i 1 1 i. f. Publihd in Two fcrboai, every Tuoe' day aat FridT, at M Middle Street,' new m m w n "a "CHARLES L, 'STEVEN J vbdroi un raomnor c - 8VB8CBIPTIOII RA.TEP-. Two Month. TOnU. Tareee ntoalbn, ,.... r Ais Month. Ml,". Twdn Months. .. tlM ONLY IN ADVANCX Advertialn- rates furnished not up- plication at Um office, or upon inquiry i by mail. ' larTh Jocbxal is only sent oa pey-la-edvaaoe basis. Subscribers will , receive notice of expiration of their nub- 1 senpuona. ua u unwuaw impum u notion wui M appreciated oy m t; Entered at tbe Poatofflce,f(ew Berm U as aeoona-ciau matter, .iff , Section Oae, Tuesday, Oci 21, IMS ; MALK30US MISSTATEKENTS. ' . ) The positloa of the Kinston Free Preat v towards the Journal has erer beea one i of spite, misquoting and misstating this ; jper on eveiy possible occasion. , ':' These misrepresentations have been directed at the Journal with the 111 con eealed purpose of injuring New Bern's commercial interests, with the Idea that inch injury inflicted would give Ktnston , some advantage. The Free Press' idea If to tear down jour neighbor, and secure some of the spoils in the confusion incident to the tearing down process. The present time offers such an ap parent opportunity, owing to the small pox prevailing in Craven county. The Free Press cares not for fact in this matte', but accepts rumors and hearsay and eagerly seeks to erect its tombstone marking the decease of its neighbor. But if 1U publications were not so notoriously and maliciously incorrect! it might prove to be somewhat of a gainer for Kinston if this city should be s suf ferer from disease. But the Free Press over does Its part as usual. It gets as wild and extrava gant as do those men seeking to direct trade from New Bern to Klnston.by stat , Ingto the farmers that New Bern had already 120 cases of small pox and 60 : deaths from the disease, therefore you farmers keep away from New Bern. As before noted, the Free Press be lieves in success to self, through pulling down others, hence its misstatements. It is blind to the failures which have come to those who have followed this policy, forgetful that New Bern has been the financial reservoir to supply Klnaton's most urgent money necessi ties, and at times when such assistance was both necessary and welcome. In another column of this issue will be found the latest Free Press canard re garding alleged small pox In New Bern, and a detailed reply is given to the same. As can be seen In the local columns, the Kinston authorities are taking the , sensible and practical view of the situa tion, and do not propose to quarantine ' against New Bern, when the conditions do not warrant it. OUR GUESTS DEPART After a four days visit la New Bern, our distinguished guests, the North Car olina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, leave to their It has not only been a season of pleas ure for onr guests, the Daughters, which must be judged from ' their , actfens and expressions of, enjoyment taVHhas been a most enjoyable time for New Bern and its people. f With, th exception of a single unfor tunate in eldest, every thing hat passed to the benefit and pleasure of all. ; The weather has presented Its best features, day and night, and to those In charge ofthe entertainment of our guests there has been nothing, to mar the pro gram of dally happenings,, to the satis faction of entertained and entertainers. ' The New Bern Chapter, In inviting the convention to meet in this city made no mistake, nor did . the Daughters, in accepting. ij...? ,;:!.:.? v i v,' " The. week has been one of mutual pro-, fit to those who bare come, and truly so those who had the pleasant task of en. tertaintnr bnse who came. -: It was with pleasure that New Bern greeted the Daughters arrival, and this r v"re BM Deel greatly heightened by Ce meetings which have taken place C. '"3 tlie week. ' ' . Z . 7 i f-'l tT,r,"j with this o;"niza V l a id lis work, New Bern will a' ays !i i . 1 to welcome tLa UU 1 " f f the- Crr'" -r"y U is 1 r M is t ' 3 tit' ' - 'it' r " 1 FROTECTIC VS. PREJUDICE. The protection - of a community's health U of more vital Importance than the protection of Its every other inter est " Yet there Is protection which really protect a community . from outside sources of contagion, and at the same time does Justice to the place which may have a eoatagloos disease. To establish a quarantine, one city against another, is a matter which ought not to be hastily or inadvisedly entered soon. A quarantine la bad enough. To fol low this qnarantine np by gross snd malignant misrepresentation against the people of the place quarantined against, carries with it a maliciousness, inhv- Thls has been the pat of Kinston, when It declared a quarantine against New Bern. , It was a quarantine of prejudice, not one of sincere desire for protection, for Its own health. It was tee thought of money, trade gala to Klnsten, which inspired this ac tion, to be followed np by sending false and grossly exaggerated reports into the country, to beware of New Bern, filled with death and disease ! The Kinston animus in this matter was well exhibit d in the summed up reason of the Free Press, which pointed with prlde(T) to the circumstance that many yers sgo, New Bern had qnaran lined against Kinston, and this was the chance to square the account t This quarantine against New Bern shows the same bitter .hatred, only more Intense, as vu witnessed by some four hundred New Bernlans last year, who upon invitation visited Ktnston to see a game of base ball, and who were sub jected to various personal Indignities before they could leave that place. To make commercial gain by a quarsu tine against New Bern, is shown the same spirit "to get there," as was seen m the aforesaid ball game, when Kins ton kept thedollars belonging to New Bern, because New Bern could not pro tect itself against Kington's financial genius in the matter. There is protection, just and equitable which no one objects to, but It Is not this kind of protection which Kinston has sought. It Is prejudice based upon human passions, which Kinston calls "qnaran tine." State of Ohio, Citt or Toledo I Lucas County, l Frank J. Cbehet, makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co- doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catasbh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catabbh Cure. A V FRANK j. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thls6th day of December, A. D. 1886. ; A.W.GLASON, seal. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces ofthe system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., ToledoJO. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A CoBserrattT Home Body. 'She's a very quiet, ; conservative woman, I understand." "Yes, Indeed,: a regular home body. She has practically no interests outside the domestic circle." "Bealiyr - "No doubt of It at all. Why. she doesn't belong to more than six clubs, and she isn't running for office in any Of them." Chicago News. Out of Death's Jaws. 'When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, tha I had suffered with for years,' writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gava perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 35c at C D Bradham's drug store. SteHa-htfal DeaCi. "The doctor says that Mrs. Gadabout to dying from too much shopping," said Mrs. Telilt "How perfectly heavenly r gushed ICra, Isxlt Judge. BmbiUs ' yTln Kiad Yow Haw Atways Botgrjel : Flrmln Takes Jftcfnee. Port An Prince, Oct. 16. The Revo lutionists leader Flrmln has taken ref uge with the principal revolution lead ers on the United States cruiser Cincin nati. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin diseases. For sale at F. S. Duffy's, i" 1 1 enssssfsssmmssweMi in UesL Peart to Recover. Ph!ladc!ph!s, Oct. 16V A bulletin !r svicd today says that the operation on Lieutenant Peary's feet was simple and successful. : ' " C7 m Y03 ARE TAIL" I i tn- e fws'i T.i " ' ? C ",; ! !' ) f ' )i 1 ' THE FADS OF QUEENS. Queen Helena of Italy baa many In terests. Her favorite amu.iemeBts are hooting and driving a motor ear.. The favorite amusements of -Qaeen WUhelmlna are fct1ng and riding, but as a child ner nobby was the keeping of poultry. Queen Alexnndra has numerous fads, but her special one Is said to bo pho tography. She owns a set of china or namented by her own photographs. - The German empress' hobby In pho tography. Her collection of pictures la snique and comprises every kind of aeene, beautiful views and curious peo ple she met on her eastern travels. The queen dowager of Saxony taken a marked Interest In children oC a I) daasea. The spools. orphanages, homes and) sanitarium which have been founded by ber or through ner inttta five are trameroaa In her country. The queen of Greece's favorite recre ation la yachting. She la an excellent sailor and Is tho only member of the Russian Imperial bouse who bears the rank of nn admiral In the Bnsslan na vy, a oniqne honor bestowed on her by the Car Alexander. The empress of Russia's bobby la aid to be mrlcatnrtng and collecting caricature. 8ho has the ready talent of catching a Ukenemand transmitting It to paper so that even those who are most caricatured cannot but laugh at the good natured way In which they are "taken off."-PhUadelphia Press. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which Is mak ing so many alck people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, by clean sing; and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich blood that makes you feel good all over. Mi Cranfill, of Troy, L TH writes: "For s number of years I wss troubled with in digestion snd dyspepsia which grew Into the worst form. Finally I wss In duced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cuied. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. Take s do after meals. It digests what you eat F. 8. Duffy. Am OptimUti View. The Invalid looked out of the window just aa a huarse went by, and he smiled happily. "D'ye mind, Biddy." he said, "it's worth the dyin' to hare a ride In a thing like that, with the feathers on top an' a man with a bug on bis bat, an' you bein' gr-reater,nn' more nlcla sary than the marshni Iv a St. Path rick's day pane. There's wnnst In ye're life ye're the whole thing, an' that's whin ye're dead." Chicago Post His Ufe myerlL "I just, seemed to lave gone all to pieces,'1 writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit ters, but that worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained In strength and enjoy hard work" They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run-down people. Try them. Only 50c at C D Bradham's drug store. '' Paulina. Landlord Now that Hrim nn a hit easier we'll have to see about raisinn your rtat Tenant I'm molghty obliged to yer, for if s more than I can do meself. Forty Years Torture. To be relieved) from a torturing dis ease after 40 years' torture might well cause the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney, Geneva, Or He says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cared me of piles after I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin dis eases. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. . Challenger Hurricane Struck. Glasgow, Oct. Id. Shed Dennrt shfrK building yards at Dumbarton, where Llpton's new challenger Is being buQt was swept off its moorings by a hurri cane today and the challenger, barely es caped damage. :!l;;,:" J- " "J u- .l Look Out For Few. biliousness and liver disorders at this sesson may be prevented by cleansing the system with DeWitt's. Little Esrly Risers. Those lemons little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, bat copiously, and by reason of the ton ic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. F..8, Duffy. - : The President Consratulated. Washington, Oct. 18. The President appeared at his desk early today la fine spirits. Already telegrsms of congratu lations are pouring in upon the success of his efforts to end the strike. Goes Like Cot takes, t "The fastest selling article I have in my store, writes drnf ;!Bt C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky. "Is Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Coughs ; and Colds, because it slways cures. In my six years of sales it sever failed. I have known It to save sujrers from Throat and Lung ' a, who oould t no help from d . oranyotLer 'y." r si ' r i It, t trV-y-i r '.'. I'. I ' a Quantity of Coal Output at Cumnock Wne. State Charter. Negroes Said U TeU , OsmecraUe Ticket. Negreea -Agalast Frltchard. Bev. Nee Taking Cearse 1st XaaaalTraia- ' lag. Raleigh, Oct, 17. A gentleman who knows more than any one else about the Cumnock coal mine says that .while the output Is only 100 tons a day It can easl ly be mkde 800, and by sinking another shaft can be Increased to 1030 and even 1500. The experts say that the bed can furnish 1500 tons a day for 40 years. The output during September, when the mine was operated 90 days, was 2100 tons. . Philadelphia people now own the mine. The Seaboad Air Llpa is calling for coal from this mine but none Is being furnished It, all going to Industrial plants in various part of the Bute. At one time It famished the 8 A. L. 150 tons a day. This division of the 8. A. L. has con- traced for 800 cords of wood a day, for an indefinite period, at $1.40 a cord. A charter is granted the Wilmington Bakery Company,' W. A. Farrls and others stockholders. A Republican ofma'ked prominence says that fully half the negroes who vote this year will vote the Democratic ticket He ventures the further prediction Is that 33 per cent of the white vote of 1900 will not vote this year. The State Literary and Historical Association will hold its regular an nual meeting here during the State Fair. Merchants here say business is at least 80 per cent better than It was last fall. - . It is said that In Warren county the negroes are so bitterly opposed to Sena tor Prltchard and his treatment of them that a large proportion of them will not vote for his side. There are supporters of Pritchard, for example, I. M. Meek- Ins of Elizabeth City, who make the as tounding claim that he will win out and again be Senator. A Republican "here ssys his party can only hope for 8 or 4 State Senators and perhaps 15 members of the house, v It is found that a registrar of election here Is In violation 'of the law, not re quiring people who register under the "grand-father clause" to take to support the constitution of the U. 8, and that of the State. :;;?' Rev. T. P. Noe, head-master of St. Paul's school, Beaufort, is at the A. & M. College here, taking a special course la manual training, so he can teach it in his school. He is given the use of tools, etc., made in the colleges here. WANTED. W would like to ask, through the col umns of your paper, if there is any per son who has used Green's August Flower for the core of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles that has not been cured and we also mean their' results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costlveness, nervous dyi pesla, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness in fact, any ; trouble con nected with the stomach or liver f This medicine has been sold for many years la all civilized countries, and we wish to cor respond with you and send yon one of his books free of coBt, If you never tried August Flower, try one bottle first. We have never known of : its failing. If so something more serious is the matter you. .Ask your oldest druggist. '; ' . G. G. Geekn, Woodbury, N. J. Exports of cattle have increase 30 per cent, in five years. " ' ' , ' ' Prickly heat cured In one application by using of Hancock's Liquid, Sulphur. It will also cure.Eczema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, and all skin troubles In a short time, when used as directed. " For sale at F. 8. Duffy's Drag Store, x..i ku:t. Whyt-Mm- or tit "your new houne! jorir neighbors short a friendly d!fltioiiV -?i ' ;j . i- Greene-1 jruesa so, They sent over to borrow our plnjrpong set the other night while were having am even ing party, oiiK'i!vtle Journal i . 5 r fr',v;;; 1 ' " : r :c ; Nercl a iMpreudo. "They snv cool Is rolnir to be cheaa pretty soon" - , "No." said the man who loveatn kmk on the dark side, "It Isn't going to be cheap.. It will merely seem, cheap by comparison." Washington ,Star, ? I ' America's -Famous eauties Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Bores, Pimples.. Thev dont hsve them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be fore It It cores soreMDS. cbanoed hand chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at 0. D, Bradhrm's d.ug store. ; S The vear't exDort bf silk from Swit zerland is valued at nearly f 20,000,- Maitland, Thk, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co, ..Balti more, Md. , t " Gentlemen I have had Eczema over thirty years, have tried many remedies prescribed by various pbystclans, bat io nothing has the disease yielded so read ily aa to Liqtjid 80LFITUR. I tb'nk If need properly it is undout tedly a speci fic for Eczema. I have pui-crlbeil it for olhers with mot't Batlpfuctory reel!1'. ,1 consider it tli 0 lin'jt rime 'y for cn'.a-ne-i;i ntectlor.j I Love v.--r I noi, t ' r i 1 1 eta t ; ' t ' .1 ( ?- Blrty t;:;uet Special o Jor Al ' i ( RAtxien,CKt.n-r.5jUeat ,'lnttoa was given ebt aqoet at theTi 'rough tonight by ths Fadulty of 1L Agricul tural and Mechanical I college, In honor of his SOU birthday. - '"Kiiinr, to tetf Konlay. Special to JonmaL - WdnssBAJOB, PC Oci 17. All prep aratloni are heiag eompleted for the re sumption of work la the coal mines and Monday or Tneads j President MlUihell says he wlQ succeed In ending strike. The mine horses and males are ordered shod. . -1 - v 1 ' l i Svclherm Kill Mcrrer Assured. Specialto Jommal. 1 FaiLACxxrKiA, Oct, 17 The report that the Fries Merger ;of Bonthera MllU has ooUapeed is officially proaouoed nn traa. Oa the eontrary a decidedly lar ger somber of spindles was represented at Greensboro N." C meeting on the tenth than was expected. , -,.r ;' ' The offioal report shows 883,000 spin dles passed and finally accepted. The committee adjourned to meet a fortnight hence to complete arrangements for tak ing over 800,000' more spindlefc , The Fries Merger h an assured sneoses. 11 1 .! , - 1. J ' 'tin Um atrevk mrr4r. ' ReproseatatlTr OhnstMit of Penn sy Wards tulhi thhs story; A cUet of mine the aeresitlties of , wbos Jarn family, rtiwntlr numeutcd by twins, made him mkt mine to. me Joyfully one day and sold he had found oU flowing from n spring on his land. .r v "The bottle containing the sanaple Which he brought me had evidently en family ase. bat I forwarded It to an expert for analysis.. Tho reply' dashed to the earth the hopes of my client and myself. , The expert said: ' "Find no trace of oil. Think yony friend has struck paregoric' " . ,1 - ... , , ; , Take a bath In Hancock's Liquid Snl phur. They are superici to those of the most celebrated Sulphur 8pringa, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. . They will care Prickly heat, Eczema, and all skin dis eases. For sale by F.8. Duffy, r Massachusetts , has. the largest apple crop for several years. , ' j,,s ..fj;:';,:'Parllaiaent Opens, ;"j London, Oct. 10. Parliament re-open ed today without the usual formalities, the Hons proceeding immediately to business after the speaker took the chair. . ,., . . Natural Anxiety. Mothers, regard approachmcwlnter with uneasiness, children take cold to easily. No disease eests more little lives than croup.,, It's attack la so sud den that the sufferer is often beyond hu man aid before the doctor arrives. Bach case yield readily to One Minute Congh Cure. Liquifies , the maous, allays In flammation, removes danger. Absolute ly safe. Acta Immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung , trouble. F. 8. McMahon, Hampton, Ga: MA had sold rendered me voiceless just before sn oratorical con teat. I intended to withdraw but took One Minnie , Coogh Can. It restored my voiee In time to win tho medal" F. S. Duffy. , , . ; ,, ; Miners Parade and Cheer. ' Wllkesbarre. Pa. Oct. 1 The publi cation of President Mitchell's statement offlolaUr . accepting the terms of the strike has created tremendous enthus iasm over entire mine leglom a 1 1 J ' The BestrTcscrlDtioa far llalaria.. " Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gboti's Tastuhs Cmix Tohiv Jt is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. . No cue no pay. Price. 50. . ' w ' ; ; . Hmw Xtmr Olrla. ;..-- Jfadge-Why. If she havlng,"b pe trait painted? . ' t -. , Marjorle She bas reached fiat age when she doesn't look weU fla s ptnXo- nraiia. joage. ( V :iit"t;WM It "Ton sty the evenlne wore ott. itThnt ttm It wear T ! " '' , tWhs-ytheclosft wf tasday. of comf.-t-Cnlwsltjf ot Mltaiftaota Punch BowV : : t IEXIL' OL1SA. Btsntht - -r ' " ' 1 fcJt ef- a.f DemoeritAr;;:ents.fi : The following appointments have been made, forth- County Candidates and others. It is earnesly desired , that all WlQ aval) themselves of these opportuni ties to hear the Jsanes discussed.- 1 ., . Hon, O. B. Gulon will speak at Dover Saturday October 13th at It t. WLt Y Sheriff Jas. W. Eldile and 8. M, firin- soB, Esq, will speak at Traits, Saturday October 18th nt 11 a. nv R. A- Nann and E. X. Creen, Ksqrs, will speak at Core. Creek, Setnrdey Oct ober 18th at II a. m. ' . . D. IvWardand Geo. Watara, Esqrs, will speak, at.Vaaeeboro fJatwrday Octo ber 18th at 1 rw m. ! ' Hon. O. H. Galon and Eon. Larry L Moore will spei.k at Ft. Iztz well, Fri day October JHh atlSrCv. , , : ' K.M. Green, Esq, will :V4 at Tay lor .Store 8atur3py Qt-Kr trth at 11 e.-m. , , ,.) . 7 f lllon.'O. H.. Culanani Lan.Ltrryl. Iloors wlil ' ipcat a Vat r.l oro- etur day Olo'jer iTAh U 2 p. w. 1 " ' A'.-t'...- lr;i,!r' n "'.Tit .-.'. If'.. j-. : , .."r. r - - k B -1 rAM4t.:rv . .U . r x ur aiii.s. 1 . u w iii - toed only to apply. -' ' I fflian ushng jgjnltrienl ' ' r ' ;' j few timoa and Qa soreness And Inflammation will 1 f bo mqueredandtiCTroundedflcflhawJed. . . . 'jTo get tlieDCst results you should saturate a piece ,s r t. .vonndasyott wild a poultice. ''V '"" ' ' r 3ci Oo. and 11)0 bottis. . f fJtO fntiwjf poultry and at the very first sigaof ? nv; tvCCr fl Cli Vil ttottp, Bcaly Letn BumbWfoo or other among year town use 1. ... . .... 2 Z tV ii'dv.-Ao aB Jl (Mta to C TouiuaaTAi., J1t SR. lm-OB. C J. umiif-Ht Omw Slrt Iwuht to jm Omt I (trait nHr VUiaMM vltk jfWBMlllt medtcliM, TKSTHINA. Om KttU ftrt, Jiat tblrMaa mhUu 014, h h4 mi ktolmkis. Krmy MMd wa xkautai Is th. Bi auithar atannlnotl to in TJtKTHlNA, and tea Uw kowala m malai, aad IhmoU lo T1UTUINA, nuaiMid io imum ott mr bliMxi uid bumloc frwoaU.iMd Uw 4ri u a Um. RarUla waaalmoai Somalia ol J. AGONES, Lherys Feedr : i Sale ana t : -Exchange j -LARGEST AND .,.,,,1, s-...-.-V-;. ;. ; . aSaaj( l'MWl'.ai , , : ever offered for sale in ihis city, - A car loud of each just in, :i Also 0 complete ineofltaiggie8, JWagonF, HarnetB, Kobee, WWps, el . A JI23, Broad St. Stewart's Old Stand. - THE PRICE TELLS ! Some recent sales at the Farmers Warehouse (Up-town), - ITlng yor.gqod tobacco and we will please you. - M.II OCK ' 24 lb $13.15.- . . r . I lbs 115.00. - SSlbeCStW-SO. '1 1 21 lbs $18.60. .40iu$im '; . ,t k 'V . GASEINS. f , 889 lbs I22XO. ' r - . II. EDWAROH ' 70 lbs eh tao.to. fry. 43 lbs $14 46.1 (f I 22 lbs $17.25. 135 lbs 115.511. ! 37 lbs 2tt.0 1. !- - '- -43 lbs $19 Oil. . - . J. II. UurK. l lbs $17.50. ' "' - 181 lbs $15.00. ' , " 1 - - 05 lbs $10.00. ' ' ; ' 1 " ' ' C. A. 1POCKT' " ' 68 lbs Q $15.00. " -44 lbs $17.05." ' 88 lbs $25.00. 'HI lbs $10.60. -1 : C J. II C, II. HIClXL:o::D, Li U ' I Otter . my HtoU; of Goncrail : MerJ tiiaB;:ti?e)forsaJenta EM.2A31V VTJ Svll Stock snd FUtufes cc ;' '3. " ' T-!s is a fine ' err0'-" " tor X ' ' t r "'y to la t" 1 1 ' !. C 1 rf tie f t 1 V ' iT 1 11:- ir. "i 1 t.i-j f im h&iX liu of . . I W f UB 1 aBn-sBuuutnjufflMa 4 .1 -- -i- r . ' ' - I ."'.- .... ,. uct auwava iresn in vonr mcmorv: . ' , , ottt you -J M Miii .ail wrnca ehjxct, '-1. jnejuoa ntusvang mnimeafc . j Cr5S CmC5?1 a LtiwIiiHaf n il i thsBowdTreeblcsef Caildraefilmr4ge. Aids Dijttka, i(tjuiaies ins nowtu,Mtn(mtas J. MOFFsTTT. M. tX. ST. LOUIS. Ma .hap. of pnaeripUoai tram (uilljr phyricUaa. Hw boiral a. j or lo thorWM a rf m Ula aad ral.rnaa . iinaaaw luimna. ua uuia aaaoia nowootaawaiu Yawn,aab, tK w. MolVlH. SdHocaaA freyrtatot Taakaiaa(aJa. SVwa. tka liul. la now iet-t walL fables FIN8ET STOCKSOFr GA8K1N3 and BRYAN. , 100 lbs. $IC75. 10 lbs $3..60. 61 lbs $1855. 811bsl800. O.C.UOCK. , 174 lbs $16X0. 145 lbs $17.50. , -87 lbs $16.50 J20 lbs $14.55., . MRS. MOLLIS 0. IPO0K. lsibs r.o.oo. 172rbs$U.OO.""" 64 lbs Ca 130.00. J 27 lbs $20.00. 17 lbs $35.00. Tibs $50.60. ' C. E. GA8KINS. 88 lb $10.50. 411bs$15Jia 23 lbs $17.00. 21 lbs $28.0). 48 lbs f20.00. UOT7AIID, Ilanascr, rarmcw warencuso. Or.' r i - .-"or 0: !d I r""".t tnUing and commodioui Edioon er T .1 til, 14 net tons, rorenl'y rvbuilt f.'-tsd out with everyUiii'2 necessa ry for dredging, will ensUy ennf one thousand bushels of oysters. Is ao a f t ri-, f-o' ' t host, will crry C 3 I , t r C ) t ins. r , S-.:d, com f ' 1 ' i ri . H ',N.C. s It I rer I I i.

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