Ji Si -' F IT " - 4 - . . " " alaaaaaaaaaawa1 a a a a VOLDMI IIW II&H,' CXATII CODITT, I. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1U, 1902..-SICOHD SECTION. .... HDMBIR 55 " f t;y THE OLD RZUACUZ ' if li 1 ill) (" AbsoIuteltfPure THERE IS M SUBSTITUTE) w .1 15 mm FUHTIFUL . . . Bit Atdleices If ot Luxe Te Greet 1 t County Superintendents to Meet . Special to Journal, t "; ;--' Kalsioh, Oct. 8. 8tate Superintend--ent of Public Instruction Joyuer today called a conference of county auperln tendents here Noyomber 12th, 13th and 14th, to form a Slat association aud discuss all questions of Interest to them Dr Biittrlck. secretary of the general educational board and other representa tives of It will be prevent. Rnllway fare 1 to be refunded to la perinieorienU so all can enma. Market Letter on Cotton. B, private wire, J. E Idlhain & Co. Naw Yokk, Oct. O.-Tha market to day 'proved somewhat heller than yes terday') due in le-is Indueiice of weather reports. (ierHiira appear to be lets Inlliii-nci A liy weather. One would liilnk in In' ii HHiie'iif 1 lio iernark made HihI lti.wii i; i nUier In Dotolier was an iiiilimtiil hi id In reallt) aii)lhlnK liul a ill i t in ly fm in nl'le uionlh would be unheal (1 of. The aeaaoa extendi from May to November. Frost record seldom extends Into October, and It Ii some times as late as the latter part of November. Every fine day la needed to make np for the oxcossivo rains of tiep tember. Should the frost hold off until December then there would be a rally ot important consideration. At it It the influence it tcutimental, - more than ac tual. There It nothing to be learned of the outlook that learnt one to change opinion, that March and May will go higher. It la not Improbable that a few days will bring about a change In the coal atrike situation, and bring more buying by English spinners. Outside of facta which tend to make one contem tlvely instead of fanatically bullish on the outlook, there Is nothing to change one's viewt on the price of cotton this year. There it not likely to be any overproduction and there It every chance of inch a shortage that will ad vance pricea above last year's figures. For this reason a broad view for the bull side la encouraging. The long In terest In January remains unchanged. MswTobk,' Oct. 8. Taking abroad view of today's development!, not such at to startle any one, In faot taking the coal strike, good weather, and unsettled stock markot, etc. In view, It was just about at eipected. T Large buying orders In March and May reported, and at do one cared to short January, that option v took care of Itself Better crop sporu bT . . . . J a .nt- l.v aeia coiwmr wui any . one iimuisr wuu cotton was prepared for Just that sort of thing as we have taid' before a mar ket that resists pressure of receipts and holding price unchanged from week to week, It a remarkably ttrong market In the face of inch receipt and the ' break In stocks, the market has acted In a manner surprising any one bat a bull We are prepared for an irregular; mar ket while the rush of receipts it on One can carry a thousand balet of cotton I atr la the season with les unoertlnty than 100 balet now. Last Spring cotton wa t cents and fcolnf u every day, we couldn't advise being long, twa not long before the amoke came. Gondii lout thtt Year lead one to believe1 In a huh, If not hlaher .' prices thai ilart season For thU reason moderate buying on break is to be recommended. As long as weather keeps good the tone may be easier. January holds In a way that .efeowi little nu been told sna Jtuat long, Interest is still intact. f Oct. 9. The most of oar farmors are busy having their tobacco graded all read for tbo market. ; We art glad to state Hit Improvement of MnHG K Arthur from the fall the received a fuWwontbt ago. . i "Uiev U 111 Jones hat served hit tins out at Kit - (Swamp church and haa re turned to collars Lexington, Ky. W hope to have ; Brother Jonei with Vs .again..' -A rT??f I, MrtMsmlcSpringle and Minnie Smith and children of New Bern were visitors at Mr Alfred Gaaklnt a few days go. 'y -if Isaac aarnngioa jt quite net. y Mr 8 W .Potter .has'' made his home more pleasant by. placing aa organ around nil fl resld. Mr J A Fulohet who has been Very 111 r iwnHnld fvr ts Imtnovln slonlv. 'The Ladle Aid Society bt Kltt Swamp cuusch are toi have a. hat and shadow , Dirty for the benefit . of; the church Bat- urday nlrht before the fourth Sunday In this month, at. the horn ot Mr Jim Thomas. 1 i. H ft ' Katydid. Them. SpeeaJatiea At Te Megr Yete. Taa- fderhlltFam Exhibit. Cal ' forms fr A.' 1. Cellege , Ca4ets. TQaiet Mar ' rlage. GaUlsg (Haas for Char lotte. Rauior, Oct a While Republicans here on ridiculing the call for a negro (State convention' and say the callers of It went kite a trade two years ago. They add that they do not believe the convea- on -wiJmoont Jo anything. very few negroes are registering here and It appears that ,nly a few hundred win Vote In this county. One estimate 1 1 that hot bvef 10,000 will vote In theatlretam. v r8(at. Chairman Blmmons says that peobie are comparing 'the audiences at political speaking thf year with those which attended two years ago and hence term' these small, bat that they are an average.. He says there msy never again be such audiences ss there were two years ago. : A letter from George Vanderblll'i farm manager taya the Ulltmora farm will make the greatest show of agricultural products at the State fair ever made by one exhibitor. , Special preparations are being made for It. Insurance Commissioner Young is greatly pleated at the success of his work la tracking and capturing Incen diaries. The last arreat made U In Polk county. The practice ot burning prop erty to get the Insurance ts greatly checked by the good detective work and the prompt and severe punlahment. ' The bulletin of the State board of health laaiied today says there la small pox tn 1(1 countlea, with 8 deaths In Craven aud one In Carteret; 30 cases In Fort) lb, M in Gaalou, 11 lu Northamp ton ami l!i In ltocktngham. Typhoid fever it reported lu 78 counties; in all hundreda of cases. No part of the State free from It, and there are many cues tn the east. At one time there was talk of having Republican newspaper here, but the plan Is abandoned. Tobacco-growers appear to be now lest afraid of a drop In price. When the Imperial and the American 'companies consolidated .they felt sure there would be a sharp decline. The tnoreaae In acreage next season will be great In this section. Msnager R. O. Rivers f the Academy of Music here was married at Norfolk yesterday to Mist Sellers, who wat a member of the late ''Lonely Widow" company, of which Mr. Riven wat the manager. News of the. marriage was not known here until today, t ;: There are now about 80 Democratic speaker In the field. The cadet battalion of the Agrlcultu ral and Mechanical College hare Is now fully uniformed. Each Monday there Is dress parade. This day Is chosen be cause Monday Is the holiday for the fe male colleges. For the male colleges Saturday Is the holiday. Two gatllng guns have arrived for the battery of artillery at Charlotte, giving It three of these guns. A rapid fire can non will be added next year. v v. OABVonXA, Baarstaa y IM MM TW WW SJWJl gQHB D0BBS. Oct. 8 Mitt Daisy Anderson of Qeddy tola town. Rev. Mr. Newton did not fill hlsap polntment at Ellsworth Sunday, owing to rain, bat Ii holding a meeting at Vaneeboro thlt week. , Mr. F. H. Gatkins ot Geddy, Ii in oar intdit with hit mower, batting logs for oar people. Mr. Grover Lancaster who la attend log school at Wlntersvllle, visited hi parents Saturday and Sunday. He wat accompanied by Mr. Jeta Jackson ot Wlntersvllle.- Mr. O. R Brewer of Beaufort hat been visiting relatives here for several days, Several of oar people will attend th Carnival at New Bern Thursday and fit day. ... ' ; " " Mr. Geo. 8. Wilcox and sister. Emma. of Bellalr visited tn our town Sunday. H. Th ceiling of our church It completed and Is very satisfactory to oar people. The work was done by Mr. B F. Wil lis. An organ hu also been purchased and placed In the charoh, whloh of coarse wlQ add greatly to the moiio. Mr. sad Mrs. W. F. Lancaster and daughters, Misses Etta and -Nora, Miss Lncretla Willi and Mr. J. 8. HIU spent Sunday In Bsattfort and Morehead and report a very pleasant time. ; ', Mrs. 8. s. Ewell ; will sell at auotloa Oct 18th, all her ' furniture, farm Imple ments, corn and cotton and stock, hlso one hone and buggy, for oath. . Mrs. Swell will then join he hutbtad, Capt S. E, Ewell who Is In th government service at Beaver, Fa. - r - -Wandering WU1I. -CAG70RIA .."if For In&nti uA Cbiliren. ars tht) S TELEGRAPHIC BKETITIES. The army aaaneuvwr) at Fort Riley, Kail, ended Tuesday. , A building for all the mercantile as sociations of Chicago, 111., Is contem plated. Cardinal Gibbon reached Mew Or leans, La yesterday, for his annual vis It to his relatives. Senator Banna' declared yeslerdsy that he had not challenged Tom John son to a Joint debate. The Kansas Supreme Court yeiterday ordered fusion candidate' names placed ofl both Populist sad Democratic tickets. Russell Sage, the Wall street operator, very sick at his home with bronchial troubles and his advanced age, 87 makes his 'recovery doubtful. Bis wealth ts 80,000,000. The American generals, Oorbla, Young and Wood took lunch with King Edward In England Tuesday. The miners have renewed their alle giance to President Mitchell end say they will continue the strike. New coal mines are to be , opened at once at Soddy, Tenn. The street car strike in New Orleans, La., i still unsettled. The Coopers' International Union met yesterday at Louisville, Ey. Senator Hanna went on the Ohio tump yesterday, starting at Bteuben- vllle. Another company of soldiers hss been demanded at Glens Fall, N. Y., to sup. press rioting. In the army maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kan., General Tanner, of Rhode Island, was hart by being unhorsed in a col lislon. President Roosevelt 1 said to be dis pleased because Boathern Republican hare excluded the negroe front their counsels. Th Farmers Congress I In progress at Macon, Ga. This 1 a national organ ization nd about 1500 delegates are In attendance. The defendants in the famous "Cherry Tree" fraud cse recently sentenced by the court to pay $10,000 have comprom iaed the matter by paying S,000. Fire has again started in the Texas oil field and a number of live were lost .... .. Coal Operators Weakening. Special to Journal . Phila., Oct. 9. Coal operator are reported to be weakening. A Lehigh Valley train was dynamited and many cattle killed. Mr. Mitchell meet Sena tors Piatt Quay and Penrose at New York. Coal .stocks advanced today. A striker vu shot dead by a soldier at Brownsville, Pa. Assaulted 1)7 Negro. Special to Journal. Raliioh, Oct 9. At Concord today election registrar, Frank McKennery was assaulted by a negro he had refused to allow to register. He was struck with brick. The negro fled but was cap- tared. It I the orst assault yet re ported. . A te W. - A small spider that dropped itself fBpm an oriel window In the rotunda over the north entrance to the city. hall courtyard gave an Interesting Illustra tion of the length to which these la- sect can spin out a single thread. The window from which the spider de scended Is fully fifty feet above the pavement, and the Insect was In line with the eyes of pedestrians when It was first noticed. Several people stopped to watch Its movements. .The point from which the spider had dropped was easily located, as the long silky threads could be traced upward In the bright sunlight to the window. gentle puff of wind floated, the In sect upward out of the straightjllne of descent, and it rapidly lengthened its thread, allowing Itself to float before the breeze. The thread must have been nearly a hundred feet long when. the air became still, and tbe spider slowly swung backward like a pendulum un til it landed on the ground more than half way across the courtyard. Phila delphia Record. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Andrew Ennett of Cedar Point Is In town. Mr. W. C. Brewer, of Chip, was here yesterday. Mr. H. A. Brown, Jr., left for New York, yesterday.; Mrs. L. B. Ennett, of Cedar Point.! visiting In the city. . , Mr. KC. Duncan, of Raleigh waa visiter here yesterday. Miss Lnlte Ives retained from s visit at Black Mountain yesterday. Mr. and Mr. W. T. Caho, and little ton of Bayboro were In the city yetter- day." "I Mn L. B. Slngletary of Vaneeboro and Mis Julia Slngletary of Wilmington, are visiting this week at Mr. C, Hiii's. i Mrs. John B, Ives and family returned yesterday frsmavlslt with friends In Statesville. They were accompanied hither by Ml Jettla HarrlU., , New Begistration Began Oct. 2nd,' Ends Oct. 25th. Tenner's Candy at Dayls'. A fresh aortment of Tenney's Candy hu Just been received at Davis Phar macy. ' '" " . Democrat Appointments. The following appointments have been made for the Countv Candidates and others. It isaarnesly desired that all will avail themselves of these opportuni ty to hear the Issues discussed , ' ,' j Hon. 0. H. Gulon will speak at Dover Saturday October 18th at 11 a. m. Sheriff Jas. W, BIddle and 8. M. Brln- on,q, will speak at Traits, Saturday October 18th atll.m. R. A. Nunn ' and X. M. Green, Esqrs, will apeak at Core Creek, Saturday Oct ober 18th at 11 a. nvy- a--, n . D. L. Ward and Geo. Waters, Eqrs, will speak at Vaneeboro Saturday Octo ber 18th at 1 p. m. 1 . ' : ' i : Hon. O. H.4 Galon and Hon. Larry L Moore will speak at Ft Barnwell Fri day October Mth at II noon. l. . . ,.v E.M. Green, Esq, will speak at'Tay lor Store Saturday October Mth 11 a.-m.v XJTt O 'V. rv It , , Hon. 0, H.1: Galon and . Hon. Larry Moor will' peh t Vaneeboro Satar- day October 85th t p. m?' , Additional appointment will be made later. ' ' ' HENRY R. BRYAN, JRi' Chm. Craven County Dem. Ex. Com. B. G. CUSDLE, Beoty. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. New System Installed at Raleigh. Swansboro Notes. October 8. All well, or nearly so, we don't bear'of any cases of sickness to peak of, and no marriage, nor deaths since oar last note. A few visitors In our town this and last week, among them we noticed, Messrs. J. H. Bell and Harry Bryan, of Pollocksvllle, W. T. Bray, of Palo Alto, Orrln Weeks of Stella, Capt't. White- hunt and Willis, of Straits, in their sharpies after lumber and wood. People come here from all over Car teret county, after lumber and fire wood. Ml Eureka Young who hu been sick In Virginia Is getting well and coming home soon we hear. Ml Katie Plttmanhasa full school now, so hu Rev. Matthew. We hope they will continue io. Mr. G. W. Ward will go to 8alter Path thii week to teach for those peo ple again. We are lorry to have to report the seemingly fatal ilckness of Mr. E. N. Bell, of Carterot county and B. 3. Gib son of White Oak, Onflow county. Th doctor don't teem to know what the whole disease is, if they do, they don't tell It. We have two oyster aaloon now, Ed Stanley and Harvey Smith. Smith Is oar leweler and watch .tinker. He ha two iron in the fire. The bulldtngglaround the new taw mill are nearly completed, the lut finished wu a large black imlth and work shop together. Two large vessels are expected in here tomorrow to load with lumber. Only a few big mullet are being caught. The fishermen are somewhat discouraged at the small catch so far this seuon. The sharpie Bessie made the quickest trip io far to New Bern and return, not quite H days. This scribe made one lately, but not quit so quick, he was only 81 days .the round trip, some dist ance too. Politics Is very quiet here.not so many Independents u we hear of, not enough for the good of oar country we think, though if . we say independents, io the Bosses can hear as they give as gas. We don't know ofsny Candidates cer tain for the independent ticket lh Ons low county only for sheriff and register of deeds, we hear of one each for those two offices. In a recent trip in part of Jones county we find many independ ents and all from the so called staunch democratic party, and a mere glance at them would convince you they were In downright earnestnftts, meaning and acting what they say, One man over there named Collins, U. M. Collins, who It Is ssld Is the leader and father of the Independent move,' my, my, how we heard some of the democrat "cussing" Collin, calling him a thief, liar, scound rel. fraud, everything bad; we wonder if Collins had itack to the so called democratic party would he had been loch a rascal f guess not How about Lewis Bynum and others, are they all rascals toot gaeu so, now they give "Us and Co" Hall Colombia tor oar inde pendent thought and views, we know wo would be a "wheel boss" if we were to jlne de army of the host . and bosses of oar county, hut we mast pus by on the other side, for the present and watt for the year 1904 which if we live to see it, will see a revolution In th political world we think. . We write this, not be- cause we are not a democrat.but becaus we are today, and el way have been, a better democrat than those who profess to be the great leader of that party called democratic. W are an honest Independent. . G. W. W. Few Republican Voter are Regis tering Under the Urand father Clause of Constitution. On ly Three Negro Postmas ter In the State. Laage Mijority For Democra cy Fore casted. Raliioh, Oct. 0. Curator Brimley of the State museum hu returned from a trip to tbe mountain region, during which he collected specimens. Among other he got a black boar, weighing 400 lbs., which he skinned. - He hu the kin and skeleton, for mounting. Today the work of installing tbe new arc light system here began. There will be 1S9 street lights, one at each corner. The light to be used is the Hartford enclosed arc. There will be four circuits, so one can be cut out without Interferring with the others. If the Republicans are taking the franchise amendment to the constitu tion In good faith, why I It that none of them are registering under the "grand father clause V This question is being uked here. It is said no Republicans are thus registering this way. When one was uked today if he would so reg ister, he replied with great emphasis, No, sir." Some people are found who do not believe the Republicans are in earnest In their professions of acquies cence in the amendment It Is said that only three negro post masters are now left in this State. One of these is at Wilson. His term ended last July, but there has been quite a con test as to who shall succeed him. Of course his successor will be white. The two other negro postmasters are at ne gro villages where there is not a white patron. A few years ago there were scores of negro postmaster in the east ern counties. The estimate made here Is that the Democrats will carry tbe State by 70,000 to 75,000 votes a majority literally over whelming. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME "" ! ' . i Are Never Without Peruna in tfe House for Catarrh, Coughs and Colds. s rram tb XortlMra Wood r la Pror-Baliam, th certain our tot tost Invitation to "Gypsy Social." You are cordially Invited to attend a "Gypsy Boclal" at the church parlor, Monday evening October the thirteenth, from 8 to 11 p. m. Given by the mem bers rf the Epworth League. "Money alone set the world In mo tion,' It' lack suggets this Gypsy notion." The above Invitation Is extended to the public at large and all who attend may expect an evening of amusement and fun. Veritable Gypsy maids will re ceive the guest at the door and escort them to the reception room. No one should fall to visit the "Sealed Oracle Department" where Egypta will be found ready to present her guests with a "sealed envelope" which contains verse shedding light upon the future of the purchaser. Another very Interesting feature of the evening' entertainment will be the "Loan Art Collection." Refreshments will be served and those who attend will have the usual privi lege of having pretty gypsy girl upply their wants, uiner attractions win uo announced later. Tho Quit Stream. The gulf stream flows at the rate of about two and a half miles an hour. Five miles is exceeded In some places, and the rate varies much with condl ttons ot weather and tide. "I wu deaf tor five year and could find no help. I was completely deaf; wu afflicted with shortness ot breath, bronchitis, trouble In the throat, so that wu in misery. Through one ot Dr. Hartman's almanacs I decided to try Peruna, and bought a bottle. "I took three bottles and now feel real well; my hearing Is good again; X can breathe without difficulty ; my throat Is no longer inflamed. I followed all the directions, and can now say that Dr. Hartman's Peruna hu cured me. "I recommend it to all suffering with catarrh. am seventy-one yean old, have aa appetite again and can work. feel ten yean younger." When old age comes on, catarrhal dis eases come also. Systemlo catarrh la al most universal in old people. This explains why Peruna hu become so Indispensable to old people. Peruna la their safe-guard. Peruna Is the only remedy yet devised that meeta these cases exactly, Such cues cannot be treated locally; nothing but an effective systemiq rem edy could cure them. This is exactly what Peruna is. Reoord la pmbllo Boniea. Eleven public houses In a village which only contains thirteen dwellings Is a record which will be hard to beat Such a village is to be found In County Derry, Ireland, the only premises not licensed being the police barracks and a creamery. Ttrratla FUhlnac. The fisherman catches the terrapin with a pair of tongs on the eastern shore of Maryland. A Record Pall. Fortj-Sve tons is the record of weight ever pulled by a pair of horses. This was In the shape of bark loaded on a sleigh and pulled on ice. ! -. ' .' Japaaea Etlqaette. No matter bow heavy the rain, It Is most disrespectful, accorAihg to Jap anese etlqaette, for any one to raise an umbrella In the presence of member of th) Imperial household. II Band women r L. who art In naed of th bast madtoal treat ment should not fall tooonralt Dr, Hatha way at ones, u ha la Yoa art Iaeogalsad u th aadln and moat too etsaful s p 1 a 1 1 s . xoa art si placing your Ml af la In its hand, u ha la th longait aatabHabad and hat th best rep utation, at ear where othen fall there It no patchwork or experimenting in hla tM.tm.nl Paw- , .il lone atten Uon By Dr. awttutfv tuthawar, tito spe- 1 Dm. SUTBJLW&T. alal counsel from hla aeaoeiate physicians when aeoeeaary. which ao other office has. If yon can not oail. write for free booklets and oae-tlon blanks. Mention your trouble, ev erything strictly eoa&denUal. i, Kewton tuthawar, Jt. U. ; ., . j Inman Bld'g, J2t 8. Broad St. ATLANTA, GA. MR. AND MRS. PETER HOFFMAV, KTLERTOWK, PA. i write : If R. PETER HOFFMAN, Kylertown, J Mrs. Peter Hoffman also 1 ... j I "I wu sick for many years; suffered with the liver, stomach and kidneys. I had seven doctors, bnt none could cure me, u they did not know what ailed m. "Every one who saw me said that I could not live very long. I began to take Peruna and grew better every day. , Th severe pains in the stomach have disap peared, lam now well and have a good appetite, lam aerenty yean old and can do my work without getting tired. "Peruna la the beat medicine In tbe world tor catarrh. Your good Peruna baa taved my own and my huabanfa lite." ........ Mr. Robert Metters, of M unlock, Bast Co., Neb., Box 45, writes : ' "I had catarrh from my head all through my system. I took Peruna until I wu entirely cured. I am eighty-three and a half years old, and feel u young U I did ten years ago. . "I visited recently among some old friends, who said I looked u young u I did twenty years ago." Address The Peruna Medicine Co, Co lumbus, O for a free catarrh book. Fall GRIFFON BRAND Clothiiftgo Snappier, Lamer, Better Uiai era Our line of Griffon Brand Cloth-' ing -Men's Suits in Extra " Fine Worsteds and all the real thing, i Youths Suits in Elegant Casai mere, Child's 2 piece, 3 piece and ' Norfolk Suits in fullest assortment and at prices that require ho argu ment to sell them. ' There may be some clothing" aj ' good as ours but not at the price! When you buy here you "buy right 1 "ni ;iA -'.'"i'i'v- J. J. BAXTER,, 89 Middle Street. MIGHTY POOR POLICY i Is that'of "drawing th long bow.'!- , , wnat a to oe gamea oj overestimating one ami s u i we present a draft greater than our deposit,' won't it most certainly be protested f r - --v;,- In affairs commercial, exaggerattorT'and all misrepre sentation has come to be regarded as a species of aaininity, j apart, from principle, or the want of it. t Where's the use ? j ' What a merchant may say of' himself, his , goods, . or ' his methods, is either true or false. ' itji - I i If true his ads will develop ft' drawing power never befom dmamad nf. ' . While if false, detection and nnniah." ment insist inevitably fdllorj;: "if Our business is growing datly, tnd reason ii obvious. ;:h?i f; r'lif ii: ) 5i;i iu jrff i;t3 i::!, J, ahiGith. School Shoes"-fcsIi laiid :nct7 A ,, , The Warranted kind, back of us stands the toanttfaciers1 7 Noth ing better made, from $1.00 to ti:60 according to size, at ' T '6hPoKck -SteP Opposite Ephccpd Ckztcb. . r Tooth Brushes at Davis. i Davla Pharmacy hu Just received a large Morrient of TooU Brushes mad by Chu Luonen of Parls.' Each brush hu "Davis' Pharmacy,, tamped on the handle and 'guaranteed to giTet&tls fsctlon, or money refunded. Prc5cri;tlcrs tt tavla' . . Davls'yrescrlpUonnrt .'-' "7 r a specialty of pre- ".'.ors. 1 ;t and careful ' '" i Ii f ' i .' Only tU I t i ii -i . pi Ice S3 i , :' tat r ' .