oaa-n r t it : ftMlE'!!l! fllll .6- AVcfttaUe rrtsarationfur As similating tlvc Ti vxl oj CcU ula ling rhe Stonachs art) Bowels of ri 'mT.wiifii SSsTW"" Promotes DrgcslioaCltfcrful nessandResLContalns nelllrr Opium.MorptuiM) iwrMiueraL hot Narcotic. v Ax .tmut A perfect Remedy forConsUp Tion. Soitr 3totnach.DiArrtttK Worms .Convulsion .revcmlv ness end LOSS Or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 11 I KM 1 !H - For Inf&ntftnd Children. - Tha Kind lYou - Have Always J)oi!ghtr ; Boars Signature the :T . i w At el. i Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY Or WBAPPCB, III 111 HlllH nam a till r ' PISH THIEVES CAUGHT. ranted iy Hea'Ytth Cut ana cap. llaaeraea dowa the rim bntm bothered a rood teal lately by poachers teellng their fish tad either steaang the mU dastroytag Uy deter- waatoaaeee should mom them to salt tochacta. Xeesrsvatrodasa Mason tad Freeasu ftheroevTJttBgiex--DawsoB'i Cmk are the viettma Mtkt depredations and they "laid" for tbeuon Sunday night. The -mei eenceated themselves until they caught the thlevee nd handed ataaltag tha ash and destroying tha neta Aathay advaneed tka tMarei they palled off and. attaapfed te eaeape, bat when theynw tut ty were tn tha range of two-e 'three good guns they errendere aaAnamitted t arrest. - Tha prisoners ara-thnaagroea aad a whlta Bu.,&fteT teaoVng tha land, twoaf thaMgraeaadtfa whlu nan gtve tbesatfce slip-but thee that prison erUh JeJl aPolnlice ndis Mid to hare made taU oafeaatoa, tmplloatlng hU vale. "It Is believed the others wul soon ba caught '.'.The looting ttddattfoytagtf nib. nets hu bear practised try-pirates for a long tlaMvand thexseds to W the iercise Of -Ua law ia thaaenaaaa.; Fmaermen ihoold -ttntte Mfl thelnffOTta to bring theaa oflendert to jailloe. REELSBORO. A Utile' Nfgro Hoy Killed Glo, in a Cotton A TOUTHFUL THIEP. Oct. 14. 'I liu formers are having fine wmi her for com enlbprlng and potato Hgl"B. i ' Mr. Kotierl llurris, of KerMmw, paaiHl , tliiouKli Ri'i'IhIioto yi'RKTilny on IiIh way Ik Ni'W He1". . Mr J Bunnell, of New Bern, wai a vlelior In HeeUlHim, Friday, Salanlay bnil i.m!By. Win'H Minnie Bitrrlngtnn nnd Lllllu Hrlimnn vlflii (1 Bnyl'oro Friday. Mr W II Dixon DI wife weal to Nrw Id in IM.!ny. Mr Dnil liRnliion and aunt, Mih Kmll) U.iiI.icIdU win I to Korslmw Huoday. Messrs. Daniel Caller, and S A Brin son and son Feltnn, went to Arapahoo Monday on hufilneBg. Rev. Jesse Ilollon and wife went to Amity Saturday where he goes to flllhla " tegular appointment. Messrs Arthur Hardy and Dan Hardy, were visitors at Mr. William Brinaon'a Sunday. .;. Mrs Holland Hollon. of Olympla, who - baa been visiting Mn Kitty Barrlngton " returned homo Sunday evening. - A email colored boy wai iaitanlly killed In Mr. J. B. Reel'i gin laat Taei davevenlne. 1 Mr W G Brlnson and wife went to New Bern Friday to view the Floral parade. : '. ; i Bbowr Etib. t Policeman Lopton Does Some Good Detec live Work. a wa. ' An ndvertlsemeut woe Inserted foe aoine one to take charge of the chair and pW tho organ at a vlUage church. The followlne was among the replies: Sir I noticed your advertisement for en organist and music teacher, either lady or gentleman. Having been both for several years, I offer yon my Hock la w Haw. '.- " Being informed that bo waa to,0 , taken before a Judge whose nam m Jnnttee. a Gcorda negro ezciaimew : "De goodness en gracious I ; Et he gimme what hia name call fer, X amf la goneI"-AUanta uoaaoniuon. 1 A word of klndnesa la aatf3a apotao In vain. It la a aced .which, evenavhe dropped by chance, sprmga , op ! flower. . ' ' ' ' " " Credit la due police officer Lupton for a olever plece.of detective work which brought lo light the! disappearance of a pot'.ktit-ltnok containing twenty dollars. About two weeks ago a lady bought tome vegetables From a small colored boy and shortly thereafter missed her pocket-hook which contained the money and which bad - Ween lying wltbln easy rang of the hoy' vision and reach. . Mot mlrslng the money for some lime nor Knowing the boy, the lady described her lo Iwt she could ami "liier tlu n lln-y have kepi op a enri'.b, but not until rcalorday morning was the thief discovered when Mr. Lup ton saw a boy cutting collardi on Sugar Bill. It happened that tho boy was sell lag collardi at the time of tha theft and as there are but few of these vegetables grown or sold and as the boy answered to the description given, Mr. Lupton inspected he was tha culprit. He got the boy and after some talk the boy con' teased all, iqrrenderlag the pocket-book containing four dollars. The boy was arretted but as hit par ent! agreed to make good the loss tha lady did not wish lo prosecute. The boy Is not more than ten years of age. Hawaa bound over to the November term of Criminal conrt, but lenlenoy will be used In hli case on account of his youth and the fact that be aonfeised and the money wai made go od. Tenement Front Blown OaU Springfield, Mass., Oct. 18. Aj at tempt to locate escaping gai by tha light of a kerosene lamp resulted la the blow ing out of the font of a hree-itory wooden tenement last night Four per ions ware seriously burned. $35,000 for Broken Neck- Chicago, Oct. 13. Fred ThoerfeU wbe has lived for a year and a half with a broken neck, wai awarded fSS.QOOdam- agee against tha Union Traotioa Oonv pany. f'olil bollt-d wttr tntw tint tii'eSUka It has Umii Ui-ki1v4 r ah. ' TV atorf tin aH mr Ih- wiitt-r tiatckly. from m- )nw to aiwitlnf. t Register today. It 1 terjaratlva that you reglsUr If you want to tote. "Do H today. Thirty bales ; of cotton sold on the local market yesterday at 9 8-l cents J. A. Jones the wellknown liveryman, baa received a carload Of fine horses and mules, which ean -be seen at his sUbles on Broad street. The Pollock street wlndowl present this week a handsome display, the color theme being la keeping with tha meeting which la here this week. The youngest Daughter of the Con federacy la attendance upon tha meet- log now being held tat fM city Is doubt less Miss Annie Leo Heart t Graham who with her motheY.Mrl. Joseph Q rah am of Hlllsboro, m visiting Mrs. S. H. Clay poole. Fine Pertbrmance Promised. (Jhas W. Chase's dramatlo version of Wormwood, or The Absinthe Drinkers of Paris.' the master work of Marie Corelll, the Xnglsh romanclat, which will be produced at the Opera House on next Monday sight muit rank as one of the moat ' Important productions of to the police LUigBMon Tne wonderful popularity f the book, the strength of the cast hlch is toenaot tho play, the promise of a, splendid setting for the actors to play In aad . the; general Interest In the dramatisation of , a novel ' which has ex olted so muoh comment, all tend to make thll aaavent - Manager Alden Benedict J naa aparau no ezpeuac in puvuug uw drama on the stage and one of the best performances seen here In years Is prom ised, t Graceful Wohien A tasta tor tLgnrt I torn tbltfrw lwrf tkb. ial, prwluuii M ih l?vlr flower" wbo brjUj J?Z;. .nd while the Utcs o ftoww brM Dure DT!OI ui. w -.an. - ;r na4 Uete. end enewfan beds ot geajiiuy. WeUhil b."uriefi4 rirjj Wwa ReiiiMireinuiv wmm. .,. k U a vav Ih thr 1'nntheoll tha guide hi atrlklnr tk aiin rf hl i-oat mahea a not fejtuti t ttiat prudHccd ay flring a twtire poaad huoii. , J tna'cava of Bmi lltM. near ': Tibarc. FlnlanoVia toot thrwwn down a oertnla-. abyss lmake a t-evarberatlng ecao-wnicB sounua n '"a w, www wild animal. 9mw C.fH BMH, remote Jlogalctor, to fxroUKwt thoeettr aeriwle tn wmuea, er mtt of no wnnklee, wei tWee, ihm4 aera ua ehepeieee nwene. .i ie tui, ww m-m eefe. ItUHetutVeraaedy,! suiareienoewca thins e heeUnf 1 no dniUt o.r oSereome other romodr end oeU k ")u ee caoo" THK BRADFIILO REOUUTOMtfO. . . -. UT, OS. Mort thai $1,000,000 la sent MVff tha TJnited States every week tn Vf- moot for eoSea. H "I i ii ieeioaw"i ?' ' The Small Pax Situation. Last night the local small pox situa tion, In New Bam, could be rammed op; so far at actual known oases of the dla aaie, as one case, which on account of (he patient's condition, prevlouitohav lag the small poa, made IV Impomible to remove tha woman.'' ::v";;;f' v' Mi llie county board of lanlutloa-hare added Dr. Charlea Daffy and Dr. F, W. Hughes to tha Sanitary committee with full authority to act In any and 'every way which thoy may deem proper to protect thla community. Every tuipeoted ease la gtvaa Imme diate attention, and every actual ease atoneeremowed.toa. place beyoadtbe Oompuliary vaoalnatloa oontlauai and will be continued until every ona u vac cinated. ' " '';, ' Slnoa Ootober 1st Ova actual icasei of small pox have been found and oared for In this city, tha cases being on tha bor ders of tha city, and all axoept ona, col X HANDSOME BOAT. The Tawl "Fanny" Row Anchored la . Hew Bent Water. Oaaof tha prettiest boats that bare ever come to New Bern la tha yawl Fanny which Is anchored off the J. F. Taylor's dock at the foot of Middle street. It Is suitable for social sailing parties, hunting parties or a long ocean entise mar be taken In It with ease and safety. - The JouaaiX reporter made the boat visit yesterday and was met by Capf McNett the owner, he Is a gentlemen who Is a thorough sailor and a safe con doctor on all water Journeys. Tha boat Is a beauty. It Is built upon sightly lines which do not Interfere with Its speed. It was built as a yacht and has been victor In several races which the silver trophies on board attest. Jler speed Is from 10 to 14 knots an hour. The furnishings of the boat are com plete and one can but admire it as ha goes through it to see the admirable ap pointments The boat measures 78 feet long or 80 feet over all; 85 feet team; a centre board Slfeet long, 9 feet wide and weighs a ton 8he has twojmasts. In the cabin are six staterooms with all necessary appurtenances, the kitchen Is a model for culinary purposes, a good larder and a pantry stocked with fine china. An ice box and repository for liquid refreshments altogether make It a splendid boat to secure for s season of pleasure. Capt. McNett (has always at his com msnd the best of crews to assist him and he can assure any person an enjoyable time who ships with him. The boat can accommodate a large party of voy agers. Capt. McNett Is at liberty to take any party on a sail. His terms are moderate, his service most excellent. jiC'R'RY THE FOOL CLARK. Oct 14. We are having fine weather for cotton picking. There was a (treat deal of wtnd and rain here Saturday. There is a great deal of sickness here and In this vicinity. Mr E T Rice is visiting his brother in Pamlico. Mr T T EubanKg has finished building his store. Mr A T Wetherlngton is preparing to build a store In Clark. Mrs L A Carmack is very sick. Mr T T Eubanks was in New Bern on business Monday. Mr A C Rice has changed his occupa tion and gone into the lumber business We are glad to have Mr A C Rice with us. Mrs Stewart and Son returned home from their visit to Slue Point Saturday, They report having had a fine time. Mr C W Barber went home Satur day. "Blue Eyes." Boms lb sflm Vm TW Hw alwtri Btm ttgastwe ef Government Defeated. Wlllemstadt, Curacoa, Oot. lS.-The Venezuelan govetnment troops while re-attempting to occupy Coro, the capi tal of Faloon, were again defeated Bat urday, sustaining heavy losses. VOICE OP THE PfiOELE. Colored Meeting Should Close. Editor Joobnuu While tha white citizens are doing every thing that money and intelligence can dictate for tha relief of those colored people who have small pox, and for the preservation of those who might get the disease, It seems, to me that tha colored people should assist in this matter fhemselves as much as possible. One thing I. -suggest is that there be no public gatherings of colored people, not even on Sunday's in their churches, until those in -charge of tha City's sani tation, Dr. Chas. Duffy and Dr. I Frank Hughes, - shall make 'declaration that such ghtherlngs are not dangerous. It is the ounce of precaution jlhat is mast needed at present. ' Tours For-Safaty. The Great Walter L Main Show. Oa Tuesday, October 28th the Great Walter L. . Main- Big 8 , Ring Olrcui 5 Continent Menageries . and Mammoth Roman Hippodrome will pay 1th Initial visit to New Bern and Cravan county. This la positively the- largest and best show which has ever, appeared here. This Mason Mr. Main present! oaly feat ure acts and the performance! are ahead of anything , given by, a tented Instttu tloa. . ... Tha Main Show Is now on a triumphal tour of the Southern States and where- evet Itshsj appeared tha tents were not large.-enough r to . aeoommodate the The newspapers throughout the coun try have been unanlmlons In their praise of tha show and not ona adverse erltl clam has beea written. It Is a moral entertaining and Instruc tive rastttntfon and all should make It a point to attend either the afternoon or ntgnt exuuuon. Parnate Rot So Serious. Charleston, S. COet. 11. Ajiamy was made of the Apache today by tha Clyde people, and damages ascertained to be ot not so great oontequesoe aa was at first thought. ; , m J , DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE , Permanently oured by tha masterly power ot "Booth Amatour Naavrxa Toko. Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can euro them all. It la a cure for tha whole world of stomach weakness and ladlgetJon. The cure begins with tha first dose. - Tha re lief It brings Is marvelous aad surprising I . makes no failure; never- disappoints. No matter how long you have Suffered, your cure Is certain under toe use of this great heaUhtving force. i'leetant and always safcSolifby "Q. D Bradham, Placed Detormed Hip. Chicago, Oct. 13. Prof . Adolf Lore- na, of Vienna, operated on little Lqllta, daughter ot J. Ogden Armours yester day, and put her hip In place which had been dislocated since her birth. Cashier Suicides. New York, Oct. 18. Charles Q. Dale, cashier of the New York County Na tional Bank, was found dead at his home In West New Brighton, today. He shot himself. Democrat Appointments. The following appointments have been made for the County Candidates and others. It is earnesly desired that all Will avail themselves of these opportuni ties to hear the issues discussed Hon. O. H. Qulon will speak at Dover Saturday October 18th at 11 a. m. Sheriff J as. W. Blddle and S. M. Brin- son, Esq, will speak at Traits, Baturday October 18th at 11 a. m. R. A. Nunn andE. M. Green, Esqrs will speak at Core Creek, Saturday Oct ober 18th at 11 a. m. D. L. Ward- and Geo. Waters, Esqrs, will speak at Vanceboro Saturday Octo ber 18th at p. m. Hon. O. H. Gulon and Hon. Larry Moore will speak at F Barnwell Fri day October 24th at IS noon. - E. M. Green, Esq, will speak at Tay lors 8tore Saturday Ootober SSth at 11 a. m. Hon. 6. H. Gulon and Hon. Larry I, Moore will speak at Vanceboro Satur day October 26th at 2 p. m. Additional appointments will be made later. ' HENRY R. BRYAN. JR., Cam. Craven County Dam. Ex. Com. ' B. G. CREDLE, Seoty. : HeaTy Coal Traffic. ; Bluofleld. W. Va.. Oct. 11. More coal Is being loaded in the Flat Top field now than for some time past. Every opera tion ts busy, and the railroad finds It dif ficult to furnish supplies, and remove loaded cars. i ' Wedding' Cards. ;; ' Washington, N. O., Oct. 11 Cards ata out announcing the marriage of William Slakier Manning to Mlsa Nina Horner, of Oxford, N. C, October 28th. Miss Horner was a memoir of Converse Col lege faculty for several years, f . . , .' Discontinue Worllnf Children.'" ' Chattanooga, Tsnn., Ootober It Tha lataAetaotory iiMp)otor, as the result of laosM nvastlgHttoas, ) has peramptorily ordered a number oi rWtorles In this city to discontinue the employment of child Bedmond 0Hankn, the highway man, waa especially fond of .levying on' landlords who were hard on their tenants. There was one of this class Whom Bedmond neVer loet an opportu. nlty, of taxing. Every quarter day this gentleman or one of hia servants aometlmee more than one used to take k jouroey'of six or seven. mUee to col lect hia rents, and as regular as clock work there Waa Redmond ' O'Hsnlon,' with some stout companion. If neces sary, to waylay the collector as'he're turned home. So one quarter day, when the gentleman's servants asked him about going for the rents, he swore at 0Hanlon and said he didn't see the use of collecting money to hand It over to him. Now, thla gentleman had on his es tate a boy called "Jerry the Fool," who had the run of the house and made fun for the family. He hod a great conceit for, himself, and when be beard what the' master said be immediately asked to be allowed.to go after the rents for once and declared be wouia Know toe way to bring them' home. Of course he waa only laughed at, but when be rep- resented that no; harm would come from trying, t as he couldn't do worsej than. aU who khad, gone before him,.the master ajrreed 11 to. humor him. Upon that Jerry made such preparations :as' netnougnt suits Die, coose mc worsi horse in the stable, an old hack-half blind and three-quarters lame, t and started on bis enterprise. Nothing; oc-. curred oo the way. He collected a con- oerabeamounttofmoneycarerully) dlsposedlof It about his person' and started .homeward. Toward-evening, aa be was quietly. Jogging along on the old back and was . - i i , (w V I just entering a long tune wuu.ui hedges on each side, a tall, fine looking man rode up to him on a nandsome roan mare. God save you, my man," says the gentleman. God save your honor," replies Jerry., What's your name, my man?" asks the gentleman. 'Jerry the Fool, nnd I ain't ashamed of It what's yours V The gentleman took no notice of the' question. After awhile he says, "That is a fine animal you're riding, Jerry." , 'Faith, I'm glad your honor likes It," said Jerry. "But it isn't myself that'd care to take a lease, of 'hia i life. But he'd serve my turn anyway ,t for, ire not in a hurry I'm traveling. I've only been to the village beyond to col lect the master's rents for bim." 'Surely he's not such a fool as to trust you with that Job?" Arrah. why not?" asks Jerry in great surprise. Why, don't you know that Bed mond O'Hanlon's on this road?" "Bedmond . O'Hanlon, is it?" says Jer ry. "Ugh! Tout ror lteamona u tian-: Ion!" says he, snapping his finger. "Fall, Jerry the Fool is a match 'for half a , dozen of the likes of .him any day ln'tne wees and cunany into me bargain. Tho ntrnncrr IniichPd and then rode on-ln silence turthey.came to atveryi lonely part of the road, , when) he;drewj brace of pistols and; told, Jerry hand over all the money he had. about nim or ne'd try u ne naa any Drains, by sending a couple of bullets through his head. "Meahvmurtherl" roars Jerry, In sur prise and; fright "Yon don't mean;to aay your honor's Bedmond O'Hanlon I do Indeed. So band over, "myj man, and look sharp about it." 'But fall, lt'a kilt entirely by ttbe master I'll be when I get borne .without the rent" "What's that to me?" said.O'Hanlon, M.nnl.nm'1 anlfl TmW T ' nuiuf l.llAWj them that I made a murdering? fight for It Perhaps your hpnor wouldn't mind firing a shot through my old1 beaver." O'Hanlon did bo, 'laughing at the trick. "And now another through ,? the. breast of my coat and heaven MessJ you." This waa done. "Now,;Justronej in the skirt of it, and good luck Ho, your honor." "But I've discharged both. mypis-J tols and dont want the trouble of load-' lng them again for you." The liniment bottle and fannd atrip arc familiar objects in nearly every housthnltl They are the weapons that have been used for i V V n fenerationa to fight old Rheumatism, and are ' -J. , S; abont aa effective in the battle with thla giant VEfT' -y.r disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers ' L. would be In modern warfare. i Rheumatism la caused bv aa mriA. aanr I condition of the blood. It U filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the Joints, muaclea and nerves, and liniment aad oila nor nothing elae appUed externally can dislodge theae gritty, corroding partJclea. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through tha blood. ' Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and paini, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thorouzhlv and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the adds and sends a stream of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or ether mineral, bat is a Derfect ' vreo-etArjIe MnnA exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment THE 8WIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlaata, 6a. . CURRENT COMMENT. "Falx, I should dearly like a, shot. through the skirts. It would Bhpwf X fought desperate. Are you Bureryour honor hasn't another pistol in your. pocket that you wouldn't mind uring for a poor bora sake?" "Confound you I To be sure I haven't Hand over tha money or I'll beat you to Jelly with my horsewhip." "Well," said Jerry after a good deal of fumbling, "I suppose, considering the trouble I've had in collecting these, rents, your honor won't mind the little bother of going over the hedge after them." And be threw over a sack, apparent ly well filled with coin. Half laugh ing, half angry, the highwayman, ,nrstl aiming at Jerry with his whip, which' he avoided by ducking, dismounted and climbed over the hedge, and.no sooner, had he done so than Jerry, slipped' offi the old hack and mounted O'Hanlon's' horse. "Bad scran to you, Bedmond O'Han lon!" be bawled. "Didn't I tell you Jerry the Fool was a match fori doaen.of von? If a a sack of. 'brass buttons you're gone over the f hedge after, you thief of the world r And, touching the fine mare with the spur, he galloped off,- singing the old melody. "Go to the mischief and shake your self.'' . - The remarkable thing about some of these self governing Latin republics to the south Is tbelr vitality. Chicago Inter Ocean. Now that the mimic maneuvers on the Atlantic ccast have terminated the people can begin their preparations for the horrible realities of football. St Louis Globe-Democrat Another man has made a trip through the whirlpool rapids at Niagara falls without being killed. But there Is no accounting for miracles. There are persons who go hunting in the Adiron- docks and come back alive. Utlca Herald-Dispatch. If Mont Pelee doesn't let np pretty soon, the French West Indies will have to be taken off the International bar gain counter and thrown Into the Junk pile. And Denmark's Island posses sions are also likely to suffer with the other perishable commodities. Omaha Bee. Owners ot automobiles are all for good roads, but there is grave danger that the strong prejudice these ma chines are creating because of the reck less and dangerous speed with which they are often driven will operate against the good roads movement A very bad road Is some security against reckless automoblllng. Philadelphia Press. Her Wllttnaraeaa. "That young Spudklns, ,wbO is pal ing Miss Frlsbloi attention. Is a mere I apology ior a man, suiu bubo tlsh. "I know, but. she. seems .inclined to I accent the apology," added Musi Frocks. Detroit Free Frees. Dr. Wo$lJ?S512 llxu-SYoMaB,-ealH or whiskey, a iui oook oi per Uoalars oa kODM or aaatortoa treat ment. Addreee. B. m. wooixafoo- lOfN.PnorBtraot! Utlaota, Swrgla. u m 3 wViblskijCori t inM. Week oaMd keoeetae. linn lllettwop4 l.m le HKI .m M i !lfcy..n-Ue. Tke fern. ft.y r ywr UneM. m Ml 4e. Je e -RrHrf Air lio We, f I. tare Melt. IO.OUO SeUIr tnulu. Cklekeeter Chmleel Oe- ea ooeore, rniee. wmm Fara or Rent Hope Farm, about 4 miles from New Bern. 200 acres cleared. Good Land for Tobacco and Truck. Good farm buildings. . Inquire, J. R. CROMWEMi, New Bern, N. 0. Brie Getting Married, For inatsmee. 'Do you think I am as good' looking as I was, papa?" "What difference does it make, my dear, if your character is spotless7 "But, papa, there Is something Uglier in life than tho mere acquisition of chara cter." Lif & Her Idea of It. "What has made her so haughty, and proud?" "She thinks she's a Daughter ot the Revolution." "How Is that?" "She went around the Ferris .wheel" Chicago Post AU For the Beat. Optimist There la no doubt that ev erything in this world Is for the best Pessimist You're quite right Ev erything is for the best off, and there Is precious little left for us poor devils. New York Dally News. k. FOR SALE. I .BestMac bine Made Brick at Lowest Prices. Kicoll i flyman, Insurance, OFFICE: Cor. South Fbomt & HaNcocx Btb. Right In Their Use, 'How did your baseball game come out?" "They mopped the ground with, us." "I thought they, would when I heard you, calling them a scrub nine." HCal cago Tribune. Vnt frill mm 'QTlor Eastern Dentist I suppose It jvouldlOct, 12,1902, keep a man busy out hero ' urawtag teeth? Amber Pete Not , half as mucosas J! would drawing a gun, Detroit FTfll Press. I will pay the above reward for the detection and conviction of tha party or parties who -blew up and rifled the contents of my safe on the night of October 8th, 1802, W, A. WILSON, Dover, N 0 Bang ing Hia Appreciation. "This dog" The cannibal passed his plate if at ft third helping ot the chef newrilsb'W mock missionary. "Is almost human." Town Topics. ' ' . , A XUarastoUoa. " "Does de razzor putt,' bOBsrfnakea the barber. ' '"""!( '--i' "Hn." rnnliod tha nun In ffWvhatn. The razor only catchesa&d "yOuTdo the pulling." Ohlcog Post. , is. Here Is an easy one: It named Laura should eat tin, what would It suggest? ' Tho-poet Laura ate. Lyre, j BIohosu and Xlrarrea, Ooodby to de rosea .- i i' -' t An' de summer akiea so btue. But de friends keep on arrivln'f Mlatuh Orster. how-dy-dot i . Wuhlnstori Star," Cotton; and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 3,500 Kolla Cotton Bagging, SfiOO bundles Cotton Ties. ' Send us yonr orders. , Fnoes an tha lowest. -.;..iiV el. e Xatham & Co n mttm-: Alfred Au vry Y . .1. Tl I .f SK A i in ii . a ii. iSV. Ddn'ft Tpeoi Go after tho cause. Stimulants and cathartics will never cure indigestion, i Theymaytemporarilyrelievethe system but thenextmealclogsitagain. Tho food should be digested. The nourishment health strength it coaUlM inouia oe appropnaiea aosoroea oy me Bysiem. Chlldron Thrlvo . ' on CIcicI carlflea. cleanses, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. ' This new discovery digests all classes ot food and assists no stomaou ana digestive organs tn assimilating and i. transforming It Into the kind ot nourishment that is taken np by the blood and fed to tho tissues throughout thevariouBorgana ot the body. . Kodol cures Indigestion and dyspepsia, thus removing the cause ot allatomach 1 troubles. Kodol gives such strength to the body that ii is invaiuaoie in au wasung aiaeases. . . , : , - r . "1 wish le thank yea tor wka Kodot basdonaf or me," vrrtteaCniftonCHrn,01el,Ina. 3k Cared me ot dyenenelkkTenr enrnhlng else had failed. When I tried Kodol It helped m Ihlkway. IoheWi'!lreoin;--fiatt." - - v .-.-j tlJ.;, (-,. , freparedtyB.0, .AOo-.t o. the bot,ie eontetnaZHttroesaauach (by seiuat , """- the tiiiU nee which eelli tot 60e. ; .Bring li,1 here if your carriage needs' repairing. Wl wiu repair it so that it is as good as new. Wa vnarantee our work. Our customers re always satisfied with out work and prices. . You will be sausuea u you send your work here. : r 'l ne only piace in town vu gc any auu ererytning to repair ouggies. oee us before buying and save money. We put Kubber Tires on-your oia or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires in machine Without cutting them. Everybody is Invited to lee the work of the machine putting new bolts in suns old places. nv.e.r - u .i rhonel33,a J 178 Broad St, Kiw.Bbbit, N. CJ I t 1 a the furoona little i-. -t ullle i ir Okiloueneoa OS i'bei aevee adje. Wi ' O A O - . keanths tUIUi riaatuia5. , " "ea8osUpnon. kBfe. L. . F, 8. DTJFFTf 4 CO ored, ';,-' :1:VJ ''":-"-'k--i' V c at ., u. . . Axagj,5Br. ,,,f .. : ren, f .::t. ;y2-i-

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