-ft . r THE WEEKLYrJOURNAL .fataUlsfced, ltTtt , Published ia Two Stetsons, every Tm tT Md Friday, t M Mkldte 8trMt,nMW CHARLF5 L. STEVEN. DITOl UB PBOPBIROK dSSBUBSCRIPTIOll BATE?'. Two Month,.. Cents. ThrwaeMoeths, t.i Ri Mnntha 60 . Twelve Months, ..1100 ONLY n ADVANCE. Advertising rates furnished upon sp plioatkm at tha office, or upon Inquiry by Mall. WThe JOOBMAL U only seat oa pey-in-ad ranee basis. Snbeeribers wUl receive notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an immediate reepooM to notice wurbe; ' appreciated by the JOURNAL' Entered at the PostoffloeHsw Bern A.C. ae aeoond-class matter. Settlei Two.'Frlday Oct 17, 1903 WELCOME TO THE DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY! Tomorrow morning Ootober 15th, the first of the sessions of the Annual Meet ing of the United Daughters of the Con- federacv. of North Carolina, will be held in this city. The Interest in this meeting of the Daughters in New Bern, Is not confined to the local Chapter of the Daughters In this city. The coming here of so many members, representing Chapters of this organiza tion In various sections of this Bute, means a gathering In which all of New Bern It Interested, both in noting the proceedings at the various sessions of this annual meeting, and also In seeing and greeting so many distinguished North Carolina women. New Bern, ever hospitable, will prove daring the stay of the Daughters In this city, how it recognizes and values the coming of the members of the several State Chapters, by Its entertainment of those who come. Already In these columns have been published the names of those who have signified their Intention of attending the meeting, and from this list can be teen how distinguished a gathering may be expected to meet in this city tomor row. In behalf of the citizens of New Bern, the Journal welcomes the Daughters, and trusts their visit here will be all and more than anticipated, in the cor dial reception given the visitors, and In the pleasure and enjoyment which our friends and guests receive while in this city THE FACTS ALWAYS BEST. It hat been always the opinion of the Journal, that the facts regarding local conditions, should be given the public. This relates to the conduct of county and municipal affairs, and such state ments concerning matters directly af fecting the tax payer and every citizen's interest. Not least among local matters, Is that appertaining to the sanitation and health of the community. A matter of immediate concern, is that relative to the small pox situation in Craven County and New Bern. Oa this point the Journal has believ ed in inch publicity as was necessary to protect this community and outside com munltles, from this disease. Exaggerated stories matt go forth when attempts are made to conceal any local disorder. Booh stories have been tent from here daring the past lew days, and at thlt It the first opportunity iven the Journal, it publishes in the local columns such -facta oa the small pox situation at art possible to be learned, and they are pre sented, at have previous seportt on this tubject, and as future Onea will be, at ' coming from those in authority, & j WiU tat local conditions presented tn W 1 tbej, true light, all stories should come ; ; from the facta In the case, and not be taken from that too susceptible and unreliable source, street ' oorner got- i Tbt situation la therefore -givent and will continue to be, whenever new facts present themselves necessary for the public notice. .J j :Bt TBE HA11ER OF REGIS- r V'' '"' "TRATION." . it . Lett than ten days remain In which very on must be registered In order, to 1 rU ablt ud entitled W vote In theelec- lion pn November ilh. ST'o vote U a. matter of cltitenshlp. It ltusxpresslon of the citizen on ques tions which shall govern him, the eitl '. socially,- religiously and' commer ,e "v. ;v'.' : :C-7 1 It it tn expression of how the citizen . T"Ji his In-rs tr.sfle, how Lis taxes are U ta r ...' J, i- l t " h both of u adjustment of hit social aid business Ufa. A.a anUraly aew regiilratloa it Defer Ue peoptaof North Carolina tali yen. The books wffibeopea for a few days longar, selll October SSth, when tot baring registered will mean that Ihoet having failed tn thladnty, will not be admitted to rote oa November 4th. Because t dllzen may hue voted re cently, meant nothing Just now. A new reglatratloa mutt be made to make evtry oat entitled to rote, a voter. The Consthntiosal Amendment goes Into operation, hence the present neces sity for the entire new registration. Failure to register in time means lost of the elective franchise on November 4th., and the loss, the Inability to vote, will be the fault of the man who does not comply with the law in the matter, and complying, reglsUr. Btati or Ohio, Citt or Toledo Lucas County. I Fbadk J. Chkhet, makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cbknct & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will psy the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Bworn to before me and Subscribed In my presence, thls6lh day of December, A. D. 1886. . A. W.GLASON, i seal. I Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.), Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Rut the Example lie Eipeeled. The master of n Glasgow school wa:i presiding ever the roudt:is lesson when the child, whoso turn it was to read. came across the word "hireling. What Is a 'hireling V" asked tho teacher. The boy thought for a moment or two and then replied, "I don't know.' The question was uest propounded fo the entire class, with a like resmt. The master then explained the mean ing of the moid as lucidly as be cajld and at the tooclusion or his expiana tkBVrepeftted the question. 'Please, sir," replied the Doy ad dressed, "you're a hireling; you're paid to teach us." Scottish American. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which is mak lng so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, by cleansing and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind Of f5or, rich blood that makes you feel good til over. Mrs, Cranflll. of Troy. I. T., writes: "For a number of yean I was troubled with in digestion and 'dyspepsia which grew Into the worst form. Finally I was in duced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cured. I', heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from Indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat. F. 8. Duffy. Dined by Kins:. London, Oct. 13. United States Am bassador Choate, Adjutant General Cor bla and Generals Wood and Young were the guests of King Edward this after noon at a luncheon given in honor oi Lord Kitchener. His Life In PerlL "I just seemed ,to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a harden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit ten, bat that worked wonden. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained in ttrength and enjoy hard work" They give vlgoront health and new life to weak, sickly, run-down people. Try them. Only 50c at C D Bradhsm's drug ttore. Pseudo Labor Paper. Potteville, Pa,, Oct. 18. Over .100,000 copies of the pseudo labor paper, the International Reform - Labor Leader, containing an attack on President Mit chell were tent into thlt region yester day, The mlne-woikers, acting under the direction of their leaden, did not remove the papen from the railroad sta tions. -': :' y f Prickly heat cured in one application by ualng of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also curefEczema, Fetter,! Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Boret," and all skin trouble In a abort time, -when ated as directed. ' For tale at F. a Duffy't Drag Store, ? a Teacher Could Not SpclL Lexington, H. O, Oct 11. One of the negro teachers in the colored graded school i was denied registration oa ac count of kit inability to correctly wrlte the Constitution. Hit spelling tu something" terrible. For Instance, it spelled Supreme Court, "Serpream Cote." '-, 5 Forty Years Torture. To be relieved from a torturing dis ease after 40 years' torture might Well cause the gratitude of anyone. That Is What DeWItfs Witch Hazel Salve old for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He "DflWltt't Witch Hazel Salve cared toe of pilot after, I had raff end 40 yean.!: Caret cats, burnt, wounds, skin dig etset. Beware of! counterfeits. -F. ri Duffy. -; .; t.Uff Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal. " Ralxioh, Oct. 14th.--6apretM Court filtd the following opinions today. ' , Martin Tt Bask, from Cumberland, atw tileL Xfclemaava Howell, from Colnmbus, no error. Brlnkleyvs Smith, from Columbus, aew trial. Jones yt R. R., from Cam bet land, er ror. Hoase Tt House, from Wake, rever ted. Arrlngton vs Arrlngton, from Wake, error. Whltefield vs Garrls, from Wsyne, af firmed. Flanner vs Butler, from New Hanover affirmed In both appeals. Savage vs Davis, from Edgecomb,in plaintiffs appeal no error and In defen dants sppeal, error. Lewis vs Lumber Co., from Pitt, no error. The following were disposed of by per curiam order Carroll vs Telephone Co. from Wake affirmed: Rosemond vs Railroad, from Wake af firmed. McQueen vs Falrley, from Robeson, affirmed. Gibson vs Gilmer, from Guilford, sf i firmed. Wlthrow vs Oallert, from Rutherford, affirmed. Hazzard vs Lyman, from Buncombe, affirmed. Natural Anxiety. Mothers recard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily. No disease costs more little lives than croup. It's attack is so sud den that the sufferer Is often beyond ha man aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, allays in flammatlon, removes danger. Absolute ly safe. Acts Immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical con test. I intended to withdraw but took One Minute Cough Care. It restored my voice In time to win the medal." F, 8. Duffy. To Employ 10,000 Men. Newport News, Va., Oct. 11. Owing to the large amount of work at the ship yard, and the contract for the Louis iana, the force at the yard will be In creased to 10,000 within a month, If the men can be secured. Electric Light Plant. Fayettevllle, N. C, Oct. 11.-Work is going on In the construction of the power-house for the electric street light lng plants, the contractors for which are the Richmond Engineering Company using the electric machinery and sup plies of the Fort Wayne Electric Works Company. Boers Arrived. Paris, Oct. 13. Generals Botha.Dewet and Delarey arrived early today. Sena tor Paul! at and Proboer were on the committee which received them at the station. America's Famous Beauties Look with horror on Bkln Eruptions, Blotches, Bores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vsnish be fore It. fit cures tore Hps, chipped hands chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at O. D, Bradham't drug store. Railroad Appointments. Forth Worth, Tex., October 11. H, Morris, acting auditor of the Rock Is land system, has been appointed tuperln tendent of transportation of the St Louis fair by President D- R. Francis, of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.' ; Lookout For Ferer. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers: Those famoui little pills do not gripe. They move the ' bowels gently, bat copiously, and by reason of the ton ic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. F. 8, Daffy. Bmrlj Ummm.- ln early firearms guna were made by hand and with great care from one strip bent round a mandril and edgee welded. . ' ''.Booh Haaa. A royal folio hat a page 10 by U inches; a royal quarto, 12ft by 10; a royal octavo, 10 by 6; a 12 ma, 7 by 4; a 24 mo, 5 by 2; a 82 mo 4 by 2t a 48 mo, 8 by 2. ; , General Nord In Retreat Cape Haytlen, Haytl, October 11. General Nord, was minister of the pro visional government, hat ben defeated and It In retreat TOO KlfOW WHAT YOU 'ARBhrAtlflG When yon take Grovet 'Taatefest OhOl Tonic, because the formula; it plainly printed on every bottle Ihowlng that it i, Is limply Iron and quinine In a tasteless ore. No cure no pay. Price OSo. In ladlu uiut fcouiU America there la aid to be it miuuII trw known at tbe "aorrowfui tre" which beufs tweet scented flowers tlmt "bloom only in tbe bJghtflmu and tall off at ; break of day." v.-1" - '- P l.t ; The Best Frescn-lon fir KSalaria. ChUli and Fever It a bottle z ofQnoTi't T..LEr,s Chill Tohio. t Ii ' Js-i simply Loaaid oa'.:ne la a t:.;tc!c3rform. Ko Batista lJ9 ,:, eilllGH 1 Crops Show Great Improvement Dnrtnr Past Month. . ;jr SUte Charter. Mixed Political Sei- thaent Reward Far Marderer -" Timber Land Cate. Ban tlstt Iacreaslag Im . Naaber. ' Scbtel , farelaeaV .. . . Raliiob, Oct. 14. A charter was granted by the Bute today to tba Cape Fear Rice Company, which will operate a rice mill at Wilmington. The capital stock la, 1200,000, and the stockholders are H. Burton Anderson, John H. Gore and Jas. W. Bneeden. The Bupreme Court today took up the 8th district appeal docket Among the attorney! here are J G Hhaw, G M Rote, H L Cook, Fayettevllle; J A Lockhart, H H McLendon, Wadesboro; J Vf Keer- ans, Charlotte; N A McLean, Lumber- ton; L D Robinson, ; John T Bennett, Wadesboro; N J Adams, Carthage; John D Bhaw, Jr., Laurlnburg. ' Politics appears to be mixed. Ia most sections there is apathy, but la some there Is Interest. For example John A Lockhart said today: "There It no political Interest la oar section, peo ple are attending to business;" while W J Adams laid, "There is nothing but politics in my county." The prediction Is made by some Dem ocrats that the party will carry all the counties save 10, and will make gains in these. The murderer Frank Winn of Wayne county, who was trailed and cap tared by hit nephew was taken at Fay ettevllle. There is $250 reward and pact of this an amateur detective claims. The detective had another motive also, for the man murdered was hit brother. A lawyer was here yesterday to see about the claim for part of the re ward. It Is not denied now that tho crops In this State are much better than was ex pected 30 days ago. The farmers are In good spirits and have recovered from the worries due to the crop failure last year. Judge Purnell heard argument here In the case of Trenchard & Co.vs Eell &Co Involving $40,000 of timber lands and other properties In Northampton coun ty. A report on tho white Baptists in thli State shows they number 173,000. There are now 57 associations. One Is a new one, It is the Wilmington association. This denomination Is now doing a great missionary work in the North ' Carolina mountain region. The number of white pupils enrolled In the public schools of the State It now 292,000; a marked Increase over that last year. Bud Foster, colored, who murdered a white man named Johnson near Louis- burg.and was for weeks kept In jail here to prevent lynching, was today pat on trial at Loulsburg. The State charters the Norfolk & Caro Una Telegraph and Telephone Co., with headquarters at Elizabeth City, capital two hundred thousand dollars, It Is owned by Portsmouth and Elizabeth Olty people. Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have In my store," writes druggist C. T. 8mlth, of Davis, Ky. "is Dr. King's Neva Dis co very for Consumption. Cought and Colds, because It always cares. 1 In my tlx yean of sales It has never failed. I have known It to save sufferers from Throat and Lunsr diseases, who oonld get no help from doctors , or any other remedy." Mothers rely on It beet phy sicians prescribe it, and C. D. Bradham guarantees satisfaction or refund prioe. Trial bottles free, Reir. sizes, 50c and 1. .V. Cool Garden Spot. A glacier when it dislodge i itself and talis nway over the AreOetrxseaa never travels alone. In toe.1' wake tt every large one floats a Hoe of smaller companions. i ,,. The Eskimos call this phenomenon "the duck and ducklings." and. am one who baa watched the progreea.pf the elder duck followed byluaWawd will appreciate the aptitnna'px tbe name. .' . i Strange at It may seem. DlantsJ ftrow and blossom upon these great loe mountains.. When a glacier is at reet, most, attaches Itself to it, protecting the Ice beneath, Just as sawdust does. After a .time the. most decay and forms a solL In which the seeds of buttercups and dandelions, brought by the wind, take root and flomiao. i ., , - Those who have traveled In ttfette binds say they have foand no (point yet where tbe poppy does not bloom during tbe brief northern summer. ' Out of Death's Jaws. ;' When death teemed very near from a severe ttomach and live? trouble, tba had suffered with for . Tears," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. O, "Dr.KlngVNew Life Pills itved my life and 8v perfect health." Beat pills on earth and only 25c tt 0 D Bradham't drag ttore. . . i , Dlru romr. Prom blnreh.. Dextrin Im notlilim but roiiKttHl Htart'h, and any me. with a mIovi- tUut bits an oreii attni-li!iint 'can imike . iiish own dextrin wuwiwr bi nwnls tt nj' roust ing starch to a IlKht Urowh.! Its bint known nse Is to imiktf the famous mu cilage uned on the back of tbe poetage stamp. c -! -. u-;'--'j.-'t,-.'--f J".'l " . Thm ntsrheat' Darometn.' j 1 y Ths bnromrter rises hlRber st ; Ir kutsk, In Siberia, than anywhere else tn the world. ' : ;'"". ''.'"' ' : Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin diseases. For sale tt F. 8, Duffy's. ' ..- .-( - I Enow On Sort r.ii' r fia an obs" : its ca'C f curao P;- j .; -.-a. Coal Klnen are Pleased, p Bpeott to Journal ' V Wtutsaixu. Fa- Oct 14 Tbe eoel mlneret say they m nut' FresldenL MltchelLTaey want labor rep rates ted oa com mission to be appointed. They are daQghtad iu the mugneai of the opetatort to arbitrate, and thlak the cad of the strike It near. TELE GRAPHIC' LUtETITlBS. Afleros battle It raging betweea tit government forces of Ysnesntls under President: Castro aad the rebels.- 'The rebels have the aaott soea aad' gats but It la not known which side la win ning. , . ' -X The street car strike el New Orleans hat ended. The settlement was com promise. 1 Oapt Aasom, Chicago's famom ease ball player, familiarly known u Baby" Anson, has entered the political arena at a Democrat He Is a candidate for office. The old English orison shloiisedbv the British for the Inearoeratloq oMhelr Amerloaa prisoners daring lha Revolu tionary war was found In the Brooklyn navy yard in a good ttateof preterva tloa. Handreds of Assoricao soldiers aad patriots were tortured on this oat . , The strike of shopmen on the Union Pacific may be extended to all tbf Harri- man lines. s Union labor in Portland, Ore , has raited $2500 for tbe striking mlnen In Pennsylvania. A new starch factory to use 1000 bush els of corn dally has been started at Cedar Rapids, Ia. Sixty thousand dollars were sub scribed yesterday la New York at two meetingi of the Christian Missionary Al llance. Crazed by drink, Lloyd Nelson Young planter at Pembroke. Ky, brained an aged colored woman with an ax yester day and fatally wounded a colored man before being Imprisoned. Maitlahd, Fla, Ootober 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co.,;Baltl- more, Md. Genttomear-I have bad .Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by various physicians but to nothing hu the disease yielded to read ily as to Liquid Bulphdb. I think if used properly it la undoubtedly a speci fic for Eczema, j I have prescribed it for othen with most satisfactory results. I consider It the best remedy for cuta neous affections I have ever known, and retard It as the greatest medical discov ery of the ge. - Retpectfully yours, W. A. HEARD, M ID. For sale at F. & Duffy's. Awful Suicide. Albert Combs. I white man. married, committed suicide at Go)d.bore last night by throwing himself under the A. & N. O. thoo fly. Hit head was severed from hit body. L Mr. G. J. Rivenbark, who It la the city, tayt that coroner Dr. Thos. Hill made the following report to the Clerk of the Court for Ways county- "Having been notified by affidavit of sheriff B. F. Scott that a dead man had been found on the A. N. a railroad. I went to the place Indicated and found that Albert Comb had been kllled'by the A. & N. G. shoo By. I examined witnesses and found that it wait case of tulcldeaad not neces sary to have t Jury . . . , The Investigation developed the fact that Combt, -an heur or two' earlier in the evening had attempted self destruc tion by throwing himself on the track before an approaching freight train and was snatched from the Jawt of death by Mr Got Eenleth an eye witness Combs thi J remarked "there was another trala coming . shortly," went to hit home and quarrelled with bit wife, left home and was found on the track after the thoo fly patted. ''",-Y ; ' Mr. CXXDnnean, the engineer of the shoo fly, who k one of the most careful and 'pain taking engineers In the servlos with hit hand on' the throttle and eye upon the track, knew' nothing of Uf af fair until advised about midnight hit night . 'i . . j.j ' swAatadMsnaikMB)estiBjMaM' i . CAUTI0KI t ' - This Is not a! rentle word but when you think how liable you are not to pur chase for 750 the only remedy universally known and a remedy' that hat had the largest tale of any medicine in the1 world lines 1868 fot the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lurig trou blet without lotLig Its grssi popularity all these years, you will be thsnkful we call ed your tttentlon to Botchee't German Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remediss made by druggists aad others that are cheap and good for light old! perhapt, but for severe Cbttghi, Bronchi tis, Croup aad especially for Consump tion, where thereto difficult expectora tloa and ? coughing ' during the bights and mornings, there Is nothing like Ger man Byrup. Sold by all drnggistt la the civilized world. av ;.f a i-'.d .tij Q.G.'GBixJt,' Woodbury, N.;.1,. Airship Dropped 1 Paris, Oct. 18, The French Aeronaut Debradsky and a companion named Uo rln, were killed by a fall from Debrad- sky's airship thlt morning.. ., aaaBawii n ' Takija bath in Hancock's Liquid u! phur, They are mperior to those of tht mott eelebrattd C let Eprtr 3,havteg ths adJWonal il?:. --9 'of tulPtKale any d.iirel l.rcri'.a.-Tl-y w!J c riL'.'7t--,v r , s. ia'i i'.:a t twj ktt.LrUi i.,MtfaoatbaUfaUot wawa-aod e:aiUifrxqwtary ty t vtuqai (rBIto .r- m-, . -Kesp -this tul alvava tVmiIi tn wnnv wipmnrV! H xfrr - 1 1 . or stMaslicraili CrSoM, you i V fficxicah 5f) uslani Pinimenl i a ftrsr times And the soreness aad Inflammation wUl bo conquered and tho wounded flesh tealed, y To get the best resalta you should saturate a piece . 8oft cloth with tho Cnlm . ' wound aayou would a pouWoe. ft5ofc0o. uA 91.00 a bottle. keep idSwsssasi diseaies among your fowst uss Uesloaa Mustang Ualnisnt. , .rrrrmisiB- tt-.u s TDHUU. Al i JaiT ta. isra. dl n. j. Mi.mn mrupwianiMwttk rouaxsalliat bmIIoIb, TKITHMA. On SKI glA, JullklrMBaalkM.kMka4Hik tnpkteMMliliic wj mrff ni ntauMA la lb ihao at nMoripUaaa Im nuillT ftj" Hat kowlt nfflUnsad to fmm oa paia blood and barataf law attaa4 lot aaja al a Sbm. Bar Ufa waa almsat daiaalraa at n aM aamiailnaa to try TKKTHIHA, Mfl lnadrort. thm aa a (Mat maga aw Ufa aaa taiaraaa- loun, ate., s. w. J. -A.. Livery, Feed Sale ana Exchange -JULRQEST AND llil ever offeartd for sale in this city, A car load of each jriat in. Alsoacompletolino'oflnggies.JWagonB, Harness, Jtobfe, Whips, Gart.Wheels, Ac. ' .1 A TOJJES, THE PRICE TELLS ! Some recent sales at the Farmers ( Warehouse (Up-town).' Bring yorur good tobacco and ve will please you. ... 1 M.HOCK. 24 lbs IliVXS. - 7aibs$i5.oa -85 lbs $15.5. Slbs flSLSe. 40ibs:$i8jF.';" Z , wirvM, oitwuifi... rS lbs O fWXSL '-' ::;r '.. ? "M;RDWAr?fis: .70 lbs O $30,50. , ' 48 lbs $14.25. ; MlbtOtRM." t3Bibta$w.v:,;.;; kS71btt3S.0. u iicf. n (43 lbs $19.00. ,;85 lbs $17.60,4' uwawj :' . -18t lbs $16.00. it ' i V 805 lbt $10.00.' p6 lbs Q $15.0tt. H.ii "44ibf$t7.o;i ;Vi"-5! 64 1U $100. , -i-.H-t ' f i t m r II ilia I Pill " A7lll l X III , ! I Sf hill n 12 M . . L-i Ll'J - I offer mT Block j Qeneral llerr ehandlse fot saieata F (ABQAIK.' fm tell Stock and Flitares , oompkte. .. 4 . This Is a One op portsnlty ' for.ithe; right party M engage In the teerosntlle business, t On of the ,flaeet .locations la the County. . ; ' -( ' . '; 1 - Business Tea Tl loustnd Dollsrt yet year. , " " ' ,' - ' For panSnr'an, . irrcjjoni with, . . J L . . .... a. ' PflRnomTTviCaiM Ctoisn-bftalta, rZT . . 1 Msithsts.Dysiesiry.aed r m. Yr 1 1 1 V l th Bowtl Troubles af U ,U if TilM' U ChUdreaefilsrilee. ' t MAId Drttsnos. Rtsulttes ths Bowds, Slieagtnsas Costs Oalj 25 ceats at Drigrjsti, tecthing easy. Or sufl tl ctals tt C. J.' MOPPsTTT. M. D. T. LOWS, MO. aw sir i liala to rum J iiW Owl I ahNld itf urn acavsa. aWtotaaanopnaviiasaiAia. wa. FIN8ET 8TOCB?07 Uroad St. Stewart's Old sttnd. GASK1N8 and BRTAN. 100 lbs. $16.75. ' 19 lbs $3?.S0. M lbs $18i5. ' Sllbtl65.0a . P, ipqok. ' mibt oiiB.co.. 145 Ibt $17.60. nibt $16.50 J80 lbt i $14.88. - MRS. UOLLIE C. 1POOK. 15 lbt $70.00. v 17S.bl $1100. -04ibt$8aoe.. ,.271bt$30Ja , . 17 lbt $25.00. f, lK, , ( tlbs$50.C0. . ' 'AxKi-a&'taAflKiHs. saiu $10.50. : 41 lb $15.50. , . ., 88 lbs $17.00, , 81 lbt $28.03.., . 48 lbt $80.00. ,', t. JONES, Stables Farmers Warehouse. Schooner ForSalo I '.;t ISat lafllfia? and eommndioiu Bohoon- or lfabell, 14 net tons, recently rebuilt and fitted out with everything neosssa-. -rv for dreddne. will easily oarrr one thousand bushels of oysters. It alto a first-clais freight boat, will tarry 800 barrels or 80 tons, v kale, solid, com lortable. ' . 1 " -i For price and terms address: r j l i j J. P. GODETT, ...... a f : i . Worth Barlowe, N. 0. ' Vine and Csk Wood for sale by beat ' 3tlar.w '.. it If!