c 'II- y i I M I ( I hi; A I J " J M voldmi xi y; KXT7 I III, C2AYI3 C0U5TI, H. C, TUISDAT, OCTOBIR !l, lSOI.FIRST 8ICTI0S. SUMBIR 53 .J the Seaboard Airline VUI Sooi -. . . . -.' Keral Graded ftehetf. fret-ret. I'oetbsll fitm t.ot lt(' FerBllsaV BlfaskyCrse SUteaii. j r j IUlkioii, Out 187 The Slate Bo per (nieiiHcnt of pnblte lullrnctlon tu K n mHj reused today a) . receipt of a - iciii-r fr.nu Fianklla coadty, laying that , tutHt grMtral actumls -wrra bring esiab iuiimI ni.4 i'Ut4 fltolrtof consolidated, . ' ami tba In ? e rural eases Hut p.-or4e Ad raised , wiitmj (vr teliool , nonse; lb school board giving a Ilk amount. ? fJs U delighted a the swakenod Interest sad il prrgWss wade.' J"''-j " V'.V ' U Is .aid by the officer7 of titte .lr lUt If Die weather lrgood t'tt . leuiUin will be SO per tttA greater this ever tmfori. . 1 -. ' .Tnf .rtlon la made by some persons who h';e (raveled considerably In the" ' hi me Ululy , that Lee 8. Overman la well lu Im lead fur the tJenatomhlp with Cy- '' .til I W-l.,... ...1 . .- i..t The ftintlwil itwut i.l ihelagriciiltitral 'ami ili-cHnn.iar Cnlli ifo l(xly played tint Virginia' 1'iih it Jmlf , Institute. It iiitil I)ihk l. AllmitX ami It may play Uuiiimi-u, M -Waruiagtoa.., Tit average :' Vrflghior ha Icam'a m-mVira fa 100 11m. . h qutln a tii'Kry iimu. .. i" . . ' . - .Tit Uopulillcau Hiaio eutatuktee mii , K viuay a- urwn"itirii, rmn:iKl j'nicoail ', prealillng. V-: ' " Tue Stale board of examlnert of pub lic ln-iliMilon dwuled today .to the Hi ale evbnol for l lie blind liore."'Tl.ere aiu HO Sinie InttliutlonK, malnlalned whrdfyiyflKi "'Ute,.ir recefvloff aid4 ri fmrinn i t Hy ihe KWb of November i In) ixmril Utt qnlrcl to make Ita report. . Ii wl I Imi ii ily lii ilm-. Thll board flli Uk.-imr,ml; rtol of work off the S-"- tKTMinf - tli nxnmiUcm of whkb liv vwtiud llie trartauiloatlUlloai In a pcrf onctory ay. One of the Inmatea of the , Boldleit Home here waa dlsmlaaed today, for big amy. Ilia name la John Cotton, and he la from Wayno. . Ue had wife In that county and one la Wake. He denied s , the Wayne wife yesterday, but today ad , ' ml tied hor ex ltenoe, Bhe U Nancy Cot , ton and aha wrote here and asked about her husband, flnttnn n hn mirrlw) woman named Shore, hear Raleigh. t ..Thcy haTeachiid,' He a&Idhe did not know what the Wayne people woold do to him whon he went back there. He also ruined tho wife of a man who Urea iear the home. lie left the home thts - morning. . : The oldest Inmate or the Soldiers Ilome is George W. Beeman of this county.' He waa In the 47th regiment. v H Is age Is 84. He had also four sons In - the army"t: ";:":r':'." TC , It la now certain that there will be a targe attendance at the State contention - of county superintendents of education t 1 . here November 19-14. OvercoaU for the cadeti of the Agrl cultural and Mechanical College lire or dered. A special request for 180 more rifles for the cadet' batalllon Was made today. It has aow only 200 rlflea. The . corps will all be uniformed by next wnek, ao as to parade at the fair, and for . tbla purpose the additional arms are de aired. ; : . f ' The Kalclgh & Western R. R. Which ' la being quite rapidly constructed from Cumnock to Greensboro, t will give the Seaboard ; Air Line a long desired en trance Into Greensboro. The road it now . , la operation from Colon on the S. A. L. to Cumnock, 8 miles, and 15 miles more a already graded, The total length of tbe road la 100 miles. It will traverse a connty containing valuable timber, and there are 18 cotton mills along the Hue. The grade will be easy; not over ljf Presldet t enszey tells your correepon KewArrivals. f''f All wool flannel for waist 25o yard, Frvnuh flannel In all new shades 40c l'Hnno cloth the new suiting Q SOo yard nil colors In latilos cloth Q 1.00 yard. UtRiiilful fknniiliiUe for wti!at and dreRHlng sacques, 10c yard. DAHFOOT tr.CS. A diillnr l. iiii. il for h Imiidi-.d years :iid o.iii!iiim;liil at "J I n r cut will liuioiint lu I hut tin..' tn 'i.V.l.'.liUUt. ' rilireil Water, I l:ih kept III Bltii-cd tr, It ta said, : 1 die. Tbftt !h bcr. ' . f 4 has I tnkolt out Of It Ian t ... how i ' -. Is what iimkcs uullltered water us r a Leverage to buuma be T Pan. ' ' ns a feather end i, a w ' . Euro ' x" cou'i It l ls f 17 t I . . ;i i: . . Cirltt Utter aa Ccttoa. ky private wire, J. X Latham k Co. Niw Yoir, Oct 18. The questloa daring the coming week will be one of receipts and not of weather. This a. a. market opened weak and though the ton was weak, considerable resistance waa noticeable. May and March mled around 8 .S3 without much trade till tbe Houston -- estimate for Monday was made. : This started a few aervou shorts to cover In short order. This is the first time this Mason that receipts hate swayed the market, for that reason we are inclined lo think they will cut morel flgare than the weather reports daring the coming week. Last year we haJ the large' figures of something like 370.000 ot 680,000. We will do well to get S00,00ff bejee this year. . We don't, et wber the big receipt are coming from without a Wg port movement we can't have a big .total In sight We would call intention to the movement thl and next week ind aa long as fig ures fail from 100,000 to 800,000 bale be hind bat year' figure each day a they did today, we woold buy cotton on any and every break for a oteady market , Ha Tone, Oct to. Of course it I loo early lathe week to tell anything about, recclpta, but the way they are going m are likely to ran 78,000 behind last year. It I the movement now, not the weather.. We look for a higher, rather than a lower market from basis of .8 40 for March and May. IThe falling off I ao marked that' abort will grow nervous.,' Then too reports" from South and Central Texas are anything but en eonragtng, planter, farmera, bankers, In fact the country generally In that region are said to be disheartened over the' outlook of this . condition In the Urasne Valley one of the banner regions of Texas Is included. Let weather make cotton In North Tt-xae and let the lop crop dally improve It will all be needed but His not likely to be an ofer production,- and prices are not high: Last week we had tho flint small crop talk and the ttarkot broke under U Thla Jwoek we Will have the second and the market will likely advance. ,W would pick up cot ton on any break and look for a better market In the near future. Export! are gotid and Wall street In "a good condi tion iio that ibo Vtrlke has been sci; l4' , f i - Xwnrta AMte. Tho cotrugi-9 of Newport afford n strange commentary upon the con trasting tnstes of the American na tion. Their heterogeneity -were Impos sible In a race of settled culture. In a race of common blood. In n country of limited extent But tbe United States I nntJon of nations. Its people ore not Americana, but Englishmen and Scotsmen, Frenchmen and Germans, Italians sod Spaniards of the third or fourth or tenth generation, says the Smart Set. Then taste tn architec ture to a taste that was born on the sunny mediterranean shore. In "coxy Normandy orchards, tn clasBlc Spain and Italy, tn baronial Scotland and England. It I revealed In the cha teau, the 'castles, the yuiae, the log gias of Newport." 'Seville "and 'Wet beck,. Florence and Falawe, here stand side by side on the same strip of grass, separated only by a grille from Venice or Antwerp. iMk Lert tk Ark M Arll SO, ' ' Saturday, April 20, Is the day marked tn all ancient calendars as being the one upon which Noah nod his family quirted the ark after having withstood the atege of the groat delude. The day Is liNtrked lu all ancient calendars, es pecially: Britleh, aa cgreaeos Nom de area, the 17th of March, the day upon which Noah, hie family and their great floating collection of natural history specimens set sail, being designated in tWeaine class of early printed litera ture as Introltus Noes tn area, "the day of Noah's entrance into the ark." Why these days were chosen as tho ones upon wbtcb tbe supposed embarkation and debarkation were made are enig mas which the antiquarians nave not yet solved. Aa EtciUe of ScrerlatlTe Meas . tire. "V, Mr. G. A. Mongenals, the advance agent of th "Atlantic Symphony Quar tette,' musical organization of wide reputation and musical merit, called at tbi office with the pleaslc? newi that this admirable company will soon dS l?sht the people of New Bern with one of it di."w'.iful programs. The date ii Oct tZl. Cet ready for it, for rardy such an opportunity to spend a delist ful ever.';-j present itself to our people. A'lu V.: to i'.s -pearance at Durham, fsi.HiyCi,.'. ;e says of the At usr". ?C ' 'te. ; - It t pvn by t' ? - i i ; i f t a i . i . . "i t . s ; il it ... .t vi I. j cf i t- j , uo t" " cf t :' t- ' ' '.. t. y . . i r. . r t ) 1 ,e of 'i i c "'(' ). ' ' ' , C - r . v' ), i r r - i i i t,. r i f i ' ; ii s- f j f (i -, . l ' ? i i c l t ' ' '1 : ' 1 C7D OH3 Causes Rear tzl Cclllssloi oa Carv Una CeatraL .; Disastrsu ltrt at Hamlet Weather Balletlirer tptember, Tke Bigamist Leaves. Walter Kalelgkrsad. PeliU-v- veal Estimates. . tUuien, Oct 10 It was sUted today that Governor Ayeock will tomorrow open th fair at Greensboro. ; The agricultural department officials are making special preparations for the fruit show at the State Fair here next week. ; It will be mainly aa apple show, but there will be peaches, apples snd pears. , ..;.. ..''). :- Senator Pritchard says he does not think the Democrats will get nearly large a majority this year as they expect Democratic estimates ef the majority range from 40,000 to 70,000. The registration is very much slower snd smaller than expected. - It ends this week. The most strenuous efforts are being made to get the white voters OUt , ' " ' i The Supreme court devotes this week to the hearing of appeals from the 9th dUtrict , . ) ,. Today State warrant were sent oat for $500 each to the 7 negro Bute Nor mal Schoolt; Fayettsville, Goldsboro, Elisabeth City, Plymouth,' franklin ton, Salisbury and Winston; also tlOOO to the normal department of the white normal school at Callowhee, Jackson connty. The fund for the statue to Sir Walter Raleigh, to he placed In s park here, In creases very slowly. ' It wss expected that by 1008 the necessary money would be In hand. It was' then said that the tobacco dealers In the country were to he called on for contributions. It Is said by thelclerk of the Federal Court here that" there has not been a new bankruptcy cue In six months, The weather bulletin for this 8tste for September was isined today. It says the mean temperature was 08.9 degrees, which is l.( degrees below normal. Tho highest temperature at any point one day was 08, at Selms) the lowest 87, at Linvillev . The sverage rainfall was 4.06 inches, which Is a qusrter of an Inch below normal. The greatest rainfall at one point was 11.80 inches, at Horse Cove. The man John Gotten, who was dis missed from the Soldiers' Home tare Saturday for bigamy, left here, saying he was going to his home in Wayne connty, where his wife is. The 'woman he married In ' this connty is named Lowe snd not Shore. It is understood that Cotten will be indicted in Wayne or Ws'"i "ijty, Atl ham yesterday a freight train ran on a siding to let a fast mail pass. The freight flagman, named Hoi. land, forgot to close the switch and went into the eaboose in rear oil the freight. ; The fast train came along and crashed into tbe rear of the freight, at- terly destroying the caboose, killing Holland, and" wrecking 0 other 'oars. The engineer and fireman Jumped and were (lightly hurt The mall clerk and express messenger were slightly hut v At Hamlet there was a disastrous fire yesterday. Sparks set fire to cotton and 8,600 bales : were burned, together with a warehouse, cotton compress and ice factory. It u sua that the loiis u 1250.000. One man lost his life. His name was Wilson and he was the secre tary of the Compresa Company. The compress and ice factory were owned by unaries js jonnson outaieign. ; j OdfXOOtlZAt ' '' Bars th fei Ki H-'t WojM t ''"4'.i"'I' ' ' .' Wk. tta mliH Tal.. ..i. I An Alabemlan tells this story, of this negro coachman, who tn variably voted On one particular electloa dsx beire turned home In the afternoon wlti a countenance that looked aa It It (ad been taking some famlUaritlea with a ."that's the matter, Eackr i as! with some et&cttude. ' - - .'It's this my, boss: X went -un tlsre to tlia Totla' i- .m, sni therekwon jhe county nndertakah, sah, nalttia' Tilth bl2 took cjaa 'tonb blm. nnasbees to me rlrht elsarpia ."hatiybnr Mmey "2ack Teywr,' I t ftumfcle. Let's e-'V says tae ondcrte: u 'And he turne J over tve I -yet rJX.9 fek. !ta cf a saJJoa be st.-ed VsTttot nd tc "a ta rua LU ta?.-x;iowtk teTr : ' to Vi.xii, Taylor, Taylor, T. ' ' ' teL l ' Z'A To:cr r-i t C..l t r.e t ', atjior k-acs.' e.uafu"7:.i80on 1 oat: 'Ceai r "3. XouXlack V x dun bur. tm-fttt A.tt yoo t t tr'j' to la t nen a 1 iti .gfZta ": r 1 t.reri rjc r'f K nl I -e .-i'C z c:Ul fcury f ' E ' ST to t ' . ri ItJt ?t ' if -1! ; 1 T -1 ; f ) r f 1 1 i J KocHAncETosnow. ; Disappointment Orer Hot Seeing fhe . Main Clrcsi. , Hoiortble Dealings. . .. -; : : After exhsostl&g every posstbl effort to make arrangement whereby the Wal ter L. Main show could exhibit in New Bern, without conflicting with the strin gent health regulations now existing, the agent of the show have been com pelled to cancel their date for thl city. It was hoped at first that an amicable adjustment might be reached, and that the quarantine would be raised in time to allow the exhibition to keep its date, but yesterday the agents decided It would be impossible. - The date for Elaston has also been changed from the 80th to the 28th. This will give Klnston th show on the date it should have been in New Bern. The cancelling of the engagement of the Mala show here will be s big disap pointment to the residents of the city and connty, and means the loss of consider able money to our city. The idea that a circus carries all the money out of town I erroneous. The coming of a circus brings money into circulation that otherwise would never be brought out True the circus get some, snd It is also true it spends much. Mr Main is out Just 13.000, by being obliged to cancel New Bern, and had his ahow exhibited here, orer one-half of this amount would have been spent among the New Bern merchants. This does not include what the individual with the show would have spent, and just here it Is useless to remark that circus people are good spender. Then consider what visitors attending the show would hats spent Circus dsy is always s trading day and merchants draw trade snd hsve an op portunity to advertise their goods on that day that they have on no other. No breach of faith can In any way be attached in the ihow or its agent Every thing possible wss done to fill the date snd that it was not filled is no ducredi table reflections on Mr. Main or his agents. On the contrary s more honor able lot of business men would be hard to find, than those who have from day to day represented Mr. Main in this city Ohen It became evident that it was lav possible to exhibit In this city, the agent started and cancelled all con tracts that had been made. Ia every instance where services had been ren dered or goods furnished, the demand up on the show was met in full by the agents, and the money paid as cheerful' lyasif It had first been made here' Moat circus owners when obliged to cancel a town forget their obligations, but It was not so with Mr. Main. Should he ever decide to visit New Bern sgsin and we have his assurance that he will, he can rest assured of a rousing welcome. '; V j ; ; rt Married. ' ::; Warren-DalL Msrrlsges In Snow Hill hsve grown to be popular and im portant occasions, but never has one been celebrated in our midst that was looked forward to with a greater degree of pleasure, or elicited more interest, than the one oa last Thursday morning at which time ia the Methodist Episco pal . church In Snow Hill, Mis Lena DU waa united to Mr Milton W War ren, Rer E Pope, officiating. Mies Lens is the youngest daughter of Mrs Amy Dsil, snd 1 a general favor ite with the entire community, and is loved and admired by all who know her." . Mr .Warren is a prosperous young business msn of Snow Hill snd it Is the universal sentiment that he Is to be heartily congratulated on his good for tune in winning such s prize as a com panion through life. The chancel of the church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreen and wss in keeping with the occasion. ' The ushers were Meters, Joslah Exnm, Jr.; snd Edward O. Gallo way, v.;- ;-:.;..';. :v The bride entered the church upon the arm of her alater, Mis Rosa Dall, the msld of honor; the groom with his best man, Mr A D Warren. The wedding march waa beautifully rendered by Mrs. J E Patrick la her usual delightful man ner. ! . Soon after the ceremony Mr and Mrs Warren left for a visit to Washington and other northern cities, followed by the best wishes and congratulation of a host of friends. SUCCESSFUL BAPTISTS RCTiTtl Sewlces. . Interesting sonals. Per- Vanccboro, Oct. 10. Mr J L Dixon spent Sunday in New Bern. ' , Mr J M Lancaster, left this morning for Greenville looking after the tobacco Interests of our section. Dr D T "Taylor passed through our town today en route to New Bern. Mr L M Satterthwalte and mother of New Eern, was In our town today. i"r Hat M Lancaster returned from Crc.-nvllle today. Tie steamer Carolina loft for New T a tl.'s morn'rg heavily loaded wlin 1 ' r and chi ton. ' C ' 3 a nun ' r of our young peop'o, 1 ti e I Crnlv:,l la your cl', ' ; t 1 lime. j r. : 1 ' 1 r. roidr.ni.-, COVE. " Freewill Baptist Qmrcntlos. Hew Freight Depot . Miss Sarah Rouse of Klnston is pend ing a few day here. Mr C D Lane and family of New Bern pent Wednesday hers. Mr M A Bui ourR R agent has moved his board to Mr Taylors, hs ssys to be nearer his pott of duty. A poor excuse Is better than none. Mr Gordon Avery of New Bern spent some time here recently the most of which was (pent with Mr Hill Th Free Will Baptist Conference will begin here next Thursday contfnulog natll 8uaday following preparations are being made for a large crowd. ' Miss Fannie Avery is tn New Bern for s few dsys with friends. r"" ' " ' Y. Mr A D Hswklns paid New Bern a business call Thursday. ! Dr Swindell of Goldsboro preached here Sunday night to a large and atten tive congregation. The new snd much needed freight snd passenger depot at this place is now being constructed under the careful and personate supervision of Captain A W Cook. . . . . - HlNOK. "X MONTANA BLUFF.' Bw Fa TtMHti Bte6 Sweaty St FlliplHM Flee. What Is regarded as one of the tallest bluffs on record furnished Captain Ed gar RusscL chief Blgnal officer in the Philippines during the Insurrection, with a story which he told ss an exam ple of western nerve. "We were outside of Manila in some little scrap," said the captain, "and about seventy-five natives were lying In a trench ahead of us, shooting away merrily, but not hitting anybody. By and by I noticed a little disturbance la our front Presently four Montana troopers trotted out of our lines and started straight for the Filipinos. Ev erybody looked st them with wonder snd waited to see them all killed. Bul lets whistled all around them, but they never halted; Slowly, Just at a trot, they Jogged on toward the enemy. The natives fired and fired, but for some unknown reason did not hit On and on went the quartet disdaining cover. At last there was a shout and to our utter astonishment we beheld the seventy-five Filipinos suddenly. Jump out of their trenches and take to their heels In mad flight The nerve of the Montana troopers Was too much for them. When they had all fled, throw ing their rifles away as they ran, the troopers came back, their arms full of guns. That Is what the army called 'a Montana bluff.' It's the sort ot nerve that lets a man open a Jackpot on a pair of donees." New York Tribune. Th Wnws ot Lansrua. Woman supreme without the ballot! And this feather which London An swers sticks In the cap of woman Is no less brilliant because she is allowed to wear It only In the town of Langum. ' In, that little Welsh, village man neither Is nor pretends to be. In other villages he sometimes pretends to be, but In this sequestered nook on tho Pembrokeshire coast he is simply An nie Williams , man ' or Mary - Jones man and recognizes himself as Such. In Langum woman la tbe dominating force In the market; she ia the house hold financier, the family accountant and la fact fills all the positions which In any other community, civilized or barbaric are established by precedent given to man. Whether he ot Langum has resigned or been divested of all re sponsibilities of life is 00 part of this story. '. ' There Is another Important fact In Langum life oysters. Tbe place is fa mous for them. But Langum oysters are in no sense rivals of Langum wo mankind; their proverbial dumbness precludes that Have tered P Once, You Regis Do So At 1 ' LMaa: TJp. The lecturer pleaded with the crowd to "look up." In impassioned tones be cried: : "God always helps tbe man that looks up! Never look down,' my friends, and do not waste too much time looking sideways. Look up, and keep on looking upl 1 never knew a man to fall if he looked up. Is there a man In this audience wbo can soy that he always looks upT A seedy stranger arose in the back row to say: "I can say that 1 always look up. t have steadily looked up for thirty years, and am no better off tor It Looking up is my business.'' "What do you do for a living, my good manr "I'm a celling decorator." The uproarious applause that greeted this sally broke np tbe meeting. New xork Press. Prima Doaaa aa4 Her Tale. , Once upon a time there was a fa mous prima donna who made a con tract with a noted Impresario to sing in concerts for him at a price which made each of her notes ot about the Value of 11. . ' . . ,.;v , All went well until the prima donna found a dressing room assigned to her thnt did not meet with ber approval. I'!., a she complained thnt she was en- t!rc'y too hoarse to s'.ng, and the lin- 1 . ario had to make r-"te remarks to Va audience and C. ' it after re t:" " 3 the money y.tj f r adtn!:;-;!on. -: e remarks t'uut 1 : 1 nCo out of tl.e I I of the an'Iria-e were not so (hi Royal Viorcostor Bon Ton Corsots . - STRAIGHT- FRONT ALWAYS FIT BECAUSE THRV AJtl MADE UPOK CORRECT MODELS. If VOUR DEALER DOESN'T SELL THEM, ASK Hilt TO ORDER FOR YOU. Royal Worcester Corset Co. rWX H,J. HEINZ'S Best' PffepatfecJ Only 20c Per Quart. Fresh lot Ontario Prepared Buckwheat,' Cream of Wheat, Pettyjohn s Breakfast food, ' r: Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter freBh from dairy, Maple Syrup, Fancy Cane Syrup and Portorico Molasses, Pickled Tripe 5c lb, . ' , Nice Dried Apples and Apricots 10c lb, " Maccaroni and Cream Cheese, - . ' The best of everything in the Grocery line and a big stock to select from. Prices as low as possible. .- ; ' ; Respectfully, : . ; J. L Phone 01 ra za At S. COPLOITS. TVThyP Eecause T70 cell ooobs crrcAP fou cakh. , Below we state a few of our Special Prices oa Saturday's and Mon day's. .1 We give you a few prices on MEN'S CLOTHING. $5 00 Worsted Suits ' 10 00 Casslmer Suits - $3 08 7 98 , 8 88 198 5 00 Men's Pants 8 50 " -'-, . boy's surra. $5 00 Suits . ; " . ' . aeosuits - , ' 14 27 4 190 - EPFor other prices see our. large circular. We are strongly recommended everywhere we roam, one and all to examine our stock before tm ying. . - Very KBpectfully, . - 75 Middle St,, next to Gaskill Cotton Bagging and i ids. :U.-.: We have in stock and to arrive 3,500 Rolls Cotton . Bagging, 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties. j Send us your orders. - Prices are the lowest. j, J. E. 1.1! :r.ni ss Co. - :: It Lir.: ii your carrife needs rot .V" will repair it so ll.at it isa " in i -. 7e i TvW. We puiii are ai , IUH'CS. jo"r 1 !;n 1 evi our tv i. ' . Cut 1 ; . I w: 1 tmr - 1 il WiU he t ... i ; j ...eh t t T - I 1 ' t - . Iv Wholesale Grocer, 71 Broad GL a ssj a sj w .-. - JU..... domestics: . , , $1 00 Boy's Knee Pants, - - 83c . J 25 Hen's Shirts -. - - SSo 1 00 Men's Shirts v , . . - 74e 8 00 Men's Pat Leather Shoes, ' $3 97 3 60 Vici Kid Shoes - 193 t 8 60 Men's Boots -. ,- ... 1 3 8 00 Ladies Shoes 8 43 BOe White and Bed Flannel ' 87c We invito Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. I will pay the above ' reward Lr the detection and conviction cf t" i party or parties who blew up an 1 rifled the contents of my safe 01 the night of October 8th, 1202, Oct, 12, 1902. Dover, NO tol'it In id i: - Car load Stocks Eest ri dom and Iloco Eud Hour. 100 TTLita TLcll C! rcctuia a;;.l C: ;i IT , ' Cat lied 674i:r..-:.:r, Corned 1:u"v;j, Tine and C. 1 T. ;. vi " sit- vsssw i -I