r IR 1UE WEEEY JOURNAL BstaeUaaeC"' Published Is Two faction, every Tuee) daj ud Friday, at M Middle 8trwt,ww Bara,N.C.; CHARLES L, 3TEVEN5 ixrro ud nomxtor, i 8UBSCRIFTI02f RATEP-. ; Two Months,. MTfcnta, Threes Month, M " SixMonthew. 601 "no Twelve Months,. ......-I1.00 OKLY IH ADVAHCI, Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry . by mail. iyTbe Jourkax Is only neat on pey-tn-aH-rsnr hud, fhibeeriber will . receWe notioe of expiration of UMir sub- . senpuona and an lmmeaitce response w notice wil be " appreciated by 1th Jouuai. Entered at the Pottoffice,r.New Bern a. C. aa leoond-claH matter. Section Two, Friday Oct. 81, IM! ANTHRACITE COAL STRIKE COM MISSION. Snch,ls the title, as above, of the Com mission appointed by President Roose velt, to pass upon the questions In con troversy between the employers and wage workers in the anthreeite fields. It Is already settled that publicity and liberality will be the policy of this Com' mission. The press Is to be given full admit' tance to all meetings, also the public, and In this way everything will be known as Jfaet as the Commission meets. Places convenient for witnesses, Phil adelphia, Wllkesbarre, Bcranton and New York are selected for holding the sessions of the Commissions. It is further said that all parties inter ested in this strike affair will be per mitted such representation before the Commission ts they may select. With this earnest desire to get Into executive session, there onght to be good progress made In fixing the rela tionship between the employer and em ployee, so that there may be no strike in the future, but a permanent basis es tablished so that every difficulty Bhall be avoided. It will be a happy condition for the public, fully as much aa for operator and miner, when further strikes shall be Im possible. FUTURE SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN RECOGNITION. Outside of State chances for office getting, there is. another phase for Re publicans to consider, In the practically eliminated negro vote In North Carolina as per registration returns. This phase is, how about Republican representation and Influence In future National Republican Conventions f In the past, Republicans from the South In the National Republican Con ventions have held an Importance which considered from a vote representative point of view, was perfectly ridiculous To convention after convention have these Republican representatives from the South gone, sat high In the party, councils, their rotes eagerly sought, more often bought, when Jbehlnd them, at home In their Southern districts, : there were too few worth counting, ex 6 cept to prove that the elections were not unanimously In favor of the demo crats. But now even the contention of a home vote cannot be urged by Republi j cans seeking to Influence by their pres i eaoe and tote, the councils of the Kepub llcan National party. t v Of course local organization must be kept p, and this Is seettthis year In the various North Carolina districts. But analyze these nominees, politicals , ly, and it will be found that most of - them are conscripts from tie Democrats 'and PopuHsts, set up! to perform a politl cal function, to perpetuate the tradition of Republican organization." ' " , H it not that these nominee are nec- "essaril.thtfKnm' of theif d&lrtct," but ' they seldom represent any real Republi can principles, but are an organized po litical UufT, witt a paucity of voter behind tfiem that la farcical' In the ex fH AVtlwexTl&aUonaf Japnnilican eon f f k vention this Asnr vote .will be better I ; knewn.as the change in North Caroline- . from a (wlorA ?ii of 90,000 to- one test l than 6.UW, ill show a numerical falM r from this Bute to National Republi can convention, rather .coniplcuons, if ; , : they go with the eustcmaiy; assumption ,ba otbetagbacked.by a--partx,.."..;. , This la the new political phase which will confront Southern Republican tep resentatlves at the next National con- Taction of their party, and Jt , n aot going to be a pleasant one. for those r'-ofoforlla prrftthal m'-ht beln f ii i i -r tatives live for- RATIONAL BASIS FOR PROIfiC- ' , TTYE TARIFF. James Q. Blalae said that protection "we baaed on the controlling principle that competition at home will always prevent monopoly on the part of the capitalist, aitar good wages to the la borer and defend the consumer, against the evils of extortion." 'SoXr.Blala said that a protective tariff had for its basis "competition at home," But that such a basis has ever been maintained, needs no argument to dis pute the fact that this competition, how ever theoretical, was never practically pat Into service, nor was the protective tariff for taxation purposes made a law with such an object In view, much less has such a one been In Its effect. A protective tariff, the law in its early conception and execution, caused a home competition, not because such was the Intent of protective taxation, but be cause In the local home market In this country there existed a real competl Uoa among the home manufacturers. No such home conpetltlon exists today, because of combines and trusts, which eliminated every element of competition, In the uniting into single trust all those who had been pre viously competitors in the open mar ket. In other words, those "Infant Indus tries'' of the country, which plead for a protective tariff In order to afford them an opportunity to grow and not be cramped in their development by for eign competitors, have passed the ma ture state and learned to use for base purposes, ana tneir own seinsn enas, the splendid privileges granted them, and now seek to abnse those who gave them the means to become great and rich. The actual operation of the protective system of this country today, Is most irrational. The system needs a thorough over hauling, a strict revision, so that it may prove a real protection to the masses of the people, and not a single instrument to be employed for the benefit of the few, who have grown rich and powerful through its workings. There Is a rational basis for a protec tive tariff for this country, and the peo ple generally realize It. Feeling this way, It Is only a question of a short time when the party which means to establish such a rational pro tective tariff, will be put In office, to carry out such a system of protection for the people. State or Ohio, City or Toledo ) Lucas county, ) Fbamx J. Cheney, makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catabbh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18864 - A. W. GLASON. seal. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo.'.O. Sold.by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Flotxellor Muntlny. Madrid, Oefc 88. Part of the garrison at Valencia muntlnled today, and cheer ed loudly for the republic. The offend ers were arrested and flogged. Not Coins: to St, Louis. Berlin, Oct. 20. The Hanoverscher Courier learns from Field Marshall Waldersee that neither he nor Prince Henry will 4 visit the Bt Louis exposi tion. -. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which Is mak ing to many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eatby cleansing and sweetening the stemaoh and by transforming their food Into the kind of pare, rich blood that makes you feel-good ' all over. Mrs. Craafill, of Troy,- L T.t writes: "For a number' ot year I waa troubled with in-digestion- audi dyspepsia which grew into the worst form-. Finally I was In duced to Use Kodol and after using four bottle I am entirely cored. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from Indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals It digests what yoa eat F. 8. Duffyv - - , v - t(..: V Treasury circulates Money... ..Washington, Ocl 23 In Ita efforts to relieve the money market the Treas ury Department baa, daring the past Its week; pat Into circulation nearly a hundred million dollars of government money. . ' , f Foity Tear$;TorW: . Tb,be relieved , from a"1 torturing dis ease after 0 years torture might well cause the gratitude' of anyone. - Thai Is what DsWltt' Witch Hazel Salve did for C. Haney,- Geneva, O. He says; -DeVritt's Wl'c.h Basel Salve cored me of piles after I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, barns, woands, skln'd!- . " . . . n THE STATE FAIR, ?: Splendid Weather tad Luxe Attendance Governor Opens Fair. Ex hibits. V . Special to JoarnaL Raxxiok, Oct. 38. The weather to day waa glorious, the rain of yesterday and last night having laid the dost, while the air was ertsp and a stirring breeze came from the northwest. It wu exactly the weather for the Stale' Fair.. All the trains slnoe Sunday have brought numbers of visitor and today many extra cars were required. These are prosperous times In North Carolina and the people show that fact The formal opening of the Be ml -Cen tennial State Fair occurred today at noon. One hour earlier a procession formed and left the city, headed by chief marshal John L. Patterson, escorting Governor Aycock, State, County and City officials, and President J. A. Long of the State Agricultural Society. The opening exercises were held at the grand stand. There wu music by sev eral bands, the official band being that of the third regiment from Reldsvllle. There was also choral singing, by a large chorus. President Long Introduced, Governor Aycock, who spoke half an boor, and who then Inspected the very extensive exhibit. It Is, as was predicted, the largest of all the State Fairs, having in fact almost the dimensions of a Stock exposition. Tne high quality of the exhibits, as well as their number and variety, attract special attention. The show of stock is extensive, that of agricultural products has certainly never been surpassed In North Carolina, the apple show is one of the best ever made in the South, and Is In fact a reve lation, not only to the people of this State but to the experts who have come here from Washington and New York to judge It. Out of Death's Jaws. "Whenjdeath seemedjvery near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, tha I had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 2Sc at C D Bradham'a drug store. Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal Raleigh, Oct. 28. The Supreme Court filed the following opinions, today. Williams vs Avery from Burke, new trial. Springs vs Pharr from Mecklenburg, affirmed, Morris vs Ins. Co, from Durham no er ror. Pickett vs Garrard from Durham, new trial. Gattls vs Kllgo, from Granville, new trial. State vs Freeman from Guilford per curiam, error. State vs Blacklcy, from Granville, new trial. Fowler vs McLaughlin from Union reversed. Scott vs Greensboro from Guilford per curiam affirmed on authority of Peterson vs Wilmington 130 N. 0. 78. Byrd vs Greensboro from Guilford, per curiam,afflrmed on the same authori ty. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily. No disease ccsts more little lives than croup. It's attack Is so sod den that the sufferer Is often beyond hu man aid before the doctor arrives. Suoh cases yield readily to One Minute "Cough Cure. Liquifies - the mucus, allays in flammation, removes danger. Absolute ly safe. Acta Immediately. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F. B. - McMahon, Hampton, Ga: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical eon test. I intended to withdraw but took One Minute Cough Care. It restored my voice In time to win the medal" F. 8. Daffy. ? -fl : Morgan Burin; Snares. Liverpool, Oct. 28. The shareholder of the White Star and Dominion lines were today notified that tha purchase of their shares by the Morgan ahlpplrjg combine would be completed by Decern- ber 1. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, for Eczema, Plmplea, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin diseases. For' sale at F. 8. Duffy's.''- -' t .... Quiet Reigns is Coal Fields. Shamoktn, Oct.; 98. Everything Is quiet in th Held and tha dally oatpot of coal is Increaalng. is.p f, t , ,, gssistts ffoldUfnttindtKiH ttpafws ..at'... 'irl Damage ty Floo44--; r? Ballston, Oct. 83. Th heavy rain of tha put 94 hours has caused streams In this vicinity to overflow, th banks en tailing a heavy loss to property- ' ; The Best frescripuon for KalarU. Chfili and Fever Is a bottle of Gnovi'i Tameless Chill Tonic. It: Is - simply tie and quinine in a tastoles form. No CZtJ-no pey. Price 5Dc . , ; , . . BilOGP Report - of the State Public Schools. Lart- Colored Registration In Wak Caaty. Ex-CareieraU Sol dier Pardsned. Mar . Flags. Nan Silt, In S. A. L. Case. Rauioh, Oct. 88. Chairman Armls- tead Jones of the Democratic Committee of this county says all the registration returns are In, and show 6,100 white, 690 negroes He says the negro regis tration here wu larger than elsewhere, as the law wu literally construed. The Independents In this county have decided to fill out their ticket, which at present Is a skeleton one. MaJ. John M. Crenshaw of Foreat- villo Is here to attend the State Fair, In BO years he hu missed only one Fair. Congressman B. W. Pou says the can didacy of John W. Atwater, Independ ent, Is pitiful Governor Aycock today pardoned Jesse L. Havener of Wilkes county, an ex-Confederate soldier 68 yesrs old, who tore out part of the foundation of a dwelling occupied by some dissolute women in a few yards of his own home, after he had tried all other means to In duce them to leave. No one wu Injured. He was sentenced to 4 months on the publlo roads in Forsyth county. At the home of the bride's sister here this morning Mr. Sanford L. Rotter, city editor of the News and Observer, wu united in marriage to Miss Hester Bess- ley, formerly ot Granville county but for a year residing here. Mr. RotteT Is native of Petersburg. In the Superior Court here today after the jury had been drawn and passed, one of the jurors in the damage cue of Robert O. King against the Seaboard Air-Line for $40,000 notified the judge that he had been for 25 years an agent of that railway. King's side had over looked this. A non-suit wu taken by King. There is almost no cotton in the fields now, and it ie doubtful whether that crop was ever picked so clean and so early. The cotton is yet blooming and there are a number of young forms and bolls. There will be another1 gleaning, In a week or ten days, and this will finlBh it. The report on public schools In this State was made today. The census of children between the ages of six and twenty-one shows 454,655 whites, 221,. 958 negroes, 1764 Croatan Indiana; total, 678,377. The enrollment In the schools Is 814.871 whites, 149,279 negroes, 771 Croatan Indians. This shows an in crease of 82,224 over 1900. The average attendance at school Is 185,598 whites, 82,973 negroes, total 268,570, an Increase of 11,260 over last year. The enrolment In city and town graded schools is 22, 388. It Is the first time the latter report was ever made. Thirty-three cities and towns reported. LookOut For Fever. Biliousness and llverdlsordera at this seuon may be prevented by cleansing the system with De Witt's Little Early Risers. Those famous little pill do not gripe. They move the bowel gently, bat copiously, and by reason of the ton ic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. F. S, Duffy. Fire Near London. . London, Oct. 188. Fire at Jarrowot Tyne today destroyed the co-operative (tores and several shops. Tha loss 1 $200,000. O A. l!3 T' O HZa Bn a "3 Kinr "it ten Atan m 600 Kegs of Powder Ertlqde.. : ; Fairmont, W. Va., Oct. 28. Six hun dred kegs of powder exploded today and did tSO.000 damaee to the Fairmont powder works. . -: M -: , Prlcklyheat cured in on application by using of Hancock' Liquid Sulphur It will also.cure Eczema, Fetter, Pimp lea, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cut, Bunt, Old Sores, and all skin trouble In short time, when used u directed. For Mis at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, ' v. JulJaVMarlow EL . New York, Oct. ?S.-It Is snnounoedl today that Julia Marlon's tour for the theatrical season 1 cancelled. The fa mous actress Is Buffering from nervous collspse. v. r. 'v. ... ' v,- . .. . '. mi 1 ; imerlca's Famous Beauties, a Look with horror on 8kln Eruption, Blotches, Fore, - Pimples; They dont have them, nor - will any one, who use Bucklen' Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be-, tore It. It cores sore II pa, chapped hany chilblains. Infallible for Piles, local O. D, Bradham'a drug store. . , . , .J (' ' ?"'! : 4 strike settled, t . r v Atlsata, 6a., Oct. 25. A. settlement hu been reached In regard to-the alleged differences ot the engineer of th Geor gia railroad 'with the officials ot that f - nu i.ffti in iHif.?' Mt Just seemed to av gonej all to plec" writes Alf.ed Bee, of WJfare. Tex., "biliousness and a lame'txick had made, life a burden., ,1 eouldn't at ot sleep and felt almost too worn ot V work when I began to use Electrir; Bit ters, but thst worked wonder, ow I sleep like a lep, cn cat inytWng,.hav gained In strength and enjoy hard, work" They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run-down people. Try them. Only OCcJat 0 D Bradham's d. ? store. ' . , KREYTnLS.' Xarthqtakee and 'floods kav werked (Hon damage fa Italy. i. Former Chinee MInlatw Wi Ting Fang hu bean celled ( home to take charge ot a goveraaacat office la his ' Mr.FJtxabthCadyBts3rto;therore moat advocate of Women's Bight died tt' New York' City Sunday aged 86 r A nihilist plot hu been discovered to kill tha Dowager Empress, Maria Dag-. mar of Russia. ' 1 Telegrapher In LoaiaviU,- Ky or ganised Saturday with John A. Ksslla- gar a president. , m , - Registration In Cincinnati, O, hu fal len off 5388, u compared with tha State election. An ordinance requiring trolley com panies to clean th street hu been de clared valid in Chicago, TJL The Trustee of the National McKtn- ley Memorial Association will not start construction until $850,000 hu been raited, Thirty masked men took Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawscoi from their cabin home, at Polk, IncL, and whipped them brutally, Two cents an hoar Increase in wagea hu been granted ehop employee of the Chicago Alton Railroad, adding $10,. 000 to the monthly pay-roll. NkwYoek, Oct. 88. March sold at 8.83 thia a.m. bearing oat tha Idea formed after yesterday's market, that the situation seemed weaker than here tofore. Fine weather in tha belt and better crop accounts operated against the market. There wu a lot of cotton sold early by commission houses and the only baying came from those long of January. The heavy short Interest In March against the long January, leavea the clique In shape to take' profits on short March in order to pat out the cot ton on any advance. This tends to drive shorts in when the buying starts. No amount ot manipulation can prevent an advancing or declining market If the underlying factors are for a movement. For the present the fin weather oper ates for a break. Buying hu prevented a decline tbu far, but can the decline be prevented much longer. In event of larger receipts next week, we are In clined to believe a break possible If market holds without breaking it's a strong market and for this reason would hesitate. Crop account too good to bring in general speculative buying and without this prices generally work lower. ' Orlando, Fla., Oct. 8, 1901. The Hancock Liquid Bulphur Oo., Balti more, Md. .-' Gentlemen? I take pleasure In recom mending Hanoock's Liquid Bulphur to any one suffering with Eczema. , I hay had it tor ten or fifteen year, hare tried many remedies and found no relief until I wu Induced to try . your "H. L. 8." Have only nsed it a abort while and am now almost entirely cured. I can truth fully aay that after fifty year u prac ticing physician that your, Liquid Sul phur is the moat wonderful remedy for Eczema I have ever known. Youia respectfully,; : DR, W.W.LEAKE.. For sale at F. 8. Daffy's. V BnlffartaIfotlce. ,. Bulgaria , hu notified th Power that Macedonian reform must be tnat ted upon If tha frontier 1 to b protect- TOO WOW WHAT'TOtT Ai TAUKO When yo take Qrore' Tasteless Chill Tonic, bucaue the formula J plainly printed -on every bottle showing , that . It Is simpl y Iron and quinine in a tasteless era. . ,Ho cure no pay, Frio Wo. '" ; Wor ied "Wlre-Tpplnt" Game. . Nw York, jOcL Vt-Jebn Ylncent auu Condorf. , was arrested ana taken to police headquarter . charged with win dllag ,Thoma Jordan, a aafoon kerjper, at , Ninety-Ninth street and Co lombia avenu. out f of twelve tnousena aoilar... t.,f .t .,,, , 'i'lawi Havana! Oetl 25-WUh the ando! Srjptember n full rear wu completed since a case 6t yellow; fever originated in nis ciiy.m evens waicn stanas mffv leled In the memory f th oldest pnyai- Italian Steamer Wrecked. , '' Tovlon, Oct. 87. Th Italian tmr Eleada' la" Wnnrtad WMcliad while pro ceeding to thl place . from Cettet : Ao- corainK to in tepon us capuua euu stx of tt' orew', etoaped Jn a row boat, bat OfWKn ptiuer are believed lost, ,. f ; . i ill Is not arentla - word but when VOU 'think hn liable Ton axa not to BUT- cha-'e tor 7So tjbe only remedy unltemlly ui nrn ana a , lemeay i aau w lai nit ula lu, miriMna In th world at no 1868 fo r tha our i.and treatment of C .1 . j .-4 f ... .mm .'hie wltheut losing It groat popularity all ed vonr atfa mtlnti . to Boaohee's Oerman Srrnn. Thai n am an manv ordlnarroush remedies tr jade by; drugslsts and others that are ct) eap and .good for light colds perhaps, b at for severe Congh Bronchi tis, Cionp j-end especially for Cdnsurp tlon. wh ie there la d'.ncpJt ' expec ra tion and . r -'.in. ( T tie -n'-lts sndmorn t s, t" fr fi f n Fyn i F Jty t TELEGRAPHIC 'CYCJt":U.Pt7t Wiattgaqkjwr-ihrguafua it wUl 9,17 cm a Btn Threat a " s " a. Y Keen this s T fact always frceh f if" your memory:"' For, Cuts, Hashes and all Open 8ores, jou need only to apply a few times and tho Boronoaa and inflammation will f be conquered aad tne wounded flesh healed. ' To get tho best faeultt yon should satnrate a piece ! ' of soft cloth with the liniment and bind it upon tha wotmd as yon would a poultice. ; aSclBOeiWSidft.OOw bottle. irrpn ear rvt nil whip nnoltrr and at tha Terr first lira ot IVCtr All CI C III diseases amoi:roar low Use J. Livery, Feed Sate, ana Exchange 5 LARGEST AND ever offered for sale in this citj, A car load of each juit in, Alaoja complete line of Ilnggies, 'Wagone, Hornees, Eobep, Whips, Cart Wheels, &c Y A JOJTES, Car load Hour uronna s i n. if? ca jou- want n barrel of Good Flour give ate a trial. 4p l .. We are receiving fresh goods by every truiu and bout, and 5 canive yoa ntire satisfaction both in quaity. and prices, wo mention a few articles asifollows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, 3g J Quaker Oats, Fresh JUce and Grits, rotate unips, cnreaaeu Wheat Biscuit, Full-Cream Cheese, Imported and Douiwtio 3 Maocafoni, Canned brook Trout, Canned Mackerel, Import 3at .nrl Domeatic Sardinesj Deviled Crab with shells, and a full , , - 3 Hne of everything to be jfonnd . ftiit .,. - .'i yours to mm PUONt VS1. Il'lfc..!. YE ARE FITTED UP ToFilX ORDERS lot Stoves A f ull stock of Wood Heaters, Wilson Heaters, and both are per-fect-with front feed door, Von will ftnd on ow floor the kind yoa want , We are prompt in putting them- up. Iiook oar stock over before 1 placing yonr order, r " ' ' : V w' ....Wejjarry R gooa stock or. casn, voorh DURat, ijitne, heinous, no ter,.irtMng.yoa ixn want in Builders MatertaLT r . rv ; Special Black Jack Stove' Blacking. tsU'EaJl Bearing luastors.; li: ;-iYA. : I offer my. Block of ;General Mm; chandlse for sale at a v BARGAIN. s Will tell Stock nd Fixtures oompleUi (.', .':.WM.'tini opportunity for' th right ptongag In tha mercanUl business. - One of the finest locations In tha CpruyM fjK, ( - ! .' . .1. , I EaB!nesTen Thoiisaad dollar pr ( Jr rwUcular correpond with, ., a r -1 tt n s-a "'! mi' 111 1 6-1 of Mexteaa Maetauae Ua. Ink. W.ir full i mmur mmA ir - - , ttoan, Scaly Ia, Bambtefoo or other Mewloasi Mussaac J FIN8ET STOCKJOF Broad &U Stewart's Old Stand. I irom new wneac jubi rcceivia. 11 .... .. .... in n first cms gntcerv 8ton pleasov'v " ' mill. rW . . p.wwa, JONES, Stables Cor.t IXrotuI & fYaneoek HtH. m , p Oasklll" Hardware Co. Schooner For Sale ! r .Fast tailing and commodious 8choon er MabU,14 net tons, recently rebuilt and fttted oat wMh everything necessa ry for dredging,.; will easily ouif on thounnd busbel of oysters. Is also a flrstolaa freight boat, will carry 800 brrels.or50,tona,. jtaf, solid, eonv fortablsh , , . 1 rovprfo and term address: J. P.' GODETT, , ; ? . 1 , "'' North Barlow, N. a ' Pin and Oak Wood lor sale by boat 11 .' " -

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