c:. . r i . '.-ess of a-1 Res- t. . c.rclat Ccnfca t:a Ust Veet T: s f '..-g it the address of wel c r. J by Mr. Wm. H. Oliver, on C tr l'J3Jto the Daughters of f, a C .' 'ertcy ii annual Contention ' 1. I- ; r.'-L'.!cg m I do a family, one or mors' of hose descendants for one hundred nd seventy years have trod ths streets ol ti'-a city, I esteem It a privi-hn-e and pleasure In behalf of Mayor hattron to welcome, ye trio welcome the lotted Daughters of the Confederacy of North Carolina to enjoy the hoaplla. My of the htatorlo city of New Bern. I beg of yoa to visit Cedar Grove Ceme- . tery and view the monument erected by the Memorial Association to the memory of "Our Dead" beneath the monument are the remaina of ft large number of Confederate soldiers who were killed In battle or died In the hospitals. While there "Tread lightly, 'lis a toldler'a grave. - . - - ' "Tread lightly for these men bequeath ed, ' . Kre laid beneath this sod, -Their ashes to their native land, j. V - - Their souls an to their Ood " - . Then pass down George -street and at the foot of the street yon will see the foundation of the Colonial palace which was built under the reign of King George III and occupied by Governor Tryon. The brick building which was need as a stable Is still standing. Then at the corner of Middle and Pol lock streets yoa will see the foundation of the Colonial Church, which was also ' built under the reign of King George III The massive silver communion service (which Is no- used In Christ Church) " was presented to this church by King GeortwIU. I beg to say to yoa that the ."latch atrlnes of our homes hang on ; the outside." I assure you it will be ' oar aim to make every hour of your ' sojourn with as one of unalloyed pleas are. Again 1 bid you welcome. , ' vin me nigiit ui tiia vtwiug miw, Kiss Bessie Henderson presented the following resolutions to the convention, whlou were unanimously adopted. Madame President The committee on 'Resolutions beg to present through their Chairman, the following, - 1st. That the visiting Daughters of the Confederacy extend to the New Bern Chaoter and the patriotic citizens of lovely New Bern the warmest expres- ' slon ol our inanxs ror iuo princeiy now v oltalltv extended to each and every del egate of our State Convention a hospl- tallty lor wnicn ine msiono mue cut -' has ever been famous, since her Royal Governors held their magnificent recep tlona In her Colonial Palace. .-. 2nd, That these expressions of our gratitude be especially emphasized to MIsaMarv Oliver, the president of the . New Bern Chapter, to her , honored father, and to the numberless private ' citizens for untiring seal and energy for ' - devising constant sources of pleasure for every leisure hour. '.;f 8d. That we were proud to receive the beloved brothers the Confederate Vet- erans, and the sons of Confederate vet- erans. -v - 4th. We also thank the proper author s' Hies for the use of their beautiful and 1 commodious temple of Justice in which we held our deliberations, and the thanks of the Convention assembled are also dna the citizens who presented ex AnlaltA flfmAH to MIT MlnVMl PfL aent, as well as tne norai ueco rations tu i n Hiurnni uuiiubuuui. riili That m alnramlv feel the nnuanal honor, through New Bern's distinguish ed citizen, Mr. Henderson in securing for ns a delightful sail on your beautiful ' steamer Nense, the just pride of the Norfolk & Southern Co. that the oon- ' Tention and officers place oa record fh.nlra tn tha ltlba Tju)M fflT It! " 8 entertainment, and to Mr. Oliver for the nraaentatlon of a rjlcture 01 uen. k. s. Lee to our President. Mrs. Overman. 8th Our more hearty thanks are due Mrs. I. 8. Duffy for her charming sail, and to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Meadows for the elaborate reception given the entire convention at their beautinu residence. Thanks also to the janitor of the court - house.' ' 7th That we record our grateful thanks for the liberal terms by the various trans portation companies, especially tne a, ds N. 0. and President J. A. Bryan. : Lastly we will carry to our houses linger . lng memories of New Bern and New Bern people. Died at Jasper. Death entered the home of Mr. and ' i Mrs. J. T. Stewart .. and took from them their loving little girl, the only girl of that family. She was born August 12 1898, and died October 13 1902, making her age. 4 years, 2 months, and 1 day old. The Editor Was There, f . Augusta. Kan., Journal Tea, we went to the street fair at Wichita, and we walked the streets and threw confetti and heard the barkers and , attended the rotten shows and walked the streets and threw more confetti and pot our arms around the girls ana tnrew confetti, and hugged the elderly ladles 1 the ktnd that wanted to be hogged-end ' again threw confetti, and we boozed and 1 .' threw confetti, aa long as we were able and returned Imagining we had a good time... , Bsanthe - -TiM Kind Ym IHi Batigtt Pig Feet, .Fresh Tripe and Boneless Hocks at the Oaks Market, r r.AEiiAEi's mrnovED anti- i:i.:;J3 PILL1 are nature's m".'ool ! 1 r n: t effective remoily for a slrx ''S s .: : - 1 i murders ol t fl d: ivet'iu t . 'I doy remove i piii' vies from I ! d i lear i) j t s:.l!ow rmn v 'i nh "-s s'.. ii'f; (1 . - i r Ho, AT.Oc. -3 i.. D AI.OUT. The opt a season for shooting quail la tUa county br gins November lit Cotton sold on the local market yes terday at 8 to 8 1-18. Registration books close Saturday. Bear this la mind and register at once. Mr G N Ires entertained a small party of friends oa board his launch' "Sappho" yesterday afternoon. Mrs Lafayette Wtlllams died at her home oa Metcalf street early yesterday morning at the age of 28 years. The ministers' Union of the city will meet tomorrow (Monday) morning at the Baptist Parsoaage at tea o'clock. All members of the Library Commit tee are requested to meet at the library room, this afternoon at ISO o'clock. Those who wWh to join the foot ball team will meet at the Armory Monday night at eight o'clock for signal prao Ue. . - . . . , Cards are cut announcing the mar riage of Rev J R Taylor, of Bayboro, to Miss Bertha Muse of Hobuckea, on I he fifth of November, . ;. . The health board received word from KInston yesterday that the quarantine was declared off, except In regard to an excursion of a large number vf people. The scats for Woimwood which U played at the theatre tomorrow night are going rapidly and those desiring good seats should secure them as soon as pos sible. The report of the registration books In this city at" six o'clock last evening Indicate very satisfactory condition and it is belltved that nearly . If not quite a full vole will be registered. Those who have not seen to this duty should do so without delay. , The A & N C ran a special train yes lerdsy to Morehead City .giving a moat en joyale outing, to Daughters of the Con federacy. Vost of those going made the trip to Beaufort The party returned last night In time to take the regular passen tratn from here at 6.30 p. m. returning to their homes. Messrs D L Ward and George B Waters addressed a political meeting at Vance boro yesterday. They report a pleasant time, a large crowd with much enthusiast was manifested. Th registra tion there shows nearly a full vote and the balance of the voters will undoubt edly qualify soon. North Carolina may not have a large crop of lemons but if the one brought to this office yesterday Is any sample she may rightfully boast of growing as large lemons as can be found. Mrs. Du guld showed one that measured 12 hi' ches one way and 13 Inches the other, and weighed one pound. The shape was like a pear. ': " The "German street" gang or a part of it was In the Mayor's court yesterday on the charge of disorderly conduct consist lng of cursing and boisterous talking on Sunday. The Mayor Imposed a fine on the four defendants, all white, of three dollars each and gave them some advice. There Is in the occasional visits of these young law breakers to the Mayor's office enough to "point a moral," if not to "adorn a tale.". It Is to be hoped that some means wlUbe;found soon to ef fectually break np these orgies. The James City Quarantine. Many erroneous statements have come from the quarantine against James City.. This quarantine was one for the pur pose of making the colored people of that place get vaccinated, and was not a quarantine on account of the small pox.' The fact about James City, Is, that so far only three cases of small pox have developed there. And the people in James City are now pretty nearly ail vaccinated. -, ' Reports of the D. D. C The very comprehensive and excellent reports of the proceedings of the DaugbJ ten of the : Confederacy meeting, held here last week, and published In the Journal was the work of Mrs. F. A. Olds of Rale!gh,one of the leading Daughters, as her electloa to the State Presidency would prove. Tha Journal Is under great obligations to Mrs.- Olds for these reports, which have been equally as much appreciated and rained for their completeness by the Daughters of the Confederacy, both vis itors and those of this city. k ; A Remarkable Recovery. Macky Fenner the colored man who was shot two weeks ago 'by another ne gro named Hutchinson may recover. It will be remembered that Hutchinson and Fenner had a quarrel over a woman which resulted la the shooting and It was thought that the wound was fatal as (he man was shot in the abdomen- place where a wound Is almost sure to kilt, yet Fenner may get well. The ball which was a 38 calibre has been re moved.' ' '' ' ' ,-; '" 7 Z Hutchinson, the man who shot Fen ner was before the Mayor yesterday to le ew.'.neJ. lie was ordered to be ' aid f jt trial In the November term of Criminal Court In default of $150 bond, r We, the undersfgned, believing Dr S2TH ARKOLD'3 BALSAM tobean; liable Ketly for Bowel Comp.fs.ts, hereby u ,, a a twenty-Cve ct-Et br-t- : .3 ti ; . .e f ' .:;:on or money rt'and- " i. t. a. r j. . -y. - ; f ' , j a br- nl'r..S if r 1... ar. !(": SMALL FOX SITCAT!; Let The fabUc Utii and Correct The False Reports Coacernlng Rev Bern. Doctors State ments. Oa account cf false rumors, distorted statements apparently based oa facta, and exaggerated stories ooaoerning Small Pox In and near the City of New Bern all persons Interested are request ed to consider the following statement Small Pox has existed during the past four years to some extent la the city of Norfolk, Vv Small Pox has prevailed at many places la North Carolina dar ing that period and for the moat of the time the State has never been clear of the disease. At no time has Small Pox at any place in this Slate assumed aa epidemic form or spread beyond the oontrol of the Health Authorities. This disease, although eaiiily conta gious Is the most easily control lod of all dangerous contagions. , It Is a fact that the largor cities of the country are rarely free from Pmall Pox; but the health authorities a-i control It that none but the ruckle; an.l Ignorant run any appreciable risk by vMliig theso Therefore no one hesitates to visit Norfolk or other bonlito centers of Its size on account of ttaall Pox litre. New Bent la a city of over 10.C00 In habitant, a large place for this State, and there might be ten cases within the corporate limits without subjecting the great majority of Its inhabitants to any more danger than do the cases of Small I'ox in Morroik, ror tne reason tnat as a rule when a case Is suspected In New Bern II Is watched, guarded. Isolated, and upon development removed, three miles from the city and placed under guard. " 4 ' '.''" Every resident of New Bern Is com. polled by a recent ordinance of the Board of Health to be vaccinated.' Visitors to New Bern need aot fear Sot all Pox contagion. : ' , There is no danger to any person of ordinary Intelligence. Well Informed persons do not avoid viBltlng this city on account Of smallpox They are continually coming and going on business and pleasure. ; ' The Convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy composed of representa tive women of the best class from every section of the Bute, held Its daily meet ings in New Bern during the week, past ending October 18th 1902. . '. These ladles were the guests of various citizens, and mingled freelp and fearless ly with the people at banquets, balls and other entertainments. They were at no time in danger of contagion, although during this week occupied was tha only small pox case which has not been promptly removed beyond the city lim its. In this case the patient was allowed to remain by advice of the attending physician. It should be further remarked that this case was a white woman, who had never been vaccinated, and her resi dence was close to the place where a negro with small pox was In hiding from the authorities. H It should be further stated that this person is the only white person who has had small pox in New Bern. f ; The following signed statements from leading physicians will give the small pox situation from the medical point of views. ' The county hoard of health has al ready made public Us statement. To whom It may concern: ' i -, I am reliably informed from the Supt. and Assistant Bupt. of Health of Craven county that there Is not a case of small pox in New Bern, all the cases found in the county having been Immediately re moved to the pest houses, which is ad mirably situated for the cure of these cases, It not being located on a public road or one that leads anywhere else but to the pest house. The ultra precaution ary measures adopted by oar Sanitary board while necessary In every commu nity have unnecessarily alarmed the laity, and caused neighboring towns to adopt quarantine measures that In my opinion are thoroughly unnecessary In the premises.'"-; J, ' ROBT. & PRIMROSE, M.D. ' The small pox situation seems well in hand. I see no need of alarm oathe part of any one. ' ' ' ,: 1 R. DuVAL JONES, M D. New Bern, Oct 18. ' New Bern, Oct 18. ' I see no reason why any one wishing to visit the City of New Bent In any capacity should feel any alarm as re gards the small pox situation here. I do not believe there Is a single case In the city.-'".'.' I ' Very Respectfully, J. W. DUGUID. M.D. After reading the above report of the Assistant health officer of the county, I hereby express the opinion that any one can come to New Bern without the least fear of contracting any contagious disease whatever. - ' fl J F RHE't, M D. ' ITawr rn.C 1. 18. This la to certify thut legu..-g the report of small " t !' r port hss been exacuers ' , I tliat t'.e few cases now ex'. i i i'-.e cov ty are under control a . s are noiu la the City of Kew I;r .. ' iO cv;: itlst, 11 d. :b,C 1. 13 -a y sny j ' I7ew ' y , :. n. I am sure t' . a I J f ; -y r . i i t iiraac? cm: EtslzK s Rea Meet to ConsUer Best Ecans to Thvart Malicious It amors. Thlr wu agood sized meeting of btu! aeaa men at the court Louie yesterday morning to devise means to counteract the evil effects of the exaggerated ac counts of the small pox. The gentlemen felt that some thing should speedily be done to assure the farming community adjacent to New Bern that there Is so small pox la -this city. Mr. Henry O. Whltehurst presided and Mr. W. S. Colton wm appointed secretary of the meeting. Mr. Whlte hurst expressed briefly the purpose of the meeting and Invited - suggestions ou the matter. Messrs M E Whltehurst, J L McDaaicl Luther Taylor and 0 8 Hollliler mads suggestions to the effect that a state ment plainly made and spread broadcast' through the country woo Id have the de sired effect ' ' . Capt K R Jones was resent and read a letter which Dr ( has Duffy wrote Dr Pridgen, of KInston, tiling the exact condition aa tt exists. It wu agreed that this letter wiouM appor on the etatcuu-nt to be published ' A he chairman appnlnled a coiumittoe onraHiacd of Mv-snrs O M llnl)lster,L A Taylor and JR Parker Jr 'o compile this statement along with ll hn doctofS slgoetl slatemeuis la regard tu the condi tion.' t ' : :" -... ; . Fall reports of tbla statement will be found In another column of this issue. " Returned From Farmers Congress. ; Messrs. William Dunn, and C. E. Foy have returned from the meeting of the Farmers National Congress which wu held at Macon, Oa., last week. . .. ; ' They report that' the railroads, and the citlsens of. Georgia generally did much to show to the Delegates In at tendance . the Empire State of the South. . . . ' . , ; ; The Delegates to this Congress came from the various Statea of the Union, a very large attendance from the Sta'es Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. A special train was furnished - free of charge carrying some three hundred delegates traveling over portions of the States of Georgia and Florida. . Some five days were con sumed and more than eleven hundred miles were traveled In this way, making short stops at several points of Interest, going as far down as St. Augustine Florida, and thence to Savannah and re turning to Macon. ' The whole delegations were greatly pleased and many ol them much sur prised at the rapid development of the South. Many of the Western people who had not seen this country since they traveled it with Sherman's army in 1865. were greatly astonished at the In dustrial, Financial , and . Commercial growth, especially of the cities of At lanta and Savannah. , - ' v v j THE VALUE OF EXPERT TREAT MENT. ,! Everyone who is afflicted with a chron io disease experiences great difficulty. In having their case intelligently treated by the ' average physician. . These diseases can only be cured : by a specialist Who understands them thoroughly. Dr. J, Newton - Hathaway or Atlanta, Ga. is acknowledged the most skillful and suc cessful specialist in the United States. Write him for his expert opinion of your case, for which he makes no charge. 1 , t - 1 , Gambling: Talk "Cut Oat. ' Since Secretary ShnW , inaugurated that' personally 'conducted antiganv bling crusade the treasury department clerke who feel that they requlrehelr Jobs have become exceeflngly&aseful in their manner of cxpressing'them selves. -;: v ',..;. "Ho hum," yawned one of thcmASAe gazed out of one of the offlcelndows shortly after 3 o'clock theptberaffcar noon, 'We 2 to 1 that It'lrbeiiialriing like the dickens before 4 o'clock," ' "Sb-shr , blBsed one of his fellow. clerks, JA.r:L v s-j.-:. i "Why, what's the matterJ" toaulred the yawner. 1 ;. . ; ' "Ton said something about 2 to 1," was the explanation. , , -, j ' "Oh!" And the clerk who had made th dangerous crack, which, clearly showed, him to be1 an , Inveterate rnd hopeless, gambler; fluahediundglaiiced furtively about A Clerk who got backfromihls sea- shore vocation was tellinghla I fellow clerks about it on the daybe'got back to the.offlce. i "You . can pnmble I bad a corking time,' be sold enthusiastically. c "Iltish!" exclaimed the vacationist's fellow. clerks in unison. , "Don't involve ns -in your ruin. " The word 'gamble' dassen't be nsed around these , works anymore." ; OAO1 Bsarsths BlgoatMs A' Public Sciool Teachers Vantel. The School Committee of the public school will meet at Vancchoro, N. C, on the 25th of Oct. for tho purpose of hir ing teachers for the diuci "it schools. All teachers are respectfully invited to attend this meeting ho wkh to tench In No. I Township. We want about fonrtfcu vthtte te;ich er, and about nine colored toucher. , .' E. F. ADA" 3,, . Chairman School Committee. The school rnmm!' of ITo. 2 Town ) will niri-t Oetd., r V.U, at Trn'-iV ' io! 1.. ,, for t' .; jHirp. i; . r 1 - It " t . . ' ' ' ':'- Other ly.. tivcl cr ; Cllt tO k a BfjsBBAjsBjwiaa awmn sSaiai tmmmmt TILC r Sir At;KiriSroTUESPAY,-:OCTOBER 20, 1902. Original and only Ccle Whirl Famous Hiding Bareback; Pony. V Grand Free Exhibition on Show , Grounds , Aftt Xl:30fc m.and.6:30 p. m. tThe Diving MarreU !Girl with Atibnrn llr." Gigantic .Zoological Kxr hibit of Rare Wild Animals, the only Black Tigers. A Big Herd of Performing Elephant. V; .'I i - 1 ThetnlrFilipinoBull. - 1 See the GHAJSD STREET PAGEANT nt 1 -. Two performances onlyr-at 2 and 8 p. in.- Doors openjtn hour earlier. J we ty-nve geniieinmny unere. SnA iiiiid water-pioof ienta,'C',Seating "capacity lOjOOd.' " ' ; One hundred Great Acts and Events.'! Twenty Clowns, an army pt Artists, Exciting Hippodrome Races. The only Baby and Giant Camels, Hundreds of other Strange Beasts,., one hundred Cages, Dens, Caravans Chariots and Tableau Cars. 5 GREAT BANDS OP flUSIC .'-A-' . iThc Play of Wormwood. Tho dVamatizatloii of the wlerd and wonderful - book ' of Marie Corelll's, Wormwood, was presented at the opera house last night oy the strong company of Alden JSenedloL '.. . , f , v ; 1 ' The conception of the play was splen didly carried out and U every act and scene, the supreme motive of the author in the evil effects of , absinthe was faith fully portrayed... 7. - Even the horror of the superheated hereafter had its Insinuating influnot- dot lug the progress of the play and Mephls to was his own true self. The unexpected denouncement ' wu Indeed unexpected and the universal sen tlment wu "It ended well any way. ' ' The several characters were mo it ao ceptlbly taken by the member oi the company. , U : ,:; " : ;v:;.,,i,; . , nawii . , ? Republicans of Pamlico. : - The Republicans of Pamlico met I last Thursday at Bayboro and formally en dorsed the action and nominations made by the Independents on Wednesday at the same place. . , , ,, " - ' A convention was called - tor last Sat urday but Dr. Abbott. - who is the leader of the Republican party in' that county wu unable to attend; consequently the meeting ' wu adjourned . until Friday when It was decided to support tlio ln- dependent tkiot which Is as follows; ; Represents'.' e, CI .a. Eifan. ,, f County Clerk, O. R. KJce. x J -" Sheriff, E. A. Keel. ' ' ; , Treasurer, C. 8. We:h!tt.' ' '- ', Register of DeeJs, "V712ey Whortea. . , County Commissioners, O. H. Fowler, Ben PicEI S and U. 8. Walton. ' v Coroner, Jaa. IV i. ' Surveyor, J. W. 1 Hon. fTv rN r t,tn3'FT WnOLFaALK 7PRICKS CURKCNT. : ' Ers, per doz. ..................... 17c ChltI.ens, old per pair.. CO &70 ' young, per pr...'. 20&53 rork.per.lb..., 7&0 reef, " &e nt.les, green, per lb Co ' dry, ......'..:..... 9 & 10 Eecswax, . " . 3 to c: Corn, per bubh. . Outs, - ' t:e T( nuts...". . : . .... r: 1 oi ..toes, ft).. C' r..Lainaa. ' Lcrl Crr'i V rltt. Corn, ier bu ; i'C (" "a x r 1 1. I XC : i n -x: 1 : i J .'v.. :A Excursions TT i -TlTTH li OFFERS SPECIAL VALUES in ciiFfc'rni 9 nAVQ o ' .- It .111 L V 1 : , aM w s m a -w aiTOIMtED TUESDAY, n iy:, 50 Pieces Tan., j --Hcta at Oao- h half their valuo. V; Si Soo iviirJov; h :5c. special' at coc ! v" rv'l"i r a R-"- nr. V.ly. Ij rr : i; " ' V ' ' '-' . . . , 5 Coiitmont u. in , 'Tim., o 2. from AH Points. t CD Op 1 -tr-l i a ' I . ; . , l ' Wilmington, N. G, - TOE PLACE TO BUT YODH onumcnts, Headstones, and all Cemetery Work at Bottom .Prices Branch yard at Gotdsfcoro. IX. 0. 111! - 111 A B J . m m - - 7 iii.;!r:;Ci inc: ; - yO ir'" rnVl x ' IV l ! ! Ill Ir .,! I i t i r: : i X il I) t I

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