a m' (public. I TBE WEEKLY JOURNAL PnbJUhd U Two 8ctos, rrary Tam ay and Friday, M Middle Btreet,;new ara, . U. CHARLES L, STEVEN. noma 4ire raonunoPr SUBSCRIPTION RATI?" S Two Month..;..'. S8?n. Threat If oaths,... r . Rim llntk 001 Twain MoaQii.. 91.00 , ONLY IN ADVANCX, , AdverUeliyt rates furnished upon ap plication at tfie office, or upon inquiry ayaum. tyTho Joubhai. ta only sot on pey-ii-AjivftnMi haula 'ttabscribers will raceire notice of eapirattoa of their rab scriptlona and h immediate response to nntina wV.I ba - niTDTeciated" by Hhe JOOUAI.-' Intered at the Postofflce.ENew Bern A. C. as aecond-clasa matter. Section One, Tuesday. Oct 28, 1902 THE MESSENGER'S ENTIRELY MISTAKEN. The Wilmington Messenger was never mora mistaken when It iayt "The New Bern Journal Is fighting hard to keep people from thinking that there la imall poi of any consequence In that town or county." What tola paper la doing and haa been doing, and la going to continue doing. li to tell whatlthe email pox situation is here. The "thinking" small pox has been done In Klnston, which quarantined against Mew Bern because of street talk In Elnston. To "assist'' its quarantine it sent word to every country district for the people to keeD away from New Bern because "sma!l pox was raging there." This friendly and brotherlyqnarantlne on the part of Klnston has resulted In thousands of dollars loss and damage to the trade of New Bern. Dally come reports from adjoining counties that New Bern Is filled with small pox cases. From Jones county, the story comes of 500 cases here, with 100 deaths dally. From Carteret county, from Pamlico and Onlow counties come the tame grossly exaggerated falsehoods, and all through the agency of the Klnston Free Press. A theatrical company arrived here Monday from Elnston. Its people had the same story to tell. They remained in Elnston over Sunday, and came here telling the tale of 275 cases and 60 deaths from small pox In New Bern, which they had heard. A column could be filled with the tales told by mouth and letter, of New Bern's small pox cases. The fact that there are no cases here, amounts to nothing, against falsehoods once started, which are backed Tip by farther misrepresentations. Wilmington sent BTOpreeentative here to look over the situation, and reported no cause for quarantine. ' ' Klnston took no street rumors' at home, made a quarantine, and supported It by sending forth representatives ad vising every one to keep away from New Bern, but at the same Itime to noma to Elnston with their prod uct. & quarantine for health purposes Is ; demanded, then quarantine against New Bern, bat to establish a quarantine for trade purposes on the plea of health. Is ! auliolous. And here is where the Journal's fight tomes In. . ' THIS COUmy&omNERAL " RESOURCES. In discussing the eeal strike, there are tew persons Who have any adequate conception of the actual figures in eoni hectlon with this strike, or the qently oi cow mat u mined.- Ir"i f From recent compilations by the Government, through-Its geological sur vey, some Inures ting figures are made x'" 'FYmn these figures it li' shown that 90,008,000 'working days were lost In ' " strikes in the eoal industry, during the ' days In 1901- in 1900,4,878,10 and In The value of W mlned'in 1901 was ' 310,4CSr. ablfnereas 'dvet'$4 l. fW AAA lit- .AAA V . ' vw.uw, nnparw wiui luu. , . , s ... f.. . v 1 v a ;t from 408,859,881; la 1800, tf4,89V , 804 In 1901, every variety of fuel Increat- V- tng In valne, ixoept petroleum. MtM ,v Anchrwlu coal .laweaied. 9,02107 long tone in output f and 5;T46,18$ la ' value. The average' price of anthracite eoal per ton at the mine was 13.08, the ' highest figure obtained since 1808, and the average pr!ce per ton for iltuminous coal at tin c s v. j $1.C', about 0114 cent mo.e r.r tLan in lCvD. v " THE QUESTION OP HEALTH , AND TAXES. The public dtacussloa of any milter appertaining to the welfare and beat la terestsofa community, Is not indica tive that those ia authority have been, or are, derelict la their official duties. The discussion of the handling of a minor evil, which could become, if per mitted to continue an abated, aserloos evil to those at home and abroad. Is a subject that demands opea treatment to those immediately concerned. Ia the matter of small pox In Craven county, for it is a county affair, not one properly belonging to New Bern, as ooastroed under the law, this matter In volves, first, the health of the comma nlty, and those communities which may have relations bringing them In touch with this community, therefore in dan ger, if disease existed here. Secondly, there is Involved the cost o both stamping oat any existing disease that might be found, and the prevention of Its continuance or spread. - wun tne regulation or beano, comes the cost to the tax pajer. Because of what danger might occur in the future, the Craven county health board took what has seemed an extreme measure, and demanded that a compul lory vaccination take place. This nec essary and wise action has led to the alarming and exaggerated stories which have been sent forth broad cast about small pox in New Bern. On the other hand there have been re ports, locally, that this board of health has been extravagant In Its methods of dealing with what It regarded, the nec.Ig of the situation. When a duly authorized and credited board of health says certain measures are necessary, Is not the time for the average citizen Wcrlticise. If danger threatens, say those In' proper authority, then what may seem lavish expenditure, Is not for the tax payer to rebel against, for money is not to be considered when health It in danger. So far as the action of Craven County board of health .is concerned, the iltua- tlon Is in Its control, to stamp out and prevent disease, be it any disease which threatens the community. The tax payer must bear this extra cost, because it Is a public necessity, nor will the tax payer complain of cost If the work is well done. But another phase of the situation remains for the future, and this Is the public accounting on the part of those who have expended the county funds to prevent the, disease from getting en trenched. The fact of this future accounting should not cause those in authority from any deviation from a right course of action, bat it should make them weigh well every expenditure, so that when the time of trouble Is passed, there may be the applause of service wisely and pa triotlcally performed, and not the show ing of duty poorly and illy performed Btatb of Ohio, City of Toledo 1 JUUCAB UOCNTT, f Fbink J. Chen sr. makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J Chenbt & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afoio- sald, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarbh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 8th day of December, A. D. 1888J , A. W. QLASON, i seal. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mu oous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., ToledcJO, Sold, by all Druggists, 75c. ( Hall's Family Pills are the best. ta it anybody's business to keep count of - the number of persons who ore killed by accidents from day to day In this country T The , number must be enormous, and most of the victims die of' moderav improvements of one kind ant another, says Life. Fatal trolley caracddeata are more common and comprehensive this year than ever be forer nllitonds kill and maim about as Usual, autbraoblles do their share,-and ndDea, raetorles, fires, drowning-occl-dentagastaeddents, explosions and the llkvf ontrlbute with extraordinary steadiness to-our mortuary statistics,. In. the. Industrial world especially the sacrifice of human life seems prodi gtoos. Human life ia cheap, but, cheap as it Is, American dvtliiatlOQ seems unduly lavish In expending It I- i America!.: Famous Beauties Look with horrer on Skin Eruptions, Blotches,' Sores, Pimples. They don't have :hem, nor . will any one, who uses Backlen'a Arnica Salve.1 It glorifies the face, - Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be fore It. It cores sore lips, chapped hands chllbl.lns. Infallible for Pile. 89c at 0. Di Bradham's drag store, fv i-: t?; 1 ' .; '7 ? Mystery. Unsolved. Washington, Oct. 93. After hovering between life and death since last Decern J ber Mrs. Ada Gilbert Dennis, the victim of one of the most myterlous assaults In the Llstory of the District of Columbia, 1 lathe Garfield hospital here today with the mystery unsolved. ' J s 1 1 T 7 SHORT -8TORIES. - v. New lark tan ninety-five ef the 263 piano factories la tfca Cattail States. A new and very rich goMfield has Jut been discovered la worth west ArV The mines of southeastern Alaska abowed a yield during the aeaaoat vei ned at 13,000.00a . t . ...... The number of deaf mutes la the United States Is said to bewver 110,000. There are also 88,906 persona who are thnd. . r The agricnltnral and pastoral todus try of tn Argentine- Bepnnlle la la a critical 1 condition ta const qoeoca of long centlnned troncht What U aald ts be the Urgeat cotton mtn ta tba world la to ba located soon near Kansas City. The investment will reach about 110,000,000. Most of the "Rosslm" caviare eaten In the United Btatea cornea from tbs Lake of tne Woods, Canada. It haa an area of 6,000 square miles. The Dries of caviare, which waa 89 cents a pound five years ago, has doubted since. Smallpox, as officially reported in the United 8tates from Dec. 28, 1001, to May 2, 1902, presents a grand total of 30.81S cases, with 921 deaths, in con trast with 22,344 cases and 849 deaths In the corresponding period of 190L Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easllj. No disease costs more little lives than croup. It's attack Is so sud den that the sufferer is often beyond ho. msn aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the macus, allays In fiammatlon, removes danger. Absolute ly safe. Acts Immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F. S. McMahon Hampton, Ga: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before in oratorical con test. I intended to withdraw but trok One Minute Cough Cure. It restored my voice In time to win the medal." F. S. Drffy. :,,vIi,m IVnchcrit. The public schools lu Switzerland nrc operated by tbe Kovernment, and civil service rules are strictly applied. Tbe teachers, who are mostly women, are very well paid and never discharged except for cause. When they get so old they can't tench, they are pensioned liberally. Tbe result Is that tbe coun try has an excellent corps of educators. OASTOniA. Bwntiu The Kind Yon Hit Always BwgM of Marriage la Sweden. In Swedish towns the average mm--rying age of males Is thirty and a h.'ilf years and of females twenty -seven and three-quarters. Germ. Every day of your life yuu take into your system germs sufficient to. end your life were It not for the protecting action of the defensive agents In your blood. The Best Prescription for Malaria. ChUls and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c Milk la China. The Chinese have the idea that milk revives the youthful powers and thnt it naa special virtue as winter food for old people. To Waterproof Shoes, rsoots ana shoos may be rendered permanently . waterproof by soakinir mem ror some nours In thick soap wa ter, a rauy ncia is forced In the leath er oy tuo soap which makes It Imper vious 10 water. Out t'of Death's Jaws. " When death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, tha had suffered with for years." writes P. Muse. Durham, N. C, ;"Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health.'. Best pills on earth and only 35c at C u Bradham's drag store. ; Forty Years Toiture. To.be relieved from a torturing dis ease after Q years' torture might well cause the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haaeyr.4neva, O. He says: "DoWitt's Wrteb- ecel Salve cared me of piles after.; J . jiad suffered ,40 years." Cares cuts burnsrwonnds, skin dis eases; Beware of counterfeits. F. R Duffy,1 t(!iiif ' :. : .1 ei ;-;vBttlldjHftollapsed. : r New York, TOot. 2. The old Singer Sewing Machine Company's bonding on Broadway tnd Prince, streets, collapsed at noon burying twelv workmen under toedebris.iTfcK fti $;:." Prickly'heat Cared, in one application by aslng ot HaneockV'Lf qnld Sulphur. It will, slc; cure Ecneniavt Fetter, Pimp- lea, Ringworm, t Dandruff, .Cuts, Barns, Old Sores, , and U ei' troubles in a short time,-when wed ar directed. For ale at F. a Luy' Drug Store, . A Delleat CompllaieDt. To '.be able-toHjompliment without seeming ts' flotter hrer rare gift, and probably no race, of -meo Is endowed with that'glft more-'xtensively than the French.' iy-i fr'M ' s An example of the Frenchman's rare tacMxr matter of this sort is shown in that sweet tittle ettry of a man who had ventured to compliment a white aalced old lady upon her beauty. 'Ah,,, said ahe. fear yon flatter me. Ton call me pretty 1 ..Why, I am an old woman, ta hair is white, and aee here Is at wrinkle." ' ' " fV.f t "A wrinkle If , he . resiled. ' "Never. madame; that- ia not a wrinkle. It is trot a amllet that has drifted from Its moorings.'' 1 T0U KICOW WHAT TOD ARB TAXING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula) is plainly .ted od every bottle showing that It ;'y Iron and quiulne In a tasteless CZIJ i:a cureno t:y. XM B5e. --. STATE UF1T01. Cotton Kill Herxer Conunlttep Hears all Interests. PakUt School Feed DlstrUatieai State Geats. Fine Beasaa Far . Cettea. .Seaboard a . glaesBaralaf -Weed. Jary Oat 60 Hears. , "' UaLKIoh, October S4. The 8 lite Su perintendent of Publio Instruction made op the figures showinc the dis bursements of public school funds out side of cities and towns with graded schools, the total being fl.877.036. There was paid to white teachers $893.' 597, colored $ 336,6(53, Croatan Indians For the first time county superintend ents were asked to give the number of children between the ages of 13 and 21 who cannot read and write. Some failed to report. Those who do report give the number as 10,678 white males. - There are now 7 students at tbe Med ical Department of the Jtato University which was opened here last raoath. Quite a large sale of gems from Macon county, mainly cut ttouei, Is being made in this State. The Kappa Alpha ilusini associa tion of North Carolina will give "smoker" here next Wednesday even' ing. Cotton dealers and farmers unite In saying that there wis never such a sea son for the opening and picking of that crop. With tbe exception of a few bad "streaks" where the drought was really. severe, the crop Is a very tine one In quantity. The quality Is very high. On this division of the Seaboard Air Line 15 freight engines are now burning wood. Superintendent Huger says it is satisfactory and that there are no de lays. He adds that there is a full supply of wood on all divisions. Passenger en gines will all burn coal. The cotton compress here, disused for several years, is being put in repair and will get at work Monday. Cotton is now arriving to be pressed. This press will take the place of the one burned at Hamlet. Next year it may be removed to Hamlot. The stale fair committee, the chamber of commerce and the merchants ex change here have united In providing 1 bureau of public comfort, In order to provide accommodations for all visitors to the State fair next ntsefe. In the Superior Court here a jury has been out over 60 hours on the Smith case. bmiLa is a youth who lost an arm and a leg in an accident on the Seaboard Air Line near here, and sues for $60,000 damages. The cotton mill merger committee was In session here until very late last night and resumed Its session today. Henry . Fries, the head of this great scheme, says the session will continue to morrow, in order to hear all Inter ests. It continues to be very difficult to get audiences of sny size at the political speakings. It is said that at one place where a very able man spoke there were only 10 hearers. CAUTION! This is not a gentle word but when you think how liable you are not to pur chase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that hsi.had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung trou bles without losing its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we call ed your attention to Boachee'f- German Syrup. There are so many ordinary oongh remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bronchi tis, Croup and efcclally for Consump tion, where there h difficult expectora tlon and coughing during the nights and mornings, there la sothlng like Ger man Syrup. Sold by all; drwgist8 the c'vlllzed world. , 1 . , G. G. Gbeen, Woodbury, N. J. ' A Secret Treaty? j London, Oct. 28. In lit House of Commons today Thomas Gibson Bowles, member of Lynn, asked the government if a secret treaty existed between Eng land and Germany. , . ' '-iM efef Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid BnL. phur. They are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. They will car Prickly heat, Eczema, and all; skin dis eases. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. ' . A Weak Flnlak. ' ' A newspaper thus describes the ef fects of a hurricane: "It shattered mountains, tore ap onks by the root dismantled churches.'' laid I villages Waste and overturned a haystack.'' . " 1 1 i , . '" Kuiu aa a Territory. ir. When Krtnaas wns first organized aa territory In 1854. Its area jineluded part of the present rtata, of Colorado, extending as far west ns the' crest of the Rocky mountains. Denver.) Leud vllle, Tuublo ADd Coiorado Springs are now located 011 former Ksnsas soil. .' . Maitlabd, FLA.October 10th, 1901 Tbe Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. ' ' ' ' " Gentlemen: I hkve.had lEczenn river thirty years, have tried many remedies preset lbed by various physicians, bnt to nothing hss the disease yielded: to read ily as to Liquid Sulphur, I think if need pioperly it la undoubtedly a speci fic for Fczema. I have prescribed it for others with most satisfactory results. 1 consider It the best remedy ' for. cuta neous affections I have ever known, and regard it as ths greatest medical dlsooT ery of thr gti. Bsspectfullyyoort, . W.A. HEARD, M. D. 1 ;- For sale at F, B. Duty's. -; l. J : 1 w TELEGRAPHIC BTIYTOES." Tegphle wb- froa;Vtoaaa says that aa atteanpt has keen audi to asssee (nats the B alias of Tirkey at OoneUatl- Maay of the' striking miners have WM-rsJacUd by Us forsnsn of tbe aUaas and a aew trouble Is arising oa that account. - ' ' .Great Britain, Francalaad Germany hart signed aa agreement to withdraw their military forces from the Province of Shanghai, China. . The victory of the government troops overthrmolntlonisU la Baa Domingo settlod, temporarily at least, tha revolu tion prevailing in that Island. Tne new Spanish Minister, Senor Ojeda was. received at Washington Thursday. He gave attarances of Spain Unfriendship lor the United Butts. ThePhOllpina Commisiloa will ask Coo great to have the PhUUplae financial condition baaed of gold. Nxw Toaa, Oct Jt The market today .acted about at expected. Had re ceipts been foil tha large -estimate by Mr. Bustln, the English expert would airs ciased a shary break. As U was prices ralliad and nude a substantial id- vines after tha .figures were received, j The Bus tin reportWiyv - "I am eoaYiaoed the damage done has been greatly exaggerated. The crop haa suffered In Texas from, the Mexican weevil holl worms and drought in some reeUoai Tha crap as a whole Is sa average one... I started la to examine It tn North Carolina anL-at first glance -nooght tha crop had suffered, as the plant-wen small, bat was surprised oa counting the bolls to find five the aver age, which was in excess of last season. ins plant was green and growing. In South Carolina it has an excellent stand and there was a total absence of dead punts. The fields were . well worked. very even and good prospects for a top crop. In some, localities the plant had taien on a second growth, which with lint weather during October it hound to add to the crop, "1 consider this State has a betfer cron man nave eeen for yeart., My estimate is n,zw,ooo bales." Bat to bring about a lower market it wm require more than this amount. In view of the. fact tu.it Mi. Buttln Is an Englishman and working for the best interest of his clients abroad, we do him no injury ,when we say his tendency is to overestimate the crop. We do not like to tee him advising tha sale of cot ton. At far as the .plant is concerned this takes away froav tha value of his es timate, when, the New York . cotton ex change authorised tha tame thins in Juiy ana pat the crop at 18 million bales we said It didn't look right. We would have more confidence in Mr. Bustln, if he confined hia energies to aa estimate bf the crop, and not to advising so large and so able a community as the cotton world of America, As the ma jority look at It, the crop it probably iu,7W,ooo bales. There it nothing In Jili to sell cotton short on. On the same line the amount ia sight this week Was placed at 4M,0C0 ' Vs. 868,000 last year. Next week we will compare with 551,000 last year and there la likely to be another heavy lota. Under ' this condi tion prices will not break much, but the weather la good and on anj advance we would he Inclined to take profits. The market may advance some on these light receipts,' a falling off list year may be met with and Increase this year. Prices will be Irregular at best , . The Worst .Form. Maltltndea are singing the praises of Kodol, tha now discovery which is mak ing so maay sick people well, and weak people strong by digesting; what they et by , cleansing, and sweetening , the stomach and by transforming their food ,nt0 tlllVsdof pure, rich blood that makes you . feel rood all over. , Mrs. Oranflll, of Troy, I. T., writets, MFoff B uhiuum- m yoars 1 waa iroaDiea wu a in- into ue worse lorm." Jlnallw v was ln duosd to ase Kodol and after. Vlng four .r5T..f "u ft1?? 10 'offerers from .uu.gw.Mvu " "fspepew, , Take a doee after meals. It dliraau -JI-. " ... . h .. . 1 , .: "tottiS tint tiiWtL ' utpenhagea. not, sa-Lambtvin. m. day rejected the seooad reading thw bll provMln-g for Qu ratification af the treaty netw een Denmark and tha tTnltad States twgardlog bi cession of the Dan- iso tyrat Indies. . Tha vote atnnd k tl w iw. ...1... iifiJYtfnJa.a V -, ,i ' ' aw ;r rt cfils kit In Pelt:; IJust seemed td live aonei afl to i-hiot, wmes niirea nee. or weiriiw. Tex., "bllloasnest end a lame : back hid mrae ' lire a' tinman. T nnllMH . lieep and felt .almost too .wora'onft to wora when I began to use Eleetrle Hit ters, bat that Wked -wonders. HVnwT tleep likeh top, can cat anything. 'have gained In strength and en iov hw m irk They give Vigorous health a4tilfe weak, sickly, run-down peewK ' Try them:' fnW fav.t n ri j:n - vw.h. v vviwnai uruK itOM ' '' ' .......' br. Bates Ahln' raie. ' '( London, , Oct., 8. Dr. ! WiRtaa '7. 11 Bates, the New York oculist, foaad heie wnayt ago py mt wife, whoeah. eJeft mysteriously last Augoat J la New Jork, hat agsJa disaDDesred. . .' " . Look Ont For -F5rMr. ut, ' l illoasness and li verjdis order at 'inls season may ba prevented by eleaat sing mem wiu- verYittv Xjiuial Kiseri. Those ,ikTnoui Kttla iSis. not ion ito gripe. They more tie bowels gei bat copiously, and by reason of thm lo properties give ' tone anatitmB the glands. - F.8rDary. ' . 1 :fv.r IF TP' ''.111 rirTe-ooaJlrfMea1eaatastafUa-tr 41k. .1LL i, tmoai Into a glas kU fuU of wataraad WthttJsgVale yow earee etua tl wlU qatcalyosrs aBors Throat, ' 11. . Tt. . AT a aa pajsnaaaaaaanani iaa a altaaj a . m H rV ... . tact nhraja For Cnta, Mftflics anfl all Open Bore, yoa . need only tb apply J , f fftbeican ffustan inimenl , ! I a few times aad the soreness and inflammation will v j be conofir ftad tho founded flesh healed. ' V ' To'getthebestreaultByott should Batorate a piece i fsoftdothtrtththeliriWitandllnditupoa the . y wound as yoa vould a potltloe, . y i MtBfaadVlAO a bottle. :. KEEPAFTEYE OM afKt diaaaaet among your fowls use lexioaa Mustang Liniment. THE PRICE TELLS ! Some recent sales at the Farmers Warehouse your good tobacco and we will please you. M. iroCK. 24 lbs $12. J-"). 78 lbs $15.00. W5 lbs $l,t 50. ' 31 lbs $18.50. 40 lbs $18.75. M. GASKfNt. 888 lbs $22.00. M. EDWARDS 70 lbs $20.50! 45 lbs $14.23. 28 lbs $1X25. 5 lbs . $15 MK 67 lbs & $26.00. 42 lbs $19 00. J. B. 1I OCK. 85 lbs $17.50. 181 lbs $15.00. 205 lbs Q $10.00. C.A.IPOCKL 86 1U $15.00. 44 lbs $17.00. 88 lbs $25.00. M lbs $10.00. C. H. RICHMOND, Auctioneer. "' . ,'"" s'"- LARQE8T AND ever offered for sale in this Aisaco X A. JOISTES, Lwefy, feed 1 a-J I r-rjrA' JOI8l(jBroaiSt. 8!? wart'i Old Stand. f ' - - raisin EW VAUifACTOLOADEDjSHOTGUN SHELLS (-tobetter aBdiloaded by exact machinery with the'standard brands of , y.i jxjer, slot snd;wdd!fgTry thenvandyou will ba convinced. ui'ilrfipji. .fsv.I offer ;aay. Stock oClQeneral Her chandise for tik at a BAQAIK.' 'Will ell BtockW Fixtores otunplete. . j'Thls Is a tno.'oppot tnnlty . forjhe right party to engage in the mercantile tatlnees. One of the lineal locations In theCornty. '.'" !' 'Bnslnese Ten Thousand DoUart per ,Tvt particular! co rrespon d with, t ' ' ' e:ivetda!e,:".C.' '.TTr;wea?.' Keepvthis freeh In your momorr:- (Up-town). Jiringr OASKINrt and BR TAN. 100 lbs. 1$16.75. 19 lbs $32.60. 51 IbH $18.25. 31 lbs 965 (H). C. (!. li'Oi'K. 174 lbs $15.00. . 145 lbs $17.60. ! 87 lbs $16.50 220 lbs $14.25. MRS. MOLLIK C. 1POCK 15 lbs $70.00. 173 lbs $11.00. 54 lha $80.00. 27 ltta $20.00. 17 lbs $26.00. 7 lbs $50.00. C.E. GABKIKS. 88 1U $10.50. 41 lbs $150. 28 lbs $17.00. 81 lbs $28.0). 48 lbs $20.00. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, Farmeri Warehouse. FIN8ET 8TO0K5OF . city," A'car lead of each Inst in. Wagons, HarneaB, Eobea, Whips, wmmm or For Sale ! "Fast tailing and commodious Schoon er itabell, 14 net tons, recently rebuilt and fitted ont with everything necesav ry for dredging, 1 will easily earrr one thousand bushels of oysters. Ia also a fiMfeclaa.Jrelght boat, will carry 800 barrels or 80 tons. Hate, solid, com totatoeV l " For price and terms address: ; vi h. n:J, p. GODETT, ! -; ' i'f Y '.Korth IJarlowa, N. a Pintf anil Oak Wood for sale by boat 1-1. "V;;; '"-"

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