6,? f ft 1 M r i H1W BXRH, CRAYIH COUITY, H. C, TUISDAT, OCTOBIB 14, 1902. FIRST SICTIOH. SUMBER 56 COTTOll'Oll si PRESIDENT AGAINST OPERATORS UI Shaw His Msltloa Nalnly Tatsdsy j Operators Unyielding Special to Journal. Wiiibktor, Oct 11. It to Mid that the President attacks tba position of the coal operaton oa the groaad of alleged Charters Granted Mills! Basy Tsar conspiracy la restreJnt;ol Interstate com la Mill Basinets. esad la Jail. LoeeatetiTCs Frsas . . Industry Breaks all Previous State Records. Coal te Woed Bara-' en. Raliq H.Oct 11. The development ot the cotton oil mill basin eas In North Carolina thta year It to great ai to break all record. The capital invested Is twice that pat In cotton mu this year The Slate hat granted charter! that far this year to the following mill: ' Battle- boro, $100,000 capital; Vemer, at Lattk mor 18,600; Farmers at Rich Square, $30,000; Farmers, at Wilson, $100,000; Matnal, at Tarboro, $40,000; Consoiners, at Tarboro, $108,000; Pino Level,- tlO 000; Farmert, at Nashville, $100, 000; St Lewis, Edgecombe county, $15,000; Fre mont, $20,000; ..Dunn, $900,000; Swift Creek, at Wrendale, $15,000. The total capital Is $730,000. , A charter was alio granted to the Farmer Guano Compa ny. of Raleigh, capital $50,000. Charters have so far been granted to the following cotton mills: Oberon, at Graham, capital $200,000; Morehead, at Spiny, $135,000; Htlderbrand, $65,. 000.. . , t Charters have lieen granted the fol lowing hosiery and knitting mills; Eliz abeth City, capital $10,000; Crescent, at Scotland JVeck, $25,000; Blanche, at UUlsbi.ro, $15,000. A charter for a new lodire of Odd Fellows at Kllenhoro Is applied for. Some lime ago Frank Winn, alia Al len, a negro 53 years old, murdered hi nepliow Charlie' Wlun, In Wayne county He was nllowml to give ball In $2500, sold his progeny, and deposited lhat mm with tho rlork of the court, then fled and did not appear when the Case wan called. (Inventor Aycock offered $1 0 rewaiil lur liini. A telegram today from eherllt Cook at i'ayullevllle said -. VYtna was In iall there. Be will be . taken to Goldshnrp for trial. A charter la granted to the Talcum Puff Company of Asheville, with $15,- 000 capital. Tho company will menu . faoiure the Velvet talcum puff and olher toilet articles. , The engines on' the Carolina .Central R. R. are being changed to wood barn ers,and It la probabale that such changes will have to be made on other line in the Slate. Many persons look for a sharp advance in prices of wood. The total enrollment of white children in the public schools at present Is 101, 737.'. Thore will be at least 85 floats In the Industrial parade here on Wedesday of the mate fair. - tare. - He today told Vice-President WUoos of the D 4 H railroad company very plainly that he d(d not consider the mi ners anion a trait The President la expected to show his hand on Tuesday, and the operators must . stand ready to grant conces sions. Secretary Root Is In New Tork and saw J P Morgan today. Tba coal ..operators will confer no more. They still are unyielding. COAL OPERATORS FAIL la Efforts to Get Miners to Work the Mines. Special to Journal. Wim8babrb,Pa.,OcU3 Coal opera tors made special efforts to get miners to work today but failed. The gates of the collerles were opened for the first time In several moaths.Pres. Mltchel and Oistrlc presidents expect a call to Washington tomorrow for another conference with President Roosavelt. IS TO M615TRATI0H- Specvlatloi as to Hornier NerToes Reflsterinf. County Commissioners Proceedings. Harris, wb ogiesby. wt Donn,jJ Laaalter, K L Thornton, I A. wtuis, s a Parker, John O Whitly, H B Holland, Pou's Election Conceded. Special to Journal. RALKion, Oct. 13. Republicans failed today to meet here to nominate a candi date for Congress against Pott and cou cedn the latter's election. Slgna'.nt -o. k 'i: .ct x . I;iu KiiV ''in IU ikm .to TRENTON. Oe.i. 11. Miss Jennie Monk Is visiting her brother, Dr. H. G. Monk. Mr. Jno. R. Barker, who has been at tending Trinity College, returned home laul night. Storm parties have been all the rage for the past week or two, Several new pianos have come In Iran ton this week! The old ones are being etchanged and some of them are being placed In other homes of the town, Quite a number of young people are haying their "beauty" struck.. The photographer has been very busy this week. The camera has been tested so others need not be afraid. i Mr. Herbert Barbour, of Swanaboro Is la Treutou working at the carpenters trade. .Trust he will be successful in his undertaking. There was a hustling business carried on In Trenton yesterday. ' The trade is increasing. There .was right much cot ton on the market, and It was a very . good price." Trenton ! a fine cotton market. 1 1 - A new part Is being pat on the ware house which belongs to the steamer Howard. They need more room to store the goods. Market Letter on Cotton. i - By private wire, J. E Iditham & Co. Nsw York, On. 13 Considerable pressure this a. m. and prices lower at one time than all last week. January broke and March, sold at 8.41. Each op tion sold a point lower than before this month. Wall St conditions are Sgainst the market and the strike continues' The strike Is now the main factor, If it was not for this, cotton would sell higher. As long as this lasts It will tend to prevent purchasing by consdnv ers, as well as by speculators, as there Is little Inducement to bay and take the risk. The market will be here all the season and we think that theVe Wlll be more advantageous times to trtj than ue present, onoura tae striae oe sewsu there would bean Immediate advance Ot coarse the fine weather Is helping the crop Immensely. ; The Chronicle states, that in a special Investigation Us correspondents report better condition! than prevailing In early September, and taken a a whole, better than last year. Many people from the 'Sooth say the crop will be larger than ' last year with late frosts. We are also Inclined to take this view. We are likely to have a crop of 10,500,000 this year, bat while this makes for uncertainty this Fall a crop of that size will not meet consump tion demands. For this reason we ad here to oar position on tho market la the long ran, bat regard immediate such an uncertain quantity that we would only bay on breaks. , i Crop Estimate. State Charter. Sa rem CearV Dreamers Ssy Baslacsa; Is (reed. Ceal Faatlae Catenas Pen ile IiitlUtteM. Raines, Oct It-Waile It to the view of such democratic leaden as Chalimia Simmons that the negro vote this year will be perhaps 11,000 Of t0,000, some persons express a very positive belief that It will not exceed 10,000. In some sections of the Bute some registrars are following what maybe termed a policy of exclusion of negro voters. This Is reprehended by Chairman Blnunons,who says it is really very rare. Ha says more negroes "wlH register under the grand father clause than Was expected. Those who can thus register are the deoeadentt of free negroes who could vote prior to 1835, those who have white mothers and those who are descended from negroes who prior to 1807 ia which they were qualified to vote. Chairman Simmons says the registration will be fairly heavy It will of be coarse larger than the vote. He urge Democrat to get as full a reg istration as possible and after that Is done to get as large a vote as possible There are persons who say that the smartest thing the negroes could do would be not to register or vote at all; that this would allay practically all the feeling against them, which arises oat of politics and their use of the franchise. It Is said by some cotton growers that the crop In this section will be as much 80 per cent. John 8. Cunningham says the tobacco crop will reach tnat figure. A charter Is granted by the State to the Atlas Table Company ot Lexington capital $10,000. - The Supreme Gonrt will this week hear arguments In appeals from the 8th dls. trlct. Commercial travellers say that basi net Is very good, particularly la eastern North Carolina, in the tobacco region, where more money Is In circulation than ever before and where along all lines there Is prosperity. A great many people and public insti tutions too are caught in the grip of the coal famine. The government bolldlag here has no coaL There Is a contract to famish It, but the contractor can not get the coal. There was neglect to pat this la early in the summer. The State tobacco-growers association will hold Its annual meeting hereon Thursday of the State Fair and Its president says he expects a great attendance. rfjjhe last arrivals at the penitentiary itt Joe Cole, Jr., and Charles Ferguson, alias Thompson, accessories to the mur der, ef road muter Steven on a S. A. L, train. 'They get 80 years. The Board of Commissioners met tt 10 o'clock a. m. Oetober Sth 1901 at the Court house la New Bern It being the regular session fit said Board' Present Commissioners Jones, Baxter, Wadsworth, Wood aadFulcher. Ordered that Poll tax listed to W. B. Lewis In No. S township be corrected so as to show only one entry It having been listed twice. Ordered that sheriff be Instructed to list the Henry G arris land near vance- boroNo. 1 townahlb and collect the taxes on same and back taxes Ordered that the item under head of all other property of 800 listed to C. 8, Mlley and Co. be stricken from the list on account of error and 68 acres ot West land valued at .60 be added to his said list. . " . Ordered that Ellas Belangla be allow ed to lit his taxes with the Register of Deeds on payment of the proper fee. a. Wootea or Ho. a f New Tobk, Oct 11. It begins to look as though factors oatslde of the sit uation were of more Importance for the time being, than the cotton factor, Itself. One mast recognize this fact and make the best of It. However bullish we may be there Is no getting around the fact, that the coal strike grows more and more serious each day. If coal cannot be had to run mills, and mills are obliged to shot down In a great many cases, it Is manifestly oat of the ques tion to expect mills to bay cotton, that cannot bo used. As long astheftrike Is on, and It looks far from a settlement, the market will be Influenced by It In Liverpool the purchase of a large block of cotton advanced prices four points, Feveral new buildings are being erected I bat here, after the opening at 8.61 for on the place ot Mr. James Redmond.and thlnga are being changed around which adds greatly to the looks of the place. There are a few cases of diphtheria In the ooanty, but they are getting along alright so the Doctor says. We trust however that it will not spread. 7 Mr. P. W.i Foacue to the registrar of Trenton precnot. He ha refused sev- - Jf'eral negroes registering, and they 1 seemed to be sad and somewhat "palled up. Trenton , w a greeted this morning with a 'nice rain. H lasted until tea . o'clock. - v" : 'v"4 A" .' March and May the slumpted 6 to 7 points. whole market ' A StaartUu BCeet. 1 "Was that an earthanake lastnlfhtr' tnautred the guest of the noueeaolaV "Did rou hear it? We hoped TOU wouldn't,? said the polite hostess, "id see,, we have a cooen visiting as fftsa Chicago. She was at a rtancUis; pert? bvstntght and came hi ratherlate, and IVthlnWete moat have dropped one of heishleTetowkanDeeW. 4 Dlda't Cava to(Cw,.". f Laffsn I've tot a njw conondroia. The county candidates are canvassing I Do yoa know why I em like a mole tbecouBty snaking "big speeches''; at with a Sore head? Ji TTirtou, placet it different times. They speak at Tuckahoe the 95th. Hon. O. R Thomas, the candidate for Congress, ; will be with them, o -t V ': The correspondent at Merrimon who ignshisnam "Grit" wishes to, know . of the whereabouts of . "Pluck", . this ' place. In reply will say that Plack to still in the land ot the living, and Is not ready to die yet. Tho' the Items bar been absent, It's no exoase that h couldn't stand to see a hen fifth t. Can Qrotat-tfo; I know yoa arei bot dont know why you are. r CWcflfo .;-f uta auua. -'' 4 f t-j De cow klok 6e milk over kue she ain't got no sense, en folks Stan' ttnte en cry Dout it kase Qey in a same n sa 0e cow. Atlanta Oonstltutloa. . CASTOniA Tor Infant aci CLi 'ran. ' f)stBd most anything.? Wpndcrf what . sm-j y. t , p..i Grit could stand to see? If Grit wants to u ilmg mud, or debate, Pluck Is ready at I ars the ' , ' " ," anytime. rtrjcK. r -Cff W P M Bryan. No. 0 township John N Pate, M W Carmon. The Board proceeded to draw a jury to serve at a term ot Superior Court to be held on the 11th Monday after the 1st Monday In September, It being tl.e 17th day of November 1003. No. 1 township O B Stubbs. Andrew Jackson, David Tripp Jr. No. 3 townshlp-Geo B Wiggins. No. 8 township T R Moore. No. 8 townshlp-D M Roberts, S W Willis, Graham Daves, John Humphrey, R E L Rose, J H Herritage, Ira L Cosby G A Atkinson, J H Ipock, E J White Sr James M Harrison, James II Simmons, D F Atkinson. Board took recess. Board met at 10 o'clock on October 7th 1908 pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners, Jones, Wads- I 1 .V.t D ' TT.r . North, BaxtenFnIcher and Wood. wwnaup rr,"" Mr.T.CDanlela. manager for Elks ine ciera oi uiis ooaru uu u u, yiv perty. Oa motion it Is ordered that Thomas Dixon, A. Hall, G. W. Hay, Mrs. Boes ar.Tork Hill and Isaac Asklnbeal lowed to list their property on payment of the proper fee to the Register of Deeds. Ordered that Ellas Mitchell be allow ed 5 davs rations for 3 persons each month he being blind. Board took recess. Board mot at 8 o'clock p, m. October 6th 1903 pursuant to recess. Presect Commissioners JJones, Baxter, Wadsworth, Wood and Fulcher, The report of the County Treasurer waa on motion accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. Renort of D. L. Roberta. Treasurer of j Craven county for September. General Fund. Sept. 1. To bal. Sept. 1. To Jas W Blddle Sept. 1. To KR Jones " 0. To D L Ward 30. To bal. Sept. 30. By vouchers Interest Aciomit. Oct. 1. By bal. Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 30. By bal. Oct. 1. To bal. To bal. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Hall Oaine,' with his wife and daughter sailed from London Saturday for New Tork. Sir Oonan Doyle haa declined to stand as a Liberal Union candidate In Central Rdlnbnrg. Labor anions In Butte, Mont., have raised $3000 for the striking anthracite miners of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia" was .chosen yesterday for the next annual convention of the Grand United Order , of Odd Fellows, colored, Mayor Tom Johnson will pitch two tents, holding 10,000 persons, In the pub He square of Cleveland, O. for campaign meetings ' The United States government has paid $30,000 to Cuban government in settlement of Its financial account Mr. L. P. Taylor and daughter who won notoriety by kiauapping eiiv.ie girl land taking her to Italy and who were subsequently sentenced to a term ot years la the Ohio State prison, have been pardoned by Gov. Nash. Lacehent the Anarchist assassin of the Empress of Austria, to hopelessly lu- sana. - - i ; .-"v- , ;: I , Miners of district No. 1 at Scranton Pa. receive 160.000 weekly since the strike was Inaugurated. , ' . to President Roosevelt hu promised be at Memphis, Tenn November 10. ; All telegraph messenger boys lnGln clnnatt, O, went on strike Friday. The first hard frost of the fall In Nor. them New Tork hu been reported. : Premature explosion of dynamite at Poortman Shoals,. O. killed one man aod terribly lajured three, . : ' A oomblne of wholesale grocers of the United States to being formed according to reports from Bt Leu Is, Mo. Mat! and baggage handlers at the Ter- mlnal Station, 8t Louis. Mo went on strike yesterdsy for higher wages. Fence, No. 1. To bal. To Jaa W. Blddle Fence, Mo, 3. Speelal Bridge Fund. 1,651 95 1,651 95 1,651 95 86 88 20 29 61 22 87 51 87 61 87 51 20 83 139 62 Fines and Penalties. Sept. 1. To bal. 4. To W, B H Blandford 9. To 8 11 Street 10. do D. L." ROBERTS, Treas. Craven Co. Ordered that the report of the audi ting committee be accepted and spread upon the minutes, ! New Bern, N. O. Oct. l.v To The Board of Commissioners or Craven county. Gentlemen: Carnival appeared before the Board and stated the Carnival shows were for charitable purposes and asked that no tax be levied In accordance with the law which exempts shows for charitable purposes and on motion of Commissioner Baxter the said request was granted and it Is ordered that no tax be collected, Ordered that C. E. Moore be relieved ot the double tax on his delinquent property in No. 8 townBhip on account of error of list taker. Ordered that Hawks properity on Grit fith street be listed at Its last valuation for a period of three years and sheriff be instructed to collect single tax on same for tax years and property be relieved by the county. Ordered that Nora Jarvis be allowed to come before the clerk and list her property which Is on the delinquent list in 8th township. Ordered that W. D. Barrlngton be al lowed to list his property before the clerk. On motion the county attorney is dl rected to investigate the matter of all persons falling to give in Income tax where liable in accordance with letter received from corporation commissioner and report to this Board, Applications for the position of wood Inspector were presented by Chas. M Eehoe, Sam'l M. Howard and E. W, Dickinson. A vote being taken it was found that Sam'l M. Howard received votes, Chas. II. Keuoe 1 vote and E. W Dickinson 1 vote. Whereupon Sam'l M Howard was declared duly elected wood lnsoector for the unfinished term of John W. Boirden. The regular monthly bills were al' lowed. Board took recess. Board met at 3 o'clock p, m. October 7th pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners, Jones, Wads worth. Wood and Fulcher The bond oi sam'l si. uowara, woo a inspector appointed to fill the unexpired term of John W. Bowden was on mo tion accepted and ordered to be recorded ana niea. Commissioners Jones. Baxter, Wads worth, Wood and Fulcher voted to ac cent same. Ordered that the treasurer pay to the chairman an amount not to exceed $300. to be used by him In paying bills now necessary to be paid and such as may be come necessary to bo paid oeiore tne next meetlnc of this Board in the emer gency In the small pox now in the coun ty. uraerea tnat tne cierx oi me ooara prepare fence tax list of No. 7 township ana nave same piacea upon tax uai. On motion uoara adjourned. VDNCCD1ESTEC2 FACTORY LOADED "New Rival" SHOTGUN SHELLS Leader" RepeateV rrn F you are looking for reliable shotgun tm munition, (he kind that shoots where you point your nin, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: aNewtRival,w loaded with Blacl powder; vaLeade and Repeater, loaded with Smokeless. f Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells." and accept , no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM mmiiUiiiiiiiiimiiimmmmiityL FRESH QyMB Floor 1 MjiWi Volgt's Snow Drift, White Frost, and Admiral Just reedbed at J. L McDaniets. .New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Pigs Feet. Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter, fj Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Postum Ceral. Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c lb. Codfish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a flrst-class grocery establishment. Wholesale e& Betall Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. j. l. mm, m bis At Httffi sell S. COPLON'S. Why P Because we GOODS CHEAP FOB CASH. j Below we state a few of our Special Prices on Saturday's and Mon day's. We give you a few prices on domestics : 1 00 Boy's Knee Pants, 1 25 Men's Shirts - . . 100 Men's Shirts - 5 00 Men's Fat Leather Shoes, 2 50ViolKidBhoes '- 3 5Q Men's Boots - -8 00 Ladies Shoes -60c White and Red Flannel 8c 98o 74e 3 97 193 1 98' 8 48 87o MEN'S CLOTHING. $5 00 Worsted Snits - $3 98 10 00 Cassimer Suits - - 7 08 5 00 Men's Pants - - - 8 98 2 50 " " - -1 - 1 98 BOY'S SUITS. $5 00 Suits ... . $427 2 50 Suits 196 EPFor other prices see our large circular. We are strongly recommended everywhere we one and all to examine our stock before buying. Very respectfully, S. COHPIL-Olr, 75 Middle St, next to Gaskill Hdw. Co., tfew Bern, N. C. roam. We invite The Apology Wm SUH Wane. A philanthropic I5ly visited tho asy lum nt Kingston, C8nada,,says Brook lyn Life, and displayed great) Interest In the Inmates. One old man partlcn- We beg to report that we hare audited larly gained her compassion WHAT A BOOST! AST APPRECIATIVE PTJBMC. the books, and 'examined the vouchers and coupons of the County Treasurer foe the ouarter end ne Oct. 1. W e find his accounts correct, snd the differ ent accounts show the following bal ances.' ! General Fund, OTerdrawn 6 Interest account, " Fence, No. 1 has to Its credit Fence, No. 8 " " " " Fines and penalties account has to Its credit . Specie), bridge account has to its credit i We cancelled 290 Touchers paid on ac count of the Gen. Fund; 1 for Fence No. 1, and 1 for Fence No. 8, which we hare turned oyer to the Register of Deeds for safekeeping. Also 69 coupons on ac count Interest which are to be destroy ed. Respectfully submitted, K, R. Jonxs, , H. M. Gboves, "Auditing Committee. Ordered that report of Superintendent of health be accepted and sled. The Board proceeded to draw a jury to aarra at a term of the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases to be he! on the 10th Monday after the 1st Mon day la September, it being the 10th day of November 1902. 20. 1 township Hardy Wlthford, J B Harvey, B F Fulcher, John M Lancaster L K EweU, No. 9 township A 0 Holton, J A Thomas, B H Arthur, Brlce Gasklns, Jackariah Toler, Alfred E Purlfoy, Bryan R Wiley, Fred Belangla. No. 8 township R A Richardson, Jas W Blddle Jr, G H MoOoy, J H White. No. 5 township E O Taylor, Jas T Gilbert : - - ' '- No. 8 township O B Williams. No. 7 township J A Kwell, Harrison Cannes, W J Hardlson No. 8 township Jas W Moore, R A And how long have you been here, my man?" she inquired. "Twelve years," was the answer. "Do they treat you well? "Yea." "Do they feed you well?'r "Yes." After addressing a few more ques tions to him. the visitor passed on. She noticed a broad and broadening smile on the face of her attendant and on asking the cause heard uwlth. conster nation that the old man was noneotn er than Dc Clark, the superintendent She hurried back to make apologies. How successful she was may be gath ered from these words: "I am very, sorry, Dr. Clark. I will never be gov erned by. appearances again." Democrat Appointments. The following appointments have been made for the County Candidates and others. It Is eamesly desired thst all will avail themselves of these opportunt ties to hear the Issues discussed Hon. O. H. Gulon will speak at Dover Saturday October 18th at 11 a. m. 8herlff Jas. W. Blddle snd S. M. Criu son. Esq, will speak at Trulls, Saturday October 18th at 11a.m. R. A. Nona andE. M. Green, Esqrs, will speak at Core Creek, Saturday Oct oberl8th at 11a.m. ; D. L. Ward and Geo. Waters, Esqrs, will speak at yanoeboro Saturday Octo ber 18th at J p. m. Hon. O. H. Guloa and Hon. Larry I. Moore will speak at Ft Barnwell Frl day October 24th at 1 noon. ' E. M. Green, Esq, will speak at Tay lors Store Saturday October 25th at 11 a. m. ' Hon. O. H. Gulon and Hon. Larry I. Moore will speak at Vanceboro Satur day October 25th at 9 p. m. Additional appointments will be made later. - v-;s-- ' HENRY R, BRTANvJR., Chm. Craven County Dem. Ex. Com. B. G. CREDLE, Secty. I i For each we are duly thankful. Someone has defined a compliment as "a thing often paid by people who pay nothing else." 1 Be that as It may, J such definition shall not not deter us from complimenting our public upon its prompt recognition and hearty appre-J ciation of our cash system. Not every public would have done so, because not equally expert in judging values. : In' this connection, let's say It's a downright pleasure to doj ' business under such congenial conditions. No Charging.j No Collecting. No Losses by bad accounts, and everybody! pleased . and QUE BUSINESS GROWING LARGER DAY BY DAY. Wotild Call Yot ,. Special Attention to out SLUMBER ROBES Snowflake Brand, Light, Fluffy, Warm and the most Beau- " "tiful Patterns, ranging in Price from $1.75 to $3.50 each, The Bee Hive, PATTERSON & HILL, 6 LPoUock St, Opposite Episcopal Ckztcb. 7 1 will pay the above reward for the detection and conviction of the party or parties who blew up and rifled the contents of my safe on the night of October 8th, 1902, W,A,tfILCO:T, Oct, 12, 1901 Dover, N O Cotton Drr ::: cnii nc; We have in stock' and to arriv 800 Rolls Cotton bnndlea Cotton Tics. . . Bend us your orders, the lowest. Br-'r-,

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