'1 - I - t .1 t;Jf Republic! Couatj Ticket. The BepebUcea XxtcatlT CommltU Bast here yesterday sad nominated the following ticket. For Senators from the 8ik Senatorial district, James M. Mewboroe, ol laaolr ooasty, Charles D lr tacks ofOeslow eoaaty. Tot Boom of Representatives, John . Blddls, ' , 1 for Clark of Ssperlor Coart, Gabriel LHardlsoa. For Treasurer, L H Calls w. For Register of Deeds, W G Tc lar. ' for Surveyor, George WUooi. . Foe Coroner, J W Duguld. For Sheriff, William R Dlxoa. Charles B. HIH, Chelrmaa Republi can Ixecatlvt Committee of Craves eoaaty. ITOniA. lasts iTbi IM YolllraUam tsajH r " Outrageous Treatment. It declarlaf a quarantine mean bru tality the mayor of Beaufort may be excused for to Interpreting the term. Otherwise he should be regarded as guilty of cruelty which has seldom been heard of. Capt. E. O. Martin of the steamer Kay Bell arrived in port Saturday after noon and related a story which seemed almost Incredible for cruelty. There Is a quarantine by Beaufort against New Bern and last week Capt Martin left here with freight not knowing of the action of the city fathers of that town In relation to New Bern. Upon reaching the place the captain and crew landed and went to their boarding house but In the night they were called out by the mayor and compelled to get on board their boat and ordered to not go on land within the city again nor to remove their goods for 18 days. Mr Martin told the msyor that he would obey the orders but that he must hare food and water and he (Martin) had no money with which to buy. This was on Thursday morning. The mayor told him he would see that he got provi sions, but the pressure of business cares seemed to be too great for him and he forgot all about the matter! Neither food nor water were supplied. Friday noon the men almost starved and famished started to return to New Bern without receiving any attention what ever from the mayor or any of the citizens. At one point they were able to get some water but when they reach ed this city they had been without food for more than 48 hours. This is another case of kind returns when you help your neighbor. A Wise Woman. Despite the fact of Inclement weather, the opera house was crowded to see the Wise Woman, last night and they en loved one of the cleverest hits of the season. A jollier comedy would be hard to conceive. The characters are "in it" from the time the curtain rises on the first act until the final fall. Without an apparent plot the way faring man though a fool may follow the play through its wild career to Its successful ending, if he doesn't die for laughter. Aside from the splendid comedy all the characters appeared in songs that produced thunderous applause. It was a show to make a man feel good that he was alive. Black Dress Goods. We have just received and are now showing a complete line of Black Dress goods and skirting. Borne excellent values In Serges, Melrose Cheviot Hen rlettas & c. AH prices from 35c to $3.00 yard. BARFOOT BROS. A Political Debate. A Joint debate on the political Issues of the day has been arranged between Hon Chas R Thomas and Maj Geo E Butler, Independent candidate for Con' grass for the third district. The debate will take place in this city Wednesday . night Oct 30. ' The place .will be announced later. i '. f.- ' ' r"f Special Underselling: Values, r One piece Corduroy (brown jonly) for waists price 60c at 25c yard one piece each grey and nary bine wool skirting Q 35c yard. Warner's Rust Proof corset aw models 75c pair, ' , r i . BARFOOT BROi 1 Tkere A So "Cradle 1 .Tnnnn itao not fcnaw Til" ' nan iii" - jt jv iClip -jf iiKTySIOW iaf.iJ Ui ;!-. LlAil i An Diogenes made a i band, thus the Jupal cradle with ,tbe Vnt-V of n;j Child, on ambulntlng, dolighffiuli ri'tlu, -ft here It stays from morou6ia unt and 18 unrhythmieally rocked, nceor Inn to the chances and sodi'MfMlilch the day otters to its patient hnJ loving , victim. Her own back af course la' Its first crndk). Albert S.rAshraeud.M. mAk I edete. Tt) Rabkit'a Ai . "What ia an anecdote?" asked. tbe ' teacher. ' 'k '' ' ' ' " -J- A . rt "A short fr.aiiy f;iUV answered John- ay. I V That'? ' '.said the Keener: '""Now, Ji'rv f. yon may write' ken : i tenet on thu blackboard containing-, th? wordr'; i . i 2 1 rt tVJ . it Johnny hesitated a moment awl then . wrote, -"A rabbit has tour legs aod one ess son one 1 -t:ii it ta anecdote." CTJRKO WHUJt TOD WAIT, BT. KorrrrcTCN rz2 esaet. I L.lt.ii.:iL;t tores. Facts infew lines America kaa 1300 womca preachers. There are 50,000 costennongers la There are 1,000 shoe factortea m the Catted States, Xetrotewm oflfleM has been discov ered JnlrtnMad. QsMrttan trade .with Great Britain tea Increased over alx mOUona the paat gear. Ia the Cnlted-Staten more than 180, 060,000 Is invested in the making of fertiliser. In -the eleven states Interested in the tndaatry 200,000 acres are aown In sugar beets. The total capital Invested In ratt wareand canals In' the Dominion of Canada Is f 1400,000,000. There are but 830,000 donkeys In the British teles. 8pata-end.i1ortngal have between them over 2.500,000. In spite of hard tfcneerthe value of farm animals a Germany Is Increasing at the rats of four millions a year. TbeMocrlsh government has granted to 'Prance a contract for the coining of $3,000,000 worth of Moorish money. An annual cyclopedia for 1001 places the total gifts and bequests In the United Statea last year at $107,800,000. It Is seventy-three years, since the first omnibus- started, running In Lon don. Few: of the original' vehicles re main. One of the new bridges to be thrown over the Seine Is to be bullt'tn two sto ries, with one set of arcbee resting on another. One result of the Anglo-Japanese al liance wUl be the prevention of prohi bition of Japanese In Australia, once suggested. "Snuff" Is the local name of a myste rious malady which has already caused the deaths of many sheep In Cardigan shire. Wales. Russia Is founding an Independent bishopric in China, and the bishop elect of Charbin and Peking will be at the head of It A silver cup, or argyV "Robert Burns from Mary," hall mark, 1784 brought 10 10s. at Steven's auction rooms In London recently. Tbe Scab on Kinston's 'Scutcheon. Greenville Reflector. The worst thine about New Bern's small poa is, that it seems likely to leave a scar on Klnston. ' Soaae Brllliut Sword Stroke. Elephants are completely disabled by, one blow from the Arab's two banded sword, which almost severs the huge hind leg, biting deep, into the bone. This feet la varied by slashing Off the trunk. leaving It dangling only byjsa piece of skin. A ghoorka has beeniseen to behead a buffalo with single blow of his cookrle. And Sir Bamuel Baker, a man powerful enough to i wield during his African explore tbm the "babv." an elephant rifle weighing 22 pounds, once clove a .wild bear with his big hunting knife almost in halves as it was making a final rush. catching it just behind the shoulder Where the hide and bristles are at least a span thick. Sir Walter Scott relates bow the Earl of Angus, with his huge sweeping brand, challenged an op ponent to fight and at a blow chopped asunder his thigh bone, killing nun on the snot There Is a story current in Australia that a Lieutenant Anderson in 1802, during an encounter with bushrangers, cut clean through the gun barrel of his adversary with his sword. And at TTmmnagin it is related that one of Arab! Pasha's soldiers was severed in two dnrlne the midnight charge. Bnt In the opinion of experts this is very imnrobable. even bad the new, reguia tlon saber been then in use London Globe. Celebrated I Kuim. In the Wlneteenthiward of Brooklyn all int one of the streets and three of thflfevenuee) are named after patriots who signed their names to tbe Decla ration, of Independence. These names are Rush, Morton, Clymer, Taylor, IWDsou, Ross. Bodney, Keep, Hooper, Bewes, Penn, Rutledge, Heyward, Ijnch, MMoleton, Owinett, Walton, Gerry. Bortlett, Whipple, Thornton, IWjthe. Harrison and Lee. Washing- toniavenue forms part of the western boundary of thevard. In the Twenty first arard there are streets and ave- noeavthat bear the names of Hopkins, Ellerv. Flovd. Stockton. Hart and (Lewis, all signers of the Declaration. In the Boothero part of the ward there areetcects and avenues which bear the names of Pulaski, De Kalb, Kosciusko and Lafayette, soldiers who came from Germany. Poland and France to give aid to the Americans In their straggle to throw off the British yoke. A street In the western part of the ward bears the name of Spencer, who com piled some of the history of this conn- try. . . : A Borw'i Beremse. A! strangojcase of a horse taking re venge on a brutal driver Is reported from Bennes, France. The horse was HrBxsbuua, heavy load of bricks from m kiln altajarmandlere to Bennes, and the jajteBAardlyy8topped flogging him alltibe iway. On reaching Bennes the drkter iwas ' unharnessing when . the htssMilmtteflldown the street He al lowed himself to be caught and led back ouletlv. but the moment he saw his tdrmentorthe rushed at him, caught him in his teeth, dashed the man to the Hound and rolled open nun. The man Was serionsly'injured.andwould probf ably have been killed bnt for the help of the people, standing round, who had, neverCheleae, the greatest difficulty in getting the horse away, from his vic tim, " v ; ' . i OABTOIIIA, ItuaiUl ' ' 'I alM YH HSVf WWffl figaatais' ; I deslr to state to my patrons and the pnblie that I am now able to be out again and that I have not Dad smallpox as was reported; the cause of my few days Ill ness being a bilious attack, lean still be found at the Corner of Metealf and South Front Streets, where I will con tinue to soil yon groceries cheaper than anyone fcr the city. . t ; t . ..'i :v: Respectfully, ; AROUVD AKD ABOUT. , ' t A bunch of extra large and e tar nips was seat the Joaraal office by Mr. W. J. Arnold, of Perfection. . - , A heavy ralafall yesterday pat a fialth oa a drought of long staadlng. , The forecast for today Is clear and cooler. Rumors are afloat that Mr. Win Wa ters a former New Ben boy and well known here, bet now living In Wash ington, D. C, has been married. For carrying concealed weapons, John Bryant, colored, wQl have to an swer to the Seperlor Court. He was be fore the Mayor yesterday and bound over for trial on a State charge. - Some very fine apples were brought to market yesterday from the farm of Mr. O- H. Berry. They are as firm and One looking apples as the Imported ones. Friends will be pleated to learn that reports regarding Miss Sarah Meadows who has been seriously ill In Washing ton, D. C, are a little more favorable. The Infant child of Mr. LaFayette Williams died Saturday morning. This was tbe third death la the family within month. The sympathy of the public is extended to him in his bereave ment. Died, at Johns Hopkins Hospital Bal timore Monday Oct. 18, Capt. William Herring. Captain Herring was stationed at New Bern on the Revenue Cutter Stevens, was transferred to Wilmington 5 C. and from there to the Pacific Coast. ITe died from the effects of an peratlon. Mr B B Davenport bought $500 worth of diamond back terrapin from a fisher man who caught them in Core Sound, near Atlantic. The turtles are very scarce and as they are very much sought after by the hotels and high class restau rants in tbe cities a high price is paid for them. They are considered a great delicacy. Tbcy measure from five to seven Inches. DIED. M. Elinor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parkins, aged four years died Friday night at 13 o'clock, at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Smith on South Front street. The funeral services were held yester day aiternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. C. Moore and assisted by Rev. R. F. Bumpas. Registration Closed, The registration closed last evening and the result Is very satisfactory. The registration in the city being almost the entire number of qualified voters. The votes as registered indicate 1300 Democratic and 150 Republican votes. By these -figures It may by conservative ly estimated that the county will gn Democratic by at least 2, COO. Nortb Carolina Booklet. The latest number Issued of the North Carolina Booklet, tells of the Moravian Settlement in North Carolina, and was written by Rev. J. H. Clewell. It Is full of interest and is a welcome addition to the history of the State, as given In the series of the Booklet.. This Booklet and others of the series already Issued can be found at Ennett's Book Store. Paid Insurance Claim. A check for $3,000 for the family of the late J. A. Paris, was received yes terday from the Woodmen of the World, of which organization Mr. Paris had been a member for six years. The promptness of insurance payment can be seen, when it Is remembered Mr. Paris died September 19th, last. - A monument will be erected by the Woodmen at an early date, In memory of Mr. Paris. CYNICISMS. A girl learns sootier than a boy that It is necessary to conceal many things from company. . Ever think bow many times a man escapes punishment and how few times be is grateful for it 1 j 1 We have nlways wondered; that no physician bns ever attempted to cure rheumatism by catting out the bones. A real smooth: person Is one who doesn't know sny .difference In. nil treatment of those he hates and those he likes. - : : In the servant girl problem women seem to have tried every means ef getting along except that of teach ing their daughters to do house work. Atchisoa alone, v, .t ; i The Japanese eat more fish than any other people in the world, , With them meat eating Is ft . foreign, Innovation, confined to the rich or, rather, to those rich people who prefer It to the nation al diet- ; , , f . , , If ell the land planted in corn iq the United States this 'year were massed. tbe area Would' exceed , the ; British isles, Holland and Belgium combined or four-fifths of the area of France or Germany.v'ifs'teiT 3-t i -.. Jvi -The old grist mill at Port Jefferson, X.' XV which was built before the Rev olution by Richard Mott and Is said to be the oldest Struct ore on the Island, Is being torn down because it Is unsafe. The buiiain was erected In 1771, , ,. , The exporting of American shoes is of comparatively recent growth In 1805 this country exported only fl. 000,000 worth of boots and shoes, but for the fiscal year 1901 It sent abroad $5,500,000 . worth of; boots and Shoes, and England and her colonies took 94,400,000 worth of this total. - V . An effort Is being made In Sweden to use electricity In agriculture. A. seed field 1 covered by a network of wire, and a strong electric current Is turned on during nights and chilly days, but cut off during sunny and warm weath er. The system was Invented by Pro fessor Lem gtrom of Helslngfors, Fin land., - Cf KEMORIAIV' Whereas, ;it hath pleased Almighty God, la Hit wits providence to sununoa to the Sovereign Camp oa HIgk, Oar be loved brother. Sovereign Jos.: A, Paris, and. 1 . . . Whereraa, We bow la sorrowing bat kamhls ubmlssioa to the Dtviat decree of Hun who hath, said,"! gotfc prepare a place for thee," Therefore! be It, re olved: -y 1st, That we, Survivors of Elm wood Camp No. 13 W. O. W. of New Bern, N. C tender to the family of oar deceased Sovereign, Oar since rest Sympathy earn estly praying that the .Eternal God may be their refuge. -y , t tnd. That in the death of oar brother, we have sustained a bereavement most deeply felt, and hereby place! on record this unanimous expression of our high esteem for his worth and work; but the chapter which most graced I his brow, was of the flower which tweet home had, wreathed, for he bad devoted jthe plastic energies of his mind . acd heart to hit wife and children. Thus It' Is in the midst of the beautiful warden of hit la bors that his death is most; painfully felt, acd deeply lamented, lilt heart was within the t acred precincts of his home, where the clustering tines were exhaled, which beautified the character of Hov, Jos A. Paris, He has left a sor rowing widow' three children, an aged mother, four sisters and two brothers to mourn their loss; and to them we extend our sincerett sympathies aad may the Father of infinite benevoltnce, bless and comfort them In their deep affliction, and soothe their saddened hearts and smooth the ruggod pathway of their futuro lives. - 3d, That a page of the record of the camp be dedicated to his memory, and that those resolutions, with the seal of the camp affirmed bo sent to the family of the deceased, and a copy furnished tbe New Bern Journal with request to publish. W. N. Pugu, J. J. Baxter, A. E.Hlbsabo, Committee. Premium Tobacco Sale. The Farmers Tobacco Warehouse will have a premium Sale next Thursday, October 30th, and farmers will find It to their intorest to bring lu their tobacco, especially for that date. The Farmers has had sales every day last week, and the high prices have pleased the farmers. Remember Premium Day, next Thurs day. Distinguished Promotion. The many friends of Mr. W. G. For- long, so well and popularly known at the Engineer of Roadway of the old W. & N, R. R. before it became a part of the A, C. L. and who has since been connected with the latter in a subordl nate capacity, will be pleased to learn of the Beml-olnclal announcement of his promotion to the first division of the A. C. L. R. R. This division em braces a greater territory and many more miles of railroad than formed the entire A, C. L. system before It took in the Plant linen, cxtendlug as It does from Richmond Va. to Savannah Ga., with hundreds of miles of branch lines in Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia. The duties of this position are arduous calling for great ability and It is the re cognition of his possession of these high qualifications that makes the promotion of this modest and unassuming gentle man exceptionally noteworthy and grati tying to his friends,, as it must be to himself. THE VALUE OF EXPERT TREAT MENT. Everyone who Is afflicted with s chron Ic disease experiences great' difficulty In having their case intelligently treated by the average physician. These diseases can only be cured by a specialist who understands them thoroughly, . Dr. J. Newton Hathaway of Atlanta. Ga. Is acknowledged the most skillful and suc cessful specialist In the United Btates. Write him for bis expert opinion of your case, for which he makes- no charge. , .. v;'-! The biggest meteorite ever seen has been found at Ponte Alegre, In BraaU. It Is an Immense rock mass 65 feet long and 55 feet thick. ; -, The British Lifeboat ' association ' Is7 considering the estaWlBhroent of ' i' wireless service around' the coast, in cluding the lighthouses. - f ; ; London la Introducing water troughs for thirsty horses, at which the water can be run' off by touching a push but ton and fresh Wftteifruri In; ; T -' The territorial . board' of 1 health of Hawaii Is to. begin ..a scries! of experi ments to determine the' 'value of X ravs in the freatrnent of leprosy., !i 1 ', PLAYS PLAYERS. ; . Joseph Itllgour' has tplaeed Aubrey Boudcault in "nearta Aflttme. . Wilson Barrett Is back again In Lon don from Australia ' and baa a Dew - Rose Coghlan Is soon to appear as Paula r In "The Second, Mrs, Tan queray.", .;( . Mr.. F, .Anstey bas peen masung a play out of bis funny story, "Lyre and Lancet" : ' f ' . . , . . It Is said tluit Sir Charles Wyndbam intends to revive "Uoseutary" for bis first sppeurunce In Ixindon this season. J. 8. HIUr. a well known chef d'or- c heat re, bus composed an opera called "Daphne. & B. Casstn Unit wiittea the text t-'i-f, 4: jf "; u f i George OU hnshwiifngaged1'by D. W. Trust) to create the part "of s mon Bsssett In tb production of "Je rome: a Poor Man." ' n , I i . , t-t .-,! Henry W. ' Sarace has accepted new opem from Henry AV.( Blossom, Jr, and Alfred Q. Eobyn, which he PUBLIC EXPRESSION From Hew kern btvUioa, Caliet Btagh ia w us uaKocracy, rer ta-'Cffteks Receive. fe t Wxasjua; The KtwHera Divislea of the Caned Daughters Of 'the 'Coafsdar- acy nai been Ike recipient of great ftr tasy at the head of assay eUlsens and organisations daring the oeoaeloa of lu Stats Convention hold m this city, rind Uke.Diriatoa deslrlAg to give public ex pression of Its high appreciation of their oourteay for which. U Is so deeply ln-1 debted. Therefore he It . Resolved, That the thanks of the Di vision bs extended to oar President Mitt Mary T. Oliver, foe a charming reception given at her hospitable home which will long remain among the saoet plesssat memories of the Convention. . To the Coafederats Veterans for the most eajoyable opportunity of a person al acquaintance at their beautiful recep tion of which, loving msmeriet will ever linger la the hearts of each. To Mr. and Mrs. &H. Meadows for the happy oocatloa of a beautiful recep tion at their handsome home at whjoh our entire Convention was accorded as evening of delightful social enjoyment. To the B. P. Order of Hks for the handsome Lunch tendered at their Lodge at which the truest enjoyment was ob talned and through which the Daughters have been made to feel the chivalry and hospitality of this Order. -. . ' v' .'And to theHorfolk and Southern Railroad Company lot Its added plessura to the stay of oar visiting , members It the courtesy of a delightful trip through the waters of our beautiful river, upon : their palatial steamer Noose. ; A . To the President of the , Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad for his thought f ol provision of a delightful visit to oar Sister by the Sea, over the line of hit road.. ; : - To Mrs. Francis Duffy for a most en joyable sail. To the County Commissioners for the use of the Court House. To Mr, Nlooll for the use of hit yacht to our great pleasure and enjoyment. To the liverymen of our city whose handsome vehicles enabled as to add to greatly to the opportunity of exhlbtlnr. to oar guests the beauties of our city and country-, ' And to our thoughtful citizens for their kind assistance in aiding us to sus tain the far-reaching reputation of our city tor charming hospitality. To Mr. Charles L, Stevens, Editor of the Dally Joaraal, for not only hit per sonal but his professional efforts and aid in giving publicity to tbe deliberations of our Oonventlon, and la contributing the many copies of his valuable paper to the circulation abroad of our daily pro ceedings. 1 To one and all, this Division extends itt heartfelt thanks and appreciation, and Resolves, That this acknowledgement b spread upon the records of this Chap ter and published In the New Bern Jour nal in recognition 01 tnat gramuae which is perpetuated In the hearts our members. of Respectfully Submitted: 1 Mrs Own H. Gcion, Miss Olivia' Metts, ' Mna. E. K.BBYAB, Mrs. Jas. Biddlb, . Mnsi S. R. Stbbst,., Ton are liable to a sudden attack of Bummer sickness and should keep in your house a bottle of Dr.1 SETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM the. best known Remedy Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded bV T. A. Honry, i 1 What a Jealena mfelFeena. A Fayette -woman suspeclled that her husband was In tbe habit of kissing the hired clrl and resolvedlto detect him In the act Saturday jught sne saw. him passiauletly Into tnfekltcnen. The hired glrilwas out andrthettltchea dark. , Tbe Jealous wife took a low matches In her 'hand and.rhaetfly plao lne a shavd over her bead,, as the hired clrl often, did. entered zhei back .door, and immedUUeli she was isdzed and Uased and embraced in an ardent man lier. With hearts almost bursting the Wife prepared toadmlnlster at terrible rebuke to tbe faithless spouse, anaj rearing herself, awav from Ml fond face to focewiUv-heihired xnan-aai- tsbory'fKanO Piesa-8fiectatar,ff ,i;Bjli NEW KERN PRODUCE MARKET ? waoucsixi ratcni ccbjumt.; Kgrf, per dol. t'.'MS.UM UliVl Chickens, old per pair.!. J.a-.M&70 ji rfM Toung, per nr.; . ha w Pork, perUbi U i-U. . . i . . v. 1: 1 Beefr' HlatA.-vn.,M & Hides, green, per lb Beeswai,!;;iW ( i!!. .iMt0.to8o Corn, per basav. ,,.... v, j t W Oats.) s '.Ala. , w.(K. 65c 4 UUUH ,1, Potatoes, Y Bahamas. , .... , ... t Vi &tn: Com, per b. I per on, ,.f . MeaL' per ! .'...;.:; il.VlCV Hominy, pltt..,;.,;;;i.Vl''M M Corn bran, per i00 lbs.". . 158 Whest brsnC per M'.i:V.... wfi 1.40 Feed, 100 IbsJ ,.,.,.'fHXi'.l.-V. ; 1J Cotton seed inesf.lbOibr. 'K . .. .tiVW Cotton seed gulls'. 100 lbs:1.:.. ,,. ',J bt.i .. ' f T3,-' ,M iA No. t Timothy, pet tooi 30.00 T j A thorough cleanser llargott's ' " -Villi II i 1 4 I I ..nil) w S.n Famous Mii It Diliou 11 it Si - Bend 9 cenfj 'and TUtva (empls .dose nYatted yon. ' AbsoluuTy tarmlc5s.,;j 4enk j t-r k mm UK ROYAL WORCESTER tefonriiiirig And cMcSORLEY is prepared for it already, frith . . Complete Stock of 1 TOYS, FIREWORKS, CONFECTIONERIES, Etc- When in New Bern don't iail to call on McSorley and examine Everything New and Cheap. Don't Forget the place McSorley Cor Pollock & Middle Monuments, I i. j BISHOP'S FIREPROOF ..' .( n-i!.E .... ...... ' ' " . ''. 11 ; COTTON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Why sell your cotton at these depressing the market when you vantege of high r prices later in AUcotton covered eral advances made if Teras tl storage givon on Mppli(5tioif. ' TP? : TT JSe 'kL. 1 'I"!"! I li'.'Jl H II' 1 BRATjHAM'8 i mraovED ANTI BILIOUS' PILLS re nature' 'Uilldesf T and mosteffective remedy fora slneetth liver and disorders of the digestive two r"WJ; - (IIS Diooa anu Clear up 1110 nuuwnnn plexlon' often seen In persona suffering -fKm-ttreror bowel diseases. Price 850 fronwtveror now seasss. cesoe,. lm t u thfc-ei per box.. sample box two doses for 6c, o v ' i. BEADHAM'8 PHARMACY, ojt tb farnl conihnlng of ilw " Cor: Pollock Middls 8U. .n.AWwlf.,nir lmnlimfiIi ,.. , . au aoout carriages ironi a w xi, i and the old stager who' has held tbe reins for flttrf yeers willteu you ns nss had expert eoca and that experience just ifies him in stating that the"best-ear riages for style, comfort anddrability are made "and sold by Waf rs: puggy faetoryJ ?S e'ililX1 The only place in town to get any and everything to repair "boggiee Bee nt before bnyhig and save money . ' Ws put Rubber Tires oa yonr eld or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires W machine without cutting them. Everybody is invited to see the work of the machine putting new bolts in same otd places. . i . ! '' '" a. IT; X7r.tcri !e5c on, ;i,,."",..V"rhone 185.'? ' .. Perfect Fit, Newest j; VA1UI311 LUlKUDa Superb Finish. Royal Worcester Bon Ton" Corsets tinria his Xmas Goods Sts . NRW RUN, H. ('. TtfCfcei OSee Wilmington, N. G, TUB PLACE TO BUY YOUR and all Cemetery Work at Bottom Prices . Branch yard at Goidsboro. N. C. extreme low priced with everything can store rt nominal cent, an.l t ke M- the season. by insurance, and lib desired :TC.- - ' Public Sale. 1 ; . : -r, I will tell at ptibllo auy.llou ih tl.s . v j- farm of the laid J. U. Vinson, Nov. 6th. tfl0, mt eit .v., ,hL ;intiM .tork laiestt Itn- . proved farming Implements, tm.b as I j' mowing- mtRhlnes and rakos, of the latest Improved potato sprayera,9 doahls wagons and A Carts, 1 top buggy, i cnta- Sray harrows, plows," baj-rotVH, shovels and hoes aarl everytlilng that it used on an uplwlate frm.!Alo tlw't St tons of ha and sbnndancs of corn, 4 ninloa, 1 horse sad the entire hoatrtmUl nd kitchen furniture. ,,J , Terms of ttlerash, ; , 'J J ;.MRVB,A. VJNrtON 'itiSlreetjAnotloneor. ' m REWARD ! will pay the above! reward for fjhe detection an4 conviction of the farty or parties wbo; ljlew np and rifled the con,tenta of(my safe on the night of October 8th, 1902, ; , ' - W, A. WILSON, Oct, 12, 1902. - - ' Dover, N 0 OAOVOItXA. jDisnop . . .; H. F. VINCENT. will produce late this season. " HARG-T8 rnAr.ilACY, KewBem,N.C. - ';sta hat iron tZT "' 78 Broad St,' Niw BawTlTCri

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