' Z0' ' H 14 VOLUMi IXY. HXW BIRH, CRAYIH COUHTT, I. C, TUISDAT, I0YIMBIR 11, 1902. FIRST EECTIOR. KUMBKR 64 I I r II t I II L II 11 1. II . I II State Guard Equipped ForAllSea- sons. llastoa'aNew IaTaatry Company. Special Tern. Ceart Cm1' Wire. . Candidate Fer Speakership, Chili real School Districts. i , Raleigh, November 8.-rA new com pany of Infantry will sooa be mattered into the Bute Guard at Klniton. It has qeea organized and will be in the Sec ond regiment. The entire Bute $aard la now. equip-: ped both for miomer and winter service in the field. There Is the eerrlce uai form of blue wool, with blankets, over coati, etc., and there are Khaki uniforms for all the ' force la the ' arsenal here, 'ready for Issue April 1. The strength Is now about 8,000. , Governor 'Aycock orders a special term of the Superior Court of Franklin eoanty, December 8th, Judge Allen to preside. .4'' , .' ' .' , ; '.' State Treasurer Lacy !was not exam ined yesterday as1 a witness In the South " Dakota bond snlt case, but probably will be December f , when the taking of evl dence will be resumed here-.' It- Is now known that Ex-Got. RuBsell had a pret ty plain Intimation during his term as Governor that there would be a sntt In volving these bonds. When the proper time Comes ; this State will show some raluable evidence, very carefully and quietly collected. The cool' wave materialized this morn ing and the high wind daring the night partially stripped many, trees of leaves. The great oaks yet largely retain their greenness. Qovernor Aycock and private Secre tary Pearsall will join In the great an nual rabbit hunt near Oxford. Last year over 300 rabbits wero shot or caught and there were 80 dogs in the pack. Btate. Superintendent, Joyner says all the counties will be represented at the ,Btate Conference of county superintend , ente herenext week. From some coun ties the superintendents .will not come, but In such cases the' chairman of the board of education will represent them. The Btate Superintendent of public instruction Is securing information as to the public school districts which con tain fewer than 65 children of school age. He finds that out of 88 districts in Bertie county 68 have , less than 65, and out of 69 In Bladen 60 have nndar 65. In some case there are as few as 8, 11 and 13 children In a district. , ' : Edward 8. Abell, member-elect of the lower hOuse, front Johnston county, is here. He is a candidate for the speaker snip.- ; l;''";T;-v'v''' It was said today that the condition of one of the two children of the Qovernor who are sick is worse. , ,1 ,w, Neither. Side 'Scored. Hpeclal to Journal. ' Rv-eioh, November 8. In the foot ball game here this afternoon-, between the University of North Carolina and the A. and M. College neither side scored. Innes Closes His Season. Special to Journal. H ' - Raliigh, November 8. Bandmaster Innes closed his season here,' cancelling all other engagements, and has gone to New York to be operated on for appen dicitis. r.vv A.-C-5 , His band gave a special concert In the railway station In his honor and at his request played "Dixie"' as a compliment to Southern people. " " 2 Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. i , v. V - , " ' Fewer Gallons Wears Longer. - t.!j;;!; ' r . -. WllllsBowdefl. . Mr. Arthur R, WlUls, the popular yoang grocer, member of the , firm of McGeehee & WlUla, and Hiss Nellie Bowden, were married at six o'clock last evening at the home of the officia ting clergyman.' Rev. M. B. Ppear.-1 The young couple.; have the ' best tf wishes for a long' and happy life of a wide circle "of acquaintance. v- ih t ! i ry ', '' i , si-ftsr . - r TbePanny , Asnore. " The sloop-yacht, Fanny, or the yawl , as it has been stled, isa ashore ftatur--da moraine on' the point of Car Hen- . lopen. She Is well np on the, beach, but .she may be saved. ? T' X y ; 1 It will be remembered that the boat "was taken from the possession of the coaster on legal precedure, the first Of last week In this city. . i , (." . A It .was bound for New Tork wheYe it Je a member of two of the largest yacht clubs of the city. The vessel registered '90 tons and was a finely appointed and speedy boat. t CASTOR I A - , 7or Infants and CMldren. Tlis Kind Yoa K2TI Ab: l:zl Beara the jX .t07JT- Commissioners Proceedincs If o f vember. The Board of Commissioners met at 11 o'clock a. m., November 8rd 1902, In regular session, at the Court House In New Bern. Present Commissioners, Jones. Baxter Wood. ; . Ordered that i. B. Jones, col, of No. 7 township be relieved of poll tax, on ac ooant of Infirmity and poverty. " Ordered that J. H. Hudson tor reduc tion in valuation of property In No. 5 township be referred to John B, Morton agent for Hudson. Board took reoeess. Board met at 8 o'clock p m. November 3rd 1901, pursuant to recess. Present Commissioners, Jones, Baxter Wood. Ordered by the Board that real estate listed to T. Pettepher's heirs be reduced from IMS acres to 700 acres on aoooont of error and this valuation be reduced to $1000. Ordered that property of Mrs. E, B. Green In No. 1 township, which is on delinquent list be charged a single tax. she not being at fault regarding the list ing of sama, The report of D L. Roberts, Treasurer was, on motion accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. Report of D, L. Roberts, Treasurer of Craven County, for October, General Fund. Oct 1, To balance $639 87 " 81, By Vouchers 1,978 5i 2,618 89 Oct. 10, To Ju. W. Blddle " 81, To balance 1,118 66 1,499 73 2,618 89 Intret Aeconnt. Nov. 1, By balance Fence No. 1. Nov. 1, To balance Fence Mo. 3. Oct. 1, To balance " 10, J. W. Blddlo 80 88 87 51 26 82 12 36 38 67 Qct ..10, By voucher " 81, By balance 12 85 26 32 88 67 Special Brlhge Fond. Noy. 1, To balance 139 62 Fine and Penalties. Oct. 1, To balance 22, 8. R. Street 408 24 250 410 74 D. L. ROBERTS, Trees. Craven C ounty. The report of N H, Street was accept ed and ordered filed. Board took recess nntll Wednesday. The Sanitary Board met Wednesday Nov. 5th 1902 on a call of the chairman. Present Commissioners Jones, Baxter Wood, Drs. Chas Duffy, F. W. Hughes and Commissioner Fulcher. Small pox matters were discussed at length. Board adjoint ed. The Board of Commissioners met at 8,80 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Nov. 5th 1902 pursuant to recess. ( Present Commissioners Jones, Wood and Fulcher. Ordered that property of Smith Moore & Co. In No. 7th Township be reduoed from 120,000. to $2,000 on account of er ror. ..,, . , , Ordered by the Board that Craven County Bonds Nos. 219, 8, 4, 38, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87,89 and 56, having bean paid in full be burned in presence of the Board Sheriff 3 W Blddle, Atty D L Ward and clerk B M Green. ,-. . Commissioner K R Jonee presented hiareslgnatloa as a CommhsIoner of Craven Coanty to take effect the first Monday to December. The Board unan imously refused to accept same. Board took receta. Sanitary Board met at 10 o'clock a. m. Nov. 6, 1903 in special session.' . , - Present CommUsioners Jones, Palcher Baxter and Dr Dnffy. Ordered that the bills of Physician and Druggist be refered to the Supt of Health and his assistant Dr, Daffy for Investigation and upon their approval same to be approved by the Board and vouchers Issued, t ". - Sanitary Board adjourned. " f j. ' The Board of ' Commissioners met at 11 o'clock e.m. Nov. 6th 1903 pursuant to recess. i ; s . . ; Present Commissioners Jones, Baxinir and Fulcher. M 1 J On motion It la, ordered , that the Treasurer place In the hands of J J Bax ter the sum of $800. to defray the Inci dental email pox expenses.' ; On motion the bill for small pox ser vice of Dr N H Btreet supt 6f health was made $100 Instead of $200 for the part month. Commissioners Baxter 11 and Fulcher voting for reduotlon as above, and Commissioner Jones to rednoe Same to $25,00. -'.'-' --v t;; Ordered that property of J. H. Hud soa of No Township be reduoed to $2000 from $3800 on acooint of error. The bill of Ernest M Green Register of Deeds for computing and copying the tax lists for year" 1903 was made the same as last ' yeara i vis; $490,85. y Com. miBsloners Baiter and Falcher yotlng aye. Commissioner Jones to reaocea to $400. The regular monthly bills were allow ed. The minutes were read and approv ed. On motion the Board adjourned, . Ebssst M. Gbxkm, C.B.C. Market Letter on Cotton. By privets wire, J. S Latham A Co. New York, November 10,-After Sat urday's temporary advance, we were treated to another break this a. m. and only once more obliged to report new low levels. March proved weakest wnea the break came selling down to 8c early, then to 7.84, January sold at 8X7, as compared with 8.16 the low last week. There was- again an attempt to hold the market by purchases of May, but this did no good. It was the Jan nary business that did the trick. A sharp break In stocks helped to unsettle cotton, and It looked very much , as though the January people had all they oonld do to look after what they had, to say nothing ofltrylng to hold the price by buying more. During early p. m. January sold at 8.00, to May 8.02. The market begins to look better on every break In January, that lessens the pre mium. If we could be confident the January people had been forced to sell i good share of their cotton, we would ad vise buying with more confidence. This is the one menacing factor. It's carry' lng prices lower than naturally expected ss we said last week cotton should be bought on breaks, profits should be taken on advance, as the market will be unsettled and irregular at best. C. W. Lie & Co New Tobk, Nov. 8. While anew low record was made with the 8.01 for March yesterday, everything looked bet ter this a, m. and the market had a sub stantial recovery. There is every rea son to look for a further advance on Monday and on such an advance one can sell the cotton, bought on breaks with a fair profit and prospects of get ting It back cheaper. The tone Is likely to be .feverish for some days after the break, but an advance Is In order. Be sides It Is not certain that prices should advance just yet. The movement next week will be more than last year, and It will operate against an advance, Weather now plays a less Important part In the market as frosts cannot come till Nov ember 9th or 10th. Considering the early crop this means a longer growing season than we have had In years. Many thousands, many : hundred bales have been added to. the crop and this makes us look for eleven million bales asths more probable figures this year. We have looked for more bales than last year all along and this nneweatner makes a large orop, Until the rush of cotton Is on 8 cents would seem to be a fair figure and the market may run be tween 8 and 81' cants for some tlmeun tll we know something more of the size of the crop. For this reason selling on a reaction of 15 or 20 points wonld seem to be a good thing, but on a break to about yesterday's figures we would risk buying again A feature today was buy ing of May that put that above March. This could hardly be termed anything but a trick. The brokers supposed to operate for the bull pool came In and bought May to try and (scare shorts to cover, all the time January was being disposed of quietly. They could not buy any more March very well as all the short Interest there is necessary to pro vide a place for the January. : All this is hardly ; a good sign -and we are not prepared to more than advise buying on every decline, to take profits on an ad vance. Everything will depend on receipts and the Liverpool demand. The break In the stock market doesn't encourage speculation tn cotton. ,;Y O. W. LEE & Co. SSSSJsBiJfcSeai i : j PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Judge H. R. Bryan Is folding court In Kmston: . ; ';w .t ! Mr, Henry L. Hall went to Einaton, yesterday, ..,:.. .r v.-; Mr. A. L, Griffin . and family went to Einston yesterday. ,, . ; Hon. Charles R. Thomas left for Ox ford yesterday morning. .. Mr, Wilson G. Lamb of Elizabeth City, arrived here Sunday. 1 f Dr. R, F. Butler returned from Eliza beth City, Sunday, after a week's al Sehce.; .-iiti;. Vi'ii.iv.'-i'-'IV - ' Messrs W. E, Brown and J. B. Har vey of Vanoeboro, were ' In the city, yea- tardsy, . , - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Peterson left yes terday morning for their home In Golds boro after a pleasant visit with Rev ,H. O. Moore and wife, ' ;'. , V;' : , ." . I Mrs. H. A. London returned to hen home In Charlotte yesterday after pleasant visit with her parents Judge and Mr. Henry R. Bryan X - Rev. M. S. Spear left last night to at tend the Missionary Conference of the Christian, church at " Richmond, Va. The session will 'continue during the week. ' Vaccination Shields at Davis'. . .. ...... . . . . . ... , ; Mulford's YeocinaUon Shields are the best. Easily applied and protect the vaccinated surface from outside contam ination and the contact of clothing. , Re- Commended by local physicians. On sale at Davis Prescription Pharmacy.1 Litfitnlnr Rod Afents Must Pay A Tax """""" " Pastor Te Ba .Called. Secretary Braaer Sick. Advised er Small Pox at Charlotte. Examina tion af PeatteiUary. Be yabllcan Claim. Ralegh, Nov. 10. The Supreme Court win tomorrow call the appeal docket from the 12th dlstriot It Is understood that Rev. Dr. Cave of Paducah, Kentucky, will W Invited to become pastor of the First Presbyterian church here. The State today authorized the Roan oke Rapids Power : company to reduce Its shares to $10 each. SUte Treasurer Lacy today made a ruling that all lighnlng rod agents, no matter In what way they obtain the rods mast psy license tsx. The tax is upon their business of putting np the rods and not for the material Secretary T. K. Brnner of the State Agricultural department, Is quite sick at his home here. Both of the sick children of Gov. Ay cock were better today. The State board of health Is sdvlsed of the existence of a number of cases of small pox st Chsrlotts snd its vicini ty. The Stste board of examiners of public Institutions Is here, and Is now examin ing the penitentiary. This Is the last of the Institutions and it will make up Its report and place It in the hands of the Governor this week or early next week. The Republicans .are claiming now that they got more white votes at the election last Tuesday than they did In 1900. Two Pointa of Difference. "The difference between the cow and the milkman," said the gentleman wfth' rare memory for jests, "is thatttbe- wow gives pure milk." "There Is another dlffererice,',JretoEt-l led the milkman. "The cow doesn't' give' credit" For every self made man in theworld there are ten who are self unmade Chicago News. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. OLIVERS. Nov. 7. Mr F G Simmons, returned from Raleigh last Saturday, he reports a fine time. Dr HR Parker and Miss Tummle Ward spent last Sunday evening at Mrs C I Wsrd's. Mr J D Heath Is Improving. He Is able to be up and about tending to his business. There was a nice candy party at Mr. Sam Edward's last Wednesday night, every one seemed to enjoy It. Miss Annie Stewart Is visiting at Mr. Henry McDanlels, of this place. Mr C M Heath went to New Bern last Monday. Court adjourned at Trenton today at 11 o'clock, with many cases laid over un til next court. Mrs 01 Ward spent today at her daughter's, Mrs H R Packer at Tren ton. Mr R A McDanlel returned from Ma ple Cypress this week. t Gray Eves. To Kfop "ronra. If yon have n cupful of cream on hand and ivIpu to keep It for a day or two, add to It two or three lumps of sugar, stirring It well; then cover and set away In the coolest corner of the refrigerator. Z0RAH. Nov. 8. Our people are very busy at this time digging potatoes, gathering corn, etc. We have had most excellent weather up to a few days ago. The cotton crop has exceeded our ex pectatlons. The yield for this section will perhaps average 1 bale per acre. Miss Bessie Wilson and Mtss Amanda Whitford of Clayroot, Pitt county, were at Zorah on last Saturday and Sunday, :: Our community has been saddened by the death of Miss Jennie Tunstall which occurred at Marlon, McDowell county. on Thursday morning. She was the daughter of Mrs, Eliza beth Tunstall of this place and had been at Marion since early In the spring, at tending the young ladies training school On Wednesday night of last week her sister, Miss Holland Tunstall, who was in Norfolk, received a telegram request ing her to go at once to Marion. . She found her sister delirious with tvphold fever, and saw-, at once there was no hope for her recovery. . , She continued to grow worse till the 6th Inst, when death relieved her of her suffering. " -..- The remains were brought here and Interred today in t the family burial ground. . , - "I We extend to the bereaved ones our deepest sympathy, and point them to the Great Physician who is able to a! levlate an sorrow and who doestall things wisely. -, f : School will begin at Pine Tree and Friendship school houses on next Mon day. Teachers Miss Mary Whitford and Mr. L M. Soott. . , .;,..') TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. It is reported that the BeU Telephone Co. has bought all the Independent telephone companies In the State. MU Holyoke College at South Hadiey, Mass. celebrated Its sixty-fifth anniver sary Friday! Newspaper guessing contests were de clared legal by the Superior Court at Cincinnati, a Friday. Four thousand bales of hops, the larg est single day's transaction, were sold Thursdsy at Portland, Ore. A tramp ran away with Rock Island locomotive at Albert Lea. Minn, Fri day, but gave it up after going five miles. The University of Chicago agreed yes terday to absorb the Rush Medical Col lege if the latter raises $1,000,000 by next July. Seven hundred rubber workers em ployed by Mosgan &Wrlght Chicago, 111, went on strike yesterday for recognition of the union. The resignation of Professor Estavan A. Faeries, dean of the college of civil engineering at Cornell, was tendered yesterday, to take effect at once. Gov Yates of Illinois Is recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Captain Amundsden a Norwegian sail or will equip and command an expedl' tlon In search of the North Pole. A coal famine In Enoxvllle, Tenn., caused the city to be In darkness and a curtailment of the electric car service Saturday. Mrs. Carrie Nation asserts that she will attack the saloons In the anthracite coal region. Cosmopolitan For November. It Is said that the world cannot expect to see a great general oftener than about once In a century. This country seems to have outgrown that rule, for certainly the great "Captains of Indus try" have all the qualities of general ship, and the roll of their names gf es np into tne seventies, rive oi went are ae scrlbedlnthe November Cosmopolitan James R. Keen, the masterful strate gist of Wall Street. Robert Hoe, who has advanced the art of printing as far as Gutenberg himself did In his day; Win, field Scott Stratton, the carpenter, who ancovered the riches of the Colorado mountains; Tom Johnson, the singular compound of Idealism and business, and Ferdinand William Roebllng, who can cross the continent by five different routes without ever losing sight of the wires by which he has bound the most distant communities together. A lnnt Rug-Hub Oak. "Winfartlilng oak." according to re liable testimony, was 700 years old at the time of the conquest. William is said to have surveyed it closely before making his famous remark, "Could live to be but one-fourth the age or this tree the world would be mine." Pimples, Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oily Skin Prevented by MnxioRS o Paona vsa Concrraa Boat, aniited by Cctioua Oiktmbxt, f pmerving, purifying, and beautifying the bin tim lauln tha aealn of ernsts. scales, and dandruff, and the stopping ot fAiiinv iiaii. tav anreflnuur. wnueouiir. auu soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rasnes, iconings, ana ensnngs, ana for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and BIlllMia of Women DM dm. CUBA Boa in the form of baths for annoy ing irritations, unammanons, ana noon, tlma nr inn Amor offensiTBnanDiratloa. In the form of washes-tor ulcerative weak nesses, ana ror many sanative purpose. CsssMi .Mssst for tar!. $1. ' Conslrttnr of ODTlormA 80AP(SSe.),to eleanse u. awl analaa at wiA mffan than tntj ill UL UJTUetk MNU W"'""! auv wvtwvmm w thicken, cuticle; CunouftA Ointment wvni insntavntlv aJlmv Ifoh.nr. .nfl&mmatlotL. and liTiUrtori, nd toothe and he. ; and CDTI- eiMtiM the blood. A SmuLa Bar to often I IUwuIMn VHIW Hl VVWVSSVSMWS p utiuua' BMOtsTStri Pols ((ThoeoUt fjusiwma mrw m aww. tfwxinmi vuvuin. vu Domical lubfttitnte tot the oe.ebn.tod liquid r ...n a V, yUll SHP HA J nriAA QKa . . iaat VorM. Brithk Dmott SMS. r .,r' -, i '..nm. vM.cu DtKt . ho. a. t f . ..J i fcaea ana Caw. Voar. SH Urf..........-.-,,.,. , FACE HOURS . fcvo! . ' . Cm I IT "'mm'x J I ' - .soiuv r ! Give these shells a thorough trial, and you will find them to be as nearly perfect as experience. Ingenuity, brains and equipment can make them. They are made with the Winchester patent corrugated head, which has made Winchester Smokeless Powder Shells so popular and satisfactory. Winchester actory-Loaded New Rival" and are loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of powder, shot and wadding which makes them uniform and reliable. Shoot Them and fare's Mince New Prunes, Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Heinz'a Plain Sweet and Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sauer Kraut and a complete stock of Fresh Canned Goods just received at Mo Daniels. Also Fresh Ontario Prepared and Old Fashioned Buck-. wheat, Loose Oat Flakes, Force, Fancy Elgin and Fox River Maple Syrup. A good New Crop Carolina Rice 10c qt. Respectfully, J W SMS SaialVVSBalallBiUUI ' . ., PSZ 'Phone .91 71 Broad St. ; Sir Building Future. There is look ahead policy to this business. We are not satisfied with doing a satisfactory business this year or next year only, but for many years to come. By a satisfactory business we mean satisfactory to you as well as oarselves. Ss satisfactory in 'fact that the store shall continue to grow in usefulness to the buy ing public. Our advertising tells the story of the store; points an eoonomic road to those who have merchan dise to buy. The following items are timely and in perfect time : with your November needs: r ""PAVP When you "see the word 0 ;r?!vir "Bargain in our ads you v sUANKET 0931 bank upon its meaning 0 ) A DH A IIC ,iMt wtat ifc implies- good AIVJaTairir merchandise at less than normal price. We offer fall 10-4 All Wool Heayy North Carolina Blanket at M 50. ' This is splendid value. ' KID (rLOVR Here is where we are strong. v r x- Q,,, n 0Q Gloye jj, blft0k ttd , SELLING " olors fa fnUy guaranteed. .. For $1 19 wo are giving best value ever offered in the eity. Fully guaranteed. All colors, Misses Gloves 75o. Sale. This week we will clean np our istook af odds and i X ends af Stamped Linens reaucea pnoes. xnis sale I buying of pieces to work Jftt. . mm 67 Pollock Strest. MothefS Enda1lt'sAricyftt:aTI3,. If yoarbabyhasatroablesomieomgb, DavU Pharmacy hta beea ve'j for.an cold or croup, ahwat'b Cbotjp Stbup ate la securing the sols s:Qcy I s f jr will relieve It This Is the only remedy Hodnut's Pert am ft anl Tol!, i l . v made exclusively for Ubtes eoughs anl on. Their quuU'.y U tfs e ' croup. It 1 safe, prosapt Sad ssrtata.. ! , H, .. .. .. . Bvery bottle guaraned, Ho mt 4 m7 -7 1 ! pay. 15o at BBA.DilAU'i Pharssacy,,! 1 ty U s t ; and by drigjlgts iMsrally. te-i' .:rtl' ..3 c DHCWESTISB "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS Leader" and "Repeater" Sheila are thoroughly waterproof. You'll Shoot Well Celebrated Grape Nuts, Poetum Cereal. g! Print Butter. Ml Wholesale & Retail for the ! if! and Pillow . Tops i at greatly t comes in :1nat riirltt for vour for Christ mas presen ts.' 4 n

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