7 ' MX I- AStgetahie PrepafolaabrAs- slmflatlw! the Food anflleflula- ting tteSbarxbf ondiSoima af Promotes DigcstlonJCbeerful tros and Rest .Contains neither Optmforphine porMueraL NOTTiAHCOTIC. tmmoua-UHVSLPmsat flJkm Stmt- A perfect Remedy forConattpa rlon, Sour Stonuth,Diarxhoca Worms .Convulsions .feverish ness and Loss or Sleet. Fac Simla Si'gnatar' of NEW "YORK. It J$JLrsi EXACT COPT Of WRAPPER. MERE MEN. Charles M. Scbwnb's ucw New York uome will be n six story granite man ton, to cost $ 000,000. Joseph A. Farrcll, editor of the Al bany (N. Y.) Times-Union, will foraak tho newspaper field and become Jesuit priest. It Is stated that Sir Henry M. Stan ley is now devoting himself almost ex tlUKlvoly lo country life and develop ing Into n gentleman farmer. Tnlbot J. Taylor, a son-in-law of .fumes It. Kcenc, him bought a tract of TOO tu-rey on Upper Snrnnac lake, where lie will erect camp building huoii for oci'tiptincy nest Reason. Frank M. Stein hn user, Oniaha'e old--t - uiiiMU'iiin. wnn u ntudent under Wnpier.it kniwlliuelster IptbeQerman :irtiy imil v:ih decoruted with the Iron i-iDna by Kins Carl of Vurttemberg." The bite Senator McMillan's grand u, el'hfei iV youra old. has bad his inane -lmugrl to James Thayer Mo Mil in ii. LIh pureutfi wlBhlng to perpeta uie the kImmi nuuie on the family rec ords. J. J. Hill, the railway king, does not devote all bis time to business, bnt spends much of It recding-food booka. Ha says In (Shakespeare' works be . Ands advice, consolation and informa tion.' -- ' - ' " Blanche E. Bruce, the negro who at one time was register of the treasury, la publishing a paper In Bond, Miss its avowed object being tba elevation of the colored raco on tba Booker T. Washington plan. $ , l- wi- s '' DK J. Colllnir Warten of Beaton baa - In his museum the most perfect exam ple la the world of the oeseous forma tlon of the extinct mastodon.' It only lacks a couple of. toca or ao of being nbsolutrly wuiplete. ; - General I.nkns Meyer, the Boer lead er. In a big nmn with big ideas. Some years ago he formed a sort of republic of bU own. with hundquartera at Vr held, but wux persunded to tack It on to the TranHvHaL He was always very popular and? used to be known as "the lion of Vryheld.7 , , , , :, , jr Inaupijatea GoTernpr. tlanta,' Qa., Oct. M. Jeteph M.Ter ;'r8lt,"Daraocrtj wu lnaagaraled Gov ernor rff Georgia todaf.' i ' s Haaelton, Oot. 87. Operation! resumed .today in seven additional coV 'llerles in Ihla region. ' SECRETS Attlierrloramtavj . II I IB . i -VomnnoWwfc)iditMHieM4 HM.najBa autfara much ajklll and limf. . i. lammneaarMnsU hc to nitfar aioMlMiltaet,, and nmmn la im oaim aa w vm wm motherhood. . ' , -; 'i ' ' . Mohr'FrteidUfcthiaoctariaeaihi aid, and ah haa no cauaf wra UtTl.w. Sha ! hr on doctor, and har modaatr amtacaad. Dall aoollcattoa orar Uw .raatoa l tha braaat and abov th abdonran, throuahoat t and abuva th abdonnn. throuahoat pro r, out anahla har to anaWiro thaaariod of tin la s.thaaiivi mood anal laafndli naary. MotftFri (a Unaawit, tni lo ailaiaa) oa anl It I pnarnn ana wui not aula Angora. It would tnaaad ba lut ai uhp aaertnos of caaalul laaaa cnl kaalthy chUdran, All II raooMir war hbct narnaarf to th an. abouSM kDii in MnthM. UM UM Atllv t drua etor am atoifandloai.uu facur tba prua cuu- htrthnraadr.. ' . ' . . ' i ' i . wt notnanr . aaiicipauoa ana jwinr bablaa ar tha raaolt at th i MutWt "oo "Motharbood- raaUod trh Ati I om ahoou hara n. TKS BRACnOD RECULATCH CO. ' S j - ATLANTA, GA. 34- Fat Infant! wt 3 CTldi-en. ; hi Kind Yoif; Raw Always Bought Bears the Signature, i emt hu, lira MM am, A CHANCE TO HELP In Cotateractlng The Stories About Small Pox Here. 1 The Journal la dealrone of patting an end to the rldleuloaa and harmful sto ries that are being circulated around the country relative lo small pox la New Bern. Lies have traveled fait and have had their effect. It Is every cltlaea's purpose to make some effort to head of thee untruthful reporis now goiag broadcast over this entire seottoo. The Journal suggests this. That Inas much as there area number of gentlemen attending United Huict Court s Jury men and wltnevs and they are In a position lo rentier- tali elty TiluiMe service m Ike cost of ut little trouble to themtetvtw. If white tbeyanr here they will InvettlgKte (his small pnx situation without prejudice ur fear and when thay go homo correct the reports, It 111 help New Kern wonderfully. Con siderable good hss been accomplished this way already but there remains mors lo do. We trait this suggestion will be heed ed; i-.. ' Archbishop Rlordan. Archbishop Rlordan will remain In Rome until November S. v Returned to Work. Striking dock kbetera at Dunkirk, France, have returned to work. Many Colombians Dylnf.. Managua, Nicaragua, Oct 97. Recent advices-from Costa Rica, referring to the Isthmus, state the mortality among the government troops Is on an unpre- cented scale. ;"'," ' Bt Ouf." . A certain cougmsKtuau was front. a rural district, and as It waa bis first time lu Waablngtou and. Indeed,' ' his first YtsX to any . city of considerable slae the experiences- of himself -and wife -were oft unique. At .bom a guest had been onethlnf of a rarity, bat had only , meant .an. extra iplse from the pumpkin pie, .a few more doughnuts and perhaps a deeper In road Into the dish- of cabbage or, bean. It waa slow dawning on them that congressman at.Wastrmgtoa t host at kwge.- ; H '"-; r" 1 1 ' t--' RaoB .after Hnrr bad hooiasta aerHed to their new borne a friend called on them from the rural district and be gan to express arrtooishment at the slae of the city and the number of 4t people, winding. no wttht - ! ' "An so you keep a girt now, Bavy ao put your sraahln' oot Wen, iwesL tbe tack some people '. An I sfpese you have caller most every day 7"! , "Callersr gasped the. congressman's wife, throwing up hev beads In tdrfe-i fat recollection, 1 sheaM key eoan' eaters. Mary Ann, .Bboor an roew been, ct out twk, eharag,! . ! ; - ? i-'V iiy-tv;it.tCdllet1 ;rj Wakubarr. 'CkllKTAkiaiWfslri of activity about ( najorltf of th pl- BaUe hv the WYrjsnlag Valley today. Th breaksr whistles in all directions sommonaoVtha men 4o workuasmal and t geaeral air' of .happlaass la obser vable in very dtrection. 1 , if, V ... . ..... . v.., I v. A : . To Smother OppositJoiw VlaansaOot 81 At the Caech Coun- cU. when the proceedings reached a oructal stage there wu a sudden volley of Ul-amelllng bomba from th Osenh bench nearly" luffocatlng th Coun cillors with fame, chloride of lime, sul phide and nltrl Mid. V . . f '-.,i. 1 a"1 . j . .iColtmhlft Waatsthe CaiaL s Han, OoW irrItifael lteohaa, Caban Ulnlstet to rraaoa, xsporta CoV ombla to bs most favorably disposed to ward th proposed Panama canal and will ratify tha treaty with th Uahed State, for it completion by America without opposition. : ; A Use U' For Over Thirty Years mm TWED TO ESCAPE. Jumi K. Koffert, BomuUmt. asd 0. S. MnierKitea tartar At. tempt to Kscape,- Th flirt dafiMMloB of the United Sttieeeoart had t41ottMd yesterday at I'JDVolook and. : ther dm th asuel ooKftuia& around aha mmkal and th long rUsii lttBt4 adjouamant, whea Jatafiorai on of the prisoner ceaotrAtdttkAde aathlot freedom. All tit prison)! war- ander th iur- vaUUaot of Utile. Stats Marshal H. aOaakan. la spits-of Uhrfect that ha wu oloaaly watched. Rogers boldly mbled through thelwgedooss leading Into tha oonrt roast tad ran idowa tha ataln aad out or Cram street closely punned by ffloef Dockary, Jewel Hara and BlaaUadn andaeoraof dtlxom Roftvahad panaedaav but a abort dis tance tm. Craven B treat before ha was recaptured baVU weaonly after a dea-potato- aghtr that he- woa-subdued. It raqaiwd twraiin put hlra tato a call at tba eoauty jtflsd ha displayed von serfdrratrBgthaadi desperation area wre thMeSMoot closed upon Um. ,Ragaaiaaakio&Bdivfcf(nsbaeii anaaffltt41RBlraiRSnaCrIl We Ufa. BvhaMarTaaOttrtnaV' jaQ bat hu laaenfaUy sradsd-rthc- officers maoy Uttea.,- Hao4'lUt-brother-Kick are rsddeat af Haarportr and., their eecap- ades-ar ! kHMnrtteiav- " TLbgmt Muteuot bjrtha Wtt yetter- day .wa4toe yeua iavtha Catted States pnrtlarrat AtlaaaaChti aad t pay IWOflna, The senteiiea though hard retorted a tutt by those who know tha The other oases disposed of ware Eli WlUiamaon, conducting Illicit distillery sentence, M0 flue and 00 day Imprison meat. United Htatee va H. O. Turnaire and Robert Jefferson, charged with remov Ing and concealing spirituous liquors Not guilty. United States vsF.O. Henderson, of Onslow, smaeaalement of postal funds, Case.ooauuisd, , United States v William Crawford, Retailing llqaora without a license, Convicted but not sentenced. K wash-out on the A 0 1 railway at Holly Ridge,'. below Jacksonville caused a delay of all trains on that road yester day, A small faudlence greeted Henry Blount at the court house last , night Mr. Blount gave passages from Irving' renowned' book. Rip Van Winkle In try pieaaaat manner. The framework in the rear of Mr. Robert Nixon's residence on Craven street waa aet oa Are yesterday by a de- fective kttohin flue, The assistance of the fire department near by wtis obtain ed and the blaaa pat out without much daaaagev Goes like Hot Cakes. "The.fastest selling article I have In my store," writes druggist 0. T. 8m 1th, of Davis, Ky. "Is Dr. King's New Dli covery for Consumption, Coughs and Oolda, because H always cures. In my six years of sales it hu never failed. I have known It to aave sufferers front Throat and Lung . dlseues, who could get no help from doctors or any other. remedy." " Mothers rely on It, best pbj-l slclana prescribe ft; and C. D. Bradham guarantee- satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles-tree, Reg. sires, 50c and L - -. - ScoutShtps. The BriUth Admiralty 3as ordered three war ships described u "scouts." CoaKrntpraL WlHtesbtrre, Pi., Oct. 25-Todsy saw a forther lritreaaeof coal pcroduotlon In the anthracite seal region. The stlna- ted output 1i 189,000 ton. ; i i i Fifteen Killed la a Haxrlcaiie. Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Oct. t5. A hurricane hu swept overJP ort Diamante in the province o Entra Jltoa.. Fltteen person were killed and many .war In jured. kttmwtiWbttj ristrated. ' Havana, Oct. 87. An attempt fwU made lut nlgbfrte rob the Spanish con ulate here of rtcotdspenatjiinf tot Co ban andBpukh aOairm. ' Twq; Drowae4 . t1 Hyannia, Has., Oct. 87. An over. tamed boat caused the double draw lng la Lewis bay yesterday,- the vleltje be ing. . Martin Lanan. of thla towm, and Oornellu Harrington of Boston. -: '.' 'The JeUyaUk. . ' A The bay of : Nuplea' ubonndstln Une-dusut,- or;'jeUyfisb. oftetf growSngi as large as. .two, feet in dkuneter' and welgniuf Uftx .and. sixty pounds. Com of them shine at nht'Wltiva groeaUh light and are, known, a "rjoctlnjca' (night Uhturnsi.bx the natives. The jcllyfl&h so inetwicatankei migration In great groups.' ywuatlrnea to large and bo thick o to tmpoQe tbo turrlgaXloa of vessohv like! thtt ftoatliT platntailn .fhe urgaaso.aea, of . the .tropk. ' These shoals of. RTduv oMthey aref called, mar be so dehfonhat piece ofttlmber plunged lu among itb au will be-held up right a rt stuck flu rth mod, emd or dinary rowboata camnot force', tneir way UaTOugb ,iaMM f Theirvrnlgrsjttona have neve beerJeXTjIalned. 'They 'are Irregular and; uecur at noAportlcalar peeoaon of tha year and near no pas- ttcular IrtSoera:; ' . ' ; ) Take bath 1 Hancock'' Liquid Bui phi.if Thy are superior tc those of th mott celebrated Sulphas Bairtngs, having U additional advantage of iwlag made any dMlr4 .atrangth. They will . oar PrlcUy .leaV-JUbema,. and all skin dlt- Miw. Jof Ulty F. B. Dnfy.; WASHINGTON LETTER I (Spseaal Cocrepoo(Sctx-l The beautiful floral emblema. with IWatch aeveral of the public parka tbrongboat the dry were decorated in nonor.of the Grand Army of the Be public, bad a meaning to the aurvivora Of the .'great dvtl war that can hardly be understood by thla generation. They vepreaented the badge which designat ed tha twenty-four aruy corpa Into Lbicb the United State army waa dl- rided during the Inat two years of the war. Tbeae bodges were worn on the caps of the men and were delineated upon the canvas covers of the ammuni tion, aupply and baggage wagons of the various corps. They were embla- toned upon brigade, division and corpa headquarters flags In the national col orsred for the first division, white for the second division and blue for the third. It waa a happy thought that gave to the soldiers something tangible to fight iand'to die for. Before the corpa were distinguished by badges hundreds of thousands sacrificed their Uvea In de fense of. their flag and country, but there .waa not the fierce rivalry that an imated the soldiera of one particular Icorpa In competition with another when ttbey stood in line of battle. While all fighting In a common cause under jthe stars and stripes, each soldier felt special pride in his corps. The badge itbat designated It became an object of veneration and affection. Loast aad Short Postage, It la surprising to see the large number of letters and packages that are sent tnrougn toe umiea prates malls daily that bear excessive poet' Age," said a postal clerk the other day, "Host of these are mailed by women. judging by the handwriting, and a day never passes when I m working that I don't notice dozens of them with from 14 cents to 6 cents in stamps on them when a 2 cent stamp would carry them Ito their destination. "Ifa a good habit, nevertheless, and Is probably the result of the many let tert which are mailed not containing sufficient postage. However, there is considerably more matter passing (through Uncle Sam's postal department dolly that contains excessive postage than that which la not sufficiently stamped. This Is not a knock on the government, but just an observation .on now careless ine .vmencan peopje are with their money. Not one letter m a thousand from foreign countries contains too much postage; but, as a 'matter of fact, frequently they are 'abort of stamps and are watched close ly to see that they do not get through unless properly stamped." I Vacaidei In the Cabinet Circle, ' The cabinet circle, which haa pos sessed an unusual number of attractive young women, will suffer many losses this winter. I Last winter there were eight maidens ito take part in the social features of the administration, and even when the daughters of the secretary of state, Misses Helen and Alice Hay, were in mourning there were six. They were Miss Boot, the Misses Margaret and Annie Hitchcock, Miss Knox, Miss Wilson and Miss Jones, the young niece of Tostmastcr General and Mrs. Payne. The marriages of the Hay girls will deprive the cabinet circle of two of its ornaments this winter. Miss Boot is in Europe with her mother, and from recent reports from her It is un derstood that neither will return to Washington for the winter gayetles. The Misses. Hitchcock are 8tlH In mourning for a near relative. Miss Knox, who is not fond of society,, will pass the winter In Europe, leaving be re about the first of tbe year. Reservation Improvement, Acting on the recommendation of General Gillespie, chief of engineers. (Secretary Root baa approved plana for the improvement of the military reser- .varjon at tbe junction of the Potomac ood Anacostia rivers, known as Wash ington barracks. These improvements Involve an expenditure of $1,260,000, of widen amount $900,000 haa been appropriated and la Immediately avail able. The- plans contemplate the removal of all the buildings which have occu rred this site for many years and the erection in their places of entirely, new buildings of modern design and attrac tive architecture. Tba new buildings to be erected In, dads a war college, an engineer school, two- barracks buildings for engineer troops, general hospital, sets of quar ters for officers, a power plant, work ahops, stables, etc. . These buildings ore eligibly situated and are arranged iao oa to provide two spacious area for parade purposes.. XMplocaatto Set Will Tbe new British embassador bos a bcffMant American wife, tbe new fEVeneh- and Italian embassadors and tba new Chinese- minister are satisfac torily aupplied with wives, orders,! at taches and social ideas, and it la ap parent that the diplomatic set will lead off In tbe preliminary pageant of social Washington. Foreigners like publicity, they are not above playing to the galleries, and they assemble is (Washington long before tbe president' a svlfe takes uo ber official baton. i Teddr'a Little. Lamb. The members of Captain P. B, Schuy ler post G. A. U, of Philadelphia, pre sented Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., the 'eon of the president.' a lamb named )S eddy. The lamb wtis the son of Bes sie, which attracted much attention last year at tbe encampment at Clever land, whero ebe followed tae proces sion as the post s mascot CARL 8CHOFIELD. 4 Oreavt Advoatasie. i Bramble What did you buy a safety raaor tor? '. Can't you shave .with the j other kind? ; " -r ThornsOh, yea; but 1 want one that . M n't naA n lt. Ant hjiaftna? thread with. New xora journal, i v J. DISTRESSIHG STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cared; by the masUrly power of "South AMaaica Naavraa Tomo," Invalids need suffer no longer, because this great remedy can care them all, It Is car for th whole world of stomach weaknesa and Indlget.lon. The oar begins with the first aose. im to- ljef It btlngs Is mamlous and surprising I ; makes no failure: never disappoints. No matter how long yon hsve suffered, yoar care is certain under uie use of this great health-giving force. Pleasant and always safe. Sold by 0, . D. Bradham, DrocjUf AN ABDUCTION A group of British officer were eeat- ed In tbe quarters of one of their num ber In the garrison at Calcutta. Ches ter Ashby, captain of dragooux, seemed the most deeply Interested. It la certainly Strange." observed a young lieutenant, "where Miss B latch- ford could have disappeared to. That It la a case of abduction there la little doubt In my mind, but who is there who would dare to perpetrate auch a crime?" "I know not. Will," returned Aahby, "but aa sure aa there la s heaven above OS I will find her. Gentlemen, she Is my affianced bride." Aa tbe young soldier crossed tbe pa rade ground a white robed dusky form followed closely behind htm. When the two reached a spot where the light which streamed from the barrack win dows did not penetrate, the native touched the European gently and whis pered: Would Aahby sablD find the lost maiden? If so. All can direct him to where she lingers." What! Your "Sahib, she la even now a prisoner in the palace of the rajah of Judpore. "What! In the power of that heathen mince! By my sword. Ill go to the order out my dragoons and tear bis glittering abode down about bis ears. Stav. sahib!" aulckly rejoined the fslthful servant "If English soldiers were seen about the palace of the ra jah, the feeble spark of life which still flutters in the bosom of the white maiden would die." "What! Would the villain murder her 7" Sahib, All has said the maiden would die and leave no trace of her death. Listen, sahib. The slaves of the rajah are friends of All, and it Is they who have told him of their master's captive. Would Ashby sahib enter the palace of the rajah unaccompanied save by All 7" Why doea the light of tho rajah's eyes weep? It should bring joy to the heart to be chosen one of so great a lord!" And a lovely Hindoo girl knelt at the feet of Agnes BUjtchford, who was sobbing bitterly. She offered no reply to the kindly meant speech of her companion. Pres ently the damask portiere at one end of the saloon waa lifted, and the rajah himself entered. "When will tha light of my life cense weeping and whea-will a smile adorn tbe face of her vuo is loved by the rajah of Judpore?" Agnes Blatchford sprang to her feet and, turning upon her persecutor, ex claimed. "Never, wretch, never, until she is restored to the home of her fa ther." The native prince might have made answer haa it not been tor me en trance of a sable Nubian, who, falling flat upon his face, begged forgiveness for the Intrusion. 'Speak, slave. What would you at this time?" "Most mighty and powerful rajah,' said the black, "will It please tbe son of a king to look upon that which his servant has brought him?' "The curiosity of the rajah Is aroused. Let him see. Tbe Nubian arose and left the apart ment but reappeared in a moment ushering In a closed palanquin which was borne upon the shoulders of four blacks like himself. A sardonic smile played about the Hps of the rajah as be stepped forward to lift the rich curtain of the litter. Tbe next moment be started bock in horror, with his right hand clasping the hilt of bis eel miter. But before he could draw the blade the sword of Captain Ashby was at his throat "Wretch!" exclaimed the soldier. "Were you a Christian I would award you a moment to make your peace with the Almighty. But infidel dog that you are, look your last upon things earthly, for your time has comer The rajah essayed to call for slstance, but the call died away on his lips, for his eyes fell upon a body of dragoons that were rapidly filling the aDortmenta. Lieutenant Carleton sprang forward and struck up tbe blade of his captain. Your pardon, air! Do not forget and overstep your authority. This rajah Is a man In high position. The British government should deal with him." "Lieutenant I thank you," returned the captain, with more composure. It waa now that Captain Ashby first seemed to take notice of the girl whom' he had rescued. Springing to her side, disregarding the presence of his sol diera, the captain clasped her In his arms. Tbe faithful All had, as be said. obtained the Information as to the whereabouts of the young English girl from the servants of tbe native prince. who, without exception, hated the ty rannical despot It was be who sug gested to tbe captain to effect the res cue of Miss Blatchford by entering the abode in a palanquin, for be felt that If bis master could reach the side of the young lady be could protect ber from the fury of the rajah until bla soldiers could gain an entrance and come to his support Today the-happiest woman In India Is the young wife of the captain of dragoons, -while, the rajah of Judpore haa been deposed from bis high rank and made to pay an enormous sum for bin' audacity . lu abducting from, ber home air English lady. ? I.: Approved the) Faneml, The story Is told of Kufus Choate that be waa asked if he were going to attend the funeral of a public man With wnom nis reianona naa oeen trained: "No," said he, "but I ap- prdre of It" Milwaukee JournaL ".The-greatest cabbage growing coun try In the United States Is In northern Michigan, rc-X-i-.'M ; A professional forger has been' em ployed by one of the Chicago banks as an expert in the -detection of bogus paper,,! -ri5.ii I...f VJ J Sot great 1 the Increasing demand for rhachlnery to make boota and ahoee tfa iioajskt gTSO.OOO to to be erected at Baverly; Mase. Bo' many improvements are being made In labor saving far.m machinery that yon will be hearing next of fann ers dvlng of nervous prostratioia. Don't Treat Go after tha cause. Stlmnlanta and - - a w ma w a al a UA f TJaal L.avJaaa They may temporarily relieve the system but the next meal clog It again. Th food should be digested. Tbe nourishment health eUeu-rta it contains should be appropriated absorbed by th system. wwwoibs Childpon Thrlvo on Kodol "I wish o thank yea for what Kooot asaaaMfor ess." wrrtes OUftnaO'ttna, OeUeta, lad. "It eared m at drpeplaaftr ararrWilng alas had failed, Waco I tried Kodol it aelMd sm rlfht awajr. tetaearraUy reoommoad lk" ""wuaaijaja Koooi Digest Prepared by E.O,DeWlwAOoCalco. TbsU MMUNiMcar ins as tea trial Dd iff s utnc Eirl) Users V 8. MTFV rtlGHTS OF NAVAJO WOMAN Oka Aloae of All India Sqaawa Bsh Jors Independence. Tbe Navajo woman, who has mad ber tribe the mont famous of all liv ing Indian races by means of her great and excellent Invention, tbe Navajo blanket occupies a social position, of great Independence. Her property, rights are carefully respected. She owns much of tbe wealth of the tribe, and her children belong to ber alone. A woman may have hundreds of sheep when she marries, and "I not one be comes tbe property ' of ; her husband, Descent is traced through 'tbe female line. It is a survival of the primitive matriarchs te. The Navajo.. woman, has no perma nent home. Therprogressjof'thettrIbe has i been greatlylmpededibyltslark superstition that everyjdeatb Is caused byChlnde, the i; devil, and . thatievfl spirits llngeriabqutitheeadbflteiTbe oouse ' is '. never roccupieauagaittj.'ne corpse - is ' buried i In' the I floor fonal the house pulleddown,overMtVlBd!alfNa vajo - .would i freeze t before J hejtwould make a flre'uponfith3log8JoffloDO,-ot these : desertediheaps.8ojteswaJa hozan" Is a Door. itemrorarMffair.' a mere: circular tiata of Ulogs i'andstones, with a bole lntheroofxfor'the;emoke andL a blanket for i the i door. - Ini'the summer,' the Navajotnvomanf lovea'.to move. into aDrusniwicxiup.rmaaeror grease wood boughs. TJereBbiSfit8top her , loom i In 1 the . ahadowof thesocka analllves in the open air all summer. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Slnale Bed For .Real Beat. If single beds w ere more numerous than they are, a great! many people would be betters off.- When tone 1 tired, sick, cross. restiess,ioutfof"wrts. he or she ought' to sleep alone. and1 not communicate by proximity the mal adies that affect him. The brute' crea tures when sick go away., by- them selves till they die or gett over their troubles, and this , Instinct a great many human beings have. Those .that have it are best if indulged in It not to the slightest degree of neglect, how ever. Wrhere two children In a family must share the same room In a great many cases they would be better off to have two single beds rather than one wide double bed. We can share a great many things with those we love, but solitude clings to us from birth to death. We come into tbe world alone; we must go out of it alone, and we live in it alone, in a certain important sense, and to get and keep our "bear ings" we must sometimes be left alone. It Is good that we should be. Family Doctor. Flattens Some people like to flatter and some like to receive it Saying things we do not mean, uttering meaningless noth ings, is insincerity, and what Is Insin cerity but untruthfulness? Be not de ceived by tbe lips of the flatterer. 'The honeyed words may be only a concealed arrow intended to blind the eyes. Catholic Home Companion. BxpenalTO. Suitor I want to marry your daugh ter, air, not because of her aodal posi tion, but because she's a peart, air a pearl! ' Father (dryly) Tea; she la a pearl, and you can apply again when yon are in a position to pay for the setting.) He who unintelligently attempts what lj beyond his power must leave uuuuue ms own proper wore, ana una his time is wasted, be be ever so close ly occupied. , RHEUMATISM ".' s Tortures, Cripples and Deforms. Rheumatism does not treat all alike. Some suffer torture from the very begin ning, me atiac De mg so aaaoea, aoarp and disastrous that thev ar made hdn- less cripples in a few days, while other leei omy occasional twitcne of pais in the knees, ankles, elbows and Wrists, or the muscles of the legs, arms, tack ot neck; but this treacherous disease la only traveling by slower etagee. The add poisons are all the while accumulating in the blood, and muscles and joint are filling with corroding, acrid matter, and when the disease tightens Its grip and strikes with tulT ,7V tion is strong enough. 1 THE BLOOD to withstand its fears . ful blows, and its vic AND SYSTEM RULED I tims are crippled and aetonned, or literally worn out by constant ', pain.' Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid 1 ot some other irri- taring poiaoa in the BY AC'.D. blood, and thla la the cause el aenrr wa. rietyand form of thla dread disease, as ternal remedies do not reach the blood, consequenuyao no lastlaa rood. ;S. S. & goes directly into tha eircDlo tloa and attack the disease Itself. Th aHil TtfliarMia tha Maa.,),. UflMMMMMt soreness and swelling ore ntrntraliaed aai the blood purified and cleaased of all irri tating matter, and nothing la left in th circulation to pro duce other attacks. SaS-bciBt eg table remedy doea not impair t-e d '-e- like alkali and potash remedy, butbni;. ! up and invigorates the entire sysU and t tha same time makes a thorough and permanent cure of Rheumatiara, White forour free book on theas'ira, THE 8WIFT.8PECim Cl Symptom ratharttra arlll i..i. i KODOL pari flea, cleanses, strengthens aodswiietcnatneatoroaeh. Thla new discovery digest all classes of food and assists the stomach and digestive orcans In assimilating and transforming It Into the kind of nourishment that 1 taken op by the blood and fed to the tlnanes throughout the various organs of the body. Kodol cures Indigestion and dyspepsia, thus removing the cau.-e cf all stomach trouble. Kodol give such strength to the body that it Is lnraluabls In all wuUng disease. fTTiat Ton Eat. DoaaieeoDiaiDsitH tiiuuaas aauca (by bottle eonlainsivf tiiuus sua which sails for Mc. to faroooa Uui llrar pills pnaarnpalao Bat. Urarouju. for blllosaiat a The, ami grlaa, ft CO iDr.WooIIsi'sP?.?. ora. laadaaaaa. lallxlr efootaaa, eaia or whisker, a larrt book of sar Uaalars aa hosM or saDatorlaa treat meat. Address. B. M. WOOLLII 00- Un.Prror Street. lAUaats, eeorcla. mm CHtCMirCTIR'S CNQLiSM U RKO a4 uM itssjtaitta MsA itaM rah salaaa ri Malta Tn.ka.ave aaAJhataa. W SaftaSaq Itstvaarrmwa HtatsHu(1Ma svhsI lail- Mtmsw Bey wf jvr vtgimLi lURN fkr PaH(eHrrta. T a RoHjtr ibt-1 AIm." at lawaaw. h pan. trr. Mall. isj.frtm rrtisa at. eaa asy jmm nsalrsr th Wsjllll Cm, HI Draogtsta. rau.e raw THE CELEBRATED Garland Wood Heaters We are the agent. Breech Loading, Single and Double Barrel, Hammerless Shot Guns. Full line Ammunition for Sport- men. Sash, Doors, Blinds, General Hardware. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BERN, IT. C ELGIN, FATHER 07 TIME. A very heavy solid gold case, aa heavy as a filled case, beautifully hand carved, fitted with a 15 jeweled Elgin movement, a perfect timepiece. Only $35.00 while they last J. O. BAXTER, ftrtiil Yon Want to Eat ! Car load Stocks Best Patent Dia denr and Rose Bad Floor, 100 White Tarbell Cheese. Postum and Grape Nuts.'. J . . Oat Ileal and Hominy, ( Dried Apples, - Corned Mulletsj Alamance Cotton Pine and Coal Tar. All sold Cheap for Cash. , B. B. DaTenport v, M MIDDLE BT. "' isttlie M Ho ' ' all about car la pet froni K to Z and the old staler who has beld the reins for fifty year will tell you he hu had experience and that experience just ifies htm in stating that the best car riages for style, comfort and durability are mode and told by Waters Buggy Factory. ; fPt.A M.I. lH & L- L - - . , tin wuj iiaKaj lu miwu w got any nun everything to repair bupgies. 9 ui before buv inp and save muuct. I "V 1. PAIR LESS -Jl'av Lf 'F0u.nJ i ii wrgamBawamv We put Rubber Tires on your oil or new wheels. We shrink your loose tires m- a machine without? cutiir- t am. Everybody ia lnvitai"to tee the w a -t of the machine putting. new bolts la tuma old places." ' , - a.f'n vr- .3 t

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