TOE WEEKLY JOURNAL T PnblUhd la Two Soctxma, asy Tnca. CHARLES L. 5TEYEN5 srroi ut raomtror , r t . . SUBSCRIPTION KATEP- Two Month, Tfcre Months, ...... Month,. ft Ctmntm '.y.Y.'.'l'M r eo : TwelT Month!,.. ONLY VX ADVAHCB ....$1.00 Advertislnt: rataa fnmiihed upon ap plication at tbe omce, or upon by mail. . EVThe iovwu. U only ton on Pr-la-advanoa NwU. tabsoribera wUI raceiva notice of oxplimtloBof thoferab scriptkma and u immediate response to .ntiM wt'.l he annreclated . by the Jocmal Entered at tho Postofflee, JSew Bern if. CL m second-class matter. Section Two, Friday Oct. 10, IB OS CHEAPNESS ROT QUALITY. Tho work of tho Btatt chemists ia maktaa- tho oare food tetU, which hat dom completed, must protoko tho query, at to why foods are to much adultera te, aito demand inch teats asbav been made. According: to adranco reports tho principal adalteratlons are made In jell les and jams. Those articles are very Important household necessities, and their con sumption Is Immense, ever on the ln crease. Two things may be said to cause food adalteratlons to any gross extent, lAirrttv of the core article, or Its cost. But If inquiry is made at the stores where jellies, jams and other foods are sold, It will be found that the consumer as a rule seeks an article according to Its price, rather than to the demand as to it purity. If the Investigation will be made, the foods which are adulterated will be seen to be most attractive to the eye, and to the taste there will be found nothing ap parent to cause their rejection. It Is only In the after effects, brought about by the constant use of adulterated foods, that the evil effects upon the hu man system will be developed, and In most Instances where injury Is done the trouble will be unknown, or chsrged to something else than to the use of adul terated foods. The remedy of this food adulteration, and Its deleterious effectsupon people, lies with the consumer. ' If cheapness Is demanded as the first requisite, there will be the manufacturer to make the food for the price. The reputable manufacturer could not permit a single adulteration to be made In his article sent to the trade. The trade mark Is the guarantee, and the contents of jar or can must bear out the label. The manufacturer who Is Informed as to the chemical properties, knows that substitutions can be made,but.thls he also knows Is adulteration. The substitution means greater profit, but It means an in ferior article, even more, an article really Injurious to every consumer of H Let the consumer demand first purity in the article wanted, and there willjbe no food adulteration to demand the work of chemists. The consumer will not buy stale vege tables because of cheapness, yet will buy a manufactured product of the same, be cause It is cheaper than some other brand. The rule of demsndtag firttwhole sotnenets, will break up the manufacture of adulterated foods. MAKING POSSIBLE CUSTOMERS V ptBGULAR ONES. . " Every consumer la a possible cuetotner i ' tf every producer, whether the conmumer buys directly from the producer or . . through a - second party,- the mer chant, f'--;",) r ' The ability ito secure Ithelcustomer marks the success of the second party, the merchant, and the meant employed to this end art various. But while there may be many possi ble customers, It by no meant follows .that these postfJ-IUtlet are Inany,degre ajiuWttston':y' .. A customer in .urgent need, of tome article Is a certain customer for some . merchant, but' the many buyers " are created who are dt hr urgent need of TarleWSarflclet dtatfflbf sale! C,i a- &TI thli Wtt1ltt!Ur boyeriiftaY the merchant' mutt tndjaror toattnel to hit store, and when there must have the itq tb &itmjpotyx : .,. Molnayassev. but opportunities t-t nwKtMB tnnl occur ' 11 a pos-wid buyers, who do not i t ti f -'"8 tt tie tne, t .t who toy r-.; ' 's r "3 fa i lively p reseated caa be saade regular ens toners, aot so mack by being Induced to key lha.fiisl time, but through the saas which brought about the first parchaae. Oaetaaana Is honest merit of the ar ticle, both la the price asked and the quality of the article. To attract the customer caa be ac complished through personal sollcita ttoa and advertising, one or both, and It la oaly by real going after trade, through intelligent endeavor, and no better means is known in this day that the use of printers Ink. It Is printers Ink which attracts the possible biyer, and once attracted it is the same medium which makes this buyer a regular customer. The fortunes made, the great commer cial houses created, and ' the men given the first places of honor, attests the value of the means which .came through the use of printers Ink. THE NATIONAL DEBT NOT BUR DENSOME. A debt, either upon the Individual or the country, is not so much a matter of deep concern, if the individual or coun try have resources behind them in the way of available collaterals or earning capacity. It there is not .the earning power be hind, then the debt becomes burden some and onerous, and those having the debt must have a weary existence. Ia the matter of National Debts, the following from the Tradesman will be of Interest. "In 1840 the public debt of the United States was onlv 21 cents per capita. The Mexican war enlarged it so that, in 1352, the per capita burden was un June 0, 1865, the per capita was $76.98. It is now $18.97. The debts of the other nad aatlnna and nun now comn&re Der eanlta. to our decided advantage. The amounts run thus: Russia, $25; Great Britain, $82.55; France, $151. The debt of Prussia is a much heavier burden per head of population than ours. The con sideration in these figures that most gratifies an American Is In the fact that hit country, while Its burden la the Hgfaest, has greater resources of debt Davinar than anv two of its rivals. With quite twelve times the dept-pay- Ing capacity or France, we are caiiea on to pay, per head, only about one-twelfth of the amount, each Frenchman woman and chlld.would contribute to extinguish that republic's bonded obligations. Moreover, we could pay every dollar the republic owes In a single decade, and scarcely feel the presure or taxation it would bring. On the other hand France.s debt steadily enlarges at an average rate of $25,000,000 a year and England has just increased her permanent debt, by reason of the South African war, nearly $400,000,000, and considerably expanded the floating debt. Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo I Lucas County. ) Frank J. Cheney, makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this oth day oi December, A. D. 1886. , A. W. GLASON, seal, f Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Puis are the best. Mitchell In Buffalo. Buffalo, Oct. ?. President Mitchell ar rived here to meet a committee of manu facturers relative to a plan to furnish them coal. M aitland, Fla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co'.Baltl- more.Md. Gentlemen: I have had .Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by variousphyslcians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so read ily as to Liquid Sulphtjb. I think if used properly It is undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema. I have prescribed it foi others with most satisfactory results. I consider it the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regard it as the greatest medical discov ery of the age i- uespecuuuy yours, . W. A. HEARD, M. D. For sale at 7. S. Duffy's. Tbe Gum Earthquake. Manila, Orit. 7. Further details of the esrthqnake on the Island of Guam, say that it was a most severe shock and lasted three minutes and fifty-five sec onds.'-' - f HaytJca Blockade. GenMny hat pronounced the blockade of Haitian ports Ineffective. Nataral Anxiety. ' Mothers regard approaching winter With uneasiness, children take cold so easily. No disease costs : more . little lives than croup. . It's attack Is so tud- deu thai the sufferer h often beyond ha mag aid before the doctor arrive. Such cues yield readily to One Minute Dough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, allay in flammation, removes danger, Absolut ly safe. Aets Immediately. Cures coughs colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and Inns trouble. F. B. McMahoa. Hambtou, G "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just ueiore an oratorical con test I Intended to withdraw but took One Minute Cough Cure.. It restored trv voice In time to win the medaL" F, ?., V j. .... CYNICISMS. Bomaace eometblnjc H make peopie tiaeonteoted. , '- now lnnot4t and aweet a creat baby looks wbea 3 la asleep! Some men who are Jaet oa the verge et being smart spoil everything by some fool hobby or habit" woman hat to ask ber friends" per mlaakw to wear a new style of bat and her husband's permission to buy it . You would be surprised nt learning bow many poor'' there" era in tbe world wbo batue In wathbewis and are still happy. It is bard for tbe men to give satis faction. When they don't talk, the women claim tbey are grumpy, and when they do talk tbe women say they are scolding. Atchison Globe. America's Famous Beauties Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have '.hem, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be fore It.tlt cures sore lips, chapped hands chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c st C. D, Bradhsm's drug store. The Soldiers Fired. Mount Carmel, Oct. 6. Early this morning a crowd of strikers hurled rocks at the Fourth regiment encamped here and the sentries vollled several times in the direction from whence the missels came. Lookout For Fever. Biliousness and llver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing tbe system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Those famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, but copiously, and by reason of tbe ton ic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. F. S, Duffy. The New Orleans Strike. New Orleans, La., Oct. 7.-8trikers mobbed the cars manned by non-union men this morning. Wires and ropes were cut and the cars boarded. Non union motormen were badly cut amidst the rioting. OASTO TT. JT. . Bean n yf m Mr- uo nan mwafs Scotch Coal for America. Glssgow, Oct. 7. All the svailable anthracite has been sold for shipment to America at three dollars and nlnotysix cents per ton. The Best Prescription for BalarU. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no psy. Price 50c. Alleg:ed..Dyriamitins-. Shenandoah, Oct 7. Mrs. Knklswlck, of Brownsville, called at Gen. Gobin's headquarters and reported that her home was dynamited this morning. Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid Sul phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will cure Prickly beat, Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The Operators Discussinf. New York, Oct. 7. The operators of the coal carrying railroad met here to day at the office of President Baer to die cuss the strike situation. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff. and all'skln diseases. For 'sale at F. P. Duffy's. Boston Has Coal. Boston, Oct 6. Thirteen schooners and several coal barges from shipping ports arrived here yesterday. It is es timated this coal fleet will add to the coal on hand In this city and vicinity, 30,000 tons, most of this being soft ooal. Beanths "jf IM 'w " Always BOUgW BlgMtot of 17 Mines Open. Clarksbug, W. V. Oct. 6. Seventeen mines jvere opened and fully four thous and miners resumed work this morn lug. Princess to Enter Convent. Brusells, Oct. 8. It la stated on good authority that Princess Clementine Is so affected by King Leopold's treatment of Queen Stephanie she has told tbe King she intends to enter a convent TOD MOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula It' plainly printed on every bottle showing that , it Is simply iron and quinine la a tasteless orm. No core ao pay. Price 5ac In the, form 'of. the foot ther eexes flitter na much or even more than in that of the handjAlwoman'i foot to usually narrower in proportion than a man's, while his will ber considerably stronger in the ankle and mora power-' ful la the formation of the toes, espe cially of the bnll of the great toe, Vheri a woman owns a strong, firm, wide-, foot., many of Ut experience per- hpa;B tentarlon f surprise at' flnd- irig her "strong minded." When tf man triDe alona upon a delicate little foot. people ftistinctSvely believe him to be lacking in power and or lea put him down at effeminate, Exchange. x. 4 Prickly heat cured in one application by Using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also eureEctma, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff,. Cuts, Burns, 014, Sores; and all skin trouble ra a short time, when used sa directed. ; For ir,' at F. 8. Duct's Drug Store. ' 1 (EllS'S PRGPHECT. Democracy t Hifk Water" Mark . This Year . .,," f . i la Nerta Carellaa. Mat J. Placet Waat PrltehanirCralg Dixit- siea. State Greats Twe Charters Goveraer . Asked Fer a ' Fardoa. Raleigh, Oct. 7. Locke Craig of Ashsville arrived here today aad said tie would leave In a few hours for Statet vllle, where tomorrow he and Senator Pritchard begin the second series of their joint discussions, which will end Saturday at Aahevllle. Mr. Craig said he was well pleased with the Joint canvass. I Requests have come from perhaps a dozen counties, asking that there be a joint discussion between Pritchard and himself, hut he does not think any of these invitations will be accepted. He says his health la good, despite prophesies that he would break down. He says the largest au dience st any of the discussions was at Pittsboro and that tbe best arguments were made at Fayettevllle. There was no finer audience than at Raleigh, but here neither speaker was at hit Crsig wbea asksd about this year's vote said the outlook could not be bet ter for the Democrats and added "Dem ocracy will reach Its blgh-wster mark in North Carolina this year." Speaking of the canvass In the 10th Congressional district, which many Democrats con sider, nr have considered doubtful, he declared his firm belief that Gudger, Democrat will carry it, and said that in the joint discussion with Congressman Moody, his Republican opponent, Gudger was admitted to be the win ner. A charter was granted by the State today to the Lick Patent Medicine Com pany of Winston-Salem; also a charter to the Hicks Wholesale Company, oi Wilmington, capital $13,000, R W Hicks owning practically all the stock. Among today's arrivals were Stephen Mclntyre, and R. E. Lee, of Lumberton; J. C. Braswell of Whltakers. Governor Aycock is being petitioned by some persons to pardon a white man who was covicted of lpperaonatlng a woman's husband and bo deceiving her that he spent the night with her, but it is not probable that the Governor will grant a pardon. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which Is mak ing so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, by oleansioK and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., writes: "For a number of years I was troubled with In; digestion and dyspepsia which grew into the worst form. Finally I was In duced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from! indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat . S. Duffy. White to go to Rome. Washington, Oct. 7. The President has decided to appoint Henry White, Secretary of tbe United State! Embassy at London, Ambassador at Rome. Supreme Court Opinlons.r Special to Journal. Rauioh, Oct. 7. Supreme Court filet following opinions. Cook vs Bank from Dare, petition Jto rehear allowed. Norfleet vs Baker from Bertie, eQrm- ed. House vs Railroad, from Franklin, new trial' " M Loftln vs Hill, from Lenoir, new trial. Thompson vs Ext-n from Wayne n error. " - ' ' v- Arnold vs Dennis from Harnett new trial. ' ' ': Page vs Ins Co. from Harnett, no er ror. -; Perry vs Bank from Johnston error. ; Baker vs Cotton Mills from Wake, per curiam, rfflrmed " ' ,; Tadorvs Wilson, from Wske.plalntiff appeal docketed and dismissed under rule. ;" '" "- - ' ' I . FortyiYears Torture. , j To be relieved from a ' tortarlng Jdb ease sfter 40 years' torture might well cause the gratitude, of anyone. That it what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva,-O, He tays: "DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve cured me of piles after I had suffered 40 years. Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin dis eases. Beware of - counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. y,', ' 'A 1 ' i , Made a Pillar of Flame of imselt , Sedalla, Mo. Oct. . D. : W. Bpicer, a native of Watertown, N. Y , poured k gallon of oil on his clothing, and, going Into a paaturs lot, tet the oil oa fire. , la a moment he was a pillar of flame, aad at was burned to a crisps t rt,i - , t laws. ,m tif Out of Death's ' "When death seemed' very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, ha' I had tuffered with ' for ears writes P, Mtfse, Durham; N. C' ' Dr King's HitW Life Fills saved my life and gave perfect health," Best pills on earth and hnly IRe at O D Bradhsm's drug store.5 : .f.;(t.;,tt'.l I ill ill I" 'I' 'HI,, .f- -'i 'j Upton's Third Challeofe. ' London, Oct. T. Sir Thomas LIpton't third challenge for the America's cup was signed ibis afternoon at Belfast Ireland, by the Offlcisls of the Royal TJ1 ster Yacht Club. Hon. Charles Russell representing Llpton. ' ' LIGHT BEGINS TO DAWK. Itb Bcllcvet The Blfflctttlts Bctveca ' Miners aid jpacraiort Will be : ( AsjMted'By LetisJa- V floa. Special to Jottrnat ' j WlutiMVnM, i Oct' 2 T. Aaawsrlng president Mitchell's, appeal, coal miners voted today to hold oat for terms. v RootwveH 'requested Mitchell ' to use influence to tndnce minora to go to work with ptotalae of eornfrbsioa to in vestigate grievance and further promise that the President will urge Congress to adopt legislation la accordance with recommendation of commission. . ! MARION BUTLER'S BROTHER Nominated for Congress by Republicans la Third District. Special to Journal Raleigh, Oct 7. George W. Butler, brother of ex-Senator Marlon Butler, is nominated for Congress by the third district Republicans aad endorsed by Populists. NiwYoas, Oct 7.-Marca sold 8.60 during the morning, hut after that ruled rather steady. The factors continue against the market particularly Wall street developments and Improved weather. This condition of thtnp left January very weak That month ap peared to be under pressure most of the day. The January accumulation seemed to be selling but there was not much marktt for cotton, owing to the fact that manipulation had driven trade out of that month. It's difficult to get rid of mnch'Janusry without breaking that month. This morning March seemed steady, while January appeared weak. Weather is more favorable and thts will Influence sentiment The break In stocks Is not very encouraging, but while these factors operate for irregu larity and uncertainty, the situation does not appear to us to have changed materially. A Spring month should be worth more and a purchase should show a profit Would call attention to the Importance of the Insight figures for next S or S weeks. In 1806 and 1809 the maximum movement was reached before the middle of October and for this reason the crop this year it expect ed to depend on the week of the largest figures. If this week or next test the large figures of the season, and from that time on receipts diminish ever to little, there will not be to much of a break. Profit taking on advances Is likely to return the most money at pres ent. . Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest telling article I have In my store," writes druggist O. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky. "is Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, because It si ways cures. In my tlx years of sales it has never failed. I have known It to save sufferers from Throat and Lung diseases, whooould get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on It best phy sicians prescribe It, and C. D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. -Reg. sizes, 50c and 1. ' ' m The G, A. R. encampment it in pro gress st Wtshington, President Roose velt will not be able to revle withe pa rade. W. R. Hearst, editor of the New York Journal and American was nominated for Congress by the Democrats of the 11th district of New York lut week, An unsuccessful effort was made Monday morning to lynch Calvin Elliott a colored prisoner In tbe Liaeoloton jail. The entire state militia of Pennsyl vania hu been called into service to control the striken. ' The September ralnt In Australia were not sufficient to counteract the effects of ft. i)nnl tM ' ' ' The Street Car' Company's; employees of New Orleans are out on a ktrtke and there are no can moving. ' . The followers of Wv J. Bryan in Con- nectlcut are dissatisfied with the Demo cratic nomlnatloni made ' few weeks ago and writ bolrthe ticket 5 is -t'rif ,.;.!-, .i-". tift! We would Ilka to ask, through the col umns of your paper, if there ia any per ton wbo hat used Oreen't August Flower for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles that has not been Cured and we alto mean their results, inch st sour ' ttomach, ' fermentation of food, habitual cost! venesa, nervous dyt pesia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness In fact, any trouble con nected with the ttomach or liver I Thit medicine hat been sold for mant yeara la all civilized countries, and we wish to cor respond with yoa and send yotf-oaeof our books free of cost If yon never tried Aocrust Flower, trv one bottle first We have never known of Its falling. If to something more serious it the matter wttn you. ask your aruggisv r v , , O. G. QnntMt Woodbury, N. J. Bread Goes .up .5 -Philadelpha, Oct At i result of the coal famine the price of bread" Was ad vanced twenty-fl v to thirty-three - per eem. over the city today. " ' : , -f, iim 1 11 1 W -mi xs OAOTOXIZA. hsh-j TiSa!iittlMttf BTgastsit f jt- Jr Tho Japanese loan ; of 123,000.000 wQ ba Isined at . .- s '' IP Yfffr"lt n'MdMonWaMtytsUs '. Ir llM t..LLrti taws toto riaa halt foil of wara4 , with this gargls yoat throat oft it witt c,uicfcly care a fctgre Throat, f , Keep this s fact always freeh In your memory: t y For Cuts, Hashes and all Open Sores, yoa need only to apply ' Mexican ffostan inirnenf 1 "'''.''.'. 1 a few times. and the eorcnesa and Inflammation will be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. ' To get the best results you should saturate a piece of soft clotlt wifli the Enlment and bind it upon the wound as you would a poultice. 33c, 60c and 91.00 a bottle. KEEPAMEYEONK diseases among your fowl use Or Mil ft Mis to O. TDUBaarlte.. JoIt SS. 1878. Da. a J. Morrvrr my UTMrleno. with nunullnl nalkilM. TKKTHIMA. Cm UUU ilrL hut tklrtxa aoalhl old. kai kit mack tropkhstMUiDC. Starr Nawdf ni axhaurMS la lha aaaaa pnaorlpUoat froai famllr paraklaaa, Uar aawaU coSUaaed ta paaa off para blood and burn lag fanr aoatlaaad far aara at a Hom. Bar Ufa vaa alaioat daipalrad of. nw BMiaar oaurailnad to try TKKTHI K A, aad ta a lhabo.u mra rafular, and thaaka lo TKtTUIN A, loan, ate., 11. w. THE PRICE TELLS ! Some recent sales at the Farmers Warehouse (TJp-town). your good tobacco and we will please you. M. irocK. 24 lbs $12.25. 78 lbs $15.00. 85 lbs $15.50. 21 lbs & $18.60. 40 lbs $18.75. M. GA8KINH. 388 lbs $22.00. ' ' M. EDWARDS 70 lbs $20.C0. 45 lbs $14.25. 22 lbs $17.25. 2S5 lbs $15.50. 67 lbs $29.0). 42 lbs $19.00. J. H. IPOCaT.. 85 lbs $17.50. 181 lbs $15.00. 205 lbs $10.00. C.A.I POCK. 06 lbs $15.00. 44 lbs $17.00. 38 lbs $25.00. 61 lbs $10.50. C. HalBIGHMOltD, Auctioneer. WE ARE FILL ORDERS iot Stoves A full stock of WooJ Ileatersl fect with front feed door. You will find on our floor the kind you want. We are prompt in , putting" them np. f Loo't our stock oyer before placing your orders j J-;'.,s ' - . We carry a cood stock of Sash, Doora, Uliua. liime, cement, riaa- ter, anything you may want In Builders Material. ; Special Black Jack Stove Blacking. " MlJeariugCaatca-d.;,;;; FHONK 1 147. 1 1 9f.i . LvoeFied;' Sale aruf 4 y rff 'ii :,K...-.i 4 r:w .lit- . ,4 yi UUt ft al It ll-r .1, ARGE9T AND 1 t&mmpitMKtMtf aaTA atFl-aaat I'liDaWV""' ,' j'. ( KmW j SlSSlJVSaTaTaTtSBVWtrByaW saaa -i ;,Wl.frflTwi tat sale in this citv. A car load of each lust in. ! Iko a ocrr'Dte lfni pf Buggies, - Wagoru, Harnen, Eobei, WWpa, and at the very first sign of Legs, Bumblafoot or other Mustang Iilnlment. Kexloast J. MOFFtrrT. M. D ST. tOUIS, MO. If t tat Sir! JuUo I oa SmiU that I tkoald gtr roa aj or two taara waa a araal eaaaca-aaw u naa rawaaa Uaa tatUababa la mow dolnc wH. hcivku. aauar aaa rraprmor lamHiia.) nawa. rr!fl.JrfOTr'aCtrii CMlefi-tafulii, l" s DlarrhocA,Dytniery, mA I yr - liV; ill ths Bowel Troubles et Costs OrJ 25 cats at Jki&sts, 3! bring GASKlNS and BR VAN. 100 lbs. $16.75. 19 lbs $32.50. hi bs $1325. 21 lbs $65.00. C. C.IPOCK. 174 lbs $15.00. 145 lbs $17.50. 37 lbs & $16.50 220 lbs $14.25. MRS. MOLLIS O. 1POOK. 15 lbs $70.00. 172 lbs $12 00. 54 lbs $30.( 0. 27 lbs $20.00. 17 lbs $35.00. 7 lbs' $50.(0. C. I'. GABK N3. 88 lbs $10. 10 41 lbs $16.50. 28 lbi $17.00. 21 lbs $28.01. 48 Die 20.W. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, FarmerM Warehouse. Wilson. Heaters, and both are per Gaskilf Hardware Co. i a 1 ivi h:? aa .. m f m I VIM ia - T:i 11:1- K m a 'V '. w,.' ZSSl i a s-'-ll n a.:.i' plies - I !(.. ! . I. .. . mrvi -r-r -- fyr, Nf:Va 1XK8BT STOCK OF ' ti-. m Z ZTJh Broadest. Stewirt'i 014 Stini.

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