detail Mitchell' I offer leaves . matters, u far as miners are concerned, in the President's handi, and has practically made Roose velt a party to the issue. -The coal presidents are absolutely con trolled by Plerpont Morgan. Market Letter on Cotton. By private wire, J, K Latham A Co. Nbw Yohx, Oct. 8. For some nnex plalnable reason the market broke about 10 points early, and tbe sentiment was such that the market failed to recover. It may hare been the better weather, the nervousness In the stock market, or due to profit taking. The simple explan ation Is the eaalest, that the market can't always advance. The good news on the market la all out, a change can be looked for. Improved weather Will have an Influence for tbe time being, but we doubt whether the good weather effects will be as material, aa sentiment predicts It will require good weatker to pick what we have this year, without good weather the grade will be poor. I If recelpta fall of before the latter part ot this month, the world will conclude that the crop la moderate, and the buy Ing of spinners will prevent any break. For the present a steady market mesas a strong market. A reaotlon of ups sn4 downs is in order, end we believe in buy Ing Spring months. Spinners are buy ing In Texas at ale and aa long aa this condition exiets there Is no great chance for a serious break. Nkw York, Oct. 4. We believe this year's crop will prove nearly as large as the production of years ago. and even granting the influence of those specuk tors seeamg to maae crop conditions as dangerous as possible, there ia little hope of much more than waa grown last year. Laat year's crop wu probably be tween 10,250,000 and 10,400,000 bales.tho rest came of the stocks of the previous year. They aay the crop of 1900 wu 10,750,000, and only 10,450,000 appeared In eight We can roughly estimate total drawn Into consumption as 400,000 front lut year. Now thla year there ia too little to Indicate a yield above lut year and with an early frost not u much. There are of course other factors In the situation. The condition of the money market, the strike and mostly the ac cumulation of January. What Influence thla will have we can't tell, but aa far u supply and demand are concerned, we can no reason for not being bulls. Con sumption must be curtailed to meet de mand, . , . -I "t : i . ' Special Notice. j Our buyers are new In the northern markets selecting the latest styles In fall and winter gooda, " I BARFOOT BRO& , You9 Must Register to Vote, : New Regis tration, ! .. ' IT THE AUTOMOBILE. ! .-v. - ' -' ! ' H Coat t Star Baaw to 4. Be Loner la Frle. At present automobllea are too com pUcntedj and prices are too high (or general adoption. The ratio ot ma- chines to population In the United States, 12,000 to 78,000,000 say-that la, one to every 0,600 persons does not at first glance 1 appear promising, 1 but when we consider (hat only three yean ago the ratio waa one to 1,000,000 per sons very different aspect, ta pre- aented, and It may be safely concluded that with auch possibilities of demand the automobile must of necessity grow to meet tbe measure of Jta great ness. American makers ere quicker to see this opportunity than are their for eign rivals, aa Is proved by prices. Foreign machines are sold. In this country at from 12,600 to 120,000, the record price, paid by wealthy New Yorker, for a French machine, while the' highest priced. American machine la 16,000, and hundreds are la which cost their owners from 1030 to $800, - ; ; .' i .) , A good horse and wageh may be had for $300, ana the automobile must ap pmxluate this figure to become popu lar and give tbe horse some hope that at last he can quit work and live like a gentleman. ' That this msy be done ant sua be profitable to makera Is shown-in the history of bicycle prices sad In tbe further fact that one or the first American makers, with tbq poput lar Idea In view, made machines to sell at from $400 to $000 and advanced Ida; prices later Decause ne could get what. ever be asked. William J, Lampton la One Hni4rt4 :Vrietle of Hortn Ctrollu Apples. .4i Te IxhlMt at State Fair, iframaeaty Miae Ore Oitpat GcoXaU ' FalL As te Water Way V Reute. . PstsAm Fer State Fair. .... RALBan, Oct . Goveraor Ayoock jeturned today from a campaign tour In tbe piedmont section, aad now goes to the 10th district, the extreme western counties, right fn the midst of tbe Re publican stronghold, the paly doubtful district of all tbe ten. c-- Gen. Robert F. Hoke left today for Us iron mtns at Cranberry, bt Mitchell county. He saya the output to now 250 tons a day, this all going to tha furnaces at Johnston City, Tennessee. He is much plsssedatthe rapid building of another railway into Mitchell. , uood rains feu here yesterday, waica beneflttsd fall sown crops; No damage wu done cottoiOnore than three fourths of which Is said to have been ptckeeV Secretary ;Bruner of the agrfcultBral department and J.' Van Llndley, thl president of the State pbfcological so ciety have returned from a tour througl the leading spple-growfag counties of the piedmont and mountain sections. It wu Mr. Van Llndley's first, visit there, aad hs wu utonJshed at the fruit Mr. Bruner hu secured over 100 varieties of apples, including seedlings, . for display at the apple show here during the State Fair, October 17-81. He says that never before have over 60 verities been shown, He puts the apple crop this year at 69 per cent- though, Yancey county, which grows the largest quantity, gives only 60 per cent as its estimate., He found some ot the rarest apples on tbe upper rldgea of Caldwell county, these being tbe 8pltzenberg, Northern Spy and Grimes' Golden. The 8upreme Court ta devoting this week to appeals from the , 7th dis trict ,..... - The State board ot education today re ceived A request from the United States engineer corps for information as to the level of Lake Maitanuakeet at low wa ter, this Information to be used tn con nection, with the inland water-way throagh the North Carolina Sounds, u the level of that lake hu some sort or relation to the Bounds. Arrangements are well under way for ah extensive Industrial parade, here dur ing the State fejr.' There will also be a floral parade. Prizes are offered for the, best floats 'and decorated vehlc- 1m. w tj Collins Captured. A. L.' Collins, ' who recently broke Jones County jail at Trenton, wu caught here last night by Chief Har- Collins wu taking In 'the grapaphone entertainment at W. T, HUl'a when he wu spied by Chief Hargett, who recog nlaed the man. Two officers were quiet ly summoned the three men surrounding Collins before he . wu aware of it, and quickly slipping the handcuffs on him. The captured man . could make, no re sistance, if he wanted to, u he waa tak en unawares. A pistol wu found upon him. a..; . . 4 . Ha denied knowing the whereabouts of Dixon. . who escaped from Trenton jail at the same time; Sheriff Harriett of Jones wu notlled by phone lut nl ght of Collins being caught. tlzamlnattoii of Public School Teachers. . ; The regua , fall examination ot teachers will be held on Thursday and Friday of thla week at the County Cotfrt house In the city of New Bern. '( White teachers wtu be examined on Thursday, Oct 9th. Colored teachers will be examined Friday, October 10th. Examination each day'will begin at 10 a.m. ' " " "' 8. M", BantsoH, County Supt of Schools, Special Annonacement To The . . Theatre Going People Of ''"'NewBera; ' Knowing the Inooavenlenoe annoiy. ance, and noise created by late corneas to the Opera House the management (f the "Who What When Mlnetrela? bug to call attention to the fact that the cur tain will rise promptly at 8:80 Friday evening Oct. 10th, aad any person, not being seated at that time wlUb com pelled to stand until after the closing of the first part, which luts one hoar. The. management hu made the above rule imperative to protect the great number of people who are .seated, to enjdy th performance In ita entlrelty. to devia tion will be made under any 'circunv staaoss.. ;n,t)r---fc ,'',.;,. ?'i..;- - line Mountain Apples at XoSorley'a, j i - m - , '; (felery Hauislrww-dterfcv There is not any . better remedy for headache than, these powders. ' They never fan to relieve. Made aad told only A CkvlifTrespttonlFhanacy. . i - Ixtra fine Western Beef at the ' Oaki Msrket t4ay. , Fresh Crisp Celery' at the" Oak "Mar ket. ' TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Belgium la beeeiged , with .anarchists. The King hu been warned not to leave his palace without a strong guatl- A systematic traffic In deedVbodtoels said to have been . discovered s Indiana Ghouls rob cemeteries sad dispose of the bodies to medical colleges. Crown Prince Oouitanlm of wu severely hurt In aa autonstfblle acci dent near YUlaUtor, Greece. J. Plerpont Morgan hu negotiated tor 60,090 tons of coal which he will dis pense to the worthy poor people ot New Yerk City. , , A plow comfabw Is sgaK -talked of at Chicago, HI., two other efforts having failed. For ordering a strike ot Iron workers without authority, W, E. Francis bail neu scent of the Iron workers st Chica go, m;, b.U been fined $200- A violent earthquake wu felt at Rome Italv. Fridav ntcht. Considerable dam age wu done. The Kansas City Star, Independent, but with strong Republican leaning bu come out against the party. It is an In fluential paper In the Southwest. A Cardiff firm on Wednesday booked an American order for 15,000 tons of steam coal. I An apostolic vlcarate hu been order ed for the Island of Mindanao, in the Philippines. General crop prospects very encouraging. in India are New cholera cases In Egypt yesterday numbered 254, with 241 deaths. A $25,000,000 floated at once. Japanese loan Is to be OABTOHIA. BMnths 1 -Thl Kind You Haw Always Bought Blgaataie ef Public School Teachers Wanted. The School Committee of the public school will meet at Vanceboro, N. C, on the 25th of Oct. for the, purpose ot hir ing teachers fpr the different schools. All teachers are respectfully , invited to attend this meeting who wish to teach In No. 1 Township. We want about fourteen white teach ers, and about nine colored teachers. E. F. ADAMS, Chairman School Committee. IT MADE LEM Alt Rrl" SIGH. A Geatare and aa Accent Taat He Could Not Reproduce. The Figaro relates the following an ecdote about Frederic Lemaltre: "He bad acted . vlth marvelous success In a play by D'Knnery and Marc Fournler when one evenlnafter tbe.aecondtor third performance he was suddenly addressed by a stranger, 'How much will you take to be ill tomorrow,, tbe day after tomorrow and for a month? Lemaltre dragged thei unknown nn- dec a street lantern ssidblookedsat him. He waa a well known writer. 'It is youl' said the actor. 'Why do you wish me to be ill? The other hesitated slightly as he explained his strange proposition. He was inspired by an Insane hatred to ward Marc Fournler and had t sworn to avenge himself on his enemyibyall concervabre means. 'Help me to wreck bis .drama,' he concluded, 'and I will make you rich. I have the means to do It You earn a great deal. I will give you ten times as, much tor six months longer than: yourpiece will last Will-you agree? "Lemaltre bad Quickly recovered himself; He seised the man bytitba col lar, shook him hardfor. a. minute and then, with a vigorous kick, thrust him away, crying: 'How much .will I take? Thirty pieces of silver, Judaar "An old actor who told , the story added, 'How often has jfTederic Le maltre sighed In my presencejwben he recalled the episode, "Aias, I shall nev er be able to reproduce the gesture and the accent of that moment!" " ... 'V I)a Mot Sleep on Tour Lett aide, .When a patient complains, ot bad taete "in bis mouth every morning on waking' up, ears a physician, the first question I ask him Is as to the position he assumes when going to Sleep. An Immense number of people sleep on tbe left aide, and this is the most com- A . nnnlnaoan tesssfsa which Is generally attributed to dyt- Denflhv If a meal haa been taken with In two or three noura or going to Deo, to sleep on the left aide is to give the stomach a task which It Is difficult In the extreme to perform. The student of anatomy knows that all food, enters and. leaves the stomach on the ngnt side, and hence sleeping on the left aide soon after eating Involve a sort of Dumping operation which. Is any- thine but conducive to sound repose. The action of the heart IS also inter fered with considerably, and the lungs are unduly compressed. It Is probable that lylns on the back la the most nat ural position, but few men can rest easily so, and hence it ia best to culti the right vate tbe habit of sleeping on aide. It Is Very largely a matter of V.S.IS m.Jk a..- .amm le las wi vi I pari iA wwv, muv, lire . lutar for tha ,lwnn anil tha worse for the physician. ; v t - ' - - , UGv7 lielSirablOXlw BS'-nil Oct 2nd. ElldS Cct. C5th. THE OLD RELIABLE I AbsoIulefrPuro r WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE NOTES OF NOTABLES. Ex-Governor Whyte of Maryland has ust celebrated his seventy-eighth birth. day. He is In excellent health. Adolph Relnarcb ot Vienna was caught robbing his safe while 0 sleep, concealing tbe money under a carpet Grand Duke Cyril of Iraesla, a cousin ot tbe czar, is visiting Japan, where he baa been given an lmposrag'reception. Joaquin Flgueroa Larraln of Chllo baa been commissioned by tbe government to study the organization of public li braries in Europe and tbe. ' United States. , Henri Hourlet, a Swiss watchmaker, has recently completed a watch made entirely out of the Ivory taken from a billiard ball works and case complete, It keeps good time. Leopoido Batres, tbe Mexican con servator of national monuments, has Just concluded a year's archaeological excavations among the ruins of Zapo- texan cities in Oaiaca The English Justice Barnes takes down his notes in shorthand and sums up from these notes. He finds this a great saving of time and by this means is never obliged to stop a witness. Commandant Moller, lately of the Boer army, was not born to be shot During the conflict with Great Britain he had twenty-one horses shot under him, but never received a scratch. Prince Victor Napoleon has Just re ceived St Paris from the Corslcan com mittee a sliver gilt Imperial crown on peleon Bonaparte's appointment as" first consuL the occasion of the centenary of Nn Bradley Martin, Jr, who 1b at pres ent In Paris, has sold bis three automo bllea He says the numerous recent fa talities, added to bis own phenomenal bad luck; have cooled his enthusiasm for the horseless vehicle. One of tbe oldest clergymen In Eng land is an earl tbe venerable Earl of Devon. He Is one of tbe few members of the bouse of lords who was born be fore Waterloo became a name In his tory and who has lived in four regimes Jules Massenet, the famous French composer, Is an enthusiastic player of patience and affirms that many of his best Inspirations come to him while engaged In this game. Like tbe late Charles Gounod, M. Massenet Is an in veterate smoker and prefers a pipe to the finest cigar. At Davis. Fresh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vac cine Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. Flower Bulbs at Davis'. A supply of Hyacinth and Tulip Bulbs hu just been received at Davis' Phar macy. Fine Canned Beef and Beef Tongues at the Oaks Market. Notice. After Sunday, September 28th, the Oaks Market will be . closed on Sunday mornings. Patrons pleue take notice. Special Notice. Our buyers are now in the Northern markets selecting the latest styles In I Fall and Winter goods, . , BARFOOT BROS. Tenney's Candy at Davis'. A fresh usortment of Tenney's Candy hu Just been received at Davis' Phar macy. ',, . . Mea aad Batatas, A recent writer says: "The China man bends to the very ground when he salutes; the Russian, farther west, takes off his bat and scrapes with It his very path; In Prussian Konlgsberg, always farther west, the passersby sa lute each other by taking off their hats or cape very low; In Berlin the bead covering Is raised but little; In Paris still less. In London not at all or with a difference. The American keepa his hat on Immovably and never bends, but all civilised nations, of course, take OS their bate to tbe ladiea." Ctcditi of Roses Is a harmless liquid preparation ov BVH ... I " """"""a " . 1 aad improving the complexloiu, When appnea h rs invisiDie ana cannot washed offt The dark line around the rck' cued b' tight Uttlng 1 85c. at ERADHAITS PHARMACY. CDCCH a a a wrary. avraa Volga? Snow Front, and Admiral fast received at New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Pigg Feet. Fresh lot Fox River Print Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Btickwhfeat Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Posttun Ceral. . - , Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c lb. ; Codfish, Irish, and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment. I J. L. McDAlL, W I 1 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. g -aa..... In a doesn't pretend to sell you cheaper gooda than other BUT Better Goods for Same Money. You can be the better Judge. ' COMB AND SEE. 1 We have Everything New viuuib, AjiMxice cucuue, i tt.. n i. m cio jivii, viriuuiics, jouvj rroiiuu all the Newest Shades, ind other Fashionable Fabrics. Every DqpaWtment is Comnlete. . Jost iveueiveu new M)rseas xne twjw vvoivoBMsr, uuo latest thing Princess hip, assures correct fit, the anly- Corset fy 1 i. T, J , I made" that wUl properly reduce stout figures to correct propor- ;!i tions. Gives grace and comfort. sft r.n Sole agent for the Dorothy Dodd, Thos. G. Plant and Ziegler Shoes. ' GRirrON The Winter is ! Mothers and fathers bring your Clothing and Shoe We will give you a few prices MEN'S CLOTHING, $10 Black Worsteds . ,v. 16 iO ,4 98 898 8 " 4 50 " '.', ,9 69 ,! SM CASSIMERE SUITS. t8 60 Suits, , , ,s 6 00 . .' 5 00 " '. '.'", Drop into our store and let Store, New Goods, New Bargaina, BRAND 1i Uliile Stint; to OnVfll HJw. Co., Keir Ben, E. C. . Tooth Brushes at Davis'. . Davla Pharmacy hu Just received a oe large asaoriment of Tooth Brushes made by Chu Loonen of lParls.' Each bmah hu"DavU,Phamacy,, stamped on the faction, or money rs'-jndod. .AD i n a n F bur J. L McDaniel's Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. , - ' . ' K .. ." ,v in tile Latest Weaves Broad; rupiuiBB, rivuuu ooigco, wuu- mi'm i, tai 1 , T :.-t- :n f jp xtuiiieui, ajiucxkj umuio m en m, . Tl 1. TTT L 4.1 : tf4 , people,) 5 J Fail Clothmg Saaupier, Largrcar, Better thas ever Oar line of Griffon Brand Cloth ingMen's Suits in Extra Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in Elegant Cassi mere, Ohilds 2 piece, 3 piece and ' Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. '. - There may be some clothing aV good as ours but not at the price. , When you buy here ; you buy right! J. J. BAXTER, , 89 Middle Stmt , ' boys to this sale and ' fit them in . ' ' ' '" ' in Men's and Children's, clothing : . . CHILDREN'S CLOTHINa 8 98 198 188 ' tt RA 41 ' , ' " ' w uv .... ' 8 60 " . i .'160 1 '. - .!. 100 . . i -r 'i' .'8to ui show you . what we have. New ,... , , v . . , .iv w. Very resiectrally, , - ' ' ' . ECDQO DLL. The steamer "Ooracoke" will e from tTew Pern oa T ::' -, 1 tt day and t J'.tti 7, C i n vr, T i rr. lrTiirT. tttx inn